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okay so hello and welcome my name is , Marcus Campbell for those that are new , to my webinars you'll notice that I'vie , been in business for about W years now , making a full-time living from the , internet and in that time I'remade over , 5 million dollars from affiliate , marketing and what we're going to do , today is we are going to talk to you , about what affiliate marketing is how , you can get involved with affiliate , marketing and how you can start making a , living in are ally simple way now some , of you guys might have been out there , going for offer vault might be looking , at CPA offers and you might be wondering , you know with all this stuff going on , what is the real way to make money right , how DI go out there and actually turn , a website into profit how do I find a , niche how do I find an offer how do I , get paid and everything like that and if , you feel like everything's kind of , coming in on you and you feel like info , overload is taking over type that in the , box and say Marcus I really want to , know how to get past this info overload , so that can actually make a business , that'seagoing to work for me and that's , exactly what we're going to do here is , talk to you about how that works , but first what I want to do is I want to , kind of show you what'seagoing Onion the , affiliate marketing world because here , we are in the year W , affiliate marketing has been around for , at least W years because that'show , long I'Webern doing it now back when I , started Ottawas't as hyped up as it is , today there wan't a lot of people , making lot of money there was a , handful of people and there wan't a lot , of people teaching you stuff right we , had to do all this stuff by herself we , had to do coding and things like that , nowadays the cool thing about this is , any old joke and set up a site and set , up a blog in about an hour and start , making money pretty much right away the , key is they just have to know what to do , and this webinar is all about teaching , you what to do and that is why this is , titled how to make money as an affiliate , marketer in W this is going to be a , step-by-step paint-by-numbers approach , to affiliate blogging and affiliate , marketing so if you feel like you're , overloaded with information and you feel , like it you need a way to , get out of that and actually turn a , profit today is your day now what I'd , like to do is I'dike to show you some , income and traffic reports from some of , the top blog snow I show you these these , arena't my blogs these are other blogs , and we wanted to show you these because , I want to show you that there are people , out there just like you that have blogs , that are making money here is a November , income report from pinch of YUM which is , recipe site okay this site did over , twenty thousand seven hundred and fifty , one dollars in profit that night that , month here's one for arts and classy , which did fifty seven hundred a month , here's one making over twenty thousand a , month and one making thirty four hundred , dollars month so now let me ask you if , you were able to log in to your blog and , see that you actually made thirty four , hundred bucks or twenty thousand dollars , in one month how many of you guys would , be extremely happy right you log in you , say I'Webern trying to do this stuff , forever nothing seems to work and now I , do this blog according to what Marcus , taught me and I'm making some money , right pretty cool so what we want to do , is we want to keep these in mind we want , to look at this and say this is real , world stuff right and the reason I want , to show you this is because it's not , just in the internet make money niche a , lot of people have this idea that the , only guy is making money online are the , people teaching how to make money online , right and it could'tube further from , the truth because realistically there's , people just like you and niches from , political stuff to how to put together , things from IKEA and all kinds of things , that are making money online and the key , is to realize that there's a lot of , people out there looking for a lot of , things and on Google alone over four , million searches are done every , seconds I want you to think about that , we'vie been on this webinar approximately , five minutes now that means there has , been over million searches on Google , since we turned on this webinar that's a , lot of people right if you could just , get point zero zero one percent of that , you'd be getting great amount of , traffic so I want to show you how this , works here's some other examples you , have smart passive income he did about , seventy one thousand a month May , making sense of sense as a discount site , W,W Matt Woodward,W a girl in , her blog,W and on and on we go , right so there's a lot of people here , making lots of money online you can see , them here there'sour pictures with , their checks and happy and everything , like that now what we want to talk about , is we want to talk about the big , downfall okay because what do these , people have that you don't have right , they might have a blog but more , importantly they have a lot of traffic , okay to have a lot of traffic now if you , up until this point up until joining , this webinar feel like traffic is the , hard part right you could build a , website you can get an affiliate offer , you can put smartens on it you could , put some advertisements on it but you , ultimately need traffic right how many , of you guys feel like if you could get , traffic you could probably make money , okay I'm guys feel that pretty cool okay , so we're going to talk about that now , what I want to show you is a big , disconnect between these people making , as much as two hundred and thirty , thousand dollars month and as little , as let's see what's the smallest one is , like seventeen thousand a month or , sixteen here okay so we have all these , people they're getting a lot of traffic , now the problem is is that on one of , these examples'm going to show you , this example and this example is January , report I had a typo the rebut their , report was twelve thousand four , hundred and eighty two dollars okay now , in order to get that twelve thousand , dollars they had to get overs half a , million people to come to their blog , right I want you to think about that for , a minute Want you think about when , you're watching something like the , Superbowl okay five hundred thousand , people to a blog right is the equivalent , of five and half Superbowl stadiums , packed with people NOW want you to say , do you think it's hard to get that , traffic or easy to get that traffic , right how hard do you thin kit would be , to get that amount of people to visit , your site pretty hard right pretty , difficult now here's the disconnect if , these people are owned , we making $W,W a month and they're , getting all that much traffic that's , only like cents per visitor okay so , they're only making about 2 cents per , click when someone visits their site so , there's disconnect so we either in , order to make $W,W we're there have , to work really hard and fill 5 and a , half football stadiums full of people to , our site so to speak or make more money , per click because if this person can , make an extra cents a click right how , many you guys are like two cents that's , nothing right I find that in the road , right when these people if they were , able to get an extra two cents a click , they would have doubled their money or , would be the difference between$W,W , a month right and,W dollars a month , now Susan says but that's a lot of 2 , cents yes and we're going to talk about , that alright so here's the cool thing , the cool thing is when we take look at , this stuff you're going to notice , similar stuff here right here's here's , Andersen's screenshot this is my , personalizes screenshot from one of , my accounts are we had W million , page views that's a lot of people right , that's a lot of people and we made about , two hundred and one thousand dollars so , what we're seeing here is we're seeing a , disconnect we're like okay there's alto , of traffic little bit of money alright , and we look at this and we say well hmm , this looks daunting because if I'm only , making cents a click then got to get , a lot of clicks and we all know that , getting traffic USN'that easy and it's , very very difficult to get traffic for , less than cents click is everyone , agreement here everyone understand that , right it's very difficult to get traffic , for less than cents so if I'm only , making cents and I have to pay more , than 2 cents to get traffic'm losing , moneyed very difficult so what we want , to do is want to take a look at this and , say well what is the secret right , because up until now you'vie either , struggled with traffic rights a traffic , if you'vie struggled with getting traffic , OK or you'vie struggled with conversion , right that means you , struggled with actually making money on , your website okay so you either struggle , with one of those two thing snow , these people these examples that are , getting lot of traffic and arena't , making that much okay W grand a month , it's pretty cool right , but again you have to get lot of , traffic to get that so we look at that , and we say well what if I could get less , traffic and make more money okay so , let's take look at this let's look at , how this works now I want you to take a , look at this screenshot because this , screen shot is taken from the farthest , niche away from the expensive niches , okay we're talking things like free , music players we're talking things like , smiley faces we're talking things like , website cursors which is like the little , arrow thing like this okay we're talking , niches that no one knows how to make , money in okay so up her ewe have niches , like you know here's one for podcasting , and magazine sites and blogging and CPA , marketing and food blogging okay so , they're getting lots of traffic in these , really really prominent niche snow here , I am not getting that much traffic I got , some traffic there's like four hundred , and twelve thousand visitors we got here , okay are W,W visitors we got here , okay so we're not getting that much more , traffic now this was over the course of , a year so we take a look at this but , take a look at that SO,W visitors , here okay W,W visitors all right and , we look at that so he's got five hundred , thousand and what we did was we made , over eight hundred and thirty-five , dollars or thousand dollars off of it , okay so eight hundred grand versus like , W grand tell me what you'd like better , okay obviously we all know what you'd , like better and I want you to take a , look at how much we're earning per click , all right here's an example okay here's , an example of W cents a click here's an , example of W cents a click five five , fourteen fourteen twenty one and again , these are and non buyer niches these are , not the niches where there's tons of , money okay now on this example , got like W cents a click on over 1.5 , million views now keep in mind that this , wan't all the money we made , we run other offers alongside this stuff , okay so what I want to do is I want to , expand your mind to understanding the , secret to conversion because if you know , how to convert traffic you can make , money anywhere right you can go to that , guy and say I will pay you$W,W a , month for an ad on your site and you can , put the ad on his site and make more , money okay very simple to do you can do , that in heartbeat now you might say , well I don'thieve W grand well that's , fine and good we can do it with like , five bucks too and I'm going to show you , how that works okay so what we'redoing , is we're talking about a super low risk , way to get started right a low risk way , where you could start for pennies on the , dollar and way where you can make lots , of money for every visitor that comes to , your site let me show you an example , this is one example showing you that we , make even more per click okay so here we , have an example where I got almost , W,W clicks I got visitors to my , site how many of you guys you look at , this you say Marcus you know getting a , half a million visitor sis difficult but , I'm