Marcus Campbell's Anticipatory Marketing With Google Adsense And The Keyword Planner


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get some recording sand some backups now , how is everyone doing today feel free to , type in the box as you guys know for , those who have been around a while , really liked my webinars to be , interactive so Liked your guys's , responses Liked your guys's question , as I like to hear from you as we go , through that's why I paid for a giant , screen inhere so that Icahn see its , acts like what you got in there asking , as we go through which is really cool , right very good I like the feedback I , like to hear about your struggles I like , to hear about what you're doing Good , like to hear mostly how I can help you , get started and actually make money and , that say she's in Wyoming good that we , read about think I visit by only , occasionally have some state coal , beautiful good stuff alright so what , we're gonna do today is we're going to , talk about Gladdens and I know a , lot of people have had issues without , sense perhaps they haven't been approved , perhaps they have an account that got , banned and everything like that this is , primarily going to be for that sense , people so you will need an account we , will show you some ways to make money , without that sense but that is not the , purpose of this call purposes of this , call is to show you exactly how to , utilize that now if you do not have an , account or you got shutdown or whatever , don't worry about it , it's not the end of the world you can , always get under accounts you can always , sign up different ways you can always , use different stuff any business and in , life you ha veto take the approach that , you need to be able to roll the punches , especially when you're dealing with , internet business that has changes from , time to time now the neat thing about , the Internet is that it's base don , marketing principles that are very old , right some of these things go back , before Bible time sand as principles of , marketing that people used right and , when you bring the Internet into the , equation the only thing that change sis , technology okay the only thing that , changes instead of me going door to door , and talking to you about this stuff like , Used to have to do back before the , nineteen hundreds or even in the early , night , eighteen hundred's now I can run a , webinar where you guys can sit in your , pajamas or whatever and enjoy the , comfort of your own home while I teach , you thing sit's very very very very very , important okay so the only thing that , changes is the medium right the only , thing that changes is the medium so I , want you guys to really pay attention to , the core principles that we talked about , because the core principles work whether , you're a car salesman without internet , access whether you are giving people , information whether you're a mortgage , broker , whatever you do right whatever you do , even if you're just trying to make money , online and you have no idea whereto , start right it's the same kind of , information it's the same kind of , principles that you want to use so the , question is this right absents came out , about W year sago in W , it'sat the end of W beginning in , W now accidents was a very very very , very brilliant moved by Google and the , reason it was a brilliant move and I , want you to pay attention to this , because it's very important that we look , at things that make lots of money and we , know that Google Ad sense does make lots , of money does everyone get that , like billions of dollars tons of , billions of dollar sis made online with , Unsavory single year thin kit's , like billion last quarter alone which , is absolutely insane now what happened , is in W when Google came out actually , came out in W and started to get they , what would happen is you would have , searches and searches would be you know , someone go to Google and they'd search , for something like let's say coloring , pages and in the old days when Google , first came out this is about what their , searches look like you would have , coloring pages coloring pages all this , stuff now all of these people that are , on these pages are free right so Crayola , I click this it dozen'cost anything , for Crayola Google did't make anything , for me to click that does everyone , follow their Francis number we get that , like Google did't pay anything or , Google did't make him anything and , bio la did't pay anything to be there , very very very very very very very , important okay , Jo mo excellent joke just stated some , result she's saying he just you know , copied one my accident tips from another , webinar we did and he is surprised at , how much of a difference it made does , changing it increased his revenues by , thirty bucks a week which is cool so , he's got like an extra you know W , bucks to $W a month wait wait just , from a little test right and sometimes , we get way better results sometimes and , it'stripe quadruple sometimes ten , times as much money just using simple , stuff so back to our little story here , it's no Google in the old days they , would have n results for each search , term and when you click on those search , terms Google made nothing you can make , anything and nobody paid anything very , very very very important very important , now fast-forward a year to W or or , W when headwords slash Ad sense , payment plan came out right and you , would have stuff like the word mortgage , or whatever and you would see ads , related to mortgage okay so they're like , cool now what we're doing is we're , making money when they click the annex , but there was a problem okay so they , make money when people put ads in , studies show that only% of the people , who do a search click on the ads so , basically Google is throwing% of the , money out the window does everyone , follow I want to make sure you guys , follow this very clear because if you , get this you are gonna get the rest of , this and this is gonna change your life , as an internet marketer , okay everyone with me so W okay , Google is there and they're like okay , we're gonna put ads because number , before her they just had search stuff , right so they're like we need to make , money okay so they they said okay let's , let'Supt some addicts , okay and people that ads here they said , okay that's really cool but now take a , W% , okay so here'Google and what millions , of searches and are only getting% to , make the money right because temper , flip very important so they said well , you know what% of our traffic is , going to these people for free and these , people probably don'TKO how to make , money with the traffic okay so they said , hey guys you're getting all this traffic , from us were more happy it's great how , don't you like us to give you some money , for that traffic right so someone at , Google got really really smart and what , we're talking about here is a bridge the , gap business okay there was gap in the , marketplace there is a gap between , ninety percent of Google's traffic going , away for free and them not making money , on it right very very very very very , important so what they did is they said , well you know Mr. bank rates man how , would you like I think I believe so okay , here's some kind of looks like one with , Ad sense I think if we do mortgage , calculator right so mortgage calculate , so this guy here is getting like ton , of Google's traffic okay we go to its , site and Google did't pay anything they , did't make anything we just went to his , site because Google's a nice guy trying , to help us out okay so now we're here , Google got this traffic , it's mortgage calculator you'vie got the , traffic and now we seethe little , triangle of money okay this whole , triangle puts ads on this guy's site , it's a Google look to this guy and said , Heidi you're getting traffic here's a , little code put this code on your site , and we're gonna send you a check and , this guy was like good course dude yeah , I'm gonna do that so now instead of just , giving it a calculator May and hoping , people buy stuff he just puts ads and , when people click the ads he gets pay , everyone follow and make sure you follow , so yes I keep it that makes sense , someone at Google was really really , smart and that's why they have lots of , money right I want to make sure everyone , gets it type in the box that you get , right so when I put this ad , this guy gets paid just uncloak don't , have to buy anything anything like that , I'm just paid on the click just like , this , that's right and then of course down , here he's got the sales stuff very very , very very very important so this is how , Google works and you can see for many , many terms you're going to find that a , lot of top results do put Ad sense on , their sites right very very very , important usually it's a good good , percentage of-plus okay so we have , all these people now they have that , sense so now what Google did is they , said okay the% of the traffic we're , giving away for free we now get back , okay but now you might be asking oh yeah , that's all good and five markets but , where does the money come from right , where does this money come from like how , does Google just have this unlimited , bank account like the government , did't say that someone else came in , here right do they just have the , unlimited bait account or are they doing , something different right what's , happening well what's happening is , you're gonna notice that a lot of people , who bid on these ads are the same people , that bid on what's called Ad sense , content network okay so when you go into , Ad Words right and we'll just go into one , of my Advertisements here all right , you can see spent a little bit of , money with Google here right and we're , gonna go in and let me see if I can find , one of my mortgage ads here for you real , quick okay I don't want to show you how , this works okay so basically when we go , in here and let'SSE okay so we go into , one of our mortgage ads and I want to , show you something very important so , basically what happens ISO was bidding , on words like the mortgage calculator , and different things like that okay and , you can see that this mortgage campaign , got almost hundred thousand clicks , ninety seven thousand seven hundred and , thirty clips pretty cool right how many , of you guys think if you have that much , traffic , you'd make money it Morgan right that's , alto of traffic in the mortgage market , it's really cool traffic alright so we , look at that we say okay great so ninety , seven thousand total traffic okay , now the total search traffic , basically what this means is search , traffic so you go to google you search , for mortgage calculator you click on , these ads okay that is a search click , okay so you could stay on search alone , got nineteen thousand of those clicks so , a lot less than half like a fifth of my , traffic came from actual search now you , can see on search Iowas like apposition , ten point one which is actually pretty , low but now on the other hand I want you , to look at this Display Network , okay the Display Network basically means , I was showing up on the other guy's site , so that site we showed as an example , where we saw the ad now I'm showing up , on his site now let me ask you a , question what gets more traffic Google's , page for that one term or all the pages , that are are on that page combined right , obviously it's all the pages that are on , that page combined right and that's why , here we have.8 million impressions and , here we have almost million , impressions right and we have W , thousand different clicks now I want you , to look at the cost it was cents , cheaper for the display no all right , pretty cool right very very very very , very important Joe says is the display , network the same as re targeting no , different right re targeting is is , something different display network use , basically just like your on other , people'sites right very very very very , very important okay I want to look at , that okay how do we make this work okay , and