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one of the things I hated when I was , growing up was when I was sick and I had , to stay home from school , now today kids have all kinds of things , to do but back then there was only like , three channels on the TV to choose from , you had like soap operas you had the , price is right if you remember that that , was always on when I was sick and then , he usually had like a movie channel that , had some old outdated movie or something , like that and for Meir remember it was , always like Mr. mom every time I was , sick that was on TV so Ended up , watching that several times when I was , staying home from school and Ire member , in that movie there was a scene where , the guy he takes over the role of the , mom and he goes grocery shopping and , he's never been grocery shopping so it , dozen't really know how that viscus , his wife always did it and so he goes to , the deli counter to order some meat from , the list that his wife had given him and , he goes tithe deli counter and there's , this big long line of people behind him , in the deli counter and they're all , annoyed just like the deli counter at , most grocery store sand they're Owen OD , and they're like okay we wanted we don't , want to wait we wan tour stuff and he's , the guy at the front that's holding up , the line and he goes you know I want , some ham and she goes well do you want , black forest ham do you want glazed ham , do you want honey ham do you want baked , ham do you want this kind and he's like , Id on't know just give me some ham well , what kind do you want , all right fine give me some Turkey well , do you want glazed turkey do you want , fried turkey do you want baked Turkey , and he's just overwhelmed and finally , he'slake well just give me some cheese , and she's like well do you want American , cheese do you want cheddar cheese do you , want you know what kind of cheese do you , want and he gets so overwhelmed and I , think he ends up with like a pack of , Bologna which should never be consumed , by humans terrible stuff but at any rate , he ends up with this pack of Bologna , he's like okay well Id on't know how to , do this and what we see here is a very , very good example of information , overload and what I'm gonna do in this , video is I'm gonna talk to you about , information overload because lot of , people come tome and they say Marcus I , want to make money online with affiliate , marketing I want to make money on the , internet but there's so much information , that get bogged down and end up not , doing anything and I end up frustrated , and I end up not knowing what to do , where Togo how to set it up and all , that and what I'm gonna do in this video , ISO'm going to show you how to end , information overload once and for all , I'm going to show , you why information overload USN't , really your problem and I'gonna show , you how to start making money online , with simple little tasks that you can , start right away and we're starting , right now , [Music] , hey there affiliate marketing dudes and , detested welcome back today what I , want to do is I want to talk to you , about info overload how you can get past , it an dhow you can start making money , online with affiliate marketing because , it's not that hard people make it a lot , harder than it is but it's actually , quite easy to get to $W a day$W a day , $W Ada or even thousand dollars a , day online in profit I'vie done it , thousands of other people have done it , and you can do it too if you pay , attention now results are not guaranteed , nothing in life is guaranteed you may , make nothing you may make a Lot have , no idea what you're going to make this , is informational only with that said I , want you to go ahead and if you are , interested in this kind of stuff and you , want to make money with affiliate , marketing want you to hit that , subscribe button then I want you to , click the bell notification icon why do , Want you to click the Bell well the , Bell gives you notifications when I come , out wit ha new video and every Wednesday , At's a.m. when we do alive stream where , you can come in and ask questions about , affiliate marketing you're going to get , into notifications so that you can show , up live which is really cool , so with that mouthful said what we're , gonna do is we're going to talk about , information overload what is information , overload as I talked about in the , beginning information overload is like , that guy in the grocery store who's , trying to choose something but there's , way too many options so information , overload in and of itself is Nita , problem no one suffers from information , overload what they struggle from is , inability enable to make a decision okay , enable to make a decision so where we , ha dour guy there and he's at the , grocery store and he's like I want some , ham and she rattles off the W different , types of ham he can get he's not , overloaded by the ham he just USN'table , to make a decision if the lady behind , the , counter only had one type of ham he'd be , like well I want that one but because he , dozen't know all the different types and , everything like that he's unable to make , decision so what we want to look at , here is information overload is tied to , inability to make a decision now in , affiliate marketing being an , entrepreneur starting your own business , you need to be able to make decisions , that is what separates us from the other , people you might be somebody maybe you , know someone like this and they work for , accompany and they do all the work right , like my brother he used to go in there , and he was salesman for companies and , he would sell millions of dollars worth , the stuff and he's like well why is my , check only like grand when sell , millions of dollars worth of stuff well , the reason is is