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Free Training: " How to Earn a 6-Figure Side-Income Online " |
oh right Carrie buck here welcome to , step one of the passive income affiliate , training so step one is this is what's , gonna happen when you click that orange , button that says click here to get your , W-day free trial of click funnels OK so , I'm gonna walk you through exactly , what's going to happen so first thing , we're doing when I put your best email , address inhere okay oops , so I'just gonna use that so use your , best email address and then you're gonna , create a password and then you're gonna , click start my free W-day trial and , then once you do that it'gonna bring , you to this Page so on this page what , it's asking you to do is you want to , pick which version of click funnels that , you want okay so there's the click , follows version we just Guadalcanal's , you get a W-day free trial and then , it's $W a month or you can get the one , that I have which is Edison sweet which , gets youclickfunnels , plus actions which is click funnels , built in email transponder you can , email text all kinds of good stuff and , also backpack that's how to setup your , own affiliate program if you have your , own training's that you sell OK I highly , highly recommend that you click this for , at least your day free trial so that , way you can see how everything works and , by the way do have and further down in , the steps in the step process I do , have done for you email sequences that , will only be available for folks that , are in the Edison suite because it goes , with actions right so Haven't , recommend you you picked this Edison , Suite just for the W-day trial just say , and see how everything works and how , easily everything goes together , um and it's it's basically everything is , under one roof like everything you need , it's like right here you know it's W , days free and then it'S's a month and , keep in mind this too , seven a month the goal is for you to , make enough affiliate income you know , enough income from affiliate offers , where you're never coming out of pocket , for that W a month anyway right that's , the goal but what you can do is I highly , recommend you at least pick this for , your-day trial at the end of W days , if you want to downgrade to the $W you , totally can do that okay so pick which , one you want to star toff with then , enter your credit card info until the , month the year your code and your zip , code by the way there they're not gonna , charge your card right now your card , does not get charged right charge right , now it is a free W-day trial nothing is , gonna get charged on your card until , after the W days okay and of course , everything we're doing in this training , requires one of these versions right um , excuse me if you keep Edison sweet it's , just gonna make your life much simpler , because everything the email our owners , founder everything is already in there , so I can just I just done for you stuff , Just you kind of give to you share , that with you huh versus you going out , get an active campaign Arab , convert kit or something else right you , just have all this right he rebut again , at the end of the W days if you want to , downgrade the $W a month you totally , can , alright so after the W days is when , they charge card they will not charge , anything right now so don'worry about , that man you just have to decide if you , want to add this one-time offered to , your tier order which is the nine , secrets nine secret fund was training it , looks like they have a discounted it's , normally W but they're offering it to , you for forty seven dollars right now if , you want that just click that if you , don't want that uncloak it it's , completely up to you it has absolutely , nothing to do with the passive income , affiliate training so this is all on you , if you want this or not you either cook , it at it or you don'tat it but then , when you're done you click activate my , account now okay you know once you do , that you're gonna want to move on to , step two because that is how you're , gonna be able to actually get the entire , funnel this entire funnel that I have , built put that , into your new click funnels account that , you can start using and get it up and , going so you can start using that funnel , to create affiliate income for yourself , so that it's paying for whatever Edison , suite or whatever click funnels account , that you choose all righto will see you , in the next step