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hello and welcome to our first live , stream of the new year hopefully , everything's working let's wait and , see if the stream is working looks like , we're good if you can hear meek please , let me know by typing something in the , box and we're gonna get started with , today's presentation of in depth keyword , research to find profitable niche , markets starring one of my niches that , makes $4,W a month on average from , what offer which is pretty cool so if , you're here and you can hear me type , something in the box and let me know and , we'll get this show on the road here in , a minute , I am enjoying my new tobacco pipes got , from a new place I Fonda place that , makes all wood pipes which is really , colic's like if you know pipe smokers , they spend a lot of money on pipe sand , there's this guy who makes these and he , sells them exclusively online and he , sells a ton of them so you guys can like , make money with literally anything I was , just watching a video yesterday where a , guy was talking about hey you can make , like seventy thousand dollars a year , talking about the Smurfs which is true , like people are obsessed with crazy , thing sand they spend money on crazy , things and you can make lots of money , and that's what this training is all , about is how I have made millions of , dollars in weird little niches over the , last W years that's right this is my , Th year in affiliate marketing so when , you're looking for someone to listen to , when you're looking for someone to , follow who has advice about making money , online if you plan on getting real , advice go for someone who's been around , a while don't first go for some guy , who's been doing this for like 3 years , or something and got lucky or whatever , go for someone who's been around who's , done this who does this fora living you , know forget about all the Lamborghini's , and the flashy stuff people will show , you because you know spending money is , actually pretty easy you can get loans , for whatever you want you cannot feed , your family and go buy cars or whatever , but I choose to actually use this to , fund my lifestyle which is staying home , with my family which is really coo land , because of the internet I'vie been able , to do that for W years which is crazy , really cool my oldest daughters almost , she is W and , no I started this right around the time , she was born which was really cool so , it's allowed me a good lifestyle so let , me know how you'redoing today let me , know what is on your mind because we are , going to dive in and talk about niches , we're gonna use the keyword tools we're , gonna show you how to find these markets , we're gonna show you some math stuff so , Gotta get my screen software open here , so that we can share here we go so we , can share with you guys some of the math , stuff and show you what's going on so , that you can look at niche sand say okay , is that gonna be profitable now as we go , through actually am going to be , talking to you also about our simple , sites bootcampwhich is at raining , course where take you through weeks , and train you myself with some other , members we take it to a small group of , people each yea rand we teach them , everything so if you want a head start , you can go over to simple sites boot , camp calm you can learn all about that , course all about what you're gonna get , and also meet us here live in Florida , which is really cool , now you'll notice on that page right now , the price I's but what I'm gonna do , while we're on this webinar is I'm , actually going to change that to a , special price so if you want to join , while we're on this call you can , actually go there and you can see it , should have updated and you could save , like a thousand bucks or something crazy , like that thin kit's like thirteen , hundred dollars you save over this price , which is cool and you get all the , training and everything like that now , without any further ado let's dive into , why you're here which is how to find , niches first of all what Want to do is , show you some of my random PayPal , affiliate commissions paid tech pal as I , mentioned in our last webinar it's kind , of like my junk drawer , it's the junk drawer of the Commission's , and the random stuff that run , throughout the year don'Tues it for , major stuff it's just kind of like , placeholder where I keep some funds and , do some ads and you know things like , that which is really cool now you're , gonna see that in my junk drawer right , this USN'tavern like the major money , that I made it's like% or something , like that you're gonna see that in , December made W W so almost , hundred bucks on this one offer four , thousand in November we got another , forty three hundred in October here's , another one we did this is not related , to this is an extra junk drawer earning , of almost 2,W there here's another one , where we got,W in September in , August and on and on we go so the , average is about $4,W a month from , that one offer which is really cool I , think if you actually do the real math , it's like W or something like that , had a few slow months in there but most , of all it actually provides for my life , which is really cool so this training we , are going to focus on what it would take , to get those kind of results we're not , going to give you the fluff that the , other guys give we're not gonna show you , hey you got to get a million views to be , able to make this happen because as you , guys know I don'Tet that many views to , these things think if I have a , screenshot of that below for the entire , year were actually at like,W now I , took this on the sendoff the year I , only got W W clicks like that's , that's like nothing that's W W clicks , that's like what W visitors a day or , something what would that be , let's open to no one here over W , come on that and that'S's W clicks a , day like seriously if that can work for , everything you got to do it you got to , focus you got to make it work okay so , that's what we're talking about here is , not that much traffic now you're gonna , see that this stuff does in fact work , now what's the difference right because , there's a difference here you're gonna , see people who go out there and they get , traffic and they might get you know W , W click sand they might make like , nothing right you could look at their , income reports you can look at the , screenshots you could see what they get , and usually if someone gets W W , clicks they're probably gonna make like , bucks or something like that or a , hundred dollars or something let's say , they get two cents a click what would , that be a hundred and twenty bucks right , so what's the difference here we're , gonna talk about this because obviously , you want to maximize the amount that you , are getting on each visitor and also I , want you to remember that no matter what , you're in the driver's seat so if your , niche USN't making that much money , get a new niche you're the boss you , decide these things which is very very , important all right so there we have , that , lots of payments there we have over , W,random payments in our PayPal , from just little off , first I run again not even like my big , money-making stuff right here's one , where we did just our PayPal alone was , like ninety four hundred and fifty , dollars really cool like Id on't even , have this stuff linked to things because , it's just a small little like cash , drawer kind of deal right so in June we , did quit ea bit there you could see this , one affiliate promotion we did I made , eighteen thousand dollar sin the course , of Think it was yeah about twenty-two , days here which is pretty cool that's , like a thousand dollars day on a , random offer which is crazy and the cool , thing about this is it also had rebuilds , so like I'm still getting paid on it , which is cool right every month I get a , check for some of the stuff that we did , on that promotion which is great again , nine dollars a click average which is , pretty crazy okay now if any of you guys , have done affiliate marketing and you're , like wow nine dollars a click ten , dollars click that'crazy take crazy in , the box because you know how difficult , it can be to get these numbers but again , that's why you're here you're gonna , learn this stuff right here's another , on ewe did small promotion on I think , got like five hundred clicks or less I , think three hundred clicks something , like that and we made thirty one hundred , and of course one of our bigger accounts , you could see last year alone we did six , hundred and thirty five thousand dollars , on this one which is pretty cool right , so there's a lot of money here there's , like you know a lot of money showing up , here and these are just a few of my , accounts which is cool now you can see , this one is averaging seventeen hundred , dollars day and just this one here , alone that dozen't even count all the , other stuff which is pretty cool as well , but even if I took like the low-hanging , fruit and was like okay fifty seven , thousand dollars how many of you guys if , you made fifty seven thousand dollars on , the internet next year or this year , think we're in a new year right how many , of you guys would be like happier than a , pig in the slop you'd be like dude fifty , seven extra thousand dollars from my , internet business that would be cool now , before we get into this you're gonna see , some big numbers you're gonna see some , stuff you'vie already seen some stuff , got to tell you the results are not , typical implied or guarantee don't , know if you'll make fifty seven thousand , fifty seven million or fifty seven cents , or nothing , we have no idea now the average , affiliate marketer you , usually makes nothing just like the , average gym owner never goes to the gym , right you go there you look at it you're , like what is there ten people here and , this how does this guy afford to have , this gym well he affords because most , people don't do anything with what they , learn and if a guy is overweight and he , wants to lose weight and he buys bunch , of book sand lifts awake once he's not , gonna make any money you got to go out , there you Giotto go every day after this , Callie'm going to the gym you might , notice I'm getting some results which is , coolie would't get those results if I , did't do it , three times a week'd get better , results if I did it five or seven times , a week but I like to go three because , I'm kind of I don'talkie going to the , gym that much but if you want the , results you got to do what the people do , that get the results so if you would be , happy and be like do fifty seven , thousand dollars a year that would be , awesome that is approximately one , hundred and fifty six dollars and W , cents a day which is pretty cool all , right so let'stake a look here let's , see what'seagoing on