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hey guys it'Marcus again and welcome , to the niche fining section called the , who else method this is for those of you , who already have a niche market in mind , but you want some extra oomph to get it , out thereto get a lot of traffic to , make money and what we're gonna do is , we're gonna talk about my four major , methods to finding and unlocking those , hidden niche market profit sand keywords , in any market even the competitive ones , now at first glance you'll notice that , your icons have changed into this enter , a keyword with all these little icon , things here what we're gonna be doing is , we're gonna be going through each of , these within this training so as you go , through you can enter any keyword hit , the Go button and it'll bring up all the , stuff for that particular keyword so if , I go Tao pay-per-click competition it's , gonna go ahead and have that right here , with the keyword in it so it makes it , very easy to go through you can use your , Google Keyword planner with this and , we're gonna be opening everything in a , new window alongside the training so , that you can follow along in a really , easy way again this video is for those , of you who already have a market in mind , a product in mind or an offer in mind if , you do not yet have market or a , product or anything like that go back to , the trigger word video and watch that , one it'll make it a lot easier for you , now if you're continuing on I'm assuming , you have a market or product and to show , you how this works we're gonna use the , example on Macs bounty which is an , affiliate network of the go free credit , offer this is an offer at Mac's bounty , that pays us when we get someone to fill , out the form for this offer to get a , free credit report now we can go ahead , and click here and see what the actual , offer looks like and it looks like a , regular go ahead and get a free credit , score kind of thing , pretty good looking clear page so it's a , good offer and we could see that it , actually converts inlet's see where it , converts it says when they find when , they sign up for the trial offers it's , probably like three page thing where , they go through and put their name and , everything , like that to get their free credit score , so really good offer , all right these are very profitable , offers so you know that we're getting , paid$W a lead pretty cool stuff all we , Giotto do is find traffic but what , you're going to find out is when you go , to the regular Google Keyword planner , and you type something in like credit , score or credit report you're gonna see , that these markets are absolutely , saturated with competitors and hopefully , we'll get this thing to work here let's , see if we can get the connectivity back , on all right I had to log back in I use , a test account for all these videos for , testing purposes and everything like , that so it's not an active account so , sometimes I get kicked out so we're , gonna go ahead and go like this and hit , credit score now we're gonna see what , comes up and you're gonna notice that , this stuff is pretty competitive so what , you're gonna see here is that the , competition is high on all these words , even free credit report write what you , think would be cheap because it's free , is high competition and it's almost $8 , per click credit report$W a click so , what you're going to notice here is that , this offer is making an average of two , dollars and W cents a click which means , if I paid$8 a click'd be losing six , dollars every single time someone , visited my site so this is way too , competitive it's not gonna work as is , and what I want to do is I want to use , this example to show you how Togo round , the beaten path how to get away from the , competition and find out as a title , states who else wants this right who , else wants a credit report but dozen't , know they want it yet or who else would , benefit from a credit report those are , the kind of things that we want to look , at when going into market like this , that on the first glance looks , completely saturated and impossible to , work we're gonna show you how to go , around the beaten path find tons of , people make lot of money so buckle up , it'gonna be a bumpy ride , okay so first what we want to do is want , to bring up the four methods we're gonna , be talking about and I put credits , coordinates so we always keep this in , mind number one method is who else wants , it we want to go through and find out , who else would want , it's core but dozen't know they want to , ye tin this method you want to do some , research and come up with some words , that'll teach you about your market and , get you people who want a credit score , niche or could benefit from one but , don'TKO it yet these could be things , like people looking to qualify for stock , right if they're looking to qualify for , Alan they might need their credit , score therefore they might want to , figure out what it is before the lank , so they could be qualifying they could , also want to erase something right like , race a bad credit thing or whatever , they could also want something like a , charge off right or something like that , so they can go through and use any one , of these types of words now you're gonna , notice that when you go into your Google , Keyword planner here and you utilize a , word like qualify alright we're gonna go , ahead and type in qualify right like , this we're gonna hit get idea sand what , we want to find is things like qualify , or whatever it is alright and when we , have qualified check this out we got , very low competition now the searches , are lower but because this is such an , expensive very profitable market any , amount of searches does good as long as , it'snot like ninety like this where , there'snot hing there right so we can