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hey guys it's Marcus here coming to you , live from the backyard office if you can , hear me okay please let me know and , we're going to be getting started here , in just a few minutes just want to make , sure that everything is in fact working , so if you can hear me type something in , the box and let me know your name and , where you're listening from today and we , will acknowledge you and make sure that , you get a good show today and you learn , all about how to make money with online , marketing affiliate marketing and simple , little websites the theme of this , webinar training session is going to be , all about creating simple little , websites to profit online and these are , little sites you could create in about , W minutes obviously the results you see , are not going to be typical we don't , really know what our average user gets , because you know not everyone tells us , and some people like the guy who came to , me a couple years ago had been making , money for a long time with my stuff he , retired and everything like that and he , did't tell me for several years so , sometimes we just don't know all right , so you're going to see lots of good , stuff here we got dorsal from Tamp awe , have Ken from Palmetto Florida Brad from , Colorado Bob from Chicago , the Fox from South Carolina we got , Robert from YouTube or something don't , know if it'from Scott from Baltimore , all right who else we got there feel , free to introduce yourself and this this , training is going to be specifically , about creating your own profit sites , okay so you might have questions about , other stuff but try to keep it to the , topic at hand because Want to give you , guys an overview of how it works all , right we got Lisa from Georgia a new , picture from Turkey Andrea's from Denmark , Tom from misery all right we got , Elizabeth from Park for Chicago Joseph , from Oklahoma City Oklahoma all right , excellent looks like we got quite a few , people , on usually a lot of people come on about , ten minutes in so I like to kind of you , know get to know you guys while we're , waiting for everyone to come on we got , you Lii from Largo Maryland Rochelle , from British Columbia , we got em Rowe from Niagara Falls tea , from Baltimore all right so all kinds of , places we got everyone except our East , Guard West Coast people think they're , still sleeping but that's alright we'll , forgive them we got Jim from Michigan I , think that's Michigan Rodger from , Milkshake you got to send me some , food Mani love me some Moroccan food , all right Gordon from Idaho , we got me from India , we got ken in South Carolina all right , excellent excellent excellent all right , I'just going to get this other , computer up so that I could see you guys , in Jay ant screen and most of the , training today is going to be done on , screen so we're not going to be using , the blackboard even though I did wake up , early to clean that off but most will be , on the screen here so it'll be , interactive'll be watching what you , guys are typing in and we'll be going , over especial presentation we got , Matthews from Kenya good to have you , here Matthews what's your weather like , there in Kenya all right we got two , Eldon we got Robert from Elfin Illinois , all right we all know where the , Illinois's is up there by them Lakes , right see I did I did learn a few things , I was the kid that always failed that , thing where you had to fill in each , state just never got that right my , wife still gets mad at me because she's , like don't you know where this state is , don't you know where the grocery store , is can'you find your way to our room , yeah you know I'd probably get lost on , the way to the backyard office if I had , my way all right excellent so I'm very , very happy to see everyone here in , Rose's house the beer we don't drink , beer anymore I'm actually three years , sober so pretty cool but you know to , each his own used to like a lot of , eight IP As , but now I started drinking hot water , which is kind of cool really good stuff , it's and I'm off of caffeine which has , been pretty good too so pretty much off , of everything alright Joan from Venice , Florida Ken thanks for the congrats , that's one of the things I'm most proud , of is being able to stay sober that's a , that's aught thing if you'vie ever , dealt with it and if you're dealing with , it now reach out to us we'll try to get , you some help all right Kevin from , Manchester New Hampshire excellent all , right looks like we got about two , minutes to go here all right I will have , to try those couscous and Bastille yeah , all right cool IDE couscous but I only , think'vie tried the Middle Eastern type , last night we had this new thing , forgot what it's called like Fakes um , that it's pretty good all right yes a , marketing sale Miner excellent yes we , are going to sell stuff that's how we , pay for these and that's why we do them , right it's like you know that's how you , do it like all the TV shows you watch , you know they Giotto have you know , things like that okay Baeria met yes we , do have the bear actually the people in , our community put a little sign about , the bear as if he's like a bad thing , it's like you know what man we're in his , territory you know they're like wise , lair bearers in these house sand the , Bears like why is there house sin my , forest right so all right Joe from New , Jersey we got one from Spain , all right cool deal so we'vie got about a , minute to go and if you want to , introduce yourself feel free the sales , pitch of this webinar is going to be , about our summer time coaching program , if you haven't heard about that you're , going to hear about it today if you have , heard about it you'vie been wondering how , to join because it is Private closed , niche group you are going to want to , watch this and also you're going to , learn about a lot of good fundamentals , of internet marketing affiliate , marketing and everything like that all , right Rick says I'm happy that you're , sober one day at a time yes Rick Thanks , and sounds like you'vie probably traveled , that road as well so congrats to , as well if that is the case all right so , cool deal we got let's see seconds to , gonad we're going to get the show on , the road here hopefully our video is , nice and clear all right excellent so , hello and welcome this is going to be , like the old fashioned webinars where we , have the screen and the video and , everything like that Congrats tiny roads , on your W years without smoking cool , deal this can be like the old fashioned , webinars where we go through and we show , the screen we show you how it works , we're going to go through a presentation , we'll take your questions and you know , give you an idea of what's going on here , because know alto of you guys have , been struggling right how long have you , been struggling to profit online go , ahead and type it in the in the box if , it's been a years month a week Day , years whatever it is if you'vie been , struggling to make money online I want , you to type in that number in the box , however long you'vie been struggling with , it because I realize it's a real , struggle realize there's a lot of , things going on right I realize that , life get sin the way Realize that , sometimes these things arena't as easy as , they seem sometimes you see a guy like , me do this stuff and it seems like , second nature and you forget hey dude , it'been doing it for W years all , right Robert asked about payment plan , for the summer coaching we will have , that available again it is by invitation , only , so you're going to want to get us on , live chat at the end of this call , all right so Dan's been trying to make , money since W that's before I started , we got 5 years Bob five months ken , two months Dan W years Elizabeth's been , at this for seven years Joseph for four , months tiny roads for W years Brad for , 4 years Joe for years Jerry for 6 , months so we look at this and we're like , okay there's a lot of stuff going on , here , Doug's been at it since Roberts , been at it for nine months , like seriously concentrating so what we , want to do is want to break this down , and talk about the main questions a lot , of people don't go over right we want to , talk about , these things and get you on the right , track all right Robert , good question says how do you get us on , live chat well we are doing some changes , her ewe're bringing in Alisa Tiffany is , going to be ending her time with us I , think next week or Friday or something , like that but we were great to have her , she helped out pretty good Alisa is , going to be filling in that spot if you , need help you want to get us on live , chat you want to get all the stuff you , want to go to PC moneymaking dot-com PC , money-making comm is where we have our , new tickets we have our live chat so if , you want to see what it looks like it , looks like this here PC money-making , calm all right this is where you want to , go you could submit ticket you can see , our team up here this is myself Alisa , Carmela and Andy they're here we're here , to help you you're going to be mostly , talking to myself and Alisa and we're , going to help you out here right so if , you want to submit a ticket we Giotto , covered it's all easy to do if you lose , your tickets or anything you can log in , and get all that stuff it's super super , easy so you're going to want to do that , this is where you go right with our old , site you don'twat to use it actually , redirects here now use this one okay , we're phasing out the old one so this is , where you go now if you want to get us , on live chat all of our sites have this , little thing on the bottom and they also , have an image version okay so look for , this and also look for let's see I think , it's on this one , there we go so on here you'll notice at , the bottom you see this live chat thing , right so you can talk to us on live chat , I believe Alyssa is actually on live , chat while we're on this call so you can , get her you could ask questions if you , are super serious about that coaching , you can send her get the link and you , could sign up while we're on the call if , that's what you want to do that's for , the summertime coaching or anything else , you need that will help you okay so , really cool so let'sago ahead and dive , in to how this whole thing works okay so , what we're going to do today is we're , going to talk about how to profit with , simple little websites and blogs alright , how to profit with simple little , websites and blogs so if you'retaking , notes you want to pay attention here , very cool peter go topic money-making , comm you'll be able to get that fixed up , alright so here are the big questions , that people ask or people don't know to , ask right these are the things that we , need to look at when talking about , affiliate marketing number one we want , to write down who is going to pay me , okay that's that'st he most important , thing like if you want to make money , online you need to know where you're , going to get the money from okay a lot , of people go into business opportunities , and affiliate marketing or whatever , things like that right network marketing , and they don't know who pays them or , where the money comes from knowing these , two things is a very very critical part , of the puzzle right how am I going to , get my check who am I going to get paid , what am I getting paid for where are , they getting it right like if I know , that coca-cola is paying me that , company's got some money I'Mont going , to have to worry about it however if , some guy says he's going to give me , money then you know that'SA little , different , alright so next what's the risk right , what is the risk of starting an internet , business now a lot of people argue with , me argue with me on this but think , that it'actually you can get started , with no money if you wanted to right can , you do it of course you can right you , can start with no money if you got , internet access you can go sell stuff , wherever whenever just as long as you , find people that want something and , someone that's willing to pay it pay you , when you sell something boom you match , those together and you're done , right is , very very simple so you got to focus on , it right so what's the rest the risk , could be nothing it could be high , depending on what you're out you take , now if you join simple sights or some , other affiliate marketing program that , teaches you what you're doing is you're , investing in learning investing and , learning is one of the most important , things you can do because you're , investing in yourself right like if you , buy simple sights big profits or our , summer time coaching course or something , like that what you're going to get you , might get a bunch of stuff and you , expect this result but behind the , scenes what happens is if you actually , go through it you're going to learn a , skill set right several different skills , that are going to take with you you can , take these with you and use them to , profit online in a really cool way right , you could learn blogging and you can go , build blogs for people you can learn , YouTube you could help people with , YouTube you can learn search engine , marketing and you can market all kinds , of things right so there's lots of , things that you're going to take with , you and I want you to look at this as a , very very straightforward transaction , right here's what we're doing what's the , risk the risk ISO don'Tod anything and , I don'Tet any results or I give upon , that's the real risk or you say can I , lo sea bunch of money on traffic yes if , you arena't paying attention right I had , a buddy who accidentally drank too much , and he put in $W a click instead of W , cents click we went to dinner he came , back he lost like $4,W while we were , at dinner why because he was an idiot , and he tried to market while he was , drunk stupid right um luckily back when , Outrank I was a little smarter than that , sometimes not really I'll kid myself and , think so but the fact of the matter is , is if you watch this stuff if you pay , attention if you know what'seagoing on , this is how it's going to do it you , can't do this stuff asleep you have to , be like okay I'm going to do it no wit , might take minutes a day but those W , minutes you need to be on it you'vie got , to be on it you can'tube docking around , on Facebook you can't be Twitter and you , can't be watching some stupid Donald , Trump video and they're all pretty , stupid but you know you can't be doing , that stuff you Giotto focus on the , ask at hand what's the task at hand how , am I going to make money well great , let'Sask that question who's going to , pay me that's how you're going to make , money plain and simple plain and simple , okay so that's the risk that's how it , work snow a lot of people also ask when , aim going to be paid right if I invest , in traffic when am I going to get paid , okay now most affiliate networks will , pay you what's called net fifteen this , means after the end of the month okay so , when June like tomorrow you would be , getting paid for Mays commissions okay , that would be Nexus team its net thirty , we would give it'd begetting paid on , June Th for Mays commissions okay very , cool , some companies will pay you weekly some , daily just depends on the company you're , working with a lot of times you can get , a duo Bank wire you could get PayPal , you could get a check some people put it , Ina debit card lots of ways to get paid , okay , everyone with me so far if you're with , me put at en in the box if you're lost , put one okay next question where do I , advertise where do I get traffic okay , now again this is going to have to do , with who pays you because you're only , going to advertise here's the key to , advertising and pay-per-click marketing , the key to advertising and pay-per-click , marketing is to put yourself in front of , as many people who can say yes and what , to say yes to your offer plain and , simple you want to never lose money put , yourself in front of the right people if , you're not getting commissions if you're , not getting sales if people arena't , clicking then you're not going to be , where you want to be very very important , okay so we want to look at that and we , want to focus Robert you're going to , want to check out the summer time , coaching we're going to have all kinds , of checklists and stuff okay so that's , where we advertise where do you , advertise wherever people are who can , say yes if I have a mortgage offer where , who could say yes right well technically , everyone on Facebook can say yes yeah , but do you want to pay to figure out , which ones on Facebook are enter , maybe not okay now hey if you got an , offer for like you know how to look , beautiful on pictures or maybe a picture , toolbar yeah that would work awesome on , Facebook because everyone's obsessed , with photo shopping their pictures so , they look better than the next guy okay , so that would work is this making sense , to everyone , we really want to focus on it okay , alright so we advertise to get people , who can say ye snow how do I find , untapped niches we're going to go over , that with the trigger works tiger words , and everything like that and then lastly , why the hell aim doing this in the , first place okay so I want you to stop , right there and I want you to ask , yourself right now why are you doing , this and put your answer in the box if , it'family , maybe you got bills maybe you want , freedom maybe you want some extra income , to spend your golden years with your , people or whatever Otis whatever the , reason is I want you to tap into it and , I want you to type that in the box for , me I never wanted to work for someone , else I hated Ito worked at McDonald's I , worked at computer sales place I hated , having to go to work and I hated the , fact that my check was always the same , it's always the same right Otis barely , even beat invalidating't like that did , that for a couple of years decided I'm , gonna do this , whether it's magic whether it was this , that'show I work okay Tiny's get four , bills says bills Ken says travel , Robert wants freedom to work for himself , ken wants everything okay well good luck , getting everything Ken but thanks for , your answer , brad says bills and freedom ray says , financial freedman says freedom from , location work laptop lifestyle Tony , wants freedom from normal jobs Ellie , wants freedom to work for himself or , herself Robert says I need two thousand , a month to add to my Social Security to , get by Michael wants the laptop , lifestyle Elizabeth wants the good life , Matthews wants freedom he wants complete , freedom and Joan needs extra money in , retirement and Oliver wants to be , debt-free Randy wants money period okay , cool so these are good things right we , all want freedom we all want this stuff , and want you to tap into it and really , really start to understand , and realize that% of this business is , mental% of it like the guy who , struggles for three to four hours a day , trying to make it work it's all a mental , thing and once you click on the button , it's going to work the way that I look , at it is kind of like you have your , brain you have your mindset you have , everything that you think about okay now , in your brain there are sort certain , doors that are closed right sometimes oh , a cal lit's like have you ever had a , time in your life and I want you guys to , answer this on the question so I know , where you guys are coming from , right have you ever had a time in your , life where you found something out and , it was as if it was so easy it was like , there the whole time but for some reason , occluding't see it right for some , reason that door just wan'opened in , your brain you're like what the heck and , then once you got it you were like whoa , Wow I understand I see this get it it , makes sense right and we want to look at , that and we want to understand it , because it's very very important that is , what this business is like internet , marketing there's doors in your brain , that have not been open my goal today is , to open some of them and show you now , these are the kind of doors that when , they're open you can't go back on it , right it'slake you'vie seen the Wizard , of Oz is just a dude behind curtain , who's like weird looking right then , never trust the dude behind the curtain , I know there's some people doing , webinars out there that are kind of like , that but trust a guy who is out there , who shows you what's going on right do , yourself that favor so we want to look , at that and my goal here is to open , those doors and once they're open you're , gonna see it everywhere right like I , Drive my family nuts because it's like , watch TV with them and I'm like hey , that's like a marketing thing hey W , people look that up a day hey this this , is this is right it's all in there so , it's like switch and we're gonna try , to flip that switch so what I want you , to do is I want you to think in mind the , goal that you want okay why do you want , to do this and want you to pick how , much you want to make per year okay , whether it's W grand a year like the , person who wants two grand extra a month , whether it's fifty thousand a hundred , thousand you can write it in the box on , your sheet of paper , either way right type it in the box if , you want type it in the paper or write , it on the paper or whatever