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have you ever wondered what it actually , takes to be a successful entrepreneur , well today we got something a little , different for you what we're going to do , is we are going to review the movie the , founder which is chock full of tons of , entrepreneur tips that you can use to , start making money in your business in , your life or if you have a business , already excel and make more than you , ever dreamed possible and we are , starting right now let's see if it's up , to the founders standard she said it , should have three pickles the right , amount of mustard and ketchup one pickle , just ketchup hmm should'tube up to par , let's talk about the founder let's talk , about how this movie works and lots of , talk about what it has to do with you , and entrepreneurship first of all the , founder is the story the real story as , Otis right based Ina true story of how , Ray Kroc founded or became the founder , of the McDonald's restaurant chain now , back in the old days I'll give you a , little story because this story has a , lotto do with entrepreneurs how you can , make money and everything like that so , here's Ray Kroc he's a guy back in like , the S's or S's Ir's and I go tithe , S's and he's out there and he's hustling , he's trying to sell these little mixers , for milkshake sand so he goes , door-to-door to all these restaurants , and talks to the owner sand says hey , guys do you want to buy this it's going , to help you it's going to get you more , efficient it's going to make more , milkshake sit's going to do all this , stuff for you and he's kind of hard on , his luck he's tried lots of things , before and he's struggling is trying to , make this work sure he'Sgt a house , some of his things work before bu the's , really struggling at this and one day , someone called up his office and says I , want to place an order for six of these , machines we need six milkshake makers , and he thinks to himself okay this has , Giotto bean error no one ordered six of , these so it gets on the phone he calls , one of the McDonald's brothers and he , says are you sure you mean six he says , no actually it is an error , Meant the place in order for eight and , he , what's the deal how does one company buy , eight of these how does one store afford , eight of them and actually able to push , that out because up until the nit was , all these drive-ins and diners and , things like that where they had all this , food and maybe they sold a few , milkshakes but it wan't like McDonald's , was doing McDonald's was out there , huffing and puffing and getting lots of , milkshakes old like the big bad wolf or , something like that but you're going to , find out the big bad wolf in this story , USN't the McDonald's brother sis , actually the founder here and I actually , don't agree with some of his business , principles although hey if you want to , be billionaire sometimes you got to do , some things that goes against the grain , but at any rate back to our story so he , drives across the country and he goes to , meet these McDonald's brothers that are , they have this hamburger chain and it's , selling so many hamburgers people out , and he's like what do you mean you serve , foo din a bag and a wrapper and you , don't take it to someone at their car or , you don't serve it somewhere and you'll , have chicken and you don't have beans , and you don't have entree sand meal sand , you just have this stuff W cents for , hamburgers well he goes on and he gets a , tour of the back office and this is , where it gets good for the entrepreneur , so he says hey you know what we're going , to buy these things from it how would , you like a tour of the operation to see , how this restaurant works and he says , there is nothing I would love more than , to see that tour and he goes through and , he talks to them about how this works , now what he notice sis thesis't like , the typical diner this USN't like the , diners where you walked in and , everything is chaotic , there's tons of things going on there's , tons of meals going out this is a , streamlined operation it is meant to Sol , to sell several different product sin , mass quantity very fast so here is the , good things that the make the could , olives brothers have very cool number , one we're going to find out they had a , great name excellent okay and if you , haven't seen this movie yet go see it so , number one they had a good name right a , name people could remembers name that , went with something was wholesome it , worked direct number two they had a , completely streamlined , operation okay streamlined up what does , this do for the entrepreneur it shows , you get rid of waste focus on what works , and do it very very efficiently their , goal was from order to customer in W , seconds , all right very cool so it's like hey , from order to customer in just W , seconds awesome they were like food this , is the deal this is how it works this is , what we're selling , next what they had is quality control , and forth consistency right quality , control and consistency so they made , sure that their quality control even , though this USN'that quality oaf , product compared to food standards right , their quality control was we're going to , make it the same way every single time , you come in here it tastes the same , exact weight every time because that's , what people are expecting second , consistency the consistency that you're , going to get what you order now these , are the things that the McDonald's , brothers did good did really well and , work that okay lots of other restaurants , were failing because their profit , margins were so low he says let's , streamline let's do it fast let's only , focus on what works , I'm not going to order chicken in bulk , if one guy orders chicken'm not going , to make Salisbury steak if one guy a , week orders it let's make what work , hamburgers fast anything done deal now , what we want to do is want to take a , look at this because this is where Ray , Kroc enters the picture , Ray Kroc enters the picture he says dude , this is unlike any other operation I'vie , ever seen this is insane it work sand he , says the light bulb anyone can do this , anyone you take someone off the road you , plug in these things boom done deal this , is called the franchise model now what , happened here franchise what happened , here is he goes to the brothers he says , hey McDonald's brothers check it out , what's franchise this muffled's get , this thing out let's make bunch of , money and the brothers say how well