Veronica says why would the campaign , discontinue around we actually had , one of our Advertisements banned and , it was this one but I have several , others so you know you just switch , around and different things like that , different sites different changes and , things like that again you want to roll , touches you want to make it work , when you're dealing with this kind of , money you can't just sit there and and , cry every time Google makes change you , don'Tod it you roll with it , right everyone ready to roll with it , your update yeah sounds pretty cool and , to do a little bit of work to get it , right very important very very important , so basically that's what happens right , we're getting all this traffic and most , of it is from the Display Network yeah , on the flip side these other guys has , goat percentage of what I paid did't , from what I'vie heard Id on't know , exactly but I'vie heard it's about W% , for blacks or someone making some money , on their traffic right he's sold some , 8,W clicks to me really cool okay was , author Google was all automatic , I paid Google they pick it up everyone , oh very important so let's call so happy , and talk about how it's work sand if you , can still make good money with Ad sense , because right now we're talking about , Ad Words in that sense and and showing , you how everything works so I want to , show you what Ad sense is okay basically , here is the results from if it was , quarter of Google the second quarter , of W , Google's regular sites generated 8.8 , seven billion dollars you know enough to , buy some steaks or something eight point , eight seven billion dollars is what they , generated okay now the partner sites the , network revenues that means the absence , that people that are hosting the search , the non new Google Sites the people , Google gives a check to generated three , point billion dollars or almost W , percent of Google's revenue right does , that make sense to you when Google was , pinging outta percentage of the twenty , five percent they're getting from other , people hey everyone follow that that's a , lot of money that'spent quite ab it of , money especially the people who just run , little websites and different things , like that , yeah to show you what this looks like on , a mortgage site you can see how many of , you guys have seen ads that look like , this you see the little triangle here , you see these these ads mean whatever , how many guys have never clicked one of , those ads if you click those edit , click inbox , okay well thank you right you were , staffing the internet bar in business , just don'click on your own ads and , don't click them a thousand timescale I , don'Tet you banned from Google okay so , you want to do ethical stuff and that's , what we're gonna show you so basically , what happens is they have a code you put , the code on your site the code says it's , basically the reverse of getting ranked , in the search engine so in order to get , ranked in the search engine for mortgage , calculator what does my site need to be , about what does my site be about if I , want to write it for mortgage calculator , mortgage right if I made it about how to , go fishing'd show up for how to go , fishing I would't show up for mortgage , very important same thing with Ad sense , it's just the reverse okay it's the , exact reverse but instead of trying to , get rank we are trying to tell Google , hey this is what our sites about , therefore this is what our ads should be , about and we will follow excellent so , it's the exact reverse of Rewrite that , down , Google ads Ad sense is the exact reverse , ifs okay very very very very very , important let'continue Wow so these , ads make lots of money now what's the , difference between Ad sense and Ad Words , how many of you guys have ever wondered , this you're like you add some words , can't they come up with something like , that dozen't sound exactly like the same , word okay the difference between Ad sense , and AdWordsAdWords is me bidding on , these terms , okay now Ad Words is me paying write that , down Edwards peg okay everyone write , that Donaldson's I get paid okay so ads , since I write a check and I'sorry , Edwards I write a shakedowns I get a , check okay very cool so Ad words , I could either bid and say hey guys I , only want to show on search therefore I , would only show up on these would't , show upon this guy's site would only , show up on these okay you know if I , elect to do both like did here okay , like did here I'm Anastasia , mean's thousand clicks came from here , click ads related to on this page okay , W,W or W,clinics came from ads , like this okay everyone follow at a , sense is ads on my site or other , people's sites adverts are sites where , you get or are clicks that you get from , Google directly via search now who , ultimately pays my check that's kind of , important to look at who pays my check , okay well who pays my check is guys like , me who are paying for traffic okay how , many of you guys have trouble day , traffic online how many of you guys have , trouble , check traffic in the box if you ever , ever if you'vie ever had trouble getting , traffic online how many of you guys have , ever purchased traffic from Google okay , and if you're newbie if you're new to , this stuff don't worry you're gonna love , this right and hopefully you do so far , so I'm having fun here I think we're , learning okay so if you purchased , traffic from Google and you'vie purchased , content network traffic you have , funded the machine right you'vie , participate din the machine so with me , I'spent over a million dollars , actually 1.5 million on Google traffic , therefore that went into the machine , most of that was from content and I'll , show you how that works so you go into , an example here is one of them that , did let's see here I can't remember what , it was called , okay might have to find it a little bit , later okay here here's one example that , I'll show you so this was basically for , a term that got a lot of impressions I , mean look at this you