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all right gotta go over here okay so , hello and welcome happy Wednesday as you , guys know here on the affiliate dude , channel we go live every Wednesday at , W:W a.m. and yeah if you ever need to , figure out where we're at you can always , go to Affiliate dude dot-com slash live , you can get us live right here W:W , a.m.every Wednesday and most of the , time we do a W:W a.m.on Friday as , well that's Eastern Standard Time I know , we had a guy in Australia that was like , I dude that's like:W midnight here , well you know we try to help everyone , and and get everything going so welcome , hello if you are listening type , something in the box let me know I got , your comments right hereon this screen , looks like we got quite few people , waiting we got Andy we Katharine we got , bill we got some other people too I , gotta get my mouse over here so I can , scroll through them and see what you , guys are up to so if you are here if you , can hear me okay please type something , in the box say your name and where , you're listening from and towards the , end maybe we'll put your name on the , board and give you some prizes or cool , affiliate dude shirts or something like , that , and get going so hello welcome think , we are ready I think our email sand , everything did go out so let's take a , look and just make sure everything is up , to par looks like things are a little , slow today which is kind of a that's , kind of how my weeks been right it's , been kind of slow band trying to get , things going but we are ready to go , ready to rock an droll so if you can , hear me okay just let me know by typing , something in the box , and all right we got Toby from , Pennsylvania we got lots of people hold , on one second and I just want to make , sure that the emails are sent I believe , they are let's see my mouse is being , funny here okay yes we are good to go so , everything is on the up-and-up my mouse , needs a new battery all right we got to , get these things prepared all right we , got deck sol from Nigeria we got James , from West Palm Beach great place Toby , from New Mexico , who else we go there Dave from , Illinois's we Giotto Dolores we got Troy , from Texas so yeah lots of cool stuff , excellent today what we're gonna be , doing is going over list building how , can you build mailing list to make , money we got Jeffery from Tennessee lots , of people coming on here as well , so hello welcome we are ready to get the , show on the road most of what we're , gonna be doing is going to be on the , screen so if you're watching this on , Instagram you want to go over to , Affiliate dude dot-com slash live that's , affiliate dude dot-com slash live that , way you can get in you can watch us and , see all the screen capture stuff and , everything like that so those of you who , are listening on the Instagram hello , see your waves cool stuff we got Robert , from South Carolina mo from st. Pete , Florida also very nice area Dave from , Illinois lots of people rolling in so , what we're gonna do today is we're going , to talk about list building what ISS , list write am ailing list is one of the , most profitable things that I have ever , do neon the Internet when I got into , list building back in around I , started in W kind of passively , started in built a mailing list to , about,W people that was in a , market that was kind of like he did't , make that much per click but it still , was really impressive to me to build , that many I was able to build hundreds , of thousands of people on different , mailing lists and what we want to , remember with a mailing list is the fact , that you are able to recreate your , traffic you can regenerate your traffic , you can get traffic at the drop of a hat , and when a lot of internet marketer sand , affiliate marketers say hey you know you , have the ability to make money on demand , they say or print money on demand which , of course is kind of a dumb term because , nobody wants to print money that's , against the law that's for the , government to doubt what we do is we're , able to generate money on demand would , be a better way to go on right and we , look at that and we say okay cool well , what's the way to do that well , way to do that is to be able to generate , traffic at the drop of a hat right can , you right now if you were to say right , now Marcus I can send this many people , to something what would that look like , right I could send W people to this , offer or a thousand people are ten , thousand people and if you have the , ability to do that that's the name of , the game now when you look at this and , you look at social media marketing you , look at YouTube you look at Instagram , you look at Facebook you look at , Facebook groups you look at Twitter you , look at snapshots these platforms are , a form of list building right if I have , a giant Instagram list or a lot of , subscribers on YouTube or a lot of , people in a mailing list I'm able to , drive people to what I have I'Mable to , drive them to a live showier'm able to , drive them to affiliate offers'm able , to put my stuff in front of people who , can say yes so I want you to remember , that when it comes to list building your , goal is to put yourself in front of as , many people as can say yes as possible , and to provide good value so we're gonna , get started here right now with list , building and we're going to talk to you , about how list building work sand we are , starting as soon as I can get my mouse , to go on the other screen we are , starting right now there we go there it , is my mouse is being funny today right , now , [Music] , all right so hello and welcome hello to , the Instagram people you guys are right , here so you see me there and Think our , is our webcam frozen or are we looking , okay , I believe we're looking okay get it a , little bit of technical issues today but , we will get past those will be okay so , let's see what we got here'll use this , littletouchpad and see if we can get , going , there we go all right I think we're , ready some reason it just does not want , to cooperate , okay let's see what we got here , okay are we frozen or are we okay , okay how we looking we doing okay , okay video frozen are we okay it should , be on me you guys should be seeing me , with the desk and everything like that , all right let me see if can get this , camera working here , all right just bear with me we'll get , this now how's the sound is the sound , still working , all right let me see if I can get this , secondary cam working and if that does , the trick we'll be okay all right I , think our guy with the computer issues , is jinx on us or something like that , right so let's see what we could do here , okay think we are ready to rock are we , looking okay now should be me here , moving around hello , Instagram you guys are seeing me , perfectly fine so cool okay is everyone , seeing me okay good it's a little , glitch but we're okay we'll deal with , it we'll hang or hear we're troopers , we're ready to make money all right how , many of you guys are ready to build a , mailing list right there we go all right , green pros es bark as , you're a millionaire with equipment that , dozen't work what's up with that well , sometimes stuff dozen'twerk it's just , you know hey whatever but we got it , working here only Little bit of a , glitch which is cool all right how many , of you guys are ready to build am ailing , list right if you're ready to build a , mailing list go ahead and type mailing , lists in the box and we are going to get , this show on the road we're going to , talk about today and I want to welcome , you to my rapid-fire pay-per-click list , profits class all right it sounds , official , sounds good it is good so awesome stuff , all righto think everything'soak , might be a liturgical but that's , okay if I look like robot maybe Aim , part robot we don't know right it is it , is the new century maybe I'm Bionic all , right thanks for joining us on the , Instagram again if you want to watch , this live with all the screen sharing , and everything go to affiliate dude , dot-com slash live that's affiliate , , slash live Ricky think mat a lot of , people coming in on the Instagram as , well so if you want to make money wit ha , mailing list if you want to build , mailing list that literally allows you , to make money when you want then go , ahead and type mailing list in the box , and we're gonna go ahead and dive right , in today we're gonna talk about how you , can stop struggling an dhow to get money , fast and I want you to realize that , lot of people struggle because they , don't get the basic principles , of what's going on they don't get the , idea of how marketing work sand what the , name of the game is because what happens , is you look at marketing in the offline , world and in the offline world you know , things make sense it'slake you want to , start a restaurant you start a , restaurant you build a restaurant people , come in they eat the food Andy , wonderful great but when it comes to , online stuff people get all kind of like , discombobulated in they're like well how , do I do the Facebook how do I do that , and they forget that everything is based , on like a chain okay you have this chain , and you have one you have one side of , the coin which is the ability to , generate new visitors okay the ability , to generate new visitors is a great , wonderful skill that we all need to have , if you can't generate visitors then , you're hos right if no one sees your , site you're not gonna make any money the , second cut side of the coin is , conversion so you have traffic and you , have conversion everything you do in , internet marketing and affiliate , marketing has to do with those right , you're working on getting more traffic , or working on converting the traffic you , already had now when it comes to list , building it'Avery important because now , you are able to send people to an offer , right you're able to take that traffic , that you already got and regenerate , stuff now there's a lot of people on , this this training right no wand the , reason you were on this training right , now is you Arron one of my lists , whether it's asocial media list like , maybe your subscriber on YouTube which , if you're not yet make sure you do that , now maybe you're over here on Instagram , maybe you got an email this morning that , said hey check out Marcus's webinar and , we look at that and we're like okay , check this out we're going through and , we are here to make this work okay and , if you have the ability to send emails , at the drop of a hat you can make a lot , of money now a lot of people say that , there's like$1 per subscriber per month , kind of rule of thumb now that is , obviously rule of thumb because if , you'rein like the coloring pages market , it's not gonna be as high assay the , mortgage market or as high as the , money-making market and sometimes when , you're Ina good market you can make a , lot more than a dollar per subscriber , per month now we Giotto look at this