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a lot of people come tome say Vic show , me the money let me show you the money , take a look at my screen here right get , response how mundane can this thing get , three hundred forty six thousand four , hundred and seven dollar sand W cents , now here's a coolest Patti did not , spend single dime promoting get , response now how in the world did they , pay me that kind of money obviously , going back few year snow I'm gonna , show you how you can realistically build , a five to ten thousand dollar solid , income on monthly basis starting from , scratch yeah you ready this might be the , most important video you will ever watch , but first let me show you something , that's really really crazy let me take , you let me show you a story okay so we , have surveyed a lot of people and as you , can see over here right one of the , questions that ask is I said hey how , much money are you currently making , online this one out to you online , entrepreneurs are aspiring entrepreneurs , and here are the results are shocking , look at this zero I haven't made any , money here at seventy point nine two , percent of people twenty seven hundred , people responded to this survey that's , crazy no money okay seventy percent of , people now take a look at the next one , here one dollar to a hundred dollars per , month another eighteen point nine seven , percent that'sight nine point nine , percent of people out of twenty seven , hundred people are making less than a , hundred dollars a month on the internet , that's a big problem right now take a , look at this is we combine the top three , answers here and and take it a step , further here a hundred dollars to a , thousand dollars per month that's , another six point six three percent , income you know total combined , percentage-wise is over ninety six point , five percent of people are making , anywhere from zero to a thousand dollars , per month with zero being the most right , so how come this is what you know how , come this is the reality and it does not , have to be your reality right so how do , you change that let me show you the the , two biggest reasons why people fail and , I'm gonna show you how you can build a , successful business on the Internet , even if you're starting from scratch , okay so reason number one people are , failing is because of this thing called , over okay overwhelm now here's what , here's what mean by this you get , bombarded with information right so if , you get information being thrown at you , from YouTube from all these different , gurus trying to teach you money by the , way as you can see they're nine , 6.5% of these so-called gurus on the , inner they're trying to teach you how to , make money they're making less than , thousand dollars per month how crazy is , that right realize you got to know the , game that you plant you gotta know what , you're up against , now what's the big problem with , overwhelm what the problem with , overwhelm is you get bombarded with , ninety-eight percent of the information , right that only produces maybe 2 percent , of the results this is the big problem , in industry so what you need to do is , you need to understand how to reverse , how to flip that right so how do you , focus on the most potent information , here that's the% so you're reducing , your amount of overwhelm and that that , information is going to produce% of , the results I'm going to show you how , to do that in just second problem , number two most of these people are not , not making money is because this thing , called not dependency but dependency , right dependency OK so they are , dependent on one source of income OK if , this is you right here most people , most aspiring entrepreneurs or beginners , or people just online in general , affiliate marketers network markers , they're just depend dependent on one , stream of income OK or they might be , depending on one company one guru one he , comes to one income stream just Onega , and this is the worst number in business , you never ever ever wanted to beat him , and depended on anything that's Onega , so what we want to do is we want to in a , minute I'm going to show you how to open , up multiple streams of income because if , you look at anybody who is truly , successful you want to have income , coming in from 6 7 W different , directions to you and getting you paid , from allover the all over the place , right why because you're getting bills , you're getting multiple bills on a , monthly basis you might as well get paid , multiple ways right now let me tell you , now a couple strategies here that worked , really really well for me personally , that will definitely change your , business to the next level if you are , dependent OK on one income stream here's , what you need to do you need to have , number one okay you need to have a , product core product that you're , selling a product OK that needs to be , a core I'going to talk to you what I , mean by that so you got a core product , that you're selling now that core , product needs to have sim , Iyar tech income flows to that okay so , you can have synergistic or supportive , income streams because if Have if , sell just one product if I have to , depend on one product what I want to do , is I want to create numerous of these , income streams for this one products I'm , Ad sense OK ultimately I want to have , multiple products in multiple industries , serving different markets that each of , those have multiple income streams so , this is how was selling a product that , was seven good teach you know coaching , and how to you know to entrepreneurs how , to start an online business now check , this out if I sell a course on how to , build successful promotion on the , internet and I can sell that course to , chiropractors or online marketers or , network marketers right so this is my , core product over here that I'm selling , and I'm making money by selling this , product which is where bulk of my money , is coming from , look what do those people need everybody , if I'gonna teach them the right thing , I'm gonna teach them how to build their , list right so to build a list what do , you need you need an transponder don't , you right so this is how get response , paid me what was that over three hundred , thousand dollars okay that