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hey guys it's Marcus here from affiliate , marketing dude calm how would you like , to be able to buy domain name sand sell , them at a profit or use them in your own , business to get tons of traffic brand , your market and make a lot of money well , that's exactly what we're going to talk , about in this video now if you're new to , my videos you want to make sure that you , subscribe Tommy channel and click the , little bell icons let's get all the , notifications for our live training and , when I come outwith new videos like , this one and today as you guessed it , what we're going to do is we're going to , talk about domain names how to buy them , and how to structure them after keywords , how to get in-demand domain sand things , like that and I'going to show you the , exact method that I use to buy a domain , name for $W and turnaround and sell , that domain name for twenty five , thousand dollars the same year that I , bought it it was actually up for , expiration and wan't sure if I was , going to keep it or not , I decided to keep it once the guy said , he'd send me a check for W,W bucks , for it and really cool I did't do , anything with it right but this is , exactly what we're going to do we're , going to base the domain son the , keywords that we have here so what we're , going to do here is we have list and , this list is the domain name categories , that people have asked me to find okay , these are categories from people on our , sites who have ordered done-for-you , niches and everything like that if you , want to get one of those and get a head , start on making money go to high ticket , niches dot-com and sign up right now and , we'll hook you up wit hit , but what we're going to do is we're , going to show you how I buy these , domains so as you can see here and you , have to forgive the green screen effect , I thin kit's picking up some of my shirt , so if it looks like I'm invisible , and you can see words through me that's , why don't worry I'Mont some freakishly , weird person that has words growing , inside of him but what we're going to do , here is we're going to pick these , domains so up hereon category one or , item one we need three different domains , so what I'm going to do is I'going to , go into these markets and we're going to , look up like BMI calculation so this , person wants a domain name for the BMI , market now the BMI is a body mass index , okay it's like a dieting turn , kind of thing like that okay so what , we're going to do fir stand foremost is , I'm going to go over to the Google , Keyword planner now you're going to see , the results on the planner that might , look different from your sand the reason , is because I actually have an account , with an active ad all right if you want , to see all the relevant results and have , it look just like mine , just get an account and make an active n , you can spend like a penny a day on , traffic if you want or you could pause , be add it just needs to be running it's , got to be something right so what we're , going to do is we're going Togo in here , we're going to click on the keyword , planner by going to tools and then , keyword planner then we're going to , choose option 1 which is enter keywords , what we're going to do is we're going to , type in BMI right like this and I'm , going to hit get search volume now it's , going to take us to a page that shows , all the search volume and it shows , related keyword snow what you're going , to see is that it's going to go really , really relevant words and it's going to , do like everything so what we're , going to do is we're going to isolate it , and put only show ideas closely related , OK we're going to get rid of these guys , Herrick I think this should do it and , let's see what do we got here all right , it wants to be kind of funny but we'll , look up the key words like BMI hair and , see what we could get and write some , reason it doe snot want to work keyword , filters okay what do we got here , I think we used the wrong thing see even , even people who have done this awhile , do click the wrong thing once Ina while , and what we're going to do we're going , to go back here and we're going to go to , let's wait for it and let's see we're , going to go to search for new keywords , here okay I think clicked the wrong , one yeah looks different right so we're , going to go here hit get ideas right , like this and it should bring up a bunch , of different words that's what we're , looking for is the bunch there it is all , right there we go we go tit we're good , alright so what we're going to do here , is we're going to look at this stuff we , got like BMI BMI calculator BMI chart , calculate Indifferent things like that , BMI calculator for men okay what I'm , going to do is I'going to go ahead and , show the keywords I'm going to choose , only show ideas closely related and hit , save and what we're doing is we're , looking at the search volume so here we , have BMI calculator that has 1.8 million , searches per month okay so that would be , good we can get like BMI calculator , Com Net org that would be pretty cool , okay so let's see if that's available if , it's not we'll show you how to keep , looking okay so we got let's see we're , going to go for online is taken store is , taken okay let's go to suggestions BMI , calculator comm is taken net or us okay , let's see popular right like this and by , the way there's going to be a long video , but if you watch it in its entirety , you're going to get this stuff drilled , into your head and this is a skill that , you need to learn when looking at this , stuff okay so we Goteborg calculator , we're also going to take a look at what , the competition is like on these words , so I'm going Togo to google like this , and we're going to do it in quotes