Flowchart - Make Money Online Blueprint

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hey guy sit's Marcus here and today I'd , like to talk to you about the blog a , profit network flow chart this is , everything that you're going to find on , this fancy CD here and what that's going , to do is it's going to show you every , step of the way where you are in your , affiliate marketing what you should be , doing it's going to ask you a series of , questions and basically it's going to go , through like a Diagnostics thing right , so whether you'vie seen the health , Diagnostics or it's like okay does your , stomach hurt okay great does it hurt at , night does it hurt in the morning right , and it takes you through everything or , even with a car you know it'slake okay , did you plug in the thingamajig , okay plug it in or did you do this yes , okay great go to this step and that's , what we want to do is we want to make , all of this stuff really easy bite-size , chunks for you to be able to handle and , know where you're at because so many , people struggle in there they're , focusing on traffic without even finding , the niche or they're focusing on setting , up their site without even having the , right kind of idea of what to set up so , what I want to do is I want to take you , through everything take you by the hand , and show you ho wit all works and , basically what you're going to get is , you are going to on your CD you are , going to see this flow chart it's nice , colorful icons'll show it on the , screen here and it just takes you , through everything okay so what you're , going to do first is you're going to see , the start here icon even if you are an , advanced member and you think you should , skip ahead just watch this because I , thin kit's very important that you go , with me personally through all this , stuff because lot of the things hinge , on what I taught in the lesson before , okay so very very important and if , you're a complete beginner marketing , this is just going to take you through , everything it's the most easy designed , course I'vie ever put together and you're , gonna love it so in the start here first , what you're going to have is I'm going , to talk to you about what to expect how , I view marketing and how I'vie been , successful and done what I'vie done we , also have the W-day commitment you're , going to print this out sign it put it , on your desk that way you commit to this , for W days and say Marcus I'm going to , commit to it and I'm going to do my best , and if Indeed help ask you to help me , and that's what I'm here for right we , have the live chat so you can always ask , me question sand things like that all I , ask is that if you hatch questions , asked my tech guys that way I can really , focus on what gets you , to profit writer that's my specialty , that's my expertise and of course that's , what you're paying for right so we're , going to have that W-day commitment , commit to it for W days go through it , and I'll help you as much as possible , also what I'm going to do is I'm going , to give you the big picture overview , right I think sometimes people just look , at one piece of the puzzle and they get , stuck on that piece without seeing the , big picture and I'm one of those big , picture concept guys where I ha veto see , it all right I don'tend every little , detail I just need to see everything but , what we're going to do is we're going to , let you see everything and we're going , to give you every little detail so after , you go with the start here first what , you're going to do is you're going to go , next to the find and niche area okay and , what we're going to do is we're going to , find a source of traffic whether it's , YouTube whether it's a keyword whatever , it is we're going to go in we're going , to look at our trigger words i'm going , to show you exactly how to find , profitable niches i'm going to show you , how to find profitable banner ads and , places that people are hanging out that , you can get them to your site right , because this is all about finding where , people are very very important so if you , go in there and you say okay you know , does this niche look pretty good and , everything like that if you say yes you , continue on to evaluate the traffic , source if you say no you just go through , the different tools that we have , sometimes I help you find niches , sometimes we have our trigger word list , has over W words that will help you , and we're also adding to that monthly so , that you can have niches that I want to , tackle and you can pick them out and go , from there we usually have a couple , hundred or so in there at any given time , all right so really cool so if you say , no you just go through that again and , and you find a niche that works next up , once you find that niche that looks good , right a lot of people have trouble they , say the niche looks good Marcus but how , do I know that it's going to work well , what we're going to do is we're going to , go through a series of questions right , because questions are the answer what , you want to do is you want to question , yourself about your market okay you go , in there and you say okay well am I , going to go for one keyword or am I , going to go through a locked right if , you're going to go for one we need to , evaluate and say is the inventory there , for you to make money for example if it , only gets W clicks a month and you're , the number one spot you're probably , going to get like W to W clicks off of , that term is W W to W , it's enough to make a worthwhile income , right that's what we want to look at so , we say are we going for one word or many , we're gonna go for paid traffic or free , where are my ideal people we also have a , traffic estimator tool so you can go in , and do that map that I just showed you , and say okay well I'm only going to get , W clicks a month that'probably not , that good right unless you're making , like W bucks a clip alright so we go , through that we got the