What Is Adwords - How Adwords Works... Drive Traffic To Your Website


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hey Marcus , what's Goldwater's and why do you , have this big check for 1.4 million , dollars made out to them first of all , disclaimer that's not a real check this , second of all I did spend close to one , point five million dollars advertising , my businesses affiliate products and , other things on the Google Ad Words , platform and in this short little video , we're going to talk to you about what , Ad Words is how to get started with , Ad Words what the content network is , what's the difference between Ad words , and Ascendant how you could get , started using Ad Words to promote your , business products service or market , yourself as an affiliate marketer and , where we'restarting right now , [Music] , hey guys it's Marcus here and welcome , inside the backyard office today what , we're going to do is talk to you about , what Google Ad Words is how you can use , it in your business or with affiliate , marketing to actually turn a profit , online and we're gonna go deep into what , makes this work and why it work snow if , you like this kind of stuff and you want , to learn to make money online with your , business or affiliate marketing or , whatever it is you got going on make , sure you click that subscribe button and , click the little bell notification icon , that way you get the new videos that , come outwith when I release them and , you're notified when we have live web , training's here every Wednesday and , Friday morning so you don't want to miss , those make sure you subscribe right now , let's dive right in and let's talk about , what Google Edwards's now if you were , Togo to Google right now and you did a , search on Google let's say we're gonna , do one for one that'm ranking for Cara , bonus that's for a product that I'vie , been promoting lately that helps , marketers manage all their stuff so if , you do a search for Carter bonus you're , gonna see the following results you'll , notice up at the top there's one of my , listings for affiliate marketing dude , that has Little green ad box by it , that means it's an ad and I'm actually , paying for that listing now that is ran , through the Google Ad Words platform what , you do is you go to Goldwater's you , sign up for an account and you can , actually bid on keywords or phrases or , different types of interest sand show up , when people search now if we scroll down , the page a little bit more you're going , to see a ranking tardiest't say ad , that's also from my affiliate marketing , do.com website now the difference , between the two is one is called SEO or , free traffic and the other is paid , traffic now the reason everyone dozen't , just go for free traffic is sometimes , it's very difficult to get for the , various words you're after and maybe , sometimes you want to be higher up on , the results as well so what we have is , Google Ad words , now Goldwater's is like a big , marketplace for all the keywords that , are searched for on Google and as we , know Google is searched over 4 million , times a minute , that's like thousand times a second , that's a lot of searches so we got a lot , of people searching things on Google , every minute and as a business owner you , can , literally put yourself in front of , whoever you want who's searching Google , now there's several things you'll want , to notice and several things you'll want , to take look at first of all we have , to look at our keyword snow behind the , scene of our keywords you're gonna , notice that there is a thing called the , Google Ad words Keyword planner that's a , lotto say the Google Ad words Keyword , planner is going to show you what , keywords people search for and how many , times month , they are searched for so you might have , like W,W people month searching for , affiliate marketing Ora hundred , thousand people month searching for , make money online or maybe there's like , five hundred people a month in your , local area which is called Geo targeting , that are searching for areal estate , agent or a lawyer or a car dealer or , something like that , okay so fir stand foremost we want to , look at our keyword okay very very very , important you can again go to the Google , Ad words Keyword planner the next thing , we want to look at is the location okay , location so you can Geo target these and , say hey I only want people in the United , States of America or I only want people , in Thailand or I only want people in , Winter Springs Florida where Marcos , lives right so we have all that stuff , there you want to look at location now , when you pair the keyword with the , location you can literally drill down to , your perfect prospect so if you're a , restoring Winter Springs Florida boom , you can get just those people your ad , will only show when those people in , Winter Springs Florida search for , Realtor or Homes for Sale or something , like that very cool so we have keyword , we have location then we have what's , called match type now this is very , important and a lot of people don't , really look at this match type is how do , you want your keyword to trigger the ad , all right because obviously if I go bid , on something like the word coupon that's , really broad we don't know what people , want now I can do something like glasses , coupon or eye doctor coupon or maybe , some other kind of coupon in my area and , I can do different types so we have , broad match which would be like coupon , download okay let's say we do coupon , download , okay now that would trigger anything now , this is gonna trigger coupon download , download coupon how to download coupon , need to download coupon coupons for , download anything that has the word , coupon and download in it dozen'matter , the order or anything like that , boom you're gonna trigger under broad , match next we have what is called exact , match and it's in these little brackets , here okay if I do an exact match for , coupon download okay that means that , these people ha veto search coupon , download that's it that'Sally you get , just coupon download boom that's it now , if I do what'scaled a phrase match , that's in quotes phrase match okay that , is the word coupon download exactly like , that but could also have other thing sin , it right so if I do like house prices as , phrase mat chit's going to come up with , like house price sin our area house , prices W-W house prices , predictions right so it's gonna have , everything but it's got to have the , phrase match exactly in it like that , okay so these are some of the different , match types you have so first of all we , have the keyword again we look at the , Google Keyword planner next we have , location which we do bogey targeting , you just tell Google hey where do I want , people to see my ad very important , especially with affiliate marketing , because some of the things don't pay you , for customers that are in certain areas , so very important then we have the match , type which is also going to allow you to , drill down and find your perfect , customer and then on top of all this we , look at the fact that Google make sit , really easy to see your stat sand , control everything you're doing see this , is how it works when you go to set up an , ad obviously you want your ad to match , the keyword okay so if I'modding like , Realtor in Winter Springs'm gonna go , through and'm gonna make my ad say , Winter Springiest okay and then I , could say something like over 2 million , in sales last month or you could do , something like guaranteed , to sell or you don't pay or something , like that