because he is not the , decision-maker right there's a guy , sitting behind a desk who started this , business and he makes the decisions he , says I'm gonna buy this much patio , furniture so that we can sell it or I'm , gonna charge this much or I'gonna be , open from:W to 5:W or I'gonna do , this and what he ISIS decision maker , now the problem with many people that we , want to be affiliate marketers is , they're not decision makers they come to , me and they say Marcus show me how to , make money and I'm like here you go well , what should do , well Just told you what to do well , what niche should go in how much , should I do this what should do for , this what should I do for that and , they're unable to make a decision based , on the information that's why so many , people who buy courses are unable to , follow through with them because they , can't make the decisions so what I want , to do is I want to show you how this , works in areal world way decision , number one right decision number one is , a very simple one okay you have seen , that I'vie made millions of dollars , online with affiliate marketing you see , that affiliate marketing is fairly low , risk right I could set up an affiliate , marketing website for less than$W , sometimes free if you follow some of the , free stuff I teach we can get links from , affiliate companies for free , we can get traffic for free and we can , make it work so it's very very easy to , do the playing field is level there's no , difference between me and you other than , made some decisions that made me a lot , of money based on the knowledge Have , now lucky for you I share this knowledge , in my course at simple sites bonus com , so if you want to be trained by me if , you say hey Marcus your stuff is Good , like these videos help me out that's , what we're gonna do so it's decision , number one is do you want to be an , affiliate marketer okay , that's decision number one because alto , of people come tome they're like well , should I invest in Bitcoin should I do , that should I do this I heard about this , I heard about that and those are good , lots of people have mad ea lot of money , on Bitcoin unfortunately it's really , high right now so it's hard to get into , a lot of people have made money with , Amazon a lot of people have made money , with other things , now affiliate marketing is where you , take your site and you drive people , through an affiliate link and you get , paid right really cool so like if my , brother instead of standing in a store , all day and making pennies on the dollar , was able to say hey I want to make a , decision want to star ta website about , patio furniture and I want to get all , these people that are interested in all , these patio furniture and I want to sell , it okay he could go in there and he can , be an affiliate and get like three to , ten percent now with CPA affiliate , marketing you can actually get alto , more sometimes we get paid for a sale , early to download or whatever , okay so fir stand foremost do you want , to ask yourself number one decision , number one do Want to be an affiliate , marketer okay great that's your first , decision can you make it if the answer , is yes okay we go on to the next step , very simple this is what we'redoing , we're breaking it down see how there's , no info overload like do you want to do , this yes or no great if it's no go watch , a video on whatever else you do want to , do okay number two the second thing you , want to ask yourself is a lot like the , example with my brother what market do , you want to go into okay now here on my , channel I teach you a lot of ways to , find niche market sand this is the , number one place that most people get , stuck okay they come to me and they say , Marcus I want to be in weight loss and , I'm like that's good but it'snot really , a niche that's a market okay a niche , would be like lose pounds in a week , or lose belly fat which , I kind of need to do or something like , that okay so the second thing is choose , I think spelled that righto don't , know if it has two O'Sir one choose , market okay choose market or niche okay , so that's number two number two , now choose a market or niche now if you , are watching the videos we have here on , YouTube a video all about how to find , niche markets what is a niche market , what do we do with a niche market , everything like that okay so number two , is choose your niche market okay so that , would be the second one okay once we , choose our niche market we have Little , criteria that we go through in the , simple sites program that says hey this , markets going to be good or this markets , going to be not as good okay very simple , so you see how instead of like asking , CZ a lot of people come to me and they , say Marcus what about websites or blogs , what kind of hosting should I get what , should my landing page look like how , many affiliate offers should I have what , kind of traffic should get notice how , that makes you tense and it makes you , not know what'seagoing on because you're , like okay well what am I gonna do here , okay that's why we choose our market and , number two number three don'TKO how , big it's gonna be hopefully it fits in , there right so number three is going to , be is going to be your traffic method , okay so traffic traffic and offers okay , traffic and offers okay the reason , traffic and offers are on the same one , is because we don't want to know what , offers we're gonna do till we know what , market we're going into for example if , I'm going into six-pack ABS okay let's , say we go into six-pack ABS I'm like , okay cool that looks like a good market , great then I say well what kind of , offers are there well I got this AB , thing over here that pays ME dollars , for a free trial i got thisclickbank , book that pays me seventy bucks or , whatever