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hey guys it's Marcus again and in this , video'm gonna show you my super easy , way to find an untapped super profitable , niche in any marketplace and it's very , important because so many people give up , and have truck trouble finding the right , niche finding the right keyword or the , right market to go into and they really , don'TKO where to gonad it reminds me , of the story that was once mentioned in , thinking Grow Rich where there was a guy , who had spent his whole life at savings , buying this land that he thought there , was gold on and he bought all these you , know things to help him find the gold , and and basically went to work digging , for the gold and he dug and he dug and , dug for many years and did't find , anything and so finally he gave up he , sold the farm his family had laughed at , him or not the farm but the gold mine , right and there's family laughed at him , because he did't find anything then a , young businessman came by bought the , land dug three feet and struck gold and , the reason for that story is I'd like to , show you and share with you that there's , gold everywhere right online there are , niches everywhere and every time I turn , on my computer and go in to find an , untapped niche they're always there but , the problem is is that so many people , are digging through the other marketers , leftover garbage that they really can't , find anything right and they go for , totally untapped and instead I want you , to go for totally untapped niches you , see what most people do is they'll go , over to Click bank or something and , they'll wander over tithe marketplace , and try to find some kind of market or , some kind of product that looks good so , maybe they'll go to like let's say they , go toe-business and e-marketing okay , and they'll find something like cash for , surveys right it gets$W a sale and , it's it must be good it's at the top and , it's got all this traffic right or this , one here the monster whatever it is , right but you have this here you say Oh , get cash for surveys well and then what , they'll do is they'll go over to the , Google Ad Words tool and they'll type in , cash for surveys or surveys or money for , surveys or something like that and what , they'll find out is it this is gonna , cost about dollar fifty click which , means that you need to convert one out , of every W people just to break even , and for interview who'Webern around , marketing for awhile or even if you're , new getting one at A's% conversion or , 1 out of people conversion rate is is , crazy I mean you're probably not going , to do it alright so what we want to do , is we want to get away from that because , so many people they'll do this so go to , For ex and they'll look at the keywords , and it's like six to ten dollars per , click and even on the organic site it's , almost impossible to get rankings for , these word sand even if you did get the , rankings or even if you did pay for them , right it's not going to convert that , good and and at these numbers you can't , do that good and with lose weight right , people go into the lose weight market , and it's like dollar to two dollars per , click and when you look at the payouts , you got forty bucks and some of the , for ex markets or eighty dollars and some , for ex markets and and the weight loss , what happens is there's no room to break , even there's no nothing , right and at twenty to thirty dollars a , sale you can't break even there's no way , to do it now don'Tet me wrong there , are people making money in these niches , but the vast majority of new people are , people that are looking for a market , just make Google more rich and the owner , of the product rich while they lose , money and it's an endless vicious cycle , and what I want to do today ISO want to , get you out of that cycle by changing , the way that you think about niche , marketing the way that you think about , finding keyword sand things like that , and the way that I like to think about , this is I like to go in with no , preconceived idea no idea what I'm gonna , market no idea what niche I'm going into , and use my trigger words alright my , trigger words can be found below or you , can go into your members area for the , dynamic keyword list that we update all , the time and you can see these Alice , words have nothing to do with anything , other than they bring us to something , else okay they're kind of like a , stepping stone to get to what we want , okay a stepping stone to find niche sand , you can see like effect after answers , balance basics beginner broke and build , different things like this and every , single time you type these trigger words , I pretty much guarantee you're gonna , find a niche right because we can go in , here and we can type in the word , calculator okay , and we can lookup what kind of , calculators people want and you always , want to think about why would someone , search for something , right the reason you'd search for a , calculator is so that you can calculate , something okay so we'll go in here and , we'll look at these word sand we'll say , okay let's say we got math calculator we , got scientific trigonometry online , calculator virtual calculator tool , financial calculator and lot sand lots , of things and oftentimes you'll find all , kinds of different things here based on , what people want and one of the words , that find using this one let's see if , we can find it here , was the word mortgage calculator right , and you have this word here and I want , to show you the difference with finding , these words based on finding the other , stuff right so here we have a word , that's mortgage calculator with Mkay , and we have this and I want you to , realize that this is in the mortgage , market okay all of these are in the , mortgage