you want to , do right and we're going to go through , those now what I find from my normal , training's is that the average person , would be happy , between the fifty thousand and hundred , thousand dollar range right a hundred , grand a year would change pretty much , anyone's life right on here that would , pretty much change your life I would , venture to say so we goat look at that , okay and I'll wait for those answers to , come in and though what we're going to , do is we're going to think in terms oaf , different way , okay so Joe says hundred thousand a , year ken says a hundred and twenty , thousand a year go ahead and type those , in all right Joan once a hundred , thousand Dan one six hundred thousand , alright what else we got , brad says a hundred thousand okay so the , majority is right around a hundred , thousand now ray says hundred thousand , Ada which would Be a year okay ten , hundred thousand okay cool , now we want to look at this okay two , million hundred and thirty thousand , a year five hundred a year okay great so , we want to look at this okay what do we , want to do with this let's take look , let's focus and let's get there , okay everyone cool let's focus let's get , there let'smoke this stuff happen let's , make it real let's stop messing around , let's get plan that's going to work , okay Rick say's grand a year for , starters Bob wants W a year etc okay , now what do we ha veto do to get here , well let'break it down if you want to , make W,W a year all you got to do is , make W bucks a day pretty cool right so , dollars a day is approximately what , like bucks an hour less than that W , over right that's two dollars and , cents an hour how many of you guys think , you can make a site and make two dollars , and W cents an houri mean really , that'slake what five clicks an hour I , mean that's not that unique it gets up , like that how many of you guys make that , type:W in the box if you're like yeah , dude come on two dollars , thirty cents an hour Could probably , make a site that doe sit I with free , traffic or YouTube or something there's , got to be a way , right you do dollars you have double , that so it'd be you know four dollars an , hour or something like that dollars , a Dayan says I used to think could , well Dan we're going to try to open that , door because we know you can anyone can , do it two dollars and thirty cents an , hour I mean seriously all you do let's , say you work eight hours a day all you , would ha veto do is make you know three , times at seven bucks an hour that's not , that hard to do if you were working at , it and the cool thing about the sites is , they work hours day they don'tog , to sleep all right so we Giotto go here , we're like okay W,W dollars aye is , $W a day fifty is a hundred and thirty , six day hundred thousand a year is W , a Dayan million dollars aye which , seems like a big hurdle to a lot of , people right even those who said I want , to make two million that's a big hurdle , right you're like hey how do I do that , well a million dollars aye is really , twenty seven hundred and forty dollars , day that's it right SO W a day let's , look at the hourly on that think it's , going to be somewhere right around W , bucks an hour or something like that W , okay , so an over let's see over there we go , that's about bucks an hour right not , we Giotto think about this so now how , many of you guys think it's easier to , make one hundred and fourteen dollars an , hour all day every day from a site than , it is to focus on a million dollars a , year right that's why we do that so we , have to look at this and we have to do , it now Williams says it's easy with , pie-in-the-sky it is but it's also easy , if you focus right if you focus this is , how you want to do it okay so what we , want to do is we want to take our goal , and start thinking in terms of what we , need to do what do I Giotto do to get , what I want right how many of you guys , are like I want to learn what I have to , do to get what I want right I want a , hundred grand a year I want to look tell , me what I ha veto do to get that well , here's what you Giotto do you have to , start thinking in terms of what you need , to do if you want to make twenty five , thousand dollars a year , all you need to do is sell one product , day , at $W commission or$W if it's your , own product okay , you want to make fifty grand a year all , you ha veto do is sell two products , day that's it under grand a year for , products a day million a year W , products a day you say oh Marcus that's , insane Jemmy stores out their cell W , products a Dayan lot of them tons of , them I mean you think like Amazon , they're making quarter of a million , dollars every W second sit's a lot of , sales Shirley out of that you could find , W people to buy an Amazon product , surely you can find people on a , search engine to fill out an affiliate , offer meanders't that make sense did , that open IPA door for anyone right did , anyone get that door of like okay I get , it stop thinking about what the hello , want and start thinking about what Igor , to do the value I'm going to provide to , the marketplace to get it done right , that's all there is to it now there's , another way to do this the other way to , do this is you could get a higher priced , product right a higher priced product so , let's say you're selling something , that's $2,W pretty cool there's lots , of stuff out there that pays two , thousand dollar Commission's tons of , stuff out there right they're allover , the place so we want to look at this , okay we want to look at this and we want , to say okay well to get$2,W sales all , I need to do is sell one a month one , that's it so the guy who wants to make , two Granada month , so one all right there's all kinds of , things there's affiliate marketing , products there's pay per call there's , high ticket products there's big ticket , things there's actually avid I did on , my YouTube channel where we talked about , the high paying affiliate offers okay so , just one sale a month,W a year all , you would need is two and half sales a , month hundred thousand year all you'd , need is a four and a half month okay a , million a year all you'd nee dis W a , month or like one and a half Ada okay , Jonathan says well you'd be spending , tons to get the data and say oh it's not , necessarily what if you could do it free , I get tons of sales from my YouTube , all the time every day we get sales from , YouTube it cost me nothing put a video , up ranking for the keywords done right I , actually made a$2,W sale from one , YouTube video with a hundred and thirty , one views one hundred and thirty one two , thousand dollar Commission boom done , deal within W hours of putting the , video up that's I mean there you go , right so Jonathan can sit there and say , well this is what I thin know you're , gonna have limiting beliefs why because , you'vie been trained to have them you'vie , been trained to think that money is hard , money is difficult money is scarce only , the rich get money the government's this , that bit blah blah blah but the fact of , the matter is money is an inanimate , object it dozen'give a shit who has it , or wooden't have it all it ISIS a , measurement right all of this is this , guy got a bunch of people to buy stuff , and this guy did't this guy sold things , for value this guy did't this guy , played the stock market that guy did't , it's like monopoly only people take it , serious because it's real money and , obviously you got to obey the law sand , everything , don't be silly wit hit but the fact of , the matter is is you'vie been trained , wrong you were trained go to school go , to college get this education and boom , out of college you're gonna get rich , dozen't happen that way when the economy , tanks you guys are the ones to feel it , when things go south you guys are the , ones to feel it wit hit right very , important needier says but Marcus the , issue with these highly paid products is , that you need to work harder and people , can steal your commission well not , really like Commission thieves't , really out there if you do it the right , way you have to do it the right way and , also it's a myth that it's harder to , sell an expensive item then a less , expensive it's a complete myth it's , something fabricated in your mind you , look at this a guy going in to buy a , jeep is looking for deal she's looking , for prices he's gotta have financing you , gotta grind to get a sale a guy looking , to buy freaking Bentley that he once , spruced up the way he wants from the , factory packaged in a box he dozen't , care he's like what's it cost five , hundred Rand good ship it tomorrow Oh , buddy super simple so he comes to you , knowing what he want sit's easier to , sell that sometimes it's easier to sell , more expensive stuff , you'vie just got to change your mindset , you got it get through the door you have , to make it work , very important all right Lynne keep that , question towards the end so we got a , look at that what sites can go okay , we'll take these some some of these , things towards the end can you sell a , car online yes you can , all right so let's let'look at this , now we know our goals right how many , guys are with me , right yeah there's good stuff this is , going to help me get past the mental , product because the mental block I's , percent of it right the mental block is , everything John says only if they're , looking for it all right John is gonna , have a hard time making money because he , has a reason why everything's't work , okay and he's probably righto'm sure , that he probably dozen't have enough , money he probably dozen'thieve enough , time there's probably too much expensive , traffic there's probably too much this , the government's probably going to take , his money anyway there's probably gonna , be too much of this he's probably got to , go to work he's probably gonna ha veto , pay the government half of it anyway all , this stuff and you're right but do you , want to be right or do you want to make , this business work because you can have , million reasons why somethings't , work but all you need is one why it does , one that's it so take your bullshit , reasons throw them down the toilet , because I'm gonna show you how to make , this work right you might say pie in the , sky you might say this you might say , that you might say whatever good right , take your excuse sand you could be with , the mall you want and your excuses will , make you feel better about your life , guarantee it but you're gonna be , miserable but you'll feel better about , it because hey it's everyone else's , fault or you could stand up and say I , take responsibility and I learned this , in rehab unfortunately it took me thirty , four years of my life to learn