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hey guy sit's Marcus here from simple , sites big profits calm and today what , have is a special website review for one , of our simple sites members that's right , as a simple site to member you can , actually have us go ahead and review , your site and tell you exactly how to , make more money and that's exactly what , we're going to be doing here with this , special site about how to retrieve , deleted photos now what you'll notice on , this page is he's actually set me up a , special page on his blog for this review , which is what we like you to do you'll , notice up here he has his paid traffic , stats this is where you would put your , paid traffic or free traffic stats shows , us how much he's paying per click how , many clicks he's gotten he also has a , screenshot from Max bounty showing the , clicks the earnings everything like that , hisclickbank stats and hastens , stats now you'll notice that so far he's , had W clicks from restore deleted , photos approximately set of W clicks , from recover deleted photos deleted , photos he's got about thirty nine so all , in all he has decent amount of traffic , here approximately W clicks you'll , also notice that sixty two of his clicks , went to the PC backup lead gen offer and , that generated him at about fifty , dollars or eighty-one cents per click , the zip cloud offer got about four , clicks and to sign ups which generated , about twelve dollars and eighty cents , and epic or earnings per click of about 3 , W now he's made about sixty two dollars , and luckily he spent less than that but , it'snot that profitable right now it's , only making a couple of dollars so what , we want to do is we want to turn this , around and make it work better now first , and foremost what want to look at is , the fact that he's had W clicks and , only about W of them have actually , clicked on the offers okay that's a sign , of a lot of people bouncing that means , over a third of his traffic or , approximately a third of his traffic is , coming to his site and not doing , anything so let's take a look and see if , we can change that first of all let's , take a look at some of the critical , numbers involved with this campaign we , have W which is the traffic to the , landing page , how many visitors he got if you add up , all the clicks and the amount of people , who went to his landing page the total , amount he paid for that traffic was , dollars and twenty-six cents so so far , hies standing at approximately a twenty , dollar profit not too bad right the cost , per click was approximately eleven point , six cents per click his effective epic or , the amount he earned for each and every , visitor that he got was about seventeen , point three cents per click and you , could see down here on his max bounty , screenshot the amount per click he , earned on each offer now the reason we , go with the effective is because , that'st he amount that he's earning on , each of his clicks so what we did is we , took the W point eighty and divided , that by the amount of clicks that were , sent to the offer and we got his , effective epic or the amount his landing , pages earning per person and of course , if you did all the math everything would , add up for you in be up then you'd be , able to see how the Prophet works when , you start to scale these things out for , right now what I'dike to do is take , look at his landing page and see if we , can make it a little bit better because , obviously if he was able to send just , double the amount of traffic to the my , PC to the my PC backup offer he'd be , making almost double the money right so , it would be pretty good and a lot of , that would be profit because of the fact , that he already paid for traffic okay so , instead of a twenty dollar profit he'd , be at a seventy dollar profit and that's , simply by getting a hundred and twenty , four clicks instead of W all right now , these things are actually easy to do but , what we want to talk about is how to do , this without diminishing the value of , each click so let's go ahead and I want , you to Putin your imagination hat and I , want you to imagine that you just typed , in something like restore deleted photos , deleted photos recover deleted photos , retrieve deleted photos or something , like that and you just typed it into a , search engine and in a matter of seconds , you click on a search engine ad and this , is the page you see NOW want you to , realize that the average user is going , to spend asp lit second looking at this , page and judging it before he decides , whether he's , stay or whether he'seagoing to leave now , what we want to do is want to take a , look at some of the things we have right , now if we were to look at this page as a , whole my eyes fir stand foremost go to , this free book now the question is is , do I want Anne-book already and when I , click it I ha veto put in my name and , email now i know from this customer that , very very few people are putting your , name and email in this site so we want , to we want to evaluate that and say is , it worth this space is it worth having , the most valuable spot on our pledge go , to something that USN't converting so we , want to take a look at that and say well , you know maybe it's time to change that , also we notice up here we headsets , now thirstiness page is worth only , about W cents or actually let's see , here you have W cents for the entire , time or less than a penny a clay way , less than penny a click okay so that's , just completely wasted space so we want , to get rid of that next we have this , opt-in box which if it's getting opt-ins , then you'll want to keep it if it's not , get rid of that thing now what I want , you to do is I want you to take a look , at this and see how we can change it , based on what this traffic's looking for , and get them to click to our offers so , what we're going to do is we're going to , take a look at that fir stand foremost , what I notice is that we're using the , word retrieve a lot okay we want to , stagger it since these people are coming , from both retrieve recover and yeah , retrieving recover deleted photos and , restore we want to have a mix of those , words so first and foremost most of your , traffic is coming from the word restore , so