market okay very very expensive , market to get into and if we go to , Google and we do a search for this word , right we can see that there's that'st he , wrong word let's go back and copy this , correctly all right so if we go inhere , and we do something like a mortgage , calculator with Poirot we could see , here that there's Nita lot of people , bidding on this term which leads me to , believe could probably get this word , for around cents okay now I know , Google says it's like $1 W but that's , not always true especially in markets , like this you can get the sea lot , cheaper some of them you can get them , for even like cent sand I'll show you , how to how to figure that out in the , next couple videos all right so we look , at this and we have all these words here , based on mortgage calculator now you , have to ask yourself and you have to say , okay what do these people ultimately , want , why would someone in their right mind or , they're not right mind ever type in , mortgage calculator well they're , probably thinking about refinance or , thinking about lowering their payments , or getting a better rate to which all , lump sunder the word refinance right and , if we go to Google and we type in , refinance if we get to spell it right , refinance did I spell that right well , Google will tell me right if we go in , and type refinance no wand I did't even , spell it right refinance there we go I , think think I had one too manta's , but we could see even in the misspelling , it's 8 dollars a click right so we , flipped a market that we can get SEC , clicks into a market that's like eight , to nine dollars a click and has tons of , ways to make money obviously we know , that there's a lot of money in the , mortgage market so really cool right and , every time you use these trigger words , you will always find something if you go , to let's do the word decrease right we , could do the word decrease see what , people want to decrease okay and again , no preconceived idea I don't know what , market I'm going into I just want to , find out what people are looking for we , got percentage decrease decrease , cholesterol naturally lot of different , stuff here decrease appetite alright , there's a good way to get into the , market and again watch this low rather , than watching the amount that they want , to charge okay so watch the low so if we , go inhere and we do like decrease , appetite okay we can do it in quotes or , not in quotes and we have decrease , appetite here okay we could see that in , quotes there's no one bidding on the , paid side and there you go so I could , get this word for five cents and now why , would someone want to decrease their , appetite probably CZ they're eating too , much and they need to lose weight so if , we go in there and we do something like , lose weight right now we're flipping , this market into something that's more , expensive something that has lots of , offers okay so we want to do that right , when you get that for five cents and , turn them into market that's like two , to three dollars per click alright this , is what I want you to focus on okay very , very important and we'll talk about paid , traffic versus free traffic and all that , other stuff in just minute right but , for now Want you just to get in the , habit of using these trigger words to , find this stuff right if we go to find , out or guides or healthy or hints or , how-to or increase or information , interviews leaked right all this , different stuff these will always give , you a way to find niches okay so what I , want you to get in the habit of is just , using these words with no preconceived , idea to find niches okay very important , because you will always find something , one of my favorite is the word printable , right you go inhere you use the word , printable , right like this and you hit search and , you see what's printable right we have , printable coupons printable cards , printable birthday invitations calendars , and all of these word shave affiliate , programs already attached to them , printable Sudoku printable certificates , coupons online printable bingo cards and , all this other stuff all right really , really cool really easy to go through , and you'll always find lots of different , niches using this method some free , niches some paid niches right but you , want to go in there and just have no , preconceived idea just go in there and , start finding stuff because all we care , about is marketers is what are people , searching for now what I'd like to do is , I'dike Togo into understanding the , keyword tools and how determine the best , marketing practices okay so here's a , picture of our confused keyword guy now , first let's go over the match types okay , if you use the google ad words tool or , you use a keyword tool there's three , different match types there's broad , match phrase match and exact match , okay broad match basically means I am , going for a word broad okay this is , broad match you see here under match , types I could select all of them okay , now don't pare populate the results and , tell me what the exact searches are and , everything like that okay so you see , that the broad match is way crazy like , thirteen million people per month are , searching for it okay that'SA lot of , people okay what broad match means if , someone goes to Google and they type , something in like printable printable , now broad match includes the word , printable and everything also attached , to the word printable so printable , elephant if someone types that in that , goes to the number of searches if , someone does printable coloring pages , right that goes into it - so anything , and everything related to printable goes , into the broad match okay that's why , that's such huge number , now the word printable in quotes means , that it has to have this exact