traffic , estimator tool we're going to show you , offers and potential pay so we're going , to evaluate and say okay well what kind , of offers because in that market where , there's only W clicks if there's a good , offer that pays you a thousand dollars , sale right and you get one sale a month , that's not too bad alright so you want , to evaluate that and we're going to show , you how to do that okay so if you , evaluate it you say yes this looks , worthwhile or if you say well if the W , click word that I found only gets a , penny a quick you know really want to , make more than twenty cents a month so , you say no you go back you find another , niche really easy to go through all , right so you evaluate your traffic once , you say yeah this is solid I think it's , going to work I use the tools i asked , Marcus's opinion on it then you continue , to setting up shop and got to do a , little dance here alright so setting up , shop what we're going to do is we're , going to get a domain name we always get , a domain name that is focused on the , niche that we picked right everything , just focuses on it and if you just go , through it I guarantee can help you so , we get a domain name based on the words , and based on the traffic source if we're , going for paid traffic we can get away , with a lot different domains than if , we're going for free traffic okay we're , going to get hosting how to get hosting , how to set it up everything like that , and we're going to set up our blog right , we're going to say what kind of theme , are we doing we want to set that theme , up based on if we're getting paid , traffic or free traffic very very very , important stuff here that so many people , just overlook and I just want to guide , you through it I literally want to take , your hand and just walk you through , everything every step of the way so , you're like wow I get it I understand it , once you do all this once it's going to , be a breeze next time how to structure , your blog what kind of plugins do you , use am I going for free or paid traffic , or paid traffic or free traffic said , that backwards all right so after you do , that you just set it up basically right , you ask yourself questions you go , through it you set it up based on all , the stuff and then you just content , you want to plug in the offers all right , and you want to basically look at this , is plugging in the offers is AKA show me , the money right so what we want to do is , want to look at where do we put the , offers do i put a little link on the , bottom that says click here so Icahn , make penny or DI put it by ma here's , what we're going to do right it's very , very important and again it's based on , this step so if you don't do this step , and you just jump into this you're , probably not going to do that good , because you need to focus right so where , to put the offers how many offers do i , use on my site so many people ask me , they say Marcus DI put W offers W , offers one offer right how many can i , put on my site and we're going Togo , through this based on your traffic all , right so if it'slake a survey site or a , a you know price finding guide or , something you can have Little bit more , offers than if it's something like how , to cook eggs or whatever how many offers , to use DI start wit ha sales page a , squeeze page do I start with content , what DI do do I just throw up content , and put ads in the sidebar or you know , how does this work and again all of this , stuff is going to be based on what you , went through right so just taking you , through step by step by step super easy , Togo through another question is do i , do click flopping or a business model , right am I just here to like give away a , download like the lotto site right or am , I hereto build a business of people , that are looking for information on , gardening very very very important and , again it's just going to lead you right , through it very very simple very very , easy and once you do this the questions , become easy so no longer are you sitting , there at your desk frustrated saying , need to learn about google panda need , to learn about paid traffic I wanted to , learn about banners I need to learn , about this because you're only learning , the stuff you need at the time you need , it right so instead of like going to a , huge internet marketing university for , the next eight years and hoping you'll , earn enough what this is going to do is , it's CZ say hey you know let's just , focus on paid traffic because we found , out that that'st he best way so focus on , that now if you do another site later , and you find out that you need free , traffic or whatever go through that , right but only go through the stuff you , need at the tie , you need it very important this has been , something that has been so crucial to my , care eras an internet marketer because , guys we could get focused on all the , clutter and all the garbage that's out , there right and all the stuff but that , stuff dozen't make money what makes , money is starting finding a niche and , bringing offers to them in a way that , makes sense in a way that's natural , right so after you plug in your offers , will show you where to put them how to , structure it it's time Togo to content , structure right more questions how much , content do i put on my site right what , DI write about what am I going to , write about it have to blog every day or , is you know two pages enough and this is , all going to be answered based on the , stuff that you found before so it's , literally just taking your hand in hand , in hand through everything right how to , distribute the content how do I get it , out there doing new videos do I do sales , letters do I do articles what do i do , and we'll show you how to do it the , right way and also one of the things I'm , going to show you is how to sell right , so many people don't make money in this , industry because they don't know how to , sell in print right they don'TKO how , to get people to do the desired