this , lesson and I learned that you need to , take responsibility for what you do what , you do today , well Marcus tried to show me this and it , did'twerk well what'd you do well I , bough this course and you know set up , a site what'd you do with it do it you , ha veto do what work sit's not hard to , DI guarantee you'vie worked harder for , less guarantee it so what will it be , excuses or profit excuses or profit , because it works , there's people waiting to pay yeah , people waiting to pay yes the government , will take some right they take what , W percent of my income and that'just , the federal that's cool I know I get , and I like things like protection and , light sand whatever sure Id on't agree , with the curtain certain politic stuff , but hey this is where I'Born is what I , do right that'st he deal so that's what , you got to do you got to change your , mind gonna open that door and say screw , everything else I'm going to go get what , I want and I'm going to help others , while I do it if you got that mindset , you're going to be unstoppable , all right why affiliate marketing why , does affiliate marketing work for this , well its cost per action right so we're , we're talking about making sales of two , thousand and making sales $W selling , stuff is harder than giving things away , that's a fact , right how many of you guys are like , selling stuff is harder than giving , things away giving things away is easy , so totally cool okay Jonathan knows a , bunch of bad affiliate arbitrage okay , Jonathan what are you doing with it what , are you doing with it like I could know , things I Newport yes will say this , when went into alcohol rehab knew , more than most of the people teaching , alcohol rehab knew about the mindset I , know about this stuff I went there they , were blown away but could'tasty , sober , why because knowledge dozen'Tod you , anythings't do any Good got all , these books back here tons and tons of , books right if I don't do anything with , the main't gonna do me any good what's , it gonna do right you could Bethe guy , who knows everything like look at , professors professors know lots of stuff , a lot of them don'make that much okay , but they don'make that much they teach , theory of marketing or whatever it's , good to have them we need them but , knowing about somethings't gonna do , anything you have to do something with , it it's experiential knowledge now , Jonathan is gonna be our heckler today , and I'm having fun with Jonathan so , thank you John it he says yeah yeah , massive action know you just got to do , it whatever bro every guru says that , this is what you need it'snot massive , action massive action gets you nowhere , there's people in YouTube there's people , online they make content my pool man he , came to me he's like oh hey what do you , do out therein that backyard office , that looks pretty cool I'm like I do , content online he says yeah I used to , write content , for Yahoo and we used to write all these , things and and you know I got paid , pennies and then Yahoo just one day shut , it off so here's all this knowledge is , all this massive action for pennies , there's guys on YouTube with thousands , of videos that get three views each , that's nothing massive action got him , nothing , it's not about massive action it's about , deliberate action you can take whatever , massive act like oh it'sabot hard work , is it the guy who built my fence worked , hard his is a guy who came with him , passed out because it was so ho the , passed out at the gas station we did't , even hear from him we though the quit , and he went you know that's how hard , work it was building the fence out there , and the guy just did the whole thing by , himself , he is out there sweat and we're like , dude you want jump in the pool you want , something to drink what do you want he's , like I'just going to do this fence , that's hard work but it's also 2,W , buck sand less materials less all this , for a fence this is not that much money , hard work and lots of work do not equal , lots of money some of the richest people , in the world don't work as hard as you , do interesting't it some of them , work harder so you got to look at it , it's deliberate work deliberate now why , do we like affiliate marketing why do we , like cost per action marketing like it , because I don'thieve to sell stuff I get , paid for clicks right you get paid for , clicks laxness you get paid for , downloads tool bars and things like that , you get paid when people fill out forms , very coo land get paid on free trials , okay caution make sure they're good ones , you get paid per sale with cost per , action marketing it's a lot easier to , make a lot of money it's really cool , right you look at it and this is why I , love affiliate marketing because when , you think outside the box you make money , that's what it's about it's not about , you know massive action all right it's , not about hard work it's about think , outside the box if Compare one dude , with one thing dun dun , like my MySpace's was it hard no it , took me minutes to make it I worked , on it I tweak edit I looked at Ito , spent million dollars in paid traffic , but I made a lot more than , that right why did I make martinet and , did I spend it all at once no I spent , five bucks made ten I said cool I'm , going to take that ten and tomorrow I'm , gonna spend ten to make I said okay , cool I'm Little gutsy because I spent , W and made a hundred so now I'going , to spend today spent and I , made a thousand and by the time the , month was ended right my credit card , limits were maxed and I got a fat check , for almost a hundred and eight thousand , dollars and I paid off my ads for about , forty thousand and I was left with sixty , now you can get paid daily you don't , have to risk that much you don'tavern , have to do paid traffic you just ha veto , do what works very important now here's , what we want to do we want to think , outside the box and want to find these , niches that work your target is to find , out where people are and what they want , where are they you got these guy son , Google here they are here's a screenshot , there looking up dating cool what are , they looking at so dating dating dating , high competition$3.W quick$W click , etc etc etc very competitive what would , be out of the box well what about people , typing in chat or lonely here we got , cents click W cents click we could , probably get it less don't you think , people typing in lonely or chat would , probably want a date how many of you , guys are able to put two and two , together there right I'm not as smart as , People think Aim but that's something , that you could put together I mean it's , pretty simple right it's like someone , looking at check the dating site has a , chatroom , they could go chat lonely the dating , site has people to talk to henceforth , and hither more you are no longer lonely , right and I'm going to turn this air , conditioner Ina little bit higher here , because it's Florida and even though , it's cloudy out Florida is hot when it's , cloudy all right so there we go , right how many guys could put that , together put date or chat or something , in the box that tells me that you get it , all right cool and I'll make sure these , chat rolls are lining up here okay , that's how it work snow if you always , want to find non-competitive words , here's what we want to look at okay now , Brad bring that up towards the end I , like that question but I don't want to , do it right this second all right so , here's the deal , if you want to find niches all the time , how many guys would like to find niches , all the time like good old Marcus does , all right here's what you do you use , your trigger words which Had my , trigger Warren't there they are trigger , words are down there okay we're going to , use the trigger words plus , non-competitive niche snow when you find , your niche you're going to set up , landing pages like this simple landing , page very simple to markdown't take , much most of the content was from the , affiliate offers so here's what you want , to do one focus on the user this is all , about the user this is why its mindset , so many of you guys are so focused on , what you want that you don't think about , the viewer you don't think about it , don't even think about it it'slake , whatever , I just want money let me put up a site , because think that's how you get money , and I hope it makes money you never stop , to think what would a guy who types in , lonely want to see what do you want to , see what would a guy looking up chat , want to see right next we focus on , getting traffic then we focus on who has , our ideal trip where's our ideal traffic , right remember that idea when putting , yourself in front of people who could , say yes who has your ideal traffic are , they on Facebook well sure they are is , it easy to get them on Facebook , are they on YouTube are they on Google , where are they next think outside the , box and say where is my ideal person , okay so we got it we got to really think , about this right so like here is an , affiliate offer for amino dabble , toolbar it's toolbar that has all , these games and brain puzzles and , whatever okay so you could go and you , could do like brain puzzles and whatnot , or you could go for something like , memory improvement game which is like , five cents click super simple , all those people want that very cool , right or you could make site with , these little games you can promote the , toolbar and you can promote like brain , supplements that pay like$W a sale , right you could do them together and , make a bunch of money right how many of , you guys are like wow really you could , do that you could use the word memory , improvement game to like hack your way , into a market that is selling millions , of dollars worth of supplement sand , energy things and all this stuff every , day and how many you guys just got a , little aha moment there , cool all right , value is the future AFC marketing and , making this business work how do you , provide value you create things of value , things that help epileptics , MP's info graphics video files articles , spreadsheets cool quotes interviews you , can create all kinds of stuff like this , very very simple , nowise says do you search keywords by , a need or by a problem people might have , well I'm going to show you that in just , minute here , but first what we have to do is we have , to ask her the ask these question sand , see if our site answers them one why , should I look at your offer why should I , look at it why should someone come to my , site why why should I opt-in why should , I put my name and email in the box if , you'redoing email marketing why should , I read your email right why why why why , why