how does this stuff , happen because I got to tell you every , dime of this money every single little , penny of this money comes from a keyword , or a niche market everything it all , started with a niche if I did't have , the right niche market none of this , would be here none of it not even a , penny of it would be here so it all , starts with keyword but how do we find , those keywords how do we know what , people are searching for and how do we , know if it's gonna be profitable like , people look up calorie sin a banana is , that gonna be profitable well we're , gonna talk about that people look up how , to get mortgage with low credit or , whatever right is that gonna be , profitable we're gonna take a look at , that we're gonna show you ins and outs , of how this works if you give me an hour , hour and half maybe because Ital a , little long sometimes but if you give me , that time at the end you're gonna be , like WWI get Ito get where these , niches come from and if you want to , learn more you can always go over to , simple sites boot camp com and while , we're on this training you will save , like a thousand bucks or something , did't really do the math but you're , gonna save a lot of money right again , that simple sites boot camp com you're , gonna get full weeks of training in , detailed stuff if you'vie been watching , my YouTube , been watching my videos into like dude , this student knows what's going on this , guy it shows real results he dozen't sit , around and show all those fancy stuff , that he buys he actually shows me how to , do this so while other people are , showing me what they buy he's showing me , how he makes it which is important right , cool stuffs good to look at , but the real detail sis what you need so , let's go through this we're gonna talk , about a new way to surf the we bright , now you'researching the we band you're , probably searching the internet like a , consumer you'researching it like a , passive browser you're looking for deals , you're looking for info you're looking , for all this stuff what I want to do by , the end of this training is I want to , train your mind to see this stuff like a , marketer now I got to tell you years ago , W years ago trained myself to see , everything different looked in , magazines I did't look at him for the , articles looked at him for the , advertisements all right we look at him , for the ads and I'm like okay how does , that work when I'm driving down the road , everyone's looking at everything else , I'm looking at billboards and stuff well , when my wife drives I don't like to look , at him too much when I do it but we got , a look at that we'vie got a look at that , I want to train your brain to be like , mine want to train your bra into see , things that most people don't see , because if you see those that's how , business works just like if you were to , take guy who's a cow farmer and I used , to know a guy who was a cow farmer kind , of a weird dude but at any rate he was , obsessed with cow she'd he'd look at a , cow and he'd be like that one has a spot , over there he's got this disorder and we , got to give him this medicine that cow , over there he walks funny this is what , he has this one over there he's like the , big milk cow and this is how I know that , he was an expert and he knew him I , looked at him and I was like there's a , bunch of freaking cows he's a fa tone in , the little one and it is his cows but he , looked at him and he knew every little , detail which is why he was good cow , Farmer looked at him I was like yeah , whatever don't know anything about , cows now you might be looking at the , internet and you're like yeah whatever , you know go to Amazon to buy stuff and , YouTube to watch videos but I don't , really know what'seagoing on I want to , teach you to know what's going on , because if you know what'seagoing on it's , invaluable it's worth its weight in gold , if you came to me today and you're like , Marcus I'll give you $W,W for , everything you know in your brain , but you can't do anything with it for , the rest of your life I'Webern like get , out of here would never trade it for , that Would even trade it for like a , million dollars why because this has , been worth millions of dollars to me and , it's changed my life in drastic way , Here I aim'm a kid I never like really , graduated college or high school never , really went to college or anything like , that right and I'vie be enable to make a , good living because I trained my brain , to see these things It rained my brain , to look at what'seagoing on so I'vie goat , focus on it now most people have a , pattern and they search the web and they , check their email and they're like a , cool baby there's an email from Marcus I , gotta checkout as a webinar pretty cool , let's checkout what's going on or a new , video or whatever ray you know there's a , new sale they check their email or they , go to Facebook like okay let's see what , you know grandma willows up too and see , what'skin inlet's see what the little , kids are up to you know my brother just , had a kid let's see the pictures , whatever they go to Facebook they look , at stuff and they look at ads and they , get annoyed with ads alto of people , come to me and they're like Marcus I , don't think pop-up works Id on't like , pop-ups and I don't like blatant , advertisements I don't think it's gonna , work for me it works for everyone , it works for human nature why because it , tells you what you're going to get , everyone wants to know what they're , gonna get you listen to me for an hour , and a half you're gonna get the , knowledge of search engine marketing , you're gonna get what's going on right , now stop looking at that games you can , sit there and you're like know-it-all , eye gods , I don't like emails Marcus emails me too , much or I don'talkie the way you do that , I don't like that you sell on webinars , CZ this is how it works if you don't , like it you're not paying attention if , you don't like it right and if that's , fine if you don't like it there's some , things I don't like and I'm like , whatever I could use that to make money , it dozen't matter if I like it dozen't , matter if I eat it or consume it or use , it what matter sis can Use Otto , profit which is what we're talking about , all right so they see ads and they're , like whatever I don'CARE about those , ad sand then they see like little videos , and things but they're not looking , behind the scenes of how people actually , surf the Internet they're looking at it , from consumer standpoint not a , marketer standpoint just for me like , this is what I do right for a living , this morning I woke up and I was on the , MSN homepage and liked MSN homepage I , like Google for search but the MSN and , Yahoo homepage is good because it's got , like little ads right and I was doing , little screenshots of these ad sand I , was like hey these are pretty cool right , like this Amazon one this one hereabout , this and Tswana't even an ad this , just went to content here's one here , about resumes and something about The , Motley Fool which is kind of cool right , and I look at these and I always keep my , eye out for what's going on right now , you might look at them and be like well , I'Mont interested in that so I don't , look at it or we got to train your brain , to think different you Giotto look at , this stuff and you Giotto change the way , you use the internet right because you , have a pattern right no wand your , pattern is keeping you stuck plain and , simple it's keeping you stuck you're , like well I don'CARE about that other , people might but I don'Marcus likes , spending way too much money on little , wooden pipes , I think that's weir dwell a lot of other , people are doing it it's kind of like a , cult-like following even with like Lord , of the Rings pipes people are obsessed , with those which is crazy and there's , guys making hundreds of thousands maybe , even millions I did't do the math and I , did't ask him but I know the traffic's , there for them to make a lot of money , and there's a lot of money being made in , like one little niche about like a , Gandalf pipe like seriously and you're , having trouble making money and this guy , all he does is like make these pipes for , like four dollar sand sell them which is , cool so we got a look at this alright so , we want to change the way we use the , Internet , our pattern to become a niche finding , powerhouse you got to start looking for , niches look at the ads look for , opportunity right where is the , opportunity what's going on very , important and then what you want to do , is reverse engineer everything guys if I , can look at this guy who sells these , pipe sand I can reverse engineer what he , does can make that business work for , me , you can probably blow that guy out of , the water because I know marketing stuff , but if you think about that think about , that for a minute there's a guy making , money with this stuff he could probably , based on his website you can probably , make quadruple and probably ten times , what he's making right now with a few , little tweaks and we know this stuff , teach you this stuff and if you can go , in there and reverse-engineer that and , be like hey Icahn reverse engineer that , CZ I can go to Google Ad words Keyword , planner and I could type in like Gandalf , pipe okay or actually what I searched , for to find this guy and spent like , hundreds of dollars on these pipes but , look at this , off pipe cents a collect cents , quick the B that'S's people a day , looking for Gandalf pipes right or like , Search for I search for all wooden , pipe because I don't like the ones with , the plastic tip all wooden a wood pipe I , like deaths all right let's see if other , people are doing like I did and because , of that search , let's do wooden and maybe wooden but , because of that search like there'singly , W but the dude like I did that search , and I spent like W bucks I'gonna , buy another round of them so I'll be in , it like thousand buck sand just off , that word that he could have got for , like cents , think about that for a minute right now , many of you guys are starting to get out , of you guys are like wow so Marcus went , and searched fora word and bought a , bunch of thing sand the profit margin is , pretty crazy and the guy wan'tavern a , good marketer but like money was made , how many other Marcus's are there out , there buying these things look at this , Lord of the Rings pipe collectible stuff , here this one searches a month to , W Aragon I got all of these there's , tons of them how many of you guy sup , until now you're like holy cow did't , even know this existed like what planet , do you live in where people spend money , on these things let's do wood and pipe , tobacco pipe pipe all right like this , right and we're gonna see here wooden , tobacco pipe watch disbarred pipe , would't sculpt but mean