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testing hello guys this is Marcus if you , can hear me okay please let me know by , typing something in the box and we'll be , getting started here in just a few , minutes so hopefully you guys can see , and hear me okay , all right awesome so about three minutes , to go go ahead and type in your name and , where you're listening from and we'll be , getting started here in just little , bit , all right hopefully the sound quality is , okay , alright awesome looks like a nice day , here so if you are listening type in , your name and where you're listening , from and let's see I Giotto sign into , the old YouTube here so I can see you , guys right there with me one second , all right there we gonad we are no win , the YouTube alright so if you like this , stuff and you are new you want to make , sure that you subscribe to the YouTube , channel because that's where you're , gonna get all the updates and all the , links for the new live settings shows , whatever you want to call them and also , for new videos when come outwith them , so if you like this stuff you want to , make sure that you hit that subscribe , button right now and that way you get , more of it so awesome stuff let's see , where our counter is at about two , minutes to go , so awesome stuff we got Juan from Spain , Sharon from Eugene Oregon Kevin from , Ireland Christa from Houston Texas Earl , from winters Vile oh hi Oh Tom from , North Carolina David from North Carolina , Kent from the UK ken from California , Chris from leaf Lee jester like Chester , something like that UK over there Jim , from Chap in South Carolina Brogan from , Candid from Sydney Australia Nathan , from Atlanta got some Orlando Florida's , we got Robert from Oregon young-GU from , Israel George from hi Marcus I made it , Jason from Los Angeles yes I said , your name so I hope you I hope I said it , right who William from Massachusetts , Glen from Sidney Um bro from Niagara , Gorge from Holland Edna from Rio DE , Janitor I wish I was there right now , although Florida's pretty cool to Brazil , looks neat I'vie never visited but you , know want to try there there cooking , the cooking looks really really good so , that'something I want to try Have a , book about Brazilian cooking but I'vie , never really eaten At like good , Brazilian restaurant so try that out , right I love foodie like cooking so , that's all fun all right yes Sirocco I , think is what's called sure Sacco Bob , from Chicago Michael from Dutch , CaribbeanCarribean , someone from London and John good to , have you here alright so we're gonna go , ahead and get started today what we're , gonna do is we're gonna chill out we're , gonna relax and we're gonna talk about , how to promote affiliate offers so if , that sounds like something you want to , know if that sounds like something , that's good for you you want to make , sure you subscribe give us a big thumbs , up and also stick around for the entire , call a lot of people leave early and , they miss out because towards the end , sometimes I just you know kind of go off , and talk about the good stuff so not , that everything's not good but you know , the extra like hidden secret stuff , usually comes out at the end of the , presentation so you're gonna want to , stick around for the whole thin gall , right so let's transfer over tithe , fancy screen mode here and hopefully , this'll transfer over quite nicely and , let's see let's get a little image up , there so that you guys know where you , can gonad buy my stuff if you like my , stuff which you should be liking my , stuff it's pretty good stuff alright so , we're gonna go ahead and get the show on , the road , now you guys like that affiliate , marketing dude thing at the top or the , bottom you guys prefer that at the top , or the bottom I'll show you what it , looks like on the bottom if I can move , it let's see here , right , I don't know where it went went , somewhere okay so if we do it on the , bottom it'll look like that so you guys , prefer top or bottom for that one bottom , okay cool , looks like everyone's inboard with that , so we will have that there on the bottom , of the screen that way you guy scan see , that so what'm gonna do real quick is , I'm going to take a little question from , you guys because as you guys know these , webinars are about you right we want to , provide lots of value we want you to get , your questions answered and of course we , want you guys to buy stuff like the , simple sights course you can get at , simple sights bonus comm because it's , gonna take it the step further right a , lot of people like bargains why do you , sell wellie sell because I know that my , stuff works know how much it's going , to help you so it's kind of a no-brain er , right it'slake hey if you like this , stuff go get that get my help everything , like that and we'll talk about that more , later but that's the idea here and these , are about you and we want to give you , guys the info that you need we want to , help you get this stuff going we want to , help you rock and Rolland we want you , to make some money so that's the idea , here so if you like that type in , affiliate money in the box and I will , find a lighter that actually work sand , today we have some kind of East India , Trading Company seller tobacco which is , pretty good smells goo din he remakes , the office kind of nice so I type that , in the box if you're ready type in , affiliate money , all righteously , so let's get the show on the road and , talk about affiliate money today what , we're gonna do is we're going to talk , about the CPA marketing secrets now , you're gonna want to stick around you're , gonna want to take notes you're gonna , want to keep a link to the recording , wherever it's at we'll send it out after , the cal land we're gonna want to go , through this because we're gonna go , through CPA marketing what is it how to , get paid we're gonna go through why you , want to do CPA as opposed concubinage , and other stuff those are good we can , use them but CPA needs to be the big , deal we're also going to give you a , breakdown straight from the mouth of the , affiliate network son how to get , accepted even if you're new so there's , gonna be a lot of stuff there's gonna be , some good stuff if you like the stuff , down at the bottom of the screen is a , link to where you can get my course now , also during this course have about , three I think three or four really , really good CPA marketing high ticket , niches so if you want to go that route , it's our upper level coaching that comes , with website comes with a niche , everything like that you can get that at , high ticket niches com we have four of , them available they usually sell out on , these calls so if you want that we're , gonna go through I'm gonna pick a niche , I'm gonna help you get accepted we're , gonna get you guys the content we're , gonna help you make this thing work so , very cool all right with that said let's , go ahead and dive right in as we go , along if you have questions use the , YouTube box question chat box to ask , your question got them right here on , this screen and over here on this screen , is my notes if you guys want to see what , the setup looks like I think can show , you that and you can kind of see how it , works I use a dual screen setup which , looks like this we have this screen here , we got my big fancy air conditioner over , there alright we actually put two in the , office because here in Florida Otis , ridiculously hot okay but right here I , have my screen you could see you know , the notes and everything this is like my , screen here , that shows me what you're going to see , and then this is the other screen that , shows you what's live and then over here , I have what's being shown so pretty cool , stuff really easy to go through good set , up you know and check it out if you guys , want to get into live streaming we're , gonna teach some of that later on and , this software that I'm using right now , is free which I mean you can't really , beat that there's lots of free , software's out there so you know you , can'really beat that alright let's go , ahead and get the show on the road hope , you guys liked the little tour and , everything like that , alright Edna says do I need Audi aid , for the companies to pay me no usually , they'll pay wherever you're at as long , as you have like an account as long as , you're legit you know you just eat , basically they don'twat to get hosed , they don't want you to promote something , bad pay you and then they have to pay , for bad leads right they don't want to , do that that's what they're after there , and nine times out of ten they're just , like okay we don't want like grisliest , spammers or any garbage like that we , want to make sure that the affiliates , are in fact good so let me see if I can , get abettor angle here you can see my , Red Wings , sign they're a little airplanes in the , back gotta have it festive in here , but Go Red Wings hopefully they do , better this season than they did last , season so here we go well let's get this , thing going Joe says what is the name of , the live streaming software it is called , OBS studio or obese to do something like , that google it you'll find it it's , really cool really easy so now without , any further ado let's get this show on , the road we'll talk to Dominic about why , he's getting rejected by the affiliate , networks we're gonna talk about , everything so welcome to the weird , crazy-looking died there who forgot his , pants and has a question mark over his , head hopefully no one thought that was a , picture of me although that's about how , tall I am , but I do have my hair got that going for , me I still got my hair so far knock on , wood alright now let's talk about how to , promote an affiliate offer welcome and , if at anytime you like this stuff and , you say Marcus I want you to be my , mentor want you to train me , I want you to teach me this what you're , gonna want to do is go to simple sites , bonus com fill out that form click the , button sign up get my software and then , send Mae support ticket and say Marcus , help me out dude here's what I'm doing , now why do we choose CPA marketing what , is CPA marketing CPA marketing is called , cost per action or cost per acquisition , the idea of CPA marketing comes from the , idea that the most expensive part of , business is acquiring a new customer , Right right they got poles they got , satellites they got this they got phones , they got stores with people in them they , got all this stuff but the most , expensive thing that they spend on is , acquiring new customer now what would , that look like in a CPA model what that , would look like is AT&T would go to you , and they'd say hey you know Unnoticed , you have cellphone website will pay , you$W if you get a person to sign up , fora two-year contract , boom right does that make sense to , everyone that's basically the element of , CPA they are paying you for an action or , maybe they'll say hey I'll pay you W , bucks if you get someone to put a name , and email if they're interested in , getting a cellphone or something like , that so very very important , very easy okay Gideon take that question , towards the end that'SA goo done but , not for now so why do we want to do CPA , well CPA is good because number on ewe , don't have to sell anything could just , generate clicks downloads or whatever , and that brings us to why CPA is good , and CPA is good because number one you , could get paid for clicks that's right , like I could get paid just for , generating clicks Id on't need to get a , sale don'tend to get you know a lead , Id on't even need to get someone's email , all I need to do is get them to click , that's a heck of a lot easier than , getting someone to buy stuff for those , of you who say paid clicks don't really , work would like to point you to , Google'avast billion-dollar empire that , is driven by people paying for clicks , plain and simple right you go to Google , you search for something pick a word , let's say we search for , let's say we search for mortgage you , are going to see sponsored ads while , we're on being let's go to Google since I , said Google but the old Being is the , default for Google okra Microsoft , edge or whatever let's go to Google the , right way all right there we go so we're , gonna go to Google we're gonna type in , mortgage now you're gonna see this works , inning this works on Google it works on , everything and what you're gonna see is , a little green box that says add another , green box add another green box add , another green box add look at these , companies Bank of America Lending Tree , Quicken Loans do you think these guys , got some money yeah they got a lot of , money Bank of America they have all my , money know that well some of it I got , other places have other of it but we , have that there and it's like OK they , got money all right , and even if they don'thieve money the , government will give them money and bail , them out all right so we know they got , deep pocket sand we look at that and we , say okay here's another one Bank United , City you Orlando okay so lots of , advertisers now what are these , advertisers doing well if I was to click , on this Lending Tree link Lending Tree , would go Google some money let's find , out how they dough the way you find out , how they owe is through the Ad Words , Google Ad words Keyword planner okay same , thing withing all right they're paying , for traffic this is how pay-per-click , work snow let me ask you question and , it's Avery important question if Google , sent thunk traffic like if they , just went to Grisliest and posted an ad , about you know like hot pictures and , then sent them here how long do you , think Lending Tree and quicken and Bank , of America are gonna pay for this , traffic not long at all there could be , like this traffic sucks , I want people searching for mortgages , which is what makes this work okay you , got to get this in your mindset because , if you understand how this works if you , understand how the money works you'll be , able to make it right we all want to , make the money so we got to understand , how it works now that is also big , misconception we don't make money money , just change his hands the government's , the only one who , makes money okay so we got to figure out , how to make it change hands Google Being , Yahoo they figured out how to make it , change hands right now Bank of America , has got a bank account don't know , where Bank of America has their bank , account but they have it and they have , an advertising account and there's money , Inuit and Is aid great here's this , advertising account with money and we , want to spend on ad sand they're , probably spending maybe hundred , thousand dollars a day or more on ads , like this okay so I want you to think , about this so the hundred thousand , dollars a day they're spending don't , know the exact numbers don'quote me , could be more could be less but that's , not a far outreach thing that's W , million a year on ads which is like a , drop in the bucket fora company like , this which again is going to change your , mind because these are big companies , with big dollars and all you ha veto do , is get Otto transfer from hey they got , the money they want the service I offer , they got the money they want to be , listed on Google they got the money they , want to be listed inning if you're , getting this say Marcus I'm getting it , show me the money because we're gonna , show you the money this is all gonna be , about how it works at the end you're , gonna be like Marcus I want to buy your , course because I want to learn to do , this step by step , CZ it makes sense all the other stuff , out there dozen'make sense I don't , know who's paying me I don't know where , the money is coming from I have no idea , what'seagoing on but this makes sense if , it makes sense type make sense in the , Box all right so what we're gonna do is , we're gonna go to the Google Ad words , Keyword planner alright if you want to , see the actual results you want to make , sure you have a master account if you , got a master account it's free all right , you just sign up you make an ad done , deal , you'll be able to go into the Google , tool and you'll be able to go into the , keyword planner hey you'll be able to , see the exact things you can see right , now I'm buying ads get traffic really , cool right there we go if you want some , of my money then you can go and generate , traffic for whatever keywords'm buying , okay that's how it works just kind of , really really focus now the problem is , is when people get to internet marketing , they have like what I call head up the , butt syndrome and you know they got , their head in the place outshouting't be , and everything goes out the window and , they don't look at what really really , makes sense okay you want to learn how , to like , not fall into scam not to buy , Sinkiang make sure it makes sense , okay so you gotta make sure it makes , sense before you buy something before , you join something before you do , anything make sure you get it all right , so does it make sense well let's see how , much these guys are paying for the word , mortgage type this here in the Google , Keyword planner like this and bad being , bad binge're paying ten dollars and , six cents a click now what does that , mean let's talk about this remember how , I said you know they're probably paying , like a hundred grand a day on ads all , right so a hundred grand a day is really , only about ten thousand clicks times ten , thousand bucks , the traffic's there I mean you got about , a thousand clicks a day on that word , another you know only ten thousand on , this word an don an don we Goa lot of , traffic