opportunity is missed by most people , because it's dressed in overalls and it , looks like work that's a quote from , Thomas Edison first here are the steps , and then I'll show you how to find a , niche number one write these down if , you're taking notes find your need niche , that's number one number two find , high-paying offers that pay you $W , each or find simple converting offers , like toolbar's we want to make it , quick direct lowest hanging fruit if , someone's looking up brain games the , low-hanging fruit would be a brain game , toolbar the higher fruit is going to be , the supplements why because it dozen't , match the intent they came there for , games if you pitch them supplements , they're going to leave if they come for , games and you pitch them games or you , give them games , then they'll stay that's the question , why should Ilk at your offer why , should out in why why why why why why , should I do this okay so we got to get , an offer that fits what they want number , three we set IPA direct site or blog , promoting the offer simple right we , first before we promote the offer what , we want to do is we want to we want to , ask what the intent is what's the intent , of a guy looking up mind games , excuse me he wants to play mind games , mind games like games that help your , mind online so they can increase his , mind right or whatever that's his intent , we match the offer with the intent boom , you get a conversion very simple for get , some traffic five watch what your , visitors click on get them to opt-in and , be interactive it's very simple here's , how to find super profitable untapped , niche sand flip them for profit you want , to find niches all the time like I do , use your trigger words all right now , when you use your trigger words you will , always find a niche so instead of going , into headwords tool we can bring it up , here okay instead of going into the , Ad Words tool and just typing something , in like weight loss or you know , something like that what we're going to , do is we're going to find out what , people searched for and we're going to , reverse engineer it okay we always want , to start with what people search for and , then we want to reverse it okay very , very important so here's what we're , going to do okay and let's see Tiffany , pipe smokers don'Tues long lighters I , do because Id on't like to burn my , eyebrows and my fingers so okay so we're , going to go here into the Ad Words tool , and we'll show you how it works so let's , say we go in here and we are looking for , like lose weight okay now if you want to , use Google Toadstool and you want , the real world stuff create a manager , account and then drop down tithe second , account Indra manager account that , will allow you to see all the stuff okay , and you can see I'm buying traffic right , now we're always buying traffic we're , always generating traffic we're always , practicing this stuff and showing you , the results so that you can get them to , it's not hard to do you just have to , follow along and just have to get the , help that you need when you need it okay , so we're going to go here we're going to , load it and we're going to go to tools , Keyword planner okay once we get the , keyword planner open we're going to type , in lose weight and see how competitive , it is will type in mortgage and some , other stuff as well okay so let's go , right here okay search for new keywords , right like this and we're going to do , lose weight , okay good ideas boom and also if you're , watching this on YouTube make sure you , subscribe to our channel if you like , this stuff and you want to get more we , have live webinars twice aw eek and if , you want those you know subscribe and , you'll get Little reminder and stuff , like that make sure you hit the bell , icon- okay so we got lose weight dollar , lose weight how to lose weight , cents lose weight fast- fifty to sixty , eight cents dollar $ninety - whatever , okay three bucks , so overall average is about buck in so , we look at that we say well let'SSA , the affiliate program pays US's bucks , can we make money let me ask you right , now let's see where you guys are at if , get $W a sale Ora conversion will I , make money with this traffic , okay type your answer in the box , to subscribe to YouTube you could go to , affiliate marketing dude calm slash , subscribe okay Nathan thinks I'll make , money Robert thinks'll make money , tiny thinks I'll make money Jonathan , says not optimized Robert says you will , not profit Tony says no okay Tiffany , says yes okay if you said no you're , correct the chances of you profiting in , this market are very slim because what , that means is you nee done out of twenty , to buy or five percent conversion rate , which is pretty difficult especially in , a market like this where people know , they can do lots of other things okay so , what we want to do is we want to find , other keywords now this is why I always , go through and use my trigger words this , is a little snapshot of our trigger , words that are in the simple sights , course that you can get at simple site , Sabin's calm and what we can do is we , could type these in right so now instead , of going in and like guessing what , people wan tor typing in a market or , whatever what I'm going to do is I'm , going to use these to jog it so like if , I go through and I type in monthly , don't know what they want they might , want monthly calendar they might be , you know talking about monthly dates or , checks or whatever paying things monthly , or web so what we want to do is we want , to be like well let's see what people , search for as a search marketer as an , internet marketer affiliate marketer my , job is first and foremost to think about , what people want to search for what do , they search for then I ask myself what , do they why are they searching for it , so what we're going to do is we're going , to isolate it by closely related words , okay now we have Atlantic monthly , monthly box's monthly payment monthly , review monthly subscription amazon , monthly payments monthly tracker monthly , basis okay so we look at this and we're , like okay well what can we do wit hit , well let's say we take someone like , monthly payment low competition whenever , it's a low and it says a buck eleven , first you want to go to Google and you , want to search for it okay so let's go , to Google let's search for it and let's , see if there's any competition , okay monthly payment so the competition , we're looking for is paid competition , are there any ads on the top are there , any ads on the bottom are there any ads , on the second page one two three okay so , on the first page there's none so this , is pretty low competition I could , probably get this really cheap now my , question is with this cheap traffic , got people a month what could I do , with Ito could probably get it for five , to seven cents a click maybe ten or , twelve okay what can I do with it , can I help people budget their monthly , payment scan I help them make monthly , payments can I help them somehow some , way okay that's our job now you can do , the same kind of thing wit hall kinds of , trigger words if we do normal normal , right what do people type in for normal , okay let's take look all right normal , distribution the new normal normal type , Pokemon seven cents a click don't know , what that is but we could check it out , normal normal meaning normal movie okay , let's see what else we have normal , normal curve distribution sounds like , some kind of homework thing or something , okay normal normal let's see what else , okay , another word for normal okay we could , also do like is and normal say if , anything comes up for that and we could , jog and see what's coming up and our jaw , our job here is to look and say what can , we do right what can we do with this , okay now here we go what is normal blood , pressure boom fifteen cents a click now , how many of you guys have seen those , annoying commercials with all the blood , pressure medicine on TV right like you , need to ask your doctor about shit's a , lot if you shits a lot you need to go , get shits a lot from the doc whatever , right and they're like you need Togo , get this drug how many of you guys know , that those pharmaceutical companies , whether the Resole or not don't , know but they're spending a lot of money , on advertising how many of you guys know , that right a lot of people a lot of , money , do you think they'want to know people , who are looking up what is normal blood , pressure of course they would because , you go hey normal blood pressure is , between and W or whatever it is , don't quote me I don't know if it's true , but you're like oh whoa you're well , hey you better check these options out , of course they would want that traffic , and boom it's W cents a click thirteen , cents a click what is normal blood sugar , boom what is normal blood sugar level , normal blood sugar blood sugar blood , sugar normal sugar level right coo land , these people are all probably buying all , kinds of thing sand probably getting , like little finger prickers and little , those little strips had a guy years , ago who said he made a whole business , how to sell in little strips it's what , he did he sold strips online people , would buy the little strip sit pricked , her finger they put it on it and they , buy him all time he made a fortune with , it really cool right so there's money , here you just have to get in the back , door right like blood sugar level , glucose level blood glucose oh no hon we , go I mean seriously don't know if I , could make it easier for you right is , everyone having ah aback ah , is everyone happened an aha moment at , the moment sorry it's Aladdin't sleep , wellie tend to be like maniac but , that's how it works right it's question , what kind of questions do people have , let's do question question boom okay , let's do this we goat question and , answer question of the day define , question question question question it , answer question and answer websites okay , also when you do this the content , writing gets so much easier because now , instead of writing about like blood , levels you're just like I'll just write , about what the normal range is boom they , tell you exactly what they want so when , you do this type of marketing everything , gets easier let's try purchase okay so , purchase , or do purchase and then we're just , matching them with affiliate offers , which we'll go into a little bit later , as well , all right scale of one to ten right now , W being you totally get and dig this , webinar one being what the hell are you , talking about Marcus type it in the box , let me know where you're at alright so , here we have purchase okay where can I , purchase but does it buyer