seriously , OK so there's a lot of people look at , this stuff up we could do just tobacco , pipe tobacco pipe okay you get tons and , tons and tons of things and there's , people making lots of money right brier , pipe princeliest tobacco good stuff , debate no no we go just lots of stuff , and you could go through and you could , look up all kinds of things like , self-standing pipe this is what I like , this one self stands so I don't have to , like burn the house down while I'm , trying to set my pipe downright there , you Giotto spell it right here , and pipe there we gonad he could see , all kinds of different things now we got , a look at this because you goat look at , that and focus right let's see if , there'something about that one we'll , have to go deeper research and we'll , show you how that works but I want you , guys to see that that's ho wit work sand , all you would have to do is reverse , engineer that and there you go you have , a business right you could even be an , affiliate you can outsource you can , build these things yourself you can go , out and like make factory or whatever , obviously there's alto of work in that , but if you reverse engineer it you guys , can do this in a really really cool , light you could actually go out there , and make landing page about the best , Hobbit pipes best collectible pipes or , whatever you can get an email list and , then you could link them out to all the , affiliate ones that make this and you , don'thieve to make one pipe you name it , be a smoker you don't have to care so , that's what you want to do is you want , to find what's going on in reverse , engineer everything and there are people , making hundreds of thousands of dollars , with little niches like that and it's , not hard to do the first thing you want , to do is you want to look for what , people are searching for what are people , searching for well how do we do that , well first of all we want to use our , Google Ad words Keyword planner and we , also want to use the tool that comes , with your simple sites and your , affiliate marketing dude toolbar if you , don't yet have the affiliate marketing , dude toolbar just go to affiliate , marketing dude calm and you can get the , toolbar really cool right and that , toolbar will give you this little search , tool and stuff like that with the simple , sites you get like a better one but this , is good one too alright so we're gonna , go through we're gonna look at this okay , we're gonna use these two tools in , conjunction with each other CZ you , might be saying well Marcus no tall of , us on this call can do pipes why no tall , of us want to and you should't that's , just an example that'snot a niche you , should go into so how are we gonna do , that okay we're gonna show you how to , use that okay let's take look what we , want to do fir stand foremost is look at , what people are searching for with , trigger words okay what are trigger , word swell if you go into your simple , sites big profits desktop software right , like this you click here you go into the , simple sites course and you can go into , niche finding and you can find our list , of trigger word sunder the trigger word , straining now this list of trigger words , let's just put it in notepad to make , it Little bit easier for you this list , of trigger word seven if you don't know , what you're doing right you're gonna go , through and you'll be like dude can , use this to find niches now a couple , questions coming in is this only for the , United States no you can do this , anywhere a lot of people have the , misconception that you have to be in the , United States to market this but you , don't you could be anywhere you can mark , it anywhere where it's legal or it so , check your local laws which pretty much , everywhere okay , anywhere where the laws allow you to you , can promote stuff all you have to do , like if you're in country that dozen't , have offers market to a country that , dozen't have offers like if you're in , India and you want to market to United , States you can do that it's called , Geo-targeting if I'm in the United , States and Ina market to India easy I , just do that which is really cool okay , so now what we want to do is want to , take a look at our trigger word sand we , want to use our trigger words with our , keyword tools okay so we'll go in and , it'll be like okay well markers I don't , know about pipes and I know about , anything just want to make money and , you know how do I Fonda niche well what , you want to do is you want to start with , one of these keywords okay so these are , trigger words now notice that trigger , words don't have anything to do anything , like consultation they could want a , consultation on like plastic surgery or , consultation on like how to fix their , toilet it could be anything right or car , or whatever or mental health it could be , anything so notice that these are not , tied to any market specifically like , online courses could be about anything , all right overnight what do they want to , overnight like shipping do they want , overnight like you know headache removal , or whatever we don'TKO okay that's , why these are so good to use because if , you don'TKO what you're going for you , can go to your keyword too land you can , type something in like printable all , right watch what happens here , printable we type in printable and we , see what people search for related to , the word printable okay no wit's gonna , give you kind of skewed results it's not , gonna be exact this is why you want to , use several different keyword tools at , once because there's niches that you , might not see here okay , now let's give you a little overview of , the Google Ad words Keyword planner first , and foremost in order to get the exact , results like this like I'm seeing here , okay if yours , different it's because you need a , running ad okay that's it you could , spend like a penny Ada and run an ad , and test an ad you should do it anyway , because I believe everyone should test , an ad because that's how you learn , marketing all right so just run an ad , test it get aside whatever and then , you'll be able to see this stuff that's , all you need to make this work is a , running ad now we see here printable , printable okay , coupons free prints these are related , terms now you're gonna notice that not , everything's related to printable now I , can isolate this can go into the , filter and I could say wellie only want , words that contain printable now let's , see what happens not that much stuff , okay so this is where the simple sites , tool is gonna come in handy so we're , gonna go here we're gonna type in , printable and we're gonna click click to , research boom it's gonna do some , research here alright and we're gonna do , some research to see what'seagoing on , okay there we go now , you're gonna notice lots of other stuff , printable coupons coupons now these , arena't you would't notice these here , right little updates they did kind of , change the way at work so you have to , work around okay now if you're not , willing to work around you should not be , an internet marketer just saying if this , is too hard for you if you're like I , don't want to use two tools only want , to use one don'CARE if they're free , Just I don'twat to take ten extra , seconds of my life because got TV to , watch then this probables't for you , alright so let's go here and let's take , a look at this alright we're gonna go , and click on search now we're gonna sort , them okay so we got grocery coupons , we got printable calendar okay so let's , let'stake a look here we got printable , coupons let's type this in Google now , watch what happens friend about coupons , you get results and here we go okay , printable coupons and Load now we're , getting to the good notice how that , worked all right like most people arena't , gonna see this stuff CZ they're not , gonna do this which make competition , less because people are lazy don't be , lazy get the money , no lazy equals money if you do it right , alright so here we go look at this great , great Clips coupons printable printable , printable printable coupons yeah you can , make a whole site about printable , coupons and like make money pretty cool , so now , we have this and we're like okay what , does this mean well this means this is , what they search for so like every month , W,W people search for Kohl's , printable coupons in Google okay that's , what that means what does lo mean , competition lo what that means is if we , search for Kohl's printable coupon son , Google , that means there's not a lot of , advertisers not a lot of advertisers , so we got Kohl's printable coupon snot a , lot of advertisers which is pretty cool , right there we go , actually no advertisers which is even , better right so cool stuff all right so , we look at that that's what that means , does it have anything to do with the , free search engine stuff , no has nothing to do wit hit when you , see low has nothing to do with organic , SEO search engine stuff nothing at , all so we got to keep that in mind and , we Giotto focus okay there we go , all right next Cockney coupons on and , on we got printable manufacturer coupons , Michael's OK so this is what we're , looking at so we're like good now at , this point all I know is hey people are , searching that's all I know , curiosity I'm going to tell you a really , big secret here curiosity will make you , rich if you use it right people who are , uptight and worried about getting money , arena't curious enough to make the money , I'm carrying a curious enough to go out , there and be like yeah well you know , most people probably can't make money in , this market but think I can I think , probably can so now once we do this , we're like cool , got the word can type my word let's , say we're gonna do printable , manufacturer coupons or maybe I'll make , an ad to include all printable coupons , OK so let's do that we're gonna make an , ad to include all printable coupons so , if Run the ad it'll show up when they , turn search for Kohl's Cogently of , them will show up OK because we want to , like maximize it lots of traffic alright , so what I'm gonna do is Icahn type in , printable coupon sin my wonderful little , tool here that comes with your affiliate , dude toolbar and the , the other stuff that we give you as well , okay so printable coupons there we go , wonderful now I can go through and I can , look at the google competition I just , click here and it does competition so , I can see what it's like for organic , organic traffic,W,W okay good to , know could go through and I could be , like well what are the trends look like , boom here's the trends and it'll show me , hey it looks like it Peaks around Black , Friday and all that so if you want to , make a lot of money in Black Friday set , up a coupon site gonna make money all , year set up a coupon site you want to , make