sure could probably get thousand , right so you say your goal is to get a , thousand visitors over the course oaf , year that's only three visitors a day , that's nothing right how many of you , guys believe that you could probably get , three visitors a day I mean literally , all you would ha veto do is go post , something on Facebook or put an ad on , Google fora dollar a day or something , like that okay and we look at that and , we say well off of those W clicks , made over ten thousand four hundred and , thirty five dollars right and this was a , little test we did off a site I built in , February of and we actually went on , to make about thirteen thousand dollars , that year averaging about ten dollars , and forty-seven cents ac lick so let me , ask you you're doing all this work you , know that traffic is difficult to get , you know that traffic is it takes work , it takes time it takes money so would , you rather make two cents a click or rat , would you rather make $W a click and , let you think about that for minute , your answer in the box okay obviously , obviously we'd rather make$W a click , now let me ask you if you could make $W , a click how many clicks would you want , to get every month , okay forgot a thousand clicks month be , pretty cool Sonia says she'd like to get , W,W clicks a month right some people , say unlimited all right now what we want , to do is we want to take a look at this , now let's stop right here because we're , talking some big Numbers'm not saying , that someone like the example above , should be getting $W a click OK Ina , recipe site you're probably not going to , get $W a click but here's what I am , saying what if she could get cents , right what if she could get W cents the , difference in being able to make , cents and again remember thesis't , something lofty right we made cents , on this one we made W cents on this and , it had nothing to do with any big money , type keyword okay so what we're looking , at here is the difference between fifty , five thousand dollars a month versus , thousand dollars a month and that's at , only ten cents a click now I want you to , look at this and I want you to think , about this and Want you to ask , yourself if I can make a dollar a click , how many clicks would I need to reach my , goals right set a go alright now maybe , you'vie made nothing online maybe you'vie , made couple hundred bucks online maybe , you'vie made a lot of money online , wherever you are I want you to ask , yourself if I was making cents a , click how many clicks would Indeed to , reach my goals okay if Wanted to make , a thousand dollars a month all I would , need to do is get,W clicks right if , I wanted to make a hundred thousand a , month all I need to do is get a million , clicks a month or I can increase the , amount I make per click smirches you , can go in and make ten dollars click , like the one I showed you some you're , going to make a little bit less and what , we're going to do is we're going to show , you how this work snow the key here is , realizing how this works because like we , said,W clicks , at ten cents ac lick is$1,W month , those same,W clicks At's cent sis , W the same,W clicks at $1 a , click is W,I want you to think this , way and I want you to think in terms of , what am I getting for every W clicks , that I send to an offer okay very very , important because when you break this , down and when you break it into a simple , number formula everything makes sense , and you ask yourself for every hundred , clicks I get to my site could Get one , person to blank okay now when we deal , with CPA marketing the cool thing is is , the blank could be could I get one , person to click could I get one person , to download could Get one person to , fill out a form could Get one person , to buy something and on an don we go so , there'slots of ways that we can get , paid and the question is is how many , people can I get paid on every single , day in Avery simple way because we want , to look at this now you might be looking , at affiliate marketing and you might be , saying well how do Get started with , this how does it work all right and I'm , going to dive right in I could tell , stories and everything like that and , more people will probably buy at the end , but I'd rather teach you some stuff so , that you know what you're getting into , so that at the end it's Arno-brain er and , you say Marcus you'vie showed me exactly , what to do I want to get your program so , that I can start doing this as well so , write that down if you're taking notes , write down for every hundred clicks , could I get one person to blank now no , matter what niche market you go into no , matter what you do that is the question , that trumps everything okay now your , variables are the blank and the person , because obviously if you can get two , people out of a hundred to do it you , just doubled your money three you triple , ten you know you get the idea so here's , what we want to do want to take a look , at this and break it down in a very , simple way and we want to ask these , questions and answer these questions so , that you know what'seagoing on right I , don'twat to leave anything hidden I , don't want to you know pull the wool , over your eyes I want to show you , exactly what'seagoing on , so you , understand number one who can be an , affiliate marketer right how many of you , guy shave made money as an affiliate , marketer before type number signs in the , box or money signs in the Box if you , have or if you're new to Taipei I'm new , OK , now whether you'renew whether you'vie , made a ton of money this is for you OK , what'm about to show you is how to , make a lot of money on a little clicks , and make it work in a really really , simple way OK no matter if you're brand , new or never built site this is what's , going to work for you so number one who , can be an affiliate marketer and the , answer is as anyone can be an affiliate , marketer all you need is an idea a , website an affiliate program an , affiliate program and some traffic plain , and simple OK we're going to break this , down so it's so simple that anyone can , do it number two what is affiliate , marketing , well affiliate marketing is getting paid , to promote something indirectly by means , of an affiliate link okay by means of an , affiliate link banner or a hosted form , now an example here with these little , cookies and this is an example of a code , that an affiliate network would give you , in exchange for promoting their stuff , you put this code on your website they , click the link they go to the site they , download they buy something whatever and , you get check , pretty cool now the reason I have , cookies there is because cookies are is , what is used to actually track thicko , it'Avery simple it drops a little , cookie on the thing and then when it , fires you get paid now what happens is , the affiliate places a link on his , website or blog the customer clicks the , link the cookie is placed on the , visitors computer and when the when the , customer makes the desired action you , get paddock that's what CPA marketing is , we are paid for getting actions , affiliate networks handle all the links , cookies and tracking for many different , companies and affiliate offers now , Ad sense does this as well but it's all , with a hosted script and the script , contains the Cook if you don't know , about coding or anything don't worry , that's all candled we have it all done , for you it's very simple when you go to , find an affiliate marketing offer you , can go to offer vault you could go to , Mac's bounty you can go anywhere and , we're going to talk about that as , alright next we're doing it marketers , find customers well affiliate marketers , find customers anywhere and everywhere , alright Id on't care where it's at it , could be people say Marcus do you do , Facebook well yeah if my desired , audience is on Facebook I'll do Facebook , do you do paid traffic yes we do paid , traffic if the audience is there you , could use free search you could use , banner ads video marketing etc anything , and everything works next when does an , affiliate marketer get paid okay when an , affiliate marketer gets paid is when the , desired action occurs okay so we're , going to get into this we're going to , get into the technical side here okay so , when you get paid is when the desired , action occurs so if we go to offer vault , right like this okay and we do a search , for offers let's say we want to search , for mortgage okay we type mortgage and , we hit Search now for those of you who , don'TKO what offer vault is or how to , use it what happens here is offer vault , is a search engine okay it's a search , engine that searches for affiliate , offers okay so it's like a database of , all the offers that you can run so as an , affiliate marketer can go here and I , can say wellie want to run an ad for , lower my okay now what it says , is that you get $7 okay and then the , type is either a Leda sale or whatever , that means I get $7 when someone does , whatever the type is okay that's a , category which just helps categorize it , it shows you what affiliate network it's , on so that you can go to the affiliate , network and run the offer and get paid , and then it shows you the last time it , was updated okay so very simple so what , this does is it tells me as a website , owner how Icahn get paid for getting , people to do things okay so here if I , get someone to call okay they call the , number I get bucks pretty cool , here's one for a lead when they fill out , a form , here's one for reverse mortgage right , and you can go to these and you can , actually see what the offer looks like , okay sou can go click the full landing , page and , ten times they'll have dozen't look like , that one has the right landing page , we'll find one for you but oftentimes , what will happen is they'll actually , give you what the landing page looks , like so here's like a refinance , calculator one okay it'seagoing to show , you what the landing page looks like and , from the landing page you can actually , see when you get paid okay so the cool , thing here is they're saying we will pay , you $W when someone fills out this form , okay very simple all right now there's , lots of offers that you can run in many , different niches so what you would do is , you would come here and say well I'm in , the recipe niche and you type recipe and , you'd hit Search and it'll show you all , the different offers for recipe and , search okay now on scale of one to ten , how many of you guys understand the idea , of what offer fault does right how the , search engine works , okay I'mt en meaning yes Ito tally get , it one meaning what are you talking , about dude please back up and you know , tell me more , all right cool so everyone seems to get , it now what we want to do is we want to , get into the hidden gems that are in , offer ball okay now I just showed you a , hidden gem a lot of you guys might not , have caught it but right here you have a , recipe toolbar download okay these are , offers that are really cool that I like , a lot because you get paid on a download , all right you saw the screenshot up here , where I was making a whole bunch of , money okay awful lot of traffic okay , making bunch of money off a lot of , traffic is very very very good for us we , like that because all that mean sis that , I do less work and get a bigger check , right how many of you guys if you went , to work tomorrow , and your boss said you know I only want , you to work five hours a week but we're , gonna double we might even triple your , paycheck how many of you guys would be , like yeah okay where do I sign that , sounds wonderful right of course you , would and the same things happening here , in the problems and the reason that so , many people are struggling with internet , marketing is because they're up here , they're up here getting two cents a , click if I could only make two cents a , click'd have to get a job right I'd , just I would I mean you know Id on't get , that much traffic now luckily make a , lot more money per track for the traffic , I get right even on the traffic I get , from , YouTube where most people are making , less than a penny a click'm getting an , average oaf dollar of viewer right , think about that for minute , that means on my YouTube I'm making an , average of a dollar every time my video , is shown that's pretty cool now we're , going to talk to you about how to do , this because this is the stuff that , makes you money now we take look at , this one here again let's get back to , the gem right we saw the numbers we saw , the big traffic we don't like the two , cents , we like the cents so now when we look , at this we have this here which is a , recipe toolbar now let me ask you would , it be easier to sell pots and pans or , sell recipe books to this market or , would it be easier if I said hey you , want the recipe for Olive Garden , breadsticksdownload the recipe toolbar , for free to get it right so let me ask , you would it be easier to sell stuff or , would it be easier to give something , awake now let me ask you what if you , got paid four dollar sand W cents to , give that awake so here's these people , looking for free recipes they don't want , to pay for anything but there's a , download that's free that gives them the , recipe and you get paid almost five , dollars every time you give it away okay , does everyone see how that would be , easier of course it'd be easier all , right so we take look at this and we , say well what's this toolbar thing look , like what's the deal here , well what the deal ISIS there's this , toolbar it says get hundreds of recipes , enjoy all the best recipes click here , for the free download okay now this is , done by accompany called mind spark , which is owned by which is a , huge company we'vie all heard of , OK that's asked with AK' just to be , Clark and we'vie all heard of them , they make a lot of money and what they , do is they create little add-INS and , little toolbar's which is really , cool they create toolbar that helps , people they just click up here and they , get recipes much like toolbar's that , we create with our simple sites program , right you say well Want to make money , online BAM click the toolbar you get the , info right there in your browser pretty , cool okay you can use that you don't , have to but , it's kind of cool now you might ask , yourself well why would anyone pay $5 to , give this away mean don't you have to , sell stuff to make money online right , how many of you guys before you came on , this webinar you thought you had to sell , stuff to make money online right a lot , of people think that that's a big , misconception but you got to ask , yourself right you got to ask yourself , what does Google really sell right are , they actually selling stuff or are they , just getting paid for ads right they're , just getting paid for ads so this is all , driven by advertisers right you look at , the Super Bowl okay back tithe Super , Bowl example hundreds of millions of , people watch the Super Bowl alright that , means all the checks for those , overpriced football players all the , checks for the guys who get paid to , manage the overpriced football players , the expensive seats the expense of , everything right the expensive stuff is , all paid by advertising and the , advertiser is paying because he's hoping , that someone uses his product or goes , out and buys coke or signs up for you , know some kind of cell phone service or , whatever so all these millions and , hundreds of millions of dollars is being , driven by something simple now take it , tithe online world OK Google we know , makes millions of dollars from what is , called sponsored ad so let's take a look , at it so we go to Google here and they , got a fancy little picture here today , and we search for something like , mortgage okay now if we search for , something like mortgage we're going to , notice advertisement advertisement , advertisement advertisement scroll down , free ads and then more advertisements at , the bottom and on the next page , okay so there's all kinds of , advertisements so now what happens is , when we click on the advertisements , Google makes money okay does that make , sense to everyone , all right when we click on that Google , gets paid very simple all right so now , what's happening here is this recipe guy , says well I'll bet if I get people to , use this toolbar and they use my toolbar , and my searches and stuff like that , but they'll click on some ads and , probably make me more than four dollars , and W cents a year okay that's what , they're saying right much like I know if , I give away enough of these tool bars , right people are going to go well Marcus , I really like your toolbar because you , can see your videos and your hub sites , and everything like that and it's really , cool okay and we say to ourselves well , that's how it works so when we look at , this we say when does an affiliate , marketer get paid well in that example , you get paid when someone downloads the , free toolbar now you can get paid when , any desired action occurs from pay per , click to pay per lead to pay per , download to pay per call paper trial , where you get paid when someone tries , outta product paper sale when someone , buys and pay per call very simple , there's lots of ways to get paid lots of , things you can do now you can get paid , every month you can get paid every week , some people pay every day I'vie never , used a company that pays every day but , you know getting paid weekly is pretty , cool all right , so that's how it works now is everyone , understanding the essence of the recipe , toolbar offer does everyone get that if , you like that tip say Marcus I like that , tip I like the toolbar's sounds like , a cool way to make money and obviously , when these people are making two cents , on recipe traffic all I would need to do , if I'm getting four dollars and cents , a download is get one out of every , people to download and I make cents a , click now chances are you're probably , going to get like 1 out of every OR , out of every W which is going to make , you alto more OK now you can find these , all the time if you go to offer vault , like this all you'Dave to do is type , in tool bars or something like that now , we also have them on our blog and on our , forum at affiliate marketing dude calm , so we'vie got those therefor you we're , going to show you how to make them work , the key is knowing the right offer to , put with the traffic that's the , difference between making a lot of money , on the little traffic or no money Ina , lot of traffic OK very very important , here and this is what puts most people , out of the game they don'TKO how to , make as much as they can off of every , traffic because they go and they'll do , like click bank offer and they'll try , to sell a book and you know you're going , to sell like one out of every , people all right I'd rather give away a , toolbar because all I got to do is give , five away and I'veal ready made as much , money as you don'got a deal with , refunds my visitors are happy because , they get something free and everyone's , happy okay very simple so we look at , that and we say great so that's how an , affiliate marketer gets paid now one of , the questions that I'm asked most often , is Marcus how do I become successful , affiliate marketer and I want you to , define in your mind what a successful , affiliate marketing career would look , like to you right would it be $1,W a , month $W,W a month right what's your , definition of where you'dike to be and , don't say the sky is the limit okay you , could go for the sky later first set a , small attainable goal say Marcus , haven't made anything online if I can , make hundred bucks a month'd be , happy can make a thousand or month I'd , be happy if I can make,W I'd be , happier than a you know pig in the mud , or whatever okay so we look at these , goals we got twenty five thousand a , month five thousand one hundred and , fifty three thousand at twenty five , thousand and we want to look at these , right three thousand again twenty five , hundred we want to look at these and say , well what do I need to do to get it okay , and what I'm going to do is I'm going to , give you a clear-cut plan to get that , goal okay if I did that how many of you , guys would think this is like the best , webinar you'vie ever been on okay a , clear-cut plan to get the goal you want , okay so the person who says I want to , make three thousand dollars a month , here's what we do okay we take our offer , we say we get four dollar sand W cents , a download , we take our three thousand bucks that we , want to make we divide it by four , dollars and cent sand we get a number , called W that's all you have to do so , W giveaways of a free recipe toolbar , is three thousand dollars a month okay , so you know Marcus well what about how , DI build blog how do I get traffic , okay we're gonna we're going to show you , that slow down little fella and we're , gonna show you how to do it and James , says dude is three Granada month even , possible of course it is because all you , have to do is get people to download , the tool bar or if you're converting at , W , right if's% of the people who come to , your site download it that means all you , have to do is get,W visitors or make , twenty dollars a day that's nothing that , is absolutely nothing okay how many of , you guys are starting to see the light , here and we're going to blow the lid off , this whole industry and show you how , this stuff works because once you see , inside this stuff you're gonna see how , money's made every day because right now , millions of dollars is being made online , so you don't ha veto create it , congratulations you don't have to make , it up all you got to do is figure out , where it's at and go there okay it's , like okay everyone's thirsty well why , not you go to where the water is very , simple everyone's hungry well let's go , to where the food is right very simple , we want to break it down we want to keep , it simple because so many people over , complicate this and I want you to , believe and see how easy this is right , it's very easy it's like okay well who , do market this to and how many of you , guys can tell me who you'd market this , to here's this recipe toolbar I get , dollars and cents let's do a little , brain quiz who would you market this to , right would you market it to people on , Google searching for mortgage people , searching for you know pie OK someone , says mom's someone said quick meals , someone said moms grandparents and cooks , how about people searching for recipes , okay how about people how about people , just going to google searching for , recipes right that'd be pretty easy , would'tit I mean they it's a recipe , toolbar so people searching for recipes , would be prime targets so let's take a , look here all right we go to the Google , Ad Words tool we click on this here which , is search for a new keyword or phrase if , you'vie never used the Google Keyword , tool or you don'TKO how to use it we , teach you ins and outs of it okay so , here's what we do we go click and we , type in recipes right like this and we , hit get idea snow what's going to happen , here what's going to happen here is , we're going to take look at some of , the recipes so we have this traffic and , we got this traffic here and you say , Marcus this sounds wonderful I like this , idea and hopefully our scroll er will , scroll for , somebody's if I can get it to scroll , there we go okay coo land so we have , these recipe sand we have this traffic , so like cake recipes , so here's people that want to make cake , okay how many of you guys have ever made , a cake before okay if you have , congratulations you can now teach people , how to make cake online right there's , your certified you can now teach people , things very simple okay if you don't , know how to make cake find someone who , does or find information who does or , link them to YouTube videos with cake , very simple okay so these people want , cake recipes let's go to google and see , if people are advertising okay we're , going to type cake recipes in the old , Google okay so no one's advertising okay , how many of you guys know what it means , when no one advertises okay some , marketers are going to tell you that , it'snot a buyers market if there's no , advertisers don't do that niche how many , of you guy shave heard that and a lot of , people have heard that Sonya says that's , what I'vie heard , okay don't listen to those people okay , don't