Make $120+ A Day Typing Emails Online? - Super Easy Affiliate Marketing Tutorial


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well let me tell you something while you , were out there playing patty-cake with , your friend Pedro your uncle Rico was , making bucks I could make that much , money in like five seconds typing emails , on the internet right now and the pulley , on here is going to show us how to make , hundred and twenty dollars , typing emails on the Internet gosh so , you want to learn how to make money hey , hey calm down it's me Marcos the , affiliate marketing dude , your old pa land today I'm going to show , you really cool way to make up Tao , hundred and twenty dollars a day or more , answering email son the Internet , now this is a tactic that started , using back in W with a brand new , business and you can actually see here , back in W when I started it see if we , can find the starting point here think , I made like bucks or something like , that and then I rampart business up , to$W,W month which is crazy and , the method is actually quite simple now , if you like these training sand , tutorials that'm giving you make sure , you subscribe and click the Bell , notification that way you get all of my , new videos and all the ridiculousness , and you can join us live every Wednesday , morning At's:W a.m. right here on the , channel to ask your questions about how , to make money now let's get into what , that method is what I did is I Hadar , regular forum on my site so when people , went tithe website it was simple sites , big profits dot-com right like this now , when they filled in the name and email , form they were taken Tao very simple , form that looked like this so it said , hey thank you for subscribing what's , your biggest question about making money , online and what they did I did it with a , regular form mail back then that emailed , the results to me and then I could reply , to them they put their name their email , and their top question about making , money online now the cool thing about , this is not only am Going to get data , about my market but I can actually , respond to these email sand make money , boom like that because if someone comes , to me and they say well you know my , number one struggle is Id on't know how , to do the tech stuff can send the ma , video to sign up for web , get a commission or I could send them an , email about info overload or an email , about what product to sign up for or , something like that and you can do this , as an affiliate and write emails all day , long and pocket cash big time now it , only takes a couple of seconds to reply , to an email but you can actually make , big bucks just imagine if you're getting , paid fifty a hundred or even thousand , dollars to sell a product and you can , write an email and get it sold now let , me show you how I do this in today's , world because this was back in W , which is why some of these image sup , here arena't working now what I'vie done , today ISO'vie actually developed a , simple plugin and I started testing this , little plugin last night this is a , revised version of plugin that I , developed back IN and it's working , like crazy all it doe sis have a little , image here and say what is your number , one question about making money with , affiliate marketing and yes this is a , word press Page tell the ma little bit , of the benefits to asking the question , and then say put your name your email , select your biggest struggle they select , their struggle and then they type their , story or their message below now what , happens here is very very important , because I can take them Tao sales page , after they fill this out and then the , magic happen son the back end once you , go into the plug-in you're actually , going to see at glance what most , people chose as the subject or the , number one struggle you're gonna see , right off the bat that most of the , people that are coming on and watching , my videos are having trouble with info , overload and getting started that's , important to know as a marketer next up , we have conversion in sales then tied , for third we have getting website , traffic and finding the right niche then , we have technical stuff and lastly , finding the right guru really important , stuff now even deeper than this is what , this plug-in does so first of all you're , gonna see at a glance hey this is what , my people are interested in next you can , actually go in and click on manage , ticket sand you can actually see each , and every person who responded and what , they want so I can go inhere and check , out this one by by Tony here and Tony , says her biggest issue is info , overloaded getting started and then she , actually has a little overview of what , she's looking for now I can actually go , in right in this plug-in and I can , respond could say hi Tony , I noticed your biggest question was X Y , & Z check out and in this product here , this is where you'd put your affiliate , link you will find the answer you are , looking for then I could put something , personal like I started out with this in , the beginning and it worked well for me , then you could say thanks Marcos and , your conversion rate is going to go , through the roof , Wow you learn about your market and the , cool thing is is all I Giotto do is hit , submit and boom it sends it to Tony she , gets a reply personally she orders the , product I get paid and I learn about my , market this is a really