okay , so going quotes like this BMI calculator , has five hundred and ninety nine , thousand results pretty high let's keep , looking here okay we could do like , calculate Bathmat could work okay so , we'll do calculate BMI right like this , do it in quotes , we got three hundred and four thousand , getting a little better right so we'll , do calculate BMI , figment is available let's see , here we get suggestions calculate BMI , take in okay now let's take , look and see what else is available in , the keywords we got for men calculate , BMI BMI chart let's try how to calculate , Bright like this okay we'll put the , whole thing in here and we'll put the , whole thing in Google because I'drat her , have a good ranking and a good domain on , a word that gets less search results and , less competition than one that'serially , big so you can see here this Ha's,W , competition so it's looking pretty good , and how cute how to calculate BMI , dot-com I'm not going to pay,W bucks , for it but check it out that's what , they're valuing this domain at right so , if I have like dot org here alright , it's probably worth like W bucks or , something if I was to sell it to the , highest bidder it would probably work , really go odor I can even go through and , put the number two here all right like , this okay how to calculate BMW go , calm personally I would rather have the , word- because it's directly based on , the keyword so I'm going to get how to , calculate Borg boom right there , alright pretty cool that'show it works , we could see the competition is forty , eight thousand six hundred not a whole , lot of pay-per-click competition if we , scroll down and use the timeout method , which is basically just clicking the , last number on Google over there right , we're going to notice it will timeout , and it'll give us the actual results , okay and there we go a timed app see how , says page W of about one hundred and , forty four results and it says in order , to show you the relevant ones we got rid , of all the duplicates right so , realistically there's only like one , hundred and forty six competing results , here so this is a pretty good niche okay , pretty good domain pretty good niche , awesome we're going to bag that next we , need to get another one let's do , something for retirement benefits okay , go tithe Google Keyword tool right like , this retirement benefits , all right okay cool so we're going to go , retirement benefits like this we have , with Social Security retirement benefits , all right let's look for something with , low competition here okay we're going to , go ahead and click this average monthly , searches what it's going to do is it's , going to sort them by the searches so we , got like retirement benefits calculator , SSS retirement benefits early retirement , benefits okay we could do something like , retirement benefits calculator I was , like the calculator words because it's , like they want to do something which , means I can put a calculator and could , do pretty good so retirement benefits , calculator net'm going to get right , that's a good one'm not sure what this , one's going for what I like to do , sometimes is just check what's on the , domain right so calm looks like it's , another one of our done-for-you sites , which is pretty cool right I still get , him a little different one that way he's , not competing wit hour other guy all , right so we got retirement military okay , let's do retirement let's just do , retirement like this okay , entire map calculator that's a high , competition retirement age retirement , quotes retirement wishes retirement , planning tournament calculator see what , else we got , military require retirement calculator , early retirement let's go for like early , retirement calculator see if that's , available OK so we're going to go early , retirement we're going to put that in , here and we're going to see early , retirement extreme early retirement , calculator medium competition but , kind of like that idea here alright so , let's see what it looks like here if , there's any paid ads okay no paid Adas , couple of paid ads down here nothing too , big OK nothing on top no ads on page two , no ads on page three let's put it in , quotes now the reason I like this word , is because people who want to retire , early are usually looking for like , financial tips and I can flip this , market into expensive stuff so like I , could flip early retirement calculator , into something like retirement planning , right retirement planning , let's do retirement planning like this , are in there and what we'll notice is , that it's going to be a very expensive , keyword right$W a quick so it's a , valuable word all right so we're going , to try for this one will do early , retirement calculator and okay dot net , boom'm going to take it right like , that and you know we wait good now we , got numbers three let's get another one , here we can go for credit repair okay , one of my favorite ones for credit is , the word remove right so if we do remove , credit like this , okay we're going to look at remove , credit cards from google how to remove , collections from credit report okay cool , we're going to check out this one like , this how to remove collections from , credit report so how to remove , collections from credit report search , for it let's do it in quotes first off , we can see that there's only one ad if , we do it in quotes we can see okay , not a whole lot do the timeout method go , to Bob did't even take it to W our , hell it's try Page it's pie cheese or , boom okay so how to remove , collections from credit report what I'm , going to do is it's kind of long sou'm , going to shrink it and I'm just going to , do remove collections from credit report , and Comm is available boom I'll take it , there's a dot-com available take it , really