listen to them because all this , money here right and this is one of my , affiliate accounts I have like of , these okay we'vie made over 6 million or , close to million dollars off this , stuff very close to I haven't done my , taxes yet but we'll get you the updated , numbers once we do so close to million , dollars on this stuff and there's W , grand just in this example OK now these , markets were not buyers markets had I , listened to the marketer who says if , there's no ads don't do Ito would have , lost out on alto of moneyed so we look , at that there's a lot of money you are , missing out on because you're looking at , this in the wrong way what this really , means is that marketers don't know what , to do with it , right someone can't put two and two , together to say think people looking , up cake would probably want the recipe , toolbar how many of you guys now can put , that together like wow that's pretty , cool I like that okay excellent now what , we want to do is want to make it even , simpler now how many of you guys out of , the W thousand people every month you , think that at least would download , that thing at least W , I mean come on that's like there's still , two hundred forty five thousand and four , hundred left , okay so there's got to be some in there , now there's Little bit of a problem , and that problem is this thirty cent , number right a little bit of a problem , we're going to show you how to get , around it okay very simple now Susan , says yeah but you know how do I get , there traffic we're going to show you , how to do it for Google all you would , have to do is run a paid ad very simple , for MSN or Being or Yahoo they're all the , same if you bid on MSN robing or Yahoo , you can get in there so we'll go to , Yahoo or Ringlike this will type in , cake recipes right like this alright so , got cake recipes no advertisements- ads , down here with Pillsbury and crafts so , it's not too competitive lots of , YouTube's okay so if you need content , well show you have to do content now , Francis Sask yeah but I got paid ten , cents click okay we're going to talk , about that lot of times you can get it , for two cents or less we're just going , to have to find some ways around it now , you might be saying Marcus this is good , but that's like how did you know the , toolbar was there how did you know the , traffic was there right how many of you , guys want to see behind the scenes of , what we do okay let me show you behind , the scenes because as an affiliate , marketer only so many people can do the , Cape one only so many people can do it , right not everyone can do it so what we , want to do is want to use what I call , trigger words okay and trigger words is , my secret for how to make money whenever , you want okay how to get money when you , want we're going to show you how to do , it okay very simple remember how I said , you need to focus on getting amount of , W people to blank okay so if I get a , hundred people and I pay ten cents how , much does that cost me , okay type it in the box we're gonna have , fun with math take ten cents click , hundred clicks okay good ten dollars , okay ten dollars so how many people , would I need to get to download the , recipe toolbar for me to break even okay , to break even to get my money back , about 2.5 right two-and-a-half people so , if Get two and a half people out oaf , hundred to download this okay keep in , mind they're looking for recipe sit's , free all I Giotto do is put a little , sales pitch in there on this free , toolbar make it easy and I'm done okay , so Only need two and half people so , that'sphere we want to start wanna say , excellent all I need to do is focus on , getting X out oaf hundred people to do , Y now there are some expensive programs , like lending store where you get paid , one hundred and ten dollars lead PC , backup where you get a hundred and forty , dollars lead and on an don we go so , there's lots of stuff lots of ways to , get paid now here's one that rain run , this all the time it's a free Bible , right so look at this you got all these , people you go on Google you type in , Bible on the Ad Words tool you get a lot , of people looking up the Bible well if , it works right you do here we go all , right so lots of people looking up the , Bible a million people looking up the , Bible very cool okay now I can go to , offer vault and I can type in Bible , toolbar and I can see that there's a , Bible toolbar that pays me the same , amount now let's see Bible download I , think sometimes these hide and we're , going to show you how to find them all , right , Bible just do Bible so if it come sup , there okay cool there we go well scroll , past all the junk and we have daily , Bible guide pays me four dollars and , fifty cents every time someone downloads , the Bible now take a look at my example , here because this example got four , thousand clicks tithe Bible toolbar two , hundred and thirty downloaded the , toolbar okay that's not my best record , but it's decent that means I'm getting , twenty two cents a click getting people , to download Bible toolbar so if I get , traffic for less than twenty two cents , what does that mean that means I make a , lot of money right means I make a lot of , money now take a look at this CZ what I , did is I showed you Little screenshot , right here's Little screenshot of some , of the Downloads like get forms daily , local guide now your question might be , Marcus this this is good this is , wonderful how many of you guys like this , so far on a scale of one to ten being , one you hate it you'd rather go watch TV , or something and tend you love it you , really like it we'vie got a couple , thousands in there so that's pretty cool , okay so now you might be asking yourself , Marcus I'm excited see the money here , I see like you are making this money , right here right now live you goat , Bible site it'five pages you don't , update it all the time so you're not , blogging like the crazy people up there , that are getting tons of traffic but you , got four thousand visitors and you made , almost bucks pretty cool okay so we , take a look at this and we say well the , disconnect is number one how Dido know , to do the Bible and how did I know to , do that number two how did I know there , was a Bible toolbar out there okay how , many of you guys are asking yourself one , of those two questions like one well , yeah okay well how do i how DI find an , offer that fits my niche and two how do , I find a niche if I don't have one okay , we're going to go through that all right , if this webinar goes a little long don't , worry about it , I'm making a simple dinner so we got , time here fish and chips is pretty easy , to make okay so here we go let's take a , look alright there's literally millions , of niche sand thousands of offers , now most big-time bloggers get lots of , traffic and lower revenue because they , go wide okay they go recipe and then , they go you know this recipe this recipe , this recipe this recipe and they're on a , vertical okay what we're talking here or , on there they're on a horizontal sorry , what we're talking here is using niches , that other marketers don't even know , exists right I literally made over a , million dollar sin a niche before any , marketer caught wind of it okay and when , the marketer did catch wind of it they , actually made me toolbar for the niche , and I made even more money and then , everyone copied me intimacies went down , the tubes and you know the rest is , history but I made alto of money in , that niche and a lot of money on other , niche snow the key is instead of going , for a keyword like Bible or mortgage or , one of the big ones what I do is I go , through and I use what I call trigger , word snow if you don'TKO what trigger , words are in your simple sights big , profits , desktop software looks like this I'll , make it smaller so you guys , I'll make this bigger so you can see it , in your simple sights big profits , desktop software which you're going to , get at the end of this because you love , this stuff and you want to learn to make , money wit hit right what it's going to , do is it's going to show you under niche , finding a list of trigger words with a , special video that talks to you about , how to use them okay so this is made for , you it's colorful it's easy you click , the links you use it and what it's going , to do is it'seagoing to give you this , list of trigger word snow , how many of you guys on a scale of to , W struggle with finding niche , being it's difficult to Fonda niche one , being it's super easy okay got a lot of , tens everyone's over five most people , are really high on it okay so here is , the solution here's the solution I don't , care what keyword tool you use , congratulations you are now going to get , the solution to finding an edge and it's , in this you watch this minute video , it goes over it and you use these so I , go in here and I say well let'stake a , look at Little niche like perhaps , how-to okay if I use how-to in my Google , Keyword tool want you to notice that , this word USN't attached to an market , okay it's not attached to like anything , it's just how to so it's an intent okay , write that down intent based marketing , we know someone wants to know how to do , something okay how to make a meatloaf or , how to whatever so we type how to we hit , get ideas now we're going to see hit it , again we're going to see how to websites , how to videos how to how to do it right , so we have lots of traffic here okay , lots of traffic and these are all people , who want to know how to do something , okay and I'm going to give you tips on , how to how to DOD how to do niche okay , a lot of words there so how to , screenshot okay how to screenshot let's , take a look at this okay how many of you , guys up until this you did't know that , to sent clicks were available on Google , right type - if you did't know - sent , clicks were available okay good well , here's one right here okay and we just , stumbled on Ito did't , on this this is something I just picked , random and now we see how to screenshot , okay so now put your thinking hat on and , ask yourself what do these people want , to do or what do these people want to do , how to screenshot they want to take , picture of their screen okay let me show , you what it means what it mean sis they , want to be able to hit print screen they , want to take a part of their screen and , capture it and make screen shot right , there see that's what they want to do , okay sou just solved the problem in two , second sand we can see how it work snow , imagine if there was toolbar that paid , me three bucks and it actually helped , them get screenshots how many of you , guys would be like whoa that'd be pretty , easy there's W,W people month two , cents a click and I get paid when they , download a toolbar that does screenshots , I mean is it really that easy okay how , many of you guys understand this okay , really simple all right so we take a , look at this here's another one how to , take a screenshot this one is so cheap , Google dozen'tavern know what to put , here right they're like Id on't how do , you put it less than penny okay how to , videos how to do everything don't know , what you do with that how to screen the , trailers and on and on we go cool let's , take a look another one how many of you , guys know that filing your taxes is , pretty difficult it's pretty timid like , so many forms okay what if we did an , intent based market it and put the word , form in okay we type form and we say get , ideas and we got HTML form form HTML , contact form HTML form different things , like that right we could even take it , and say well what about like IRS form , okay let's take look at this and if , anyone has a lot of forms it's the IRS , right so we take a look at this IRS Form , W , okay now Google says it's a dollar five , a click but it's not and I'll show you , how to find out it's not whenever you , have low , competition and a high bit amount like , $1 all you ha veto do is go to google , and search for it and if there's less , let's spell it right there we go good if , it's less than one advertiser no , advertisers in this case that means we , can get this traffic for five cents or , less all right if that makes sense type , of five in the box