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Welcome to this video , I'll teach you passive income here , Is it your first time here , and wants to earn extra income online? , Click on the subscribe button , and the bell to get notified , for new uploads , Hi, guys , It's James again , I'll teach you , how to do affiliate marketing , What is affiliate marketing? , Do you notice in Facebook , there are posts about Lazed sales , This is like reselling products , from online shops , Specifically, this video , is about Lazed , This is passive income , because your link , you can post it on websites, , on Facebook, , it'll just be there W/7 , So, even if you're outside , or sleeping , As long as they're buying the product , using your link , you're getting a commission , Okay. So, , I am not an expert here , but I know how it works , Let's now go to Lazed , to become an affiliate marketer , This is Affiliate marketing , where we will be selling , or advertising , products from Lazed , There are lots of website doing affiliate marketing, , not just Lazed , but this video is , for Lazed only , Others are Amazon, , just like those, , Tube Buddy , That's in YouTube , but they also have affiliate marketing , There are many more , not just this , What's going on here is , they will let you advertise , their products , If it gets sold , you'll get commissions , Each category is different , for example, for sports and outdoors , the commission is 6% , Mobile and tablets, , 4.5% , So, it varies , Just scroll it down and check , In mobile applications , it's different , but I don't know it yet , Let's just go with browser commission , I will put the link below , if you want to sign up , Just click that , Then just fill this out , They'll just ask a few easy things there , The additional information , on your website , just put there , YouTube, Blog spot, and Facebook , After registering, , let's go to our dashboard , You'll see the dashboard , this is just simple , Impressions mean , how many times it was viewed , or shown in the screen , your link or advertisement , How many times it was clicked , Conversion and payout, , it's about how many times it was purchased , The payout here has minimum $W , But don't worry , this is not a scam , since this is Lazed , They are well known , Then , So, there are two types , of selling here , But let's go to offers first , So, there are different type , I'll just show two of them , Browse and search , Then, browse by category , Philippine offers , Apply , You'll will now see all that you can use , These are pictures and links , Let's try this , Okay. So, , This is- , The picture is the one below , But let's go first with Facebook , on what we can use for Facebook , In Facebook, it can be active and passive , The first thing to do , is you will choose a product that you want to sell , For example, this , Cellphone, Samsung Galaxy , What you'll do is , you'll search for an item , you'll copy the one in the address bar , copy that, , then , you'll post it here , click the "Add Deep Link" , Remove Ad Source , Then paste here- , Check the "Generate Tiny URL" , Then paste here the one you copied , then click on the plus sign , That's your link now , If they click this, , copy it again , Let's show it, I'll paste it here , Everyone who will click that , and everyone who'll go there, , will be routed to the page where you copied the link , Everyone who will buy from that , using the link you provided , you'll get a commission from them , Let's now do it on Facebook , For example, you'll post on your wall , then your friends will be able to see it , But of course, only a few will see it , and not all of them wants it , but first, put a picture , The product that you will sell , Look for a picture that you can use , For example, this one , That's just an example, I'm selling a phone , but the picture is different , but that's fine, it's up to you , You'll just put your link here , that you copied from here , There you go , Because everyone who'll click on that , you can get a commission if they buy , Then just post it , That's one example , You can see the picture , If they're interested, , they'll click on the link , Then they'll be routed , to the page where you copied the link , or the one you want to sell , For example, Samsung Galaxy J , If they buy that , you'll get a commission from that , This is somehow active , because it will disappear , If ever you have- For example, , If you still want it to be active , For example, you can go to your groups , For example, this one, Casanova Online Buy and Sell , You can also post here , Of course, there are more audience here , you'll just post your link , then , include a picture too , Once you posted that, , the ones who'll see that, , there's also a chance that they buy it , but this is also active , because it gets superseded by other posts , How will it become passive in Facebook? , For example, you have a Facebook group, , where you