money probably a good idea if , there's a way to make money how do we , find out if there's a way to make money , well we go over and we're like eight , let's check the OL offer vault for , coupons let's see what's going on here , right we go to offer vault and we look , at coupons okay and there's me right , yeah a lot of you guys probably found me , an offer we have coupon sand savings for , some kind of ad thing okay now here's , where you gotta get a little bit more , interesting okay so what we're gonna do , here is we're gonna be like okay , printable coupons that's Little narrow , let's just try coupons all right let's , see what's here coupons all right now we , hit Search okay yeah we're gonna scroll , pa stall the sponsored Ionesco we don't , really need those although check this , out every day family free diapers $2.W , that's pretty cool here's some free , stuff so you could offer some cool stuff , as well alright so let's take a look , here we're gonna go past all this CZ , I'm guessing we're gonna be in like the , two to three dollar range for an offer , here so let'stake a look we'll just , scroll down to like two to three dollars , see what's out there and did you do okay , um clear trip looks like trips some kind , of or thing deal alerts Club okay that , that could work that's over at max , bounty okay pays$3.W looks like some , kind of app or something okay let's see , what else supermarket coupon sweep stake , okay three dollars and fifty cents could , be good alright let's see what else we , have usually we'll have like a tool bar , or something you can use and that's kind , of what we're looking for here Disney , cruise card and we'll keep going and see , inbox dollars okay that can work let's , see what else did you do , Toolbar coupon toolbar or some kind of , coupon toolbar grocery delivery okay and , usually there's like toolbar like the , one Showed you earlier where there's , like hey use this add-onto save money , on Amazon that's how that'show this , stuff works , and oftentimes those guys will pay you , fora download or sale or whatever see a , lot of coupon type stuff here giveaways , things like that vacation card deal , alerts okay let's see what else no no no , we go um so you're gonna see that , there's ways to make money now we want , to take a look at this and be like okay , can we actually make this work do the , numbers make sense and we look at it and , we kind of dive in a little bit more and , you can see coupon sand daily deals , grocery gift card McDonald's gift card , and on an don we go now the tool bars , probably inhere as well but Id on't , want to spend too much time looking for , it so you guys can find it on your own , just type in like grocery tool bar , coupon to a bar or whatever alright so , look what people are searching for , that's the first thing we want to do , okay yeah what are they searching for , next what we want to do is we want to , look for ads on Facebook and and see , what people like right what do people , into like when you see an ad on Facebook , don't just scroll past ictus they're , like I'm on Facebook for free stuff well , if you're an internet marketer you'Reno , Facebook to see what other advertisers , are doing that's the deal like I have a , Facebook account and Id on't use it for , anything other than business that's what , I use it for my wife has one to see like , family stuff but we hardly ever use Ito , use Facebook as a business person other , than that would'tavern care that , Facebook existed don't care like CZ I , care about the business side of it , that's that's all I use it for so we , want to look at that , what kind of ads are out there now how , many of you guys during Black Friday , actually saw ads for the Amazon toolbar , thing you're like yeah Marcus I saw an , ad like this whereas like hey free , upgrade makes Amazon Prime even better , how many guys saw that type saw if you , saw it okay and we'll take it from there , if you guys saw that type it in the box , I want to see where we're at here okay , Tim saw it who else , okay faith SOT okay who else honey add , yes exactly it was honey add like it , was for the honey app okay cool a lot of , people saw it were you paying attention , though or were you just like oh whatever , maybe I'll save some money on Amazon are , you got to learn this stuff and you got , a reverse engineer because what's this , guy doing well what this guy is doing is , freaking brilliant and it's how I'vie , made millions of dollars right what this , guy is doing here is he goes through and , he's like coolie'm gonna make this , little tool that makes like toolbar , right so it makes a little toolbar and , it goes onto their browser and it like , finds deals or whatever then what he , does is he's like okay well I think , these people like download this toolbar , they're probably gonna look for deals so , what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna find , those deals for them make Little , software that does it and then I'm gonna , lead them to affiliate offers that pay , me money right so now what he's doing is , like every time you go to buy something , he's like routing you through his , affiliate link and making a ton of money , like brilliant remember how I said , reverse engineer everything you could , reverse engineer everything you know how , like Tony Robbins always says success , leaves Clues which think he got from , Jim Ron who used to work for , he said success leaves Clues now on the , Internet it's like Internet money leaves , Clues on steroids and tells you exactly , how to do it you just have to do know , how to do Little bit of searching , which is cool so you want to look for , the ads on Facebook see what they're , doing that would be an example of the , coupon one what do people like look for , easy mads are they sending these things , in email right are they doing email ads , are they doing sponsored ads right I , found that on the MSN homepage if that , thing's on Thomson homepage is probably , getting lot of traffic and people are , probably responding to it right that's , just how it works like people don't run , ads if they lose money very cool right , now we're not talking about ads like , coca-cola because that's Little bit , different that's branding we're talking , about direct ads like hey here's this , thing download it make money okay , sponsorship solo ads different things , like that find out what people are , watching on YouTube very cool right so , we just go to our tool here and we're , like let's look at the video competition , for printable coupons , fifty-two new printable coupon show to , use the coupon right and we can go here , and we could see exactly how many views , they get are they getting lot of views , let's take a look okay so she put this , up Little bit ago seventeen hundred , views she's got a lot of subscribers so , she'sabot coupons that's pretty cool , right we could take look at other , stuff here we could go here and go to , YouTube just type in coupons coupons , okay right like this everybody hey check , this out,W put this up like , hours ago that's a lot of traffic , don't know how you did it but that's , pretty cool two thousand searches or two , thousand viewers in three days four , thousand views in three Day's.8 million , view's million view's,W that's how , many like downloads of the tool bar do , you think you could get if you had these , kind of views hey just be like hey if , you like my cocooning tactics it saved , me a bunch of money on this grocery cart , then go here and get this thing or hey , check this out here's how I Fonda way , to get stuff cheaper than Amazon this , amazon USN't always cheapest as you guys , have probably found out so you find out , what people are watching on YouTube you , learn how people use popular sites all , right how they are they going to like , eBay hey are they looking unrest are , they going on where are they right and , you do this research by taking a look at , the homepage right near like printable , coupons what's there no wright what's , out there well I know I can get paid , traffic that's easy but we can also look , at the crazy coupon lady we could look , at all these other ones and see if , there's a way to get in on the , conversation because sometimes there are , printable coupon forums where like all , these moms get together and they're like , hey I found this coupon I found that , coupon pretty cool here's a coupon , here's a coupon and you could show them , and you're like here's a coupon and boom , there you go now you're on like the top , of the thing getting traffic literally , right now okay find sites that use , Absence because if a site uses , Absence can advertise on them , through the Google Ad Words platform , right if I go here and I'milker hey , check this out,W people search for , printable coupon show many of them do , you think are actually on sites right , here like hey they'Reno website about , coupons with Ad sense on it and boom you , can advertise there and guess , what it's like pennies on the dollar you , can get this traffic for like three to , seven cents if that sometimes even , cheaper if you do it right you just , gotta know how to do it which is what we , teach you okay see what kind of software , and apps people are using learn about , what types am ales get passed around , find out where your ideal person is , hanging out okay let's take a look at a , couple others just to show you some , various ones so we got printable we did , printable we can go through and we can , also look at monthly okay what do people , want monthly now again remember when you , go into your google tool it's gonna show , you some good stuff but you need to use , something else as well okay so we're , gonna use the word monthly all right and , we're like yeah monthly , okay month month month and again not , that great so let's go over to the , keyword tool of the Marcus right here , okay we'll type in monthly click- , research- it'seagoing to research and , this uses third-party keyword tool , which I am an affiliate of so if you get , it you know it's cheap and it's good get , it and use it which is coo land with our , tool they actually allow you to do some , free searches which is great all right , so we're gonna go here and we're like , okay monthly let's do a search here and , we're like okay mortgage monthly let's , see if we can do this maybe in quotes , see if we can isolate it okay monthly , results filter included keywords there , we go monthly set filter okay so now we , got monthly let's get these quotes out , of here there we go , okay so now we got monthly here or like , okay monthly magazine subscriptions , let's do this by the volume and let's , see included keywords see if we can do , alright included monthly maybe that'll , work , okay do a little bit of work he rebut , you'll find it and then when you go to , monthly it'll be like monthly mortgage , calculators and things like