okay pretty cool so , we got like thousands of people looking , up form ten nine forty one nine , ninety W:W and on and on we go now the , question is what do you do with this , niche all right how many of you guys are , like lots of traffic what do I do , put traffic and a question mark okay , pretty cool so let's take look what , would we do with this well we could go , to our vault we could be like well you , know IRS we could do that and what we're , gonna find is like you know traffic for , we're gonna find offers for like IRS , things tax things and all kinds of stuff , right it'jumbled up this USN't good , this is difficult this is why so many , people struggle finding offers or what , if we went through and said well what if , I type something like forms forms what , kind of forms offers now I'modding this , because know the market which in , simple sites we're going to teach you , how to know the stuff because knowing , this stuff is what's going to put money , in your pocket okay very simple so we're , gonna go down and we're gonna take a , look at what they have for forms we'll , go way down here okay and let's see oh , here we go check this out , get forms online so let me ask you these , people what do they want right what do , all these people want forms okay pretty , simple how many of you guys were able to , guess that on your own type it in the , box I want you guys to get excited and , type your answers in the box and tell me , what's going on because you're going to , love this okay so we have IRS form ten , ninety ten nine forty one so they want , forms so what would be the easiest way , to get people to do stuff on our site , right if I said IRS form W click here , to download IRA , form W most the people would probably , click it we're pretty easy all right so , what if we now paired this wit ha little , toolbar that gives them forms so let's , take a look let's see if it would work , whoa hey check it out the form is , right on the download page right so , that'slake the one they want how many , of you guys think that this would , convert pretty good and you're getting , $6.W for every person who downloads it , OK you don't even ha veto sell anything , obviously because this is Nita buyer , market the only one who makes money off , of IRS forms is theirs because we got , to fill out the form sand if you fill , out the form it means you owe moneyed , but we don't even worry about that we , just have to give them the tool bar and , now they can get all the forsook how , many of you guys are having little aha , moment right no wand you say wow this is , starting to click like I'vie been trying , to sell stuff and do stuff all his stuff , but this is so much easier right and , this is exactly what I'vie been doing for , over years right imagine if you could , get hundred people a day to download , this you just make you said yourself , like five hundred thousand dollars a , yea rand a little bit less than that , like W a year right so but you could , go sell stuff or you create a hundred , people to download this and make it very , simple okay Dave says I can't imagine , people downloading toolbar's're a , pain well some are a pain therein't , but the fact of the matter ISIS people , are downloading them everyday right if , I had that attitude I would have missed , out on eight hundred grand right so the , fact of the matter is and this is , something that a lot of people do is , they base what the market wants based on , what they want okay but I'm not the kind , of guy who who types In's W right so I , don'TKO okay so you're losing money , if you think before testing very simple , so we take a look at this we say good , there we go , so we take a look at how to how to fix , we got how to fix how to fix your credit , how to fix a toilet right now you might , be saying well Marcus what about how to , fix a toilet is there a toilet toolbar , okay probably not okay there's not a , toolbar for the toilet but no pun , intended their toilet but okay yeah , that's my humor there right but we have , this here and we say well but what what , can we do wit hit well let me show you a , little secret okay just today Iowas , checking one of the email accounts that , I don't usually check because get a , lot of spam how many of you guys get a , lot of spam and you hate spam okay me , too , I don't like spam either don't , advocate spam but we can learn from spam , okay there there's stuff you can learn , from it because the reason people still , spam is why because they make money , plain and simple so we know that there , is something we can learn and let me , show you what can learn again we hate , spam we don't want to do spam but we can , learn from it let me show you something , and this is going to open up your mind , to how it works , here are some emails forwarded myself , before this and these are total junk , spam emails this is one that says , complete your doctorate degree in your , spare time , here's what he does he sends out this , image it says ready to start your , doctorate degree click here to view the , programs okay again spam bad but , interesting this is interesting okay , let's take look at another one local , bathroom remodels search ads now , now if you click these okay you're going , to go to a page with advertisements on , it , okay page with advertisement so we're , gonna go here and we got a page it's got , advertisements blah blah blah it's , really ugly it's really stupid it sucks , and spam suck sand his email sucks but , he'smacking some money okay how many of , you guys are like okay I can'Taegu , with that guy is making money now what I , want to do is I want to enlighten you to , something what he's doing is he is doing , what Google's doing but in a bad way , okay so what he doe sis he sends bunch , of emails out he hopes that someone's , interested in remodeling their bathroom , he hopes they click because when they , click he gets apportion of bathroom , remodel okay how many of you guys have , tried Ad sense but you never made , anything or you made very little right , if you tried it or you'veneer tried , never tried it so take a look , bathroom remodel gets , thousand searches month which is an , irrelevant to us that dozen't matter , what matters is this number so he's , saying that for all these people who , click he's going to get like seven , dollars per click okay now this is what , I call the flipping the market method , okay the flipping market method , basically takes people from something , like how to fix a toilet which is low , competition or how to foxiness to , something expensive okay and when you , use your trigger words you can do this , check this out laptop won'turn on , computer won't turn on laptop won't turn , on low competition right low competition , okay now let me ask you this is probably , not a buyers market they're probably , just looking for how to turn this on , okay and we can do a lot with this all , right we can do a lot with this so we , take a look at it and say well what can , we do now here's some ways to get paid , all right when your computer dozen't , turn on are you ever worried about like , losing your data if you are then you , know you're going to see this right , because most people are like okay your , computer won't turn on you need to , backup your data now on data backup I , get paid a lot of money here right I , even have like little downloads you can , give them and stuff like that or I could , put them to offers like this which is , why I showed you this example , okay he's taking you to a page with ads , on it because it gets paid so we can , actually get paid percentage of$W a , click when people click on computer , support now how many of you guys think , that these guys who have a laptop that , won't turn on would be interested in , computer support right like how many , times are you you get your computer it , dozen't do anything you're mad and , you're like where's the support guy I , recently did this last couple weeks , ago when my computer would't turn on , okay Went and found computer support I , backed up my data and someone made a lot , of money off of that , and the cool thing is is I did'thieve , to sell anything okay very simple so how , many of you guys are getting the idea of , how this works right literally what's , happening is when I get people to type , in or when I get , to my site if my site is about backing , up data on a cloud server which is , basically a fancy way of saying back up , your data get paid a percentage of $W , a click right this is exactly what I did , with my mortgage site found out that , very little people typed in prime rate , or I'm sorry lot of people typed it in , but there was very little advertisers , right we could look here we have the , word prime rate no advertisers we go to , Google we type in prime rate okay hit it , again because Google's being a pain here , we go , all right so prime rate,W people a , month less than cents a click that's , a lot of people now how many of you guys , say well what do you do with this and , how many you guys know why would someone , type in prime rate get probably looking , for like the prime rates they're , getting a mortgage okay but you know , Bank of America and all these people , haven'figured this out yet they , haven't figured out so I can go and , could say well Bank of America did , figure out that they make money on the , word refinance right so now I can take , them and say if you're interested in , what if you spell it correctly let's say , we could spell it right let's say we , take these people and we're like okay , today's prime rate I's okay you got to , update your site or maybe you have an , automatic thing that says what the date , is and you say this is W percent lower , than last time , click hereto refinance okay now the , reason showed you these spam email , junk okay again spam bad what they're , doing interesting what he'siding is he , is taking all the people he spams and , he'finding the people who are , interested in bathroom remodel okay can , you guys get that he like emails the , whole world he sucks at marketing so , he's got to email the whole world but , the people who do click click on , bathroom remodeling okay so instead of , being like him and doing really stupid , stuff okay he's making money so I can't , be mad at him right but I can't be mad , because he's filling my inbox and I got , like hundred of these today but I can , look at it and say well what if Took , the people looking up Prime , eight gave him the prime rate and said , click here to refinance based on today's , prime rate what I did is Intake some of , these W,W people okay he emails , W,W people he gets like one click oh , I have to do is go to W,W people and , I'm probably going to get like 5,W of , them to go to my refinance site if a , thousand of them click and I get a , percentage of let's say get W% and I , only get two dollars and cents a , click that's still grand or I'm sorry , to 2,W bucks off a thousand people , that's nothing right how much you guys , see that you're like dude that that's a , no-brain er , let's total no-brained this is , low-risk traffic all you got to do you , say well Marcus what kind of content do , I make we make content about the prime , rate pretty simple right well for how to , fix atilt where you make content , about how to fix toilet well Marcus , don'TKO how to fix atilt well , there's a bunch of people on YouTube who , do and you can put those videos on your , site or you can go and get content , written by someone who know show to do , it very simple okay so we look at this , and this is how you make money when you , have the trigger word sand you put it to , this stuff now someone says curate , content don'usually like to curate , content you can do it but curating is , for like broad big niches all we're , doing is solving one little problem , right so like here's an idea get , people who want to make blog send , them to blog profit and I , send them to this page here this page , affiliate blogging okay and what I do is , I give them little things how many you , guys think that this page is easy to , read easy to look at okay sou'm like , here'these people looking for how to , set IPA blog say step number one find , your niche step number two buy your , domain name and hosting okay now I get , hundred dollars when they buy