lot of money cool we look at , it we're like there we go there's some , money there it is , all right mortgage that's how it ties in , this here is the front door of Google , showing what people bid on showing , what's going on this is the back door , saying how many times they search for it , what the competition's like and what , this suggested or advertised the bid is , cool right got it , type got it that's easy all right pretty , simple now that's just the icing on the , cake because that is getting paid for , clicks now you can also get paid for , downloads everything else all the stuff , below getting paid for kick clicks has , to do with the first one okay , advertisers don'twat to pay$W a , click so they go to the CPA Network and , they're like eh I don't want to pay for , clicks but hey I'll pay when someone , downloads my software okay pretty cool , like we have the what do we have we have , the thing that the toolbar right the , affiliate marketing dude toolbar it , works for Chrome you can find it out , there somewhere it's free we give Otto , you free because we want you to like it , and then upgrade to other stuff but the , toolbar looks like this they go here , they click it and it's got all the tools , for them to learn to make money it's , even got the power search all that other , stuff okay fill your marketing toolbar , really cool okay now I could go to , Google and I could buy traffic for , word make money online or affiliate , marketing okay so I could go here and I , could say affiliate marketing okay I , could be like okay cool , affiliate marketing let's see how much , it costs well its cost two dollars and , thirteen cents a lead or per click okay , so if I was on Google for affiliate , marketing it would cost me two dollars , and thirteen cents Elite now let's say , that maybe for some reason I don'twat , to pay to W a lead , I'd rather instead pay for five bucks , when someone downloads my toolbar okay , why would do that why would you pay , for someone to get something free well I , know one they'd only download it if , they're looking at affiliate marketing , to they would only download it if they , liked the idea of the toolbar which , means they're highly susceptible to , buying my stuff because the people who , use my toolbar usually buy my stuff so , it's all drive non the same thing now , the cool thing is is there's offers for , everything right you can get paid for , clicks you could get paid for downloads , there's downloads like recipe tool bars , there's downloads like dictionary , downloads sports downloads video , downloads whatever really really cool OK , next we can get paid when people fill , out forms all right let's say instead of , saying well I want someone to you know , download the toolbar click I want people , who only go to my site and put their , name and email in the box now that's a , pretty pretty qualified person alright , they go there they put their name and , email okay so I could pay for a lead , maybe'll pay five bucks for that or$3 , or$1 or whatever okay pretty cool , so now the advertisers't have to , worry about these conversion sand me as , the affiliate marketer can get paid just , for generating leads pretty neat right , how many guys like that's pretty cool , all right the next way is you can get , paid we did the forms that sometimes the , form will be big right like if we were , to go to offer vault which is where you , Fonda lot of these CPA offers but this , is a slenderizes site that we use to , find them we could do like mortgage okay , and you'll see that for mortgage we can , find , like a big lead form like you'll see'd , say like lending tree reverse more okay , that'spay per call set pace for a call , let's see if we can find like a lea done , I think this will work low rate shop is , usually pretty good okay so this one , right they are paying $W a lead and , what it looks like is you just get the , people to go through they're like okay I , want to refinance whatever whatever okay , excellent boom no whatever okay okay and , then they just fill out the form you get , paid thirty five bucks when they fill , out the form there's probably a bigger , form on the end of this but you get , bucks okay that would be getting paid , when people fill out forms another one , you can get paid when people do free , trials okay this is big this is , something you'seen like as seen on TV , so if we're gonna offer vault and we , search for see here as see no tasked , seen on TV we don't know asses on TV on , TV right as seen on TV you will go here , we'll hit search and these are often , like paper trial so like someone pays , a dollar for a month of you know Norton , Antivirus or something that would be a , free trial now the cool thing about the , free trials is they pay us a lot of , money okay , now there we go we do have seen on TV , okay so we would have like snoring , solution okay this one pays okay they , pay when the guy gets W so that's , not really a trial let's say let's do , free trial and you'll see ho wit works , we'll get you guys some really good , solid info so you understand how this , stuff works here okay so free trial , let's go past the sponsored ones , okay so like let's see , okay some kind of plumper thin gall , right it'd be a free trial so they get , this free bottle they pay for shipping , get W bucks or thirty nine fifty to be , exactly okay so does that make sense , does everyone get how that works and , then of course the la stone is get paid , for sale when you're actually selling , something which is pretty cool okay , likeClickbank and whatever so these are , the ways that you get paid there's also , pay per call which is kind of like pay , per lead but the person has to call okay , everyone's solid on the ways we get paid , type in solid if you now understand the , ways that you can get paid with CPA , marketing okay want to make sure that , you guys are on board with the first , section till we go to the next section , okay and then at the end we're gonna tie , everything together and show you how we , would market these various things okay , well it looks like everyone's solid , looks like everyone's good to go David , that question would be towards the end , Edna that'll be towards the end as well , so write those down remember them okay , excellent , everyone's solid now that's how you get , paid that's how you make money excellent , right getting paid per sale would be , throughout offers or it could also be , through Clickable like the hosting , one that I make thousands of dollars on , those would be all examples of having to , sell stuff all right so now that's how , you get paid let's talk about how to get , accepted now this is straight from the , approval people okay and if you like , this stuff again go buy my course simple , sites bonus calm and you get the , software it teaches everything we help , you make money if you like it okay cool , now here is how to get accepted Tao CPA , affiliate network this is straight from , the approval Department actually had , them write this up with me we did an , interview that interview can be seen in , the simple sites course it goes through , how to get accepted how to promote , things how to get the best from your , affiliate Network okay I'vie made , millions of dollars with affiliate , network sit's not that hard to do you , just have to do it you have to follow , along you ha veto focus and that's what , we're going to talk about today alright , so number one the first thing to getting , accepted tithe affiliate network be , totally upfront and honest about your , it's alright if you're new say hey I'm , new if you're in simple sights say I'm , working with Marcus he's my mentor we're , trying to do this stuff , okay I'm new but here's what I'm doing , okay tell him how you're gonna promote , it okay very cool be honest about your , experience they're gonna dig into it , they're gonna look at it and if you lie , and say oh well you know my site gets a , million views a month and they look at , your site and it's got one guy and the , one guy is you and there's like birds , chirp in and a tumbleweed going by and no , one ever visits it they're gonna know , nobody like this guy's full of it if , he's gonna lie to us now what's it gonna , lie to us about later it's a be upfront , be honest say hey'm new never done , this I'm ed maybe I sold something on , Clickbankbut other than that I'm new , okay to create your own site we teach , you to do what'scaled a hub site okay , a hub site is what you're gonna learn in , the first part of the affiliate , marketing dude course when you get in , the simple sites course you're gonna go , to get starting and get started and , you're gonna set up your hub site this , video is gonna walk you through it , you're gonna set up your hub site , according to what the network's want , it's very easy it's very straightforward , you sign up at simple sites bonus com , you go in there