phrase or , this exact whatever is in quotes , attached to it okay so to give you , better example you could see here free , printable card sin exact match gets , thousand searches per month free , printable cards exact match that means , that they have to type in free printable , cards exactly okay that that's the only , way that this is going to come up and , again we can see these affiliate , programs as well so you know this stuff , works right so that's an exact one now , if you're gonna do broad on this and be , French free printable you know oops , let's see here free printable cards for , fun or whatever okay so exact match has , to be exact broad matches anything and , everything with those words in it okay , so it could be like printable cards free , all different variations but exact is , the exact term okay and will talk to you , about why these are important in a , minute and so the last one which is is , basically phrase match now phrase match , you could see the different amounts of , searches and that's why they get the , different amount because when you have , other things attached obviously you know , there'smote people searching all the , variations than just the one thing which , is important but the last one is phrase , match which basically means they can add , anything after this okay it's a lot like , broad match but it has to include the , phrase so we're broad match could be , like cards printable cool right , exact match or I'sorry phrase match , has to be free printable cards online , free printable cards for cheap or , whatever it's got to have that exact , phrase in it plus something else okay I , mean of course we all know exact match , as I mentioned earlier is the exact term , now what we want to look at is if you're , going for paid traffic and again when we , go in and we find these words I don't , want to go in and say Want this one , for free traffic right I just want to , let the market dictate where I go , because if I limit it right if I say , printable coupons and I said oh I'm , gonna try to get free traffic only , I might miss out Ina really good niche , so we want to let the market dictate , where we go okay so let me show you , where you would use , each and every one of these for me , personally always like to use broad , match for paid traffic okay why because , I want as much traffic as possible okay , sometimes I'll use phrase and sometimes , I'll use exact but most of the time I'm , going to use broad especially in niches , like lottery numbers and lottery tickets , where basically there's not a whole lot , of other stuff now , if you're ever using the word free in , something and you'redoing some kind of , paid advertising you will probably want , to us ea negative keyword because , oftentimes there's alto of dirty stuff , connected to that word free so negative , that out or maybe don't use the word , free in broad match as much all right , cool stuff so moving right along let's , talk about the other stuff we know that , the majority of the stuff that run on , paid traffic is going to be broad match , now let's talk about the different , competition types okay now what we want , to do is when we Fonda word we want to , go in there and say okay what can we do , wit hit , right what Cain do with printable cards , or or if I go into a different trigger , word what we could do with you know , something like remove okay we could do , remove here and again all we're doing is , looking for what people search for and , thinking about what they want okay so if , we do remove let's say remove system , tool okay so remove system tool we want , to look at this and look at all the , different match types and everything , like that okay and the competition what , we want to do first and foremost the , only question we want to ask is does the , price model fit and did we double-check , it okay so we want to go in and we want , to look at the price model for remove , system tool okay for a remove system , tool we have they're saying it's like , anywhere from a dollar fifty two to fit , to sixty five per click okay but if we , go in and we say remove system tool as , broad match right we're going to do , broad match for our for our paid traffic , test now Could see here for broad , match there's literally no competition , on the paid side right so here are your , free stuff okay all the stuff in white , but if we do it let's do different , word where it has competition like , mortgage okay you could see the paid , stuff is in the yellow where it says ads , and down the side where it says ads so , for ours we could tell from remove , system tool there are no ads which means , I could probably get this for about five , cents a click and we could do this an , exact match and everything like that , just to see what's coming up but I'm , pretty sure that there's nothing there , okay so we want to double check Google , and say dude it's really a buck fifty , all right in this case no it's not and , if you see anything like if you see , nobody bidding or if you see something , like if we do let's say chicken cursors , all right chicken cursors okay what we , want to do is we want to look for a plus , try another one because these don't have , competition either let's do something , like download wallpaper okay and we'll , see what's there all right so download , wallpaper and if there was just a few , guys here or if you saw something like , or web crawler any of the , blanket bidders eBay , you know that's cheap also okay so , really really focus on that stuff you'll , see those pop up from time to time when , you're looking at like you know free key , cards or something like that you'll see , like this right we know that's a , blanket better so I could probably get , this for five cents or you know web , crawler or something like that okay very , very important so when you're