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all right so hi guys this is Marcus , Campbell and welcome to the first , webinar of and what we're gonna do , here IN I know it's kind of cliche , to do new things but what we're actually , gonna do is we're going to focus on , giving you the things that you need to , be able to profit fast okay it's not , about a theory it's not about fluff it's , not about jun kit's about getting you , the things that you need to be able to , make this actually work for you and I , know there's alto of people out there , if you would feel free to type in your , your response here what I'dike to do , is I'dike to ask you how long you'vie , been trying to make money online and , next to it if you'vie made anything feel , free to put the amount you'vie made if , you're comfortable with that if you'vie , made nothing but a zero and say hey man , I'vie been trying for W years , and I haven't made anything here I'vie , been trying for you know five years and , Haven't made anything or whatever it , is because what we want to do is we want , to establish friendship we want to , establish a place that's safe to talk , about the things that we worry about to , talk about the things that we need to , talk about the things that are going to , help us and it'Avery very important to , realize that we really want to focus , here we really want to look at this , stuff last couple days ago was talking , to someone on my live chat yes if you do , get live chat , it is me talking there I know a lot of , people argue with me about that and say , you know I don'really think it's you , and I sit there and tell him it is but , at any rate there's this guy on live , chat and he was saying you know I I just , don't believe that I could make money , fast Id on't believe that'possible but , basically you know I don't think you are , telling the truth about that and so I , went onto tell him some different , tactics that he can use to actually make , this work and the fact of the matter is , that this stuff does work and we have , people here we have some people who say , you know we'vie been doing this for seven , years and haven'tamed much three , years and I'vie made you know almost , $5,W different things like that and , Duane says does , still work in W excellent question it , actually works better in my opinion in , W what'm seeing is that things have , gotten a lot easier right we're no , longer dealing with and the struggles of , having to figure stuff out in terms of , you know tech stuff and all this junk we , can now just go in and set something up , extremely fast with one of these tools , like Depressant you know you don't , have to know coding you just have to be , able to you know cut and paste basically , and be able to tie it and if you can do , that how many of you guys on here can , actually cut and paste right how many of , you guys can cut and paste and you know , write an email or whatever Otis you're , you're able to do something and if you , are type that in the box say yeah you , know I can do that , some people are saying yeah of course I , could do that alright well then let me , tell you this if you can do that then I , believe you can profit online and what , I'm going to do is I'going to show you , how to do that so this webinar is going , to be all about getting you results it's , not gonna be about ideas it's not gonna , be about theory it's gonna be about , getting your results so let me open up , the window before it gets like,W , degrees inhere and we're gonna go ahead , and get into the content all right , excellent you know you have a wife and , kids when it is W degrees in your , house and W degrees outside that's , always it's always fun you know to me I , kind of like the the brisk weather but , you know wife and kids always like it , extremely hot so you gotta find a happy , medium alright so what we're gonna do , today is we're going to talk about the , things that really really work and what , I like to do is I'd like you to type in , your guess of what you think is the , single most important thing when it , comes to making money online what is the , most important thing what is that one , thing that you believe if you understood , if you got and then you'd be able to , profit go ahead and type that in now , okay we got customers we got converting , traffic picking and Nets Automation no , traffic giving people what they want , targeted traffic or traffic at all , consistent proper actions getting your , snippet or ad seen marrying the right , offer email marketing knowing how , everything works together experience , okay great so we have a lot of different , things here and what I'd like to do is , I'd like to kind of give you an overview , of the different things how they work , and what to do because there's three , major things that believe people are , missing and these are the things that we , haven't really talked about because I , have a teacher or as a teacher have kind , of let you down in the fact that I'vie , listened Little bit too much to the , input of my students right they say well , I want to learn this or hey I want to , learn that you know obliged and said , hey you know what let me teach you that , let me show you that rather than saying , hey look you came to me because you , wanted to make money so do you want me , to answer your questions or do let me , show you how to make money and what I , want to get into with you in W is , saying look this is how you make money , right Id on't care what you heard about , Amazon Amazon is great you can make , money but I'm not here to teach you , that right so if you want to learn , Amazon go somewhere else if you want to , learn search engine ranking like the , gurus you can rank any search and you go , somewhere else if you want to learn how , to just get something up so you can make , a profit then that's what I'm doing , right and that's what we want to do is , take this focus and say look here are , the things that you need to do all right , so what I want you to do in this webinar , is I want you to throw all the questions , all the ideas all the stuff in the back , of your mind for now and I want you to , pay attention because what we're about , to talk about is going to be extremely , important now I'd like to ask by show of , hand show many of you guys had a chance , to read this letter very very important , letter and we're gonna go over it today , and let me just get my screen caught up , here how many of you guys had a chance , to read through this okay if you got , like halfway through it let me know if , you haven't this is like the first time , you'vie actually checked it out let me , know and we're gonna we're going to take , a look at this , okay so basically the idea is this and , it's very very important and the idea is , in W Aim taking a completely , different road in my simple sights , business okay I'vie been doing this , teaching for about seven years and what , I'm doing is I'm taking different , approach and what I'd like to do is take , some of you with me okay I'd like to , take some of you with you with me and , get back to the roots of actually , building site sand here's the idea okay , and basically it says that yes it's true , after teaching ordinary people to make a , killing online for the last seven years , I'vie decided to retire my simple sites , big profit straining software in W , simply because I have found that is much , easier less stressful and more , profitable to build simple little , websites on my own and a profit online , then trying to teach others to do the , same I'measure everyone here can agree , that it's a lot easier just to hide out , in your house and make money than to , actually deal with lots of people who , are saying well what do I do here how do , I do this well what's the quickest way , to make money without doing anything or , how can you just set me something up , that spits money at me and on and on we , go so here's the deal , as you guys know I am basically shutting , down simple site sin W it will be the , last time that you can get my coaching , in the magnitude that I'vie gotten it or , that you'vie gotten it before and what , I'dike to add to that is the fact that , in W what I'm going to do is I'm , going to show you the way that I know , how right I'going to show you the , exact way so if you want some kind of , coaching program where they're gonna , answer all your questions regardless of , whether they're going to help you right , if you're the kind of guy who would like , Togo to the doctor and say well you , know what happens if this what happens , if this what about this what about that , or if you want to go the doctor who you , know is the best in the business who , knows your issue like the back of his , hand and say look dude what do Igor to , do to get better so if you're the kind , of person who's saying need that , doctor who says I know how to get you , better what we're gonna do is we are , going to show you that so the deal is is , in addition to actually shutting down , the some , Ste business at the end of this year , we are going to be going out with a bang , and taking you with us in what will be , hailed as the last internet marketing , course you will ever need to make a , fortune online basically what I'm gonna , do is once and for Allie am going to , teach everyone who joins exactly what , you need to do to profit and the only , excuse you will ever have is that you , did't do it right so if you are here , and you say Marcus I'm willing to do , what it takes I'm willing to make it , happen then this is for you so here's , the deal , and it says different let's face the , facts here fact number one less than 1/2 , a percent of everyone who tries to make , any money online ever ends up making , more than penny if you're in that , group or you're saying dude on I'm still , here to make my first penny in profit , type it in type penny in the box okay , fact number two as a teacher of internet , marketing the half a percent that , actually make it is easier for me to , work with by leaps and bounds than the , ninety nine point five percent who do , nothing and here's the deal I have a , little confession to make but fiesta , story ever since I was a kid was , interested in basically what makes , people tick what makes people get the , results that they want and what makes , them get the actual desired result that , they ultimately claim that they want and , I looked around my family and around , many people who hated their jobs they , did't like their lives they were too , fat too skinny , they just seemed to struggle through , life as if they were waiting to die , rather than enjoying the wonderful , journey that life can be and being the , type of person that am and always was , I was always interested in finding ways , to help people do more all right you , guys can see this in my teachings sure , in the past Haven't been the greatest , at customer support sometimes we'vie had , issues but the fact of the matter is is , you guys know me ass person who really , genuinely wants to help you and being , that type of person Iowas always , interested in getting people to become , more to do more and old , we get what they claimed that they , really really really wanted very , important now we're gonna get into this , if you'vie if you'vie read this letter , before don't worry about Ito just want , to go through it so that you can kind of , feel the emotions that went into this , and then at the end of this Callie am , going to guarantee you three things so , if you stick through this call it's , gonna be about an hour hour and , minutes from this point so we're gonna , go right around till twelve o'clock , Pacific time okay what I'm going to do , is I'going to show you three ways that , you can turnoff the webinar and go make , money right now okay so if you stick , around to the Enid'm gonna show you how , to make money right now so the question , is is are you willing to do what it , takes is A and 1 hour and W minute , wait enough for you to do it and you , know I'd like to look at the things that , you spend an hour W minutes on I would , I would venture to say that probably , everyone on this call will spend at , least an hour and minutes watching TV , or doing something completely mindless , right and what I'd like to say to you is , are you willing to get off your butt and , actually do this stuff right very very , important and I told Lisa thighs with , you and we're gonna get into that , so during high school became a , preacher and being this person became , this preacher and I focused really hard , on helping people become what I thought , was a good Christian and I was very , worried and stressed about the people , who struggled and could not or would not , see and believe what I thought was the , truth now this was interesting because , here I aim am a W year old kid when I , first started and the first night I , preached on Santa Monica promenade was , probably W pounds soaking wet right I , was a little dude 5 foot W pounds on a , good day Ate barely one meal a day and , I started preaching and the first night , I started preaching with these people , this guy comes up and this this homeless , dude is just screaming at me right and , within Think it was within minutes , of starting preaching this guy shoved me , against a tree you know and I'm freaked , out and everything but to me I'misting , the rethinking I wonder what made that , guy so , angry wonder what made him so angry , has to do this and the cops came they , wanted to press charge sand I was like , well now I got a big crocus he pushed , me sou'm gonna preach and long story , short basically that was the idea right , my idea my life goal was wrapped up in , getting you to see something that you , could'see right much like today I , mean you look at the internet marketing , business it's not really that different , and you can see that this really , bothered me because I poured my heart , and soul into helping these people right , I poured my heart and soul and helping , them and I really wanted to get them the , results that they wanted and over and , over would try to help these people , and as as if like clockwork it was it , was inevitable is every time they went , back like the scripture says they , returned to their old ways as a dog , returns to his vomit and this made me , troubled because part of my life's worth , part of my value that thought of , myself as a person was tied up in making , these people change right my goal was to , get you to change very very very , important and I thought if I could just , say the right thing do the right thing , be there for people W/7 I even had this , guy that we called the light guy right , and this guy he wanted to become , believer and he wanted to be part of the , church and