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what if I was to tell you that the , contents of this Little gigabyte jump , drive has been worth over four million , dollars to me over the last few years , what the heck Man million bucks for a , little jump drive can I have that jump , drive well of course I'm not gonna give , you the jump drive that's made ME , million dollars but I am going to show , you how to make your own software to , rake it in big-time sometimes as much as , W to$W,W a month or more from the , comfort of your own home now you might , bethinking that software's difficult to , build it's hard to put together and you , need to have huge company like , Microsoft to make it happen it's , actually pretty easy some of the , software like this CD I have here was , made in a few hours and it's made me , lots of money you can actually build , these yourself outsource the work in a , really easy way to create software and , build a killer passive income stream for , you your family and whoever else you , want it's one of the easiest ways that I , find to make money online and I'll never , forget that first piece of software that , I started outwith years ago when we , were renting a room in a house in , Lakewood California it was my wife my , child myself renting two rooms in a , house I was there in the extra room that , we used as my office and I came up with , this idea fora software and we put it , Ina floppy disk what the heck where , does a floppy disk even go and I , remember it like it was yesterday I was , sitting there depressed in this little , house that Iowas renting trying to make , a better life for my family and we sold , over ten thousand dollars worth of the , software within one hour of going live , and I was flipping out because here I , was and now we're making money which was , really coo land in this video I'going , to show you exactly how to start your , own software business how easy it is how , you can get started what you need to get , started and exactly how to piece it all , together and some of these software's , make fifty to a hundred thousand dollars , month or more and I'm going to show , you how that works and we're starting , right now , [Music] , now if you were to take look at some , of the top YouTube's teach how to , make money with affiliate marketing and , everything like that such Alex Becker , Russell Bronson Neil pat eland hopefully , i'm in there somewhere- they all have , one thing in common and that one thing , is that they have software now software , having your own piece of software or , code or tool or whatever is going to , give you the leverage that you need to , break out and start earning big money so , if you want to make a hundred thousand , dollars month or more get into the , million dollar a month range stuff like , that , you're gonna notice that all these , people have software now there'several , different types of software they have , you're gonna look at it and say okay , well maybe there's stuff like utilities , utilities right we spelled that righto , think right utilities are things that , you can use like a little tool that , might convert files or download MP's or , something like that or something that is , useful on Windows or Mac that'll change , a file right very simple that's like a , utility or a calculator or something , like that very simple a budget software , would fall under utility now some people , have other things like tool bars you'll , notice that I use toolbar's often , tool bars are good because you can give , them away free and get people back to , you over and over and over we saw this , with the honey app it's a little app , that you put on your Chrome when you , shop it saves you money and that company , is making a ton of money there's also , stuff like wish who is set to do , billions of dollars this year and it's , all an app based on social media traffic , which is crazy , now you might also see things like , sweets okay a lot of people have sweets , what are sweets sweets are something , like you might Russell Bronson has , theclickfunnels or you might see Neil , Patel has something like the crazy egg , software and different things like that , where you get whole suite of tools , that's gonna help you with something for , example you might have a suite of tools , that's for accountants or a suite of , tools , that's for Realtor's or something like , that very very cool so we'vie got , utilities we'vie got tool bars , we got sweets we also have plugins , plugins are very popular lots of people , make millions of dollars aye with , plugins for word , press phones and different things like , that again extremely easy to build I , outsource these I have awfully-time , outsource that I pay$W a week to , build these for me and oftentimes he can , build them in less than two weeks which , is crazy that means I'm getting awfully , on software tool for like four hundred , bucks , well Marcus that's insane and I'm still , trying to find out where that damn , floppy drive goes that's right , outsourcing is extremely inexpensive and , very easy to do and I want you to notice , that having these software tools having , these little download shaving something , to give away or sell is going to put you , light years ahead of the competition and , you will be on a pillar of your own in , your marketplace raking in all the cash , now this also works with downloadable , products for example you can have like a , downloadable book a video product or you , could even have something