looking at , paid traffic number one does the price , model fit and did you double-check okay , so does the price model fit here no it , dozen't probables't fit at all , unless we're selling something for like , three hundred bucks or getting paid ten , dollars a download so this price model , would't fit but when we double-check it , we see that it does fit okay so remove , system tool that does fit now what we , want to do is we want to do a little bit , of research you know maybe look at , what's there like a lot of people here , are talking about spyware and stuff okay , so we could probably run them into , spyware or Norton or some kind of , spyware removal , to help them remove this thing okay so , yes the price model would definitely fit , in this especially if you do like remove , spyware right watch the bid prices jump , up and then of course we'll do search , for it and show you how to see if Google , is actually right okay so remove spyware , okay remove spyware actually does have , people bidding on it okay Nita lot of , them but it does have people bidding so , there is some money there and we know , there's alto of programs to give them , okay so this is something that , definitely definitely can work for paid , traffic so whoever wants to use that , niche have fun wit hit does get some , searches okay so this would be a good , example for paid traffic let's do , another one okay let's say we want to go , into reverse okay we'll do reverse , reverse okay we'll see if we can find , another one , just to show you what's out there for , paid traffic okay so reverse email , lookup okay that's an interesting one , we'begot thirty three thousand nine , thousand on exact match so let's go to , Google and take a look again reverse , email lookup okay this one actually does , have a lot of people bidding although , again see there's these two guys , and AIs mentioned web crawler okay so , again we want to think about this and , say okay what can we do with this what , do these people want how do we help them , how do we get in here , okay well eventually what they really , want is they want to find someone they , want to find someone by their email , address like hey who's this dude who , just emailed Meir want to find out who , he is right so that's what they want to , do is a reverse email lookup okay so we , would go in there and say what's , available right and there's lots of lots , of things there you could DI forget , what they're called know there'sine , on Click bank let's take a look here , at people search or something like they , I thin kit's people search right so if , we go here and we do people search , people yeah Shh right like that , okay we can go in and we could see that , there's probably like a lot of money in , this market you know cents a click , and stuff like that which is which is , pretty decent , there's also programs you can do like , people search or I think we have to go , into marketplace okay so we'll go in , here and we'll do like people search , okay , people search thirty dollars a sale five , bucks a sale here and fifteen all kinds , of different stuff for that so it could , work right check out the affiliate , programs check out what's out there see , if it's viable see if it works but we do , know that the competition is not that , bad for reverse email search so this is , one that I would would definitely say , yeah let's go to step two on this for , paid traffic now let's go ahead and talk , about the beloved coveted free traffic , okay so everyone wants this beloved of , free traffic and everything like that , but it's not always that easy to get , unless you use the trigger words and you , find the right type of niche now there's , several different ways that you can do , this , my favorite way is using keyword tool , whether it's micro niche finder or niche , finder in this video I'll go through a , niche finder I'll show you how it works , and everything like that , but first what'll do ISO'll show you , how to do it the old-fashioned way , right so you could go to your google , ad words tool and you can look up these , searches so let's say we went into a , trigger word tool that was like steps , okay so we'll do steps like steps to or , whatever okay you know type it in steps , here and what we want to do is find , something that looks not that , competitive right so like steps on , Broadway you know you could do like , dance steps all kinds of different stuff , line dance steps Capitol steps schedule , so let's try this so capital steps , schedule right we look at that it's okay , doe sit have enough traffic you know you , look at that then once you determine if , it's got enough traffic for you you go , to Google and you search for it in , quotes okay this is how you find a good , Organic term now right off the bat again , as It old you Google is sometimes pretty , crazy they say you have fifteen thousand , eight hundred results okay now I would , think that that's that'pretty decent , that's not too bad for something in , quotes but we want to take this a step , further and see if there's even less , because a lot of times there are okay so , we'll go in and we will look at this , word and what we're gonna do is we're , gonna go down to the bottom of Google , and we're just gonna click the last , number okay and we're gonna keep doing , this until it actually ends see how it , changed there all right we're gonna keep , doing this till it ends okay so we'll go , W we'll go in and you can see here what , happens is it just timed out okay so , what this means is that there's really , only a hundred and nine directly , competing result son this term right you , can see here once we got to page two , twelve it said in order to show you the , most relevant results we have emitted , some of the entries very similar to the , hundred and nine displayed if you