and , we got a treat our visitor sand our , subscribers with integrity we got to , treat the min a good way and give them , things that'seagoing to , help them give them things that that , they're going to anticipate and actually , want to look at and when we look at that , we Giotto focus really really straight , and say this is what we want to do , welcome salty good to have you here on , the Instagram and welcome to everyone , else who's joining us on Facebook and , everywhere else and what we'redoing , today is talking about list building so , how many of you guys right now you want , to make money online in a simple way , you're like Marcus just give it to me , straight I'm tired of all the junk I'm , tired of all the confusion I'm tired of , all the coding and the garbage that's , out there and I want to get started in a , simple way type it in wherever you're , watching type that in the box say Marcus , I want to get started in a very simple , way want something cut and dry that's , going to work for me something that I , can start right now and get results , sometimes before the day is over'vie , actually gotten results within W , minutes that was my record from actually , buying a domain to getting result son a , brand new site was minutes and you , look at that and you're like want to , do that and it looks like three sides , wants to do it Tony wants to Anthony he , wants tornado Robert lots of people want , to do that we'vie got people all over the , place kind of hard to read everyone's , name but I'll try to get everyone if you , want to do that if you'retired of all , the junk and you're ready to get started , I want you to listen UPI want you to , take action and you will get results now , again got a disclaimer this I'vie been , doing this for almost W years now it's , a longtime it's like most of my life I , have been doing internet marketing and , we look at that and we're like okay are , you gonna get the same results will you , get you know results in W minutes , don'TKO I don'TKO what your , results will be the average internet , marketer ends up with very little or no , results because the average internet , marketer dozen't do anything and they , struggle and lot of average internet , marketers or would-be internet marketers , are in the same place you're in but what , I want to do today is Want to kind of , pick you up and put you Ina step ahead , of the pack and it be like this guy , right CZ right now you probably feel , like this guy and you're like well I'm , trying to catch up with everyone but , everyone's like right way up here right , and if you're on Instagram this is what , it looks like right we'vie got the little , running dude there right there , is right and you want to be caught up , with the pack and you're like hey want , to get up with those people that are , actually making money and I don't want , to be left behind behind because if you , don'pay attention to what you're gonna , learn in the next hour and a half you're , gonna be left out of the pack you're not , going to be in the right place you're , not gonna understand what's going on and , what you're about to learn will change , things very fast if you do it right I'm , a big believer in getting things done , fast I'm a big believer in I want , result snow if I spend money on traffic , if I do work to get stuff going I want , results fast want them right NOW , don't want to wait around I'm probably , the most impatient internet marketer on , the planet'm the guy that I used to , have a guy who worked for me back in , W I think it was her and he , would come in and we'd always joke , around and everything and he's like , Marcus I'm gonna call you the F guy and , for those that don'TKO on your , keyboard's is refresh and he called me , the Refresh guy because we were there , and we're like hey check this out , you know refresh things all day , because I sit there and I'm refreshing , and seeing how much I made seeing how , much traffic came in seeing where people , are going because'm impatient and I , want to make money with things and a lot , of you guys might feel that way too , you're like hey I'm impatient want , results , like now more results now so how many of , you guys want to get results now and , what I'm going to do is I'm about to , show you the skill of turning , pay-per-click traffic and free traffic , and social media traffic into a , profitable mailing list now why do you , need a mailing list you need mailing , list because you need to be able to , build on what you did the day before you , need to be able to build on the traffic , you get right because right now if I buy , no traffic next month if I decide hey I , just don't want to pay for traffic next , month can still generate tens of , thousands maybe even hundreds of , thousands of dollars just off of the , list that I built before and I Giotto , tell you we have people that come on , that buy things that join my list back , in W when I did'tavern know how to , do live videos and we used to do , teleseminarsbecause I did't yet get , into webinars so there'people there , that are buying I just had one yesterday , that spent thousands of dollars with us , and he Haydn't done anything since W , he's like I'vie been following you for a , while so this is something that you can , build in something that you can , and really focus on your market and , really help people with now we got a , look at this because a lot of people say , well Marcus where does that dollar per , month per subscriber come from anyway , now the dollar per subscriber per month , is kind of a rule of thumb they say well , if you have ten thousand subscribers on , your mailing list , maybe you should be able to make ten , thousand dollars month right rule of , thumb but we look at this and there's a , lot of variables sometimes you'll make , less sometimes you'll make alto more , because if you look at this and if I , have ten thousand people on a mailing , list and I send an email and let's say , on that email 1% or let's say five , percent click-through okay so I have , W,W people and if I do that times , five percent that means I send an email , and five percent of the people there , maybe W percent open the email and 5 , percent click that means I am now able , to generate W clicks at the drop of a , hat , dozen't cost me anything just send the , email hopefully give them good , information , maybe I'll get more than W clicks who , knows and we look at that we're like , okay I did't give in time I can , generate clicks to whatever the hell , I want now of course you got to send , them to ethical things you got to send , them to things that they're gonna like , they're gonna appreciate you for and of , course things that are going to make you , money so we look at that and we focus , and we're like hey now I can send W , people wherever want now if I do that , once a week that's 2,W visitors , month can send wherever I want if I do , that every day right that'd be W times , W days and a month right that means I , can generate W do that right W times , W clicks about that was Little low , that means I can generate W,W clicks , to whatever I want every month how many , of you guys you think if you had W,W , people that would go wherever you want , each and every month you'd be able to , make money all right how many of you , guys are like dude that's cool like , really you could send W,W people and , that's where the list of only W,W , that'snot that many right and that's , with only a 5% click-through rate that's , not that many so when we look at this , stuff we're like hey check this out the , name of the game is the ability to drive , attention okay this is the attention , marketplace we are in the attention , based economy if you can get attention , you win why was American Idol a , successful show not because it'st hat , entertaining I actually find it like , kind of difficult to watch why are there , things on TV that that are popular and , successful because of the fact that they , can get attention you look at things , like the Oprah Winfrey Show or the Dr. , Phil's or whatever they have these TV , shows out there and they get attention , because people like that content okay so , now we Giotto look at this because the , the value is in the eye of the beholder , right I might look at your mailing list , and be like well what the heck dude I , don'CARE about like you know picking , strawberries or you know growing plants , or whatever I don'CARE about these , things what I care about is this but , other people might you might have a , bunch of gardening people that are like , hey we love strawberries and we like to , pick them and we like to grow them and , whatever now just because you are not , interested in it dozen't mean that other , people won't be there's a lot of things , people are interested in that I'Mont , interested in then I'vie actually made , money on and we Giotto look at that , because it's very very important to go , through and it's very important to look , amok everyone with me so far type A's , in the box of you're with me type of one , if you're totally lost but the name of , the game is I want you to understand , that you got to have a list now again , $1 per subscriber per month is kind of , like benchmark and we look at that and , we're like okay where does that number , come from where it comes from the idea , that if you're able to generate the , clicks if I got,W clicks to an , offer should at least be able to get , like W cents a click right and W cents , a click times the,W what was about , W,W for sake of time W cents would , be like,W bucks okay does everyone , make does that make sense to everyone , okay pretty easy it's like basic again , it'snot guaranteed or anything some , people will make a lot more like I do , some people will make a lot less it just , depends on your market and I find that , in markets where you make less it's a , lot easier to generate a big list like , the one that talked about earlier , where had generated,W people write , the margins on that I was making like W , cents a click or whatever but again it , was very lucrative because of the fact , that we had the numbers so it's trade , off there some things get a lot of , traffic make a little money some things , get lot of traffic make a lot of money , you know , you do the math there alright so looks , like everyone is with me and we're ready , Togo , and we will talk about how to massage , your mailing list how to take care of , your mailing list and how to look at it , because yesterday Iowas reading , something and someone was like well hey , we are you are you just out there like , to make as many sales as you want like , do I want to just send emails hammer in , my list to buy things or do I want to , like try to take care of them well you , can hammer them and get them to buy , things but that's going to diminish the , power of your list okay what we want is , we wan ta list that anticipates our , stuff that actually follows our stuff , and looks at it and you know we can make , money for a long time even when things , are bad I remember when Went to rehab , years ago made money to pay for my , rehab which as you know rehabs really , expensive by the way I'm coming up on , four years sober next month so that is , aside fro mall the moneymaking stuff , that is an accomplishment that really , like and really enjoy because it was , difficult right it like almost ended my , life and everything like that you can , learn about that later on my other stuff , as well but it made me money while I was , there right I did't even work I did't , even have access to a computer , and well I did have access for a little , time but I was like I'm hereto focus so , we got a look at that welcome to those , joining us on the Instagram now so we , got a look at that and an a mailing list , is like having a a resource right it's a , resource in your business that's gonna , make you money whenever you want it's , like the bread and butter if you use it , correctly now here we have to look at , and we ha veto say what is the what is , the thing that drives this alright what , drives this whole thing how do we do , this and thank you for your congrats on , my sobriety that yeah thank you , appreciate that , alright so here's one simple question , that drives the whole thing the whole , thing is driven by this what is it going , to take for me to get conversion , what's it going to take for me to get , someone to buy something or someone to , be on my mailing list or whatever and , here's a boning quite a bonus question , right not the other way that sounded , little funny here's the bonus question , how many conversions do I need , today right how many do I need each day , to get what I want so what I want you , guys to do right now is Want you to , get a number in your head okay I don't , want you to be like crazy with your , number a lot of people get on this stuff , and they're like Marcus I want to make a , bazillion dollars minute and you know , I seethe guy with the Ferrari sand the , everything online and that's what I want , and that's fine that's good but I want , you to come up with a goal that you'd , like maybe in the next year right maybe , by April Th you'd like to be , makings amount per year and I want you , to type that number in the box , okay type that number in the box and , we'll go ahead and and go through that , and I want to show you something because , we're gonna cut this down really really , basic and say this is what you need to , do to get what you want to get it's a , really cool all right , Jeff says he wants to make ten thousand , month Think it is so about hundred , and twenty thousand a year okay cool and , then let me open up a notepad we'll put , some of these on here so that you guys , can see what'seagoing on and kind and get , you guys going because the goal here is , like you guys want to make money right , you don't want to like mess around so we , got Jeff he wants to make a hundred and , twenty thousand a year if I can type , W we got Toby once okay we got , Toby a different Toby or no Troy once , W Toby says he want's okay good , Paul's like a dude I want to make K , all right and again this is just , hypothetical we don't want we don'TKO , what we're gonna get we got Lawrence , says he wants Lawrence says he wants to , do about thousand bucksaw day or W a , year K okay twelve thousand a month , and on and on we go so a lot of people , are there let's say the average looks , like the average person wants to make , about hundred thousand dollars per , year okay so if you want to make a , hundred grand a year I want you to , visualize that right what would your , life look like if you had an extra , hundred thousand dollars a year coming , from your online business you're like , dude check this out right , endless burning on Instagram says he , wants to make $1,W a day so he's right , therewith Lawrence in the and , everything like that okay so I want you , to visualize what your life would look , like , what would your look life look like next , year if you were like hey check this out , I actually generated an extra hundred , thousand dollars all right you probably , be able to pay like your mortgage in , your car and send your kids to school , and everything and you know maybe you , could quit your job and everything - , right I want you to visualize what your , life would look like what's my life , going to look like okay if I generated , an extra hundred thousand dollars a year , from my business what would that what , would that do right maybe I could buy a , couple of second house sand rent them , out or something or maybe Could maybe , for me Could hire three people to work , full-time and do stuff and help me make , even more right so what's that going to , look like for you I want you to , visualize that I want you to see it when , you see Ito want you to put the big , goal okay so like Damon schilling , with my kids okay Damon is a man like me , he's like dude I want to show with the , kids that'shy I started this business , I found out my girlfriend now wife was , pregnant at the time and I'm like hey I , don't want to like go to work want to , stay home and want to play with my , kids and Want to be home when they , come home from school I'm the chef in , the family so I get to cook it's not , stressful you know we just do it Stacey , welcome Nick welcome okay so we look at , that Toby says freedom Toby says I'd be , debt-free Paul would take vacations with , his van his grandkidsRobin says you , know I'd spend more time with my family , Philip says my life would look great , right if Ian extra hundred grand and we , look at this and now we take the hundred , grand and we're like okay hundred grand , divided by W , all right we're like okay thousand , as my eyes are deceiving me today and , for those of you who wear contacts have , you ever had like a bad contact day or , you put them Inuit it'just not working , it dozen't work and you're like okay I , need Togo with my glasses or whatever , you guy scan relate all right so a , hundred thousand dollars a year divided , by W is a number of about two hundred , and seventy four dollars day , all right so W fora day we look at , that we're like okay cool W fora day , what would I ha veto do well if I could , drive W visitors to whatever I want , whenever I want and I could sell , something maybe I sell something for , bucks maybe I sell three things for , bucks or whatever it is right you do the , math and you're like okay now I can get , Tommy goal how many guys can see your , goal right now okay right you could see , your goal okay we look at that now WHO , says I'm doing too much talking well , that's kind of the idea of webinar , right you come here you let's let me , talk righto don'TKO I do you guys , want me to dance or sing or something , don'think that would be pretty but you , know to each his own right maybe that'd , be cool I don't maybe'd get more views , but okay so we look at that we're like , okay we're gonna make this work , SO for a day let's get that in our , mind let's look at that if I'm able to , drive clicks wherever I want per day , okay to something good all I Giotto do , would those clicks is make cents , ac lick that's it that's not that hard , to do right and we look at that we're , like okay let's focus let's make it work , okay excellent , so those are our questions first , question what's it going to take to get , a conversion okay that's good to take if , Is end W clicks what's it take to get , a conversion well if Get A percent , conversion rate ought to be able to , sell things right pretty simple and , how many conversions do I need each day , if you're taking notes write those two , things down what's it gonna take to get , conversion how many do I need each day , now you might be like do market so what , the heck what's with all these like , Word Press things that dozen'tavern make , any sense , well what I'showing you here is the , screenshot of the Google Ad words Keyword , tool to show you that there's lots of , traffic in lots of niche sand you will , never run out of traffic if you use my , methods it's very easy to do people are , searching for things all day every day , every W second's million people search , Google that's a lot of people alright , and when we look at this we're like , check this out , all right we got free word press themes , and you say well Marcus what would I do , like how many of you guys if you had a , list of people right you were able to , email,W people right now obviously , ethically don't do spam don't do junk , we're talking about building a good , mailing list we're gonna talk to you , about how that works as well but you , want to do it right but if you could , send an email to W,W people who are , interested in Word Press theme show many , of you guys are like Marcus yeah don't , see the money buddy they want free , themes don't know how many of you guys , are like wow Marcus I kind of see where , you're going with that that kind of , makes a little bit of sense right type , it in the box like the themes in the box , if you're like I get it , right I get this this makes sense you , can type that in the box and hopefully , my eyes don'look as bad on the other , way , as they do on the Instagram but you know , to each his own it's not a beauty , contest here , it's a webinar all right all right cool , so type themes in the box if that's you , all right endless burning energy on , Instagram's with us , we got Andrew says themes okay lots of , people saying themes all right you get , the idea now when we look at this we say , well what else does the person want okay , NOW look at something like free , Word Press themes and let's go over to , the board and see if we can show this , here all right hopefully , I think we're caught UPI don't think , it's too glitch right now but we'll see , what's going on so we look at this and , we go over to the board and we're like , okay we got free word press themes now , right now we look at it , and we're like okay free word press , themes gets W,W views month or , searches that's the word I'm looking for , all right so we have something like , themes and we got these themes okay , maybe I'll bring the Instagram people , over here so they can see - here we go , try not to get dizzyinstagramers we're , gonna get you over here right there you , are cool welcome see now you could see , themes right there all right so we have , themes here we got these people on , Google they're searching for themes , wonderful great here's these people , searching for theme snow what do we do , with them well what do ISO like to , say okay well we know they're searching , W,W people every month , okay W,W people a month actually more , than that if you count the subcategory , words but for sake of you know math , let's just make it easy so that'slake , 2,W people a day pretty cool all right , so we'vie got people every single , day searching for free wordpressthemes , what do they want well what do we know , about them okay the key is the more you , know about your market the better it's , going to be that's why when we get into , list building lot of people talk about , like deep dive sequences mailing lists , statistics mailing lists finding out , about your market ask campaigns that's , ASX don't want to do any other campaigns , that sound similar but an ask campaign , is where you ask your market what they , want now there's other ways you could do , this as well just by watching what they , click on but we have these thing sand , now what do we know about the market so , right no wall I know is Have keyword , on Google that's it , they're looking for freeware's , okay that's all I know but what can I , kind of deduce from that well Icahn , deduce that they probably have a website , okay they have website maybe maybe , it's like free website the fact that , they're looking for free themes probably , means they have a free website on like , one of those free platforms know that , they use Wardress coolie know they , are interested in having a website and , everything like that so we know some , things about them okay now the reason I , like a word like freeware's themes , is because of the fact that is very easy , to get people to build am ailing list or , to get people to join your mailing list , right all I have to do is offer them , what what do I offer them if they're , coming here right what would I offer , them and I say hey you know what want , you to put your name and email in the , box okay , what would I offer these people okay , what would offer and how much would I , charge all right if I say hey I want to , just build mailing list , okay well Robert hit the nail on the , head I'd offer them free themes okay and , we got endless energy says maybe they , want web hosting yes that's exactly , where Iowas going with it right web , hosting pays ME bucksaw sale , sometimes $W a sale pays a lot of , money okay so we have this stuff and , we're like okay check this out we got a , lot of people that are looking for this , now all we have to do is make a simple , lead capture page okay we have all the , tool sin your simple sites program it's , very easy to do you go there you make a , lead capture page boom you're done okay , all I got to do is find some free themes , now I can go and Icahn if I'm lazy I can , compile a list of places that offer free , themes and can be like yours your free , themes thanks for joining and then maybe , on the mailing list could be like hey , check it out email number one hey guys , you know if you're on the one of those , free platforms you might want to get , paid hosting that way you get your own , domain and everything by the way this , company offers a free domain and I made , a little video for you to setup boom , send people there you're gonna get , some sales right cool also you can get , them to themes you can get them to , plugins paid stuff right coziest CZ , someone wants something free dozen't , mean they don't buy things this is one , of the biggest mistakes marketers make , they say well Marcus free themes , is not a buyer list well last time I , checked people did't go on YouTube to , pay for my videos right think about that , for minute but I make a fortune off of , it because hey check this out , I can get them into other content people , did't go there because they wanted to , pay for themes they go there because , they want free stuff offer my free , thing they say well gee that Marcus , guy's pretty swell he gave me that theme , and he also gave me some other stuff so , what I do is when I build my list I like , to do what's called break-even thank , you page we're gonna call that the be ET , all right that sounds official right the , be ET type that in the box if you want , to have Abe ET the call here is to say , well if I can get these people looking , for themes obviously I'm probably not , going to rank in Google in the free , search for freeware's themes that's , like impossible but because other , marketers don't know what they're doing , with this one can probably get this , traffic for W cents a click or less , okay pretty cool probably cents if I , do the content network stuff which , you're gonna learn as well alright so , pretty cool I'm like hey check this out , here we go we got these free theme guys , I pay cents they come to this page I , give them good themes and cool stuff , what if I get one out of every let's say , one out of every five NOW do a lot , better than this but let's just be let's , give you the low ball numbers so that , you can look at this let's say one out , of every five joins my mailing list that , means if I got,W people a day let's , say get W of them okay cool , so I get one out of every five joins , my mailing list that means my my only , list is growing by a hundred people a , day OR,W people per month that means , at the end of the year remember how we , said hey what do you want to make in a , year at the end of the year I'm gonna , have,W people on my mailing list , pretty cool right yeah excellent how , many you guys want a mailing list with , W,W people on it you're like that , would be awesome , Marcus that would be the greatest thing , actually you'd have about I don't know , W,W or something like that my math is , not working today , that's my computer's not the only thing , being funny , also my brain but we look at that and , we're like okay we got these people on , our list now , you just paid if you're doing the math , W cents a click it took you five , clicks to get one opt-in which means you , paid W cents per email pretty cool , cents per subscriber now if you look at , it and you're like well if I can do the , rule of thumb and make a dollar a month , per subscriber the ROI is pretty insane , right is there everyone's like do that , ROI just it makes so much sense it's not , even funny , even if I only got cents per month , per subscriber the Rios still W times , ROI right now maybe you guys are like , yeah that's greater there's another , big term for you a return on investment , what are you making for your investment , now you can do this with free traffic as , well but we're going to talk about this , okay so there we go we're like all right , yeah , now the be ET is your break-even Thank , You page what do I want to do now how , many of you guys know what want to do , with maybe ET before I even say it right , type it in the box get your guesses , there that way I have an excuse to drink , coffee all right so type it in what do I , want to do with MB ET it's kind of in , the name but we'll humor yourself , Richard says cell hosting okay that , would be good but not what I'looking , for okay the B ET alright what we want , to do is we want to break even okay I , just got a guy here paid W cent snow , he's on my my Page'm out Cent's but , I got a subscriber what I want to do on , the BT is I want to make my cents , back boom there goo want to break even , okay break even what this is called is , building a mailing list for free okay , check this out so like Ian says I want , to recover my cent so now if you , could build a mailing list let's say you , went out there and you bough ta thousand , visitors today right you get a thousand , visitors they come to your site one out , of every five opts in and you get , people on your list okay you spent a , hundred bucks for that traffic because , $0.W times NOW my goal is how do I , make hundred bucks , back pretty cool now I got my list but I , want to make a hundred bucks back , because I want to get paid while I build , my list okay so what Would do ISO , feel like well maybe I could put like , hosting right here okay if one of those , people gets a web hosting boom I'm , done made my money back I got my , hundred buck snow I got a list of W , people do that every day this month at , the end of the month I got list of , 6,W people think if my math is , correct all right I got a list of 6,W , people and I did't pay a damn thing for , it how many you guys want list of , 6,people for free right this is how , you do it very very cool so we look at , that and we're like okay cool so I could , do hosting I could do other themes maybe , I can even do toolbar okay there , happens to be toolbar out there that , pays I think three dollars it's like a , themed toolbar and they pay three , dollar sand they get this toolbar that , gives the mall these cool themes that , would be pretty cool right off of that , if you give that away for three dollars , you give it away you get paid three , bucks out of the W I bet I could get , probably now let's be more , conservative let's say people I get , W people , that's W dollars right there okay guys , starting to see how it adds up type adds , up if you're starting to see it because , if I get one dude to do hosting and , people to do the theme toolbar okay all , I did is sell one thing and give away , thing sand I want to opt-in for it it's , just little toolbar and boom there we , go all right how many guys are seeing , the vision Tech vision in the box , because if this makes sense to you this , is how it work snow also what this , break-even page is telling you is that , your market is really interested in what , you want or what you think they want , there we go right so if I think they're , they want hosting and no one gets , hosting I'm like yeah they probably , did't want that if Think they want , this and they don'Tod it then maybe , they don'twat that okay you can also , use other tactics we have tools in your , simple sites course that will show you , exactly how to target your mailing list , and figure out on your break even Thank , You page what they want because this is , the most valuable page on your website , hands down you can make pretty site , you can make wonderful I can have a , simple little stupid white background , page , with some offers on it and can outsell , you because I know that this is the most , important page on the site okay if , you're seeing the vision type that in , the box let me know we're gonna hop back , over here and go into some more screens , stuff as well Instagram's don't get , dizzy we're bringing you over here there , you are , okay so let's get this going turn this , monitor over and transition okay so , that's what we'redoing hopefully you , guys all see the vision there and how we , got how're you guys doing you guys , enjoying this call so far if you are let , me know and we're gonna get into the , real stuff and show you how it works , because if you can do this it works , right so we look at that and we're like , hey look at all this traffic all right , you got free wordpressthemes yet , Word Press theme and when you look at , this like if I go to Google right now I , don'think there's a lot of advertisers , let's see here freeware's themes , okay and I actually have a buddy who , makes a huge thing he's got a huge list , in Word Press stuff and he makes a great , living he dozen't even work his job , anymore he just does this kind of stuff , is really cool so we look at that we're , like okay we got an advertiser here now , notice the top to advertisers what do , you guys notice right there hosting , companies okay so hey just saying , alright to advertisers at the top we , have 0 advertisers at the bottom one , advertiser at the top of the second page , looks like they're