PART 2: How Much Money Will An Affiliate Niche Sites Earn


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okay are we back , okay are we back believe we are back , okay if we're back let me know I think , we're back okay we'll just call this one , part okay cool so I think we're back I , think we're good okay so um what I was , saying was lot of people come to me , with general stuff like he says you know , a lot of CPA offers arena't good you , haven'looked at all the CPA offers so , you don't know okay if you guys want to , see par tone of this video i'll put a , link below in the description , that way if these get cut up we'll try , to fix it from there okay so we got that , there we're like okay a lot of people , generalize stuff and they said well , affiliate marketing's't work anymore , markets and it's like yeah it does go , away that's silly , traffic dessert whatever you know , internet marketing still works affiliate , marketing story so don't generalize , things focus all right very important , now when we look at this you want to , look at your stats you want to look at , your Epigram I said the EPC was the , king okay you could take a look at this , you could see hundred and seven , thousand dollars I made on this one , little site and if you take that hundred , and seven thousand dollars and you , divide it by the amount of traffic which , is twelve hundred clicks let's see what , was it one hundred and seven thousand , over twelve hundred clicks you're gonna , get an Epcot let'SSE that's not right , hundreds of thousand twelve hundred or , twelve thousand clicks how many clicks , was OTOH , fourteen thousand clicks okay there we , go so one hundred and seven thousand , over fourteen thousand clicks you're , gonna get an EPC of seven dollars and W , cents right so really cool so it's like , focusing on this okay I know that when I , send traffic to this advertiser to this , page I'm gonna make seven dollars and W , cents on average which is good right , then I'm like okay I gotta make sure the , traffic's quality gotta make sure it , work snow you can see that this stuff , works like a charm now you have to have , a goal your site needs to have a goal , and purpose what do you want them to , do if you're doing drone site get them , the drone site right be like hey here's , the drone site here's the offer , okay put him direct to it what do you , want him to do you want to click do him , to by doing them to opt in whatever that , is you need to put it in front of them , here's some landing pages I'vie had this , landing page I believe my numbers are , correct think it was about W to W , cents a click on generic traffic of , people looking up winning numbers right , that's insane does anyone else think , that that's insane you're like wow , really you seriously have W cents , click on traffic that just wants to , check winning numbers that's crazy okay , next your content must lead your , visitors where you want them to go look , at my gas price site right we put the , zip code boom , send them to the page okay Also took , this gas price stuff and I made the , value of the market higher by saying hey , you want to find cheap gas price check , out this gas rewards credit card that'll , save you W cents gallon they were , like whoa okay think about that very , very very important okay does that make , sense everyone okay makes sense give me , a thumb sup or whatever you give me a , hundred percent or something like that , okay connections still good should be , Good think we are let's see that , connections good should be all right , okay so that'st he deal prime rate , people were looking for the prime rate , took him to mortgages why else would you , lookup the prime rate if towering't , interested in mortgages righto I don't , think you guys woke up and we're like , let'SSE what the prime rate is today I , doubt it , okay unless you're a mortgage broker all , right tattoos I did the same thing now , here's some snapshots this is something , I tested just a couple days ago , I'vie got W click's bucks was my , commission which is cool right so it's , like over what was it W boom okay , cool so we got two dollar fifty a click , which is good so now this one converted , a little bit higher because we're like , okay we're converting what would that be , we're converting W out of so W , over I think that's how you do it , might have to reverse it W over W so , that one is converting about% which , is cool so it's like okay we're , converting W%what's that gonna look , like so find one that does about W%I , think that would be like this that'd be , about right let's see so I'm making $W , a sale see if we get that in the range , there right about a little bit low let's , try a different one that would be on a , trial that might be on a trial , let's do $W.W per sale he's like so ya , bout dollar so you can see that the , math is pretty dead-on when we're , looking at this stuff right so this one , converted pretty good it's like okay , cool so I got two hundred forty two , dollars great off of that about dollar , fifty click now I know all I got to do , is send bunch of traffic to that , could pretty much expect a dollar fifty , click now if I can get traffic less than , a dollar fifty boom there we go now give , you a little hint this one is actually , in the image creation , market right so it was like what was , Instagram images something like that so , you see it works in everything right , it's not just make money it's everything , so like Instagram images they wanted to , create Instagram images let's see re post , how to post photos on Instagram how to , post photos on Instagram , okay that's low four cents a click so , that's less than a dollar fifty now this , probably won't convert as good as the , traffic was sending because I'm not , gonna give