I just showed , you okay over three hundred thousand , dollars as a bite as Abby-product that , came to me from get response okay , you see I'm saying here now what else , Cain show them I can sell I can tell I , can sell these guys or recommend that , they have a lead capture mechanism right , so I can tell them for example quick , funnels right so maybe click funnels , could be my other synergistic symbiotic , income flow for this core product now , let me show you something else that's , really really crazy over here right take , a look at my screen here okay sou'm , gonna log into my click funnels account , as an affiliate okay and as you can see , here click funnels which is I'm pretty , sure you probably heard about click , funnels what click funnels is but , without me promoting click funnels , directly I did not spend single dime , promoting click funnels did not run a , sing lead for them Id id not you know I , did not promote it outside of what we , have going on the ecosystem in the four , percent but click funnels check it out , if paid meet hundred and sixty , thousand dollars in affiliate , commissions a hundred and sixty thousand , dollars , paid to me as an affiliate without , promoting clickfunnels that came as a , result of ecosystem working you get , you get what I'moseying here now in a , moment here I'm gonna show you how you , can build a five to ten thousand dollars , realistically per month even if you're , just getting started okay but I want I , want you to start thinking of the bigger , he because the opportunity that you have , when you become aware of how to do this , is absolutely ridiculous and most people , are not aware of it okay I'm gonna , change your life today you're ready for , it let me show you something else so , take look at this right quick funnels , account,W dollars look at this , right you know in the last W days over , here $9,W look how would your life , change if you had ninety three hundred , dollars coming in on monthly basis , just like this oh because you'redoing , what you're supposed to be doing anyways , you're not spending any extra money , you're not doing any extra promotions , right all that is covered now let me , show you in something else right now , take a look here what else , right so W,W from quick funnels okay , again this is an income that was , symbiotic to the core product that I'm , selling you get it now what else if I'm , selling this to let's say let'SSA real , estate right or network marketers right , and how to build their business how to , build a list they need two things and , they need an auto responder which is this , transponder will pay me they need to , be able to capture their list which is , click funnels that's what Ire commend it , to them right look that's a combined , three four hundred and sixty thousand , dollars of money that just got paid , it's like free money right in addition , to the money'vie made from selling this , product that my cents now what I can do , is I can add additional income stream , here which I did right what else do , these guys need like basic fundamental , things for example tracking right in , order for them to be able to track , everything as a third-party tracking too , little you know a picks and shovels is , what I call them take look at this , right here right so we recommend click , magic OK and click magic again I just , signed up as an affiliate did't cost me , ADM to sign up with the mas an , affiliate create a free affiliate , account and because I have incorporated , click magic is my one , symbiotic income streams that's , supporting the product that I'm selling , anyways right click magic pays me , another seventy eight thousand two , hundred and ten dollars and seventy four , cents , okay another seventy eight thousand , dollars from came from quick magi cover , here check it out right seventy-eight K , but from click magic now do the math on , this that's pretty awesome USN't it , right now let me show you the path okay , now this is just one income stream here , now what if I had another one okay what , if I had a third one and what if I had , this happening for each one of my income , streams let me give you another example , here right so one of the products that , we're launching out right now that we , have launched over the last W days , it's Calderon entrepreneur right so , we're tackling a multi trillion-dollar , industry and we're selling at raining on , how to create how to do e-commerce , properly right there is it's one of the , fastest growing businesses in the world , today according to new business news , daily right so we're selling a product , that can pay you right for example I'll , just tell you what we'redoing here and , I'going to tell you how you can how , you can ta pinto this and capitalize on , all this and hit the ground running , tonight if you wanted to right so this , product for example would pay you , I'm just approximately you know tell you , W bucks per sale okay that's how much , you would get as an affiliate for , example that's one of the products we , have an ecosystem it serves commerce , industry so we're not being gimmicky , here we're not selling opportunity to , recruit people to recruit people to , recruit people so they can do the same , thing like all the you know many of the , other companies out there you're selling , real product teaching people how to run , real business you're making great money , in the front and however this training , right has symbiotic income streams don't , give in another another example here so , what could be one of the symbiotic , income streams from selling this comp , product okay you come entrepreneur okay , for example to build an e-commerce store , would one what does one need Spiffy , right so Shiftily pay you okay up to , $2,W per sale as an affiliate just , like these guys are , right again this becomes symbiotic , income stream coming from Spiffy okay , you get one saying plus in addition , can also sell them can recommend , click funnels I can recommend get , response I can recommend all these other , tools and gadgets and everything coming , together for one okay so the big , question is is you say Vicki am fired up , I'm excited it makes sense to me right , how do I do this how do Get started , what do i do first second third now , remember most people fails