repeating now okay so , the advertisers are starting to repeat , so we can get this traffic extremely , inexpensive probably W to W cents a , click S's on the high side I could , probably get it for W you can also go , to Bingo can look at Being or Yahoo , they both pull firebombings ad Center , platform so we can go here and do free , word press theme sand hopefully it'll , correct my spelling because had put , too many E's there free word press themes , okay same advertisers gee what do you , know one advertiser at top a couple at , the bottom nothing too big okay , nothing on the second Page couple at , the bottom okay so we look at this we're , like okay cool check this out we got all , these people looking upwards themes , easy to get into type it put easy we , easy there okay are we frozen are we , okay , let's see this camera is being silly so , we're gonna try to reload it , let's see bear with me one second I'll , get the camera back online it wants to , be slow today bear with me because this , is going to be good info let's try this , real quick bear with me one second okay , and we will have it fixed all right okay , bear with me one second we'll get that , going , all right so we'll just go ahead and go , through think the screen is still , working so we're good we'll try to get , the camera back on line and if it , dozen'Tacoma on that'school we'll be all , right , it might comeback we'll see if it does , but we'll go through and go through , there and you Instagram's are still , there which is good okay so we have this , here we have this Word Press login thing , we're like Goodyear wonderful yes be , okay , that cameras being funny so let's try to , plug it into a different spot okay so , WordPressthemes we got this here how , many of you guys are understanding , what's going on so far okay we're like , okay we got these Word Press themes , that's great that's wonderful what do we , do with them okay we should be back , online NOW think we are cool excellent , all right so Theodore's themes are , ready to go we're like okay here we go , now if we look at this and we're looking , at our betrothing You page that we want , to break eve non all we got to look at , is one conversion is only W clicks a , day that's it okay one conversion at 3% , is W clicks a day one conversion at 5% , is W clicks a day one percent one , conversion At's% I's clicks Ada and , of course if you'redoing W percent , like on the tool bars and stuff like that , it's obviously a lot less to write Icahn , only get like three clicks a day and I'm , gonna get one download now the cool part , about this is you build your list while , earning which is excellent now when your , list helps your list is going to help , you get traffic even after you got your , first clicks so even if I get those , first clicks and like let's say only one , guy gets web hosting and forty download , that thin gall right I still got like a , hundred and sixty people that are on my , list that haven'done anything so I can , just send the man email and be like hey , you did't get your toolbar yet or you , know here's avid on hosting or , whatever or here's some other thin gall , right so you look at that more like okay , cool we can focus on this right how many , of you guys are looking at this and , you're able to look at it objectively , and you're like dude this works I see , this righto see other stuff words like , oh you set up aside and it's whatever , but I can see how this work sin this , example okay and this is actually an , example that I'vie used to make money , this is why I'm bringing it up I always , like to show you guys what's really work , so that you can go out there and you can , do it the same thing works with anything , if you're in weight loss right you could , put together a freed about you know , weight loss workouts or whatever give it , away to them build a mailing Liston , traffic super cheap you get your B ET , that's going to have your break even , offers on it hopefully recoup your your , money back and of course learn about , your market and then you build and build , and bulldog so very simple very good , alright so now we have that and we take , a look and we're like our list helps , us get traffic even after we get our , first clicks so now I have thousand sand , thousands of people hundreds of , thousands of people actually that are , sitting there and I can email them and I , could send them things that are helpful , now I got to ask you this because this , is where the rubber meets the road it's , Allah numbers game if you hate numbers , either learn to like numbers get a , calculator or don't do internet , marketing that's the three options right , you either do it or you don't but I got , to ask you this question and the , question is is how many little clicks , are stopping you from your money goals , how many little clicks are stopping you , because right now there's little clicks , out there they're searching for things , they're looking for things and all we , have to do is focus and get them all we , got to do is work on it right we'vie got , to go out there and say hey this is how , it works we just focus and we make it , work , OK so that's the deal I think our webcam , is totally failing us let me see if I , can do something else here we could , probably just take that other cam or , something let's see and so Ligate , looks like our webcam wants to fail us , maybe we can get this one inlet's see , here there'll Beau little weird CZ you , guys will be like right he rebut maybe , it'll work let's see here and hopefully , our Instagram people will pull them over , here alright cool so let's see this , might work Game Capture Ditherer we go , alright I'm a little big but that does , work alright so I'm a little bit big but , that's cool it's all good is that good , does that work for everyone and this one , will work just have are ally big face , okay cool so there we go Alvin says is , it advisable to just do paid ads and , direct them from the opt-in page with a , free reportage even if you don't have , a blog site would recommend making a , site it's kind of important to make your , own site I mean that's like a big deal , so you know I would definitely , definitely definitely do that , so yeah definitely build your own site , okay let's see if we can move this down , a little we will get this just sorted , out , move down okay think we'll be okay , there let's do this , [Music] , okay that'll do the trick okay cool okay , so we got some questions coming in , should I build a website that has two , different languages or simple site too , dark target a country I would build one , start with one okay one is going to work , for you if you do it the right way so , you just ha veto focus and you got to , say okay I'm gonna build one based on , the Word Press thing'm gonna focus on , one language and then boom there we go , we're done okay so we look at that now , we look at our conversions now you got , to ask yourself how many little clicks , are stopping me from my money goal sand , you got to say are you ready to make , money right how many you guys are ready , to make this work and again results not , typical implied or guaranteed don't , know what you're gonna make I don'TKO , what you're gonna get you just gotta set , it up and you Giotto try it okay but how , many of you guys are like Marcus I'm , ready to make money see how this works , we build am ailing list we make it work , we focus and boom we're done okay here's , the deal and say it in the box let's see , who's readied's ready all right we , Gutenberg looks like he's ready and be , Richard who else is ready should be , everyone all right everyone should be , ready if you're listening on Instagram , let me know if you're ready as well , all right Dina's ready , Bryan's ready got a lot of people coming , on there Andy Robert bad dog , okay everyone's ready so let's go for , this let'smoke it ready let's make you , guys ready to work let's focus on this , okay you got a say with me I'm ready to , make more money Marcus and let's look at , this the key and the name of the game is , you need people to sell stuff to okay , you got to have people to sell stuff to , plain and simple now these are your , leads why they call iota lead because a , lead leads to a sale very simple right , it leads Tao sale that's your goal of , getting the sale is by getting the lead , and getting people interested very , important okay so we're gonna take a , look here's an example from a simple , little starter page that I did Ina , market very similar to the one that , we'vie been going over where I'm , generating about W W to W leads a day , sometimes we get more sometimes we get , Lessie always break even on the Thank , You page without having leads your , businessperson't exist okay now there's , debates here where people say well , Marcus what about a gas station in the , middle of the desert okay well he , dozen'really have leads but he also , Hans'Rand , stream of customers okay so you can't do , like one-off thing you can sell , affiliate products directly without , building a list but you're throwing a , lot of money away and you're making it a , lot harder on yourself okay this is , where people fail this is where people , struggle because they're not building it , without leads your business dozen't , really exist it's kind oaf fly-by-night , thing for example if you have that gas , station on the highway and they decide , to bypass you buy a freeway then you're , out right they build a new freeway and , you are out of business which sucks , right unless you have leads and you , could be like eh if you liked my gas , over here guess over here all right so , here's what it looks like here's an , example of one of my high converting , lead pages it's four simple videos I use , this exact same format this format is , built into our plugins that we make it's , built into everything that we do because , it works right it works we get people in , there now I'm currently able to pay , eight dollar sand W cents or more per , lead think about that for a minute , so I'm able to pay eight dollars per , lead because I know my numbers right if , you know your numbers if you know how to , make this work and we're gonna show you , how to find your numbers you look at , that you're like okay once I know my , metrics game over I go buy traffic very , simple okay that make sense to everyone , like knowing your numbers is the name of , the game knowing your number sis why , this works why people are able to outbid , people why people are able to make a lot , of money why people are able to do this , stuff okay so we look at that now again , the dollar-a-month rule of thumb if I , did that within a year'd be paid back , if I was just doing the dollar a month , but I know I'm able to make a lot more , right so we look at that and we focus , and we're like okay this is going to , work again if I convert something out , like five percent I know right up front , on meaty my amount I'm gonna make is , what five times the amount the lead cost , so we look at that and it works now of , course the