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hey guys Marcus here and you know'vie , been an internet marketer for about W , years and I'vie tried all kinds of , different things in my career generating , as much as five million dollars online , and most of that came from affiliate , commissions and selling things that have , nothing to do with making money online , which is pretty cool , some of it was even in like little weird , niches like what I'going to show you , in just a few minutes but you see the , reason that I wanted to bring this video , to you is because there's major flaws , with blogging right and I'vie been around , since before blogging and most of my , money was made with like regular sites , right because obviously blogs did't , come around till W and I really , did'Tet into them big until about , W W alright but when I started , blogging I almost threw in the towel , because I realized that could't , control my blog the way that I was used , to the way that could make my sites to , where they make money I'measure the , search engines love them everyone loves , them everything like that but I just , could't get them to make money because , I could'control the things that , people clicked on I could'control the , look and the feel of each individual , page and sales pages and squeeze pages , and different things like that and these , are the five major problems that I found , with blogging number one you can't , control the sidebar content right you go , Tao blog if you wan tan opt-in page on , the blog you're gonna see you go here , and it's like okay yeah this page has , the opt-in every page has the opt-in no , matter what you do even if you have a , Thank You page it's gonna have the , opt-inbox right which is pretty stupid , you don'twat to have it Thank You page , where it's like hey put your name and , email in they go to the thank you and , it's like hey put your name and email , and they're gonna leave your site really , fast and you know think you're some kind , of crazy person with a loop blog right , so everything is always on the same , pages everything is there and that's one , of my big flaws that I found with , blogging so one you can't control the , sidebar content number two you can't , control the flow right I can't get a , visitor in and say hey click here for , this report or click here for this or do , that or get your dog to stop barking or , anything like that right I can't control , the flow I can't say hey go to this page , go to that page do this do this and and , change things as it goes along , right so basically again everything's , all there the flow , is the way Otis they click on stuff , they get the opt-inbox it's just , craziness right and even if I figure out , that'm getting a lot of traffic for , one term right so like if we go to this , blog here and we look at our stats okay , I can see that most of the traffic is , going to the main page which is cool I , should have an opt-in box there but the , second most popular site is this one , custom HTML code for search box and you , can see it'sphere'd we go I think we , have to google it again and you can see , this has past the pandas and the , penguins and all that stuff right and , this USN'ta really competitive niche , this blog USN'tavern that old right and , it's passed the test here we are at the , top for a pretty decent search term , that's getting me a lot of traffic right , so NOW don't want my visitors to come , here click this and then just see the , opt-uni want to be like hey dude you , want the custom HTML search box put your , name and email to get the custom HTML , search box what that's going to do is , it's gonna take my NOW% opt-in rate , and bump it up to like W% because it's , exactly why they came they're very very , very very important right and we want to , really focus on that the third most big , problem I found with blogging is that I , can't make effective squeeze pages right , because we want our squeeze pages to , make Google MSN Yahoo and all those guys , happy while also controlling what the , visitor sees okay so we have to like , hide our content till they opt-in okay , that's the whole idea of a squeeze page , now I know there's tons of quote unquote , squeeze page blog plugins on the market , but here's the problem with them they , basically change your blog into an HTML , based format right it blocks everything , it makes the search engines hate it and , it just dozen'twerk good OK so what I , do is completely different because most , people don't know how blogs work right , if I go into the you know how to cook , rice market those people don't know , about squeeze pages and blogs were the , only like weird people internet , marketers that know about this stuff , right and so to ask them to opt in for , your like a rice recipe is not a weird , thing okay but you also want Google to , see all of your , 1:W okay very important because here's , how a blog works right you have what's , known as an RSS feed okay if you ever , see this little orange thingamajig , down here at the bottom oaf blog this , is your Reseed very few people know , about this mostly just bloggers and , people who are in our industry okay and , even they don'click it because we get , a good Upton rate on this site but check , it out see this links to your RSS feed , which is your generated blog site map if , you will okay and basically it puts all , the content so what's happening is , Google is seeing all your content okay , but the main people don't see your , content they see your opt-in right , unless you put it on the side which up , until now with Word Press was pretty much , impossible to do so I was just racking , my brain saying how do I make a blog , that pleases Google gets fast the , update sand actually makes money and , allows me to do squeeze page stuff okay , very very very important so that was , flaw number three right I could't make , effective squeeze pages that work that , the search engines like every time I put , one on Google BAM Quality Score put on , MSNBAM quality score because they don't , want you to do that kind of stuff they , want you to have good content and we're , gonna solve that problem in just few , minutes number four you can't really , have Good sales page all right I tried , using sales pages years ago when I first , got into blogging and I had to work hard , to make them work most of the time , just relied on a redirect and put them , to an HTML page right so we want to have , a good sales page and then lastly number , five everyone sees the same offers so if , If ind out that my blog just happens to , rank really well and get a lot of , traffic for coffee and my blog is about , rice okay they're gonna see the rice , offer it's like abut a rice cooker it's , like dude I came here for coffee so they , need to see coffee so introducing widget , control this is plugin I have been , building for two years because I wan tit , perfect , based on my specifications of what I'vie , done to make money right so this is a , plugin that I use on all of my blog sand , now I'm making it available to you , really really cool stuff and let me show , you how it works first basically what we , have is you can see that you could , literally control everything , okay I'll go ahead and login to one of , my sites here and show you how it works , okay here's a lot of site as you can see , I control all this also what you want to , notice if you're doing an opt-in and , you're using regular Word Press and you , have Ad sense on your site that can , actually ban iridescence account they , don't want you to have that on your , Thank You page okay and also we have , little tools in there like the drop down , box which is responsible for making me a , lot of money this site generates about , W to $W a day in revenue right and , most people are clicking on this and it , takes them to the offer really cool I do , need to update that though since we'vie , had a lottery win makes sense then right , really cool but you can see that you can , control your stuff exactly how you want , right let me show you another example , one of my blogs which is the blog profit , okay this is the recipe for , a killer squeeze page that Google loves , and everyone loves right because again , you got that RSS at the bottom that , Google's seeing and they're saying oh , Marcus thank you for your wonderful , content right I hope you like that voice , alright but they're saying that they , like it , Thanks you got all this cool content , here all these cool videos blah blah , blah blah blah okay and they rank but , what the visitor see sis my video my , opt-in some little teaser stuff here and , my life chat okay I like to have live , chat on the site so if you see me there , and you got question , hit me up it's pretty cool right but , that's the deal there you go claim your , stuff here once they opt-in they go to , the Thank You page blog and everything , like that now check it out this is the , recipe for a winning squeeze page put , your posts Orin'm sorry put your pages , across the top okay , make your pages everything about your , topic based on the keywords so I would , put you know how to cook rice rice , cooking rice cookers you know or , steamers or whatever okay I put all that , across the top I put a little teaser , content maybe show them a recipe or , whatever and then over here'd be like , hey get the printable version of the , rice thing here okay and you can see , here all of these have the same sidebar , stuff , okay so they're looking at these videos , and they're like dinner this is cool , stuff he's teaching me all about rice , he's teaching me all about affiliate , marketing so I better opt-in to get the , other cool stuff but as you will see the , other cool stuff has a completely , different set of widgets all right look , at this so we have a completely , different set so I got the video here , and content and then I have joined the , blog profit Network today right really , cool right and of course that works and , then also very important on my other , pages I have my recent content right , recent content this is another plug-in , we're working on but the recent content , here okay which makes Google happy they , see it they rank it they love it , everything like that and my live chat , and then of course that other plug-in , that I'm working on that's pretty cool , we'll go over that a little bit later , alright so cool stuff right everyone , sees everything they need if I want to , have a sales page if I find out you know , that like hosting or something like one , of them I know that lot of people , wanted to download my videos right I , thin kit was where'd it go , it was in here somewhere but basically , what it was was people wanted to , download the videos I had stuck with a , little affiliate link Tao video , download plug-in right there right , really cool really easy it works like , crazy right so you can control it let me , show you how this works so you can see , how easy Otis and then you can run out , and buy it because it's awesome alright , so her ewe are on the affiliate , marketing dude blog and let's say we , want to get squared away with , controlling our blog watch how easy this , is you install the the widget control , plug-in okay then you go to widget , control right like this and you have all , the stuff that you need to make this , happen okay it's cool you don't even , have to login , Weber you don't have to you know do , anything crazy if you wantClickbank , stuff you don'tavern need to log into , Click bank you just punch your info in , there and everything like that okay so , we go in here and let's say we want to , make an opt-in okay so more videos live , training's and tools from Marcus okay and , I'll open this in a new window so you , could see ho wit works live okay so here , we got it here we go , I can't type today okay so here we go we , got this here , okay so we got claiming a free affiliate , marketing videos let's say on Lauren , affiliate marketing want a different , opt-in box okay so Would go in here , would take the the number of the post , okay so you can get this inside your , your widget and everything and stuff , like that but well go in here okay and , we're gonna say show in posts yes so , we're going to show this in posts okay , we got our post IDs or we could leave it , blank if we want it in all the posts , okay same with pages you can put the , post the page ID or you can leave it , blank , super easy okay put yours Weber list , name antiknock money tips put your , obviously this would be Yoruba , listing but your Thank You page put what , you're giving them right so here'SWAT , we're giving them save the settings , check it out on all the posts which are , these guys here okay on all the posts , now we got that little dude pointing at , the thing okay really cool really easy , you can put it wherever you want now , let's say it on that post we're like hey , you know what nobody's opting in we , might as well make money with Ad sense , okay all you got to do is go over here , disable this on the post okay save your , settings all right like that go to the , Ad sense widget plug-in your ad sense code , which I believe we have it inhere , somewhere let me take a look all right , so we'll go inhere