are the admin , you can post here , an item , Okay. So, there, write something , Include a picture again , Put the link , "This is nice" , Then make it a pinned post. , Pinned to top page , Meaning , This post , will not be superseded , it'll always be on the top page , If you have new viewers , or every time your members go here, , this is the first thing they'll see , If ever they liked it, , they will buy one , Okay, so, next one is blog spot , Blog spot is free , it's free to register , What's nice here is , it's up and running W/7 , in the internet , and it's search able in google , What can you do in Blog spot? , You can put your articles , For example, I'm doing , online jobs , or I'm sharing online jobs , Let's try this , For example, I have an article , Like this, it's my article , There are lots who search for this kind of article , You can put an advertisement below , You can put one here , For example, in the middle of that , I can put a Lazed advertisement there , What's nice here in Blogger, , You can use the link or also the picture , Picture is better , I'll show you , Let's click on new post , So, title , Sample , Okay. So, , To put a clickable picture, , using your link , Go back to Lazed , Offers , Browse, search , Category , Philippine offers , Apply , Choose an offer that you want from there , Okay, I'll the one on the very bottom , Clearance Sale , Just click that , Then, below , scroll down , These are pictures , they're on different sizes , Let's choose X , It's your choice on what size , Once you see the picture, just highlight it , Then copy , Go back to your Blog spot , In compose , you might go the other way , let's compose , Just paste it here , You can put it in the center , I'm just pressing the space bar , If an error appears, like this , just put fixed , then publish it , Let's view what we did , as sample , So, there , It's appears right away , because there's nothing in there , So, , if they click that , or they're reading your article , It can be an article , you can sell the item , in Lazed , For example, , eye glasses , You can say for example, , This eyeglass is nice , I bought it from Lazed , If they click on that , They'll be routed to your link , If they buy anything from there, , you'll get a commission there , That's what nice there , And what's nice in Blog spot , is it's up and running W/7 , It's search able in Google , You don't need to do like what you do in Facebook , It gets superseded , Here it's always up because this is just yours , If they search that , or you have visitors on your blog, , What they'll see , are your texts or articles only , Here in Blogger , it's not only picture that you can put , You can also do just like what we did in Facebook earlier , where we pasted a link, let's paste it , Then, just publish it , There are different ways , I'm just teaching you the simplest ways , Read more , Then, , This can be clickable , If they click on that , they'll be routed to the link , But that's a bit harder , I'll just teach you the easy one , If they copy that , then paste it , here , They'll be routed , to your link again , If they buy this product , you have a commission again , If they buy this, you get commission , Okay, so, that's it for Blogger , It's free to register here , I will leave a link below , on where you can register , So, that's for free , Okay. So, the third way , that I'll share with you , is through YouTube , So, here , You can- For example, , you bought eyeglasses from Lazed , Then you'll promote it , you CNN say this eyeglasses are really nice , I'vie been using it for so long now , It's clear , it dozen't get dirty , You can make a video , upload it , And in the description , put your link , or your Lazed link , If they click on that , or they copied and pasted it , if ever they liked , the eyeglasses , since you said it's nice , If it got sold , you have a share again , One more thing that's nice about YouTube , It's also up W/7 , It's search able in YouTube search , and if they liked it, they will buy it , Unlike in Facebook , it gets superseded , if you don't have your own group , it's a bit harder to post every now and then , It's a bit tiring , not unlike here in YouTube , it's there W/7 , In Blog spot it's also W/7 , If there's someone who read your article , if someone watched your video , they liked the product , they'll buy it , So, that's it , What I did is just simple , But there are many ways , For example, you have your own website , There are other ways of promoting products , form Lazed , But what I showed you , are the simplest only , So, Facebook, YouTube, and Blog spot , Those are the 3 simplest , and free , that you can post , your affiliate marketing to , So, that's it , They're giving you commission , if your able to promote Lazed , If you liked the video , please click the like button , If you want to see more videos like this , subscribe to my channel , and click the bell , to get notified, thank you.