you the exact niche I'm using , but let's see , so Instagram images you know we could do , is Instagram image sizes Instagram sizes , because people who are looking up image , sizes would want to use this so , Instagram image size sand let's do , Instagram apply okay so Instagram square , size that would work format cover photo , profile photo profile pi call this stuff , would work right and all of it is less , than W% of what I'm making per click , how many guys are like dude this is , awesome love this I wish I could find , whatever niche you're using because I , like a dollar fifty a click and this , looks pretty cool right so type it in if , you guys are on the up-and-up if you're , understanding what's going on let me , know , okay here's another one did this was , in the software market , okay eighteen thousand dollars , commission for two thousand clicks , that'slake nine dollars ninety nine , point two dollars a click pretty cool , all I need to do is get bunch of , people in there and there we go , and all Igor to do is get them less , than nine dollars pretty cool now if , you're going for free traffic same thing , applies lot of people when they do for , each or every they're like yeah it's , free so whatever Just hope Image , money yeah that's dumb don't do that , right focus be systematic get your , amount per click as high as you can , because you'vie worked your ass off to , get the traffic you might as well make a , bunch of money with it you with me all , right you guys can see that these are , like totally recent this one was from , April of this year this one was from , last week this one is up to today so I , took this screenshot today it's on a , little site I built back IN you , could see started really taking off now , Think we're making like four to five , thousand dollars month on this one , very cool okay make sense okay , yeah the streams should be working now I , thin kit started new stream over but , it is working now okay now here'st he , rule of thumb that used in the , calculator okay your rule of thumb is if , it's one form lea done one lead what , is that okay that would be an offer like , an email or zip submit okay so if you do , like zip submit okay this is where you , get paid when they put their zip code in , the box pretty simple okay are their , email in the box or their name or , whatever it is usually these pay like a , dollar or something so we're gonna go , down to the dollar area show you guys an , example , okay should be coming up on him soon , okay so email submit Walmart gift card , so this one pay's when they put their , email in the box and hit the button so , that would be an example oaf one field , lead now the one to one of for one or , two that means you can usually convert , one out of every four people in a good , instance'vie been able to do on eat of , every two okay sometimes I'vie hit more , than one out of every two but that's the , deal okay so when you look at these , you're like okay and I made it easy for , you right like I did all the math so , it's like one form lead'm getting to , W Otto W I think it was what am I , gonna expect per click boom dollar W on , the high end sixty-three cents on the , low end pretty easy now what is the next , one a download okay a download would be , like a toolbar okay so we'll do Chrome , extension , okay so Chrome extension we do like , let's see get Maps oh hey what's this , Sports score that's cool radios they got , a lot of them really good PDF Converter , here's one know if actually use this , and it's work this is not the one I want , though okay let's do Chrome extension , chrome Chrome extension okay so we look , at this we're like okay let's do get , maps okay so this is for maps they , download maps for their Chrome , okay chrome extensions are pretty coolie , use them if you guys are not using my , Chrome extension you totally should , because you install it on Chrome like , this and then you get this little button , and boom it gives you all my tools and , we're actually updating it so pretty , cool you guys will get the update , automatically Think I will send an , email to okay so that's chrome , extension this one's for maps so if , people are like hey check it out Want , to download maps then they would go , through and they'd be like okay what am , Gonna expect on that well on a , download it's usually out of to , out of every so we'll look at that , won't be like cool , I get paid dollar what can I expect , per click now again remember this is , clicks to the offer okay so this is it , the clicks that you send tithe offer , OK so W cents to the low end would be 7 , cents okay short form lead this would be , like you know 4 fields or something like , a like a basic mortgage something let's , see if we have those mortgage short form , might come up we need form not from , mortgage short form , yeah come on load , let's just try mortgage if we go down , the list tithe cheaper ones that should , show USO think we have a storm coming , that might be our internet issue okay so , we'll do mortgage he redo search , okay so short form is gonna pa ya little , so like let's see new purchase us a rate , guide this might be an example let's see , here , email only okay let's see if there's a , good one lower my bills he has a short , form so lower my bills continue okay , single family whatever continue zip code , continue okay continue , short form yeah so this is pretty short , okay so not Nita whole lot of personal , info which would be considered a short , form let's see net OR my bills , calculate okay so that would be a short , form right so the short form one we , would look at let's see that and that , would be an example here now the short , forms will convert usually one out of , ten sometimes one out of five so we do , what dollars thin kit was on that , boom