good however the$W,W domain , that I sold was actually organ , I think it was I thin kit was with , dot-org yeah because I had both had , net and org and they want to be org okay , so there we go so got three from the , first one let's do wait I'm guessing , this is like wait Lots so let's do , weight loss here in Google weight loss , okay get idea sand by the way if you , like this stuff if you want to learn how , to make a living as an affiliate , marketer you're going to notice the link , up there I don't know why oh yeah it , stops because the camera stops right , there but up there you will see the , simple sites bonus comm you can pick up , the simple sites W course which is , awesome teaching you how to make money , with all this stuff okay so we got like , weight loss calculator apple cider , vinegar weight loss site that's kind of , cool take a look at what this looks like , okay apple cider vinegar weight loss we , got no advertisers a YouTube video cool , I like that one advertiser down here , Paige - no advertisers okay let's do it , in quotes and if I'going too fast just , watch this video multiple times and if , you like this video subscribe Tommy , channel and click the little thumbs up , thing and also click the bell that way I , know you like it right so W,W pretty , competitive let's do the timeout method , here okay boom W so one might take a , little bit longer okay maybe not W , cool not too bad so we got apple cider , vinegar weight loss I'm just at a , curiosity'm just going to check out , this YouTube video want to see how , many views it has okay , 1 million good I like this okay Ire ally , like this niche so we're going to go , apple cider vinegar weight loss dot-com , is taking not net org okay , the cider vinegar let's store word for , in there if that works apple cider , vinegar for weight loss that works we'll , take that okay cool , a little bit long this USN't going to be , one that will sell really easily but , it's one that we can use to get ranked , in Google a lot of people think that you , know dot direct if I could talk today , right direct match keyword domains don't , work but if you do a search you're going , to see the min the results right so a , lot of times you will see those direct , keyword related keyword domains listed , which means that they still work and , again you're not going to get penalized , for it you just you know you actually , get benefit fr omit so having a direct , match domain is a very good idea like , see here apple cider vinegar boom there , Otis right therein the domain and he's , ranking there it is also in his his , title right here it is in his title here , in his title here so like you can see , this stuff works okay very cool so we , got the apple cider vinegar for weight , loss let's go ahead and get another , cooking recipes starting a business now , these people come to me and they say , which of these niches do you think is , best , and what I'm doing is I'm helping them , and we're going to help by picking one , and what I'm going to do here don't , know what a photogenic diet is so I'm , just going to be curious and look it up , all right like this and let's see okay , Ken genie diet low competition like , that let's see what this is okay , photogenic diet for beginners okay , photogenically-crab okay cool I like this , image actually so Ken genie diet , looking pretty good a lot of searches , which is good let's take look at what , the competition is in just catatonic , diet or photogenic diet , alright W,W let's view time out time , out is probably going to be Little , higher on this one because of the fact , that it'singly two key words and usually , the word photogenic is going to be with , diet but not too bad hundred eighty two , results you can see we timed out there , so let's take a look her ewe got a , photogenic diet menu weight loss and , let's do this here photogenic diet weight , loss and boot up now those are taken , look at that organ that works for me , right so photogenic diet let's take a , look at what it looks like in the actual , competition congenial diet weight loss , 5:okay let'Schick out the YouTube , see what kind of views it has W,W , not too shabby I like it alright let's , do our time out on this one , thirteen twelve up there it I's right , so one hundred and nineteen thousand , results so good we'll take it right next , let's take look at the next one making , money online alright this is going to be , fun because it's such a broad niche like , if I do make money online in Google , there's a lot of advertisers there's a , lot of result sit's a mess right even if , I do it in quotes it's going to have a , lot right four hundred eighty seven , thousand , what we're going to do is we're going , take look at it here it's going to be , competitive alright so what we want to , do is we want to Fonda back door right , we can find it back door to make money , online by thinking about what these , people want and what they search for for , example we could do stuff like banner , ad sand see what people look up for , banner ads right if they want to put , banner ad son their site or something , like that , okay so banner ad Google banner ads , banner ad definition Facebook banner ads , let's see what else YouTube banner ads , okay we could also do stuff like email , list like an email marketing list if , they want that and the reason I'modding , this is because we would rather be an , expert in something like banner ads than , just like a jack-of-all-trades for make , money online right I would rather get , people for like you know email list or , how to build an email list or something , like that and then I can give them , something much more targeted and make a , lot more money off of it right so how to , build an email list okay even though , it's competitive you get a lot of , traffic with like