you set up your hub site , you'll be done before lunch is ready , all right it'S's o'clock here you'll be , done before lunch is ready it's very , easy right so you set up a site and get , your own domain name okay set up a blog , on it okay be sure you update it and and , kind of use it as practice say hey this , is the one I'm using this is what I'm , doing number three it's great to talk , about an affiliate success but sometimes , their experience is more in their , failures don't be afraid this is right , from the affiliate network don't be , afraid to say hey Loki tried to , promote this I made bucks bu the , did't I did't profit because of this , okay tell him what'seagoing on yep front , say hey what's going on answer the call , when they call number four buy a couple , domain names Jarrett generic names , for a couple of niches get involved in , some niches you're gonna go through if , you're trying to learn this get the , simple sites course go into the niche , finding okay buy some domain names when , we get to the domains it'll show you how , it works it'slake okay we're gonna get , manes say hey Loki'm getting into the , dieting niche or I'getting into the , Borg edge bitch or I'm trying to do this , right tell them what you're looking at , doing now if you want you want Togo , instead of going for like the product , name like execrates go for something , generic like great katydids okay , what this does is it one gets you out of , hot water for copyrights don't go for , copyrights and trademarks and stuff and , then - if PX changes to something else , later or they decide they want to pull , their offer you're not stuck promoting , just that right great katydids gives , you the chance to promote all kinds of , workout stuff okay now most domains you , can get super cheap they're like three , bucks or whatever and you could be , creative and everything and you don't , worry about all the other stuff number , five if you claim to use SEM which is , search engine marketing or SEO which is , search engine optimization use three or , four keyword phrases in your meta tags , show them that you know what you're , doing right the best thing you could do , is just go through the simple sites , course step by step say hey look I know , what I'm doing this is what I'm doing , okay if you're doing it go through it , and use the keyword phrases if your , keyword is great workout Davidson's on , the keyword don't focus on other stuff , right so many people they get like you , know my weight loss site and they try to , promote everything under the Sun don't , do that focus on one thing do it really , really really good the benefit to be an , affiliate marketer is the fact that it's , like this and want you to imagine this , for minute I want you to imagine you , go in a grocery store , okay everyone imagine it take grocery , store when you got that visualization in , your mind you go in the grocery store , and you see all kinds of shelves and , aisles and apples and bananas and , whatever okay you go down the ethnic , foods aisle one of my favorite aisles , you get all kinds of ethnic stuff and , you see this Greek marinade if there's , only like three of them sitting on the , shelf and you're like Mani wonder if , they sell any of this right the company , the the grocery store probably only , makes like bucks a day on that little , Greek marina debut it's good marinade , and you like that marinade , now that grocery store also has , thousands of grocery stores all over the , world now while that one store might , only sell three different bottles of , that marinade every day collectively , they might be selling W,W bottles of , the marinade every day okay does that , make sense to everyone , internet marketing is the same way your , niche is the one little thing that , probably would't so much if you tried , to sell it in your hometown but because , of the internet it'Avery big right you , look at it it's like it could do Greek , marinade okay because the Internet's so , big boom you're gonna have all these , people searching for all this stuff you , goat thousand there you got,W , looking for chicken reflexively , marinade Greek barbecue Greek I mean , there's a lot of people okay you might , not realize that but there's a lot of , people looking at all this stuff and you , could make a living just with a Greek , recipe site people do it all the time , don'complicate it right go for it , if you're gonna do this don't go for , Bob's recipe sit ego for like Greek , recipes or how to cook Greek food or , whatever it Isuzu that makes sense to , everyone takes up in the box let me know , that you're with me on a scale of one to , ten ten being you totally get what's , going on one being what the hell are you , talking about tell me where you're at , all right , excellent looks like a lot of tens here , cool that's how it worked again don't , over complicate it get your domain focus , on your keywords number six know a , little about the network you're applying , to okay here'SA little tip that's , really easy one of the things that the , network likes the best is when you go to , them and you say I want to run your , offer okay if you're like hey Just , want to get accepted I want to be an , flatland I want to make money , with this affiliate marketing okay um , you look at it and you're like okay well , if I go to you and say that or if I go , to you and I say hey you know what , I noticed that you have the apex , affiliate offer I want to run that CZ I , have traffic that'll work for that okay , you have a much better chance of getting , accepted or maybe you want to run a tool , bar or whatever right tool bar okay you , could say hey I want to run this tool , bar thingy okay , pretty cool recipe tool bar pay sixty , cents a lead usually pays three bucksaw , lead but you know you can find it At , different network too but that'SA deal , you got to look at it you got to be , straight up about it okay let's see if , we can get this back on there we go okay , so know a little bit about the network , you're applying to and focused says , so be specific on the domain name and , focus on the offer exactly tell them , what you're doing okay don't tell them , exactly but say hey look I want to run , this offer I got this traffic from the , search engine or YouTube or wherever , you're getting traffic and this is the , site Want to run them to okay now , number six again know a little bit about , the network you're applying for don't , apply to CPA network if you're looking , for rev-share campaign sand you know if , you're looking for other stuff that , don'tap ply unless you're looking for , specific offer number seven if you are , promoting via search think outside of , Google Yahoo and Mason could promote , to Facebook you can do everything but , you got to understand an dread thetas , right understand what they're doing say , hey you know what we don't want this , traffic and you'll notice on the , networks it'll say allowed traffic okay , so it'll save you loud traffic types and , it will tell you what kind of traffic , they want which will make sense right so , hopefully , yeah let's get one that's not going to , show weird stuff let's do this one here , dieting right it's gonna tell you what , kind of traffic they want what they're , looking at okay does that make sense to , everyone okay all right so there we go , number seven that's how you do it , understand thetas number eight mentors , Rock this is exactly what the lady told , me she'st he approval lady she said find , a mentor okay tell him hey I bought , Marcus his simple cites course I'm going , through it he's mentoring me he's , telling me how to get in here now , there's some affiliate networks you're , gonna find in the simple sites course , that we recommend that actually know who , we are and they work with us right , really cool so we look at it works , really well makes a lot of sense , everything like that okay so you got to , do it now George says hey I use this , stuff I got into max bounty see it works , very cool all right that's the basic now , that's how to get accepted now before we , continue on are there any questions , about getting accepted tithe CPA no and , number nine is answer their call when , they call you , okay we'll give you minute for , questions on how to get accepted we'll , answer those and then we'll move on , right what is download type traffic , download traffic don'think they , actually listed it right there so you , want to check in the affiliate Network , but download traffic would be traffic , from a download so like if I'm promoting , by toolbar it would be traffic from this , toolbar okay why would a site accept you , if you're new and have no current , traffic because they know that'show , everyone starts right everyone starts , that way as long as you tell them what , you're doing you ha veto go in thereof , can you repeat number seven number seven , is if you are