okay I got a tool bar that pays , me three bucks or whatever okay and we , look at these great now notice how we , are making decisions as we Goethe , decisions are what stops the info , overload okay so if you're struggling , with the info overload you need to learn , to make decisions and we'll help you , with that and Want to talk to you , one of our best offers for that as well , I think we have a ladybug trying to fly , down here it looks very dangerous so , hopefully I make it out of this video , alive right so we have traffic and , offers okay , also you want to choose your traffic , based on your market you say well , six-pack abs is it inexpensive unpaid , traffic great let's go for that is it , easy to get on free traffic great let's , go for that are people looking it up on , Pinter est great let's use that okay but , you don't answer any of the questions , till you make your decisions and the , decisions are very important next we say , what kind of site are we gonna set up , okay we're like okay cool now we're , gonna do what kind of site okay and , you'll notice that a lot of this stuff , is laid out so if you're like okay well , I want to go down and check the list and , make this thing work then you're gonna , want to check out my other videos you're , gonna want to check out simple sites , bonus com for our simple site software , which is like our done for our , do-it-yourself kind of course okay , number four we're gonna do site slash , landing page now the reason we asked , this alto of people say what kind of , landing page should make well what , niche are you and well Id on't know well , think you should have no landing page , because you don'thieve a niche therefore , you don't need a landing page now we , ha veto look at this and we ha veto say , well what kind do we need for example if , I'm in six-pack ABS maybe I could make , simple 1 2 3 page review site okay maybe , I could do that or maybe if I'm in like , the Bible tool bar downloads maybe I , could just make A page site with these , little Bibles that lead to the offer and , this is an example I did the review , type thing with the Ab niche I made like , a hundred and twenty to one hundred and , forty dollars a Day did the Bible , niche one page website Think we had , like disclaimer page and stuff like , that terms and conditions page so , technically three page site but it was , very simple okay very simple is based on , a blog platform used the tools that , are in the simple sites course to set , that up and this one was making hundreds , of dollars Ada in downloads as well , and I did'tavern have to sell anything , I just gave away Bibles okay now that's , what you do you decide do I want like an , authority site doe Ina landing page and , again this is going to be based on your , traffic and your offers because if you , say well markers , Just want one page site and you're , trying to rank in Google it's probably , not gonna work now it might work on , pay-per-click and banners but probably , not ranking on Google and Yahoo and , stuff like that okay so you might need , something a little more elaborate that's , why we answer the questions as we go , along , okay info over loads up here this is , info overload slash can't decide so , you got to ask yourself D side okay you , got to ask yourself do Want to be a , decision maker or do I want to work a , job okay because if you want to work a , job there's jobs out there heard that , the job markets bad I don'TKO but , there'Jobs out there and you could go , work and you could get paid by the hour , you could get paid by the year and you , can do that and there's very little , decisions required someone's gonna come , up and say well go you know Moses law or , go paint this house or whatever no , decisions but also where you can'make , decision can't decide decide write the , pay is low , okay very low the better decisions you , make or the more decisions you make that , are based on good things okay let's do , decide decision maker okay the decision , maker gets paid a lot of money now I , have been doing affiliate marketing , internet marketing for almost years , now alright this is myth year , eighteenth full-time alright our first , year we did like think W thousand , bucks and by my second year we were , doing about a hundred and sixty grand , and we did million or sixth yea rand , then it you know it's been great so it's , excellent but I'Webern doing this a , longtime and the reason I say that is , one because you know you want to trust , someone you want Togo to someone who's , been doing this you don't want to go to , someone who just teaches it and has , never done it because that'snot gonna , help right a guy who writes a textbook , on a bike is not the best person to , teach you to ride a bike the best person , is like a guy who rides a bike right , very simple so we got look at that so , the decision makings like for Meir wake , up every Day have for the last W or , years and say what the hell am I , going to do today no one came inhere , said Marcus make avid about info , overload no one told me to do that I , decided to do it now is it gonna be a , good decision probably right we'll get , thousands of view son this video and out , of those thousands of these let'SSA I , get you know a hundred people to fill , out opt-in forms that's a hundred leaves , and let's say out of those hundred leads , Improbably get three people to buy , something or whatever and it's gonna , result in you know lifetime customer , value probably you know ten to thirty , thousand dollars or something like that , if we pan it out so we got to look at , that or actually probably like one two , to five thousand in the first couple , years or something like that okay so , we'vie goat look at that and we gotta , say okay cool that'show it worked now , that decision is something that I had to , come