go , through and we can take a look at the , various different words here okay and , we're gonna do show only related Tommy , search terms like this okay and we're , gonna go through and we're gonna take , look at qualified do I qualify for , Medicaid qualified definition qualify , for Medicare lots of different things , look kind often't look that great , here a lot of low traffic stuff let's , try something hey guy sit's Marcus here , sorry for interrupting your video but we , got to pay the bills somehow and what , better way than actually offering you , more information on how to make money , online and that's why I'd like to offer , you the chance to get your affiliate , marketing dude console for free that's , right you can download this console for , free get access to my training videos , and more and for my serious students out , there the ones that know you like my , videos and you like to learn this stuff , and you want even more go ahead and , upgrade to the simple sites , sixteen desktop software you're gonna , see once you log in and you have the , simple sites W desktop software you , have access to everything at your , fingertips and we're gonna show you , exactly how to make money online and as , if that'snot enough it also comes with , W days personal support and coaching , that means you get me to look at your , sites give you advice and everything as , you can see these videos on YouTube are , small little snippets of the videos I , provide in our training area so go to , affiliate marketing dude calm put your , name and email in the box get the free , consult and if you're serious about , making money go ahead and upgrade the , simple sites W and will make money , online together ah okay I'm a big dummy , actually had California turned on so we , got to turn these all off and we'll , figure out what the rest of the words , are here so we'll get all these officers , from the last video I forgot to reset , these all right so now when we have , qualified we're gonna see a lot more , traffic here qualify qualify for , Medicare disability qualified benefits , different things like that and we'll , have things like qualify for mortgage or , something like that as well now you can , also use words like different types of , loans for example FHA okay they might , have different things like how do I , qualify for FHA or loan requirements , right FHA loan requirements could be a , very very very good word here right so , we could do limits we can do , requirements we could do FHA loan rates , and things like that and you'll notice , that it's still high competition but you , might find things like FHA calculator , right so now we have this word FHA , calculator and I want you to take a , little trip in the brain of Marcus if , you will for a minute and we have this , word like FHA loan calculator now it , says it's a dollar in Google but it , is a low competition so we always got to , check these out right and we check them , out by going to Google and typing in FHA , calculator for FHA calculator you could , see we have several different , advertisements okay or ads or whatever , you want to call them pay-per-click , results all right remember these are , pay-per-click this is free in these , results we see that we have under , ads quicken loans FHA loans mortgage , calculator Bank Rate web crawler lower my , bills and FHA now you'll notice that we , have web crawlers stuck in here which , says search multiple engines this is , what we call a blanket bidder , whenever you see web crawl era lot com , anything like that where it's , just taking you from a search engine to , a search engine they're doing what's , called arbitrage which you'll learn , about in this course which means that , they're just basically bidding on , everything right like if I click this , you're gonna see that FHA calculator , just takes me to another search engine , right it dozen'really do all that much , so what that means long story short what , that means is that when there's a , blanket bidder or a very little see , their search now com that's another one , there's about com that's another one , that's another blanket bidder , when we have all these blanket bidders , like that what it mean sis we can get , this traffic dirt-cheap this exam pleat , a dollar W we can probably get this , traffic for less than cents which is , great news for us because here we have , this FHA calculator right we make a , little site about FHA calculators we , tell them about how they qualify , different things like that we can get , them into FHA loans we can get them into , mortgage loans we can get them into ref , we can get them into credit score all , kinds of different things right the , world is our oyster and again look at , this as inventory this is an inventory , which could theoretically get you you , know maybe or a hundred different , people a month to fill out this form if , you get hundred people a month that's , 2,W bucksaw month from a little stupid , niche like this that USN'tavern directly , targeted to what we're doing right these , are off the beaten path this is who else , want sit we can also look at like FHA , loan qualifications this is a little bit , more targeted than the calculator right , because they're looking for , qualifications you can say the , qualifications are a credit score , do you have click here to find out , for free there you go BAM there's your , offer all right so we could take a look , at FHA loan qualifications right like , this and we could see if there's any , blanket bidders we have Wells Fargo , these are some big play , we have about calm that'pretty good , okay we have prospect mortgage okay we , have these guys here Flummox okay Jim X , that's a blanket bitter there web crawler , blanket bitter it co that's a blanket , bitter okay good so we have several , blanket bitter so I'm guessing even , though google says