people , thereby our keywords for six cents you , just got to find out what they want to , buy meaning of purchase what is purchase , mean okay let's do before purchase okay , or we could do even before buying okay , so before purchase let's do before , buying okay and these are fun because , it's like what DI do before buying a , car well hey thanks for asking I'll tell , you exactly what to do you buy my stuff , so did you save money on the car things , to know before buying a house what to , know before buying house what to know , before buying a car low competition guys , there it is right things to know before , buying car that's a pretty direct , keyword right that's I mean you can't , get more direct than that what to do , before buying a house boom here you go , mortgage get this you make a little , check checklist form they're gonna love , you they're like thank you you made this , little checklist what DI do before , start no website really cool , before starting okay this is cool like , this is ho wit works now the nature of , search is all based on this stuff this , is where the money is at and no one , knows it like lipid and all them , people haven't figured out that these , guys are looking up normal blood sugar , right and we're going to keep our butt , shut till they find out and we're going , to make a bunch of money promoting , offers right does that make sense to , everyone three needs to consider before , starting a business oh there you go , mention four things to consider before , starting business before starting a , business and I'll bet you like you could , totally make a YouTube video about this , watch this four things to consider , before starting a business let's see , Google like this let's do it in quotes , get an exact match and my program shows , you it does all the quotes thirty , W results nothing all right I could , probably get on YouTube boom , yeah there's no results found for this , put a video up and you will rank like , there's no one else doing it okay I , don't know if you get whole bunch of , traffic but hey it's a start , right it's a star tit'll show you how to , do this stuff so that's how it works , very very simple okay , can you break that down further by , taking a keyword from your results , don't know what you mean by that okay um , maybe rephrase it okay so what we're , doing now is repairing the right offers , with the right word so a guy looking up , for things to do before starting a , business okay what what do you want , maybe a business loan that's an , affiliate offer maybe like incorporating , that's business thing right maybe , starting a website you can get web , hosting that pays $W a sale$W a , sale if you get them into business , hosting which probably what they want , and on an don we go right so you're just , pairing the right things with the right , offers and you go through and you look , at it okay so very very simple we might , want a business plan very cool all right , so you take a look at that and there's , always these major categories that are , out there that want traffic for their , offer sand what we're going to do is , we're going to use the trigger words and , we're going to do a little bit of , thinking and we're going to push them , over to what makes the money and what , works and what we want to do is want to , think about what the user ultimately , wants and how we can help him we want to , help them with our landing page when I , have a good offer and payout match and , we want to visualize the possibilities , right for the business guy we can build , a mailing list for the blood-sugar guy , we could probably build a mailing list , teach them how to manage his blood sugar , right very very cool diabetes things , like that , health insurance whatever if you and I , want you to write this down because if , you can pair the right offer with the , right keyword you can make a ton of cash , done deal like you guys get it by now I , mean you watch this presentation you see , that it's the rebut the key is is , training your brain to see the , opportunities right when we have things , like soccer scores love sayings fun , facts spiritual quotes movie times brain , exercises YouTube funny videos , compatible signs cuts of meat and , grocery lists most people look at those , and say those , non buying markets you cannot make money , in those markets okay so we want to do , that want to say what can we offer , them well for the video scavenger we , could give it or for the video video , stop we give them video scavenger for , brain exercises mind dabble for , compatible signs astrology for the Bible , stuff Bible guide for the sports bring , me sports for the movies film fanatic , grocery card for the grocery list fun , cards for the love sayings and thrush , blade knife for cuts of meat simple , that's all we're doing right now the , deal here is you go tit do this and not , give up you have to listen you got to do , it you got to stick it out because you , need to make it a must now here's Good , quote like he says the only thing , stopping most people is a lack of belief , that they could do something simple they , don't have to give up what they're doing , they just have to start something very , important now what I want to talk to you , about is how this works right how many , of you guys on a scale one to ten one , being you don't want to do this ten , being hell yeah I want to do it how many , of you guys want to do this business how , many of you guys like this idea you like , this stuff that we'reteaching you right , now okay if you do put it in a box ten , if you don't put A and if you don't , get a question why you stayed here so , much know I'm entertaining but maybe , not that much okay so we got to look at , that now a lot of people are saying W a , lot of people saying'm in OK good so , here's what we're going to do I want to , take you through this whole process step , by step show you how to build a site , show you how to get all this stuff show , you how to make it work do everything , righto want to show you and take you by , the hand every step of the way for an , entire eight week sit's actually going , to be twelve but the eight is the main , course the twelve of the four extra , weeks are going through the stuff on , your site okay so here's what we're , going to do a lot of people have heard , of the simple sites summertime coaching , the simple sites summertime coaching is , an expensive course relatively expensive , it'snot too expensive if you look at , what you're getting but in terms of like , twenty dollar book yes this is going , to cost more if you cannot afford it get , the simple sites course at simple sites , bonus com , this part is only for people who really , want to do this and really know that , they can do it and have it to invest in , everything like that because in eight , weeks we are going to give you a , resource and walk you through everything , I want you to just imagine looking back , W days from now having kicked info , overload to the cur band you now have a , same skill set that has made me close to , seven million dollars over the last W , years without going to work or in office , and having the freedom to do and work , where I want to work without having , employees and all that stuff I only have , like two employees here without a huge , $W,W investment like most things , co stall while working from home and , enjoying the freedom of the business , this provide snow think about this , personally I barely graduated high , school and I only stepped foot into , college one time to pickup my , girlfriend / wife and if I can do this , you can too the simple sight summertime , coaching is the answer and for less than , $W Ada Think it is for the whole , year you can learn exactly how to do , this business how it works an dhow you , can profit that's right , you're going to get W days of support , coaching and live training sessions and , a live meeting here in Florida to boot , well I don't know if you boot but you'll , learn a lo tit's all recorded for easy , access whenever you want you can attend , live and you can watch the replays , whenever you wan tit's up to you this is , about making it work for you here's a , screenshot from one of my simple sites , just to show you hey this stuff works , this is one of my simple sites that I , setup live Ina webinar it's going to , do about thirty-five thousand dollars , this year in profit and it's a small one , right there's you can make all kinds of , things here's screenshot showing eight , hundred and thirty five thousand bucks , from one affiliate network here's an , Ad sense screenshot we have showing two , hundred thousand dollars now I show you , that so that you could see that it , worked in all types of niches all types , of things it's not just one thing this , is the evolution of a simple site the , idea of the site is to set up something , simple make some money if you want to , keep it at that great if you want to , grow grow it make a lot more add value , tithe market and you can get rich here , is exactly how to support your family , and supplement your current income , retirement whatever number one , don't try to do too much just answer the , question like the guy who was on here , having all the excuses having all the , stuff he's trying to do too much don't , do too much I do one thing and I do it , really well , don't be an expert on everything just , get one thing good if you get the one , thing right you're going to make a lot , of money if you get everything partially , right you're probably going to make , nothing but if you do the one thing , right and you do it over and over you're , going to get the results don't try to do , too much just answer the question , everything you do must have a part in , your message and read your customer to , what makes you money very very important , here is how the similar simple sites , summer coaching is going to work we're , going to go through this all summer , we're going to take you through , everything we're going to give you sites , OK we're gonna give you sites where we , give you niches give you affiliate , offers we're going to help you make it , work every step of the way you're going , to work with us okay there's like a , partner shake hand thin gone you're , going to find you're in need market this , is week number one number two you're , going to get your medium where's your , people where are they hanging out what , do they want number three we're going to , structure your message how do you do , that based on what they want right next , you're going to get your offers you go , through or next you're going to create , your resource so you create your , resource you go through you make it work , hey how's it going niches fill create , your resource right you're going to make , something