like , you can repeat Bela Bela Bela Bela Bela , okay so what that means is that the real , competitions which is like nothing , okay it's pretty easy to rank for , something like this especially if you , had you noway direct domain like , Capitol Steps schedule Com Net org or , whatever right so very very easy to rank , for that okay so that's the , old-fashioned way you can do that you , can do it with any trigger word and most , of the time you will find something like , tips right if we do something for tips , see what kind of tips people want you , can tell by the noise in the background , I need some dog barking tips okay so we , got like day trading tips investing tips , stock market tip sand on an don and on , we go now to get more of these when , you're going for the Google for free , traffic just go exact match right it's a , lot easier if you just go exact match , because then you get a lot more in here , right because exact match is what you're , going for with the free to kind of get , you an idea of the real traffic there , okay so we can see there's a lot more , stuff here for ex trading tips hot stock , tips , we got tips alcohol training let's see , this one , right if we do this one here or Google , go right so we do in quotes again and , I'll put some tools below that'll help , you do this without a keyword too land , then you know if you guys like the , keyword tool idea you can get that as , well again what I want to do in this , program is show you free ways to do , everything but of course for those that , have the means and can get the other , stuff to help them save time by all , means do that right because I'm all , about showing you the exact stuff so in , this one we can see it's saying,W , results which is kind of high that's a , little bit too high for Meir like to see , an exact quotes like,W or less for , something easy to get in now here's one , that's kind of interesting , that I liked because it pertains to an , affiliate program I'm familiar wit hand , you could see an exact match there's not , a whole lot of searches there's like , W a month bu tit is an exact type of , thing where they can download this game , and I get like bucks all right so it's , kind of cool , so I decided we'd go look this one up , right for bejeweled tips and we'll go in , her ewe'll look at it without quotes , we're at about 1 million and with quotes , let's see what it says here we can see , with quotes we are about hundred and , fifty five thousand which normally would , be too much but when we time it out we , could see that it actually has four , hundred and thirty five right so timed , out at four hundred and thirty-five , competition which is kind of cool so I , thought I'd just throw that out there , now one of the cool things like to use , ISS keyword tool this is a keyword tool , called niche finder it's an awesome tool , it's well wort hit if you plan on doing , this stuff fora long time all right so , if we go in here and we do our options , we'll just do exact match here save it , since we'redoing free traffic right or , paid whatever comes up we're going to , kind of use but at this one you can kind , of see at a glance what you're getting , what you know about everything there , right it'seagoing to show you the keyword , the big keyword the difficulty , everything so let's go ahead and get , this one started , we'll go in , and we'll use our trigger word we could , use the same trigger word which was tips , right and watch how much easier it is to , see the results here it takes you know , W seconds or so okay so you can see , that right at a glance here we can go , ahead and do these by whatever criteria , we want if we want to do paid search we , could go by cost per click if we want to , check out free search we can go by , results here and let me just make this a , little bit bigger so you can see it all , okay it looks like it wants me to scroll , over but you can see right at a glance , if the domains are available what the , competition is what the strength of , their links are to see if it's something , that you can actually get into like this , here Halo Reach tip's,W searches per , month so we could actually go in and see , what's there and see what domains are , available the keyword density and again , once you find a goo done you just go to , Google search for it Halo Reach tips , right search for this here and we can , see the competition and again you know , just do that timeout method or you just , keep going here and just see when it , times out but again this this looks like , it would be an okay one although the , competition looks pretty high here as we , saw on the tool so this tool basically , makes it really easy to see everything , at glance really easy to see what's , their personal safety tips , black ops tips option trading and , there's our bejeweled one again and , everything like that so it's super super , easy to go through , super easy to see where the domains are , right so I could see right at a glance , this one does look pretty good and of , course they do have their ranking system , where the green mean sit's like really , easy to rank for if I can find one up , here let's see here , green means easy so fallout 3 tips , they're saying is the easiest one and , you know obviously the harder ones are , down here so really easy to go through , use that too lit works but again use all , the tips that have on this for you , and you know take look find some good , stuff think about what you can give them , and then when you think you have a , winner whether it's for paid traffic or , organic go ahead and click over to step , two below the evaluate the traffic we'll , go through it check it out you can use , the tools Have set up for you to , evaluate it and we'll go through and see , if we can make money wit hit , all right see you in the next step