it'll give you the average pay per , click mid-size form is a little bit , bigger than that that one would actually , be considered amid size in my opinion so , that would be those long form is like a , full-on mortgage app right so that would , be those usually pay like hundred , dollars per sale so that would be like , two to three dollars click now Larry , just said what about email or wrote , about books , well books would be a sale right that , would be like a Clickbanklike a sale , kind of thing so like if you get I don't , know sixty seven dollars on an e-book , right you're gonna calculate it that way , free trial these are cool I like free , trials free trial , free trial was actually how I made these , Commission's here right this is on a , free trial basis which was cool I got , like hundred dollars a trial so that's , how that works so we'd look at that and , that would fall under like one out of W , if it's a really good one like as seen , on TV or something those would work well , so we'd be like okay trial would be I , don'usually get like$W or something , so you do that way and then , pay-per-click ads that's if you put paid , ads on your site usually get at A out , of every or 1 out of every W to click , right so we just go there and be like , okay cool what would that give us let's , say we get$1 or click boom okay does , that make sense to everyone okay and I , Willie will make this calculator , available and it will also make , available the pay-per-click or I'm not , the pay-per-click the niche like , evaluation thing does that make sense , anyone confused there's everyone good , any questions on that , okay now it's kind of a lotto take uni , get it , what is as-seen-on-TV like offers that , are seen on TV there's a lotto take in , it's a lot of math it's a lot of stuff , again you got to look at your niche and , you're like okay what am I going to , value here what I'm gonna offer them now , the very important thing that you got to , realize is the value is in the niche and , the offer that's it like people come to , me I was reading their review the other , day and people like Marcus's high ticket , niches you know why would anyone charge , for a niche and I'm like wow you really , don'TKO , affiliate marketing right because if you , have the right niche like if you know , that Instagram square size will actually , convert and you have an offer that'll , work how many guys are like hell yeah , that's valuable mean are you insane , like knowing what to offer is everything , right that's that'everything knowing , the keyword knowing what to offer , hands-down that's where the value is , okay so if you want to go through and , you're like Marcus would like you to , find my value'd like you to go through , and I'd like you to show me the value , I'd like you to show me the niche I'd , like you to purchase my domain name like , actually purchase it which by the way , right now we're having a sale on the , high ticket niches because I went , through the niches and I have way too , many domain name sand I'm on like I went , through third of them and already at a , third I have like hundred thousand , dollars worth of domain names which is , insane and I got to get rid of some of , them because I can't run that many sites , nor should I run that many sites so what , we're gonna do for the next four day sis , we are gonna offer you a special on the , high ticket niches for the domains that , I need to get rid of now these domains , just to give you an idea'm gonna tell , you here's one that's worth seven , hundred and seventy one dollars five , twenty six eight ninety W W W W , W W W W W I mean seriously , that's a killer value on the niches now , in addition to the domain those are the , values of the domain as per Go Daddy I , don't know what you'll be able to sell , them for there's just a little automatic , appraisal tool that they use which is , usually pretty accurate'vie see nit's , it'pretty good but that'SA value of , the domain unknown so what we're gonna , give you today is I'm going to find the , niche so I'm gonna go through it I'm , gonna be like check it out here's some , keywords for Instagram image size here's , the offer you're gonna run here's how I , thin kit'll do here's how you're gonna , get the traffic here's how you're gonna , make the sales here's the offers you're , gonna run here's a giveaway that you , need to get for your mailing list we're , gonna set up the blog we're gonna give , you the domain name valuable domain name , we're gonna set up your blog for you , we're gonna set up your lead page we're , gonna show you the offers to run the , traffic everything and you gonad you , use it and you comeback and you say , Marcus got awesome results that's a , great service and some people do get , awesome results sadly most people when I , check on their site like a year later , they haven't done anything with it which , is like wow I wish you did something , because it's a good niche please do , something with it so if you want to get , a niche and you want to do something , with it and you want me to show you how , it works here's what we're gonna do , we're gonna hook you up with your own , custom niche profit blog you're gonna , get a direct match domain name these , domains are yours to keep you own them , forever you use them however you want , really cool awesome coo la Walters or , Walter says he's waiting on his niche , right now they'rebuilding it he says , it's totally worth it he's looked at the , preview awesome he says go get it , so if Walter says go get it you should , go get it right really cool so we're , gonna do that and we're gonna focus now , Alex says would you take my niche and , domain , I chose with simple sites and build my , site yes if you have a niche you want to , go into get the high ticket niches