of value now this is something , you take with you you take it with you , you have a resource you can sell it you , can use it to get traffic you could , barter it you could affiliate whatever , you want once you have a resource you , have value like the PDF I use like the , software training and hint-hint , the software we're going to show you how , to make that in here right you like that , simple site software you're like dude , that stuff is badmouths software is , really cool well if you log in it's , really cool let's see if we can log in , alright not really cool unless you log , in okay there's the software right , really cool now news flash it's a , glorified guys it'Marcus here come on , welcome inside Vegas S's you want like , hunted first time and everyone were , actually new on taking the Nestle , you are internet marketing affiliate , marketing career what do they do is this , software is going to say I do their way , to heat up their keep out of my step , they go to the affiliate operation by a , numbers a system do it to making right , now online with affiliate marketing shop , now what want you do right now is yes , whatever it is together so you could you , to everyone so over live you're gonna , get incompletely not everything no I'm , just get back by basics because what , I'vie done alright there we go you're , gonna get affiliate offers resell stuff , everything okay really cool you're gonna , do it you're going to make it happen , number six we're going to test our links , we're going to have ads we're going to , have emails we're going to find out what , they want we're going to get involve din , our market we're going to tweak it for , profits we're going to do everything , right this is the core of what you're , going to learn and we're going to take , you by the hand and we're going to lead , you through everything and we're going , to build it with you we're going to , start you out with sites in niches that , I know are going to work for you right , these are niches have hand selected , they're in my account right now waiting , because I can't do that many niches , right so we give them to you guys and , we'll have it work now the background , video should be off NOW thin kit ISIS , that of fit should be working , let me know if it's up so that's how it , works now here's some killer bonuses , you're going to get for joining today , the special summer time coaching bonus , you're going to watch live as I build , blogs live really cool you're going to , get especial live hands-on workshop for , two days in Florida it's going to be , like W OR of us we hang out we bring , our laptops we go through things we , hashed it out as a workshop it's not , like a seminar pitch fest we're a , workshop we go through we hash it out , you're also going to get one year access , to my plugins my tools everything like , that you're going to get access to see , over W site's niches that'vie gone , in with affiliate program sand you're , going to see the sight snow you go , through you're like hey that worked , because of this this did this that did , this okay plus of course you're going to , get a copy of simple sites big profits , if you already have it that'great but , you're going to get one anyway and if , you already have it will give you the , the upgraded one for free when you join , this so it's go time there's no more , messing around , let's profit online together if you want , to make this work it's by invitation , only , what I want you to do is go to simple , sites big profits calm /summer okay , you're going to have a specials , group as well , simple sites big profits calm /summer on , that page you're going to see at the , bottom live chat okay down here , there's a live chat what I want to do is , I want you to get us on live chat okay , if you'vie talked tome before and you , know you want to sign up and everything , you can go ahead and sign up if you have , questions get me on live chat this is a , very private close-knit coaching okay if , you want like a payment plan or , something like that , ask us on live chat we can work that out , with you however you will save money by , joining in full and it's by invitation , get us on chat at simple sites big , profits calm /summer or PC money making , dot-com we're going to take you through , the whole step at the end you're going , to have the knowledge you're going to , know what to do with the knowledge you , will have something of value you will be , testing traffic you will blighters , ahead of how you do it if you want to , get in there it's simple sites big , profits calm /summer the price I's.W , now we're going to be supporting you for , the whole year which means it's less , than like nine dollars day which is , dirt cheap some of you might say well , W that's a lot up front it is but if , you look at what you're getting it's all , relative it's all relative right just , imagine if can show you how to make , that every month right there's no , guarantees I don't know if you'll make , it results't typical all that but , if Could show you how to make that how , many of you guys think it'll work now , the reason I showed you the reason I , showed you this screenshot is because , this site's making that this site is , making about a hundred dollars a day , boom , that's about three to four thousand , dollars a month right and we look at , that and we're like okay would that be , wort hit how many of you guys think that , would be worth it right if you could , invest and you're able to get that , investment every single month boom boom , boom boom boom as like you're how much , you're making right how many guys would , be like dude that would be totally worth , it if you don't think it would be worth , Ito probably can't help you in internet , marketing because there's a mind shit , mindset shift that needs to change there , right I invest in things all the time , I'vie invested in SEO I'vie invested in , coaching invest in my learning all the , time why because I know it pays , dividends so if this is something that , you know will work , you're like dud eyes I mean dropping the , hat compared to what Icahn make then you , want to do it you want to say to , yourself'm not going to make it a , maybe I'm going to make it a must , here's how to go from zero to thirty , dollars day fa stone find you're in , need niche to find your higher paying , offer right we went through this above , three setup your direct site I'm , repeating this because want Otto get , in your brain so you get it whether you , join this today whether you get simple , sites today at simple sites of bonus com , whatever you do do something so that we , can help you make it work you set up the , site promoting the offer you get traffic , you watch what they do now a lot of , people ask themselves they say Marcus , the biggest hold back for me is that if , it was less money would join in a , heartbeat well I got to ask you how are , those cheap products working for you so , far we asked a lot of people some people , have been trying this business for , years for W years , just imagine what it'd be worth to get , past that over W years mean , that's like dollars year and , you're going to be way ahead of what you , spent W ye arson right you might be , saying well Marcus how do I do this , right how is that stuff working are you , still frustrated do you still not know , where to start , we're going to give you the sites we're , going to make it work for you we're , going to give you the niches you're , going to work them closely with us this , is unlike anything we'vie ever done , before the summer time coaching 3.0 is , going to give you the easy follow plan , start to finish you want to checklist we , got it the fact of the matter is is you , can't afford not to do this you can't , afford not to do this think of all the , time and money you'spent so far , trying to learn and imagine how much , easier it's going to be with my help , then ask yourself what is my time really , worth and then go over to simple sites , big profits calm /summer and you need a , belief you can actually do it here's a , deal like the guy said earlier everyone , can lose weight everyone can do it , Robert do you helped setup the site we , actually setup , three to five websites for you in this , coaching at the end of the coaching you , will have five websites if you were to , buy them on our site alone that'd Beau , no five times W so like five thousand , bucks but we're going to build them for , you so you're going to get those you , keep them you own the domain you can go , sell them if you want you can make money , with them whatever you want right so , anyone can lose weight everyone can make , money online it's not ca nit's will you , will you do this will you do what it , takes to make your living online again , simple sites make profits calm /summer , fear of failure that's a big thing right , am I going to fail well you're only , going to fail if you don't do it that's , the deal you only fail when you decide , you quit right the guy who quits is the , guy who says I'm throwing in the towel , I'm out don't throw the towel in do , deliberate things and set yourself up , for success right if I go knock a bunch , of doors expecting sales but I don't , study sales I'm an idiot , I deserve Tonto make money however if I , get my ass Ina book and say how do I , sell door to door boom how do I do this , right check this out these two books I , bought we were in San Francisco I bought , this book I bought another one as see if , we find it here network marketing book , right and I was like I'going to make , this work and I bought these books and , went to the bookstore and I had no money , our daughter was about to be born and I , had no money bought these book sand , it's like okay I'm gonna read these , book sand I'm gonna do it and I got him , and I said I'm going to do this that's , what I'm gonna do people said well what , if you fail what if you don't do that , what's your backup plan I said Id on't , got no damn back-up plan because'm , going to make it work well how do you , know it's going to work because it works , for other people it works for other , people it could work for me , all I Giotto do is find away to do it , right you are born with only two fears , fear of falling and fear of loud noise , all the rest you learn edit's all , societal who cares what people think , what you do is stupid okay listen to , them say well is it stupid well no makes , sense people are doing it Marcus had , said it was stupid he would have missed , out on a life so you look at that right , all the light rest is learned that's a , quote by Richard Understate judging , things by results not by success or , failure no one has made it easier for , you than I , now here's some quotes to get you over , the fence if