this is like$6.W a , click it's not okay it's probably a , dollar or less it's probably less than , forty five cents we can also go to , or or yahoo those all , pull from the same place and do a search , for FHA loan qualifications see how many , ads are there one two three okay couple , others looks like a lot of the same guys , bills calm he's pretty blanket bidding , okay mortgage insider another blanket , bitter right so we have quit ea few here , but it's still pretty cheap so if we can , get traffic here for like less than , dollars click which I'm sure we can we , can do pretty good and there'S's , people month right now we can also go , in and use the word qualifications , remember how we had qualified we could , do qualifications okay we could do , qualifications we can do requirements , whatever all right and then we go down , we say okay accounting IT qualifications , oaf job qualifications okay getting , down into too low of the search amounts , here okay let's do something like FHA , qualification sand see what comes up , here okay FHA qualifications looks , pretty good FHA qualifications fora , loan mortgage qualifications credit , qualification great the stuff is , wonderful this is gold for your market , next we can go in we can go to credit , qualifications right we can refine it , even more and as we're going through , this you're gonna want to go through and , just open up like a notepad like this , and start utilizing these all right we , got like qualifications credit , qualification sand start making a list , of all these words because this is going , to be your inventory to take and make , this niche big Earned Income Credit , qualifications FHA , a standard right lots of different , things here you can also go through and , do mortgage qualifications right like , this and super easy and what you want to , do is just go down the rabbit trail and , find these word sand you're going to , find tons of stuff that works really , good qualifications for mortgage and , things like that and even though they're , little right it's gonna add up because , you're utilizing all of these okay so , there's gonna be tons of stuff you can , also do things like charge off or , whatever or you can do credit score , range okay so if we go regular and we , just type in credit score like this and , we go through and we take type in and , see what else who else wants it like , what ISS good credit score that's , pretty good or good credit score okay , you can make a site all about good , credit score sand then have Little , link that says hey click here to find , out what your credit score is BAM you , take them to the offer you know at a , W,W people month at low competition , right check this bad boy out we go here , good credit score all right we probably , have blanket bidders there's consumer , that's a blanket bidder and on and on we , go so again not that much competition , you could checks as well or Being , right and you can see what comes up as , well not a whole lot of stuff right , there's no marketers really tackling , this there's a couple of them but we can , get in there we can get this traffic , dirt-cheap and do a good job again the , idea is to do Good job if you just , make a site about good credit score and , have a banner ad on it you're gonna fail , right what you have to do is you ha veto , provide good information educate your , consumers and tell them where Togo to , get the info okay really cool we can go , in there and take a look at this an easy , way to do this is just go like this go , to credit score and then gob am , competition get them all to low okay so , we're gonna do it till it goes low to , high now we have all the low W credit , score W perfect this is gold right , here average write all this stuff could , be utilized to make a site you can make , a site all about credit score in the , S's , BAM get a lot of people and again right , it say slow $W , but you know the research you're gonna , find out the Google is it's you know , kind of crazy when they're looking at , this stuffs no one's bidding on it , except for a couple of people so chances , are you can get this for cents or , less if you do it right because you're , gonna be the guy who's targeted with the , W credit score comm site and , everything like that okay so when you're , utilizing this method who else wants it , you want to go through and you want to , find things like qualify arrays charge , off credit qualifications FHA , qualifications use your main word and , get the low competition stuff hey guys , it's Marcus here sorry for interrupting , your video but we got to pay the bills , somehow and what better way than , actually offering you more information , on how to make money online and that's , why I'dike to offer you the chance to , get your affiliate marketing dude , console for free that's right you can , download this console for free get , access to my training videos and more , and for my serious students out there , the ones that know you like my videos , and you like to learn this stuff and you , want even more go ahead and upgrade to , the simple sites W desktop software , you're gonna see once you log in and you , have the simple sites W desktop , software you have access to everything , at your fingertips and we're gonna show , you exactly how to make money online and , as if that's not enough it also comes , with W days personal support and , coaching that means you get me to look , at your sites give you advice and , everything as you can see these videos , on YouTube are small little snippets of , the videos I provide in our training , area so go to affiliate marketing dude , comm put your name and email in the box , get the free consult and if you're , serious about making money go ahead and , upgrade the simple sites W and will , make money online together and as you go , through make sure that you're utilizing , the tools on your dashboard because as , you go through I can go through and take , something like credit qualifications or , FHA qualifications or something like , that right and I can put that in my , power search box right here okay FHA , qualification shit go and what this is , going to do is it'seagoing to give me , everything right if I want to check the , Google competition it's gonna do the , work for me and show me that the , Chub realistic competition competition , is only,W which is pretty much , nothing right we can also go through and , say well you know I want to see what the , pay-per-click competition is and you're , gonna get a detailed result on the , actual pay-per-click competition right , remember how Google said it was like , million dollars a click it's actually , not right you can see there'singly W , advertisers you could see the different , words they're using you can go through , and see the different ads that are show , I showing up look for blanket bidders , and things like that and you can get in , here very very quickly right awesome , stuff you just get in there and use it , you can also go through and use the , Google Trends you could search for , domain names here if you want to find , out what domains are available and go , through and it'll do all the work for , you like that FHA qualifications com dot , Straight everything it does the work , for you so utilize this tool that's why , we created it and you can also go , through and find different places where , you can get videos resell rights like if , you made a video on FHA qualifications , what kind of competition are you looking , at in YouTube right click the button , it's gonna go ahead and do the video , results right you're only competing with , 1,W people and they're probably not , even that targeted right so super easy , to do you can get free traffic in this , niche whatever you want to do right you , can go through you can look for PDF in , your market you can find forums about , FHA qualifications you can find click , baked products resell products and , everything it's very very easy to do and , they go through and start buying domain , names right so I would go through and I , do like credit score comm or , something like that I'd pick up highest , credit scores com I would pick up , something like FHA credit qualifications , comm or FHA qualifications com , is fine too sometimes if it's oh , the only thing available will go for a , dot info but I'd rather pavement or , org any day of the week all right so , that's the basic who else wants it , method you do some research you find out , who else would wan tit who else in the , world would benefit from a credit score , well maybe a guy looking for a price on , a new car maybe a guy looking , or buying a house maybe a guy looking to , clean his credit right do all this stuff , do the research this is where the money , is at the money is in the research say , it with me , all right the money is in the research , so what you want to do is you want to , utilize that do the research and make , the money next we're gonna go ahead and , go through the glossary method the , glossary method is another great way to , go in and find different markets that , are related to something that at a first , glance looks too competitive for the , average Joe and we're gonna show you how , the glossary method works we're gonna , show you how to use it and we're gonna , show you how to make a lot of money with , it so let's dive into the glossary , method again using the same niche now , the main goal of the glossary method is , to find word sin terms only used by a , specific market for example those of us , in the internet marketing world if , you'vie been going through my videos for , any time now you know we use words like , PPC or pay-per-click SEO or search , engine optimization clicks traffic , mailing lists right these are words that , you would't normally use if you were , gonna invite your friend to lunch unless , your friend was an internet marketer and , what we want to do is we want to utilize , the words that are used by a market to , fin doff-the-beaten-path niches let me , show you how it works first and foremost , what I would want to do is go to my my , power search here and go ahead and type , something in like credit score glossary , this is how the glossary method idea , came about and we're gonna go ahead and , click on google search and what that's , gonna do is it's gonna come up with a , credit score glossary search and it's , gonna bring up site winkles Ruiz , with different financial terms or credit , terms so when we go in here and we say , okay glossary credit card terms and , glossary right we could go through this , and we can find different words let's , say we went to a and we could say , account holder okay or affinity cart or , adverse credit history or something like , that and what we want to do is we want , to go through and find these words that , look good okay authorization obviously , that'Soto , Rhoda however if we were to go for the , Seas or something like that and we were , gonna do something like card issuer or , something like cash advance fee or cash , advance rate okay or something like that , we can go through and take a look so , her ewe have something like charge off , rate alright a charge off rate is , something that's specific to the credit , market so we can go through and do , charge off rate okay there's two hundred , and sixty clicks low competition so low , outdoes't even have a bid and we can go , through and make aside all about charge , off rates assuming we know what it is , right you got to do a little research , here and actually make it work okay or , we could go through and do something , like cosigner right cosigner , find out what kind of things people want , a cosigner on right you can make a site , all about having a cosigner and