everything so I kind of took , him under my wing and he had some mental , issue sand you know he freaked me out a , few times by trying to change the red , light when we were at a red light he , would do this weird thing and freak me , out I thought the guy was having , seizure in my car but at any rate I , would take the time to spend with people , like this and try to help themes I , genuinely wanted to help them and help , them get it and I'd work with them and I , thought if Could just do enough they , would finally get it right much like the , internet marketing I thought hey if I , could just do enough if Could just , like give these people a profitable site , then maybe they'd do it but the fact of , the matter is is that they did not when , they did't get it it made me feel , responsible right I felt responsible for , these people not getting it and I felt , like I was the failure and as Jesus once , said don't cast your pearls before swine , which basically means don't spend your , time try , to change people who don't really want , to be changed'm very very important , that's a really really good thing to , remember in life business spirituality , and also when talking to people in , marketing right because how many of you , guys know what marketing really is what , is the real deal what is marketing right , I'll give you guys minute to type that , in and kind of define what marketing is , and I don't want the generic Wikipedia , definition okay so if you're going there , you know want you to say it in your , own words here okay what is marketing to , you and while we wait for those we'll go , ahead and continue and basically the , idea being was that unfortunately this , saying this don't cast your pearls , before swine ever really sun kin to me , it never really got in there alright and , I was basically destined to a life of , pain and trying to push unmovable , elephants up this staircase of life , right I was trying to push them up this , staircase of life and carry them with me , but the problem was is by pushing these , people up the stairs they were always , one step ahead of me and I was the one , doing all the work I was the one , struggling and I guess part of this was , my own ego and narcissism telling me , that I could actually change people if I , was able to say the right thing do the , right thing or give enough of myself , fast forward a few years when I started , my internet marketing business in March , of the year W when I first started my , business I believed W% that this would , work did't look back had to make it , work and I Saudi know that this will , work and I knew I would do whatever it , took to make it happen right if they're , lined with my goals my beliefs and , everything would do whatever it took , right very very very important right now , maybe you guys feel that way right now , where you're like I'll do whatever it , takes right I'll do whatever it takes to , make this happen okay very very , important so we look at that and my , friendly and friends at that time , laughed at me here I was this kid , never really had much of a Job sold , computers and worked fora preacher , part-time and stuff like that and my , family and friends laughed when I , thought that when I bought my first , which is PC money-making dot-com you , guys still know that as her business , name today and set out on what seemed to , be the impossible goal at that time that , goal was to make one hundred thousand , dollars in one year right that waist I , was like okay if I could do that then I , have arrived and I remember at the time , I was getting phone calls from creditors , for amounts at that time seemed like , tons , Greta they might as well have asked me , for my left armor something like that , because I was crazy it seemed insane and , I felt like I was alone in this world , where everyone wanted money that I , did't have I had a child on the way , was years old and I was just , struggling I was broke but I knew that , something would work and my heart , literally sunk every time that phone , rang because I knew it was another guy , right I knew it was another person , dreading I dreaded that nasty creditor , telling me how much about loser I was , and how much I owed them unfortunately , back then the laws were a lot more lacks , and credit creditors or a lot more mean , and I was literally a slave to Numbers , remember one creditor telling me just to , go off myself he's like yeah just end , it you know you're in duty that's like a , really this is that's it over a couple , thousand bucks right is that really what , a life's worth at any rate here I was , and I was literally a slave to Numbers , was a slave in a prison of my own making , a slave to this illusion of how I , visualized money pay attention to that , one part the illusion of how I , visualized money because at the end of , this call when I go through the things , that are gonna show you how to make , money right now no fluff no filler no , junk you're gonna see exactly how this , works and that little phrase is gonna , keep a that's gonna play a big part in , this so deep down believed that it was , really everyone else's fault how many , guys have felt this way like it's the , Guru's fault it's the Internet's fault , it's Google'fault it'spay-per-click , fault it'SA-you know the guy down the , streets fault it's you know whatever , everyone's fault okay and we look at , this , sometimes we all have this and deep down , I really believe this Believe it was , everyone else's fault that I ended up , where I was if they would just give me , the break I need it if they would just , teach me what I needed to learn if they , would just sit down and tell me the , secret , if I just had enough money then I would , get it I would finally feel safe life , would be okay , and so it says be right back I got a , creditor on the phone well actually just , call him back because this is more , important they're gonna teach you how to , you know pay something off I'gonna , teach you how to pay everything off now , here's the deal and I thought okay if I , just if I just if I just then I get it I , finally feel safe and life would be okay , as if there was some magical sequence of , keystrokes Icahn type on my computer , click click click that would turn this , computer into money-getting machine my , life resonated with the depressing cry , of if only if only if only how many of , you guy shave ever cried that before you , know maybe not sobbing but you felt that , before like if only right there's , something stopping me and it's no tin my , control felt like the wealthy the , Guru's were holding something back I , felt like there was a secret that they , had they all had these clubs and they , got together and they said you know what , the key to internet marketing it's W , right and if Just knew that number I'd , be able to do it it was like it was , their fault wan't rich or happy and , it was like they were holding something , back I mean after all here's these guys , they knew the secret that would make me , rich , solve all my problem sand finally get me , on track and they were just sitting on , they charged enormous fees for , half-ass ed training products hard to , understand boring videos and nothing , could really use like right no wright , now no real secrets how many guys feel , like you're not ever getting any real , secrets again you're just sitting there , going well where's the secrets I don't , get it you know is it Amazon is it this , if it's this then what do I do with this , and you're just struggling and at that , time was probably like a lot of you , guys was making just enough to be , broke right just enough , and I was building these simple sites , and little websites for local businesses , and different things like that and then , one fateful day on July Th of the year , I remember clearly crystal clearly , I could close my eyes and I'll be there , today after coming home from a Th of , July party at my dad's I checked my , email right back then I was executive at , PC money-making dot-com I thought if I , had the word executive in my email then , I'd be rich right because I'mt he , executive here that is me I'm the , executive you don't mess with me even , though there's just some kid behind that , right I thought it worked so Is tuck in , my email and I found that there were , three sales for seven dollars and W , cents right so it'slake W bucks each , did say there was bucks each , in Magellanic account now that's not , enough I can barely buy lunch with it , which Wesak for that time because I , only ate lunch more about my eating , disorder in a different letter but that , event changed my belief system forever I , had just made over $W while I wan't , working that to me that was like , light bulb I got W bucks wan't working , that'pretty cool all Would need to , make three thousand bucksaw month which , at that time would have been a good , amount was to be able to make four times , what I just made that's not so hard is , it and when you start to look at things , this way things start to change and , that's why the story is so important , because once you see this and once you , understand that little $W.W experience , everything's gonna change now I want you , to realize that wan'twerking when I , did this was completely gone I wan't , setting up websites looking up niches or , anything was gone all day and my sites , made me money really cool this gave me a , feeling like a drug addict addict right , if you could say it right and I , definitely know the feeling of that , which we'll learn more in this who had , just had his first taste or it is like I , tasted it and I said I can't get enough , can't get enough the rush felt like when , I was checking my stats the rest that I , felt when checked I became addictive , and I checked him over and over became , known as the F guy and for those that , don'TKO F is the refresh button , I go to my site and- you know my , affiliate accounts maddens whatever , was hit's and check it over and over , and I was addicted to numbers on screens , bank account balances checks and money , it was the simple experience that one , simple experience and I want you to read , this word here okay for those that need , a copy of this letter I will be giving , you guys one if you already have it , great just want to go through this , with you get you guys the tools that you , need and then at the end show you how to , use them right does that sound fair , enough if it does type it in the box so , it was that simple experience that I owe , all my millions of online earnings to , that one experience because without that , experience without that one little taste , nothing would have ever changed and that , experience finally turned my head , knowledge what I believed into heart , knowledge what I knew and what Would , do , alright what I would do and that was the , idea and it turned the head knowledge , into heart knowledge and I now knew , beyond a shadow of a doubt what I had to , do to get where thought I wanted to be , which was rich , very important so basically after this I , went like crazy was like a madman and , I locked myself in my office and at that , time the easiest thing for me to do the , easiest thing for me to do was to help , other people get ranked on the search , engines and help them get results , here's all these people and they say , well you know I want to get ranked for , this I want to get ranked for that and , what I did is Helped them and I'd set , up sites to sell my niche marketing , service sand actually did pretty well I , mean it was easy it was like low-hanging , fruit I'd go to PayPal and I'd find , people in a category all right I'd find , W people with magic shops and'd email , them and say hey you want to get more , money to your magic shop PayPal me you , know bucks or a thousand bucks or , whatever and I'll set it up for you we , did it they got business everyone was , happy and then I'd go on to the next one , very easy and again want you to , remember that little thing I just told , you because in that little thing the , lies the secret someone remind me to , talk about the gym , okay but Jim cold call thing very , important and we'll get into that , towards the end so remember that so , basically I set up these site sand did , goo din W I had hit my first hundred , thousand dollar aye which was my big , goal and I felt pretty good there's , actually one hundred and sixty-seven , thousand dollars and I felt unstoppable , as if a fire had been lit under my ass , and the only way to make it go away was , to build more sites and make more money , then in I have just finished , ranking a site fora client about parent , training and he had this site about , parrot training and I was like dude you , actually sell that stuff he's like well , yeah now I do with your traffic and I , got him some killer results and he said , to me Marcus why don't you just find , these niches break your own sites and , sell affiliate products then you , would'thieve to deal with customers , refunds or anything like that in the , past I have done this in par tin W I , Hadar little gas scooter website where , we sold these gas powered scooter sand , we sold over W,W bucks in one month , which was really cool , troopship them so I did't ha veto , touch the scooters I did't have to even , see him I actually did't ever get a , scooter until we had a return who , returned it to my address on the stake , and I was like hey I might as well keep , this thing right no wit's pretty cool , and it paid for it anyway with the , refund amount but basically the idea was , I never had to touch him ship him or , anything now on the other thing I did , have to answer the calls deal with , customers and it was kind of a pain , right when you're selling these things , on Christmas time people are gonna call , you on Christmas Day and they did and , they yelled at me alright man my scooter , dozen'twerk I'm like dude Odin't make , it just wait fora new one but it's , Christmas well Christmas whatever just , deal wit hit right at any rate was , nicer to them but the deal was this , right and I was really excited about , this and the whole affiliate marketing , thing intrigued me now more than ever , because I mean could I really literally , just promote sites never touch any sales , customer support or anything and just , get paid right is that it and at first , went and set up little small tests , with little site about cable boxes and , another site about dating tips , the first weekend I set these up on a , Friday took me about an hour to set up , they ranked pretty well right for , obscure words words you could still rank , for today so for those who are saying , well Google only had one site on its , back then that's not true , like Google actually just came out back , then but they had like a billion sites , indexed but the fact of the matter is is , you could still rank for these today , those ranked early well they got traffic , and I made over 1,W bucks that weekend , while I was out of town number one I , did't babysit the site number two , I did't write content every day number , three I simply just checked the stats , when I got home and waited for the , checks that was it I was like hey just , send me some checks we're gonna be good , to go after this second again highlight , this remember this the second money , getting experience I was again hooked , right notice how every time I had this , experience I got hooked right be good , but this time was hooked on the , thought of running tons of simple little , sites that made fifty two hundred , dollars a day or more each back one back , then we did't have cool tools of today , like Google Keyword planner and blogs , with plugin sand you know things that , would do whatever one day back then , Ad sense did't even exist sou had to , rely Anglican and all these things , right which is fine you know if you know , how to sell which is what I had to learn , to do back then I relied on the old , go-to suggestion tool Arnold fashioned , front page Express which you know , between you me and the wall here I still , used today right I ha veto find it , because you know you have to find some , downloads somewhere but I still do use , that today the old front page Express , that comes with Windows it works great , it's easy to use so for those that say , well Id on't have the fancy software you , don't need the fancy software alright so , in hindsight I probably would have made , a lot more money if I was equipped with , the tools that you have today I would , probably have made times as much and , a lot faster to boot so I went on , finding these niche keywords getting , ranking sand promoting affiliate offers , my first year of this we did close to , three hundred thousand dollars which for , a W year old kid was pretty darn coolie , was ecstatic , you know hey I have arrived I now am , worthy of the title executive of PC , money-making dot-com that little email I , had and I had sites about smiley faces , little happy face sites that did't sell , anything but they did seventy thousand , dollars a year in profit most sites , about Click bank offers mortgages you , name it we had it if there were someone , searching for it my job was to set it up , and make some profit the goal was simple , and I want you to write this down the , goal was find the words people use to , search right that'SWAT I care about , find the words people use to search get , the traffic lead people to affiliate , offers and work and then that waist and , it worked in every single niche I , tackled with any traffic method it , did't matter if I bought traffic got , traffic free but banner ads it did't , matter righto was gonna say YouTube , videos but YouTube wan'ta round back , then in W we moved back to California , and Iowas still on track making to , thousand bucks a month profit on my , simple site sand enjoying all my free , time with my two wonderful girls working , from home can be a complete blessing and , it can also be something you mess up as , you'll learn in my story as well in W , it came in went with similar results in , the purchase of our first house here in , California we moved from Oregon to , California was just at the time and , was making good little killing online , in W I got into pay-per-click , advertising on top of the free Google , search and Used Goldwater's and , was able to makeover 1 million , thousand dollars that year which still , today it was our most profitable and , easiest year ever it's easy I did't , even have to work but of course being , the crazy person I was I did have to , check my stat's times a day now I , want you to realize that USN't it , interesting how many of the best results , in life come from the times that hardly , even seem like you're working at it at , all like it just flows to you as if by , magic how many of you guy shave ever had , a time in your life where somethings , just Warren'you're like I did't have , to work at that at all you know pretty , easy and so that was the deal , and in W a friend of mine asked me to , teach an internet marketing seminar on , his Telemann because his speaker , cancelled out his last minute he'slake , they just teach these people marketing , now at that time I wan'ta ware that I , was supposed to sell anything on the , Callie did't know I thought was just , sharing and being a you know kind person , and but by the time this call was over , everyone on the call was like dude what , do you have for us to order we won't we , want to learn this stuff right they were , so excited about how I was making a , killing with these simple sites that , they were literally begging me to teach , a course on it and because of this , simple site's big profits was Born ran , my teaching business alongside my sites , and made a good bit on both as time went , bay few close friends from my preaching , days back in the day asked if Could , show them what I was doing and what I , why was this working how is it doing and , I basically said yeah let's do it and , one of them wen ton to make close to , million dollars in just few short , years we also had some people that , earned a few thousand dollars month , hundred thousand plus per year and on , and on we went the results were very , rewarding emotionally for the same , reason that was back when preached and , we're gonna get into that in a minute , because got to see people get results , and change their live sand I want you to , realize it wan'tall rainbows and roses , and paychecks being the kind of person , that I was and still am today and really , wanting people to get results I ran into , some serious serious issues you see I , knew and I still know to this day beyond , a shadow of doubt that anyone who , follows my teaching and advice would get , results fast and knowing that became a , huge burden to me because of the fact , that many students no matter what I told , them Cotswold't do what it takes to , make Ito don't know why maybe it's , belief maybe they don't believe that you , can do this right maybe they just don't , want to do it maybe they are afraid to , seethe results whatever it is right , they Cotswold't do what it took very , important now , of course they called and emailed me , with their stories of woe an dhow it was , do or die time for them and they'd do , anything yet when push came to shove , nothing got done as I learned in rehab , he said when all is said and done , there's more said than done , write that down when all is said and , done there's more said than done and , that's true people love to talk about , what they're going to do but very very , few people love to actually do it and , here'st he deal it wan'Rand Otis't , that the work is super hard most of , these sites could be started in less , than an hour it wan'that it was risky , in Acosta a lot right it did't it was , Nita much risk I did't have anything , to risk I was as dude sitting in a , double-Vietminh or mobile home at , the time that's where I lived wit ha , bunch of drug addicts and it was crazy , and that was it and I was trying to , preach and everything like that , so here's the Delawarean't that it was , risky and cost a lot most people can , start for few hundred buck sand it , wan't like there was no help , sure sometimes you had to wait for help , but you could be certain that when you , did get the help from me it was the help , that would actually make you rich and , this really frustrated me because people , would com eon live chat and they'd call , me and say Marcus you know it'steerable , - bu bu bu bu and I'd say look I'm , gonna tell you what you need to make , money right and I tell them something , and Walden't recognize it and it's , very very important we're gonna get into , that in just a little bit because if you , listen it could make you completely rich , if you follow it now the deal with this , was that I too kit personally and , sometimes I still do today as if there , was some flaw in the Marcus as a person , for not being able to meet their insane , expectations that no human could could , mate right it's like people who complain , about the president it's like dude he's , not God I'm sorry if he's doing probably , the best he can with what he thinks is , right and that's great that's fine good , but he's not gonna fix everything in , much the same way that there's no , internet marketing guru that's going to , do it for you or make you do it it's , just not going to happen so here's the , Dali took it personally right as if it , was a flaw in me and I got super , depressed lonely and beat up my , alcoholism increased , rapidly and even thought of taking my , life and this was just last year about a , year ago 8 months ago to be exact , luckily my wife called it a sent me , to the loony bin which is probably where , I belong but you know that's beside the , point at the time I did'think Iowas , like these people you know'm not like , them then later I figured out yeah I'm , exactly like them right just keep , drinking all I'll be there and this sent , me to the loony bin and got me into , rehab and after all if my success in , life and happiness is tied to others my , success is tied to what you do and you , don't move then I'pretty much screwed , there's not aw hole lot Could do , because I have now given you given you , the stuff right so that's the deal now , much like in my preaching days where I , felt like it was my fault that no one , was converting and no one was getting , the results as if I had something to do , wit hit , luckily other and much later that there , are things and people in life that I , just can'change and there's no point , getting excited about it just accept it , and help those who are willing to make , the change the fact of the matter is , that people are going to do what they , really want to do and sadly many just , want to be lazy and not do what it takes , to make this work and for those of you , who know deep down you just want to be , lazy and you don't want to do it I'll , tell you right now just don't be on , webinars you you are completely wasting , your time right it'd be like me getting , a gym membership and posting it on my , wall thinking that that is going to make , me get in shape it'snot right sou , might as well do what enjoy might as , well go get some cakes sandhogs and sit , and watch TV might as well enjoy it so , here's here'SA little Marcus advice for , you today on Saturday afternoon , whatever you're going to do do it really , well if you're gonna be lazy do it , extremely well if you're gonna make , money do it extremely well to put it put , something into it right because we get , into things or we get out of things what , we put into things so the fact of the , matter is is that people are gonna do , what they really want to do and sadly , many just want to be lazy and not do , what it takes to make this work , recently Iowas asking my trainer at the , gym how many , Bull er signed up for the gym he said the , number was about,W people and , immediately my head thought four , thousand people in this little gym wow , that would be crazy he said four , thousand people have active paid , memberships but only three hundred and , fifty actually go to the gym they have , this little scanner thing that Just , figured out about I was like Tim I , supposed to scan myself in alright I , guess so so I'm gonna start doing that , but he said basically about people , or less than% actually go to the gym , so here's here's what I was thinking , right what's it the gyms fault because , in the past Thought you know what , people arena't getting results because of , me something with me right so if people , arena't getting results of the gym it , must be the gym no it'snot the gyms , fault they got the machines they're , sitting there right now I can go there , right now and work out heck if I went in , there and I did't have any money other , than gym membership money right I could , say can you print me outta workout plan , I really don't know what to do they'd , probably do it for free right I'm sure , they would and make me a schedule and , everything so then what is the deal what , is the real real issue here why wan't , anyone doing what they needed to do to , get the results that they claimed they , really wanted so I started to examine my , own life something I do a lot because I , want to be better want to be better , every year that I'm alive and contribute , more to the world and I started to , examine my own life and I thought to , myself what was the idea behind the , motivation that led me to do this , business in the first place and what is , it that stops me from doing the things , really want to do because even in my , life there's things I want to do someone , just said you should write a book about , rehab'vie been thinking about that for , eight months just need to do Ito'vie , been coming up with a car product right , a car book on how to save money Ina , car for ten years I haven't done it , right but the fact of the matter is is I , just need to sit down and do it because , here is a secret to life write this down , the secret to life is that these things , are not hard you just need to get , started you just need to start somewhere , right little step sand this is the deal , what was it that stopped me from what I , really wanted to do , this became a literal obsession to me , and a goal to figure out if I could , figure this goal out can help myself , and millions of people including my , students so the question was what was it , that made me personally number one able , to make money online almost effortlessly , excuse me , number two why was I unable to stop , drinking on my own number three why was , I able to learn at a tremendously fast , rat every important and read everything , I can number four , why was Unable to get off my as sand , go to the gym each day why waist so , difficult right I mean I really wanted , these results did you say Marcus , did't you want Togo to the gym did't , you want to stop drinking yes I did but , why did't I achieve them why Dido get , there why were some easier than others , and some were seemingly impossible how , many guys is have something in your life , right now that is seemingly impossible , like getting out of debt making money , online whatever it is all right how many , thing has got that very very very very , important okay and for those that have , lot of questions we are getting a lot of , questions about different things here we , are going to get into about minutes , from now we're going to get into the , things that you can do right now to make , money now so let's get back into