next question is how many , leads could I have right we want as many , leads as possible how many leads can we , generate and again it's called lead , because it leads Tao sale these are , people who are interested who said hey , I'interested in Word Press themes or , hey I'interested in web hosting or hey , I'm interested in losing weight Orin'm , interested in bodybuilding or whatever , and then boom you're able to follow up , with them now if you learn to get leads , you will make money right so that's the , key here's some screenshots from some , places that I have leads okay we have , W,W leads I generate don one of them , in the last year have over W,W active , subscribers on that one another one I , just started a small one about W , another one with,W now you look at , these number sand they're not that big , right it's like oh well I'seen people , with lists of W,W and that's all , cool but the key is in knowing how to , convert them because having a big list , USN't that important if you know how to , convert them if Could get rabid , fans that are interested in what I have , and by the things that promote then , boom we're off tithe races or do the , affiliate offers I promote then we're , off tithe races right so you can make a , good amount off of a little list if you , do it correctly okay so you don't have , to have a big list don't worry about , that , okay here's another one have W , thousand subscribers again social media , is kind of like having your own , subscribers as well because when you , have subscribers on YouTube or Facebook , or Twitter or whatever followers or , whatever they call them now you can get , people that are gonna go to whatever it , has right like if I have YouTube , subscriber sand I come outwith a new , video boom instant traffic right I know , that instantly a brand new video is , gonna get like a thousand view seven if , Id on't do anything but upload it okay I , don't even have to have traffic coming , in from keywords or anything because hey , the subscribers are gonna watch it okay , some kind of thing with like Facebook , groups okay I have a small Facebook , group I'vie been kind of playing around , wit hit this year'vie got about,W , member sin it and I Giotto tell you it's , valuable see other people with , Facebook groups and they're extremely , valuable because of the fact that people , are anticipating what they're going to , do they're looking at what works for , them okay they're they buy stuff right , very cool all right so again we look at , like Instagram again just started , Instagram but it's been extremely , profitable we actually have people , listening to us live on the Instagram , right now , from that and you know hey you just make , it work and you go through and you , provide good valuable content now here , are lots of ways that you can make money , online with your website okay I want you , to take notes write these down , works really well okay number one you , can get paid for showing banners on your , so let's say all you do is create , content maybe you're a you tuber maybe , you are a blogger and you have all this , traffic maybe you're out there and you , do recipes or whatever you're Marcus how , do I make money on this well again look , at it if you build a mailing list and , you say hey if you want my latest , greatest video or my latest greatest , whatever then boom I'm gonna send that , to you and you're gonna go to my site , okay so they comeback to your blog , builds the traffic you can run banner , ad son the trap on the blog and say hey , you know what we get five thousand , people month looking at the blog you , can put a banner ad not the best way to , make money but hey it works okay we're , going to show you better ways number two , you can get paid when people click on , ads you can put like Google Ad sense , content Network again be careful with , this because sometimes they don't like , email traffic to go to those things so , just you know use it with caution read , the terms and conditions and everything , like that but you can put it on other , things right don't put it on your , thank-you page though or pages for email , next you can get paid when people fill , out forms now this is a cool one because , people pay for leads okay just like , you're trying to generate leads there's , other companies out there that they say , hey you know what want , leads and I'll pay you dollar every , time someone fills out the form or $W , when someone fills outta mortgage , application or you know $W when , someone does this or whatever it is and , we look at that we're like okay cool so , I can get paid per lead okay and it's , really good sometimes pay as much as , W bucks a lead sometimes as low as , like you know don't know W cents or , something I thin kit's the cheapest one , I'vie seen okay now you can also get paid , when people download things okay this is , like the download offers I talked to you , about with the tool bars with the themes , and things like that , right that's what works extremely well , if you do it the right way and you just , ha veto get out there find things that , your market is interested in and then , boom you're off to the races and , everything works for you right does that , make sense to everyone that makes sense , let me know and we'll try to get this , going I think we're not frozen which is , good okay cool so that's the deal we can , get paid also from when people buy , things obviously if people buy things if , I have a list right if I have a mailing , list of people that are interest , and workout stuff all I Giotto do is go , to offer vault comm where I find my , affiliate offers and I can type in like , I don't know like PX or workout or , something like that okay and can find , all the offers that are related to , workout and then Icahn send them to my , page do a little review on it and how , it's gonna help them and say go buy this , thing right and you can see that there's , tons and tons of things like this ab , workout betook I'vie sold lots of these , ab workout belts they work extremely , well and we look at it let'SSE okay so , on this one thin kit's probably like a , free trial okay so it's a free trial or , maybe like a you order it or two flex , belt let's see what it costs for them so , okay one flex belt so it's like , bucks and we get paid W bucks which is , pretty cool okay there's some others , that have free trials and things like , that and it works well now someone says , how about repeats yeah you could repeat , the same offer just pitch it a different , way that's okay , just as long as you're not like sending , your logo to this offer go to the solver , you got to put your own creativity and , you got to put your spin on it which is , in turn going to make you a lot of money , because if you look at it and you're , like okay Word Press themes or workout , guides you know how can I help them , right you can help them out by you know , maybe offering things that's gonna help , them lose belly fat or or whatever it is , and it works really really really well , leukemia Laud says you know that's , good I think he does like unfixing and , things which is kind of coo land you can , do the same kind of thing like buy the , product test it out or whatever okay but , there's always offers and if you are , able to generate traffic at the drop of , a hat boom you can make a lot of money , this is when someone actually goes and , makes a sale a purchase one of the , biggest networks for this isClickbank , you guys have heard of this but there's , others too like if you triedClickbank I , I probably make like one percent of my , income with Clickbankand most of the , other stuff like Norton Antivirus a lot , of times they'll do trial or something , like that and imagine if you had a list , of people that are interested in like , deleting viruses from the computer again , super cheap traffic but you can build it , and you could do really really well with , it okay next you can get paid when , people try things is like paper trial , these are like as-seen-on-TV offers okay , so if we do like as-seen-on-TV here as , seen on TV okay we go here and we're , like okay as seen on TV let's see here , it's a little slow today but that's , alright I think everything's kind of , slow today including my brain but that's , okay , snoring Solutions right imagine if you , had a list of people that got your , snoring tips okay or you protean , or whatever and you look at this and , it's like tons of ways to make money and , you could see they pay pretty good like , this one here's like lending thing I , think a lead W a lead W W W and , again all you got to do is get like , thereof these Ada and you're making , your hundred grand a year or whatever , again results not typical you probably , won't make anything no one makes , anything but a few people do okay so , pretty cool so me look at that everyone , following so far on a scale of one to , ten how we doing okay one being Marcus , what are you talking about buddy ten , being dude this is awesome , put that in the box and let me know okay , and while you put that in the box I'm , gonna see if we in fact have aback up , webcam that we can use for the broken , one here we go let's see if this one , wants to work that way I don't ha veto , have this big camera in my face and that , way you guys don't have to see close-ups , of me because you know I'Mont that good , looking close up all right let's put , this in here see what's going on see if , that one wants to work okay let's see , here , it's loading what's the load okay cool , so everyone's loving this so far it's , Good hope you guys are understanding , how this work sand understanding what's , going on because again it's not that , hard to do it'just a numbers game you , just get in there you make it work and , boom you're off tithe races right very , simple very easy and again you just have , to do it and you have to go out there , and you have to find something of value , to give to your market and then once you , do that everything's fun and great , let me backup Little without falling , down okay so that's how that works , really cool really easy okay next you , can get paid when people try things so , let's recap you can get paid for showing , banners not recommended clicking ads not , that recommended you can get paid when , people fill out forms that's a good way , and get paid when people download really , good way when people buy things , excellent way try things excellent way , and so on and so forth okay really cool , okay cool now plain and simple if you , can spare W minutes a day I can help , you make money with this all you got to , do is go through there follow the , directions build your list and then , nurture your list very simple okay and , it only cost like W dollars a month for , a list building software will talk to , you about that Little bit later as , well okay here let's get into the , nutty-gritty of ho wit works , here's how to generate leads in a really , super easy way number one step one you , take your main big niche okay the one , your high paying offers are in