that alright , so we can go through or like okay well , what do people want and there we go , right Google even suggested more monthly , mortgage calculator so we could do , monthly mortgage right like this okay , and you can actually put any keyword , with it right you could be like you know , printable monthly or whatever so now we , got this right see how that like drilled , down you would't see it if you did't , know what'm teaching you here so you , should like what I'm teaching you here , all right so we got like house payment , calculator mortgage calculator with PMI , and look at this low competition go to , Google search for it so let's do our , research and we're like okay monthly , mortgage calculator with PMI let's go , checkout the Google competition,W , that's actually pretty low for organic , search pretty cool all right , let'stake look at the other stuff , here that it gives us pay-per-click , competition okay for pay-per-click we're , looking at dollar fifty you want to , click only two advertisers so I'm gonna , I'm gonna call BS on the dollar fifty , one because there's only two ads right , and you can actually see what the ads , are pretty cool right they show you , everything which is cool right so we're , like okay awesome , and again we're affiliates of these , things so if you like these things , sign up form which is cool but you can , get all this through our toolbar at , affiliate marketing dude calm all right , so that's gonna show you how that works , and we're like okay great now again once , you find this you're like okay well how , am I gonna make money Marcus I mean , people just want a calculator they want , a free calculator how am I gonna make , money with that well they also wanted , free coupons and we found out a way to , make money with that dude alright so , mortgage calculator with PMI we're gonna , go over here and we can do mortgage I'll , just do mortgage here and we'll do offer , vault and we could see what's out there , for mortgage OK can we make money with , mortgage stuff all right well let's take , a look , mortgage online loans circle finance , reverse mortgage or vs. mortgage , mortgage advisor okay FHA rate guide , that's a good one right FHA rate guide , so it'll like give the ma quote , and hey pretty cool right we get$W or , $W.W per lead foreclosure defense all , kinds of stuff right lots of good stuff , go free credit right and what they're , looking for you again you have to think , about their intent why would they want a , mortgage calculator with PMI well do a , little research like I'm telling you if , you don't know how many of you guys know , what PMI is type PMI in and type know if , you don'TKO what Otis okay we're , gonna do a little test here type PMing , you know what Otis and know if you , don't know what it is , and don't go google Ito really want to , know how many of you guys do it without , googling it okay okay Ha says he , dozen'TKO what it is okay good , get everyone in here want to get , good gamut of like where you guys are at , because I want to show you a skill , that's gonna help you okay so a lot of , people don't know what it is actually , the majority of the people by far don't , know what Otis now those of you who , like probably bought a house you might , know what it is but watch this mortgage , calculator with Mkay so we just go , to Google oh my god Id on't what it is , let's figure it out , what is p.m.I mortgage okay and they'll , actually tell you like there you go , answer private mortgage insurance also , PMI is a type of mortgage insurance you , might be required to pay if you have a , or if you for if you have a conventional , loan okay so usually if you do a little , bit of research if you spend minutes , and you're like hey okay I'm gonna spend , W minute son this stuff all right how , many of you guys are like I don'twat , to spend minutes I would I just , want to make money yesterday and I don't , want to do anything to get it right but , do the work , okay PMI is a type of thing now usually , PMI is required if you do less than W% , down have a lot frailties in my , family and I did a lot of research in , this market think who was yeah Randy , got one of our high ticket niches in , that market so we look at that we're , like okay mortgage calculator with PMI , so it's private mortgage insurance which , is lowdown payment , okay who's who's prime for low , down payment stuff well the FHA guy right , the guy over there that's like hey FHA , loan where was FHA rate guide there you , go right so we pee , he has not gotten his loan yet otherwise , he'd know what his payment is so people , looking this up probably either one a , refer buy a new house ya , that's good because now we can lead them , into all this other stuff how many guys , are getting this type yes if you're , getting it and hopefully that'll help , you alright so if I get $W and I only , have to pay a few cents a click cents , a click or whatever is it going to work , OK so the moral of the story here is , that a niche is not just a keyword it's , what people are doing right so when I , look at this I'm like hey there's like , twenty seven thousand people every month , and there's no competition looking for , mortgage calculator with Pithead's like , that's valuable to me that's inventory , right you remember how we were talking , about the pipe here and we're like hey , these people are looking up the pipe and , mark has spent way too much money on , pipe show did that happen it happened , because I searched google for a term , about all wood pipes that's not happened , so you look at it and be like ah , whatever people are gonna pipes ahead , whatever who cares or you could look at , it and be like these guys want to , calculate a mortgage because want to , figure out their payment and they want , to figure it out with PMI CZ they don't , have a lot of money to put down I can , make a site about how to get mortgages , with low money down and with little , calculator sand cool stuff could spend , a little bit time making a good , calculator and a good site and I could , really really focus on helping these , people outright if you want to do this , and you want to make a lot of money , learn how to do it , learn the mortgage can but PMI is Lauren , how to make this stuff go outsource some , calculators put together some good stuff , for people and then get them to ads and , mailing lists and things like that in a , really cool way CZ if you have these , people W,W people let's say you're , like whatever I totally suck so I'm , gonna go and I'm gonna say W,let's , say I only get point let's say I get , five percent of the traffic five percent , or whatever right that's thirteen , hundred and fifty people okay which , you'll get more traffic than that let's , say out of that you know so you get% , so W% W whatever okay so like , visitors a month that's , much that's really cheap okay that's , really not that much in the grand scheme , of things so 2,W let's say we get W% , to fill out the form or by some kind of , affiliate offer times W% right semi W , conversions W and again these numbers , are hypothetical I don't know what , you're gonna get you might make more you , might make gluts might make nothing , I have no idea okay , two hundred and seventy times what was , it $W.Right that's like ten grand , that's more than I thought it'd be which , is pretty cool right even if we go to , the five percent number right that'd , still be what would that be like , hundred and thirty or something like , that that's still quite a bit for that , five thousand all right if you want to , be around the four thousand mark like we , pinched on the webinar there you go a , hundred conversions is all you need , that'snot that many that's not that bad , at all so we look at that we're like , okay well if we get that thirty-nine , over a hundred we look at the amount per , click you know you do all the stuff and , you focus on it and you're like okay , that's how it works pretty easy pretty , cool now I want you to get in the habit , of looking at this because these are , inventory is this inventory Google's , like hey how many people search for the , stuff this is your inventory okay , much like the pipes right you look at , the pipes you know like wood or let's do , Lord of the Rings pipe alright and , you're like okay these are what people , are searching for so you have eight , hundred and eighty people searching for , just Lord of the Rings pipe okay now , these people are a little bit better CZ , they're like ready to buy stuff okay so , you're gonna find out that there's , different keywords there's people who , want to buy stuff there's people who are , just looking there's people who are , looking for information all kinds of , things so we ha veto know their intent , which is not that hard to do now let's , get into the nutty-gritty details of the , numbers game okay if you're gonna go for , free search which here's the deal guys , if you're on this Callie want everyone , this year in to set a go alto do a , W click test on a paid search engine , don't care if you like paid traffic , don't care if you don'talkie paid , traffic don't give a RIP want you to , do a test , I want you to spend a little bit of , money what's it gonna cost him it's five , cents a click , it'll cost you five buck sit's fifty , cents click it'll cost you fifty bucks , I guarantee in W you're gonna waste , fifty buck son something you don'tend , so you might as well do Otto get an , education why do Want you to do this , because Want you to watch traffic come , from your efforts come to your site and , once you watch what they do you might , even make money yesterday a guy came to , me and he's like Marcus I did Little , test and Igor my first sale , that'slake dude that's awesome that's , great got a sale he's like well I did't , make lot and I'm like yeah but you , learned and now we can take these , number sand we can scale it but so many , people are afraid to try something , because they're gonna fr aid they're , gonna fail guys who cares who cares if , your first site dozen't make a million , dollars overnight it probably won'mine , did't my first site made twenty seven , dollars in one day which is coo land , then like the rest of the week outdid't , make damn thing but I was like W , bucks cool how did that happen my first , paid ad we made a little bit of money on , some other ads we lost money on but I , learned and that's how you make money , now you don't keep throwing money at it , if it dozen't make money that dozen't , make sense some people do that and'm , like what's your problem like why would , you do that why would I go to machine , and put a dollar in and it gives me , nothing back where I want to put another , dollar Inuit , that's called gambling you want to do , that go to Vegas is it OD's and things , like that but you Giotto focus you got , to do this the right way and you got to , look at it okay so for free