this , thing and get you guys tithe goods and , I want to go through this entire letter , because of the fact that this has every , bearing to do on what you're gonna do , online so here's the deal , why did'Ti cheat him why were some , easy why were some seemingly impossible , was it all a matter of matter of , willpower and pulling myself up by the , bootstraps or was there something else , going on here , is there something else was there a , higher level of persuasion going on in , my mind stopping me from getting the , results I want it here's what I found , out and this is extremely important your , brain is hardwired to take the path of , least resistance , it is constantly looking for that easy , way the way to do nothing right and get , the results that you can live with , surviving is a lot safer than thriving , now you combine this wit hour consumer , culture where life is about what you , have how you look and the dream of life , rather than actually living it and you , area stone cold recipe for failure that , makes a lot of people really rich and , the rest are left trying to fend for , themselves , by trying to cut thick concrete with , butter knives they're using the wrong , tool how many of you guys are using the , wrong too lit's like the old story of , Pavlov and his dogs Pavlov had these , dog sand he was trying to learn how the , human mind works so he decided to pair , the ringing of a bell ring ring ring in , the minds of the dogs with the , expectation and fulfillment of receiving , food day after day he would ring his , Bell ring ring the dogs would come , running and get their foo dafter a while , their brains started pairing the bell , sound with food so much that all Pavlov , needed to do is ring his Bell and the , tongues would hang down to their feet , and they'd start drooling like kid on , Christmas Eve about to get his presents , the next day but the cool thing was the , interesting thing was there was no food , in sigh tit was just the Bell that , caused this physiological reaction , essentially what happened is the dogs , were trained to follow the wrong cue how , many of you today are following the , wrong cue how many guys are so wrapped , up in the idea of money that you can't , get any of it right you're so wrapped up , in this that you can't get anything and , basically you're chasing the wrong the , wrong thing you're following the wrong , cue much in the same way that you and , are following the cue of dreaming a , dream got this dream Marcus the buff man , Marcus the rich man Marcus the whatever , whatever it is we have this dream and , how many of us are following the cue of , the dream versus actually attaining it , now I could go ahead and put pictures of , fancy houses here crisp dollar bills , cars women men cheques wealth whatever , you're into I could put a nice picture , of it , I could have you foaming at the mouth , like Pavlov's dog over a simple picture , and this is why so many people buy so , many products but never see results they , are simply salivating , they're simply drooling with their , tongue hanging out over the wrong Bell , over the wrong Bell the truth of the , matter is this yes you can have all that , stuff till your heart's desire but first , you need to retrain your mind right , first you need to retrain your mind very , very very important more about this , later the big secret is that the real , worthwhile goals in life whether it's , being a better parent working out making , money or whatever really dozen't take , that much effort at all that's the big , secret working out and eating right , dozen't take a thousand course's , trainers and ton of painful personal , anguish , truth be told after the first original , pain when I went in after not working , out right it was painful it was like , okay this is gonna hurt Little bit but , I knew that if Could get past that , right that first step just that little , hurdle it's not gonna be that bad I'm , gonna get past it feelings don'last , forever or asking out the first girl , taking the first step making the first , dollar after that everything gets easier , and that I'm up to running a mile which , I don'tavern think I'vie ever done a full , mile of running constantly right I'm in , eight minutes because I'm still working , at it but I'll get better , did't we look at this and everything , gets easier at that first thing I did't , even think anything'm running that , mile when I first got there was , everything could do to do five minutes , on that stupid machine but now I'm just , like hey let'sago and let's do it it's , all about making that first move the , first right move in the right direction , followed by little moves consistently , each week that build upon that first , little bit when I first set out to go to , the gym I'm gonna have to admit this , here right when I first went to the gym , here was this guy he's in the internet , marketing world he's made it right I go , to a marketing conference people line up , to talk to me they want to listen to me , put me Ina gym standing five foo tone , W , forty pounds barely able to get through , ten push-up sand I'm terrified , I am completely terrified'm deathly , afraid of what people will think how , people will respond and my mind goes a , mile a minute what if Airdrop the weights , what if attractive person comes up and , sees me lifting ten ponders while the , other guys lifting five million pounds , what if I'm too fat what if I throw up , in the parking lot what if what if what , if what if was like Pavlov dog fearing , what I feared back in high school when I , used to get made fun of and beat up for , being Little guy that's enough to stop , anyone from going to the gym but let's , look at the other side of the coin what , if no one gives flying shit what if , they're there just to workout and all , they care about is what they're doing , what if they don't care what I'm doing , what if they have the mindset hey dudes , here USN't he , right dudes here he's here ye she's , working it right I'm sure there's some , people are gonna be like look at that , scrawny little punk and that's fine if , that make sit feel better well I'm not , exactly scrawny anymore look at that , chubby little pot and we look at me say , well what if what if they do who cares , who really gives a rip right what if , they have the mindset he's here anyway , what if I had the mindset'm here I'm , doing it after all you would'tube , embarrassed to go to the doctor if you , got sick right that's where you're , supposed to go if you get sick you go to , the doctor that's what you're supposed , to do and you really don't care if you , have a huge bulge hanging out of your , head or a twisted armor broken foot , right it dozen'matter you don't care , why because you know you need to be , there you know that guy's gonna fix you , and you don'CARE right so let's take , this same approach with money and my , family money was always big deal there , was the uncle who made a bunch of money , who flaunted it crossed his leg set , fancy there was dad who was the , six-figure guy with his Mercedes that , was so important that my brother once , decided to clean it with and wreck , the paint right you really can't blame a , five-year-old for cleaning dad's big , fancy car there was mom and her husband , who did'make that mu chin drove old , cars and hated their work and on and on , the family goes you work , it was quite literally the money you , have the houses you bought the cars you , drove the material crap very very very , important and on and on the family goes , your Worth was quite literally the money , you had the houses the cars everything , almost as if it'soak to weigh W , pounds of your super rich or it's okay , to be an ass because you have money or , whatever here's the real secret this is , going to liberate you right now if you , listen the secret is well first of all , this is gonna liberate you and help you , make as much money as you want so you , can stop worrying about that and yes you , can't be rich and happy if you wan ta , secret is it really dozen'matter , really dozen't matter my mom and her , husband would spend hours saying things , like if they saw a guy Ina big truck , including me that guy thinks he's cool , or she just wants her well there it must , be nice to have all that money he must , have ripped people off or something they , spent a good portion of their lives , looking at how everyone else was wrong , and bad and never once looking to make , their own lives better be it financially , physically or whatnot another Bible , verse man I don'TKO what the , preaching deal is but it seems to be , coming back to me today I'd take the big , old fat log out of your own eye before , telling others about the little speck , and nurse that's to say don'worry , about what others are doing worry about , your own life that'st he one you can , change that'st he one you can make , better you can't do a damn thing about , the other guy truth be told we have no , freaking idea what others think perhaps , the person owns half car Ora house , because he likes big houses perhaps they , like fancy cars we really don't know nor , does it matter maybe he's got sixteen , kids don't know you know Id on't know , maybe he's so big that he needs a big , truck Id on't know this to me is the , most liberating feeling ever the feeling , of being alone in a gym or wherever you , are there to do your work no matter what , other swill think imagine would it be , like just to go to work and forget about , what everyone else thinks feels says , does because you're here to do your work , no matter what else happens because you , are doing it for , you very important here's a question are , you as a person not more worth the , opinions of others be it your family , APO's whatever are you not worth more , than the opinions of others sure the , opinions of others can give us good , insight into what we're doing correct or , wrong but they're not gospel truth it's , not the thing that my life hinges on , because someone will come up and say , Marcus you're too short therefore I , think you're ugly could say well that , probably is true probably I'm a little , short but don'think it makes me ugly , right so who cares right you could take , the good leave the bad and do be there , to do your work are you as a person not , able to are you as a person able to do , what you want what you know is good to , make things better for yourself and your , family if you believe you're worth it , how many of you guys believe you're , worth it type it in say yeah I'm worth , that worth more than the opinions of , others I'm worth what I want to be worth , if you believe it the nit's time to , start acting like it because right now I , don't think whole lot of you guys are , acting like it I think you'reacting , exactly like probably what you think , people believe so it's time to change , that so here's the deal you'vie got , dreams there's lots of dreams but these , take money right to realize that'just , a fact of life , sometimes you need money sometimes , that'st he deal right so we look at this , and we look at this and we say to , our self money USN't really all it's , cracked up to be , I know you're all here to get money and , that's cool but if you think it's not , all it's cracked up to be it's really , easy to get it you really don't care , changes everything right and you know , that by following my advice as in really , doing it and asking me questions because , I'm always here to ask questions right , you can go online and find complaints , about people did'Tet their code for , their software right away or people , did'Tet their shipment right away or , whatever but'm always hereto answer , questions if you'vie got question you , need to make money I'm here right which , is why we switch things over to digital , and instant delivery because it's a lot , easier right so here's the deal you can , get all you want to your little hearts , desire you just follow the system and , ask questions so I want you to allow , yourself to dream Little all right , it's Saturday dream Little take out a , pen and write , in your top three dreams that you want , to accomplish with your newfound money , be detailed and attach the feeling you , want so for me I'd say want to make , enough money so I never again ha veto , feel the worry if not having enough for , my family and I can finally give them , the life that they want or desire or I , could help people if I had enough money , I could open church Orin can you know , feed the homeless or whatever it is okay , so write those down give you guys a , minute to do that okay so take a minute , to do that I'going to get some water , and you can actually type them in the , box if you wan tor you could write them , on paper either one all right cool , awesome so I want you to allow yourself , to dream about life having now met these , goals , forget about what others think and what , others are doing making earning and , focus on you and I want to ask you when , you dream about these how do you feel , right no wright you feel good like a guy , on here who says I'm dreaming of like , having my hot water work and coffee , that's warm right sometimes we have , simple dreams sometimes we have , complicated ones but I'll tell you this , right to anyone wherever you're at , whether you have no money whether you , have a lot of money it's all a temporary , state because real weal this in what I'm , teaching you real real wealth and values , and what I'm teaching you if you learn , this stuff it's gonna change your life , so how do you feel right now number one , do you want the security of knowing that , no matter what you can always make , enough to do what you need to do do you , want to feel as free as abide not tied , down to any work scheduletimesheet , paycheck boss or anything else that , holds you back from being you are you , dreaming of more time for your family , picturing yourself at every school event , for the kids the grandkidstravel fun , with your significant others life of , laughter and joy did you see yourself , giving to others and be , kind able to do as you wish knowing that , no matter what you will make more each , day from your simple sites even when , you're not working , excellent work'd like to congratulate , you on dreaming Little bit and don't , forget that that's good right don't , forget that NOW want you to know that , you can feel that right now okay so , we'vie got someone on here who says I , dream of paying my hundred fifty , thousand dollar mortgage off that's my , dream okay I want you to know that you , can feel the feeling of having that paid , off right now whether it is or not right , because you can change it you can be , liberated from the pain of lack the pain , of half- the pain of never enough