like a theme , download one of the things that I'vie , used over the years is having themes , that are custom for certain things you , can have theme that's built for , Word Press for Realtor's and you can give , that theme away or charge for it and , then boom you have list of all the , Real tors who want to make more money , with real estate sites it's absolutely , astounding when you think of the , potential that you could have you can , also create genericWordPress themes and , put them out there and build a huge , mailing list of people that are , interested in Depressing all you got , to do is listen to what they want create , some plugins and Baum you have a business , literally overnight it really is that , easy so what we want to do is we want to , start out on the right foot and the way , that star tout right is to start with an , idea now a lot of people say well Marcus , I got lots of ideas for software and , everything like that and that's all fine , that's all good but what we want to do , is we want to start where people are , looking let's hop in the computer and , I'll show you exactly how this works all , right so first let's take look at how , this work show do we get started with an , idea for software well the first thing , we need to do is go to something like , the Google Ad Words tool or have some , kind of idea in mind base don what we'vie , seen so if we start with the Google , Ad Words tool we can go here and we could , type in things like Word Press plug-in , and we could see what kind of plugins , people what we have Word Press , gallery plugin install plug-in directory , plugin calendar plugin forum plugin form , plugin search plugin review plugin and , on and on we go so there'slots of , different plugins that people want for , Word Press now this is kind of the , software that Specialize in I create , littleWordPress software's and I don't , actually create them myself I outsource , them and I found this guy that I , outsource on I'vie been working for me , since like and I found him through , online jobs pH I think it was and hired , him and he's been making our plugins , ever since really good stuff now there , is Little bit of a curve here , sometimes you have to work through a , couple of people to find someone you , like but you can also do like one-off , job where you say hey I just want you to , make me wardress calendar plug-in and , I'll pay you W bucks or whatever I you , could do like one type deal and try , different people out to find someone , that you like which is really cool , alright we can also go to the Ad Words , tool like this and we can type in , different things like pop-ups right like , pop-up blockers you can see here pop-up , blocker chrome pop-up blocker you can , see these are very low competition and , W,W searches a month W,W searches , a month how to disable pop-up blocker , we got disabled Pluck blockers here , Spy bot Search and Destroy that's a , software a guy made that has done really , well disable pop-up allow pop-ups so you , can create little tools and things like , that and you can see you know keeps , going down and down and down which is , really good so you can create a simple , pop-up blocker or have one built use it , as like Chrome add-on or something , like that , another thing you could search for is , different things like calculators , calculators are great calculators I like , to use as like giveaway type things , where it's like hey you get this , calculator if you put your name and , email in the box that way Could build , a mailing list pretty easy you could see , there's lots of things for mortgage , calculators- web calculators - , scientific calculators and on and on we , gonad they have a lot of traffic for , all of these calculators are super easy , you can get them built for like $W you , can make them yourself and have them , converted very very easy to work with , another thing that you can do is look at , converters lot of people are looking , to convert things online like money , converter , or convert's's that would be a great , software tool that you could giveaway , you could do you could even charge for , it online video converters those are , ones I'vie spent probably thousands of , dollars on video converters over the , years converter here you got lots of , different things that you have here , YouTube converters YouTube converters , here and on an don you go , music converter sand tons of different , things and you can see there's lots of , people searching and the key to this is , that there's really low competition even , with Theodore's stuff pretty low , competition right if I go and I do a , Google search for a word press calendar , plug-in OK you're gonna see there's , probably not that many people well let's , use Google there we go there's only one , advertiser inning if we do Google here , we could see no advertisers at the top , none at the bottom none on page two none , on page three X I have product listings , - that's pretty cool , then you got none on page three here , yeah so like there's there's no one , advertising on this super cheap if you , had a calendar plug-in you could put , this bad boy up charge like seven , dollars twenty seven buck seven ninety , seven dollars if it's a robust one and , do really well and then you got list , of people who you know use Word Press , same kind of things gonna happen with , like directory plugins gallery plug-in , right the gallery plugin is good because , it's like you know that these people are , probably going to be like