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hey guy sit's Marcus here and today I'd , like to take the time to thank you for , going through the last couple of videos , about the shut up and do what I say , video series and what I'dike to do is , kind of guide you through what we're , going through guide you through what the , point of this is okay now the point is , number one that you need to have a hub , site okay the hub site is like the place , where you have all your codes all your , stuff you junk if you're running a , business with multiple sites you would , have your terms and conditions on there , it's a place that I like to keep ad , tracking codes so that I could use that , to create links and different things , like that and we're going to provide you , some plugins and things as well as some , templates very very very good to go , through now what I'm doing is I'm taking , you through a little crash course in , understanding my ghetto version of HTML , HTML is the hypertext markup language , which is basically the language computer , speak for what a website looks like okay , now there's lots of other languages as , well like PHP and different things like , that and we're going to get into that , we're just going to know how to copy and , paste them because that'basically what , I do knowing how to copy and paste , something is like everything in the , internet marketing world so very very , important and that's why I want you to , stick to the sub site and that's why the , domain was not that important it just , had to be something that you would , remember something that kind of sounds , cool or whatever right really neat now , this is what you want to do you want to , be able to set something up here that is , going to work for you and something that , you can test on so in my next video what , I'm going to do is provide you with a , simpletons template we're going to , learn exactly how HTML works we're going , to download the program composer which , is a free HTML editor and the reason i , like to use these is you could toggle , back and forth between the code and , images and things like that and we're , going to show you how this works because , i believe that this is what's been , missing is understanding the basics of , how , everything works how you can use Otto , your advantage and how to really put , this stuff together to make money online , and what you're going to start to find , out is that this stuff is actually , pretty easy once you get in there and , you try it out and you save your first , file or you get your first hosting , account or you upload something , everything starts to be a lot easier and , what we're going to do is we are going , to map out the process OK we're going to , map out the process and show you where , this works because what's going to , happen is as time goes on and as you get , into the money-making portion we're , going to build different sites based on , different niches now for those of you , who want to advance quickly I'm going to , have a link below where you can chat , with me about some of the niches that I , have available so that you can go , through and learn this stuff on a tried , tested true niche that way it's , something that will make you money , pretty fast and consistently so that's , going to be available for you as well , now I want you to really take these , videos and really dive in and learn , piece by piece what's going on because , you're going to start to feel better , about internet marketing you're going to , start to feel better about your ability , to do this stuff because believe , what's been stopping you is this fear , that you're going to screw something up , this fear that you're going to like , collapse the internet or whatever it is , right and that fear stops us from moving , forward so I want you to do two things , after watching this video number one I , want you to go through and test some , things and download the templates number , two I want you to decide if you are , going to take the route of finding your , own niche or if you want to use some one , of the ones from my niche vault the , niche vault obviously is a great place , for you to start because what I'vie done , is I'vie gone through and found niches , that you can get cheap inexpensive or , even free traffic in that have , high-paying potential programs with , Ad sense clicks flipper markets and , different products and things like that , on affiliate networks so you can start , making money and not only that but what , I'vie done is I'vie made a template so you , can use the template and I'vie also gone , ahead and bought you the domain , name so once you get this you could be , up and running in a matter of seconds , and you can use it to test with your , test site right and we're going to walk , through all of this and this is going to , be a free course so if you like this , course go ahead and purchase the stuff , that I offer like the hosting like you , did and like the niche sites the the , sites that I have available for you and , different things like that as your way , of saying hey Marcus thanks I'm learning , alto here so what we're going to do is , we're going Togo through everything , together niche finding we're going to go , through list building we're going to go , through setting up simple littleness , templates and different things like that , so that you can start making money so , I'vie enjoyed making this video series , for you obviously you know this is a , business so if you're enjoying this do , me a favor and sign up for one of my , programs will put those below so you can , learn even more and we're going to make , money online together  

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