YouTube and stuff so , how to build an email list let's see , what we have org email list net let's , try to build an email list by itself , cool build an email list net'll take , it c-calm is worth like W bucks , they're pretty good right so we'll take , dot net they're built an email list , pretty good alright so next let's get , another make money one because Icon a , lot of people always buy this kind of , stuff they always want these kind of , niches which is cool let's do like earn , money blogging or something like that , okay , all right so earn money blogging low , competition how to earn money blogging , how to earn money blogging okay so , that'pretty good right let's take a , look at this and we can do the you know , how to build an email list which is , pretty good and we can do our little , time out method there just a check okay , so three ads up here and two down here , not too bad okay let's see fourteen keep , going okay there's a Vermont a big fan , of the Vim ones but they work you know , nineteen make sure I'ms till recording , here , okay W so yeah that one'pretty good , alright so we're going to do like how to , earn money blogging okay so how to earn , money blogging right like that earth , money as a blogger , let's go timeout method that's actually , a lot less competition than I thought it , would be at ninety okay cool sou doubt , this will be available but we'll check , anyway sometimes it surprises you okay , how to earn money blogging for a , thousand bucks their net dot-org , okay let's try earn money blogging earn , money blogging dot-org boom I'm going to , take it right earn money blogging that , organ like that Think it's are ally , good domain , it'll probably that's a good one you , could sell as well okay cool so now we , got either relationships motivation or , spirituality I'm going to try motivation , because one we want to look at like how , we can make money wit hit relationships , is good bu tit's competitive , spirituality is really good but making , money and it's kind of a difficult task , to some so we're going to try motivation , we'll try this thin gin Google and see , what kind of motivation people want , like this because it's a trigger word , right it's like want motivation for , this , okay so self-motivation is kind of cool , self-motivation what is daily motivation , theories of motivation types lack of , motivation motivation that could be kind , of cool like I could sell them like , motivation or something right so we'll , go to Google here lack of motivation , alright 9 million pretty competitive , let's do time out if you guys like these , videos put some comments below because , it's kind of like a go to work with , Marcus today which I'm Kenneth like , the idea of bringing you to work with me , so if you like that some comments let me , know give a thumbs up to the video and , subscribe , alright W results for lack of , motivation let's see what we go there , lack of motivation comm bucks net , boom I'going to take it right and if , you're saying holy cow mark just how are , all these good domains not taken this , happens every time I do this alright a , lot of people make this more complicated , than it is okay so we got that we're on , number six cats and dog lovers kind of a , tough market to be in let's see here , let'sod like cat care okay see what , people want for cat care because that's , probably the best way to make money is , when I think of cat and dog Think the , best way to make money is usually on , like pet insurance okay so how to take , care of a cat pretty cool alright let's , go to Google let's do how to take care , of a ca tall right we got wiki How some , videos okay let's see what kind of views , this has that is 4,W kind of low but , it was just put up couple months ago , here's one put up over a year ago eighty , views not that great , but it can work right it'll work alright , so let's see we got in quotes we got 2.6 , million let's go over to the last time , out method pretty good alright so times , out at let's do it without quotes see , what the pay-per-click competition is , like nothing nothing on the bottom , pretty darn good right here's another , YouTube here this is an older one let's , see how this is doing W,W pretty cool , if I had W,W people that wanted to , take care of their head I could probably , make some money alright so we're going , to do how to take care oaf cat how to , take care of a cat net kind of sucks to , take care of a cat maybe take care of , the cat comm boom I'll take it , alright awesome take care of a cat make , sure there's nothing like weird in there , sometimes if you buy these domains , they're like weird like you know speed , of art was one that was there and like , if you break it up it kind of sounds , funny there's some others too if you , want to look them up they're pretty , funny inadvertent weird domain names , okay so take care of a cat let's see , here Bible created real estate deal , structuring okay I like that creative , real estate deal structuring can be , pretty good let's see here alright call , it let's do this creative real estate , structure glossary alright whenever , use the word glossary it's going to give , me keyword sand it'seagoing to tell me , about these so like glossary real estate , glossary section property glossary its , do okay let's do real estate creative , there we go , okay creative real estate glossary , structure real-estate casserole I , would do something we could start with , like real estate structure right like , this which kind of it could be weird , because it could be like talking about , the actual structure which we don't want , let's do creative financing okay , something like that okay create a , financing real estate it's do creative , financing okay let's do take over , FHA okay FHA is the type of loan so like , if people want