and , then tell us your niche and we'll work , it around your market if you'Rae , network marketer if you're selling a , product if you'vie got a book go get this , trust me you're gonna love it now on the , old domains we're actually having , special okay so really cool you get the , direct match domain you get the keyword , loaded custom content you get the custom , theme we're building your theme my , people build themes okay so you could go , buy a theme and wardress set up for , like a thousand dollars somewhere else , okay and it it'll probably , better than mine but mine's gonna , convert so do you want to look pretty or , do you want to convert me I want to , convert want to make money that's why , I got into affiliate marketing is to , make money so we're gonna make you a , custom theme that makes it work for you , we're gonna give you over $W worth of , my custom blog plugins that build your , list help you set everything up put ads , on your site test your market test image , ads everything the whole nine yards , now the W hour rush setup we don't do , this anymore so I need to remove that it , usually takes about three weeks total to , get it set up , okay so worth it by this time or , actually before Halloween you'll have a , site ready to go now you can get your , you also get the simple sites course , which is good we give you that because , I'm like I want you to use the simple , sites course now you could go to high , ticket niches calm and you could take , advantage of this offer really cool its , one-time which is great , now you can go here you can get this you , just put your name email everything like , this if you want one of the domains that , I already have we have a really killer , deal okay all you Giotto do is scroll , down and click on looking for a starter , niche you go here I'm not gonna show you , the price but it's good you click on get , a starter niche it's not a starter niche , it's high-ticket niche but it's based , on the domain I already have okay so you , choose from that if you want your own , domain choice then you get the regular , one does that make sense it's killer , deal awesome stuff you'll be set up , you'll be ready to rock and roll again , it's only four days I think I could , actually show the price because I guess , it's gonna go away anyway so if you want , to do that you just go to high ticket , niches com click on looking for a , starter site you go here ridiculous , what your domains probably gonna be , worth more than that so like we give you , a blog set if we tell you how to run , it's ridiculous now we're only doing , this on limited time basis for the , domains that are already here okay so if , you want to get it get it now go to high , ticket niches com click that link now um , let'SSE yeah it has a great deal go , get it get it on this callus I don't , know how many domains we have , she's still going through the file but , they're great like that one they're like , imagine if you went and you got this , credit card Mitch I have that the domain , is valued at$1,W but that that would , be pretty cool you'd be like wow I just , paid five hundred bucks for ado main , that's valued up fifteen hundred sure or , fourteen hundred sorry got to be exact , there now Id on't know if you could sell , it for that you might sell it for More , don'TKO but you're gonna get a site , you're gonna get a niche and the goal is , to use it and make money now I promised , at the beginning I would give you guys , PDF okay so what Want you to do is I , want everyone right now to go to high , ticket niches calm okay , go there when you're there scroll down , and click this little link that says , niche profit worksheet okay that's your , niche profit worksheet okay that is a , worksheet you can use you can download , it right now alright and it's gonna tell , you how to look at this you're gonna go , through you'll put your base keyword you , say Instagram whatever for cents sub , keywords Instagram image size Instagram , profile pic whatever okay put them all , in their domain name okay you get your , domain name now if you do this for a , niche we'vie already done this for you on , the high ticket niches okay you put your , affiliate offers we're gonna tell you , the offers we're gonna tell you the best , traffic options we're gonna tell you , what it's gonna cost or how much work , it's gonna take to get the traffic to , you so really cool and then it's got the , little guide here so you can print it , out with the guide and see what's going , on and then of course because this is , such an insane deal I also have a little , ad for the high ticket niches as well , right so really cool if you like that , and you want to save like bucks on , some of the niches this is available , only on the domains we already have okay , the people who get new niches they get a , new niche new domain we actually do that , custom forum so this is just on the , previous domains that's why we're giving , you the deal on it so cool now if you , already have a niche Orin-ticket niche , you can get another one get another one , cheap and be like markets give me , another one which is cool okay so any , questions on this let me know and we'll , take it from there but again we're , Kilos Dali thin kit actually cost me , like by the time it's done'm making , like$W seriously on that offer that's , about what I'm making by the time , everything's said and done make like a , hundred bucks so I'm not getting rich , off it but I do want you to have , something you can use with a domain you , can work on right so if you think that's , fair enough if you like do that's fair , enough mark is I mean seriously I could , take it and can go use it and if you , wan tone of the regular high ticket , niches the difference is you'll be able , to choose your niche so like