search we , want to look at that so that one where , we were like hey you know printable , coupons or whatever it was under,W , so it might work which is cool okay we , want to look at that okay and we'll give , you guys this graph at the end as well , just go to affiliate marketing dude comm , get the free toolbar and we'll send you , the graph I think it might be on there , anyway but we'll send it to you so it's , easy to find , okay so free search you want to look at , the competition so we're like okay how , do we find that well if we're looking up , like what is PMI mortgage okay you would , look at the competition here as W , that's good , now you can also look at it without , quotes okay which is gonna show you W , million but that's like it could be , anything , be like what did you eat for lunch today , PMI is cool and I have a mortgage okay , so it's not exact now the exact ones are , in quotes so we see that it's at W not , that bad , okay we got some YouTube videos good , stuff , okay this is something that people can , do this is something you can focus on , like if you made a whole site about PMI , and mortgages and down payments you can , get some traffic free okay now if we , were going for something like printable , coupons right so printable coupon sand I , wanted to get free traffic and it says , like million in quotes yeah and gonna , happen that's too high , yeah don't even bother don't even try , now you might be able to do like you , know Macy's coupons Delaware W or , whatever but again the traffic is gonna , be so lo won that so free search you , want to look at like if it's under , W,W it's a given okay let's go for it , easy if it's under W,OH probably , take work if it's over W,W better be , worth it you better be able to make a , lot of money now if you're looking at , paid search all right so let's say we're , looking at paid search for like Oh a , printable coupons okay I want to buy , traffic all right well we go tone ad to , ad done ad toad same ads so two ads , alright so this one not that many ads , okay very few ads blanket bidders good , very good , okay so we want to work in now this is , all about price if I can get it for , $0.W let's get a little number up here , if it'S's cents a click cents a , click let's say the toolbar for the , coupons pays us a dollar okay which , is about right usually dollar , seventy-five to three dollars and fifty , cents so we'll just shoot load dollar , seventy-five okay so can I get let's do , the math here so we got dollar , seventy-five over ten cups dollar , seventy-five over ten like that that , means I need to get traffic for seven , W cents a click or less if I get , traffic less than seventeen point five , cents make money can you do that yeah , I think you can hi to people oh yeah on , Google I could't get it or em I said I , could go to a different search engine , case people are looking up printable , coupons everywhere you are the boss you , are not locked into one thing you got to , be flexible you got to be willing to do , this stuff so you look at it like okay , printable coupons I can do that'm not , gonna go for free traffic that's all you , need this graphics you're like I'm not , gonna go for free that's way too , competitive but I could go for paid , could I go for banners well yeah I , probably could let's see if there's , banners out there let's see if there's , like coupon stuff right coupon site , banner ad or we could go to buy sell ads , dot-com and we could see if there's , anywhere to get coupon banner ads we , could be like coupon not soupçon coupon , not soupçon coupon can type right um , and we could go here and search for like , coupon type sites Las Vegas adviser , let's do like maybe discount or , something and you can look and see , what's out there , right and there's all kinds of stuff out , there and you can get traffic really , cheap by buying a banner ads you can , also do video right we saw that on the , PMing there's a lot of video right so , pretty cool so if there's not that many , videos like if we go to YouTube , and we're like okay let's go YouTube , and let's dip.m. I mortgage calculator , alright like this like okay let's see so , this guy's got some good view sand , dozen'look like too much competition , let's do it in quotes like this and boom , not that much going on right private , mortgage insurance not a whole lot of , you videos so not big at all you can , also use that tool let's see what our , tool go he gets back here and the tool , will show you show you as well so if we , do like what was it pay my mortgage , calculator like this we could do video , competition and it'll show what's , like the quotes messed it up let's go , here again like theism mo rte , gauge calculate or video competition and , boom there we go results like , seriously that'slake nothing nothing , easy not hard at all , alright so that's what you want to look , at is you want to use this little grid , to say what are we gonna do how we're , gonna get them now you got to ask , yourself the question what is their , intention what are they looking for are , you doing search marketing or , interruption a banner would be like an , eruption marketing search engine , marketing obviously is search marketing , but I think you already figured that out , are they looking to purchase something , if they are they'll use a keyword like , buy coupon discount cheapest etc are , they looking for information if they are , they'll look for something like a report , phone numbers or view show-to or , something like that are they looking for , news or entertainment okay it might be , looking for like TMZMSNBC Fox celebrity , and whatever okay they looking , for a lot of stuff are you interrupting , a pattern by knowing something about the , user right can you find something out , okay this is like the honey app this is , gonna help you save money on Amazon you , know that most people shop on Amazon you , know that they'll see an ad like that , and be like hey I thought I was getting , the best Dali'm gonna click that , really cool so first and foremost you'vie , got to know the intention of your viewer , second what can you do with them okay if , it's direct one off like a download , get them to download if it's something , like printable maybe you'll have , something printable or whatever second , look at what's the potential payoff what , am Gonna make on a CPA offer what am I , gonna make on a mailing list right , usually some list can make like$1 per , visit per subscriber per month , it means if I have thousand , subscribers I should be able to make , $1,W month again we don'TKO if , that's gonna be great or not you have to , look at it all right you have to take , look and see well it'd Beau dollar , sometimes there'll be more I make a lot , more than that online so you got a look , at that Ad sense can we make money with , Sensually right and then ask yourself , what else would this visitor want , important when you build your site you , have to ask yourself this question can , they find the desired intent , within three seconds if I say there's , gonna be a mortgage calculator on my , site can they find it or at least find , out how to get it within three seconds , or less if they can'you're screwed , can I make anything okay so that's very , important number three when you have , your keywords say what's the best way to , reach them how am I gonna reach these , people I'm gonna do an eruption like , Facebook or banners or email drops or am , I gonna do search like Ad Words or MS Nor , paid search or maybe do like free search , like SEO ranking which can be done but , you got to do it the right way a lot of , people out there are teaching this , method of like writing a bazillion , articles and hoping things work and , whatever and then they make a little bit , of money and they don'see anything for , a while I don'talkie doing that I like , making money fast to see what's gonna , happen I want to get ranked fast like , within a week usually within a day I'm , pretty impatient if I'm doing SEO or , paid search want to see results like , now fast quick quick quick quick and you , can get results quick if you do it right , but you got to focus and this is what we , teach you this is what the simple sites , boot camp is gonna be all about we're , gonna go through this this is actually , kind of like the first week of boot camp , that I'm giving you right now which is , pretty cool so if you guys like this , stuff you're gonna love the rest of boot , camp because it's gonna be like this but , like on steroids which is coo land we're , starting this week so if you're already , in boot camp great you're gonna get your , emails this week if you're not ye tin , boot camp we have a few spots left , again go to simple sites boot camp com , sign up right now because I have the , price still At , and I'm gonna change it back I have the , thing right here to change it back you , see like if I change it right now this , is what it's gonna look like if you wait , right it'll be like more all right NOW , can change it and you can save money so , do that now simple sights boot camp comm , we're gonna teach you this stuff for W , week sand show you how it work sand go , in we're gonna show you all this stuff , by detail exactly how it works so that , we can help you do it okay which is , really cool so let'stake a look all , right so what's the best way to reach , them then you got to look at what'st he , cost profit analysis is it gonna work , you got to do the numbers you gotta , crunch them like the numbers are not , that hard to do , I'm paying cents and I get a dollar , W I need out of to convert can I , get that usually from my experience , can get out of SO I'll be doubling , my money which I like doubling my money , that's coolie did that on one tool bar , years ago and I doubled my money to the , tune of like five thousand dollars a day , which is fun and I doubled my money all , the time , no which is great actually sometimes I , quadruple and ten exit but you kind of , have the right niche and the right offer , and everything like that and that's what , we're gonna show you and it's not that , hard now a lot of people are teaching , you stuff where it's like you're gonna , get results in like three years or , whatever guys how many of you guys are , like I don't want to wait right like , Thoreau says I guess anything under , three days is great yeah if you can get , results fast you just go do it like if , you want to rank you can use YouTube to , rank pretty easy if you do it right if , you want instant results go hijack , search ranking by like being on , someone's site and by hijack I don't , mean like something unethical I mean , just get included on what's going on , like if there's a blog and you can , comment boom you're there you go you're , like hijacking a ranking it's like there , you go your thing is on the deal Tony , yes there is an easy pay for the ON , that page you