got over a half a , billion impression snow I want you to , look at the stats here and I want you to , look at how what so Google even though I , was ranking on the first page of Google , Pig pain of course those pains stick , sense of click right and I got five , percent click-through rate which is , actually pretty darn good but still the , inventory was only two million , impressions right so only two million , questions however when I went Display , Network which is Pat's finest time , I'paying to be on other people's sites , but I'm paying for Ad words they're , getting paid to that set and let me know , if you guys are getting confused if I , need to break it down simpler but , basically because of that right my , click-through rate sucks but on on , content network it usually does right , but still was able to get almost , million visitors for two cents of crack , right pretty cool okay very very very , very very very important to look at okay , and we will break this down Little bit , later as not but basically I paid right , these clicks came from other people's , sites that means their sites were loaded , overs half billion times and my ad , was seen a half a billion times okay so , whoever owns these sites got half of my , twenty four thousand dollars for twenty , three thousand or whatever it was , okay very important back to our slide so , the trick ultimately comes from , advertisers if nobody advertised on , Google Ad sense would not exist and get , very very very very very very important , okay , here's a few can you really make a lot , with Ad sense now I do want to disclaimer , this okay , first and foremost Google Ad sense is not , even close to being one of my top , revenue sources it's probably about , maybe% of my revenue or something like , okay you do math okay but I want to show , you something okay saddens , this is me getting paid okay so , everything we looked at before all these , examples were me paying okay and , sometimes used it to make money with , Ad sense sometimes I us edit to make , money with affiliate offers I'vie , actually made alto more with affiliate , offers but I want to show you something , really really cool okay and we'll get , into other revenue sources little bit , later but this one I want to focus on , Adsensebecause I think this is the , easiest way for most me to get started , okay so here we have ad sense for , content right that means it needs to , play out ads on my site sou got W , million visitors Tommy site I had.1 , million clicks on those ads 1.1 million , people saw ads like this on my site or , whatever you know topic I was about , anything from little cheap MySpace ads , too expensive mortgage events in case , that means 1.1 million people clicked on , that really cool right okay one point 1 , million people , Earned two hundred an done thousand , dollars pretty decent W grand over the , next five years I'd be happy right even , one year whatever if some people make , this much as I'm in love with Ad sense , okay so we look at that okay that's good , Alike them now I want you to look at , the average here so I'm breaking , everything down for you now the average , per click from anything ranging from two , centerpiece clicks you can see here , actually they were eight so eight cents , for MySpace click which is actually , pretty darn good considering up above I , was paying two cents for those same , cleanse I'm you're gonna trade two cents , for eight cents everyday till your , hands got tired of carrying pennies , what's cool thing is it's all done on , Weiss we don't have to carry things we , just get a check very important here is , my mortgage site , I want you to look at this morning site , here the mortgage site what you pay , close attention to these numbers okay , we're going to get into these a little , bit later but I want you to pay , attention so on the mortgage site was , getting an average of$1 W per click , right said someone who's my site you , click on thematic in about I'm you , guys think that you can make some good , money if you got a dollar W on an , average of W thousand visitors or flex , not how many of you guys would like that , of course I could I know right here I , can make it a $5,IT's Google did the , math for me all right we got recipes 6 , cents , my aunt even did some Ad sense made some , money , Ga st website seven cents another little , mortgage one prime rate forty eight , cents and on an don we got up right and , really cool so we look at that there it , is money right there is money here now I , want to show you some tips because , here's the deal right here'st he deal , this traffic I paid for Tampa but we , said I paid you know Amount per click , or whatever we showed you how many , clicks and we're gonna we're gonna dive , into this later because if you can't get , busy , um burgers things are about to change , for you how you guys believe that things , are about to change , how many guys believe that towards the , end of this webinar you're gonna get , something that you never got before , you're going to learn something that , before you're you're struggling for them , before you did't get it you just work , okay but I kind of made a deal with , myself to get over my depression stuff , for those who followed leave the last , couple months you know I haven't been , struggling with that really bad and I , want to get past that and say you know , what I'm just gonna take my energy and , I'm gonna make everything simple for you , guys I'just gonna describe it simple , right like we're doing today I'm gonna , say this is how this works this is how , this works here's how to do it , okay if you guys like that let me know , we're gonna continue on so basically , we're going to get into this and you're , gonna learn something you're gonna have , a click in your mind and I want you to , type it in the box when that happens , because this is about to change , everything because you might be saying , Marcus yeah that's great but I can't , afford to get 1.8 million people , to view my site for only grams for , mortgage stuff right I mean