promoting via search think , outside the box think outside of Google , Yahoo Sniff you're gonna do Facebook , Twitter Interest Instagram you want , to make sure that the affiliate company , is cool with it , OK Sam says if rejected do you get a , second chance of course you do it's , never set in stone unless you really , piss them off and you know do something , scam my but you're always allowed , second chancel Michael says do you , have to show proof of your traffic and , volume of income sometimes but if you , tell him you're new probably not OK um , George says then this is George he got , accepted using these he said I called , him I did't wait for him to call me and , George are you new are you like a pro , affiliate marketer are you new , okay so you see it works right it's have , to do it so many people are just afraid , like someone'gonna come smack them , they don't write they just say yes or no , and if they say no don't get all bent , out of shape figure out why and go , challenge it it's a business right we're , no there to figure out about how to make , us feel good we're here to make money , alright so many people come to me and , they buy my course and they're like work , so Id on't feel like it's gonna work , it's like I don'CARE what you feel , people are searching there's money made , go make it stop worried about how you , feel people freaked out and it's like oh , my god it's tough I got denied by the , network freaking call them right it's , not the end of the world , it's a guy on a computer it's a , templates letter writing call them up , and get it accepted go do what you got , to do all right so you got it like have , a little bit of likest here you , gotta have some grit because if you're , an affiliate marketer things are gonna , change right I'vie had people reject me , after years you know I don't know I'm , like dude'vie made 7 million bucks what , the hell you talking about and they're , like well you know this is our terms and , I'm like next right you'vie got to have a , little bit thick skin here gotta be , willing to do it so if you're that if , you're like Marcus I'm willing to do it , I'm not gonna cry when the affiliate , network turns me down CZ it really , dozen't matter anyway I'll have to do is , call them you just got to do it do you , need to show him you have a site first , sometimes , OK Dim says I call them ado zen times , they never answer their phone a column , at a different time know you're in a , different country so your timing might , be off so figure out when they're there , and then call them OK Jay says I used to , work at a network the more you can , engage with the network the better they , just want someone serious and not tire , kick exactly thank you for that Jay and , Jay knows if I go to him and'm like , dude got a recipe site I want to run , the tool bar right , chances are you change the conversation , right instead of huh well I want to get , accepted you're like this is what I want , to run so I'm going right by the way , over at pier fly it'S's buck scan you , get ME boom done right there you go , OK Tim says to get accepted to max , barony they sent me the reasons that , they did't want to accept me I answered , them and then I called him and Tim did , you get accepted all right Pete says I , have got rejected from global wide media , for a TV toolbar I have a new streaming , Media site that it would fit what they , say have not enough traffic what would , you suggest what I would suggest is go , to max bounty tell him you want that , offer they'll get it it might pay less , get it run it at max bounty get some , traffic even if you have to break even , then go to global wide say boom there , you go you want a hundred bucks a day , here's my traffic'm making bucks a , day right now and by the way if you want , it now you got to give me three bucks , and not W right play hardball , that's Adela good you can't like , pussyfoot around you got to get out , there you got to say I want this right , what's funny about internet marketing is , people approach this like Marcus I just , want to make $W a day that's not much , to ask that's all I want and I'm like , what are you gonna do to get it wellie , want you to make make it happen for me , and I'm like well how much did you make , it your job , well I only made W grand a year but I , want a day well you went to your job , eight hours a day for Granada year , and now you're telling me you want to , sit on your ass and you're gonna cry , when the affiliate Network rejects you , and you don'twat to do the work but , you want five times as much as you made , all right if you want five times as much , you better be putting in W-hour days , right yeah I know a W-hour day dozen't , exist but that's the deal you gotta look , at it you gotta be aggressive and you , gotta go get it it's not that hard but , you ha veto do it you guys say Marcus , I'm willing to put my feelings aside , it's not about my feelings right this , USN'kindergarten we got it go do it , and I hope you like my pep talk but I , think it's much needed for a lot of , people out there because this is a , business you gotta go do it okay and , every businessman knows if you worry , about feelings you're gonna get crushed , like look at the McDonald's story okay I , did a video on the McDonald's thing it's , here on my YouTube if you have not seen , it subscribe to my YouTube right now go , watch it okay it's about the movie the , founder if you haven't seen the founder , go watch it it's on Netflix and all , those other thing swatch it it's a good , movie but what you're gonna see is you , seethe McDonald'brothers who have , these feelings about things now I don't , particularly agree with ray crocks , business ethics or the way that he made , crappy products but in terms of business , that right the McDonald's brothers were , like well you know we wan tour , hamburgers to have three pickle sand we , feel really strongly about these three , pickles an drake rocks like s the damn , pickles'm gonna show you how to sell a , billion hamburger sand they're like well , we don't really feel this way it's like , I don'CARE how you feel do you want to , make money or do you want to feelgood , if you want to feel good go to church or , go sinkable or whatever there's all , kind of things that'll make you feel , good I'm no there to make you feel good , I'm here to help you learn how to pay , your bills and pay them really really , well by marketing things online do we , have to Cross line of ethics no you , could be completely ethical make lots of , good money feel good about what you do , and make it work , you just Giotto do it so that'st he end , of my little treat this like business , ramp okay when the network's reject you , don't cry call don'cry cause so many , people give up after one little thing if , I gave up after the first thing Would , still be living in my brother's mobile , home with a crappy thing well I don't , even think they like bulldozed it they , did'tavern sell it that's how terrible , it was but I'd still be in a rut I , would't be anywhere do you know how , many times I'Webern rejected do you , know how many times these things have , happened a lot but also lot less than , some otherbusinesspeople so you got to , be willing to do it so make a not eon , your little notepad and say I'm not , gonna cry when the affiliate network , rejects Meir'm not gonna cry if Google , says I can't run my ad I'm not gonna cry , if I buy something from Marcus and I , don't get rich overnight because that's , not how the world works right you want , to learn how to do Ito'm your man do , you want someone to like hand you a , golden business in a box that makes you , money'm not your man okay I'Mont , gonna no one does that okay you want to , you want that go buy a business go buy a , McDonald'sand it's a million dollars , but you'll be guaranteed an income , pretty much okay they don'tavern , guarantee it but I mean com eon it'll , work alright so you got a million bucks , maybe go do that if you want to do this , listen to me , here's why I love CPA marketing I love , CPA marketing because creativity is the , key like Edna says fortune favors the , bold you don't even have to be that bull , there are timid people talking about , anxiety on YouTube that make a lot of , money that's it they're like timid , little meek people and they make money , okay you just have to do it the right , way unfortunately a lot of those people , don't make as much as it can but you can , do it okay it's not necessarily bold , it's just being willing to do something , be willing to try something so many , people America is so afraid to go out , their front door right now it's like , well what if this what if I say this , what if someone does this what if , someone does that what if they say no , it's like if you'vie ever seen Back to , the Future it's like everyone has turned , into the dad on back to I don't know if , I could take that kind of rejection , what rejection a guy says he's not gonna , buy your book next Google says they , don'twat traffic Goodman back to , found he dozen'accept you good I'm , going to the next one go do it make it , work it's not that hard to do you have , to adapt you have to be changeable you , have to do it right that'shy so many , people it's like set jump up get simple , sites go to assemble like two bonus com , if you like this and you're like Marcus , I'm motivated want to make money go to , simple sites bonus com get in there set , something up Id on't care if it's half , ass half done at least it's something , say Marcus what would you do with this , and I'll say well you know I have this , brain condition that makes me have to , figure out a way to make money online , with damn near everything it'slake a , little challenge in my own brain so if , you come to me and you're like Marcus , got this site want to sell this stuff , here's the traffic what would you do if , your customer I'm gonna tell you what to , DI'll say hey try this out come back , to me you'll be I do Marcus I tried it , out made bucks good good good now , do this this and this it's not that hard , to do you just have to do it all right , Tim says some companies want you to have , some kind of traffic and track record , before you market the products that may , be why you're rejectedBeachbody has , some requirements to get proof exactly , some of them have requirements go get , some traffic make money with what you , ca nit's called the next big business , thing , using what you have available Marcus how , do I make money if I have no money well , you got the Internet you can talk to , people you can post on a forum you can , go make money free today if you want to , like oh how longs it take to make money , you could do it right now disclaimer you , will ever make money online nothing ever , works you probably won'Tod it , disclaimer buy my stuff with the , anticipated patient that you won'make , anything but if you really want to do , the stuff like how do I make money right , now you go Fonda people a bunch of , people on a forum who want to build , website you know that you could sell , them web hosting you help them out then , you sell web hosting you could make , money like today but within an hour okay , very simple you ha veto focus okay , hopefully you guys like this on scale , of one to ten how much do you like my , rant well ten Being , I love the rant keep talking one Being , Telemachus I'm Little hurt by your , rant would like you to talk about , fluffy bunnies and how business is so , easy to do and how whatever okay , that would be one all right so what do , you suggest for people starting out'm , eager to get started and create a source , of income I suggest you go get simple , sites big profits right now simple sites , bonus com fill the form out sign up say , Marcus I'm new here's what I want to do , okay here's what I'm looking to do and , I'll help you right a lot of people , don't believe like half the time when , I'm on live chat on my site I have to , convince people that it's actually me , but it is you know we actually we're , bringing on a new helper this week , hopefully we'll be meeting there today , not sure yet , but she's gonna be helping out as well , she's gonna write stuff and help us out , and you could talk to us right we're , there Melissa's there I'm here you're , here okay now during the summertime I , like to take it easy so I'm not here all , the time but when the kids go back to , school it's game time okay okay , Marcus I have this site'm am ember can , you help me decide on CPA yes you got to , write me in in the forum or write me , in our tickets or get me on live chat , George says my website is too old two , weeks old with almost zero traffic , traffic never came up in the questions , and he got accepted so there you go all , right Tim says saw that yesterday in the , summer coaching you made a silk purse , out oaf pig's ear don't know what , that means but thin kit means you made , something really cool out of a pile of , junk and that's what we do right these , traffic things are great okay what , software aim using for what Id on't , know okay Pete says he's a he needs to , go Tao safe place right cool I'll give , you guys little break from the rant , and talk about what works but the idea , here is creativity guys people are , searching for so much stuff online they , it would be so silly if you could't , make money okay if you can't make money , you're sleeping okay William you need to , contact us the right way and you need to , be patient okay dude I know you'become , on live chat like every day for the past , couple weeks and I'm super busy right , now but we will get to your thing , sometimes it takes day or two sometimes , Little bit longer but you have to just , wait and then you know pita ticket in , and say hey this is what we'redoing and , be cool too like if you want me to not , respond to your ticket your live chat or , whatever be a jerk that's a thing that , makes me not respond to you as if you're , like me if you're rude if you're like , this you know be cool I'm totally cool , I'll help you if you're cool with me , that's how it works some of my customers , are like total friends and my hey check , this out dude let's do this and I'll , hook them up with stuff and I'll give , them discount sand I'll tell them things , or we'll build something for them or , whatever right if you're cool with me , I'll be cool with you so just be cool , all right and patient sometimes you got , to wait all right so here's the deal , creativity is key finding niches is your , target to find out what people want , where they're at and what they want so , you work at it right okay so what we do , is we look at this like dating keywords , expensive competitive alright is there , backdoor to than a dating niche yeah , there is people look in the chat there , Ian't nothing more lonely than a guy , looking to chat online right plain and , simple guess that's what he wants he , wants to chat chances are he probably , wants to chat with women or men if , that's the thing right that's what you , do , you're like okay Cheat I can mar kit , under chap no I got to tell you people , look at this and they're like Marcus I , don'think the word chats gonna work , because they're not really looking at , dating well there's people making tens , of thousands of dollars day using that , exact word so you can argue about all , the reasons why it won't work which is , what most people do the majority of , people argue about why it won'twerk and , there's alto of reasons it won't work , the traffic's too expensive the network , won't take you your site's ugly people , don't care the traffic is this this is , this this is this I don't feel like it , this sucks all I nee dis one reason why , it does work and that reason is people , that want to chat online are probably , pretty lonely and they probably want to , chat with members of the opposite sex , and most dating sites have chat programs , and they could go on and chat right now , and now I'm buying traffic for eight , cents click and I'm getting paid for , all these dating programs all I need is , one little reason why it works Joe we , can't give you a discount it's already , discounted enough it's two hundred and , ninety seven bucks if you need a payment , plan we do have payment plan but I , don't discount my stuff too often , because the values there right you got , to meet me halfway mean we're talking , about making a lot of money here so W , bucksaw thousand bucks or whatever Otis , you get in on it's like a drop in the , bucket compared to what you can make so , be real with it say I'm gonna meet you , halfway and most people that ask for a , discount ask for a discount on , everything'm kind of like that too , it's like let's see if we can it's kind , of like the sales game but you know we , don't discount that stuff if you ask for , a bundle maybe we'll give you like , something like you'll get high ticket , niche it will give me some other cool , stuff or whatever those are at high , ticket niches com by the way okay how , mu chis content necessary on a site for , an offer or just a landing page well let , me disclaimer it or let me explain it , this way so be UPI like landing pages , if I was gonna go for the word chat in a , perfect world Would like one-page , site saying here are the top sites to , chat on right this one costs nothing , this Andersen't take a credit card this , one's this this one's that okay those , would all be affiliate link sin a , perfect world I would want a one-page , site with like two or three things to do , okay sign up is that they , to do now sometimes to get traffic you , have to have some extra content so I , would make some extra content solely for , that purpose but if I'm buying a banner , ad game on Could use a one page , website boom , cool that