as if , there's a huge weight that was lifted , from your shoulders , why because I am about to give you on a , silver platter the same exact tools a , half-cock marketer like myself with a , serious alcohol problem sober seven , months now thank you when it's used to , average between W and W thousand , dollars a year rain or shine no matter , what for the past W years we're not , talking about hey I did something on , Facebook has mad ea bunch of money and , that's all I know how to do I'm talking , about this business is part of me , I know what you need to do to do this , for the long haul and I want you to , imagine waking up tomorrow knowing that , you have everything you need to even , just get hundred Granada year online , in a super easy way remember how Is aid , that my million dollar year was the , easiest you can do this too it's not , hard you just need to belie vein , yourself forget about what others think , say and do it's not about them it's , about you and the results that you want , heck sometimes when I know something , will work , I don't even tell my wife I'm like you , know what like the time I spent $W,W , on coaching and just did it because , knew it would work we really did't have , it at the time but sometimes just know , what I gotta do I gotta know and do what , I know will work then make it work no , matter what the price right very very , very very important very important fact , of the matter it's gonna Be in less , than W hours when I wrote this bu tit's , W W-something hours ago for hours , ago so I don't know I'Mont counting , but it's and I believe that you , know that what I teach work show many of , you guys know that what I teach works , like dudes been doing W years I think , it work stop people to do it must work , right it'Sgt to work over and over and , over again and you know that what I , teach you works if you do it and with my , help you'll actually make it because it , really comes down to three things right , take these in the box as I read them do , you want it do you really want the , results you and are you willing to do , what it takes if you are type in the box , say Marcus I know this works I'm willing , to do what it takes you put your name , the retake that in it only take you a , minute we'll go to the next one , I'm Marcus know this works I'm willing , to do what it takes all right number two , are you willing to follow direction sand , work at this for one full year give me a , year right I guarantee you'll be better , next year in terms of learning and , knowing and doing then you are this year , all right , will you dedicate W minutes a day say , Marcus I'll dedicate W minutes a Day , hours day , hours I'll do it right kind of you , guys already did it okay awesome awesome , next are you ready to finally get past , the hurdle of getting that first check , and finally feel the experience and , pride of making money within your , internet business very cool all right , type that in now while you're while , you're typing that in I want you to , realize that even though this is a , year-long course it's not going to take , you aye to actually see a profit okay , our goal is to teach you how to make a , profit within your first month my goal , is to give you the tools at the end of , this call towards the end I'm going to , give you the tools right so I'm gonna , say hey look this is what if you want to , make ten times with this course cost I'm , gonna give you the tool so you can go do , it right now if you want right and you , can make it work so I'm gonna teach you , that stuff if you stick around to the , end which I know you will because you , guys are enjoying this it seems right so , cool stuff alright so if you answered , yes to the above three questions that I , believe that you are ready if not go buy , a big TV and enjoy your life stop , kidding yourself about internet , marketing because even if Agave you a , profitable site if you're not willing to , do anything , it if you're not willing to work it you , probably just screw it up anyway I have , tried this'd have tried this I'vie , given people say they what do I do with , it , you know'm like here's what you do , with it right and they just don't do it , so remember earlier how I mentioned the , old don't cast your pearls before swine , bit this is the part where you decide if , you're gonna be a swine or if you're , going to get the pearls right are you , gonna be a swine or are you gonna get , the pearls what's it gonna Be have not , a crook like Robin William sis funny all , right in W we are changing thing sup , and it's all about you and that was , something someone typed on here he said , he's not a swine her right if they come , yeah it was Nixon awesome right so we , want to say to ourselves in W we are , changing things up and it's all about , you W is about you it's not about me , outdoes't matter about me only the , results I get and help you with it right , and I know that you know if you do what , I say you will get results I know that , you know that and I don'twat to waste , a bunch of time okay let me read that , again and I don't want bunch of swine , in there screwing up my numbers saying , things don't work when they really , haven't tried a damn thing this is about , the serious people the ones who a year , from now we'll look back on today as the , day of the important decision the wise , decision to change things for the better , - the ones ready to stop floundering in , the ocean of money complaining that , therein't enough and start getting , some for yourself by providing value to , the marketplace learning new things and , helping people basically it's like a , fish trying to figure out where the , water is right it's trying to figure out , where the water is if you say well the , waters all around you says well Id on't , understand I don't understand what's , this thing called water I don'TKO , what it is and the fact of the matter is , is swimming in it all right , same thing with internet marketing with , money you are swimming in it it's , already there you don't have to create , it you don't even have to make it you , just ha veto go get it very important , I'going to show you how to get it just , a little bi there's a list of what I , will be teaching you in W , each lesson will be one week long , containing videos worksheets personal , notes personal help the webinars you , will get all the software you need to , perform each task so each week say hey , here's what you need'll give you the , free version of the software or if I'vie , created software we'll give that to you , and we'll recommend things if you want , to get more robust software or whatever , but we're gonna give you everything you , need so you're gonna have everything , that you need to perform the task and , you will begetting results from week , one if you do as Say and I will show , you exactly how to make your investment , pay many many many many times over when , I go back and I think about the hundred , thousand-plus that I spent on learning , this business I can't help but think , that it's just measly tiny drop in the , bucket compared tithe millions I'vie , earned and the ability to stay home and , make as much as I want take vacations , and feel the way I want to feel because , at the end of the day that's what it's , about the guy living in his van and the , guy living in mansion can feel the exact , same way alright it dozen't matter it , all matters if you do what you want to , do to get where you want to go and I'm , going to show you how to do that now I , want you to think about this don't you , think it would be a drop in the bucket , at any price to learn all this stuff and , more I'gonna try to go through these , fast number one learn Marcus's flip the , market DTM flip the market method and , detail so you can profit and super , untapped niches with cheap and even free , traffic and turn those clicks into , massive profits find out exactly how to , conduct outsource and create your own , profitable market research so that you , can help people while making profits get , all the inside info on how to structure , your content for maximum earnings per , visitor become wardress master in , five simple steps and find out how you , can build profitable sites in less than , an hour without all the technical junk , research and find highly profitable , domain names expired domain name sand , untapped flipper market domain names , conquer the path of least resistance and , find Marcus's nine super easy ways to , get cost-effective traffic in any market , understanding affiliate offers CPA , networks offer structure and super , high conversion tactics mine your stats , for serious untapped profit show to read , and understand your stat sand maximize , your profit potential getting the right , back links understanding how to borrow , traffic and using traffic that already , exists for super easy profits , understanding affiliate offers how to , structure links and how to get massive , profits from every click get the inside , scoop on how I have made millions giving , away free downloads on my blog sand , sites see inside my six-figurines , account and learn the tips to earning , the most and getting the clicks getting , tons of highly targeted leads follow-up , for massive profits and maximize the , most important page on your site which , I'll show you find out which plugins you , need plus how to use them to run your , business with ease and automate your , income learn my HTML crash course so you , can finally make your blogs and sites , actually do what you want which is , making the money very very very , important discover ways to create simple , software tools that will have your , visitors putting money in your affiliate , accounts automatically all while they , thank you for helping them 9 killer ways , to create info products that sell at the , highest prices and produce more value , than all your competitors combined super , excel profits class learn how to create , simple calculators this one's awesome , and tools that drive people to high , Providence click sand affiliate , offers sometimes I'vie made as much as , nine to forty dollars a click using this , method dominate your market by being in , front of them all the time with simple , apps tool bars simple software that you , can make in as little as an afternoon , learn how to follow up with your market , drive traffic over and over in profit , big inside my million click , transponders in just couple minutes , we're gonna get into something that you , can do today to make this work stick , around discover Marcus's affiliate offer , profit loop that brings people back to , your offers and makes them convert like , mad get the millionaire tips to , following up with your market the right , way that helps them get you free traffic , and makes you long-term profits the PPC , mastery course pay-per-click learn to , find cheap traffic rights and plaids and , make them convert , get deep inside my niche finding method , so you can find niche sin minutes and , profit the very same day find out how to , visualize your market before you even , start so that your profits are virtually , guaranteed get down and dirty with me , Marcus testing and tracking tips so you , can let your market determine how to , profit best setting up and profiting , from your very first profitable , pay-per-click campaign without the fear , of failure get my secret simple web , copy writing class that will show you the , secrets of the highest paid copywriters , an dhow to use their years of research , to profit fast imagine sitting down for , a couple hours writing a letter and , making thousands of dollars struggling , to make your affiliate offers convert , question mark put an end to the battle , with Mysore sell affiliate copy class , this one is killer that will make your , visitors rush to the conversion page all , ready to buy No More allows you , conversion rate sand mark and my , detailed sales letter copy course you , will get all the tools you need to sit , right high converting sales letters and , low in just a few hours video sell sit's , a fact we all know that don't need to , convince you learn exactly how to make , it work for you and sell affiliate , products your own product sand more like , mad so you can profit fa stand get , traffic even free learn my killer video , creation tips get past all the tech , stuff that's holding you back and make , some cash downloads , everybody loves downloads so I'm gonna , teach you how to create simple , profitable PDF much like the one you're , reading now that has already made quite , a bit with ease and get them distributed , for free so you can make money in your , sleep find out killer ways to , re purpose and profit from your content , over and over without having to write , and write and write and write till your , fingers fall off get the insider info on , my restructuring content for super high , profits literally no one is doing this , and you can start today have , personally made over two million dollars , on this simple little tactic resell , rights are totally lame and overrated , yes I did say that resell rights are , totally lame and overrated and , you learn my simple secret for creating , simple downloads and selling affiliate , offers with ease let's face it not , everyone thinks the same way you guys , think different than me and you guys , think different than each other in this , class you're gonna learn web psychology , this is like the big stuff here and , it's not hard it's actually pretty easy , and kind of interesting to to me and , find out how to get inside your market's , mind make them buy stuff and make them , think it was all their idea all along , danger this is highly persuasive info , please use it ethically as I know you , will value is a myth learn how , irrational most people are with money , how to help them and how to profit in , this process this will help help you , understand why some purchases seem , insane like four hundred thousand , dollar car or hundred thousand dollar , baseballs signed by some dude actually , sell and how you can get a piece of the , action in a super simple way money math , absolutely sucks unless you know how to , make it work for you which you will now , know and you can understand and use it , to your advantage with my understanding , and profits course put your money where , your mouth is , a lot of people tell me to do that , don't get the appeal of eating money , I did't eat gold once that was kind of , interesting Ina cake hotel spent hours , each day talking whether an email , Facebook messages phones or in person , here's how to stop wasting your words , and actually get paid for talking come , of you guys would talk all day if you , got paid with my webinar profits class , I'going to show you exactly how to , build a six-figure business from your , own home by sharing idea seven if you , hate talking to people affiliate traffic , madness learn to get hoards of affiliate , people to send you free traffic to your , sites W hours a day , the real secret that no one pays , attention to that could make you rich , banner add blindness yes it's true most , people ignore banners that's because , most banners look like manners here's , exactly how to legally steal millions of , clicks with simple easy banner ads you , can make in less than seven minutes , learn Marcuse's web images secrets this , one's fun so you can create eye-catching , traffic sucking images theatre sell , your offers and make you more money per , click than ever before get the inside , info , how cleverly disguise web pages as , software very important with my icon , desktop creator class warning this is , extremely profitable if you use it , that's what this course is about is you , actually doing it and if you do it I'll , meet you halfway and we'll both make , money together fact does that sound fair , enough hope it discus it's pretty , darn fair if you ask me alright so , you're gonna get the inside scoop on , that you're also gonna get the click , that makes the money learn how to get , people to click your offers your ads and , make you mad cash you're gonna get my , headline creation master class which , we're gonna give you little taste of , today if your headlines are not , interesting no one will be interested , and if they're not interested you'll , never make a dime so I want to show you , how to start making diamonds dollars and , more with the right headlines with my , headline secret class pay-per-click ads , setup and structure in the world of , pay-per-click an increase of one percent , conversion even on your ads not sales , just getting clicks could be the , difference between huge profits and , miserable failure learn to avoid failure , and get profits with this simple , pay-per-click ad setup class that gets , results literally a story for me was a , pay-per-click ad and it ranged from.5 , to 0.W percent click-through rate that , means if hundred people saw the ad a , half person or a third of/4 of a , person would actually clay or to make it , easier if I got a thousand people to it , right you know certain amount would , click but basically what would happen is , the difference between 0.5 and.W , which seems like nothing was a , difference between making a couple , hundred bucks a day and making almost , five thousand dollars a day so this is , powerful stuff next how to use your , transponders to automate your income , by getting people back to your blogs , building your traffic source and selling , tons of your own products affiliate , offers and more get the overview and the , details of my high converting affiliate , offers profit loop so that you can start , the wheel of profit sand keep it running , in so long as you like and finally put , everything together in my niche , domination class this is for a serious , students only looking to create five six , or even seven-figure businesses , Onion math seven-figure income starting , now wow that's big list how many of , you guys are like dude that's a big , quest , Flan if knew all that stuff'd be , able to just go make money i would't , even ha veto be on this webinar but i'm , not making money sou gotta be on this , webinar that's a big list but don't get , worried and thinking that next year is , going to be filled with learning and , complicated things and not getting , anywhere because this course is all , about getting you results AKA making , tons of cash and learning everything in , bite-size little piece sin simple to , minute sessions with weekly live , webinars to help you digest the concepts , and put them to work immediately so , basically you're gonna be learning , you're gonna be earning money while , getting first-class education on , internet marketing and understanding , what really makes money you see you , could spend years and years learning , tactics know lots of you have right I , know a lot of you guys have you spent , years learning tactics here's our new , Facebook here's how to do Amazon here's , how to spin around and whatever right , but what we're gonna do is we're gonna , show you things not ideas concept sin , theory like Facebook Ads or MSN that's , all good that's all great to list , building is good right you might even , make money if you learn the tactic but , if you don't learn skills that I have , obtained over the last years you'll , never make a living we're gonna help you , make a living there is one major thing , that you need to learn to make this work , the glue that holds all the marketing , together and you're gonna learn this in , month one that's right and month one we , are taking the gloves off and we are , going to the mats and I'm gonna say this , is what you do to make money are you , gonna do it and you're gonna go do it , and say Marcus I gotten clicks and I , made this good go get a hundred clicks , and change this and make this alright , how many you guys are like dude want , that that sounds like something I can , use because each part of this course has , been specifically and delicately , designed to go in order of what you need , what you can use and when you can use it , after all my personal trainer would't , dare take me tithe W pound weights , right now and make me lift them on our , first visit he knows it would't be the , best use of where Aim right now so you , will be focusing on where you are right , now I don'CARE where you're at I don't , care , you hate the internet I don't care if , you'vie never mad ea dime I don't care if , you'vie made ten million dollars online , we're gonna start where you at where you , are at we're gonna focus on that and , give you the tools and skills that you , need to set to get profitable ASAP , then we're gonna move on tithe bigger , weights when you need them this way you , are not out there trying to put all the , pieces of the puzzle together on a , desert island by yourself after all that , is why you're here USN't it you don't , just want a few bucks here and there you , want to make money for something like , money to eliminate your worries stresses , and fears skills to know that you'll , never again have to worry because the , value is in you and no one can ever take , that away income to provide the , lifestyle you desire for you and your , loved ones the ability to see new , opportunities act on them so you can , profit and finally the freedom to live , life on your terms , many people have asked me over the years , how long it took me to see my first , profit my answer is always instantly , because I knew something so important , that so few people know and that is the , basics of how the whole marketing thing , works'm gonna show you my instant , profit method actually at the end of , this call so at the end of this call I'm , going to show you my instant profit , method and if you think it's good you , thin kit'll work right the ball is in , your court if you think it's good then , what I want you to do is I want you to , join this course and'm gonna make it , really easy for you so my answer is , always instantly and I'm gonna show you , the instant profit method at the end of , this call so you will never again have , to worry about paying for my coaching , right how cool would that be like Marcus , Id on't have to worry about paying for , it because it's making me money and , that'pretty cool right CZ Id on't , want you money I want you to do well , right very cool so I'm gonna show you my , instant profit method and you can earn , okay let's see so you don'thieve to , worry about my coaching again because it , will come out of what you earn you can , keep the rest right really really really , cool fair enough it has been said before , that when the student is ready the , teacher will appear well now it's both , if you're ready the teacher is ready , because I'm cutting out all the fluff , and I'm going through and I'Mont gonna , listen to what , you think you need to know I'm gonna , tell you what I know you need to know , right because you came here for a , results if Marcus has this result he has , what I want and I'gonna show you how , to get it step-by-step , are you ready so the question Have for , you is are you ready are you ready to do , what it takes all right if you're ready , type yesterday Margaret I'm ready'm , ready ready ready ready I'vie been ready , right you can be rest assured that , everything It each you is ethical fun , marketing with the ultimate goal of , helping people online you'll never be , told to do anything that's against your , own belief structure you guys know me , I'm on the happy side of the fence a , little too much all right sometimes I'm , like well you know I don'twat to say , that and it's completely ethical right , really cool unless your belief system is , to like not make money or help people , right so if you know like that stuff , then really can'help you will , guide you in a very gentle yet direct , away and make sure that you get the , results you are after also very , important remember that I'm here to help , you and I'm also human so be friendly on , webinars email live chat you know it's , surprising how many people are actually , rude Toto like webinar sand stuff but , you know what you guys are nice people , you'vie been here for a while know that , you're gonna treat me nice and I'm gonna , treat you nice as well , and that's all I ask right and I'm gonna , give you guidance in a fun way , I'm actually pretty fun guy if you like , movie quotes you know say a movie call , it on live chat it's a funny one I'll , probably get it alright are you ready , are you tired of not getting where you , want to Good you need help and , accountability from someone who knows , this business inside and out and do you , finally want to stop struggling and , learn how to get ahead in life in , business great then Marcus Campbell , and committed to helping you work in , W , here's how it works hi Marcus Campbell , of PC money-making comm LLC promised to , help you my student for all of and , help you get the results you want online , one Promise to help you build a game , plan and show you exactly how to work it , too , I promise to look at your stat sand help , you as long as you are a member 3 I , promise to get your videos webinar , replays software's and tools to you in a , timely manner , Fri promise to give you full and , complete internet marketing education , that you can take with you and make , money with wherever and whenever and , however you see fit promise to be , available when you have questions so , that you can get the answers you nee din , timely manner of course this is within , reason don't work all day every day , and don'expect you to either right , I'll tell you my schedule you can learn , it got a Skype we got stuff and our , forum for simple questions basically , here's the Dali promise to help you , get what you need if you promise to work , at it and do it , don't be a swine as we mentioned before , now I realize that there have been , issues with my support in the pa stand , I'measure by listening to this you can , understand why and also this new , coaching plan will help you right out of , the gate because you will have private , numbers we have a private W number , that is below and support some centers , W is just my area code that's nothing , fancy and support centers with just me , and my helpers who know this business so , you get the info you need when you need , it bottom line this is not a transaction , this is friendship as in you read as , we read below , I can't talk today and it has you right , above my friends make money when they do , as I guide them so my last question is , this are you ready are you ready here is , how you can get started right no wand , never again have to struggle about this , business basically here's the deal , you'll notice above I read off W , checkpoints right little checkmarkswith , those cool things by them to have all , the goodies for you to make money now we , were planning on doing the W weeks and , charging$W a week which would , absolutely be a steal right because , you're going through and it's like well , you get like your own course bucks , and it's really cool but keep following , along you can do that if you want that's , an absolute steal considering the fact , that each week is a course in and of , itself and comes with tools coaching and , more this would be a total of five , thousand forty-four dollars if you wish , to pay as you goo was planning on , making this whole course seventeen , thousand dollars but I realize and I , know that it would be worth every penny , at that but I also realize that some , people are struggling and we need to , make it reasonable for all serious , students if you wish to pay in easy , installments we can get you hooked up , for just two hundred and ninety seven , dollars per month this saves you close , to fifteen hundred dollars on the $5,W , W,forty-four dollar price range all , right and you can pay as you go you can , cancel whenever you want really don't , care , total drop in the bucket you can start , today for W now if you wish to save , even more we can set you up to pay just , one time and know this is cancelled , but will change the page right no wand , we will make it available for this , webinar was gonna make it'd W for , the entire course that'S's , everything's right but for the next W , hours after this webinar we're gonna , make it just W for the entire year , right that's like hundred bucks a , month like W bucks a month or , something like that don't know my it's , too early for math that is a savings of , over thirty five hundred dollars and you , guys know that this stuff work sand you , know the only thing stopping you the , only thing stopping you is you doing it , right we all know it works so there's , only one way to order actually we're , gonna have a link as well but if you , want to order with me directly whichever , plan you choose W to W or the W , you can call my private line for , five zero one one nine four it's a , secure message to set up just tell me , the package everything like that and you , can leave your credit card number or I , can call you back or you can use the , link very very very very cool all right , so make sure you fill out the form first , so you have it handy in Case do answer , but we do get a lot of calls so , sometimes it goes to voicemail , I do plan on calling every single person , back that uses this number okay unless , you call up and like say Marcus you're a , jerk or something and I probably won't , call you back all right so basically , here's the deal and Charles says you , said we'd make money today I'm gonna , show you how to