you guys are , like there's no way what put million , people that's insane especially in the , mortgage market maybe you'd find the go , for like jokes or something but let's , take look even more so here's some , Addison steps want you to write these , down before we get into the number part , okay number one light background no , border no text ads W by that's how , you want to design your ad very , important okay you'll see it when you go , in there'll show you how to do it a , little bit later as well this is kind of , what it looks like blue headline black , description blue link always white , background okay this is what your should , look like now the reason I do not use , image ads is because look at the , difference what does studied abroad fuse , your University learn more okay this , only gives people one chance to click , there's only one reason to click if I , want to study abroad these books attract , my attention this does not get as much , traffic as having three different atoms , very very very very important because , these guys are working hard we get the , traffic and it's three ti mesas likely , to get the click does everyone , understand why any one fuzzy on why that , works that way today the reason it works , that way is this guy's probably giving , me one chance he's taking up your whole , spot right this space on your site if , you're getting traffic is worth money , okay the space on your site is worth , money whatever you decide to put there , is going to either make you money or not , make you money very important let's do a , little exercise so let'sago to let's go , Tao popular site let's go to , let's see let's go to MySpace , okay good my school's not as popular as , it used to believe that I forgot my , Facebook login so I don't think I'll be , able to get that okay so now on MySpace , you can go and look at music which is , one of the popular site snow this site , gets a lot of traffic , okay this like it's alto of traffic so , in my rotation so I was blah blah blah , we'vie got all this stuff here okay it's , actually kind of annoying okay so , basically this gets a lot of traffic , therefore it'swarthy money let's take a , look at another one let'stake a look at , fainting very popular site , okay it's terribly out of news to look , okay , the government's still being retarded , okay so here we have this now let's take , a look at Ito want you to type in the , word ad in the box the second you see an , ad , okay I'gonna scroll down and we're , gonna type in ad when you see an atom , okay good different okay what's yeah , it'basically theorem yeah okay , now out of all the people that are on , this site how many do you think are , interested in buying miss Jenny and how , many do you think are interested in just , reading the biggest most people are , interested in the news okay so it's my , job right and I want you to get this so , my job let's say you wake up tomorrow , and you one thing to the post right that , would be a nice and your job is now to , get as many people make you own this box , okay so how can you post comes to you , and says Michael papa , Rosalyn Scott you own this box'm , giving you this box that's all you get , okay it is one box on the site it gets a , lot of traffic it actually gets more , traffic actually there's only sites , on the internet they get more traffic , than this site that's pretty impressive , right , so there'S's that'SA Google Yahoo , would't the other W whatever okay , everyone still hear me okay how do you , working good okay so now you own this , page you own this little box right here , what are you going to do to get as many , people as possible to click your box , Anna , excellent make the ad like the content , of the site there you go right so what , instead of having a Capri have top news , items governments don't shut that , whatever is going on in Washington you , know this happened here whatever , happened here right do you think that , would get like W times more clicks than , the Chevy how many you guys think that , right if I if I made this like if my box , had this way because it's about the same , size this box right here is about the , same size and I'll bet he gets waiting , wing they're way way more clicks , than the shed okay everyone following I , want to make sure you get this because , this will make you money no question , about this bill make you money okay if , you get this you're gonna get the keys , to the kingdom meter okay and that's it , you'll be able to go buy this box , because you know better than that Chevy , has deeper pockets but they don't have , better marketers in terms of tonight's , responsible market very very very very , very important they're marketers just , get to test things with their money all , right , which is why all the car people go , bankrupt at a rate that was my little , rant someone else came inhere and said , that that was not me right so we got , that spare and we say let'sod another , bag okay , these abs are actually pretty good , that's not as bad I mean I would I , would'Tod guaranteed LLC or W or , whatever I would do like something else , right how do something now but these are , actually decent see how that's got more , like I have three chances to click this , and it's the same size as the Chevy , right everyone getting it Eric good , question doe sit cost the same the place , of banner pad like the Chevy as it does , to do these little three ads what in the , three ad you're buying one of three so , you can actually go here and I thin kit , goes through in a Wells saying you can , start with as little hundred bucks and , put that on there what I'm going to show , you in just few minute sis how to get , insanely rich on this stuff okay , awesome stuff follow along you're gonna , love it okay so basically we know that , this converts better than this the other , ads convert better than the Chevy but we , could do better than all of them by just , doing a little bit of research focusing , on what these people want and going for , now here's the tips on getting of the , click okay this works