we will put show and , post yes okay , showing pages now we're not gonna put it , on the pages we'll just show it on the , post okay click on HTML put iridescence , code right inhere hit update alright , save configurations now check it out we , got Ad sense on the site right there cool , right and it'snot on the pages okay so , it works really really good makes , conversion crazy see there's nonsense , there and you can control everything and , as you can see in widget control we'vie , made everything , super-easy let's say instead of Ad sense , you want to put someClickbank stuff , right you're like hey I want some , click bank links whatever okay you could , literally go in here go to the hop link , okay say show let me see here say , showing post yes or pages or whatever , you can select one page OR pages or , all pages right what you do you put your , click bank ID put your keywords your , height your width how many ads how you , wan tit to look everything like that you , hit saved being bad being and that'll , put Click bank ads on your site you can , control terseness where you want to , put it what pages what post everything , like that your comments if you only want , to show recent comments on posts or , pages or nowhere you can control that as , well you can control how many comments , where it goes what it looks like you , know really cool really easy stuff , recent post this one I control all the , time where I put this stuff here right , for the for Google to see now I always , put this just on posts not pages that , way people are see the opt-in page and , then you know they have to opt-in to see , all the post sand everything like that , so it looks really cool it's like hey , check it out opt-in oh hey woo here's , all the cool stuff so it's a really good , flow you get to control it with this as , well sales page widget that's just like , the one had on blog profit Network , where it said join Marcus's blog profit , network today blah blah blah blah blah , so you could just put this on like one , sales page if you wan tit on like you , know Page or post W or whatever it , is you want you have at hank you widget , this is the one where you create your , thank-you page and you say hey check it , out thanks for opting in here's some , bonus stuff click here for whatever I , promised you or check your email for it , or whatever it is you want so you , literally so you literally have control , of everything hence the name you know , which it control which is really cool so , it goes through everything you can have , as many of these as you want an , affiliate widget if you want to put , banners and things like that also we , have several different opt-in widgets , you can add we also have a drop-down box , like the one you saw on , I believe it was winning Numbers e , this is responsible for making me a lot , of money I think we'vie made thousands of , dollars with this site so far really , cool really easy this is the hot spot on , the site we also have a search box , that's responsible for making me a lot , of money and everything is ready for you , it's ready Togo you set it up you plug , in your affiliate stuff you plug in your , opt-in and you make money online really , really awesome cool stuff and that's how , it works right and it solves the big , problems of being able to control the , sidebar the controlling the flow making , effective squeeze pages and everything , like that , number four you know you can't really , have Good sales page we showed you , that it solves all these problem seven , the problem of giving Ad sense banned , because it's on the Thank You page and , of course it solves the big problem of , everyone seeing the same offers the same , opt-in boxes and everything so start , controlling your blog today start making , money usually I charge seventy seven , dollars or more for this plugin as I , have over the past couple months but , today I'dike to offer it to all , warriors for more than% off and today , only it is well as long as I run this up , SO right it is W bucks so go ahead , click that Add to Cart button you could , see that this works along in I'll show , you some results so here's the results , where I'm testing it this is the opt-in , box one where I'vie got W bucks so far , and I'vainly run it couple days this , month'm kind of trying to tweak it and , get it up to scale again we got the , video site where you know they download , a video thing you can see we're at W , cents ac lick in a market that's like , way less than that we got W cents a , click on gas more video stuff and you , can see that Otis making money I also , use this with some of my Click bank , offer sand the funny part ISIS that , using widget control actually converts , better than regular sales page because , it's like hey check out this new video , on my blog it's less offensive it's less , you know where you go buy my stuff right , now it's just really really really cool , and you know you just focus on that , stuff and work on it and make it work , because it does work it's really cool , the money is there can , roll your blog so click the Add to Cart , button below you know and the tool sand , widget control are responsible for , making me over W grand , sorry I missed a zero grand with , product launches over 1.7 million , dollars with affiliate offers two , hundred an done thousand dollars plus in , Adsense generating me over W,W new , opt-in subscribers and it more right and , a lot of people say well Marcus that's , all great that's wonderful , but doe sit work today right NOW want , you to look at these stats these are , live this is actually today the damn , filming this all right you might be , watching it a couple days later but it's , there right here's some stats here that , show you everything that works right we , could go and look at tons of stuff and , this is just a couple of my little sites , so what I want you to do is I want you , to start controlling your blog this is , of course a product on Click bank so it's , backed by a W day unconditional money , back guarantee all you Giotto do is , uninstall it give us the code and be on , your merry way but I know for just $W , this is an absolute steal considering , this cost me about twelve thousand , dollars to make but I use it on my site , so I thin kit's wort hit awesome stuff , get your copy below let's make money , online together and for everyone who , joins from this SO we're gonna have a , special webinar on how to use it if you , can't make it don't worry we'll record , it so get signed up below my dog said , you need to get signed up as you can , hear and we will make money online , together