can you can see that there , okay um let'SSE , den den use use our support site if , anyone ever needs support just go to PC , money-making comm Alyssa's there all the , time tell her what you need if it's , something important she'll get me on the , line but tell her what you need PC , money-making com , tell her what you need she will help you , she's on it if you don't get a response , it's probably because it went to your , spam mail check your spam mail or go to , the site get us on live chat lots of , ways to get our support okay so you got , to do the math it'snot hard to do you , just got to do it right my record is a , site to profit in W minutes and I think , I had one site where I made a little , Page put it up within thirteen minutes , we made like bucks or something , like that which was crazy , now again I don't know what results , you're gonna get probably nothing most , people get nothing but think if you , learn this stuff you Giotto look at it , and say well , Marcus if I want to bitmap is , 1,W buck sin my account right now , doing me go odor will it do good if I , learn what Marcus has to teach you got , to ask yourself that because it feels , all warm and fuzzy to have a little bit , of money in your account and that's cool , and like Want you to go broke buying , stuff but if you can afford it ask , yourself is it worth having the , knowledge like do I think that's gonna , do better right do it do I think W in , my account if I have like an interest , rate of what like% Id on't even think , it's 1%I think it's like point% or , something like that but is it gonna do , you good , I get the end of the year are you gonna , be like hey I'm glad hung out that , OR you're gonna be like dude'm , pretty like not happy because could , have made money like what Marcus is , teaching me is something that will go on , forever you're gonna learn skills where , you can go out there and you can earn , money if you want to do it right you got , to look at it and say I'm gonna be , objective'm gonna go where the people , are'm gonna put an offer in front of , them I'm gonna test it see how it works , if outdoes't work the way I plan I'm , gonna revamp and say why did't it work , now in addition to that you can also ask , meas part ofbootcamp you could be like , dude mark as I put this ad up it did't , work the way that I wanted can you help , Meir hey I'm thinking about running , this ad what do you think and I'll be , like hey dude change this this and this , like the guy yesterday he comes to me , he's like Marcus I made a sale paid , fora hundred clicks and I got a sale , and made some money which is coo land , I'm like dude put this here put that , there , it's like awesome I'm on Ito can't wait , to hear his results later today because , hey this stuff works I'vie been doing , this along time I know it work all , right so look at the cost versus profit , analysis does this make sense for you do , you like this stuff are you getting , value out of what'm teaching you and , I'll tell you right now if you don't get , value out of what I teach you here for , free then don't buy my stuff I think if , you're looking at this and you're like , dude markets like I'vie paid for stuff , that did't teach me what you taught me , in the last hour , then buy my course you're gonna love it , and you're gonna get alto of good value , of it because hey that's what you get , you get more of the stuff only it's like , the stuff that don'give away free , it's the good stuff , stuff where I look over your shoulder , and it's stuff where you get to come , meet me here live for two days and learn , everything which is cool all right so , let's recap how it works the cost profit , analysis we're gonna look at the , pay-per-click do the numbers fit we want , to look at SEO is the traffic work it , worth it , video scan you rank them back in profit , what's the long-term potential it's not , that hard to do you just have to do it , right Martin yes the easy pay is the , right price we have it at the just , because that'SWAT it's at right now , and it's a pain in the butt to change it , if you want to save money you save like , 1,W bucks by paying in full that's , what I would recommend Robert says he's , learning tons from my course awesome , guys my students have made millions of , dollars I had one student who was , friend of mine who I think don't quote , me on Ito could be wrong but think , his revenue was like seven million , believe last I talked in the last time I , talked to him about it was like A , lot of people like to learn from me and , then they go on and do their own thing , and you'll see them out the redoing , their thing and it's like hey cool I'm , glad could teach you and be your , springboard to go and do great things , em ember one year I was at a marketing , conference and I'm usually like freaked , out when people recognize me places , don'TKO why I just am i Kate don't , make big deal I'm just me but this guy , came up to me and was like literally in , tear sand he's like dude I'm retired , because learned your stuff like you , know how that feels I used to work in a , factory and now I'retired and I live , Think he lives here in Florida and , he's like I live on the beach and I hang , out with my kids all day am i good , that's why I did the business so I hope , you would do my students have mad ea lot , of money the majority of my students , have not made anything right because , they don't do anything like I look at , people and I put little Easter eggs in , my course and like no one finds a my , more year sago I had something in like , chapter 5 of the course and I was like , if you made it this far call me up I'll , give you a hundred bucks right now it's , like Little joke thing put Ina few , of the course sand no one ever called , not one person because most people , did't get that far because they don't , really want do it they don'really , believe it what I'looking for is , people who believe it who look at it who , did't get bored with this who are like , dude markets what you just taught , like it'crazy right so we got a look , at that okay , yeah look at that now we'll give you a , recap of it and then we'll talk to you , more aboutbootcamp and how you can get , involved in how you could make it work , because guys like imagine what you think , like if you got me for W weeks we're , going through we're looking at your , sites or teaching you things we're doing , live calls we meet here live in Florida , which I think we're gonna do in April , not certain but think we will do it in , April what you get to come herein , Florida be like do bargains I got my , laptop here's what I'm doing help me out , and usually people are like dude Marcus , you're more than generous with your , advice and your tips and everything and , I do that for my students which is , awesome all right so let's recap the , niche selection number one what's the , feeling behind the word what do they , want right what's the feeling are they , frustrated are they irritate dare they , excite dare they , fearful are they wanting a deal are they , frustrated column bored excited research , in a hurry what are they in and do I , have an offer number two can I get in , front of them what's the cost , competition is it worth it do not build , a website until you answer these , questions if you're like well I'just , building website about pants because I , like pants don't do it don't do that , okay , build a website based on what people , search on build a website based on how , you know you can make money if you like , campers and it's great to build a , website about campers but you need to , know how you're gonna make money and not , just like cents per million views , like real money like I want to know can , I make W cents a click want to know , can I make cents a click cents a , click what can I make per visitor right , you got to have a per visitor amount , we're not out the redoing this guest , marketing we're putting things in at the , right time we're looking at it , objectively we're saying this is what I , want most of my visitors to do put that , in front of them boom that's the deal , all right then we'd say is there reserve , long-term potential in this market , pretty cool then we say what else can I , offer them then we say where are they , hanging out are they on forums blogs , search YouTube because you can do this , with free traffic , you can do it with paid driving you do , it whatever whatever the hell you want , you're the boss like here's the thing , people come to me and Mary Margaret what , should I do , I'm like you're the boss'll tell you , what Think you should do but , ultimately they're the boss if you like , I don't want to do paid traffic you , don't do paid traffic I'vie made millions , of dollars with free traffic lots of , people make millions of dollars with , free generally actually most of Google's , traffic is free there'Stein results that , are free and there's like three ads so , you do the math most of the majority of , the traffic is going to free so if you , can do that do it but don't go saying , Marcus I'gonna rank for you know the , word money go for the little stuff right , go go for like Lord of the Rings pipe , all wood you could sell a couple pipes a , year I'm sure you can really cool when I , did scooters did't go for gas , scooters I went for gas powered scooters , for cheap and Turned that site into , like from nothing to sixteen thousand , dollars in revenue and then Is old it , the guy who bought it went on to sell a , bunch of scooters and there's lots of , people doing all this stuff and you got , to focus there's lots of people , searching for little keyword sand you , got to learn how to do that that's why , this is so important that you use your , keyword tools the Google Ad Words tool , the plan the tools that I teach you to , use in the course and we're gonna teach , you that in week number one I'm gonna go , through this in more detail and we're , gonna get examples you're gonna bring me , examples and be like Marcus want to do , something with real estate now be like , how you do it you'll be like holy crap , you just showed me how to make a bunch , of money in a market that I had no idea , how to thank you Marcus I'm gonna go use , it that'SWAT you should say right and , it's gonna be really really really cool , Joseph if you're waiting on a , high-ticket niche we'vie got a little , backed up through the holidays shoot a , little email or not an email ticket to , Alissa and she'll check on it for you , chances are it's probably done they're , probably just waiting on me to give you , your details but pretty cool all right , let's see rehearing says if I can , share this I'vie learned lot from , Marcus I have multiple sites from high , ticket niches I'vie been to boot camp , lots of great information well worth the , money awesome Ha run and I got your , Christmas card thank you for that , believe that was from your