both ways just , like Is aid there's two sides of the , Ad sense Ad Words coin there's two sides , tithe banner ad and content display , where I'getting paid to put ads on my , site okay because if I'm getting paid , for clicks up myself , what do I want to do right what do I , want to do I get paid for every click , that clicks on the box or the ad what do , I want to do I want to get as many , clicks as possible want every person , who comes to my site to click that thing , till they ever blue in the face okay in , an ethical way we don't want to say , click here to win a prize or anything , stupid like that we want you we want to , reel them in with our content okay now , very important so here's the tips on , getting the click number one make your , ads look like the content of your site , make your ads look like the content of , your spec just like we showed on , Hyphenating if we have this picture , of a heater and that's an ad it now , looks like content on the site right , you're gonna click it they're like oh , yes okay it's much in the same way how , many of you guys ever got a magazine and , you saw an article in the magazine and , at the very top it said add Victoria how , many guys ever saw that and it looked , just like it was content in a magazine , it was like mother of four loses Fifty , Fathoms while making seven million , dollars online right in here like well , I'm gonna read this article and all of a , sudden you get to the end of their , article and slake yes how many of you , guys have ever seen that all right if , you have it magazine right if you go to , the grocery store today pick up like , money magazine or home business magazine , where it's like three bucks that usually , have advertorials in them give them just , to see how it works right what you guys , to be students of this one of the things , that I was looking at is one of the , things that means is I want to know why , my students struggle I want to know what , the issues are right and for me I was , like okay I think one of the issue sis , the way that you're indoctrinated into , this business right what was the first , message you heard was it get rich in , three clicks all you have to do is have , a computer that'splurged into the wall , and the printer that can print money , don't do that that's unethical you look , Jeff right that'sum people their second , really free quicksand you're gonna get , rich right now the way I , indoctrinated with a lot different , need to buy these magazines like crazy , right on by home business magazine , inviting Santa , REE reports like learn and learn and , learn in different ways right and it , taught me how to look at the advertising , in a different way because this the , space up here cost the same no matter , what you're doing right Acosta saying , like what Id id my magi cad years ago , paid for a magazine ad and it was , bucks and I get four sales was like , okay I'm W or W or whatever was at , the time say W go do a couple magic , shows pocket W bucks or whatever and , then the same had same price same , everything different words different , word snow I'm paying and'm making , 3 grand a month for the same thing I'vie , Giotto have to drive around Little bit , more and do some more magic shows but I , was happy to do it because I got checks , but how many of you guys get that , example it's like Gary Hilbert used to , say he said the most important force in , the universe is words on paper words on , paper because the same sheet of paper by , sheet of paper and I write you a letter , and I say dear friend you arena't going , to make money online because I believe , in you and I'm gonna show you how here's , nine ways to make money online signed , your friend Marcus you read it it's a , man I believe can make money go buy , something the second sheet of paper I , could say dear friend internet marketing , is a scam nothing works , you're never gonna make it just give up , NOW can't stand you Marcus or whatever , same paper same ink same cost different , results same same thing the quote again , was the most important or powerful force , in the universe is words on paper words , on paper right very very very very very , important so here we have tips on , getting the click make you rads of a , quick content of our site or the other , person's site if you're bidding on their , site number two , place your ads , are your users eyes go this is called , theëthe model studies have been shown , tons of studies that people read in an S , pattern right goes across the top and , then down the sky , alright so it'slake your eyes go across , the top and then down the side you look , at it if you do order look up like , Google heat map and you image this same , thing right see how this is an F pattern , this is all the red is where people , click the most see and again this shows , you how little the ads are clicked on so , most the traffic's going in this F , pattern does everyone get that here's a , little bit clearer one we can pull up it , so you got Google top ads are getting , most of clicks and then kind of doing , those but it'San S pattern right so , whatever is in that ask is getting great , traffic very very very very very , important okay so place your ads where , your users Just gonna put an ad over , on the left side but no one's eyes these , are on the left side that's not gonna , work , right number three providing a good , consumable content and other related , info / sites there's a reason I quit/ , sites and we're going to get into that , in just a little bit okay so here are , two awesome bonus tips for making money , with Adsensenumber one anticipatory , marketing okay here are some results I , pulled up today pulled them up there I , thin kit was about eight o'clock in the , morning and was making the slide okay , these are some of the workers that are , very very very very expensive now this , average CPC is average cost per click , that is what these people are paying it , for the clip right how many of you guys , think that's insane , like clinic like it her ewe'll just , make a sound effect , that's apt right everyone make it , click with your mouse you don't click , the X you're going to stay on the web , right you take a little click okay so so , like as best those , lawyers are looking at or their pain , W bucksaw clinic criminal lawyer W , bucks a click donate a car but to , claim to donate scar hits it insane , massage school bucksaw click , mesotheliomawhich is a lawsuit thing , form $1 to click life insurance bucks , a click cell annuity payments W almost , $W of clay okay so we look at this and , how do you guys think the best just , absurd you're like really someone is , paying bucks for a click don't even , make bucks today here's this guy , paying a about to click write would , outright maybe it forward like today or , today whatever okay so now here'st he , problem here's the problem if I go to , google and take donate car okay so , let's go here MM you know when you guys , see Google you guys see it okay and , Hannah says they have to earn the or if , they can pay it absolutely so the , question is for us can we earn more like , if I go to Google there's only two ways , to make money on this phrase okay so if , we do donate car okay there's a hundred , and eighty-one million people competing , which is a lot even enclaves there's , six hundred forty eight thousand these , are based sites mean cars for kids do , they not come cards for causes habitat , you're not going to compete these guys , I'sorry I don't care what Scours , you mine it can happen right it's , everyone agree with that it'slake tell , me you're not gonna compete but'm not , gonna compete with them and I'm doing , this for years , no way no there's no way Icahn do that , okay so the other question is is well , and we body the traffic right can we buy , the traffic okay well we could but if , eighty one dollars they look how many , because I don'really spend an W bucks , to collect to make half of W what's , o'clock , profess to write very important there's , no way to do it right and this is the , problem of marketing how many of you , guy shave faced this problem where , traffic was too difficult or too , expensive already could't make enough , on it right how many of you guys those , three problems , traffic's too difficult to get AA K a , too competitive , okay or it's too expensive or you can't , make enough on it right if you have not , had this problem you will unless you , listen right now because anticipatory , marketing takes things completely , completely different way because I don't , want people looking up donate a Capri , want people who don't know they want to , donate their car yet imagine how much , money you would make if you knew what , people wanted to do before they did it , how many of you guys think you'd be , ridiculously rich but you knew them that , everyday in traffic hour all oaf , sudden everyone would want handed her , you'd be regular this is something I , believe actually my grandpa taught me , and grandpa taught me this he was an , Alabama man and he told me this story , where he wanted to make money and you , know back in his time when he was making , me it wan't like today you did't , Internet's analysis and anything like , that right and so what he did is he went , to a local gas station behind this guy , had a couple pops of yep two gas pumps , and my grandpa had said you know hey how , about a pump the gas for you for free , you don't have to work here and you , don'thieve to pay anyone and all I want , you to do is let me sell coasts and , Pepsi's and waters and and little things , like that tithe people who come in , that'Sally I'm gonna do so I you're not , making anything on that stuff anyway you , don't want to work and you don't want , pay someone to do it so all I'm gonna do , ISO'm gonna stand here I will pump the , gas CZ that's back when you you did't , pump your own gas someone would come out , and say he said I'll do this for free , will pump the gas but man the stage and , I'll take the money keep it here for , that and all , I want you to do is let me sell cokes to , people right and he was making money , every week Cellini's coke because he , anticipated that these people getting , gas were probably thirsty with the like , W degree humidity that Alabama has in , the summertime right if you sold these , folks city make money and it got so good , that the guy finally said yeah yeah you , Knox amounts percentage of every , Calvin you company loses Ricky was , making money he anticipated what these , people wanted right so now what would we , do is we picked that through the , internet and we use it in a hyper , vigilant inner right because these , people want stuff they just don't know , they want very very very good very , important I actually donated scar back , when we moved from California to Oregon , if you guys heard that story it's in a , lot of my webbing see I had this little , Toyota and I love the Toyota even though , my wife thought I was nuts and my mom , even said it was like Mr. Toad's Wild , Ride your car's like Mr. Toad'aright at , Disney right and I love this car but we , were moving from from California to , Oregon and this thing would'toast , moths and get rid of it and we finally , were just like okay we'll just get rid , of it to make a wish , called luck they came and got it but I , did't though want to beat hi min a , wedding until I could'tapas smog so , important long story short anticipatory , marketing is anticipating what these , people want to do right what if someone , is looking up something else what , there's someone out there and we go to , Ad Words okay we're gonna Ad words and go , to our Ad words Keyword planner okay if , you don't know how to get tithe keyword , are you doing it in Ad Words account it's , just free to sign up for Think okay so , don't you men get gm ail and you can , get this tool for free and I have some , videos on how to use it as well okay so , we go in and we say okay well let's , search fora new keyword and we're gonna , say what about people who want to get , rid of car they want to get rid oaf car , okay so here's these people typing