actions , that put money in their pocket next up , after you do that right you want to base , all your content on the way people , search after you do that next up we have , test and track very important because , now at this point right week has gone by , maybe two weeks if you're if you're new , and you take a little bit longer right , but in two weeks you already have , something up you're already testing it , with traffic right and you ask yourself , these questions number one is the site , ranking all right if you're going for , free traffic and the site is not ranking , you're not going to make any money so , we're going Togo through and we're , going to show you how to test if you're , ranking if you're not ranking we will , show you exactly how to do it right next , question is there traffic am I getting , traffic to my site what are they , clicking on and are you making money so , you ask these questions if you say yes , right you go here but if you say no you , want to do the rank test we'vie gotta , write test you're in there we want to do , new sources of traffic we want to look , at if there's too much competition right , we want to find out the best way to get , in there and what we want to do is we , want to use the coupons , i'm going to give you in your members , area to test out some traffic to your , site right that way you don't have to , pay for the test you could just use , those coupons and you know get some free , traffic and stuff like that but it's , like free paid traffic because the , coupons give you the paid traffic really , cool so if it says no you do this stuff , and then you start over in the testing , and tracking right because now you're , getting traffic now you test it once you , test it you go over here to what call , Kazan this is a Japanese term for like , slow growth over time equals big results , very very important because what we want , to do once we get something up and , mildly profitable or maybe it's even , good and profitable and big and you know , maybe you hit one out of the park but , this one what it's going to do is it's , going to show you how to use the , principle of Kazan to make more profit , how to improve your clicks how to get , more traffic how to work on your , conversions and get more people to buy , thing sand order things and click on the , stuff that makes you money and download , stuff and fill out forms how to interact , with your market interacting with your , market is something that I'vie found , really helpful and very profitable a lot , of you guys have already met me on live , chat you'basked some questions right , and I'll tell you what I think it's , great because I turn on that live chat , for you know W minutes to an hour a day , sometimes and it adds an extra five to , seven hundred dollars a day to my bottom , line income just by being there for , people just by answering questions and , I'll tell you what some of the videos , that I'vie made have been direct result , of the questions people ask and it's , very very important because I'm letting , you direct where my content comes from , this whole idea came from people saying , Marcus can't you just take step by , step can't you just help us and now I , have product that can work right , really cool and when you interact with , your customers you learn about them you , don't have to do it for the rest of your , life you could just do it in a simple , automated way you could get in there and , type live chat or whatever right but the , money that it adds to your bottom line , is really really important so you go in , you interact you make more content you , test different offers and if you are in , a market that you want to do that you , can actually create a product right and , this literally takes you through , everything and if you have questions as , you go along which'm sure a lot of you , guys will , right not all of us know everything , sometimes I get a program and I need a , little bit of help to write but what we , have is we have everything set up where , the questions are embedded in here and , we actually have like you are here , thing you know like when you go to the , mall and it'deb a lot easier to say hey , you are here and you know where you're , at in the entire scheme of things and , everywhere we're going to show you where , you're at now here'st he cool thing not , only do you know where you're at but if , you hit me up on live chat it'll , actually show me where you're at two so , I can help you really really easy it's , all about you it's all about focusing on , you getting you the result that you want , by following a few simple steps right , because so many people out there are , trying to jump the entire staircase in , one leap and say wow I want to get to , like a thousand bucks a month right and , they're not looking at the whole picture , and I guys Guarantee you if you go , through the whole picture I can help you , if you see it if you see the vision and , you go through and you ask these , questions because questions are the , answer right it's not a question like oh , how do I get more traffic and why am I , not getting traffic the question is , where are people hanging out why is this , site not making money does it suck well , how can we make more money right we want , to ask positive questions that lead us , to positive results so use the link , below go to blog profit network com get , some more tips and tricks if you're , ready to get this CD go ahead and join , the blog profit network'll put the , link below its blog profit network com , /go right so if you're ready to go use , that link and i'll see you on the inside , we'll get you a copy of this CD will get , you on our live weekly webinars will get , you on everything to help you make money , online to show you how it work sand , literally take you by the hand through , every single step I'm Marcus Campbell , thanks again for watching I look forward , to meeting you in the blog profit , network , you 

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