on high , ticket niches you'll be like hey I'm , gonna choose it okay cool , the steps to download you go to high , ticket niches calm okay when you're , there scroll all the way down right , above this little picture of live chat , it says niche profit worksheet okay , that's what you're gonna use Akron , says it's a good deal really cool can , you upgrade from simple sites to high , ticket niche son the full price niche , yes on the other one no okay so you can , only upgrade from the full price one , okay so if you need that let me know for , the deal there are no upgrades there's , no deal there's nothing if you want the , deal like Tina says she wants a deal go , to high ticket niches calm right here , looking for a starter niche you click , this okay boom there Otis , Tad okay so really cool really easy , okay so any questions on this while you , guys are getting signed up it's a , ridiculous killer offer can you be an , affiliate for high ticket niches sure , yeah you could be an affiliate , fried-chicken itches it's a custom plan , so you have to be in our programs to do , Ito asked that because I kind of want , to vet you and make sure that like , you're not gonna go spam the whole world , spamming is bad don'Tod it the W deal , is on the domains I already own right so , you're gonna get a choice from some of , the domains I already know and we'll , drop the link let's see if I can do bear , with me one second'll make you guys an , easy link because let's say affiliate , I'll make you guys an easy link here and , the link will be if Icahn't remember my , password , come on password , alright I'gonna use my trusty tracker , plugin , I love the tracker plug-in it makes , things so easy I'll add a new link watch , how easy this is this is my tracker , plug-in so let's say we make it small , there's my tracker plugin so I go here , go to my tracker plug-in and I'm like I , want to make a loot new link and you get , these with all my courses I'm gonna call , this link niche Salk URL to shorten , and put the big ugly link shorten URL , let's do sale okay so now that quick all , you Giotto do is go to affiliate dude , dot-com slash sale boom they'll take you , right to that special offer right , affiliate dude calm sale when you get , there put your name email all this info , you can see it's like totally secure and , put your info click the button there you , go when you're don ego to PC , money-making comm fill out a niche form , and you'll be on your way to having your , niche which is great so I'm a feeling , we're probably gonna sell out pretty , fast so again that is affiliate dude , dot-com slash sale affiliate , slash sale okay alright so any questions , on what we'vie gone over today let me , know and if you guys Arron live chat , I'll be hanging out on live chat till I , go to lunch you can get me on live chat , just by scrolling to the bottom of any , page and clicking this icon here and , then it'll pop up like this and you just , talk to me say hey dude what's up put , your name put your stuff start your chat , okay and you can talk to us directly , like that and I'll be like hey I'm on , the webinar , I like that the calculator I have to , compile but when it's done we'll get , that to you okay , cool so any questions on what we went , over today Carol says have a question , out of the subject does the hub site , besides the settings need to be , personalized in any way no it dozen't , it's just placeholder and again that's , affiliate dude dot-com slash sale the , chat you would just go down to here so , you go down on the page and just click , this icon okay and you could chat with , us direct ask questions asked about the , niche snow you will have choice between , the domains already own so we'll give , you a choice between several but it has , to be one of the ones they are you and , that's the only catch to the starter , blog sale or whatever you want to call , it the high ticket niche sale okay okay , so any questions get them in there , how do you download the toolbar on , Chrome you could just go to affiliate , or affiliate marketing dude calm , put your name and email in the box and , you'll get that toolbar , hey spike the replay will be up I might , change it because we had the glitch so , I'll probably patch the two together and , then re-upload it okay , cool Glen says go for it get an itch , fantastic support thanks Glen , I'vie talked to glen lots of time she's , always the rebut yeah our support is , really good , I know some people complain but those , are the people who complain that email , the wrong the wrong site have people , who are like I'm not getting any support , and'm like what are you doing they're , like well I email Marcus it whatever and , I'm like yeah you don'Tamil you go to , PC money-making comm pretty simple right , - Cole simple sites W if you have the , earlier version we will be giving it to , you it's actually gonna be called the , anniversary edition so pretty cool , alright so whichever route you choose , get in there and make it work so any , questions , all right cool deal and is everyone able , to get their PDF okay , all right cool so Hope you guys , enjoyed this again go to high ticket , niches calm get your PDF and then click , on this looking for the starter site if , you guys want to get the special deal , once we're sold out of those the domains , we will change that so it's a limited , thing just on those domains everything's , the same ass high ticket it's just I , need to get rid of my domains so give me , a deal on those ones so really cool , awesome stuff and yeah , don't think there's any other questions , so cool awesome I take in niches calm , thanks again for watching see in the , next call sign up now give me on live , chat say hi talk soon  

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