big silver , card was really cool thank you awesome , so simple sites boot camp com that's , what you're going to go through , and here's the deal okay we're gonna , tell you exactly what to do , simple sites boot camp is about the , evolution of a simple site that's the , whole deal simple sites big profits guys , I'm not here to make huge things wanna , make something simple that makes money , if I can make one site with one pipe , sell it boom there you go if I can make , one site with one tool bar boom I can , make money wit hit , that's why funnel marketing works , everyone's all flipping out about , funnels'vie been doing funnels since , like I did my first funnel for a , cigar company and I learned the power of , it and it was crazy was like dude , that'crazy like people are looking for , cigar sand now this guy is getting , orders for cigar sand boom there you go , right which is really really really cool , okay so join simple sights boot camp , today if you want to learn this stuff , and you want to make money just think , about if I could teach you how to make , at twelve seventy seven over three , hundred and sixty-five okay - don't wait , to see over W if I can teach you , how to make three dollars and fifty , cents a day like you'll make your money , back right I don'TKO if you will , results not typical and blind or , guaranteed most people make nothing but , that's all I got to do that's a pretty , low benchmark that's pretty low how many , of you guys based on what you learned , today you're like yeah Think Marcus , could probably help me make W of a , just a hunch I mean you know he makes a , lot more than that but I think he could , probably help me do that , this is how we're gonna do it we're , gonna take you through the week number , one which is gonna go more detailed , about niche finding at the end of week , one you're gonna know the niche you're , gonna go into there you go week two how , to select your medium three message , structure for building your resource , five offer sand money time six how to , test by six we're gonna be testing Ruby , getting the results you'd be like dude , Marcus I made money got this I did , this I did that right we're gonna test , things we're gonna look at it week seven , involvement and add-INS and plugins week , eight ramping up the money plus four , bonus weeks plus I'gonna show you how , to get money fast we're gonna teach you , traffic getting video making screen cams , and web cams list building money getting , and more we're gonna show you how this , works you're gonna finally get how , all fits together so you can finally , profit here's what you're gonna get as , bonuses for signing up on this webinar , in addition to saving like twelve , hundred dollars you're also going to get , the simple sites anniversary edition'm , gonna help you learn how to create , product in your market that alone is , worth the whole deal if you learn how to , create product in your market which , we're gonna teach you done deal not only , aim going to teach you how to make a , product but I don't see it you had to , turn it into software if that's what you , want to do we're gonna show you download , profits with my Facebook site MySpace , site a lottery site lots of other simple , sites that were very easy to make that , made a lot of money with downloads'm , gonna show you how to get outsource help , and guidance'm going to teach you my , CPA marketing class'm gonna show you , my bonus's-minute strategy webinar , we're gonna go on ab onus call with you , alone these are usually$W for a , W-minute call you're gonna get one as a , bonus we're gonna teach you content , creation site setupbacklinking product , creation high search engine ranking sand , we're gonna give you high ticket niche , that's insane right now we're gonna give , you the bonus live 2-day hands-on , workshop here in Florida there's a once , in a lifetime opportunity for you to be , personally trained by someone who has , been in the business over W years plus , get access to designers programmer sand , more the key don't try to do too much , just answer the question everything you , do must have a part in your message and , leave your customer to what makes you , money here's some bonuses number one go , to work with Marcus day you're gonna , come on one day we'll give you head sup , on what day it is and we're gonna say , turn on your webinar software and you're , just gonna be here with me all day as I , work and see what I do everyday I think , if you can duplicate it you'll probably , get some stuff out of it next live , meeting in Florida which is great now , this is a W course it's always W , but right now I have the price change to , twelve seventy seven which is crazy and , you get a high ticket niche which is , worth nine ninety seven which means , you're only paying like two hundred and , eighty dollars extra for the whole thing , which is crazy right awesome stuff , awesome get in there make it work you , guys are gonna love this it's gonna make , unlike anything you'vie ever seen , now you can use a payment plan but if , you want , save all the big money use the one-time , deal and make it work now it's a small , group we only take W people because I , want to have personal time with each of , you to be able to help you guys and grow , you in the ways of the internet , marketing which is great which is cool , so awesome stuff nowhere's some , frequently asked questions we'll go , through as you guys are getting started , do Have to have a big cash reserve if , so how much well first of all I'll tell , you if you do not have web hosting have , yourself like W bucks extra okay so , you can get web hosting it'S's web , hosting but just have a little buffer so , that you got W bucks to go to lunch , with or whatever right can I upgrade to , simple sites boot camp if I bought the , high-ticket niche get me on live chat , I'll turn on live chat right now so what , you'll do is you'll just go to simple , sites boot camp com scroll to the bottom , click on the live chat and then just go , here like this and type in upgrade that , should turn on in minute let's see , here it'll say I'mainline there it is , I'm on live chat so you're gonna click , here it'll pop up this window and then , just click Marcus Campbell so you're , talking to me put your name in make sure , you use the email you signed up with and , then just say upgrade firedamp okay , and just start the chat and I'll get to , you after just leave it open and , afterwards I'll look you up and see if , we can get you an upgrade for that okay , so that's the Dali there do I need a , lot of cash reserve no you don't dozen't , it cost a lot to maintain a bunch of , sites no you don't they can all be run , on one web host which is crazy for like , six dollars a month do your sites ever , run out of or run out or stop making , money sometimes they do but most lasts , for three years or more in fact the , first website I ever built is still , making money Harvey Have yer says is the , only is this only for people that speak , English well if you understood this , webinar you'll be fine so that that's , the barrier like if you understood this , webinar if you got the idea and I'm not , talking about info overload if you're , confused that's fine but if you , understood like my talking , you'll be fine okay do I have to be a , techie no you don't I'Mont a techie you , don't need to we actually give you all , the tools there's like a thousand , dollars worth of plugins we actually , made a new pop-up tool as well which is , crazy if you guys are getting me on live , chat just sit tight will get you guys , the info here in just a minute , very difficult to do a live call and , live chat at the same time I can't , multitask , I'm terrible what's the catch it seems , too good to be true first of all I want , to make sure that you're serious and , ready to get started this does take work , but I'redone a lot of the hard stuff , for you included with my W year sand , testing now here's the deal some things , will look like they're too good to be , true but you got to ask yourself did you , like this training did you learn , something do you like the way I teach if , you do you're gonna love this it gonna , be like this is the best thing I ever , did and alto of people are because I'm , getting bombarded with requests for , upgrades sou'll get to those in just a , little bit now remember in this thing we , are going to hold your hand every step , of the way we're going to show you all , the ins and outs we're gonna show you , how this has a huge upside with very , little potential downside it's , incredibly easy to get started in this , in-depth program and this is a long-term , relationship between you and I to make , this work all I ask is that you give me , a chance make it work and we will take , it from there , all right guys simple sights boot camp , comm I hope you guys enjoyed this if you , cannot afford the simple sites boot camp , I understand that's cool go to Marcus , mentor dorm II and sign up for our , mentor program if you can afford boot , camp by all means do it you're going to , love the fact that you did it and Aim , dedicated to you getting results go to , simple sites boot camp com get signed up , use what you learn to find niche sand , I'll see you in class number one , starting we might do Friday I'm not sure , my kids are coming back from an overseas , out of the country trip don't know if , they comeback Friday or Saturday , because the time change confuses me so , whichever day this it'll probably be , either Friday or , and we'll get that info out to you , shortly get you all your stuff get you , info on everything and help you make , money guys do what you got to do make it , work well let's make money have fun and , I'll see you in simple science boot camp , sign up now I'm gonna change the price , back before I go Tommy workout which is , in about W minutes so really cool I , hope you noticed the effects of my , workout'vie been working out hard and I , lose like one calorie which is crazy , side note how many of you guy shave ever , been on an air assault bike I'm gonna , see if other people look this up because , this thing is terrible right it's an air , assault bike and like if you go on it it , gets harder as you push more which is , crazy let's see if it's an itch it's , crazy but yeah the air assault bike , you're like work your but toff and it's , like you have burned one calorie and , you're like I hate you Air Assault bike , but it's crazy right really crazy , let's see if there's a niche for alright , guys so go sign up for simple science , boot camp yes a lot of people lookup , the air assault bike which is crazy , alright so simple sites of boot camp , have fun don't goon the air assault , bike unless your trainer tells you to , it's terrible have fun , hope you like this let's make money see , you in the next call simple sights boot , camp calm you got W minutes