we want to have that in there what , I'm going to do is I'm going to take and , change the title I'm actually logged , into histories we're going to go , into his pages right like this and we're , going to change the title of this page , here okay we're going to change this to , say restore since that is the one that's , getting the most clicks okay so we want , to catch those people's eyes right off , fat and we're going to do that by going , right into here and editing this , retrieve deleted photos page here and , we're going to type restore , your deleted photos fast okay that way , we have something that looks good we're , also going to take and say okay we got , retrieve we got recover and we got , restore so retrieve is in the title , which store is here and then we're going , to do recover right like this and we're , going to put how to recover deleted , photos from your Windows PC or we could , say how to recover deleted photos okay , we're going to go ahead and hit update , here all right right like this and we're , going to go ahead and reload this and , take look at how it's changed so now , we have how to recover deleted photos , and it's already looking a little bit , better next what I want to do is we want , to notice that our keywords don't , differentiate whether they're on a Mac , PC a phone a tablet camera whatever so , we want to kind of utilize this to our , advantage and the way we could do that , is very simple we can use our smart , affiliate ads pro plugin which you get , free as a simple sites big profits or , blog profit network member and we're , going to go ahead and create some ads , which are kind of like ads which are , kind of not ads i'm going to show you , what i mean by that we're going to open , the smart affiliate ads plugin in our in , overdress here we're going to go , ahead and click on manage groups and , what'm going to do is you can see here , how many clicks it's getting we're going , to go ahead and create a new ad group by , clicking the plus i'm going to call this , computer types okay what we're going to , do is we're going to gather data about , our visitors and get a bunch of them to , click the way we're going to do that , is we're going to hit computer types , we're going to choose our template which , is going to be image ads let's do , news feed okay and then we're going to do , submit right like this we're not going , to choose any of those because of the , fact that we're going to use this as a , short code which'll show you as well , later all the stuffs covered in simple , sites big profits so if you're confused , but you want to make money go get , simplest likes big profits and will help , you wit hall this next you're going to , go ahead and create our ads like this , and what we're going to do is we're , going to take the major types of , computers , that we know people are on we're going , to click on the add and we're going to , type in windows Poky I think some , people still use Windows XP and then , what we're going to do is we're going to , go ahead and take our affiliate link now , we're going to put our affiliate link , for the highest-paying offer here or not , the highest-paying but the highest one , that we get clicks on OK so the my PC , backup lead gen so what we're going to , do is we are going to go back into our , site like this Windex we're going to , put in our affiliate URL right like this , and we're going to upload an image now , what you could do is you could just go , to google and get an image that looks , like windows XP right like this can go , ahead and save this image but just save , this to our pictures folder here and , we'll call it windows XP now all we have , to do is take this and upload it within , this smart affiliate ads so we're going , Togo here we're going to do pictures , and you can do these by date so play , there Otis OK but windows Spent , like this insert into post and now we're , going to have a little windows XP box go , ahead and save it we're going to do the , same exact thing utilizing windows seven , OK put our affiliate link right like , that upload image go ahead and get , windows seven right like thicko we'll , go ahead and let's see here get this , Windows's here save image as Windows 7 , OK we're going to go ahead and upload , that one right like this insert submit , now we're going to be windows all , right like this , and let's see here think windows 8 is , the latest one OK where is windows 8 , there we go right like this actually I'm , going to get this one here because it's , more of a square looking one save image , as when we're going to go ahead and , put that one in as well right like this , windows 8 upload image get our windows 8 , here and then insert into post next what , we're going to do is submit it and we , are going to make one for Mack so , we'll do mac and let's see if we can get , a mac logo I like this all right perfect , so we'vie used this guy here we can use , one of these apples very very simple , Mac OS there we go perfect so we'll go , ahead and save this guy save image as , save it as Mac and lastly we're going to , put our Mac one in here Mac OS all right , right like that now upload image and , what we want to do is we're going to , utilize the fact that people are going , to want to know instructions for their , specific their specific computerize , because this is a very testy thing this , is something people want to fix so we , want to use that to our advantage so , what we're going to do is we're going to , go ahead and get copy of this one and , we're going to hit down here OK we're on , our page retrieve deleted photos and , let's see if we actually had it updated , OK think it was recover or was it , restore restore restore deleted photos , and we had how to how to restore deleted , photos so now what we're going to do , is we're going to say in small font , we're going to go here and do like a , heading 3 choose your computer type , then back up your data on the next page , with what's the offer called I think our , offer is called my PC backup okay cool , so my PC backup dot dot okay so we're , going to do step one right like this and , we can make this red if we want to or , something like that okay well do read , write like this or dark red okay and , then what we're going to do below this , is we're