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you are not special today what we're , going to do is we are going to unlock , the secret of personal development and , self-help and we're going to talk about , the major flaw in self-help that is , keeping you stuck do you feel like , you're stuck in your life do you feel , like nothing is working well what I'm , gonna do today ISO'm going to talk to , you about personal development self-help , and how you could get ahead in life now , I want to kind of preface this I'vie been , reading self-help stuff since the time I , was very young my dad gave me this book , when Iowas about and I read it and I , remember making goal that by the time , I was I would make W million dollars , a year as a famous magician now that , never happened and I'm actually grateful , for that because I like the way my life , turned out now alto better but what , we're gonna see here is a lot of , different thing sin the self-help topics , and self-help books of today that keep , you stuck and unable to change you see , underneath every self-help book there's , well almost every self-help book there's , this underlying idea that money is where , you win right the idea that money equals , self-help self-development , happiness everything okay that's , underneath many of the self-help books , that you will read like thinking Grow , Rich and everything like that and just , recently I was watching one of the top , TED Talks that's out there and there was , this lad yon there talking about self , development an dhow to get things done , and how to not let yourself kick your , own as sand she goes up and she picks , someone out of the audience and she says , you know what you know what the odds are , that you would be born at the time , you're born with your DNA and all this , stuff and everything like that and the , odds are four trillion and she said you , are miracle and there's other , different topic sand self-help books , that say you are a bassinet be the , bitch boss be the to pin your circle and , all these things add up to saying well I , must be something it's a miracle I'm , here must , be a bad ass and just need to release , my inner bassinet I could be the bitch , boss or the I don't know what the male , version of bitch is maybe a dick boss or , something don'TKO something like , that but underlying all this stuff we , have all these things saying we are , special we deserve these things there's , stuff like the law of attraction that , says the universe wants to give you what , you deserve if you just harness the , power of the universe it will give you , your heart's desire and all these things , goon and from the time we're born we , have those little t-shirts right those , little t-shirts you know those little , t-shirts we're talking about that like , buckle down here so you can get the , diaper out of the kid and all that stuff , right we have these little t-shirts that , say you are great you are special you , are one-of-a-kind and all throughout , self-help this is what we see and that's , a weird drawing USN'tit but this is , what we see we see that the universe , wants us to succeed I'm one in four , trillion odds that I would be alive I'm , miracle I'm a bad ass , Jesus loves me this I know the Bible , tells me so I could be the bitch or the , big boss all this stuff okay and all , this stuff says that you are special and , today what I want to do is I want to , unlock this secret and give you the , freedom and the thing that has been the , most liberating in my life and allowed , me to succeed beyond my wildest dreams , now what we want to do is we want to , look at this and we want to say what is , the deal do I tell the universe what I , want do I look at all the things that , say that I'special I'm unique or do I , look at a different fact do I look at , the fact that this , is a big number okay this is the , estimated amount of people think we're , at like 7.5 billion people on earth but , we'll round it up to billion because , it's getting there pretty quick now out , of billion am just one I'm Justine , I'm one person if I'm one person that , tells the universe that want certain , things do you think the universe really , cares do you think the universe is , really going to listen do you think the , odds of one in four trillion of me being , born are different from the eight , billion other people on the earth am I , better than all these eight billion , people or am I just one underworld't you , realize this when you understand that , the worlds't give , the universities't give about , what you want and life dozen't care what , you want and even the million , subscribers you have on YouTube don't , really care what you want then you are , free to get whatever you want but part , of the problem and the reason you're not , getting what you want is because you , need to change your focus instead of , looking at yourself as threads or the , bitch or the boss or the trillion or , whatever why not start looking at , yourself as one of eight billion you see , oftentimes in life we carry around a , story people come to my website everyday , and they want to tell me their story , this is what happened tome this is , what'sarong with me , this is why I can'this is why I can , this is why I deserve this is what I , want and we have these stories that we , tell ourselves right we carry around , these stories and we carry them around , wit ha badge of honor or pride or , looking at it as life is hard or life is , easy or life is bad or life is good or , whatever it is and we carry these , stories around and these stories follow , us through whatever it is we do all , right and we also have cultural , conditioning telling us that whoever , gets the most pictures of president sis , the winner right why do you think Donald , Trump was elected because people think a , guy with a lot of money ought to know a , lot of things well , not necessarily right lots of people , with lots of money are complete and , utter dumbest they don't really , know the secret to life some of them do , a lot of them don'tit's like when we go , there and watch the news and it says , well Britney Spears what do you think , about this well I don't really want to , ask her that want to ask her what she , thinks about singing because that's her , expertise and we look at this and we say , well is it the matter of getting a lot , of these papers that makes us win in , life is having the money the ultimate , goal and we want to take a look at this , and we want to look at what produces , change because right now you are , probably stuck you're stuck in Art , that you can't get out of and all these , people are telling you that you are the , bomb you are the bitch and you are the , bad ass you are the greatest you deserve , just that's the universe for what you , want but what I want you to do tonight , is I want you to go out under the stars , and I want you to scream as loud as you , can to the stars , what you think the universe owes you and , what you think the universe needs to , give you and what you want and want , you to tell me if the stars dance for , you do the stars dance do the stars care , about what you want does life care about , what you want if it really cared about , what you Ventolin't you already have , it and the fact of the matter is is that , I am one of eight billion and Id on't , deserve any more than any of the eight , billion people on this planet that , includes the guy that's rummaging , through the streets of Calcutta India to , get copper so he can sell Otto get , something to eat because he's been , starving for weeks do I deserve more , should the universe give me more , attention than that poor guy who dozen't , have anything to eat , when I stand here in an air-conditioned , office in my back yard in my nice house , in America with everything I ever need , complaining that need more is that , really what the universe needs to spend , more attention on is that what God needs , to spend more attention on is me and my , needs I don't think so and when you , start to realize this things start to , change because instead of saying I , deserve I need I want we start to say , how can I contribute to society how can , I help as many people as possible get , what they need to survive how can I , a difference in the world whether that , difference is financial whether that , difference is feeding people whatever it , is and you see what happens is we start , to work from a place of humility and we , start to work from a place that says , well whatever I do is whatever I do and , whatever results I get is whatever , results I get and you start to take , responsibility you start to take , responsibility for the actions you take , and you start to take responsibility for , your lot in life you see where you're at , right now is a place in life that is the , sum of all your decisions and all your , choices sure you might deprogrammed by , things in the past you might have this , story to tell you might have all these , thing sand that's great , but the fact of the matter is right now , you are responsible for where you are at , it's not the world's fault it's not this , fault it's not whatever its fault it's , where you are and it's when we start to , take responsibility for our life our , decision sour actions and where we are , that we get the freedom to do what we , need to do to get where we want Togo , and we look at this and we say to , ourselves might not be as special as , that shirt that my mom gave me I might , not be special like they told me in , kindergarten'm just one of eight , billion and when we decide that we are , one of eight billion and we start to , look at the world different instead of , looking at what the world owes us and , what we're entitled to get we start to , take breath and we start to experience , now we start to experience what life is , like right now in our skin in our shoes , and where we're at and we say the , universe dozen't owe me anything , I don't need to manifest my greatest , destiny all I need to do is make the , world a better place than it was when I , go there if that'possible whether it's , changing one mind changing a million , Minds are changing the way the world , works as a whole what can you do to make , life better for everything what can you , do to say to the universe and to life , that that guy in Calcutta that poor , little kid with no shoes that's getting , bloody feet trying to find copper so he , can get something to eat is just as , important as me just as important as me , and we look at this and we judge , everything in life based on feed , we get about us about us about me about , what people think about me about how , much should get about how I'm sad I'm , hungry I'mitred I need I need I need , instead of looking at what does the , world need and what do you ask yourself , the question what does the world need , the life starts to change for you and , you might realize that you don't want , what you wanted all along you might , realize like the year old kid in me , that wanted to make W million dollars , as a magician dozen'really want that , anymore , and you might start to understand that , your goals are bigger than you your life , is bigger than you and the world does , not revolve around you and when you , start to realize that you can take a , deep breath and work fro ma place of , gratitude because you are a miracle just , like the other billion people you can , do what you want to do just like the , other billion people and when you , start to realize this the pressure comes , off and no longer does the entire , universe revolve around you and no wit , revolves around all of us we are all , here together to make difference , find your place to make difference , forget about how important you are what , kind of car you want to drive what kind , of house you want to live in and make , the world a better place for all and to , me that is the key to self development , personal growth and making the world a , better place my name is Marcus thank you , for watching this video if you like this , video please subscribe to my channel and , send this to someone who thinks they're , a little bit special than the rest , thanks again for watching subscribe and , I'll see you in the next video