you , know we tried that and it dozen'twerk , okay we tried , and gave up okay so many people so many , entrepreneurs try something and give up , now here is the secret trying and giving , up is the worst way to go because you , don'Tet the right data because someone , else can do the same thing and get , insane result as we see hundreds of , billions of dollars later hundreds of , billions of dollars later this thing , blows up okay so they said hey I tried , it and I failed how many thing shave you , tried and you gave up and say hey it , dozen't work we're not going to try it , again well sometimes you'vie got to be , able to make these decisions and you got , to be able to say just because it did't , work the way I did at that time dozen't , mean that it won'twerk another time a , different way very important so ray , comes in here and he's like us , franchises they say ah we tried it we , gave up all right so ray goes home and , he'slake man well at least Learned , about this streamlined thing and , whatever and it's been beating at him , he'slake I know I can franchise this , thing I know I could make a lot of money , so he goes to the brothers again and , again and again and Hounds them he hawks , his house right because he knows it's , going to work and how many times have , you actually put your skin in the game , when you know something'seagoing to work , right he's like I'm gonna hock my house , my wife's going to be pissed at me but , I'going to make this work and billions , of dollars later he's the one laughing , to the bank right so we have this and , it'slake okay what are you willing to , do to get where you want to go big big , important thing what am I willing to do , to get where want Togo if I know , something'seagoing to work so we look at , this number one what did he do what did , Ray Kroc do he was persistent he was , persistent when he was selling the , mixer's he was persistent and asking , these people until they said yes so many , people on my list they're like oh I , asked for merchant account asked for , a affiliate account asked for this and , I did't get it boohoo , freaking Colonel Sanders asked thousands , of times until he finally got someone , who would buy his stuff done right we , look at this is the goal now luckily , we're not in the fifties we're not in , the S's we can excel because the data is , there we know what works , just like the people who came after , McDonald's and copied the idea right , they knew it was going to work because , there Otis there'st he model follow a , model that works persist number two what , you're going to notice in this movie is , that you need to know what business , you're Ina lot of people think that , am in the affiliate marketing internet , business well here's the key , there really USN'tin internet marketing , as business I mean you can market , things online but what's the real , business you'rein the real business we , are in is traffic direction advertising , and selling boom there you go what are , we in we're in traffic direction , advertising and selling we direct , traffic we place ad sand we sell stuff , that's the business you're in don't get , confused thinking that the business , you're in is Depressing't get , confused thinking you're in the web , hosting business or whatever unless , you're in that business same thing , happen Ray Kroc was there he starts , selling these businesses faster than he , can even imagine right he's like boom I , got guys here in Seattle or whatever st. , Louis all these places right , tons of McDonald's are popping up and , he's like why am I not rich , I sold a ton of these things he wan't , rich because he was only getting one , point thin kit was one point five , percent or something like that after the , crockery are the McDonald brothers , took their part he got 1.percent of , the sales which.5 percent of a , hamburgers't much he meets this guy , at the bank when he'sabot to be down , and out they're like dude your home loan , is do you hock your house you locked , it's over you're screwed most of us , would give up or get a job or find , something to do but not very crop , because he had persistence he walks out , he's like I Giotto Fonda way this guy , chases him out of the bank he says hey , dude buddy I heard what you said at the , bank and graze like you jerk why he , listened Tommy conversation what the , heck dude I need privacy he says I need , to sit down with you and talk to you , about this so it gets a meeting they go , they sit down they look at the books , they look at the ledger , and he turns to him he says right you , know what your problem is your problem , is is you think you're in the business , of selling hamburgers you're not in the , business of selling hamburgers check , this out you'vie got these franchisee , let's say you got franchisees they're , all paying an insane amount of rent to , rent the land that their McDonald's is , on boom there you go you're not in the , hamburger business you need to be in the , real estate business you need to go and , buy the property that the McDonald's is , on make an agreement to where they have , to use that property and lease it from , you , now instead of struggling now you're , getting tons of money you're getting , rent from W people you're getting your , kickback you're getting everything , and of course later we find out the , franchise fees and everything it's , absolutely absurd right so we look at , that he's like boom you are in the real , estate business how much was that one , consultation work and you need to know , right you need to know and Think it's , one of ours here yes that's number three , four five six number six the value of , insight and a mentor lots of people come , to Mason markets W bucks for your for , your program you know people say how , Marcus I want to have a Skype call with , you say great our Skype coaching is , $2,W a month , that's all that's ridiculous$2,W for , a few Skype calls I mean you do it free , it dozen't cost you anything yes but , what is the value what is the value of , that call what is the value of that sit , down where the dude said buddy ray , you're in the real estate business that , was worth billion sand Guarantee you , it probably took less than minutes to , tell them that done deal right so you , got to look at this stuff you Giotto be , able to make decisions you got to look , at this and say hey I need to figure out , what business I'min I got to figure out , what's going on Igor to know the , business got to streamline everything , right streamline it know what you're , doing be able to answer