cool way to go , into any market and learn about your , market while making sales and you can do , this and answer emails all day long and , close the deal in a really cool way guys , the secret here is people actually want , to buy your stuff they just don't know , it yet and they want something personal , to help them so let's say they're , looking for something like on my alcohol , channel where you know they're , struggling and they don't know what to , do they don't know where to turn they , don't know if they need rehab or , whatever and I actually use this method , on my alcohol site and you can see I got , over twenty four hundred and sixty , results that means twenty four hundred , people filled out a detailed report , detailed questionnaire about alcohol and , they go in and they answer the questions , here right like this now based on the , answers to the question and what they , Putin the box I can refer them to maybe , a rehab affiliate program perhaps book , or a course or a guide or something , based on how to get sober which is cool , that's kind of what we do with my , channel here and it's growing at a rapid , pace now we can actually go in , and you can see the results that they're , looking at so we could see that the , majority that people say yeah they tried , to quit before we could see the majority , of the people say that drinking affects , my life in all areas of my life how , often do they drink , most people say every night do you , suffer from anxiety boom hey most people , do which is important to know can send , them to anxiety stuff all kinds of , things to help them and I can look at , what they want we can also see here have , you ever looked for treatment are you , looking to quit or cut back entirely you , can see most people just want to cut , back which is good because I could teach , them hey you know the key to sobriety is , usually to quit completely but here's , something you can look at also or , something like that and then lastly we , see there's like a little overview of , the words that they use and things like , that which is important as well now , again the key is in being able to reply , to these people directly using the , plugin and as you can see I started , using this just last night and we have , over different responses that I can , reply to now I'guessing that if I , reply to all W of these what you'll , probably take me about maybe hours , total okay probably about minutes , each or something like that so let's say , 3 or 4 hours if I respond to these , people for three to four hours or let's , say things maybe 5 to hours who knows , right if it takes me W hours and I'm , able to close the deal on a third of , them that means I'm going to get W , sales which is crazy let's say you get , hundred sales here and again results are , not typical implied or guaranteed it , depends on your traffic depends on your , offer and how well you are at selling , but I'll tell you what I'going to , teach you how to sell in a really easy , way in our up-and-coming videos which is , another reason you want to subscribe and , click that bell but let's say we go here , and we say well if I get a hundred sales , and I'm getting$W commission that , means I'm going to Bank a cool eight , grand for hours of work while , learning about my market which is going , to help me sell better in the long run , automatically which is cool now let's , say I'm selling something that maybe , pays me $W a sale boom that means I'm , gonna pocket grand from answering W , emails again results not typical implied , or guarantee , the average affiliate marketer makes , nothing because the average affiliate , marketer does nothing but think if you , add the personal touch to your website , you can make this work just as I have , for the past year sand the key is , quite simple you just answer the emails , you might be saying Marcus well what do , I go into don'TKO about addiction , and I don'TKO about this or I don't , know about that well what you can do is , you can actually start with the Google , Ad words Keyword tool now the Google , Ad words Keyword tool over here you could , type things in like get rid of mice , people want to get rid of mice very , inexpensive traffic here or maybe we , have something like get rid of acne very , cool now you can actually use this and , you could say well the best way to get , rid of acne can get traffic for about , W cents a click maybe less and I can go , over to offer vault and find products , that pay me when people sign up so I can , go here and I can type in acne acne , there we go acne right and I can go in , here and I could see that these acne , products this one right here pays $A , sale $W $W and I could recommend these , base don what the page sets so if they , say oh I can't get rid of blackheads I , say well the best thing found for , blackheads based on my research is this , go ahead and sign up here'm an , affiliates Bela Bela blab la and get , rid of your blackheads or something like , that now it's very important not to make , any guarantees or implications of things , that you don't know about so stick to , stuff that you know about for example if , you were Togo for something like , mortgage maybe you go and you do , mortgage or refinance right you could go , through you could set IPA site about , how much money could you save okay well , your form would say your rate I's% your , house price is this how much do you owe , whatever and then you get the personal , thing