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hey guys mark is here from affiliate , marketing dude calm it's a rainy hot , muggy day here in the swamp and what I , want to do today is take you over tithe , backyard office and show you exactly how , to generate leads with your videos all , right we're going to go through I'm , going to show you exactly how lead , generation works how to get people from , your video over to your site so whether , you area real estate agent whether you , are online marketer or whether you're , an affiliate marketer or whatever you're , trying to do we're going to show you , exactly how to generate tons of quality , leads because the name of the game here , is that leads are the key to making , money right if you can get a bunch of , people in database and email them , whenever you want then you can basically , print money on demand and that is the , key I mean imagine right now if you can , generate three thousand clicks to , anything you wan tit or even hundred , clicks to anything you wanted would't , that make a difference to your bottom , line and in your business of course it , would so give me few minutes and also , exactly how to do just that all right , guys it's Marcus here from affiliate , marketing dude you want to make sure to , subscribe Tommy channel and click the , bell if you like these videos because , what I'm going to do is make a bunch of , videos so that you can learn how to make , money with online video and if you like , all this stuff we're going to help you , out and later down the road if you , decide to get some coaching from me that , would be just fine too so let's talk , about how to get leads from online video , now the first thing you need to notice , when you'retrying to get leads from , online video is number one where and who , are you talking to right where are they , coming from and who are they if you have , a video on how to generate more leads , for real estate or whatever or you have , a video on how to play guitar riffs or , you have a video on a specific book or , something like that right we have that , and we say okay great so we need to know , our target , audience okay number two once we know , our target audience we want to create , helpful contact okay so whatever it's , about if I'm making video about how to , play guitar riffs from the band tool , then I would be like here'show to play , this guitar riff okay I show them how to , play that one little riff good so that's , our helpful content if I'showing them , how to sell their house maybe it's a , video on pricing if I'showing them how , to make more videos on YouTube it'd be a , little video about how to create video , or something like that we want to give , them a little bit of teaser content that , gives them value right helpful equals , value so we want to provide value to the , market in our video this could be in the , form of one-minute video W-second , video or one-hour video whatever it is , you want to generate more leads the , shorter the video usually is better but , of course if someone opts into your , mailing list after watching an hour-long , video they're probably going to buy , something right there they're pretty , committed so one where are they and who , are they to create helpful valuable , content three lead then to offer based , on content now very important when , you're doing this on YouTube or any , other video platform what you want to do , is you want to get them away from , YouTube and to your site now the best , way to do this is with something they , cannot receive on YouTube anyway okay so , like they could go watch another video , on YouTube there's hundreds of billions , of videos they can go watch the fact , that they're watching yours is kind of a , big deal in and of itself so now that , you got them you say hey check it out , here's this pretty view guitar riff by , tool Ora perfect circle same band right , good band by the way right so we say , here's the riff then at the , to your video you say go to tool rifts , dot-com or whatever to download this , riff in PDF okay very important when you , use the word download it's like a magic , word that triggers something in people's , brain whenever I use the word download , in my email copy the open rate goes , through the roof so does the click rate , more opens more clicks more money for me , so what we want to do is we want to take , them from this right if you're doing the , house thing we say okay thanks for , watching my video on how to price your , house go to my site to download the PDF , checklist so you can fill it in and , figure out the price of your house , pretty cool right so we're giving extra , value now when they get to your site you , can do this a number of ways what I like , to use is a custom plugin that created , called squeeze blogs Pro squeeze blocks , Pro is a little plugin that allows you , to take your Word Press site and put a , little opt-in box on it on the sidebars , on whatever pages and posts you want so , you can put Little copy of your video , here and boom it puts the name and email , boxes over here they fill in the name , and email boxes then they go to your , Thank You page right the I page I guess , right the Thank You page and now they , are a subscribe rand you can email them , very very cool it's very easy to do the , squeeze blogs Pro plugin allows you to , do this allows you to maintain your , regular blog content and it works , perfect with YouTube advertising because , you could change the opt-in box based on , the video content and you can have all , kinds of different things wherever you , want them have used this to generate , hundreds of thousands of lead sand make , millions of dollars in marketing money , because of the fact that I'm doing this , in are ally cool way just helping people , out so number one where are they and who , are they number two Korea , some helpful content number three lead , them to the offer based on the content , very important that it's based on the , content that's why we say download this , riff or download this or whatever for , example I have a lot of book reviews on , my YouTube channel if you like that kind , of stuff subscribe and if you like this , subscribe click the bell and you'll be , notified when come outwith new stuff , but I have all these videos like the one , yesterday was about the book Think and , Grow Rich good book took me like an hour , to do the review I don't know if a lot , of people want to watch it for an hour , so I could say hey check it out , if you like this video go Tommy site to , download the MP's you can listen to it , in your car on your iPad on your iPod , when you're working out on your phone , whatever download the poof this and , all my other book reviews boom now I'm , generating a list and Icahn market to , them this my friend sis how to get leads , from online video in are ally simple way , you don't want to just say subscribe , because or opt-in Tommy newsletter those , are weak they don't give the person a , reason so you got to give the ma reason , to opt-in then when they opt-in give , them tons of killer content and sell , lots of stuff for example Could take , everyone that downloads the MP's of my , video could sell the ma video MP , converter to do the same thing with , other videos I could get them into a , free trial subscription to audible I , could sell them content all kinds of , stuff Icahn make a membership club , whatever the sky is the limitless't , matter what niche you're in just focus , on who they are what they want to , creating helpful content adding value , and leading them to the offer based on , your content if you want to learn , exactly how to do this thing , go to video hacks comm slash leads , that's video hacks comm slash leads I , have for everyone who subscribes copy , of this plug-in for you free of charge , now it cost me thousands and thousands , of dollars to build this plugin but I , want to give it to you so that you , opt-in so that I'm doing exactly , practicing what , preach so here'stow more leads with , online video on YouTube and any other , platform let's get some leads let's make , some money , let's have some fun thanks again for , watching subscribe and click the bell , I'm Marcus from video hacks calm