okay that would be our ad next , we have what'scaled our URL , okay our URL is what is our domain name , okay so it'd be like for me it'd be , affiliate marketing dude calm okay so , it'd be affiliate marketing dude calm , that would be our UR Land then we have , our target link okay this is where , they're going to go to this allows you , for tracking and stuff like that or to , test different pages right so Could , say my URL is affiliate marketing dude , calm but the target link is affiliate , marketing dude calm slash GA W for , Google AdWordscampaign W or whatever , right that way I can track it and stuff , like that and it sends them to your page , okay so really cool now we look at that , and we get control so first of all you , control the keyword , second of all you control the location , third of all you control the match type , fourth we control what our ad says so if , you go in there and you have product , that's a thousand dollars and you don't , want people that don't have a thousand , dollars you say hey X product thousand , dollars boom done deal really easy right , you're gonna weed out all the people and , that'st he whole idea of using keyword , and paper search or pay-per-click search , is to weed out the customers you don't , want and focus on the ones that you do , dude Marcus that's insane so all this , money you spent on Google Ad Words you , actually drilled down and got your , perfect customer and made a huge profit , on your investment that's right and it , get seven better because not only do you , control the keyword the location the , match type and you rad but you also , control the amount you pay now what , you're gonna see in the Google Ad words , Keyword planner is a suggested bid , amount you might look at something like , Winter Springs Realtor and it might say , hey you know what our suggested bid is , between cent sand four dollars okay , now what this is is this is called , pay-per-click your ad is show nit's , shown free outdoes't cost anything to , show your ad you only pay when someone , clicks on the ad and goes to your site , very easy right so it'slake I only pay , for people who visit my site now what , they do on your site is up to you once , you pay for the click that's it you'vie , paid for the click , now once they get to your site you can , go through and sell them stuff and , everything like that now here's where it , gets really cool because I can actually , go through and Icahn tell Google only , want to pay ascertain amount per day , this is called your daily ad budge ton , your daily ad budget you can go through , and say you know what Google I only want , to pay twenty dollars a day okay you're , like I only want to pay twenty dollars a , day so if you're paying dollar per , click you're only gonna get twenty , clicks a day which may be in your , business might be enough to generate , some income all right and then some , others maybe you need more but if you , get those twenty people a day at the end , of your twenty clicks Google is gonna , pause your ad and then it'll start over , the next day , now in addition to this we also get , pretty much instant reporting which , means if someone clicks right now I go , into my account and see hey cost me a , dollar , I spent dollar I got a click here's , the keyword they clicked inhere's the , page they went to pretty easy right and , then I can go through and say well you , know thesis't working the way I want , I'm gonna pause the ad or if the ads , working really good I could go through , and say well I want to spend hundred , and twenty dollars day and boom there , we go , right so we have full control over , everything we do and we can accelerate , we can pause our ads we can generate , this stuff and we can make everything , work the way we want and we have W% , control over what we do now , a little bit of disclaimers here one you , never want to promote an affiliate , product directly on Goldwater's they , don't really care for that too much what , you want to do instead is promote , yourself or your website as the , commodity in your market that way when , people come to you they can join your , mailing list that can check out the , stuff that you have on your site they , could read the information they can , watch the videos whatever it is you have , for them they're gonna look at that and , say hey this is really good information , I like this guy I trust this guy I want , to learn more about what he has to offer , so very very very cool now using Google , Ad Words ISS great way to build , mailing list it's a great way to sell , products it's a great way to build your , brand it's a great way to get the word , out about products or perhaps your , services if you're like a Realtor , something like that it's Avery good way , to get out there and be seen because , literally when you have 4 million people , every W sec , searching google i guarantee people are , out the researching for what you have to , offer and if they are put yourself in , front of it start building your mailing , list another thing to notice is that , Google Ad Words is kind of like abiding , war the more advertisers you have , generally the higher the price per click , goes so if you have like ton of , advertisers the price is going to go , really high if you have low advertisers , or zero advertisers the price is gonna , be really low in some cases I'm able to , get traffic for two to four cents per , click which is really cool in some , markets and then you know in some , markets you want to checkout other ways , of doing it , now before I let you go there's a couple , other things you want to know first of , all is what we call the Google content , Network now the Google content network , runs exactly like Goldwater's it's , actually in your Google Ad words in your , keyword what it is is Little check box , now if you click the checkbox for the , content network what that means is not , only are you going to show up on Google , but you're also going to show upon some , other search engine sand you're gonna , show upon websites that have the Google , Advanced on them so if there's big , websites in your market perhaps you're , in recipes and you go and you get some , traffic for recipes you're also gonna be , on the top recipe sites that use Ad words , and your ad will be shown Theresa well , now often this is a very very less , expensive click and I'vie actually gotten , millions and millions and millions of , visitors very very inexpensive using the , content network it's a lot like banner , advertising but it goes through the , Google Network and it goes through , keywords and everything like that so , it'serially coo land then of course the , last thing you'll want to notice here is , Gladdens now Google Absences we , mentioned is the content network it's , the exact opposite of Google Ad Words , Google Edwards's where you're paying , for traffic Google Ad sense is where you , get paid for traffic as a website , content owner now I hope you enjoyed , this little video where talked about , Ad Words Ad sense the content network and , how to get in with the Google Ad words , Keyword planner and I hope you enjoyed , my fake check now if you like this stuff , go ahead and subscribe to my channel , right now to get other videos on how to , make money online how to promote your , business and how to do affiliate , marketing to make some extra money or , even full-time money like I'vie done for , the last W years so make sure you , subscribe , put your questions and comments below so , that I can use them in my next video and , I'll see you in the next video , you  

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