how to edit a squeze page template in html


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hey guy sit's Marcus here from blog , profit network com and in this video , what I'd like to do is I'dike to show , you how to edit simple squeeze page , now on my blog I have this squeeze page , for you to be able to edit you can , download iotas a zip file and do exactly , what I'm teaching you in this video , that's at blog profit network com just , put your name and email or click the , link below this video and put your name , and email in the box there to get this , really cool template but for right now , what I want to do is I'm going to show , you how it works okay so first of all I , want you to notice that I'm opening this , page from my computer not from the web , okay you could do this from the web but , you will need to save it okay so I open , the page like this and I can see what's , going on now in addition what I also do , is I go to my files here and I want to , open this as a notepad file okay and , when you open it as a notepad what's , going to happen is you're going to see , the code the files for this particular , site watch I'll show you exactly how it , works so we could see here the , background color right here we could see , a p align center and you can even , basically see what's there right so a , special gift for free special free gift , for Brian so if we want to change this , and I want to say special free gift and , take out the name right all we have to , do is hit file save okay and then go , here and refresh it and you see how it , changes that okay so this is basically , how you want to edit all of your squeeze , pages and your templates and everything , like that for example if we were to say , okay well I'd like to put a YouTube , video on this on this template right , maybe you have a YouTube that says , hey here's how to opt in or here's how , to get this free tool or whatever Otis , right all you would do is say okay well , where do we want it okay and let's say I , wanted it above the arrows but below the , liq part right all i would have to do , is go to YouTube OK will do this here , there we go and if you guys like this , stuff you should definitely subscribe to , my channel by clicking the little , picture of my face on the video I'll , show you what that looks like in just a , minute as well so her ewe are we're , going to go to YouTube and we're going , to get one of these examples okay so , let's say we're going to put this , finding niches one okay let's say this , was our file that we want okay all we , got to do is hit share go down to let's , see if it wants to load today it looks , like it's being a little slow we're , going to go to embed okay and we'll put , the embed code right like this okay we , want to go W x W share the playlist , no we don't want to share the playlist , okay and let's see here okay I think , we're good to go right so all we'd have , to do is take this code all right find , where we want to put it inhere find , where that is in our code so let's say , here's our arrows okay this looks like , our arrows here and then we would just , put this right here file save right and , always save it so that you can go here , and just reload it and see what it looks , like right really simple you don't even , need an HTML editor or anything like , that and it basically just puts all the , info on there for you and you'll notice , that as soon as my internet decides to , be a little faster than snail we will , in fact have that video here right and , it's really easy to be able to check , things out really easy to be able to , manipulate this right and while we're , waiting for that video another thing , want to talk to you about is the way , that a Weber works okay this template is , actually set up using Weber as our , example okay so you could see here when , you go down tithe code right we're , going to go here we have a Weber script , leads blah blah blah blah blah okay , we're going to look for our Weber list , name okay this is the name that you , named your list in your actualize , account right so that way it no is to , put the leads to you and not to me okay , so we're going to go here and we see , input hidden name unit value equals , simple blog right so if you want to , change this and you want Otto be , something like maybe your list is called , lead man W or whatever okay you want , to change that next we have our redirect , which tells us exactly where we want , them Togo after filling out the form so , if Want them to fill out the form and , go to Google or whatever right we don't , want them to go to Google right after , filling out the form won't take them , somewhere else right we could put that , in here like a page on our site a blog , whatever all right next up we have this , one which is hidden name on list okay , this means if they're on your list or if , they use a fake email that they're , redirected somewhere okay if you leave , this blank it'll just say hey dude you , need to get the right email or something , like that now for me I always just send , them to the thank you page anyway okay , so I'm just going to put that Google in , there again okay so that's basically how , it works you can go through you can edit , the text you can edit just about , everything well go ahead and save it , right and you'll see here that now we , have our video which should show up , sometimes YouTube slow like that but , your video will show up you have this , edited to the other person's information , and everything like that let's see here , looks like we'vie got some errors alright , let'so pen this again we'll just go , ahead and ope nit with Firefox here okay , so we have special free gift we have , all this stuff it is leading to the , correct address here you can go through , and change the download button you can , change whatever you want simply by just , looking at that code in your in your , stuff here so like right here let'SSE , where do we go so like right here okay , you can see that the submit button is , going to be down here submit source , equals SO free or whatever you want to , call it so like if wanted my submit , button to be anything else righto could , literally get whatever Want right if I , was to go to and I say okay , well I want my submit button , to be Google right what you would't , want but just so you guys get the idea , of how it works and of course make sure , that you do in fact have the copyright , to your images okay so what we're going , to do now is we're going to change this , download button into our Google button , here alright so go like this alright , like this and we'll reload and now once , they put their name and email in they , hit Google and that's like our submit , button so this is basically how HTML , works what would recommend is playing , around with this you know use it test it , see how you can manipulate things play , around with the color if you want to , make different color here right you can , look this up this is called a hex color , code okay you can see I made it black , there so if you want to learn hex color , codes I have those on my site as well , and as well as other instructions on how , to do this very very very very very , important to look at very easy very good , stuff even for bloggers right if you're , a blogger you still want to know this , stuff as well because Word Press works on , the same level as how HTML work so a lot , of times when you're downwards you , can go in and change things there as , well okay and then of course when you're , done test it out see how it works and , everything like that so Marcus from blog , profit network com click the link below , this video go to my site get all these , tools everything like that subscribe to , my YouTube channel and we're going to , give you some other really cool stuff , and show you how to build a mailing list , fast actually this exact page has gotten , me I think close to leads already , today and it's only early in the , afternoon souse it make money build a , list and i'll see you in the next video , again click the link below this one to , get all the tools and hex codes and , everything like that alright see in the , next video  

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