up with these decisions are , something that you're going to have to , do now the cool thing about this is you , don'thieve to do it alone the number one , place that people get struggling with or , have trouble with right USN't deciding , to be an affiliate marketer that's easy , do I want to make money online do I want , to do it and one of the easiest ways , possible that simple that's passive that , I can do from home that dozen't cost a , lot of money that people have done , before yes good okay so that's easy yeah , I want to do that if you don'twat to , do that don'TKO why you're still , watching this number two choose your , market this is the number one place , people are stuck why because they are , afraid that the market won't work they , say how do I know it's going to work , well if we knew something was gonna work , if it was guaranteed to work then you , got to go over here and you got to get a , job because if you go to your work , you're pretty much guaranteed you're , gonna get a paycheck very simple now you , won't have to make decisions you won't , have to worry about failing you just go , to work what you might ha veto worry , about failing don't know haven't , worked a normal job in many many years , and even then they were Little off , jobs but where the decisions are lacking , the money is low do you want to be paid , lo wand go to work or do you want to , learn to make these decisions because , what I want to do is I want to teach you , to make these decisions and the best way , that I know how to teach you how to , choose your market fir stand choose the , right market , it's through what I cal lour high ticket , niche program okay this comes with the , this comes with the simple sights course , right you can either get the simple , sights course on its own or you can get , the high ticket niche which also , includes the simple sights coursework the , simple sight sis the software that gives , you the tools the training everything , like that very good if you're on a , budget and you want to kind of learn , this on your own with me helping you out , as much as possible in that course now , the high ticket niches is something , that's a step higher now what this does , is you say Marcus I want you to decide , the fir stone for me obviously you guys , have seen my decision track record for , niche sit's pretty good alright so what , we do is we go through and I say well , here is your niche you're gonna come , to me and you're gonna say markets , here's three things like I like , basketball like mortgages and I like , mowing the lawn weird things to like but , hey to each his own and let me make sure , my recorder is still going looks like , we're going good alright so that's what , we have here and you're gonna comeback , and I'm gonna say hey check it out , mowing lawn Ian'that great but I found , a goo done for you in mortgages do you , want it you'll say yes then what I do is , I give you a highly selective niche , within mortgages remember how Is aid , that weight loss is not a niche six-pack , ABS , might be so what I do is I go through , and I find you a niche that's non , competitive or low competition we go , through we find this niche for you then , I go through and I give you a domain , okay now these domains OK this is this , is another decision you have to make you , got to find a good domain so what I do , is I give you a domain now these domains , the last one Agave away as part of this , was like valued at twenty one hundred , and eighty seven dollars by one of the , biggest domain valuing companies out , there so is valued at like twenty one , hundred now is yours gonna be worth that , will you'll be able to sell it like that , Id on't know it's just valuation we , have no idea right they could say your , house is worth something but it's really , only worth what someone's willing to pay , but the moral of the story is these , things are worth the money okay it's not , just some cheap stupid domain that you , know it's like Bob's mortgage burgers , calm or whatever this is something good , so we're gonna give you that domain okay , next what we're gonna do is we're gonna , go ahead and find your offers , okay I'm personally going to find your , offers'm gonna go through and I'm , gonna be like hey check it out on this , mortgage one I found you over her eat , this affiliate network they have this , mortgage form someone fills it out you , get W bucks that's gonna be perfect for , your niche okay so I'going to find , your offers for you'm gonna have my , team set up your blog okay , now this is gonna be set up wit hall my , tools on it okay so you're gonna get all , my custom tool son your blog and you're , gonna be ready to go we're also gonna , set up content and your landing page , okay really cool so we set up content , and your landing page so now we look at , this and a lot of these decisions are , made for you now why do I do this okay , these costs me quite a bit to make that , take alto of time to make but it's one , of our best programs the reason it's one , of the best programs is because when you , see me make these decisions it takes the , heat off of you you're like okay well I , could watch him do it and then on my , next one I'll be able to do it myself or , maybe I'll just make money with this one , whatever you want to do right so we look , at this and the high-ticket niche is the , one program that my top affiliate people , training students end up getting because , it gives them a head start right we go , through and we help them make these , decisions so gone are the days of info , overload and you could either decide hey , check it out I'm gonna be an affiliate , marketer boom , I want Marcus to choose my niche okay , some people might not be able to do that , some people are on a budget whatever the , reason is you can learn to do this stuff , yourself in