because they , have tremendous amount of overwhelm in , their business they're focusing they're , being taught ninety-eight percent that's , junk , that might be producing two percents of , the result and that's why those people , are failing the steps that Just showed , you we have figured out a way to shift , that by focusing on two things result , and simplicity that'SWAT we'vie created , the company called the four percent , right and that'st he only thing they , will focus on is which we teach people , how to become real entrepreneurs how to , stand on your own two feet and how to , absolutely crush it let me show you how , you need what you need to do imagine , this okay if you want to build a $W,W , per month income okay if if this bucket , represents your,W per month okay , ten thousand per month income imagine if , I was to fill this bucket with rocks , right now stay with me I know it might , sound a little bit crazy need to have , most people are focusing on these little , teeny teeny rocks right they're making , $commissions they're making $W , commissions all that stuff you need a , lot of those sales to generate $W,W , right what you need to do is you need to , identify your big boulders okay for , example this one's gonna play you W , bucks this one's gonna pay you W bucks , this one's gonna pay you 2,W bucks , okay , accents you don't need as many of , those per month to beat to get to your , goal but then you fill it up maybe in , another Bowl the human you're making W , bucks per month here right and then you , fought you know and you you know you , fill it up with all these little smaller , rocks you know maybe there are thirty , dollar Commission's forty dollar , Commission's all coming in from these , symbiotic income streams over here for , example get response what's the average , Commission on get response account sale , it's about five bucks five to ten bucks , okay click funnel spay you around W , buck son average , but this is monthly the cool thing about , this is this is monthly my friends okay , it's coming in every single month do you , realize how that can change your life , really do you realize if you had that , money coming in on monthly basis so what , Oman by that , those symbiotic income streams are these , little rocks here , okay and this is what's gonna keep you , grounded these big promoting these big , boulders here they could be your core , product sales so this one guy pay you , W bucks , listen pays you you know Buck's,W , bucks depending on a product okay so , that's the strategy nowhere's what you , need to do okay if you need to go if you , want to go from from zero okay to a , hundred thousand dollars a year for , example right how do you build that out , if this is your timeline how do you , build it outright well this was this , was something that we thought about here , in the% and we said you know what , we're gonna teach entrepreneurs we're , gonna we're gonna we're gonna flip that , that that'st he Stickler numbers we're , gonna flip it on his head we're gonna , change that we're going to change it , from ninety-eight percent failure rate , right into only two percent success rate , we're gonna change it upside down here's , how we're gonna do that created this , thing called Operation K okay , operation K now operation K is , part of the four percent and by the way , you can create yourself an account with , four percent if you want to here's , what's gonna happen I'm gonna teach you , how to do this kind of stuff for your , business okay it'snot a business , opportunity it's a business where you , become when you can you you learn how to , write your own paycheck in life now you , need two things you need to knowledge , but at the same time you need system , that works that can get you paid now why , are you learning how to set this up for , yourself so what I'd like to do is if , you want you I'd like to give you this , entire system that we have created it's , called the ecosystem of the 4% okay I'd , like to give you this system all you , have to do just plug it in plug in your , affiliate account IDs over here with get , response there is like over W different , income streams inside of our ecosystem , with the 4% so that you can run the , system you need to fork , and two things traffic generation which , we teach you strategical promotions and , list building okay which we also teach , you now the coolest thing is is we have , this thing called Operation K inside , of the four percent and this is a , program that is the first of its kind in , the industry where it teaches you how do , you go from what do you do thing , number one thing number two thing number , three thing number four how do you you , know how do you build your your business , to where you're generating a hundred , thousand dollars per year income as an , affiliate where you are in control of , your income so what I do is Get you , started from zero and I give you the , education of your lifetime that , literally is designed to change life , okay you get to stand over my shoulder , and you get to watch me make the product , set up the core product promotion we , give you the product you don'thieve to , you know create it right you have to be , a member of the four percent though and , then we show you how show you how I , setup all these simple attic income , stream show exactly I do this and the , best part is you get to do this with me , every single episode every single step , every single move I make you get to , watch over my shoulder look if you want , to set this up for yourself right now , you can create yourself an account with , four percent and I'll be more than happy , to walk you through and teach you how to , do this give you the system that you can , get started and use fifteen minutes from , now you will change your life Promise , you it will cost you forty nine bucks a , month which is discounted rate for now , you can do annual at a discount , it will change your business promise , go ahead and get yourself an account , created it's less than a dollar and , fifty cents per day Ora dollar sixty , cents or something like that okay and , I'll see you inside the four percent as , soon as you get in will get you set up , with your multiple streams of income , will get you plugged into operation's , will hit the ground running right now .