the , entire point of the site could be , pitting Piggy B to get people to go , through and find out hey you can do it , on your own if you check your credit and , if your credit matches this stuff right , so we could do what happens when a , cosigner definition of a cosigner , responsibility of a cosigner all kinds , of different thing sand what you're , going to notice is that stuff is like , really golden right consumer credit , report we could do all kinds of , different things right this one's a , little bit detailed but we can actually , go through and do likeTransUnion or , whatever it is credit bureau risk score , okay you could do something like that , really cool so very easy again go , through the glossary find out what's out , here okay like bank secured credit card , settlement set up fee different things , like that right judgment subprime , lender super prime credit right all , these different things are going to have , search result sand all you have to do is , research them make a good site that , provides information take you you know a , day or two to make and then BAM you get , traffic this works really well when you , go into terms like stuff if you were to , do mortgage application glossary , right if you do mortgage application , glossary you can go through and say , here's a mortgage glossary okay , industry terms or whatever right we go , inhere you can do mortgage glossary , like this and you can find out all kinds , of things so commonly use mortgage loan , application derive sometimes called the , whatever application okay we could go , through and make aside all about this , form right find out all the people who , are looking for this form lo competition , okay , lo competition and we can go through and , say before you fill this form out check , your credit because you want to know , what Otis before you get started we can , also help them get into loans and stuff , like that right it's the idea of , anticipating what the markets going to , do right I can anticipate by the fact , that they're searching for this form , that they're probably going to fill out , a mortgage form right we can also go , through and do like appreciation balloon , mortgage bridge loan right we go through , if someone says well what the heck's a , bridge loan okay they go fora bridge , loan we can see that competitions low on , some of them let's go ahead and do this , by searches though so we can see the , ones that are good what ISS bridge loan , right obviously they heard this , somewhere so what is it they want and , we're gonna be the good guy helping them , out saying hey you know what maybe you , don't need a bridge loan if your credits , over six hundred you could get an FHA , click hereto see if your credits over , six hundred then click here to see if , there'San FHABAM we just hit them with , two affiliate offers based on something , that most marketers would have no idea , to go for right and we're just learning , it by this type of stuff buy down your , rate that's a popular term cash out , refinance that's probably gonna be , really competitive on that one closing , agent closing cost there's an awesome , one closing costs right this is a really , good one because they're like well I'm , gonna get a house for five hundred ran , what's the closing costume you make a , little calculator you make a site about , it this is gold right you get them into , the credit score stuff and again the , idea is to go through and make a really , good site that helps them with this all , right then put them to your offer and if , you're not married to your offer you no , offer them some other stuff as well you , don'twat to just be a one-trick pony , you want to be the closing cost expert , guy right really easy to go through , contingency date of closing credit date , of possession right lots of cool stuff , that you ha veto look at and it's all , good so all you're gonna do is go , through there and utilize the glossary , method write down all the terms look , them up here right and then start making , sites about it and you're gonna find a , good niche based on your market you , start by promoting your offer and then , you build it up using the rest of the , stuff we teach and you're good to go , here's Good Faith Estimate right , here's people that they're like okay , well where do I get good faith , estimate there you go low competition , obviously they're looking to buy a house , really cool super easy to go through a , high-risk loan hazard insurance all , kinds of stuff right , this stuff is leading to things that are , more important so as you go through , utilize your icons here utilize glossary , you can do terms and you can do all , kinds of cool stuff so that's a basic , overview of how to go through the , glossary method again it works like a , charm don't overthink it just go through , utilize those terms and remember the , only people who are gonna use those , terms are people who are going to want , the end result which we'll get into in , the means to an end profit plan but for , right now let'sago ahead and go through , this symptom strategy this is a great , strategy that's gonna show you how to , find symptoms to problems that people , have not just health stuff but other , stuff as Welland then provide the , solution for them that works really well , now the symptoms strategy is pretty , simple , when you look at it in medical type , way obviously if you are bloated in , whatever you have gas or whatever it is , right and there's certain symptoms that , lead to certain things and those things , are where the money's at obviously if , someone feels sad there's not really a , lot of money there but as soon as you , call it depressions now they got , counselling and pills and all this stuff , for that right and what happens is the , symptoms is where you want to market to , people early for example instead of , going for someone who is looking for , like how do I check into rehab , why not go for someone typing in like , how many drinks is too much right and we , when we mark it at the symptom level the , traffic is a lot cheaper let me show you , how it works let's say for example we , want to find someone who is going to , need financial help what kind of , things do people search for when they , need financial help for example one , thing could be like a tax link if , someone has a tax lien that's obviously , a symptom of something bigger now while , you could go for something like the word , taxing we can also look at the various , different subcategory words for example , if you have something like does a tax , lien show up on your credit report or , something like that or a notice of tax , lien right all of these things if you , were to have like notice of tax lien and , you do that in Google you're gonna find , out that there's not really that many , people competing and when they are again , we got search glory , we got about calm so we got a lot of , blanket bidders Herrick so it's not as , competitive as it looks from first , glance it's clearly not going to be $W , a click especially if we check on MSN , and stuff like that now when we look at , this word we have what is known as a , symptom right this is a symptom of , something deeper they need help right , and this back taxes help guide gets the , picture he gets it he's like yeah they , probably need some help all right pretty , cool so what we want to do is we want to , utilize this and start to think of , different symptoms that people would , have that would lead them to need the , offer product service or information our , site is providing so for example we can , go for something like remove a charge , off again this is a word you would have , found in your glossary method right how , do you remove charge off here's a , hundred and forty people per month who , want to remove charge off from their , credit report well they probably already , have their credit report but we can have , them check it again and we can give them , tips and things like that here's a , sample letter to remove charge off you , could also do things like sample letter , right when someone's writing letter , they probably want some kind of result , okay and you can lookup things like , sample letter for resume obviously , looking for a job you could do things , like hardship letter right there's , another goo done the only reason people , would write a hardship letter or , hardship let's say we do that right , the only reason someone would want a , hardship letter is because they have a , hardship right and if we have financial , hardship letter that's eight hundred and , eighty people month who are looking , for financial hardship letter we could , provide simple letters for them to use , and tips to help them out of their , hardship right this is a symptom , symptom is a they want to write this , letter our our solution right that's the , word I'looking for is that we could go , through and help them out of their , hardship right very very easy a lot of , this stuff works really well another , thing you could do is you could go , looking for forms right what kind of , forms do people fill out to get , assistance with things you could do , something like a credit form or whatever , right see what kind of forms people have , or credit removal form right lots of , different things working tax credit form , credit card form credit dispute form , annual credit report form there's a good , one there tax credit claim form all , kinds of different things and again you , got a lot of gold her ea lot of low , low-lying fruit here credit card payment , form like this one credit card payment , for mall you have to do is be like okay , you're gonna get the credit card payment , form in a minute put your name and email , and then on the next page you say hey , are you paying over.2 percent if so , click here to get your new credit card , or click here to check your credit or , something like that really cool you can , also do something like effect credit , okay what kind of things affect credit , or show up on credit right these are all , things that work extremely well because , when people hear things in their life , they go to the internet to get the , information on them do student loans , affect credit to student loans do how , long do low payments and low payments , affect your credit does bankruptcy right , look at all this gold right here all , this stuff people are looking for how to , affect credit and you could go in I mean , just to show you an example all these , have low competition in , essence what these people want is credit , repair okay so we could take this less , than$1 per click traffic and put it to , something like credit repair okay and , when we put it to credit repair an dour , credit offer and things like that BAM , this one really is $W a click because , it's very very competitive right so we , can take and flip from the small from , the symptoms from the glossary words , from all these thing sand flip them to , stuff that's really really helpful and , that is the symptoms strategy you want , to find symptoms things that are leading , people up it'skint of like they're on a , ladder right the end of the ladder is , okay I'm gonna file bankruptcy'm gonna , refinance'm gonna do whatever the end , of the ladder is the offer you have the , ultimate goal that your site is going to , provide and sometimes someone's gonna be , at the very bottom of the steps looking , for how do I write a letter to my credit , agency or what do you do when you get , fired or how DI sell my house if it's , not worth as much as I owe right all , these things are little symptoms and , they're on the stairs of symptom sand , you have the solution which fits up , which fits all of them however they , don't know