make money today , it's up to you to actually do it okay so , here's a few important notes for my , students number one remember in this , special offer time is of the essence , quite simply because of this very , important this is the last time that I , mark Istanbul the short will be teaching , internet marketing in this personal , manner this is the last time after W , we are no longer doing boot camps were , no longer doing simple sites nothing you , can actually go on simple sites big , profits calm you're gonna see this , letter right we are closing that down , this is the last time where it's , literally just me and you as friends , talking shop so the key word here is now , and I will do what it takes to make this , work for you so call me now seven oh , seven four five oh one one nine four , that's seven oh seven four five oh one , one nine four but wait there's more as a , first step towards your new life and , I'll get you the plan that works best , free I'm gonna give you a plan here you , say Marcus this is what I want to do I'm , gonna say here's how to do it how many , of you guys want that kind of , interaction here so if you want that do , it now you can even call right no wand , leave message if you're just like dude , I need to order right now I need to sign , up let's do this you can call it right , now it goes to my voicemail and you're , good to go , Caesar Think it is can we start with , the a month and switch to a month , yes you can you can start as low as you , want and switch as you make money I , really don't care just tell me what you , need to do this course is about you so , do it now even if it'S's a.m. and you , have no money leave me a message to tell , me what you're trying to do and we're , gonna help you , number remember it's almost W or it , is the second day third day and if , you get your order in right now right , you could write this off for taxes talk , to your accountant bah bah bah bah , that'll make it better than free all , that stuff number three I'm dedicated do , what it takes to get you in this program , whatever it takes because I know beyond , a shadow of a doubt that if you do this , stuff it will work , alright so I'm dedicated to help you do , what it takes to get you in this program , so call me at 7:for W W no matter , what your situation is right now let's , make something work for you because I , want to , help you if you're serious do it right , now an din just a couple of minutes , we're gonna show you how to make a lot , of money so you won't get some outsource , salesmen or some BS crap that's why , we're only taking a few people will , personally call you back personally , it'll be me like they Dido recognize , your voice from the webinar although you , sound less tired because it wan't , morning and find a way to make this work , for you even if you'vie ordered my , products in the past and just want help , call me now look here's a deal you know , my stuff works and you know that what I , teach that I teach unlike anyone else , out there sure my support may have been , less than stellar in the past and some , people may have fell through the cracks , I get that fact of the matter'm quite , simply worth the wait , because when Talked to you if you , follow what have to say is better than , money in the bank , why because money in the bank is , decreasing at about percent per year , and inflation and my advice will teach , you to make money forever even in the , current prices so stop what you're doing , and make the call now or if you're ready , to go I'going to give you the link , we're going to put this link in your , chat box let me know if you see it , there's a link in your chat box to sign , up , OK what Want you to do is sign up , there we're gonna get into the quick , money tips in just a minute if you , see that link go for it alright now if , you want the W link Will get you , that as well so stop what you're doing , make the call now or use the links right , no wok if you want to talk to me that's , totally coolie enjoy talking to you guys , as well just note that I do get lot of , calls if you want to call back today , please say sou know some people don't , like callbacks on Saturday if you don't , wan ta Saturday comeback just say , anything call me Monday or whatever but , I will be working today so we're gonna , be good to go so here is the W plan , I'm gonna put that in the box as well , right Herrick if you want the W plain , do need to create slink for that so sit , tight but I would say if you can start , at the because it's cheaper in the , first month anyway and most people use a , card which you know it's kind of the , same thing so you might as well save a , hundred bucks , alright there is the W link right , there you can use either link remember , using the pay info link you guys are , saving like bucks so here's the , deal there's my signature basically the , whole idea is that you are gay , everything that you need guaranteed , signed by me signed by my company this , is the last year I'm teaching this so if , you want in do it now this course is , completely guaranteed to help you get , past info overload I guarantee it at the , end you'll say dude okay I don'thieve , any overload it's gonna give you the , task that you can actually complete with , these provide you a focus and a profit , plan plus I'll beholding your hand , every step of the way and make sure you , succeed right after you sign up today , you're gonna get Skype address okay I , will give you a warning about my Skype , it is on my computer W hours a day so , if you say something and I don't respond , it's not persona lit's just because it's , on all the time but I will respond when , I get to my computer very important okay , plus I'll beholding your hand every , step of the way PPS the special sale , price where you can save over$W ends , in one houri'm giving you one hour so , one o'clock Pacific Standard Time the , price is going up okay penny says when I , work day and night can I make money in , January'm gonna let you be the judge , of that in what I'ma bout to show you , okay you be the judge for those of you , who already go sign up right now okay , sign up right now for those of you who , are completely ready to go make sure you , do it now the price is gonna go up , actually have the screen ready to change , it and we are gonna be raising it every , single day till it gets to the normal , price okay so every day you wait is the , day that you don'Tet the price or , whatever all right and if you want to , call ME for W W now if Could , show you right noway way to make money , before the Sun Goes Down no let's go off , California time because Id on't know but , if I could show you beyond a shadow , about how to make money right no wand , duplicate it over and overdo you think , that you or actually would you if I , could show you that would you commit to , signing up even if it'sat the ninety , seven dollar level right how many of you , guys would sign up if I show you beyond , a shadow without right now one of those , secrets that you'vie been waiting for , right one of those eight where's the , secret source the secret storage secrets , all right here we go , here's how it works back to our screen , here all right you can get money fast , whenever you want and here's how to do , it all right , gonna show you something so powerful so , easy that you can't help but just go do , it , and if you like it after you like it you , say Marcus I can do that all I want you , to do is say I can do that , and if you believe you can do Ito'm , gonna show you how to make lots of money , you're gonna join my course right now , and we're gonna make it happen Jim says , when are you expecting to start week one , Monday Monday , everyone's gonna get their emails their , videos and everything if you guys are , previous customers definitely call me , because we want to get you guys in there , as well really cool stuff so here's how , to get money fast whenever you want , number one you ha veto be able to find , out what people want okay you need to be , able to find out what people want what , makes them have happy what makes them , sad what makes you frustrate dhow can , you help them very very very very , important anytime find out what people , want , write that down that's number one number , two you gotta know shit , you gotta know your stuff all right you , need to learn something that these guys , don't know okay can you do that number , one can you find out what people want , we got tools online where you can find , out what people want how many guys can , do that okay and if you're like yeah I , think I can but I need help , we're gonna help you don't worry okay so , find what people want you can use the , Google Ad Words tool let me see if I can , open that here okay Edwards planner okay , let me show you how this works Soto , find out what people want all you need , to do is go tithe Google Keyword , planner all right like this and type , something in so you can use your trigger , words that I'vie taught you before , something like chart what kind of chart , two people want okay so our goal in step , number one is find out what people want , right half of you guys can do that it's , like here we go here's some charts let's , find out what charts people won well , people want album chart dance chart , house music MTV chart chart chart what , about how to make a chart okay that , could be cool I'll bet we could probably , use that with toolbar alright chart , let's do wait chart , okay so you got like wait chart here , doctor okay so healthy weight chart okay , so there you go you got fifteen thousand , thirty thousand twenty seventh it's like , a hundred thousand people in this little , health wait chart okay does everyone see , that it's hundred thousand people , month okay so number one find out what , the people want what do they want , alright what do they alt um Outlay want , they ultimately want to be healthy and , figure out if they're at their healthy , weight chart okay so your job number two , is to know your stuff you Giotto know a , little bit more than the average guy to , be able to help them right how many you , guys are like okay that that makes sense , I can do that how many of you guys are , willing to do research if I show you how , to do research you'd go and research the , niche and you make it work right CZ if , you can do this that's basically what , I'modding like you look at the letter , that we just read off and you look at , how much of it was actually research , stuff right like the weight loss you , remember that the stories the 1% or the , half a percent that make it the W.5 , percent that don't a lot of this stuff , is based on research did right and if , I did't do the research I would't get , the money very very important so we look , at this we say healthy weight chart , great we know what they wan tour job now , is to research how many of you guys , could spend today and research and find , that really good really good height , weight healthy charts how many of you , guys could do that if you had to if I , said today your goal Orin'm gonna come , over there and you know yell at you or , whatever is to find W killer things you , can find that how many of you guys think , that if I said get the healthy weight , chart that's best for you put your name , and email to get the health weight chart , for body builders the health weight , chart to lose weight the health weight , chart to figure out your IMHO many of , you guys think that I'd get some names , and emails right I know I would right , know how people know I would okay so , here's the thing all I did was point , them to things that are online anyway , all I did is make it easier for them and , we all just agreed that we can do that , correct , right and we're gonna get to something , really awesome in a minute so sit tight , alright so there we go Icahn get names , and email so how many of you guys are , like wow I could build a list you just , learned how to build a list all right , that's it you say here are twenty really , cool body weight chart things plus I'm , gonna throw in six free videos on how to , lose weight go to YouTube find some damn , videos you're building a list and the , people like you they're like man Marcus , is a swell guy he got me some video sand , he made me a list of all these charts , what a good little chap I think Will , reward him by checking out his affiliate , offers clicking on hastens and , making him lots of money and if Id on't , click today Marcus is gonna email me , over and over with other cool stuff that , get me back to his offers that are gonna , make even more money because he's such a , swell guy because he found thing sand , you say well Marcus what am I gonna , email him I don'TKO I don'TKO what , to do you go to YouTube you find a , cool thing about hey here's a tip on how , to really do a standing pull-up or a , sit-up why sit-ups don't work right , here's why sit-ups don't work you show , me YouTube video you say you want to , learn to do sit-ups the right way go , check out this offer this affiliate , offer how many of you guys just got an , aha moment and said holy cow is that , really all you're doing online Marcus is , that really all you'vie done to make five , million dollars online yes there are , some technical things in the rebut I'm , gonna show you something really cool so , number one you got to know who what , people want you gotta know what they , want they want you know health and , weight chart sand blah blah blah blah , blah we know how to find it we can do , our research which is number two figure , some cool stuff out right figure some , cool stuff out that's all you got to do , like I go tithe gym and I'm like uh , dude I'Webern doing pull-ups wrong the , entire time , I'll bet other people are doing pull-ups , wrong how many other people do you think , are doing pull-ups wrong probably a lot , right how many people are doing sit-ups , wrong probably lot how many people , think crunches are good probably a lot , they're actually not and here's why , right how many of you guys are , interested in that you're like dude I do , crunches aim don'TKO what the heck , very very very very important all right , knowing something knowing something more , than the average person , number three very important you ha veto , be able to say it in away that works , you could give away gold I could , literally make site that says here is , free gold put your name and email and , I'gonna send you a brick of gold , writer announce or whatever send me , three dollars shipping because it costs , three bucks to ship an ounce how many , people do you think would actually do , that right not that many they're gonna , say man dudes probably scam he wants , my credit card number for shipping why's , he got to ship it