questions be , able to ask questions of your mentors be , able to find guides who can fix things , right you look at the President of the , United States whether you like them , whether you , like them dozen't matter we're talking , about the office the office of the , President of the United States is , surrounded by tons and tons and tons of , advisors why because one person dozen't , know everything and one person should't , do everything if you own a restaurant , don't be behind the counter pay someone , to do it and you learn how to pay for , them right Donnie deal that way you , don't ha veto work this is what we're , talking about here same thing works with , internet marketing so the value of the , intelligent mentor can you find people , around you can you find people that will , get you where you want to go that will , help you streamline things years ago I , remember there was someone who said hey , you're doing this thing with PayPal , you'vie got these shopping carts whatever , why don't you switch to Infusions , switch to Infusionsofteverything else , is history made a lot of money there's , times when I was able to look at Google , stat sand see that most of my traffic , was coming from one guy I could go , around Google buy the traffic from the , guy direct boom done deal , sixteen thousand dollars every two weeks , profit as opposed to like four very cool , so persistent number one got to have , that if you're an entrepreneur number , two you'vie Giotto know what business , you're in number three you Giotto , streamline everything make it work make , it run smooth don't try to do everything , don't try to sell everything like the , diners sell the one thing like the Crocks , did and do it really really really well , next focus on what sells , whatever is selling whatever people want , focus on that don't litter your site , don't litter your business with all this , stuff if there'singly one item that does , really really good focus on the one item , you'll make ten ti mesas much and you , don'thieve to have inventory you don't , have to have all these sites you don't , have to have all these confusing links , very important duplicate what works , number six the value of the intelligent , mentor number seven like Ray Kroc did do , lots of stuff do a lot of things focus , on stuff , don't say I tried and I gave up have , some persistence there's parts of this , movie where you see ray he's on the road , he's trying to sell these things and , he'listening to tapes he's filling his , brain with good stuff and he's like I'm , going to do this I'm going to persist , his family laughing his friends , laughed at him they basically picked him , off the golf course and they're like get , out of here and he said you know what I , know this stuff works forget everyone , else I'going to do what works the , majority of the people don't get this , the majority of the people don't get , internet marketers my family still , dozen'TKO what the hell I do and I'vie , been doing it for W years they have no , clue some people think Aim crazy some , people think I'm Little less crazy and , that's about the sum of it but they all , laughed when started my business's , years later millions of dollars later , the rest is history when they laughed at , Ray Kroc they said oh it's not going to , work that's silly it'another one of , your schemes do what you know works , plain and simple number eight the last , one will go over don't leave money on , the table don't leave money on the table , what yeah well Ray Kroc did when he went , into McDonald'SARS you said look there's , a lot of money on the table you can , streamline different things you can make , things cheaper you could do it better , you can get it to the customer because , at the end of the day if the customers , happy pretty much nothing else matters , as long as that's the deal so that was , the thing and he said hey look what , we'll do is we'll streamline this stuff , we'll make it big we'll buy in bulk , we'll change the way we do the , milkshakes we'll change the way we do , things we'll take the money that's on , the table with the real estate boom how , much was he leaving on the table tons of , money here's a guy who's broke sitting , on a fortune he dozen't know exists , because he needs someone to come tell , him that there's a fortune that he , dozen't know exists how many of you guys , out there are like the majority and you , know that there's fortune out there , but you don't know where it is you need , someone to point it out you need to be , willing to take that risk Ray was an , egotistical crazy person who did alto , of business things Id on't agree with I , don'talkie putting people out of , business Id on't like doing stuff like , that which is probably why I'Mont a , multi billionaire which is cool with me , I'm good with that , however there are things we can learn he , was an ego dude but he was also not too , proud to listen to other people because , he knew that other people could have the , advice that he needs he had advisors , around him and said hey do this they do , that they do this legal people all kinds , of stuff so , what you want to do is you want to focus , on not leaving money on the table by , ignoring what's going on around you , don't get so caught up into thinking , your way is the best way this is what , the McDonald'brothers did they said , our way is the best we got to have the , burger this way we'vie Giotto have this , this way we can't do that we can'Tupi , the price the franchisees will lose out , well hey the franchisees are getting , rich here and you Ian't making jack so , something's got to change number nine , will put a bonus in here number nine , follow the money where's the money trail , you want to get rich follow the money , find out where it leads go after what , works streamline it make it work be , consistent be persistent do what you got , to do to go where you need to goo hope , you enjoyed this video review of the , founder Michael Douglas is if I'm not , Michael Douglas Michael Keaton is a , great actor excellent movie go watch it , and then post your comments below if you , have something else to add or maybe a , tip that you liked you can put your , favorite tip below thanks again for , watching this subscribe to my channel if , you are not yet subscribed and I'll see , you in the next video thanks again you , can hop over to affiliate marketing dude , calm right now if you want to get my , free software and learn how to make , money as an internet affiliate marketer , thanks again and I'll see you in the , next video