what the solution is and it's , our job to help them so it's very easy , to do and our job is to be a total like , genius about these financial hardship , letters make the best site you can help , them out give them advice and then put , them to the other things that help make , you money and this is where you find the , symptoms it's much in the same way if , you were to say you know feeling sad all , the time okay that's probably a symptom , of depression okay so I can get them , into some kind of depression product or , something like that or maybe tired all , the time , okay these people are probably you have , some kind of condition right these are , symptoms it works really well you got , tired all the time that's a low , competition right this one you look it , up in Google it's like nothing okay , nothing no one competing no bidders , nothing there's no bidding right you get , this five cents W cents a click however , one of the things that makes you tired , all the time could be like fibromyalgia , fibre malarkey um let'SSE if we , spelled racket burn me out okay well , just spellcheck it anyway right , fibromyalgia now is am ore expensive , click and I don'TKO if I spell edit , right or whatever okay or help for , depression again is going to be a much , higher click as well now to bring this , in a more real form what I did is Went , through and looked at some of the , different terms that I used before I , went into rehab obviously rehab is , expensive just like help for depression , there's lots of words that used when I , searched for things that could have , predicted if I was going to end up in , there right and if you can predict based , on the symptoms what people are gonna , need you're gonna make a fortune just , like why am I tired all the time well , you might be depressed CZ I'mot for , depression it's very simple this stuff , is very easy don't over complicate it , now let's go ahead hope you enjoyed , the symptoms strategy and how we're , gonna go into the means to an end , profit plan Marcus here sorry for , interrupting your video but we got to , pay the bills somehow and what better , way than actually offering you more , information on how to make money online , and that's why I'dike to offer you the , chance to get your affiliate marketing , dude console for free that's right you , can download this console for free get , access to my training video sand more , and for my serious students out there , the ones that know you like my videos , and you like to learn this stuff and you , want even more go ahead and upgrade to , the simple sites W desktop software , you're gonna see once you login and you , have the simple sites W desktop , software you have access to everything , at your fingertips and we're gonna show , you exactly how to make money online and , as if that's not enough it also comes , with W days personal support and , coaching that means you get me to look , at your sites give you advice and , everything as you can see these videos , on YouTube are small little snippets of , the videos I provide in our training , area so go to affiliate marketing dude , calm put your name and email in the box , get the free consult and if you're , serious about making money go ahead and , upgrade the simple sites W and will , make money online together , now the means to an end profit plan is a , lot like the last one we went through , are we looking for the symptoms that is , to say that obviously people are using , something to get to somewhere else , people look up their credit score to buy , something people look up you know , flights because they're gonna fly , somewhere it's like the old Ace Venture , why are you going to the airport , fly-in somewhere right of course it's , like okay something two and two together , equals four and if I can take what , you're searching for and figure out , where you're going with it we can do , really really well , chances are if you get a plane ticket , you probably will need a hotel or a car , or something okay very cool so we want , to look at this and want to say what , kind of things do people use to get to , an end right for example if someone's , gonna learn about credit scores or , flirting or mortgages or whatever there , are certain steps that they're going to , take along the way and your job is to go , to do the research to find out those , steps before they find it out so that , you can lead them down the path and plug , affiliate offers every step of the way , for example when you're learning , flirting right this is probably because , you want to date someone okay so the end , result is hey know what I want to date , someone so first of all they might sign , up for a dating site they might learn to , flirt their second they might go Ina , date they might want to learn different , things for first dates all kinds of , different things that lead to an end , it's very very important that you go , through these because when you do things , start to change right you could do , something like prepare for right what do , people want to prepare for what are the , means people are using to prepare for an , interview right how to prepare for an , interview you know this guy wants a job , pretty simple okay so you can go in and , you can prep area really good thing how , to prepare for college right there you , go how to prepare for college well you , need to get your credit score you need , to get your student loans in order you , need to figure out how you're going to , do this prepare for an exam prepare for , a test prepare for university school MBA , prepare for interview looks like , a big one and along the way all these , things are going on right how to prepare , for hurricanes well you need Togo and , you need to get insurance on your house , right hurricane insurance and flood , insurance or whatever okay you can also , look up before right what do people