and you say hey the best thing you , can do is go over here to this here , mortgage refinance and fill out the form , you get bucks on it , pretty cool right now you can do this , with literally anything from little , $W.W mortgage loans toolbar's to , really expensive products now the cool , thing about this is it works really , really really good with expensive , products so if you're selling like a , course or you're going to Click bank and , selling something that has are ally good , Commission on it you're gonna rake it in , big time or even web hosting you could , go in and say hey you know , are you struggling trying to find a , domain name what's your business about , what's this hey check it out found you , a domain name click here and you can get , it free when you sign up for web hosting , boom there you go you make it sale , really cool and actually the web hosts , that I recommend actually does give you , a free domain so it's really cool cost , them like eight dollars to sign up I get , a hundred bucks boom really cool right , awesome so you can do this all day long , you can answer emails put the personal , touch on stuff make sales and no longer , will you end up and no longer will you , have an excuse to say I can'make money , online because you can you just got to , get out there you Giotto do it you got , to hustle you got to learn about your , market you got to get in the trenches , write to people alright so Want to , stop real quick and give you an overview , of how this works first of all what , you're gonna do is you're gonna find a , cheap or easy keyword okay you want , something like how to get rid of or , something like ways to install or what , to do when your computer's broke nor , something like that just imagine if you , did this with all the different error , codes that are out there for like , Windows or whatever right you advertise , on those words you can get free or cheap , traffic the way that I teach you now , what you're gonna do is you're gonna , drive them to a page this page is going , to be your mailing list page so you say , get rid of virus virus okay you're gonna , say get rid of virus put your name and , email in the box they're gonna put their , name and email in the box then you're , gonna send them to the question page the , question page is going to say what issue , are you having then you're gonna have , your subjects your subject your subjects , they can choose from will be things like , computer won'ts tart computer won't load , computer runs slow computer gives a blue , screen very easy that's your subject , line and then you're gonna have a little , box for them to put in the issue they're , having very cool they're gonna write hey , my computer goes blue it gets all weird , and it dozen't work they hit submit you , reply to them you say hey you know what , I just happen to know about this and I , think your computer's infected with , spyware click here to get the click my , affiliate link to get this , we're software and you get paid when , they buy it and boom everything's , wonderful everything's fun and you can , mark iotas usual with your website this , is just a cool way to make sales on the , fly by typing email snow back to you , Marcus now you can do this with , literally anything from little $W , mortgage loans toolbar's to really , expensive products now the cool thing , about this is it works really really , really good with expensive products so , if you'reselling like a course or , you're going to Click bank and selling , something that has are ally good , Commission on it , you're gonna rake it in big time or even , web hosting you could go in and say hey , you know are you struggling trying to , find a domain name what's your business , about what's this hey check it out , found your domain name click here and , you can get it free when you sign up for , web hosting boom there you go you make , it sale really cool and actually the web , host that I recommend actually does give , you a free domain so it's really cool , cost them like eight dollars to sign up , I get a hundred bucks boom really cool , right awesome so you can do this all day , long you can answer emails put the , personal touch on stuff make sales and , no longer will you get up and no longer , will you have an excuse to say I can't , make money online because you can you , just got to get out there you got to do , it you Giotto hustle you got to learn , about your market you got to get in the , trenches write to people respond to the , people who fill out your form , tell them why they should sign up and , then ask for the sale and boom you get , commission I hope you like this little , video on how to make up to one hundred , and twenty dollars a day or more , responding to simple little emails and , guys this works like a charm if you , listen to your people and really give , them what they want so go ahead and , check this out I have some details over , at Affiliate dude comm slash question , that'affiliate slash question , check that out we'vie got some free , plugins you can use I got my plugin on , there as Welland some other tools to , help you make this method work again , that'affiliate slash question , and guys'vie been using this for a long , time and it works like ac harm thanks , again for watching make sure you , subscribe and check out the next video , that's gonna pop up around here , somewhere click it watch it and let's make money 

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