going to put those little icons , we just made and the way we're going to , do that is scroll down to the smart , affiliate ads plug-in right Herrick it's , a smart affiliate ads pro short code what , we're going to do is we're going to go , ahead and choose computer types like , this we're going to choose center and , we're going to choose for ads okay all , we have to do is copy the shortcake , you can click the button or you can , highlight it like this we're going to , copy the short code and we're going to , paste it right here like this okay what , that's going to do once we save it like , this now you can also probably put like , an iPhone and an Android icon or , something like that ought to make it , fill up a lot of times you want to have , six icons or three icons or something , even so it dozen't look funny next what , we're going to do is delete terseness , over here and we're going to do that by , going over to our widgets area let's go , here we're going to go into appearance , and widgets and see if he has it set up , in here under text that looks like it is , in text so we could just take this and , drag it over here get rid of it and , that'll be the quickest way to go ahead , and get rid of that okay so next what we , want to do is put like an iPhone or an , Android thing here okay so that we have , some other options and then we want to , have a step okay step two would go , through and say something about securing , files and everything like that and then , maybe have some kind of thing in place , of this book since no one's opting in , you definitely want to send these people , to the offer , but the idea here first and foremost is , to get people to click on their , operating system so that they can get , help now there's two different things , that you can do here number one you can , take and send them directly from the , icon straight over to the offer like , we'redoing net okay that's one way you , can do it another way you can do this is , by actually creating six different , intermediate pages or posts and actually , have them go to a page that talks about , how to recover these files because one , of the things that'm seeing here is , there's really no step by step on how to , do it except for this video so you can , utilize that method and what will happen , is since these open in a new window you , can see up here they open in a new tab , what's going to happen is you're going , to have your page open every time they , click these they're going to go to , another page which could have liked the , video and the different offers and , things like that and that's going to , give you another chance to get the , impression okay so what this is going to , do is it's going to take those , clicks that you got and it'probably , going to make about fifty percent of , them click on these ads which would mean , that W or W would end up going to , your affiliate offers which of course , would make a lot more money seeing how , W made W bucks right so theoretically , if everything works well you'll get W , clicks make about hundred and fifty , bucks on this still spending the same , amount on the traffic and you'll be able , to do that now what I'd like to see done , is I'd like to see you go ahead and , change this this take me there now thing , and send them to an offer OK they're not , opting in so maybe maybe not have opted , in on this page okay so instead have the , pop-up take them directly to an offer or , click here to backup your data or , something like that also put your iPhone , and your android stuff here or maybe , phone and then maybe some other kind of , operating system or something like that , okay so that's step one what we want to , do is we want to test W clicks to this , offer OK so send a hundred more clicks , see how many click on these different , things okay once you find , how many click that is the main name of , the game if bunch of people click like , fifty percent or more that's Goodall , right then you go through and you see , how they're doing on the offers if the , offers don't convert as well you want to , precondition them and maybe make those , six pages I was telling you about but , the name of the game here is to get them , involved in your content right get them , clicking get them going over to the , offer because right now the way it , stands you're only getting about one out , of every five people to click to your , offers we need to get that number way up , so focus on that do some more work on , the site like this get your stats in , right make your pages work correctly , again like from your iPhone and things , like that this could be a page that you , send these people too okay so very very , cool so you can integrate all this stuff , you can make them go to new pages you , can make you click on things but the , name of the game is you got to get more , people to your offer if Ad sense dozen't , convert take it off your page if people , arena't filling this out take it off your , page put some kind of banner there or , something like that and first and , foremost you want to focus on not only , giving them what you're promising them , which is the instructions on how to , recover deleted photos but you also want , to make them click on these things and , get them to click deeper into your site , that's the name of the game get as many , people as you can over to those offers , and make sure they know that the offers , are the offers right you don'twat to , say click here to win a million dollars , and then take them to like some PC thing , that dozen't make any sense right so you , want to make it like this where these , icons make sense and everything like , that so do those kind of things fix your , pop-up test another hundred clicks get , back with me and let's make this thing , work I think you goat winner here have , fun with it and again if you're watching , this review and you want this kind of , review for your site you want me to show , you how to make money online as you know , I know how to do go ahead and go over to , simple sites bonus calm right now sign , up for simple sites big profits send me , your sites if you don't have a site , let's get you a sign let's work wit hit , and let's get started making money , online together thanks again and I'll , see you in the next video , you