you're on the fence if you , need help ask us go on live chat want , to talk to you about this if you'Reno , the fence if you need help let me help , you do it guys we are hereto make this , Easter. Seuss says you have brains in , your head you have feet in your shoes , you can steer yourself in any direction , you choose this is something we forgot , along the way right this is why I still , read my teenage Gadsden. Seuss because , he's awesome and my teenage kids still , like to listen to it's just cool I mean , that's like the best blessing ever , you're on your own and you'll know what , you know you're the only guy who will , decide where Togo you decide you call , the shot sit's not in someone else's , hand sit's no tin some gurus hands it's , not in the government's hands it's not , nests you just decide what you want and , if you decide that can help you make , it work then Think that's a good , decision because can Dr.Si says again , unless someone like you cares a whole , awful lot nothing is going to get better , it'snot you're out there complaining , about stuff yeah complaining about your , life make it better right I learned , something very important said you wan ta , better self-esteem do esteem about X do , things that get esteem very simple right , the best thing to do is go help others , go online find people who struggle with , something help them outright the simple , site summertime coaching you're going to , make money you're going to help people , and you're going to make a difference , you can go to that link right there , simple sites bonus dot or simple sites , big profits comm slash summer if you , can't afford it I understand go get , simple sites big profits simple sites , bonus com if you can't afford it don't , let yourself talk yourself out oaf good , decision simple site summertime coaching , here is the weekly lineup again number , one we find your need niche number two , we find your best medium number three we , find your message structure right and , this week we're going to show you , exactly how to structure your message to , sell number four we're going to build , your resource again the resource and the , five sites are yours you do what you , want with them you make them work like , the chili book that we had written years , ago I made money with their I sold some , stupid chili books with chili recipes , but it's going to be a better resource , than that that one only made like , bucks a couple days in a row next we , want to remember that providing value is , the future number five you're going to , find offers number six , are going to test in track number seven , you're going to get involved and number , eight you're going to ramp up your , profits this is how it works , Lin go go over to PC money-making comm , or go to simple sites big profits comm , /summer okay you can go here now if , you're ready to sign up sign up okay if , you need payment plans or you want to , ask questions go here and click the live , chat button okay ask us we're hereto , help will be here , Alisa is here we're going to help you , make this work it's really cool it's , simple right you just get in there and , do it so that'SWAT you do now there's , where you go here'some bonuses you're , going to get number one you're going to , get my full simple sites big profits , W software all the tools videos , everything like that you're going to get , a deep inside look at over fifty seven , profitable niches you'll see the site , traffic everything bonus number three , you're going to get the block plugins , and then bonus number four you're going , to come to Florida we're going to hang , out we're going to chill we're going to , grunt out a cool little place and we're , going to talk about marketing and you're , going to ask all the questions you want , you got me right this is something I , usually charge thousand dollars a day , for people ask me all the time can I go , to lunch can Pick your Brain don't , like my brain pick edit's a waste of , time but in this course we're going to , have a structured setup where you come , you ask your question so simple sites , big profits dot-com/summer all right , that was a big long spiel hope you guys , like it let's see again this is one of , our programs where we're building stuff , for you so it is non-refundable simple , sites big profits calm summer here is a , quote by augmenting that really , like this is one of the books that , read the ones Iowas telling you about , back when started and it got me off of , my butt to do what I needed to do , there's things in life that you know you , need to do but you just don'Tod them , this is probably one of them this is , probably one of them can you promote the , summertime as an affiliate no because , we're only taking ten spots , okay those ten spots that's it and it , will sell out with just my people alone , once they'redone , I don't want your traffic just to go to , a dead thing , or whatever promote my other stuff and , make money alright here's the quote , there's things in life's life what we , might have lives I don'TKO we haven't , figured that out yet there's things in , life that you might want to do and you , don't you just don't do for some reason , stop doing that just start doing the , things you know you need to do and , here's what he says he says I will act , NOW will act now I will act now , henceforth I will repeat these words , each hour each day every day until the , words become as much habit as my , breathing and the action which follows , becomes as instinctive as the blinking , of my eyelids with these words I can , condition my mind to perform every , action necessary for my success will , act NOW will repeat these words again , and again and again I will walk we're , failures fear to walk I will work when , failure seek rest , I will act now for it's all I have , tomorrow is the day reserved for the , labor of the lazy am not lazy tomorrow , is the day when the failure will succeed , I am NOT a failure , I will act now success will not wait if , i delay success will become wed to , another and loss to me forever this is , the time this is the place I am the , person I will act now what we're going , to do here in simple slights big profits , calm/ summers we're going to hold your , hand every step of the way we're going , to show you the ins and outs of how this , business works this is a huge upside , with very little potential downside , we're giving you sights you're getting , something right we're going to make , those for you incredibly easy to get , started all you have to do is go to the , site you go here you talk to us if you , have questions if you don't have , questions if you're like Marcus dude I'm , in that was not I mean I'm in here's , what get boom you put your name last , name your email phone number , put your street address everything in , their card type all this info put your , initials boom hit the button we're on , that's like shaking my hand you want to , come say hi on life life chat after you , order come say hi and that is the deal , okay that's what we're going to do now , again remember after this transaction is , done after taxes and everything barely , get basket of groceries'm not , getting rich here off this but you might , if you do it the right way and I Giotto , ask , right I got to ask you does this idea , make sense to you does it make sense and , the biggest regret that my student shave , is that they did't call me six months , ago and get started then , like the Guy years ago'll bet he , wishes he ran across me back in W , when I first started my business right , like my friends who came to me and her , like dude what the hell are you doing , how do I do it one of them wen ton to , make millions of dollars very cool right , that's the biggest thing and all I ask , is that you follow this surefire , paint-by-numbers system and your spouse , it's going to be kissing you as you walk , through the door once you start making , this work it's very simple and all you , Giotto do is get in there and make it , work all right , so that'st he basic rundown of how , everything works are there any questions , about that and again if you're not in , the market for this get simple sites big , profits calm it's a good course as well , this is only for people who are like hey , I want to be one of the ten I want to , make it work want good old Marcus to , help me every step of the way build my , sites get by niches help me do , everything and if that's you and if , you're saying Marcus that'SWAT I want , then I want you to sign up right now and , so do you because it'pretty cool all , right so any questions we'll take about , five minutes of question sand then , hopefully could get in there think , my wife wants Togo to the old Target or , something , got to get Batman right kids want to see , Batman how what do you use to track , whole performance use my own there , plug in my wife wants to go to the old , target or something , got to get Batman right kids want to see , Batman how I don't use to track hold , forehead remember all right bye all , summer time to sign up for this to do , when you sign up we're going to walk you , through everything I'm going to help me , out kids one we're gonna make it work , how what do you guys it tracking for , heads a members-only head summertime if , you're on the fence you need to get off , your pen sign out of the joint we're , gonna walk you through everything and we , are on live chat right now how do you , miss a track list oh yeah there'singly , like trillion son this Ferrari to get , out of windows I know , motivational get on , I'm shocked right now nobody whatever , you can say call it got away that's , motivational sign rattle style whatever , you're having and say: , yeah there we go alright cool there we , go alright so that is simple sights big , profits calm /summer , simple sights big profits calm/summer , get us on live chat if you have any , questions sign up if you're ready if you , need anything else let me know , my question is what about simple sights , bonus are they not the same no simple , sights bonus calm is for simple sights , big profits which is our software this , is for the summertime coaching which , goes for the whole coaching we will , teach you how to make money from a list , in that course as well so cool stuff , hope you guys had fun hope you guys got , a lot of good value out of this hope , it started change your mind and open up , those doors we talked about and Hope , to see you in our summertime coaching , program thanks again for watching look , forward to working with each and every , one of you if you need anything get , myself or Alyssa on live chat and let's , make this work thanks again for watching , and'll see you in the next webinar , simple sites big profits comm slash , summer sign up now