their , domain name and hosting very simple okay , now hosting is what you need to do to , have blog so your job is to Fonda , trigger word and figure out why they , typed it in right why did someone type , in prime rate , well pretty simple why did someone type , in inform very simple okay you can , even take this a step further , and find out the tax form that deals , with back taxes and you can not only run , the toolbar but you can also run offers , for people who are behind on their taxes , those pay lots of money watch this , tax attorney okay so Allie do imagine it , I'm like here are the top forms you look , for W whatever whatever whatever by , the way if you're behind on your taxes , you might want to be interested in a tax , attorney the minute they click tax , attorney you educated them from form two , I want an attorney okay that's why I , showed you the email because what he's , doing is he's siphoning the people out , who want bathroom remodeling okay he , does a very bad job of it we're gonna do , a good job and the good job is here's , the tax forms click here for tax , attorney you go there NOW just took , that little five cent click two cent , click and I turned it into a click worth , fifty three dollars now why is it click , worth it right because the tax attorneys , willing to pay for clients to come in he , knows what he makes he knows his numbers , he pays a lot how if you guys just had a , little light bulb moment there and you , say wow that makes sense Oman are you , kidding that's all it is all you're , doing is making cheap traffic valuable , right because they're valuable anyway , these people are doing this stuff anyway , down the line , the people who type in the forum are , probably going to need help with their , taxes okay you can even gonad do like , an H&R block thing they're they're huge , right no wright tax season their tax day , is W days away or forty days away or , something like that right so we can go , in and we can do like tax okay and take , a look at this so you get people looking , to do their taxes you can look at people , like this okay here we have my tax , refund loan so here's these people who , want money because they know they're , getting taxed back and it's a hundred , and ten dollars a lead mean getting , traffic for two cents all you need to do , is get one out of every W people or not , less than that one out of every five , hundred people to click and you're , golden and that dozen't even include the , tool bar which is going to make you more , money and the Absence the sponsored , links which is gonna make you even more , money so what I want to do is I want to , show you how simple , and Steve says well what about , competition there is none right there's , no competent you go to Google there is , no competition for W form none right , there I could be on sponsored links for , pennies on the dollar all I Giotto do is , get these people to fill it out and say , hey by the way here's some interesting , links to help you number one click here , to get a tax attorney if you Oh number , two if you're getting money back why , wait to get it sent to you get a tax , loan for whatever okay how many of you , guys are getting it okay now Steve says , even though it'high okay good let me , show you the difference because I want , you to get this so tax attorney , we don't want traffic for tax attorney , that's difficult right Have to pay , fifty three bucks for that we want to , create traffic for the expensive words , okay we don'twat to get traffic'm , not looking to great in Google for tax , attorney'm not looking to get , pay-per-click traffic for tax attorney , what I'm looking for is and you can do , what let me show you how easy Otis I go , to Google type in tax form form offer , in compromise okay , and offering compromise and I'm going to , teach you how to do this research and , offering compromises when you offer the , IRS less money than you owe because you , don'thieve it okay very simple did , this with Little research , the form I's okay so we go to Google , Toadstool we type in six five six , form , Bamboo I instantly get people , eight hundred people W people okay you , say well Marcus there's not that much , traffic there's only maybe three , thousand visitors a month well I don't , really care because the word form six , five six the intent is that they want to , do and offer and compromise they are in , trouble with these people they need to , pay a money and they probably need a tax , attorney how many of you guys can put , two and two together if you can put two , and two together what you just learned , is how to turn at en , click into a$W value okay that's what , you just learned to do see their market , so I can't get a half a million clicks , month well neither Cain all i need is a , thousand and shoo ti don'tavern need to , make W bucks a click like google says , can make a dollar click you make a , dollar a click Ina thousand guys you , make a lot of money my friends right , that's a thousand backsides't even , include the toolbar which is going to , give them the form dozen'tavern include , the little other offers you have very , very simple how many guys are feeling a , little bit better about your info , overload problem alright cool now , there's a lot of steps you got to build , a blog you got to learn how to do this , you Giotto learn my offer tip sand , everything like that we're gonna show , you how that works as well so that's the , idea now let me ask you does this idea , make sense to you , right how many guys are like yes , nod your head say yes this makes sense , this totally makes sense right EM , says you have to get accepted into an , affiliate network yeah we're going to , show you how to do that really easy not , as hard rightmost people who struggle , with this we get them accepted in like , days okay so with your program'll , guarantee you get accepted to CPA , network that has these offers very , simple now here's the cool thing you can , set this business up in a few days you , can make a little business about one tax , form'm not talking about being an , expert'm talking about finding a form , given a link doing a little description , about it you can outsource it for W , bucks right run it on Google run the , offers if you put two and two together , it works you can set this up and be in , business in a few days now if you like , this right if you like this stuff what , my program is designed to do is take you , by the hand step by step and show you , the paint-by-numbers system to make this , work , okay it'snot that hard you just have to , make it work now what we'vie done and I , want to show you the software okay this , is the software now what you do is once , you get your software today you log in , right like this and you go through the , icons right now if you guys can look at , this you're like okay it's colorful it's , easy can go through the icons very , simple , okay if you don'TKO how to build a , blog if you don't know how to find a , niche if you don't know what offers to , use what we'vie done is we'remade it , super easy for you go here you say I'm , going to watch the video it gives you a , rundown on how to use it then you go to , start here first now check this out what , we'vie done this is new in the W , versions all brand new and updated what , we'vie done is we'actually included , the tools that you can use as you go , through okay so you're going to be , watching this video and you're like whoa , dude cool I found this 6:W form and , then it's going to say well now you need , to get a domain name okay and you're , going to go to the software and you're , going to type it in and see if the , domain name is available , okay dot-com is not available we could , do form PDF a lot of people like PDF we , hit check availability and we find a , domain that's available very simple , you're like okay download check okay we , could do org and Baum once we find one , that'available okay we go through and , we basically just get it okay simple , once it's okay it's ah oh can I see what , it is it's actually not that it's not , available it's that I have spaces , because I'm just an idiot okay so we do , this and then we're like okay you know , we find our very MIT very easy thing , here okay so we got to do it form six , five six download and then it'll be , available so as you're going through , you're going to go to each module get , your domain name get your plugins , everything's very simple you just go , through it's very colorful when you're , done with the start here first icon you , click the button up here takes you back , to the desktop very simple then we go , through and we say niche finding so , already you have a site set up you have , your hub site setup and then you go , into niche finding right this goes , through the niche finding and you saw , how many of you guys saw me use one , trigger word and find a gold mine right , I used one of these trigger words and I , found Golden mine in a matter of W , seconds so imagine what you're going to , do with the entire list not only that , but we actually have the power search , tool as well so as you're going through , you click the power search too lit opens , it up Ina new window and you type your , niche in so if we do form , W go what it'seagoing to do is it's , going to do all the work for us so if I , want to find out the actual , pay-per-click competition I click this , it runs me Little report takes a , second or two to run because it's doing , all its work for you and it's going to , give you are port on all the detailed , competition in your niche if you want to , go for free traffic we click on Google , competition BAM , goes in shows you the Google competition , I's,W you can use the timeout method , to see that it'actually a lot less , than that okay timeout method is , something we go over in the course , that's going to show you how to go , through to Google times out and see what , the actual competition so you can see , here the actual competition is only , nothing right very very simple you can , go through you can find it searches off , for vault searches affiliate programs , gives you all the information for your , niche very very simple to do once you go , in and you find a niche you open your , keyword tools watch the overview and you , find profit centers very simple we can , show you the niche finding tools domains , market flipper training which is awesome , this is like six videos that teach you , what you just learned in detail OK so , you want to know how to put all this , together there Otis it's video it's , easy you go through simple to dock next , go back to our desktop now you go to , offer finding this is going to show you , and again it's goat little search thing , here where you can type in you watch the , video you type this in you find the , offers for your niche very simple does , the deep search resell products also , gives you an affiliate profit calculator , so you say well Marcus'm not good at , math like you well you don't ha veto be , because put my brain into this , calculator so you type in your stuff you , say well you know with that offer if I , get a download what am I going to , make well if you do really good you'll , get W cents or you do okay you'll do W , cents dollar or two dollars a click , super simple right and I thin know our , let's see here think now we'll go back , to our tools okay so we got how to get , accepted so those of you who are like , how do I get accepted to the affiliate , network swatch this video , okay I guarantee when you're done with , this video you'll go there you'll fill , out the form and you'll get accepted , next we have our market flipper videos , right you can go through here it's a , free it's A video set all about what , you just learned so if you like the idea , of turning cheap traffic into expensive , stuff this has it right there's over , five videos they're all like an hour and , a half each and they go through , everything step by step super simple OK , you go there and you say well Marcus you , know I just want to learn how to do the , tool bars like you do well what'vie done , is I put the tool bars right here , and you can see all the toolbar offers , right here with descriptions how much , they pay and everything really cool , super easy pair them with your trigger , words you're going to