to takeover an FHA , they're looking for creative stuff so , let's do take over home loan all right , take over a home loan and what do they , call that know there's a word for it , assume home loan we can do a sort assume , mortgage okay assume mortgage , soon mortgage how to assume a mortgage , okay cool I like that not a whole lot of , traffic but there's a lot of subcategory , word sand it's a very targeted niche so , we could do how to assume a mortgage , okay right like this boom we got , forty-seven thousand let's take a look , at the YouTube's just out of creativity , or out of curiosity I should say not a , whole lot of traffic but if we bid on , this word we should be able to get some , traffic which should be pretty good and , those YouTube guys are going to be super , easy to like stop all over and get a lot , of traffic from all right ninety cool , there we kind of lost our place there , all right how to assume a , easy you'll take that right there we go , let's see if you put this back in the , Tabriz I love the old snapping feature , there there we go okay cool so we got , that there let's see next we have , addiction mental issues self-help weight , loss okay let's do something like , addiction is a good one um let's dock , addiction let's do a diction glossary , okay addiction glossary of terms' and , what this will do is it gives you like a , glossary and you can take these in so , like if we did like dual diagnosis right , dual diagnosis is a popular word for , addiction it's like mental health and , addiction that would work pretty well , dual diagnosis and very low traffic , there we don'twat that in high , competition definitely don't want that , all right let's see dual diagnosis , medium low , okay well dual diagnosis definition , could be pretty go odor what is dual , diagnosis because you just make an info , site about what it is and you can lead , them to various like rehab centers and , stuff which pay through the nose so 5 , million there let's do in quotes alright , like this , W let's do our time out all right , W and make sure if you're doing like , health stuff like this they're going to , call you always get like really really , good disclaimer and if you can get a , lawyer to write it up and stuff like , that , what is dual diagnosis com boom I'll , take it alright next all improvement , ideas Health News Home & Garden , okay I'gonna do home improvement and , let's see here , home improvement ideas try ideas there , like that'm just checking our timer on , the little time thing down here alright , how improvement idea of the low , competition pretty cool so let's do that , let's take a look at what it is in , quote sand when I think about home , improvement ideas'm thinking about , like the various affiliate programs that , get people into stuff like this which is , pretty cool OK so home improvement ideas , we go tone point six million that's in , quotes though so let's do our time out , and see what we have is probably pretty , bad yeah W but again this is pretty , pretty hefty one okay so let's see what , else we have DIY if we had the word DIY , there now if you add a word like DIY , you're also going to get this root word , so I'm kind of basically going for , everything under the banner of home , improvement ideas alright so DIY home , improvement ideas net that's a good one , let's try it without see if we can get , something net org home improve dorm e , okay yeah why okay we're going Togo not , IQ whit lies copy and paste better , than type in it , alright DIY home improvement we're going , to get dot net net I don't usually get , the other ones castanet organ calm , are usually the best okay so there we go , dot knit next we got health personal , development survival personal , development survival okay , personal development let's take a look , at that survival is also a good one but , it'pretty competitive but we'll check , it out Justin case , alright so survival personal development , plan interesting personal development , plan I kind of like that like it , because you could build killer opt-in , list of that but of course they're all , taken Right personal development plan , template personal developing goals yeah , let's try the words on the end personal , development plans sometimes that does , the trick plans org boom I'll take it , okay cool so what I have to do now we , got all the way up to number which is , almost halfway through that's pretty , much halfway through our list Think , with Sam again W starting to pause the , video will pickup in part of this , video if you like this video make sure , you subscribe if you want to learn to , make money as an affiliate marketer go , to simplify bonus com pick up my course , the course teaches you everything as you , can see I actually have the software , right here on my desktop and this course , literally takes you through everything , from getting started getting domain , names I mean literally it just walks you , through everything step-by-step with , videos tools of our tool sections killer , it's got all these tools you could use , literally everything right and it's just , going to its , teach you all this so if you want to be , an affiliate marketer and you want to , make money with this stuff this is the , best course it takes you through , everything from getting started to , finding your niche your profit Center , traffic plans as you can see it's all , easy to go through simple little videos , teaching you everything so if you like , this video and you like my stuff go buy , that it's a great next step to get , started and I hope you enjoyed this , video so thanks again for watching and , I'll see you in the next video part 2 of , the domain name buying video see in the , next one again good simple sites bonus , com subscribe to my YouTube channel , let's make some money and have fun , thanks