still exists still buy , banner ad traffic every single day and , make a fortune off it banners still , exist and banners don't give a crap , about your landing page banners don't , have quality scores banners don't have , the Google people going oh your site , sucks banners don't give a rip and guess , what it's usually a lot cheaper traffic , but the problem is is people don't know , how to use banners say they put a banner , up and they get nine clicks for their , hundred bucks and they're like nine , click that'slake $W a click and they , say this sucks banners don't work right , NOW buy banners and am repeatedly , kicking the ass of the competition , because of what you're going to learn , about banner ads in your simple sites , course so if you want to learn that I'm , getting my traffic for pennies on the , dollar they're paying dollars on the , penny and I'm converting a whole lot , better and the cool thing about that is , banners you pay for the time you pay for , the impressions so if I buy a banner for , a hundred bucks and it's for ten , thousand impression sand I'Mable to get , a two percent click-through rate'm , getting traffic for practically nothing , got that right that's a little tidbit , that you're gonna want to listen to , because if you use it you'll be able to , make a lot of money there are lots of , banner ads out there right you gotta , like buy sell ads they got an inventory , of a lot of traffic and I use by sell , ads calm all the time right but don't do , it yet we're gonna show you how to get , coupon sin your course we're gonna show , you how to get W buck sin free traffic , guys I'm literally hooking you up with , so much stuff which is why you need to , go to simple sites bonus calm and be , like I'm tired of docking around I want , to make money online and go sign up , alright so you go here like they got a , lot of traffic , I think they tell you how many , impressions something like that access , to thousands of publishers to billion , they're tell selling two billion ad , impressions a month billion that'SA , lot of people write 2 billion a month , what is that per day let's see so 2 W , 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 that is well what'Si do , that over W days that'SA lot of , traffic that's what W million , impressions a day million impressions , a day oh well you're gonna have Google , don't use whatever you want Googlies , great love Google but you could use , whatever you want traffic's everywhere , OK so it depends on the niche it depends , on the niche yes exactly , RL what would you say would Beau good , start up cost to start an online , business whatever you have start with , what you have if you goat dollar , start wit ha dollar if you got five , thousand bucks , get us on live chat say Marcus what , would you do with grand if you had it , all right CZ what would you do with W , grand if you had Ito'll show you , exactly what to do start with what you , have , you could start right now for freak do , that if you want if you like Marcus I , don'got two nickels to scrape together , well take the one nickel you have scrape , it on the table or whatever you Giotto , do you know make a wish turn Luis Valley , but you could start you just go out , there and you do it okay , successful mind says mate there's no way , you're getting A percent click-through , rate yeah that's what I keep telling , myself as I look at the numbers you can , get A percent click-through rate if , you do it the right way it's not that , hard to do people don'believe it if , half of my job is convincing people that , what I do is real because they're like , how the hell do you do it that's exactly , what people said they said mate you , can't make money with smiley faces you , can't make money with toolbar's can't , make money with recipes successful month , that's funny that successful minds would , be our doubter today but you Giotto look , at it and say well people are freaking , doing it , I'm doing it all day every day now my , average I's.8 W.2% okay that's the , average but yes I got some that get to I , think our record was W on a regular , banana At's% boom done make it work how , do you do it , Marcus how do you do it focus on the , visitors right you want a lot of banner , impressions and I teach this in the , simple sights course there are so many , gems in the simple sights course , should be charging W times what Otis , but probably should but maybe'll do , that later but at any rate the way you , do it is you look at the site you , pattern after the site you pattern after , the site you make it the same colors you , make it look like text you make it look , like part of the site it's not that hard , to do right people click on on a , site all the time but they look at , banners and they go oh that's an ugly , banner don't make it look like an ugly , banner simple right one of our best , converting banners right now it's right , here there Otis that one gets us I , think appoint eight percent to a one , percent conversion rate we stopped the , crap out of all that you have there , advertisers I'm trying to buy every spot , they have so that I'm just the only one , up there because it makes fortune , right there you going this site gets a , lot of traffic by the way so you got to , look at it it's so easy to do there are , people like successful minds that are , gonna say that dozen't work that dozen't , do this that dozen't do that I'm doing , that all you ha veto do is work and hone , your skills and try it and make it work , focus on the user right again remember a , million reasons why it dozen'twerk all , I need is one why it does so there you , go there's your tidbit for the day , another tidbit alright next we'vie Giotto , look at trigger words trigger words are , great we go through this in the course , as well if you use the trigger words you , will find a niche we actually have a , brand new trigger word video that i just , made last week that you guys are gonna , love now got to focus on your landing , page look at this landing page now , here's another thing people are gonna , doubt me on how many of you guys have , heard of a bounce rate right you heard , of a bounce rat ea bounce rate means , someone comes to your site and they , leave immediately without doing anything , the average bounce rat eon a site is W , W% that means if you get a hundred , visitors W to W visitors leave without , doing anything now someone's gonna argue , with me on this but actually have a W , to W percent click-through rate on my , site sometimes I'm even over a hundred , percent because people click multiple , things but I'm at ninety to a hundred , percent in stupid little niches like , watch football online backgrounds for , your Facebook download recipes right we , are getting a killer killer , click-through rate that means the , majority of the people that come to my , site click on stuff and when they click , on stuff they go to my affiliate offers , and when they go to the affiliate offers , I make money because they fill him out , and do stuff right so we look at this , and we're like uncool how does it work , Marcus how does it work it's called , natives you need to be focused on native , stuff this looks like a site outdoes't , look like an affiliate site it looks , colloq choose choose your little cursor , choose your little download choose your , this okay look at Interest many of , you guys interest type Pinter est in , the box okay I'm gonna give you guys , little tip , we'll go to let's do barbecuePinterest , okay watch this it's gonna blow your , mind easy so simple you're gonna be like , why did't I think of that , because only Marcus thinks of weird , stupid things okay look at this here's , punchers everyone uses Pinter est now , when you go to Interest many times , do you like if you were looking at this , how many different things would you , click that you'd be like ooh I like , these onions do I like this do I like , that well you would pretty much be , guaranteed to click something right am i , right or am i right if you went to , Pinter est and you looked at stake you , would click on as take how many of you , guys yes would click a stake type , stake in the box if you click stake , and now I want to stake so I'm gonna , have to make the steak for dinner by the , way if you don'TKO how to make good , steak learn it's not that hard and steak , is awesome okay hey probably click on , this this looks pretty good right you , click on a steak type steak I want , everyone to type steak right now every , single person that's on this type steak , all right everyone okay see right there , Just made everyone type something in , the box that's kind of like conversion , it's like getting them to click on , thing sand nut can't make a veggie , steak but we can make you a Sudoku and , Edna is in the place where I want to try , the steak so I'm just you know Edna you , need to mail me a steak or something I , don'TKO if that would work but don't , mail me a steak that might be kind of , weird right everyone types taken because , I asked him to think about that for a , minute , ask your people to do stuff and they'll , do it yeah yeah I just got like what% , of the people on the call to type in , steak and it's still going if I can get , W%to click on something there you go , that's the basics of it so most people , click these so if you made your landing , page look like this you think you'd get , people to click your offer how many of , you guys just got like a ding ding aha , moment right there if you did't you , need to pause and think about that again , because I just told you one of the , biggest ways to make this stuff work all , right make your landing page look like , this all right Jay is from Texas Jay , unfortunately I have yet to have Good , steak from Texas I went there and all I , got was dried out , tasteless meat maybe I was going to the , wrong places but they were like that , haled places yeah I don't know why Texas , insist on overcooking everything , personally not me okay Texans don'Tet , mad at me because I know how'all act , but I love Texas well Id on't whatever , but yeah I don't like overcooked food , let's just put it that way , all right so yes you would click a steak , you would do it boom make your offer not , look like an ad type aha if you got not , ha moment okay there you go people are , gonna click this stuff basil and garlic , it's pretty good steak steak steak am , totally gonna have to make steak tonight , Kansas steaks'vie never had a Kansas , steak France I heard it's pretty good , I'vie learned to cook some kind of France , French steaks which are pretty good , so yeah this looks good here right I , would click on some of this stuff , probably cook on W of these right and , if i clicked ON of these that's one , guy ten impressions that'Stein times to , see the ad ten times see toolbar W , times times W times'm making money , the rest of the people are sayings , you can't do that the old uh bounce rate , suck sand by the way i'm allowed to do , that voice because like most of my , family sounds like that , and I don'TKO why this won't like , and by the way everyone always asked me , this is tobacco some kind of interesting , kind and this is non-alcoholic'm , actually sober three years last month , actually today I think marks three years , or no a couple weeks ago marks three , years out of rehab so that's my , accomplishment for the three years , uh-huh French steaks yeah it's very good , all right so let's keep going here's the , deal you got to think outside the box , and you have to look at where your ideal , person is value is the future of CPA , what is value these little info graphics , are value okay this could be value here , okay , let's see this could be value basil and , garlic marinade this is valuable to , someone who wants to cook right there , you go he's got the recipe there boom , value now instead of just having this , you could put a link to your old site , say hey by the way got this recipe , from the recipe toolbar click here to , learn about the recipe toolbar take them , to your site sell them on the download , make three dollars every time the , download do this hundred ti mesa day , make yourself six figures a year are you , guys getting it why do I spoke I enjoy , it I started after got sober , I'vie always smoked a cigar Ora pipe but , the kids in the wife don't like me to , have the cigars too much so I switched , over tithe pipe , all right does that make sense to , everyone are we right in assuming that , broadly speaking landing pages are , geared to paid traffic generation as , they reprisal penalized by search , engines whereas websites gain SEO , ranking with searches well here's a deal , you use your search engine rankings to , drive people Tao landing page hopefully , that gave you an aha momenta lot of , people ask that question but that's how , it works all right if you appreciate , this content hit the subscribe button , then go over to simple sites bonus com , that simple sites bonus com go there , right now you can sign up for the course , if you like this stuff and you say , Marcus sure do appreciate that you're , helping me out here with all these , questions and I sure do want to make a , lot of money and I want to learn what to , say here , so I can get even more traffic okay and , we'll show you how that works and we'll , teach you everything we'll even show you , how to make this steak or one of the , steaks , all right just ask me I'll teach you to , make steak so yeah okay I'Mont , supposed to smoke probably not but you , know there's a lot of things we're not , supposed to do , all right , okay so that's how that works now we'vie , been dropping a lot of knowledge bombs , here you got a lot of stuff I hope , you're taking notes if not we will get , the replay up very very soon almost , instantly YouTube should have it up but , I want you to go through this and if you , like this stuff go to simple sites bonus , com get the software the software it , looks like this walks you through , everything it actually has tools tons of , tools tons of support all kinds of stuff , go in here use these tools for all sorts , of stuff you could go through learn how , to use this it's all video oriented , training we get all kinds of stuff so , really really cool all right so you got , to focus on that now values the future , effect CPA marketing you got to look at , this and say why should look at your , offer , why should opt-in why should I read , your email you got to look at it from , the side of the customers all right Dan , says I got my first grill two months ago , and he loves Titan did you buy it , online or did you buy it in a store okay , I bough tall my girls online there's , thousands of dollars or what the grills , I have and I bring that up not to talk , about my girls but to say that lots of , people buy grills online and you could , like do all kinds of stuff like barbecue , smoker or whatever okay you got out , Lowe's at the store people buy it online , through those two and they do have an , affiliate program but we look at this , and a lot of people are looking this , kind of stuff up right lots and lots of , people so we got to look at it now what , is value value is helping them write , value is like hey these girls compared , what kind of cooking do you want to do , alright you might want gas charcoal , smoker whatever okay pretty cool now if , you think that people don't buy this , online'm such fanatic about my , grills I spent like a thousand bucks to , get in middle Eastern tandoori grill , right I had it shipped here and , everything is really cool but people buy , this stuff all the time just because , you're not buying outdoes't mean other , people don't either right you could do , this like , tandoori oven , yeah W,W people month gas tan door , W cents a click Google said the site , competition I don'think that's too , high right I bought this thing there's a , thousand bucks you could drop ship them , you can do affiliate you can go to , company say how much would you pay me if , I sell these done deal right you got a , lot of people gasp seventh and or , electric seven tender tan door for home , yeah there's this is a niche right you , sell one every three days you make a , hundred grand a year that's not that , hard to do there's a lot of traffic and , how about you guys are like aha moment , okay this makes sense alright that's how , it works very cool , alright so provide value now here's what , we want to do won't say what would we do , right here's what we want to ask , ourselves how would we promote this when , promoting it you have to sell them on , the click so if you're getting traffic , on SEO Pinter est your site whatever you , got to sell them on clicking tithe , landing page or the affiliate offer you , got to sell the offer okay sell it , okay go here download this so you can , get this go hereby the tandoori so you , could get this sell the free babe if , they want a freebie say hey go fill this , out so you could get this sell the , download sell the lead sell sell sell , what does sell mean ask them it means , to show them how to buy and what it'll , do for them alto of people think , selling is like this crazy thing all you , Giotto do is be like hey I got this , recipe from the toolbar click here to , get the toolbar boom I just sold not , that hard , like her ego two simple sites bonus com , if you like this sign up for my course , or if you want high-ticket niche go to , high-ticket niches calm will get your , niche will set everything 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subscribe to my , channel buy some stuff there we go you , can see my chin maybe get rid of that , shame of - and we'll see you in the next , one thanks again high ticket niches com , best offer or simple sites bonus com go , there let's make money'm Marcus over