want , to do before something you know you , could look at pearls before swine that's , actually pretty good you can promote the , Bible toolbar there before it was news , let's see what else we have pearls , before okay that looks like a comic so , that might not be that good before okay , and you can even put before with your , end result right so before marriage , before divorce right all the different , things people are going to look at , because there's certain means to an end , people are gonna have if they are one , into divorce right here got separation , before divorce dating before it's final , things to consider before how long , dating before right all these kinds of , things are like okay well you have this , stuff right before divorce is low , competition it's a penny a click , however divorce attorney is expensive , right so we look at these things and we , say what are the things you need to do , like here's twenty seven bucks a click , right it's the same thing they just , don't know it yet right you could do all , kinds of different things from credit to , divorce to before bankruptcy right what , do people want to do before bankruptcy , or what do they think you need to do , right bankruptcy course before filing , bankruptcy before divorce right all , these things even though it's very , little traffic right there's a lot of , them so it adds up over time and also , when you look at like bankruptcy lawyer , right you don't need a whole lot of , traffic to make this work bankruptcy , lawyers like thirty dollars a click , right so if you can do this right if you , can anticipate what they want and if you , can go through and find the means , they're gonna use to the end the end is , hey they need to pay , all right it's gonna make a lot easier , but the means could be all different , things like if we had tax attorneys guy , tax attorney is expensive , what kind of things do people want you , could do something like go to Google and , do tax help forms or you could do list , of tax forms all right and when they do , lix a list of tax forms okay you're , gonna see what Otis so here's like , individual we can go through and do , something like payment okay go in see , what kind of form payment voucher , estimated payments underpayment , estimated tax okay so if you're under , payment you can find out stuff under , payment there Otis again , we could do first-time home buyer credit , don't really need that but alto of this , up credit for employer differential , right and then when we look at this , stuff we could do something like let's , do lean or you could do something like , let's take a look at some of these sales , and other dispositions Medicare okay , non-deductible IRA low-income housing , credit okay so low-income housing credit , you can go to this and say well how many , people are searching for this form eight , five eight six the only reason they look , for it is a means to an end right and , you could just go down the list and say , okay well here's annual Senate lent here , is a kebab mortgage interest credit , okay there's one for mortgage interest , credit people looking for that form , every month right and these things start , to add up so what I want you to do is , start to think differently about niche , marketing and start to think in terms of , how you could be an expert on one thing , right how can you be an expert Ina , certain specific thing and help people , with this stuff right here's additional , taxes and moving expenses and whatever , right all kinds of different things and , you could utilize this to your advantage , to make a lot of money so to recap we , went over those four ways , to go through and find your niche we , want to go through we want to use those , I want to find keywords that work good , and when we find keywords run them , through your program find some domain , names and then go back and utilize the , icons to go ahead and start with your , niche if you have not gone through the , hub site video you can go ahead and , click on simple sites big profits here , you can go ahead and click on build your , blog right here and it'll take you to , the hub site video that'll show you how , to get started once you find in it so I , hope you enjoyed this video hope you , learned a lot about how to find niches , and how to utilize the software along , with my methods use the niche finding , tools and everything below to get more , detailed and get started with your niche , thanks again for watching and I'll see , you in the next video and we're gonna , learn how to find offers and build your , site thanks again Marcus here sorry for , interrupting your video but we got to , pay the bills somehow and what better , way than actually offering you more , information on how to make money online , and that'shy I'dike to offer you the , chance to get your affiliate marketing , dude console for free that'aright you , can download this console for free get , access to my training videos and more , and for my serious students out there , the ones that know you like my videos , and you like to learn this stuff and you , want even more go ahead and upgrade to , the simple sites W desktop software , you're gonna see once you log in and you , have the simple sites W desktop , software you have access to everything , at your fingertips and we're gonna show , you exactly how to make money online and , as if that'snot enough it also comes , with W days personal support and , coaching that means you get me to look , at your sites give you advice and , everything as you can see these videos , on YouTube are small little snippets of , the videos I provide in our training , area so go to affiliate marketing dude , calm put your name and email in the box , get the free consult and if you're , serious about making money , go ahead and upgrade the simple sites , W and will make money online together , you