photographers , or image based sites and stuff like that , again no competition like literally , nothing you can also run Facebook , targeted ads to Word Press groups and , sell tons of plugins which something , that I do and it works really well right , really cool you can also see like pop-up , blockers and things like this very very , little competition let's do pop-up , blocker let's see what kind of , competition we have here pop-up blocker , we have okay no advertising on the first , page none on the second page literally , no competition for this stuff and you , know it'serially easy to get into you , can offer a free version to build a list , or you could sell it for you know W , bucks hundred bucks or whatever same , kind of deal with calculators same kind , of deal with exchange , Currency Converter kind of things for , word press here's another one right , imagine if you had a bunch overdress , themes that you could giveaway you , could go out source someone to create a , thousand themes or a hundred themes or , whatever put those on your site say hey , we're gonna give you bunch of themes , or maybe make three really good ones who , knows that's what I DI make really , good ones with a purpose and we can give , tho seaway that's like a digital product , that I now have that can make me lots of , money , same with templates same with plugins , same kind of deal Word Press website , builder right now that's a little bit , more competitive but that's going to , compete with things likeclickfunnels , and stuff like that which as you know , the dudes making like a hundred million , dollars a year off that WordPresspage , builders site builder theme builder lots , of stuff there you can even go in and do , like site builder right like this site , builder alright like this let's see what , it comes up with here , site builders you got a website builder , website maker create Web site on and , on and on we go now this is kind of , expensive on Google sou would probably , buy my traffic on Facebook would also , do YouTube videos about how my builder , works a great way to get a lot of , traffic as well right awesome stuff we , also have this one is interesting NOW , actually had agree I actually had a , plug-in that created that makes , Instagram bio links right you see in , your Instagram profile you have like the , little spot fora link and most people , use what's called link tree which ISS , service and it create slinks and it's , very basic and silly and whatever I , don't particularly like it because the , conversion rate on that type of stuff is , usually pretty low so what Id id is I , created my own so instead of having like , a link tree with a bunch of stupid , looking links what I did is I actually , put image ads that you can rotate that , work really well okay so when they click , the Instagram they go here this is a , little software that I built this one , literally took the guy 6 hours to make , which means it cost me like bucks or , something crazy like that we're , outsourcing to different countries where , the wages are a lot lower so we got that , there and it works like crazy and we'vie , actually had alto of people buy and , download this plug-in I prefer to use , this as a giveaway but , people do /- bu ta lot of people do pay , $W a month just to have this plugin and , what I did is Went for people that are , looking for like link tree or Instagram , bio bio best bio for Instagram creative , Instagram people that are looking for , the BIO Sand people that are looking to , monetize their social media this works , really well now I want you to think of , the power of this got a bunch of , people on Instagram they all want to get , more traffic to their websites or their , affiliate links or whatever give them , the plug-in or maybe charge W bucks , which is super cheap and then they get , the plug-in now I have a list of people , that are interested in making money with , Instagram which is boom jackpot for me I , can make lot of money with that now , let me show you how this works in the , real world so that you can see how to , develop this stuff okay so let's say we , have the idea here and our idea is to do , the Instagram bio type thing okay what I , would do is I would go over to my , sketcher program here and I would map , out what want the plug-in to look like , right sou would go through and I'd be , like okay well first of all I want there , to be some boxes right so I could , could just literally take a screenshot , so I'll just go to where I have that , page and I'd be like hey I want images , that look like this okay you just go , find images that look like this and then , I use the Snag it program here let's see , it's capture right like this and Just , like have a Snag it thing here okay and , capture this that let's see capture this , here like this , all right let's see what'seagoing on , there we go okay so I just capture this , and I would map it out in are ally easy , way so do like this , okay create this here and this would be , our end result okay right like this so I , would map this out and it looks like our , dog is here to say hi so say hi to the , dog there she is , okay so I'd map this out here and have , the little boxes here and then I'd say , okay well what do Want Otto look like , well I want them to have a spot where , they can upload the image right so I'll , have like this let's say let's get rid , of that one so I go in here and I'd have , like an image spot where you have like , little boxes or something so let's get , boxlike this okay right like this here , okay upload image okay and then I would , tell them I'd say okay for these images , just put like an arrow here and I'd be , like okay these images images centered , we'd do something like I think it's W , by sighs okay so images centered W , by sides and put upload image and , then it had like a little spot so this , is what their control panel would look , like okay and I'd say okay upload image , I'd do something like this where it says , create new add okay and then I just work , with the programmer and tell them , exactly what I want so it'd be like this , insert image or upload image , okay right like that so they upload , their image like that and then it have , like a text box so you can just go in , here and be like okay well I want a text , box here and let's see if we have our , text box there we go so be here and be , like okay enter enter your text okay and , then be like enter your link enter your , link right like this and then it have , the spot for like the upload your image , right like that and then I would also , say you know we wan tit to track the , clicks okay so be Jim right like this , track all clicks- all adds on main page , okay right like that and be like okay , here's what about the output result that , we want here's the create anew add , create your into your text into your , link upload image okay now if you want , them to like make new links like ours , you could see actually has new links , here so it makes new links for them so , we could go through and say hey you know , what we want them to cloak the links you , can put that as well okay and then you , could put something like enable how many , ads or whatever and then what will , hap penis your person is actually going , to build this for you in a really cool , way they'll have questions Sosa you , build it you'll be like hey this is what , I want and they'll come back with like , demo you'd be like okay change it this , way or change it that way and then when , you're done they'll send you the file , and once you have that file you're good , to go you're golden some of the other , stuff you can do is downloadable , products you can make products like , video products PDF products writing book , products different things like that and , the cool thing about these is that once , you own them you can use them for , whatever you want you can get people to , opt-in you can sell them'vie don ea , combination of both or I'vie sold them , made millions of dollars off them'vie , given the ma way to build a mailing list , and these are like your digital assets , and if you want to build a good income , this is what you want to do now if you , want to outsource the creation of like , an article or a book or something like , that what I use is go what I use is get , website content , dot-com and you can actually go there , and for like hundred bucks or W , bucks someone will actually write you a , full-on book which is crazy now for a , couple bucks you could get like , different articles and things like that , but they'll write you books and , everything anything you want you can , literally outsource in a really easy way , I have lots of friends who outsource , books and post them on Amazon and make , lots of money now Prefer to do this , with software and plugins because , software and plugins stands the test of , time and you can always improve and you , can always build your mailing list and , build your database and build up a huge , income you see lots of people who do , different software as a service like , autorespondersand things like that , now my advice to you would be do , something simple right just do something , super simple that solves one problem and , do it really good right build a little , tool spend hundred bucks Ora couple , hundred bucks or whatever to build the , little tool get a good one and then go , out there and use it , I myself have bought hundreds of , thousands of dollars worth of little , software tools over the years one of the , ones Use is Tex crawler to help me , build things I used old video editors I , use pop-up makers all kinds of things , and I bought over the years that work , really really well anything from like , don't page creators and stuff like that , really cool and if you have that you own , the market which is really cool now if , you like this kind of stuff we are , teaching this in the simple sites course , at simple sites bonus com we have a , special section in the new updated , version that's coming out soon so you , want to go there and order now at the , price that's at now because when the new , one comes out it's gonna be more , expensive but if you order now you get , the old one and the new one which is , cool so if you want to learn that we do , teach software creation outsourcing and , everything in the simple sites bonus , course at simple sites bonus com now if , you actually are interested in doing , software as a business also have a , service where we go through we build a , software with you personally and work , with you for over eight and work with , you fora year on setting it up building , it and creating an income which is cool , so if you want a way to work with me , what I would say do if you want that , it's like a private type deal so you , would have to contact us go to PC money , making dot-com put in a ticket and tell , Alisa say hey I'm interested in the , software , long course now it's not cheap that's , why we only do it by request only so you , can go to PC money-making com