okay you , go for that niche next you split it into , sub niches so I'm gonna go for like , Word Press Word Press plugins Word Press , tools Word Press themes Word Press , whatever that's my niche , okay weight loss do weight loss weight , loss guide weight loss at the gym belly , fat I break it up okay so Split it in , there that's option B number or a option , Bis use the gloss glossary method to , find the sub niches we'll talk to you , about that little bit more later as , well so we split it into sub niches , okay the sub niches is where your money , is going to come in because'vie got to , tell you like going for a word like make , money or weight loss or hosting you're , gonna get hosed it's not going to work , okay one it's hard to , convert to it's expensive as heck , because all the other big guys are doing , it okay you got to find a different way , right when something is easy everyone , does it and it become snot easy anymore , or not economically feasible so we got , to go through we'vie got to find a , different way we Giotto split it up , we'vie got to get different people and we , got a nurture them and find out what's , going on so step one take your big niche , step two split it up whether using the , glossary or other methods , step three set up a separate blog or , lead page to capture leads okay so I'd , set IPA blog about my themes okay be , like here's all my cool themes I got , themes for lead generation got themes , for video bloggers I got themes for this , guy I got themes for that guy here's , what we got okay they'd becoming in , they be putting their name and email on , the boxes I'd be sending them to what , they want so if they come for themes we , give the ma free theme they come for , plugins give them a free plug-in or give , them a list or whatever if they come for , this we give them that okay very very , cool that way we go through it and we're , like okay boom done okay next we're , gonna go through this our cameras still , working Think it is good and we're , gonna go through and we're gonna say , okay step four lead them to a giveaway , that helps give them something helpful , people love Godfather love downloads , they love lists they love spreadsheets , just gave you bunch of niches you can , use really cool I bought a bunch of , niches using these words last night the , domains were worth thousands of dollars , we got them for our heart high ticket , niche people which was really cool step , 5 make a ton of cash with follow-up , marketing that's what you do okay I wish , it was more difficult so I sounded , smarter but it's really not that hard , okay we can look at this YouTube guy he , does the same thing he's going for like , top ten rule snow these screenshots by , the way the ones that I have down below , here we're taken I think two years ago , okay these were taken two years ago now , imagine if you had listened to me two , years ago like this guy here I showed , you about him two years ago , very few people paid attention very , people few people listened he's got , overs million followers that'SA lot of , followers okay so if you pay attention , like you can look at this information , you'll be like oh that's great whatever , Marcus you know maybe I'll set up a page , and not do anything with it or maybe , won't do anything with what learned , but imagine kicking yourself in the , pants , like two a year from now saying well I , could be right I'd rather have you look , back today at today as the day that , changed everything and you look back in , like hey now I'making money now , everything's working now we're going , through this and boom it works right so , moral to the story listen to what I'm , saying do this stuff if you want it to , work if you don't want it to work then , don't listen don't do it , okay doe snot make sense to everyone , okay like there it is right since I did , this webinar first like three years ago , obviously it's totally different now , because we do these live but three years , ago I did this how do you have listened , you'd have a list by now , you'deb making the money by no wright , don't let that happen again , right start to do it start to go out , the restart to make it test it out test , it with a you know W clicks or whatever , you can use the coupon you get with the , way we show you how to build your site , and you can get free traffic and test it , outright what what's the harm in , testing it out you just got to go do it , right how many guys are with it you're , like I want to do this Want to make it , work right here's another example okay , this guy has a hosting company he went , and did here's hosting for fitness , business for a counting business for , opposite opticians try to say that right , here's one for campgrounds like , campground hosting who would have , thought that the guy would sell hosting , for people looking for hosting for a , campground website like seriously , people are looking that up yeah they are , by the way you could be an expert in , campground websites extremely easy , because those guys run campgrounds they , don't know how to build websites right , so you look at that and it's like boom , there you go so you break it up now you , can use these types of videos and these , types of site sand everything on pay per , click on free traffic you can use it to , generate lead sand make a ton now look , at this example here here's screenshot , you can see that Otis are cent one I , took it back from when Is tarted this , simple little site off of one of my , lists this is a sub offer it's not even , our main offers I mean close to being , our main offer but with this on ewe , generated like eighty five thousand , dollars with it and all Id id was drive , W,W clicks tithe offer that's it , it's not even my main offer that's not , even a lot of clicks that's like what , seven bucks a click or something like , that and we're like boom there we go the , key is to remember that you are in the , driver's seat you control where your , traffic goes okay it's up to you you , control it like this stuff is not left , to chance it's not guest marketing it's , not silly , you go there you do what you got to do , and you're like boom I send them to this , did that not work sent him to this , instead , at least I'm building am ailing list and , building a following and I could send , the mother things once I find the thing , that works boom done game over you do it , you just keep duplicating what works , right does that make sense to everyone , okay we'll go back through the steps , towards the end but that's the key right , you control everything you control the , prices you control the offers you , control how much traffic you control how , much you spend every day on traffic , you're like I don'TKO what spend five , bucks a day that's all you're gonna , spend right nothing's gonna change all , right that's ho wit works you can get , reports on everything instantly go into , your account you're like how many people , opted in no one okay need to revamp or , everyone yeah I'm doing great how many , people bought good how many people , clicked but did't buy good you do that , you use the metric sand you're off to , the races you can literally see how , profitable the campaign will be within a , few hours okay I set these up all the , time that's how you work again we look , at the $1 per lead example it'slake a , if I could build this then it'll work , like you look at that themes example , you're getting the lead for less than$1 , so you're like pretty much in profit , when they do the offer on your break even , page right that's it when they go to , your bet and it's like boom done there , you go now everything you make after , that it's like gravy on the potatoes or , something like that right does that make , sense to everyone type gravy if you're , like dude get it that's how it works I , could build a mailing list make a little , money or break even and now I'm off to , the races okay this is white people , don't they don't get this stuff it , dozen't work for them because they don't , follow through all right so here's the , deal we can actually drive cheap , targeted pay-per-click traffic and , profit big time now we got some special , offers for you today for watching this , if you like this stuff and you want to , build mailing list have two options , for you option number one is a very , inexpensive class we're gonna have which , I'll show you and option number two is , like you're gonna be in business with me , which is cool okay we're gonna talk , about those in Little bit now take a , look at some of these offers you can do , like credit repair let's say you have a , list of people who want to repair their , credit you get$W when they get a free , credit score that , that's what they want anyway right , that's what they want you give$W to , giveaway a credit score I mean just , saying all right here's another one PC , back up right they want to backup their , PC let'SSA you have list of people , who overdrive errors or their , computers acting funny or you know they , don'twat to lose their data get a , hundred and forty dollars they signed up , for like a nine dollar trial there's , another one that pays hundred and , sixty bucks right look at these key , words computer keeps crashing app keeps , crashing internet explorer keeps , crashing on and on we go done deal right , how many guys are putting two and two , together like two by two in the box if , you're putting this together if you are , give yourself a pat on the back because , you are way ahead of everyone else okay , all right let's keep on going again , there's our conversion thing now here's , some rules okay and again at the end , we're gonna go to affiliate slash , list you'll see the two options I'll , explain the two options if you're , watching this on my affiliate marketing , dudes site these options will be below , the chat box okay rule number one you , got to give helpful content to your , market got to give it to the list , helpful stuff if it's not helpful you're , out not gonna work , rule number two answer their objections , they have questions right now many of , you guys right here right now you have , questions about how this works , you're like Marcus I like this but I , have questions about how it's gonna work , okay all I have to do is make an email , sync once and say hey the biggest , question I'm asked first is how do Get , started , boom here's how you get started lead , them into something that pays you , another question get is you know how , much should Expect to make here you go , hey you should'expect anything but , here's how it works very simple okay you , answer the objection sit's like okay , maybe people are looking at webinar , software by the way pays a fortune in , affiliate marketing , which webinar software is the best how , do I do a webinar to make money this is , a huge niche guys people don't even , think about this but I think the last I , checked don't quote me on it I think , Webinar pays $W assignee they , seriously right and then if you'begot a , webinar you got to sell stuff you can , send