why did't he just , give it to me he'skiving ME,W bucks , worth the gold free and he can't pay to , ship it the hell's matter with him right , they're gonna have these things so if , you don't know how to say free Golding a , way that makes people take action you're , not gonna make money right an dhow many , of you guys are like dude that is that's , the ultimate offer free gold right so if , you want to find out if you're gonna , make it in the marketing world running , off for free gold right not really don't , do that because then you'll have to give , it away and suck right but think about , that for a minute can you convince , people to get free gold you should be , able to get sixty to seventy-five , percent to take a free gold offer all , right how many of you guys just have an , aha moment right there hope you guys , are like holy cow that makes sense , dozen't matter about the traffic does it , matter about the stuff if I don't say it , right I'm screwed so all this stuff , about Google Ad words and Google Keyword , tool and all this other stuff is , meaningless if you don't know how to say , it right very very very very important , and one word can mean the difference , between success and failure so here's , what I want you to do I want you to , learn to research I want you to learn to , figure things out and I want you to , become a student again right the other , day I was talking to a student who says , Indeed to lose W pounds I said great , go figure out how to do it and take , pictures of yourself every day and write , down what you do if you don't want to , take pictures of yourself don't worry , about it you don'thieve to do that but , document it write document I went to , rehab what did Learn what helped me , there's other people that can'afford , it but I can make money with that since , just teaching them things that helped me , helping him out and they're gonna say , Marcus is a really great guy he helped , me out very important and there's tools , and everything that I'gonna give you , so how many of you guys feel like you , can go make money no wand how many of , you guys want me to make it even easier , right Marcus I , I just Just want that free cold right , how many you guys want me to make it , even easier for you okay here we go , here's a super easy way if I make it , even easier because that was pretty darn , easy if I make it easier how many of you , guys will sign upright now you say , Parkinson , that's a no-brainiest I'm already , gonna sign up because it'just a killer , offer but if you make it even easier , that's just gonna be insane okay here we , go even easier if told you that you , could put your ad in front of a market , that you know about right in front of a , market you know Little bit about you , might not be an expert but you could , figure stuff out just like I showed , right how many of you guys will do that , right so so there's a place where you , can get thousands of free visitors , thousands of free visitors right now in , a market that you actually like , researching know you do because you're , on this webinar so you like researching , this market you get thousands of free , traffic number one you don't need a , website you should probably get one but , you don't nee done okay number two you , don't need any technical stuff number , three you don'tend to know how to rank , on the search engines , number four you can get a free search , engine ranking without even knowing how , to do it number five there's tons and , tons and tons of free content that , people already want to see and if you , can organize it you can make money how , many of you guys would be like dude that , that's so easy really I meanie think , it'd be harder to actually drive to your , house and get free money Think it , would here you go here's what you do if , you were to go to something and this , works in any market I'm just using this , as an example so I'm going to shrink , this down so why do you guys know about , the affiliate marketing industry you , know how people feel because you're one , of those people so if you were to go to , affiliate marketing dude calm what , you're going to notice is that lots of , people look at the stuff right so if I , go into something like let's say getting , started and we look at this right look , at the views we got twelve views on this , one , W W W W W how many of you , guys are seeing something here and you , guys are like wait a minute that's how , many people have actually seen each of , these posts that's pretty cool right so , how many of you guys are kind of having , a little aha moment right now you say oh , wow okay so basically there's traffic , right how many of you guys agree there's , traffic here okay you say Marcus dude , that's cool there's traffic here and , this traffic wants to learn cool stuff , all right this traffic wants to learn , cool stuff all right cool so now what we , want to do is we want to say well what , kind of things do they want an dhow can , Help them how Cain help them okay and , so what we do is we look at this and we , say well these people are clicking on so , number one right I'm going to show you , how to mine data right now and this is , going to be worth its weigh tin gold , number one you can tell what people want , by the amount of times they're clicking , on it , I wish Marcus would make a video so a , lot of people want to see a video okay , niche finding some people want niche , finding right and on and on we go so you , could see thousand sand thousands , hundreds of thousands of visitors right , here and you can see what they want , right really cool how many of you guys , actually saw this post here where I went , through and showed all different things , with niches all right um you guys saw , this one really cool really easy all I , did is take little pictures of what , Google shows and put them on the forum , and like here we go , cool so how many of you guy scan do that , how many the guys could literally go , through and writ ea post and you go in , here and you log in right you go okay , well let's log in right like this and , you log in right like this and you say , well you know I remember Marcus mad ea , really cool video about niche finding , all right you go like this and you say , how to choose a niche market killer , video by Marcus all right you say well , that's pretty cool so now you go to , YouTube , and you find your favorite video you say , okay well I can go to Marcus'YouTube , here alright like this like this and you , say cool so we can go here and we can do , let's say this is your favorite one how , to create software for profit right so , what you do is you go here and you copy , the link and you go hi guys this is my , favorite video by Marcus he covers , software niches etc okay he pasted the , video you click YouTube paste a little , video code and then write a summary , write a little summary of the video say , this is what he did Bela BA BA BA BIA , know I spoke favor favor alright right , so we go here now we say and by the way , the whole idea of spelling favorite , wrong it wan'intentional but doing , something Little wrong is better than , not doing anything right I'd rather get , something up and make it work okay so , this is my favorite video by Marcus BA , BA bayou write a little summary step 1 , here's how to find midst- blah blah , blah blah blah right then you go I love , Marcus's videos click hereto get blog , profit Network okay , he Patel click bank link here or , whatever link right click here to get , blog profit network , alright and when they order through your , link you get paid how many of you guys , are like that's too easy I don'tavern , believe you or how many of you guys are , like holy crap I can make money online , you just made it all easy for me right , now I'm gonna show you how to see there , we go this guy's video there's the video , right free video Odin't have to create , it Just watched it made notes just , probably make notes anyway how many of , you guys take notes anyway , Right lot of you guys do so go put , them up there how many guys are gonna do , this right it's it's self-serving , because you guys are gonna be filling by , for I'm in getting me traffic but it's , gonna be traffic to your stuff really , cool so how many of you guys on a scale , of one to ten how much in this webinar , has your ability your belief in your , ability to make money online gone up , scale one to ten right alright W here's , what I want you to do I want you to go , and sign up for whichever whichever you , can afford if it'S's hit me upon live , channel get you that if it'st he W use , the link in your chat box okay if it's , the bi gone where you're gonna save use , this link I'm sending you right now okay , so go to that link right now what I want , you to do is sign up if you have any , questions if you want to sign up with me , personally give me a call right there , really really really cool okay someone , else says we're kept that by numbers , please , that will be recapped in the in the what , do you call it in the replay so we're , gonna get you that in the replay and , again remember all those weeks we , went through all that's all these bullet , points that you're gonna have I mean , this is each week you guys are getting , valuable stuff right you might say well , Marcus a year well how many years how , many years have you been struggling and , not learning this stuff right how many , how many more years are you gonna make , it take and again remember I'm gonna , show you stuff that you can do right now , it's W o'clock Pacific Standard Time , right now at one o'clock I am raising , the price quite simply because it's , worth it so what I want you to do is , sign upright now if you can pay in full , do it save the money make it happen , hit me upon live chat and talk to me , I'gonna take like a ten minute break , and get something to eat but after ten , minutes after you sign up everything , like that hit me upon live chat let's , talk about this because'm going to , show you how to make money and right , after you sign that try to make it a , post on the forum right one of the cool , things that people don't realize is you , can borrow traffic free , and'm gonna show you how to do it so , gone are the days of worrying and , struggling everyone on this call should , be signing up for this we'vie made it , easy At's much to star tor which is per , week or A month which is reasonable , for just about anyone OR and you , get everything one time and you save , W bucks so get in there now sign up , if you have any questions give Mae call , it'Sm private line that's gonna be my , private line throughout the entire , course if you have questions and , different things like that otherwise , sign up and I will help you make money , online you'll get the Skype and the live , chat after you can also see if you were , to go to the page I'gonna go ahead and , go to the page now so you guys can see , what to expect okay so if we go to the , sign up page here okay here's what , you're gonna see it's a W%secure , sign up page let's see if we can get this , going here there we go okay so it's a , W%secure sign up page you can see it's , on our letterhead and basically here's , what it does it recaps everything if you , want to read the letter it's there for , those that are gonna sign up right now , it's W bit secure order form put your , name last name email address phone , number okay this is so Icahn get you , street address city state zip code right , this is all your billing stuff card , information whichever card you choose , put the full card number in there you , don't need don't think you need dashes , in there but you can try it either way , put your expiration date the three , digit sin italics on the back of the , card this will just ping against your , card number now we don'ts ave your card , number but it does stay on file but we , don't actually see it so it's a through , secure third-party everything like , that so all this information is , completely safe and your payment plan , read the little stuff about how I'm , gonna help you and you can go ahead and , put your initials say yes Marcus I'm , ready to make money so these initials is , your way of telling me Marcus , spend time with me because'm gonna , make money and you're gonna help me very , very very very very cool okay honey go , ahead and sign , for this and get me on live chat okay , and we'll square everything else away , all right so there you go if you want to , get me on live chat all you do is click , right here Marcus is on live chat and , you're good to go or you can give me a , call for W W you have one hour , in one hour the price is going up there , is no messing around once you go on that , page in one hour you're gonna refresh , and you're gonna see the price higher , all right and it's gonna go higher every , single day until we start the course so , get in there , awesome stuff there will be a replay and , it will be really good Jerry if you're , brand new sign up this is gonna be , perfect for you it's great for brand new , people it's great for advance people , just get in there , all right you have one hour we'll get , the replay and let's make some money , this course starts next week Phillip I , did not see them in number two yet but , me and my brother we're talking about it , last night so I probably Willie hope , it's good Id on't know something tells , me it might not be that good all right , so awesome stuff heading yes good to , have inboard go ahead and sign in , there Jerry for the ninety seven dollar , plan you can cancel whenever you want , okay the W is per week okay so that's , that's the one where it's per week if , you do the two it's per month and , cancel whenever you want if you do the , big one where you pay in full you save , W buck sand you're already ready to , go so awesome stuff sign up prices going , up in one houri'm going to look forward , to speaking to each and everyone of you , individually what I'm going to do as a , bonus as well is I am going to set up a , special webinar next week where you can , ask me any question you want , regarding marketing we're gonna go , through it we're gonna record it we're , gonna give you everything'm gonna go , ahead and get this rep layup for you , hope you guys enjoyed this webinar as , much as I enjoyed helping you and , getting you guys to understand this and , opening a little bit of my heart my life , to you and Hope that you guys do the , same and I look forward to this year , being a year of friendship between you , and I making money online awesome stuff , get in there let's make it happen , sign up and look forward to talking to , you , and if you need the W link get me on , life chat thanks again talk to you soon  

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