my other courses Orin my , videos here on YouTube but if you want , me to take you by the hand walk you , step-by-step give you appoint-by-numbers , system and say this is what want you , to do with the niche it's already ready , to go here's what you do then this is , the best for you right very good and , it'gonna conquer info overload now if , you're interested in that there are W , for niches we might be raising the price , this year because it's so demanding and , I did't know that the domains were , worth this much till just this year , but we might be raising the price so you , want to get in right now , it's W you're gonna get a domain , you're gonna get a niche you're gonna , get the site set up you're gonna get the , offers and everything if you want to , learn about this go to high ticket , niches calm there's a little thing on , the sidebar that shows you all the , bonuses you're gonna get and in addition , you get the simple sites course which is , W bucks on its own so you could see , that you are getting a heck of value and , you're not going to have to deal with , info overload or aka , I can't make decision so first , decision do you want to be an affiliate , marketer next decision do you want me to , help you with your first one so that you , have a leg up on the competition and you , can get started right away yes no second , if you want to choose your market on , your own you can do that , choose your traffic choose your offers , but only do it in this order otherwise , you're gonna be up here and you're gonna , have so much stuff to decide it's not , even funny , so what I want you to do is I want you , to decide to be a decision maker right , first decision do I want to do affiliate , second do I want to do the market hey if , you want to bypass these and go straight , Togo collect your site and everything , like that you can go to high ticket , niches calm choose your market choose , your traffic and your offers choose your , site and your landing page then number , five test it out test okay everything , you do in life everything you do in , marketing is a test so many people look , at this test as success or failure they , say Marcus I set up my site and I ran a , hundred dollars worth of traffic to it , and nothing happened and I say well , first of all we need to set these up so , we know something's gonna happen right , that's what I'vie been doing for eighteen , years know usually pretty good what's , going to happen like could tell you , okay most people are gonna click on this , most people are gonna click on that most , people are gonna do this and usually'm , dead on correct when I go by banner ads , on sites make my own banners and every , time I do the owner of the site says how , the hell do you do that , all the other guys are getting like , three clicks and you're getting like W , right same price and everything like , that so we look at that and we're like , okay cool , that's how it works so what we want to , do is want to set this up in a way that , works and then test it knowing what we , dick the outcome to Be know if I set , up my Bible site like this chances are , more than% of the people will click , on the Bible banners actually what , happened was we got about W percent to , click know on the review site I'm , probably gonna get out of W to order , OK if I'm doing an opt-in Page know , I'll probably get one At/3 OR out of , what would that be it's W% so out of , W- to opt-in right that's my leads and , stuff like that so we got a look at that , and this is how it works you just have , to be able to make decisions now I want , you to really look at this because a lot , of people struggle and the struggle , USN't info overload the struggle is , making decision and if you need help , making a decision what I would advise is , go to simple sites bonus com pick up the , Do It Yourself course or go to high , ticket niches com , get yourself a high ticket niche and , then ask me right we're here for you we , got people that are standing by on live , chat that are actually local one of them , moved back to California so it's not , that local but you know it dozen't , matter where we're at we're on the , internet and we go through and and we're , here to help you so you go on live chat , you can ask us questions you can get the , help you need and you could get someone , to look over your shoulder while you're , making the decision so that we can guide , you to what makes you profit so I hope , you enjoyed this video and hope you're , good takeaway is not only that info , overload USN't about information it's , about decisions and that if you go down , the list here and you make decision sin , order of how things go things are gonna , Beau lot easier for you and you'll be , able to make money right away using this , stuff if you follow it again nothing's , guaranteed I don't know if you'll make , money but what's the alternative , the alternative is not learning this , stuff not doing anything not making a , decision and going and getting a job , which personally for me , I like my life the way it is I get to , stay home make my own decisions call my , own shots and make a heck of a lot of , money while doing it so here you have it , information overload is a figment of , your imagination Otis only the , inability to make decision so what I , want you to learn to do is start making , decisions the right way thanks again for , watching I'Marcus here to fill , Marketing dude dot-com I hope you , enjoyed this and Hope you go through , and pick up one of our courses either at , simple sites bonus com where you get our , training course or high ticket niches , comm where we help you make a lot of , those decisions thanks again for , watching make sure you subscribe and , I'll see you on Wednesday at W a.m. , Eastern time for our next live training , thanks again and I'll see you soon