them to , like a shopping cart software or , something like Infusion soft or , click funnels or cart row which is coming , out which by the way is freaking awesome , we'll do a review on that um so we go , through or like there we go , right you just answer the objections , which one's best for me give them what's , best for you don'just give them , whatever give them the one that's best , for them okay offer relevant cool stuff , is rule number three number four watch , your let's see what they like right , periodically I go through I'm like what , are they opening what are they clicking , on I'm gonna duplicate that alright I , realized that one of my highest open , rate was can I hand you a profitable , niche boom done deal like I do that and , it sells like crazy other niches do it , in do just as good and you just got to , watch them and see what works rule , number five interact set up a blog and , survey them it's so easy and when you , use the tools that we give you will give , you some tool sin the course that we're , going to do today and if your simple , sites member we give you those tools as , Welland they do it all for you it's , like click button simple just so easy , alright so the question here again I'll , bring you back to how people felt at the , beginning you're like If eel like'm , getting left out how many of you guys , know that you feel like you're getting , left out because you don'thieve a , mailing list that's why they're all , running ahead because I don't have a , mailing list it's not working for me , because I don'thieve a mailing list and , when we look at that or like okay we , want to get close rum what I is what I'm , doing right now getting me closer Tommy , goal so here's the deal here's what , we're gonna do we have the affiliate , marketing dude calm slash list now these , bonuses are on the second option not the , first but we'll show you how it works so , here's your options today and this is , what you're gonna get , we have two things one have a list , building class that I'm holding next , week okay you can see here if you click , option one you'll get the class and , it'll show you when they're going so , it's gonna be Monday Tuesday Wednesday , Thursday Friday:W p.m. to:W p.m. , there's gonna be a class you're gonna , learn to build a list number one you're , gonna go through and again remember by , Friday April W you'll have all the , tools you need to build a list and , you'll have all the information and , you'll be able to profit again with , simple clicks pretty simple right that's , the deal that'st he giveaway you're , gonna be like hey this is what we're , getting okay Monday we're gonna go , through basics of turning your market , to a list building business really , simple if you have a market if you don't , have a market we'll also show you how to , fin done but if you have a market we'll , show you how to turn it into list , building business Tuesday how to turn , your visitors into subscribers pretty , simple like how do you get them topped , in number Wednesday how to turn your , subscribers into money simple right here , you go here's how it's gonna work it's , gonna be one-hour training usually we , go like an hour and a half but you know , we'll just do an hour and if we go , longer we go longer Thursday advance , list communication tactic sand product , development Friday how to review and , implement what you learned very very , simple now this USN't an expensive , course I want Otto be expect , inexpensive so that you can get it get , results think'm buy my other stuff , right does that sound fair enough like , hey I'm gonna get Ito'm gonna get , results and then I'll buy your other , stuff so what we'redone here is we'vie , made it super simple you just put your , info in the boxes and you can see it's , only two payments of W bucks so for , less than W bucks you're getting all , this info you're getting the plugins , that help make it work , we're gonna help you every step of the , way and boom you're off to the races now , the payments are W days apart so it's , like one now an done in two weeks really , simple so you don't even get you don't , even pay the second one till after the , class is over which is pretty cool so if , you like that go over to affiliate , slash list that's affiliate , slash list we're gonna show you , how to build list we're gonna show you , how it makes how you make it work we're , gonna hold your hand every step of the , way show you all the ins and out sit's a , huge upside with very little potential , downside and it's incredibly easy to get , started now let's talk about option , number two option number two is for , people who are super serious about , making this work you'vie been trying to , do this you're sick of flounder and , you're like Marcus want to do Ito , want something that is going to work if , I do it solid ready to go and what we're , doing is we're doing a profit partner , business haven't done this in over , gosh Think the last time I did this , was five year sago and people got some , really good results with it and what we , do is I actually give you one of the , products that I'redeveloped so whether , it's like plug-in whether it's a tool , are port or whatever we're gonna give , you white label rights to it now by , white label what I mean is like I use it , in my stuff and you use it were the only , two people on the planet , use it okay so what we're gonna do is , we're actually gonna hook you up with , one of the products that have okay , this can be used we'll give you one as a , lead magnet okay so you can get people , in and it's like boom I can generate , leads with it so you could build your , mailing list and you can actually sell , it so we usually have like a free , version and aversion you can sell so , like instantly you wake up and you're , like I have business right how many , guys are like you want to wake up and , you're like dude I have business all , right , pretty cool type it in the box and , you're like I'gonna wake up with a , business tomorrow okay and what we'll do , is we'll actually hook you up with that , while hooking up with the website to , sell it we'll hook you up with the , domain name we'll hook you up with a , traffic method we'll show you exactly , how to make it work we'll show you how , to build your list will show you how to , make money with your list everything , it'slake you'resitting there saying , Marcus give me one of your products that , you know will sell or you'vie actually , sold and helped me sell it and helped me , build my list and help me make a bunch , of money right really cool how many of , you guys are like dude that's awesome , okay type it in the box if you like that , option now because of this because we're , actually giving you something that I , probably spent more than the cost on , this to actually develop this is a more , expensive course but it'something , where you're gonna go through and you're , gonna actually get business so how , many of you guys are like that you like , Marcus want a business like I'm tired , of floundering around actually want a , business that I can go through I want , you to build my things so Icahn get some , lists I want to go through I don't make , it work like just hand it tome and then , not only hand it to me but help me make , it work so if you like that if you're , like Marcus I want to do that want , something that is just basically going , to work if I do it obviously results not , typical implied or guaranteed don't , know what you'll get but again you're , getting something that is based on a , market that works that's based on , something you can sell heck you can even , go get joint venture partners and have , them sell it for you and you don't have , to buy traffic right so really cool so , we got a look at that now if you're , interested in that I'm like stopping , myself on the feet right now but ID , have three spots because obviously , willing to charge more for this because , it's so much more but right now because , I did't have time to change the order , form you can actually get in this for I , think it I's W one time right and , you're done you get the whole thing , you're there you get a business'm , gonna work with you the reason I going , to work with you because I know you're , going to , other things of mine with your list and , boom it works really well so if you're , interested in that what you want to do , is go over to affiliate marketing , slash list that's affiliate marketing , dude calm slash list choose your option , right either way if you're Ina budget , get the list building class if you're in , it and you're tired of floundering , around and you're like Marcus I just , want you to set it up for me we're gonna , have it set up for you to get the profit , partner business and you're ready to go , so any questions on this stuff again , that's affiliate marketing dude calm , slash list so if you have questions on , this stuff let's take those now and you , can read on the page for the plug-in , partner one and see how that works as , well okay , so let's take some questions hang out , for Little bit and then get you guys , all sorted alright and I'll put this , camera back over here there we go cool , alright so any questions again that's , affiliate marketing dude dot-com slash , lists that's affiliate marketing dude , dot-com slash list so we'll take some , questions as we get going I'm gonna turn , the air conditioner on as well CZ it's , like bazillion degrees here in the , Florida alright so let's take some , questions any questions about list , building while you guys get signed up , everything like that after you get the , plugin or the partner profit niche you , could go in there you can get that , you'll be redirected Tommy support site , where you can put in your ticket and say , hey you know what got this what do I , do next and we'll help you with that and , let me see if I can get our screen go , and I don'TKO why our video stuff is , being pain today , all right , yes our videos do not want to work today , but that'school we can muscle through it , all right so we'll put that on the , screen for affiliate slash list , now go ahead and type your questions in , the box okay teddy says if I'm at work , viewing the class can I still listen , when I get home yes for the class if you , do the class that affiliate dude dot-com , slash list all the recordings will be , given to you so you'll get all the , recordings they'll be delivered to you , can download them you can keep them , forever watch them whenever you want so , yes absolutely and they're rendered in , full HD so you can watch them on your , phone your TV whatever you want , crystal-clear and it'll have like a , little tools and stuff as well okay Don , says do you an offer an affiliate , program that can promote for your , classes and products yes we do just get , us on our support site and we'll give , you that link you got to ask for it and , then we'll hook you up with that we do , ask that you go through support that way , we can kind of you know make sure that , you're doing things on the up-and-up