submit a , ticket and say hey I'm interested in , this course and building software with , Marcos and she will send you the info on , that as well which is really cool , so either way learn how to do this start , building software it's not that hard to , do , outsource it build it yourself some of , the ways that build software myself , which is really cool you guys have seen , the simple sights big profits course , that looks like this , okay this pops up in little software and , you can actually log in here right like , this and you can see what the software , looks like and it's basically video and , then little tools and things like that , so as you're going through like you go , to niche finding you're gonna see the , tools right so under trigger word we got , the little tools here and the video pops , up everything like that right super easy , to go through super easy to make now the , way that this works this software is , nothing more than a glorifiedwebpage , right if I was actually to go through , and find that software let's see where I , actually have it hosted I think I have , it hosted in here under I believe , it is let'SSE here Right here so , this is literally what the software , looks like I just went and got a bunch , of icons okay and I put these icons into , a file right it is super easy like , literally all I'm doing is taking , Microsoft front-page or whatever HTML , editor you use I'vie used this this is , front-page W and then I just drag my , file in here and you can see just make , it like this right like if I want a , different icon here Just take this one , out and I'm like okay well I want this , little rose icon and boom there you go , and then all I ha veto do is link these , two different page son my site and boom , now I have like full-on software , program and I have used this little , method to make millions of dollars with , little membership site software which is , crazy right really easy to do and all , you have to know is how to folder works , and it's basically the same as how a , computer folder works where you're , linking one thing so like you want to , link to this file it's going to have a , properties and it's going to say hey the , file , is this file here let's see how do we , get the big long one right it'll show , you like the the URL of the file or like , the folder and stuff like that so like , if you want to come here it would say , this PC Marcus is cloud W now the , same thing happens online right if you , were to look at like the online version , of that too lit's the same exact thing , so you would just go affiliate marketing , slash login okay so here we are , you can see here up in the top if I , bring this down you can see it's law , affiliate marketing dude comm slash , login slash W I have this behind a , protector so people can't see it unless , they log in but you can see that the , different pages like this one's going to , go to slash start HTM this one goes to , start to teach DM start five dot HTM so , all I ha veto do is have a little page , for each one put the little video code , and boom I could make awfully-fledged , software out of like an info product and , make a lot of money which is really cool , so again the tip is to find your niche , first right so go to headwords tool , find out what you're gonna build your , software for okay you gonna make a , Word Press menu plug-in great is there , enough traffic yeah in these there's , definitely enough traffic if you're , gonna make a pop-up blocker or something , else you use that and then go mock it up , outsource it and then maybe it'll take , you let's say a couple of weeks to build , this maybe couple of months to build , it even if it takes you a couple months , to build it you're gonna have something , that'll generate income for a long time , so do this the right way don't mess , around with little here's the quickest , way - quick quick quick , just build it right you'll make a , sustainable income as I have for almost , W years no wand it's not that hard to , do you just got to get in the restart , building put the pedal tithe metal , build it outsell it then off to the , races you go and you can even get , affiliates to sell your product for you , there'people on kazoo , that build little software's all day , long and they'remaking hundreds of , thousands of dollars year , some of them millions of dollars year , with little software tools you know , you'vie probably bought them and you , could be doing that too so here's to , making this work again if you want to , learn this stuff in detail check out , simple sites bonus com get our simple , sites course we teach it in there and , then if you want more info on software , comment below say hey I want more info , and software like this , stuff and we'll make some more videos , for you and if you want to join our , private secret software year-long course , where I build software with you and I , actually have my team build your , software and come up with your idea sand , everything right us at PC money-making , comm and tell us you're interested in , that so if PC menu making calm click on , submit a ticket make a ticket say I'm , interested what do I do and we'll give , you those details so until next time , have fun learning about how to build , software again it'snot that hard , there's little tools you can us ewe , teach you more about that in the simple , sites course and make something thanks , again for watching'm Marcus subscribe , if you like this and I'll see you in the , next video , you