be making money in , no time , OK we go through here's a CPA offer , bonus video showing you all that stuff , Sosa you can see we go tit all covered , we teach you affiliate offers CPA , networks resell rightsizes ad show , to create your own product if your niche , warrants it and how to find different , offers and everything like that , very simple so how many of you guys are , looking at this you're like Marcus this , is colorful the tools are right there , I like your method scolding't be , easier how many of you guys like this so , frock and we'vie worked really hard this , year to make it so easy for you to go , through right so easy you just get in , there and start working it OK next , traffic sources you say Marcus traffic's , hard to get well not really not really , OK all you got to do is go through this , step-by-step that's why we made it this , way I did a lot of thinking to put this , together for you right and the step by , step is if you go find your niche first , by the time you get to traffic sources , it's going to be so easy to do your , heads gonna spin , okay well metaphorically not rallying , so we go through that now you say mark , as well you know I want to learn how to , do this traffic OK you click on the , traffic icons and what's going to , hap penis it's going to take you to the , video related to that traffic method , right just loads the video super easy OK , some of the videos are long and take a , second or two to load but it's super , easy then we have our bonus , pay-per-click training this is something , I just put inhere okay this is a bonus , I just put inhere last week you go to , the bonus paperclip training and guys , check this out this is from a$W , course we did on pay-per-click traffic , you say Marcus I want to learn how to , find cheap traffic I want to learn how , to write ads I want to learn how to do a , deal with the Google Quality Score and , I'm willing to learn how to make money , simple watch these five webinar replays , from my $W course get in there it's , easy but the cool thing is is this USN't , going to be 1,W bucks today we'vie made , it super easy for you to get started , with this paint-by-number system all you , got to do is say Marcus this makes sense , and I'm gonna do it well if you'vie never , built a site or blog before you click , build your blog check this out guys this , does everything it's like okay start , your hub site goes throbs Baum Baum , you're gonna be starting it in second , you go through the site vault site vault , shows you a video and it also shows you , landing pages so remember how Is aid you , know that site with the little cursors , and stuff made a lot of money you click , here you can see what it looked like , right there it is this is the site that , makes money very simple it shows you why , it made money shows you everything very , simple you can see in there there is a , ton of sites from stuff I did remember , the prime rate quote okay you say well , how did you make money on the prime rate , quote well here it is here there's the , site how many guys are like well you're , not only teaching us how to do it but , you're showing us the sites that made , money super super simple it dozen'Tet , easier than this I promise you I'vie been , doing the W years really cool alright , so you can go through that you can see , that you can see how the high-ticket , niches work and everything very very , simple next let's click the back button , and you can see how it's all in this , cool little software as well it installs , to your program your compute rand it , runs and it's easy simple next landing , pages you say Marcus how DI make , landing pages that convert simple you go , to the landing page you go through the , steps super easy , okay next we go through you have the , Word Press training if you don't know how , to use Wardress have the plugins , guys we have spent over seventy five , thousand dollars making plugins that do , the stuff that makes you money and , they're all include din here , okay seven-day blog profit shows you how , Id id the Bible site so if you say , Marcus how do you do this start to , finish , well this seven day process shows you , live I actually go in and everything I , do is live and you watch it make money , very simple okay next you go to creating , content testing your visitor sand the , money getting tools right these are all , the tools you need to make this stuff , work so what we'redone is we'vie made it , super simple for you to get started , right all you got to do is download the , software use the tools and you'll be , making money and not only that not only , is it incredibly easy to get started , with the brand new surefire , paint-by-number system but we're also , giving you days of support now I will , tell you my support is not as fast as , other support so if you expect to get an , answer in 3 minutes you probably won't , unless you get me on live chat but my , support gives you answers from me who , knows how to do thicko sometime swill , will give you answers from like , technical stuff from my tech team but , you're going to get answers you say , Marcus look at my site why is it not , working as well or what should I do with , this or do you think this is a good , niche right you ask those question sand , you get the answers straight away for , over W days if you want to commit , continued after W day sit's like W , bucks a month but that's optional right , right now all you're doing is you're , getting the software you get the W days , free later on if you want more support , you can tell us okay very simple and you , can see we'vie added questions throughout , the videos Sosa you're watching the , video you say hey did you find a niche , will click here did you you know do , market research click here and on and on , and on we go so how many of you guys , like this software you're like dude this , I like the idea I like that your , software does everything and has the , tool sand I want to get it well here's , the deal normally people would charge , like two thousand bucks , sometimes five thousand dollars for this , kind of stuff you know it's worth it but , what I'vie done is I'remade it super , easy for you to get started and I'vie , made it so simple that all you have to , do is go to simple sites bonus com right , here it's our hundred percent secure , form you go there it's going to look , like this it'll redirect you to this , special webinar offer okay we have it , hidden just for the webinar , you go there and you'll see that your , prices't even a thousand bucks and , I'm five hundred bucks right now on this , webinar you can get this software plus , W days of support for just two hundred , and ninety seven dollars okay we have , payment plans if you need it if you do , need that ask me towards the end but for , those of you who say dude I want to do , this and I realize that two hundred and , ninety-seven buck sis like what fifty , toolbar downloads I think you can show , me how to do that very simple so all you , Giotto do is go to simple sites bonus , com , okay at simple sites bonus com you're , gonna get everything you get the , software you download it instantly you , start using it you start going through , it you get the support you get the help , you get everything so if you say Marcus , I'm done struggling you have shown me , something I never thought of before and , I can see how easy it is to get started , it absolutely makes sense and if this , makes sense to you in anyway shape or , form if you saw this and you said you , know that works I get it I get it then , what I want you to do is go to simple , sites bonus right now okay fill out the , form you see the form here you put your , first name here you put your last name , your email put a phone number in case we , need to get you sometimes we call W% of , the time we don't deal wit hit okay , we're just you know we deal with it , online , W% of time you won't need a call but , just in case okay , street address city state postal code , your country choose your card type we , take all of them card number expiration , your payment plains one payment of two , ninety seven one time that's it you get , in there you say I'm getting simple , sites W now we do have a no refund , policy because if you like this stuff , you're going to use it so you got to ask , yourself right now can See myself , doing this business can I see myself , setting up simple blog getting fifty , two of our downloads a month right or , five hundred or like me sometimes you , get five five hundred a day okay I think , my record was like two thousand tool bars , Ina day that was back when we were , getting paid two bucks each but still , you know four grand a Dayan't bad , alright now I'Mont saying that's what , you're gonna do I don'TKO what you're , gonna do but if you can take something , simple like the little the little , toolbar about thefts and the taxes , very simple right very very simple to do , if you see yourself doing this business , go to simple sites bonus com , get in there super easy no-brain er all , you Giotto do is say Marcus I'll try , right now to make it even easier for you , to get started today what I'going to , do is I'going to liven up the deal a , bit now what I'm going to do is for , everyone who gets started on this , webinar we're actually going to pick , your first niche for you okay so you , don't have to go finding niches you , don't have to deal with stuff all you do , is get in there and say Marcus give me a , niche to start with we're going to give , you niche we're going to show you how , to work it we're going to make it happen , for you as you can see this is a , surefire surefire number , system that's going to make it work for , you you can go you can see glowing , testimonials all over the place , all about how this works right here's a , guy Mario he came to me in W he was , like Marcus I'm on my last dollar okay , he said I want to come meet you in Vegas , at one of your meetings he came out , within weeks of hanging out he went out , and made some money last I heard from , him yeah he was doing like over a , thousand bucks a day with his simple , sites very simple right most of them , were download she's doing the same kind , of thing right here's a guy here saying , his last attempt at internet marketing , you go in you do it we are giving you , the niche idea and ado main name okay , we'll show you how to set up the site , and everything so even if you're brand , new , even if you'vie never done this we're , going to help you make it work so even , if it's your last attempt like it was , for David here you get in there super , simple this guy says our supports better , than two thousand dollar products and , everything like that so very very very , simple okay got Togo through it make it , work , Susan yes you want to get simple sites , W it's unlike anything you'vie ever , seen before it is absolutely awesome all , right , so really cool stuff after struggling W , years with this stuff this guy made it , work so you got to ask yourself what's , it worth to me to be able to do this , business what's it worth to me to be , able to make a living online in a simple , way with tattletales and little , things like that that is , totally in niches than other marketers , don'tavern tell you how to go through if , you're struggling with the tech stuff we , got you handled if you struggling with , anything we got to handle all you got to , do is go to simple sites bonus comm and , sign up now let me recap some of the , offer that you're getting today okay , this is a custom offer just for this , webinar you're getting a custom niche , market idea and domain name as well as , the software you're also getting the , plugins you're also getting W days of , support you're also getting automatic , updates and everything like that so it's , all there it'Sally ready to go all you , got to do is say Marcus I'm ready to , start get in there make it happen , very cool all right simple sites bonus , com remember this is along-term , relationship the biggest regret that my , student shave is that they did't get , started sooner okay so don't wait on , this say you know what let's do it okay , art says are there any upsellsthere is , an up sell after you order to have us do , your site for you it is completely , optional for those of you who want a , hands-off method so there is one after , you do not need it if you want it get it , if you don'just click the next button , and you'll get your logins okay very , simple we're not one of those people who , say you need to buy more to make this , work now this works done deal all you do , is get in there get the software it , works if you want the Ispell build a , site for you so it's pretty cool alright , next once this transaction is done you , Giotto realize that we're not breaking , the bank here right we go through we're , like yeah you know W buckskin't going , to be make me rich but it might just , make you rich all right art says he's in , he'signing up now awesome art good to , have you in everyone who's doing this , just got to ask yourself does it make , sense if it makes sense and you pass on , this offer that would't be a very smart , move right you want to get in there and , do something based on what you just saw , and say Marcus I want to get in there , want to make this work , I'm ready to go and if that'sou go , sign up at simple sites bonus com right , very very simple so we're going to start , off small here we're going to make it , work here's the special offer recap , again number one you get simple sites , big profits that's a seven hundred , and ninety seven dollar value , you get blog profit plugins and , everything like that two hundred and , ninety one dollar value we update the , plugins all the time we teach you how to , do this with blogs in a simple way very , very easy you get a custom niche and , domain name you get vault the site , vault that shows you all the sites I did , and check this out so you're only paying , W bucks today , that's your tiny little investment and , I'm going to show you how to get $W , back in free traffic right so this is , traffic coupons for like Being and Google , and Yahoo so your first bit of traffic , Ian't even going to be a risk because , it's something we actually give you so , realistically , you're paying less than W bucks for , this when everything's said and done and , we're going to show you how to make a , ton of money online remember this is the , same exact stuff that has made me tons , of money in these markets and all you , got to do is get started and say let's , goo'm James Think it is he said you , don't do PayPal at this point we don't , do PayPal because of the fact that our , ordering system is set up with , Infusion soft so it's kind of a pa into , do that so yeah you want to do that we , do have a angel are you asking about the , payment plan we do have a payment plan , if you need that if you do type it in , the box and I'll get you guys that link , as well but what you'll notice is it's , super easy you're going to get your , logins instantly so right after you , click that button check your email make , sure you check all your emails and , everything like that so that it dozen't , get you know anything so it dozen't get , filtered out or anything next let's , see here art says are the coupons good , if you'vie already deadwood's and being , sometimes they are it depends but we'll , show you how to get other ones as well , okay Counterpointing on when you got , it , you probably do have the okay all , right good a lot of people are asking , for the payment plan give me one minute , and'll get that for you I just have to , find the link and we'll put it in there , okay okay awesome stuff let'Sgt in , here and get you guys little payment , plan and the payment plan what it does , is it make sit three payments of , okay so you save Little bit , money by getting in full but I , understand some people need Little bit , of help there and that's why we have the , pay plan so what I'll do is I'll send it , in here and I'm going to type the , payment plan link in your chat books so , everyone who's asking for that link if , you can't find it let me know OK that's , in your chat box again that's simple , sites bonus com , OK really cool and then what we'll do is , we'll go through some some questions and , things like that all right Francis is a , customer he says this is well worth the , money ye sit is this is Arno-brain er the , reason it'SOS cheap right now is , because it is in beta testing which , means you know some of the stuff we are , working on so we ask for your input but , when it's an out of beta testing which , is very soon it's going backup to , $1,SO this is your chance to get in , get in and expensively and make it work , again that simple sites bonus com will , do some Q&A in just minute , signing up on this webinar tonight OK , that'seagoing to get you all the bonuses , and more if you wait those bonuses will , not be thereof all right Sonia said she , got in a few weeks ago with simple sites , and this webinar gave her even more , value so awesome stuff if you are , already in and you need help with the , link let's see here so the link for the , pay plan should be in your chat books , so on Yorktown control there's a , little blinking icon click that it , should be a little blinking thing click , that it'll give you the link and , again remember you get in the software , and get in the training if I was to , charge you by the video this would be , like less than 5 cents of a minute or , something like that an hour or something , very simple OK we'll help you with the , support link afterwards we will go on , live chat to help you guys with this is , anyone still having trouble finding the , pay plan if you are let me know , okay let me help you get this going here , alright and for those of you who are , doing the full pay go in , super easy your investments a one-time , deal a lot of people like that because , it just gets it done okay cool alright , if you're on your phone and you cannot , order just type in your in the box and , we'll help you order afterwards okay so , simple sites bonus calm very simple get , in there get started , total no-brain er it's got all the tools , it's got everything no other program is , this thorough and no other program is , based on what you just learned right , what you just learned is stuff that is , going to make you money if you use it , right if you don'Tues it you know I , can't help you but if you do it's going , to help you make money by along shot , very very simple very easy to do okay , let's take some&A while you guys are , getting signed up again on simple sites , bonus com it's very easy to get started , today all you Giotto do is go tithe , site it'll redirect you to the offer , okay and then what you do is just fill , out the form super easy let's see if I , get it here bear with me logged in way , too many screens there we go it's going , to look like this you just go in put , your name email phone street address , make it bigger for you city state zip if , you're on the fence about it just click , the button now I know sometimes people , are like you know Marcus why the no , refund policy and the reason we have , that is because I want you to be as , serious about this business as I am , because once you get in there and you , ask questions take this kind of , personal right I'm like okay I want this , guy this girl to do really good and all , they ha veto do is sign up and say , Marcus'll try and if you're willing to , try we will help you make it work very , very simple okay , all right so awesome stuff okay don't , worry about activating support you can , do that later we'll help you with that , very simple to do again that simple , sites bonus com , get in the reuse the link super easy , done deal , okay alright so any questions and while , you'redoing that let me see if I can , pull up the questions again , okay so we'll pull up our questions , again and again remember you're not , going to need that much traffic so if , you're worried about traffic and stuff , you know don't even worry about it it's , super easy to do okay so what we're , gonna do is go to our QA answer the QA , for you yeah man there we go Agana lot , of good stuff okay Marcus what do I need , to do to get started well first of all , what kind of budget do I need a lot of , people say what kind of budget are there , up sells what's going on well the only , thing you need to make this work is a , hosting account okay so have like W , bucks or whatever to get hosting once , you get that if you already have hosting , you can use your current hosting very , simple number two can I host multiple , site son one hosting account or do I , need bunch of them right you can have , as many as you want on one however I , would limit it to SO for like five , dollars month you can have over W , different sites making you money with , all these things number 3 what about , domain names do I need a different , domain for each site you will want a , different domain for each category so , if you're in like the surfing niche then , you would wan ta domain for surfing if , you go into the gardening niche get one , for gardening but if you get one like , surfing and then surfing waves you could , use the same one alright number four a , lot of people are worried about , pay-per-click marketing well the cool , thing about the way that It each , pay-per-click in those four videos , you're going to get or five videos , you're going to get we're going to show , you how to get started with like less , than bucks okay so if you got thirty , bucks you can make it work and we're , going to show you how to get the two , hundred dollars in coupons as well most , of the sites I start outwith we start , out with like five dollars or something , and as you guys know we use YouTube and , Google free traffic as well so there's , tons of ways to get traffic number five , a lot of people ask me you know how much , time should dedicate to this to be , successful well if you have like fifteen , to thirty minutes a day , this is going to work for you okay it'll , work really really well so if you're , worried about time constraint it's very , easy keep in mind overtime you're , adding up so if you make a site today , you spend an hour and the site makes ten , bucks a day tomorrow you can make , another one and you're still making the , ten bucks a day so really cool really , easy you just got to get in there simple , sites bonus com click the button if , you'resitting there and you're on the , fence and you don't know whether you , should do it just ask yourself if this , made sense , number six is one of the biggest , questions people say how fast can I see , results well to answer this a lot of , people ask that how much can I earn , which it really depends on you , okay but if you look at that you're , gonna see videos because if you like , this and it opened your mind to stuff , you're also going to see videos that , show exactly how it works and it'seagoing , to show you like where the money comes , fr omit's going to show you how to get , started fast like sometimes my sites , will make money Think my record was W , minutes from the time I set IPA site to , the time we actually got paid which is , pretty cool okay remember W% of the , businesses mindset is the whole idea to , run like a thousand sites no we want to , keep it to like three to five we want to , find the good stuff and use that to make , money so again get the software right , now simple sites bonus com you're , getting the bonuses of the tools you're , getting the updates you're getting a , free niche you're getting everything all , you got to do is say Marcus I'm ready , let'sago alright so let's go ahead and , take some question and answer and get , you in there so cool stuff all right so , any questions Sonya says everyone needs , to get off the fence and get this she , says I'vie paid way much more money fora , lot crappy lot of crappy stuff this , has value so really cool this is all new , stuff it's not stuff you'seen before , very very good so get in there make it , work simple sites bonus com again that's , simple sites bonus com what I'm going to , do is I'm going to leave this offer open , for the next minutes okay so at 7 , o'clock Pacific Standard Time we are , going to shut this , for off and you're not going to get all , the bonuses so what we're going to do , we're going to close out the webinar , give you some time to sign up you got , minutes I will start my counter if I can , find it , and we'll go from there so get in there , if you 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