in , getting rid of car okay , okay get rid of car to six bucks a click , when to get rid of a car there's only a , hundred and ten people searching fora , month which is really a big deal because , of the fact that it's like W bucks , collect how many of you guys would like , W bucks time is like even even ten of , those clocks I'll take ten I'll take , your next rate and robots not how many , of you guys would then of course the , numbers arena'toking to be exact , you'll probably see quite ab it Lascaux , you're only getting percentage and not , the exact same thing blah blah blah but , it's still not right no you guys if , you're like pretty still money , I'll take time you guys are like that if , you like that business right very very , very important so we still would't get , rid of a car now how do you guys have , ever struggled with content you say , Marcus I just know what kind of content , to write that content in the box right , and when you do in business or marketing , the questions are answered for you well , what am I gonna write about well I'm , gonna write about when to get rid oaf , car like when it stops running it's , probably Good way to get rid of it did , you know you can get tax write-off by , giving your car to make-a-wish , Foundation I'll actually come pick it up , for you for free and give you a tax , write-off which means you save money on , your taxes pretty cool right ad sense , time and then terseness shows the , expense of that how many guys can do , that let me guys think you can do that , because now the content is pretty easy , to out it's like okay so I'm gonna do , research I'll spend a day doing research , to figure out when to get rid oaf car , okay if it dozen'tapas smog if you , crash it into whatever if you you know , if it gets water it whatever whatever it , is like very very very very very , important and what about asbestos what , kind of content would look right well , you'd have to go in and do an , anticipatory marketing all right because , if you write about asbestos lawyers , you're gonna compete with people you're , not gonna be traffic you're gonna spend , too much you're gonna be in the problem , so you don't write about this stuff you , write about the stuff before they know , that you need it right before they know , they need it very very very important , you guys how many of you guys wan ta , ridiculous tip how many guys want like a , ridiculously awesome tip okay I don't , want someone to promise to remind me at , the end the word crime , okay offender love me okay , got promise is going to remind me that , okay so everyone needs to stick around , to the very end because the word crime , is going to show you how to get worse , very cool now number one is the , anticipatory marketing when you use my , trigger words Marcus what's a trigger , word trigger word is a word that you , go in and you use so instead of get rid , oaf car what I do with trigger words is , I just use like something like get rid , of it , okay what do people want to get rid of , it okay if you want to get rid of spots , neck needs and then scarves and all this , stuff so so basically what I'm doing is , I'm going in here and I'm saying how do , If ind what people search for that has , no competition okay CZ because here how , to get rid of ants that's easy and again , if we go to Google and do how to get rid , oaf house no competition very little , okay pest people with ask calm whenever , you see ask calm that is called any , blanket bidder he bids on everything , okay that's on everything that means you , can get this traffic for about five to , ten minutes per what okay pretty cool , right , so anticipatory marketing is like okay , Abe is dude wants to get rid of an axe I , get it pretty cool how many of you guys , cook in if I said you have three hours , go write a report on how to get rid of , ant show many you guys can do it in , three hours , it'd be a pretty darn good report but , just do the work I mean my my daughters , are in school they do this stuff all the , time , and and they're just starting right but , they do a good job they're like okay I , go research something I give you tips , make it easy guys if you can learn how , to take the complicated and make it easy , you will make so much money it's in , setting very important so really easy , okay , bet no do not put the article on his , site you just say okay good , not much competition Icahn get this , pretty cheap okay now what no what do I , do wit hit well I anticipate well these , dudes got ants okay so I could say pest , control yes an dhow I took the W steps , back and now I got three bucks dollar , seventy eight eight bucks pest control , companies W bucks right everyone's , starting to get outdid't get that , little aha moment just now and we get , that so these people won't get rid of , ant sand most people are lazy like I , don't want to gonad smash each can I , did that when I was five I'm kind of , over Ito want to do to become spray , defense bread stuffing we don't have , ants right and he's like dude if you , could if you could get me a customer , I'll pay W bucksaw click or if you can , get me ac lick it's me one back story , very important okay what this it clicked , for you guys now that is the first way , to make this work is anticipatory , marketing very important okay there's , other ways that we go into because , obviously if you just have a site about , apps and how to get rid of ant sand you , that says it's gonna trigger words about , how to get rid of ants it's not gonna , trigger the ones we want'm going to , teach you that a little bit waiting okay , so what we want to do is want to , anticipate what they want the next way , and some of you guys might have caught , this how many of you guys caught the , little discrepancy with my mortgage site , you're like whoa whoa whoa it's pure , pain thirty one cents click three cents , click and you got million clicks why , wan't it three hundred grand , how many guys caught that you like okay , maybe you did't catch that if not , you're probably just lot of maths like , for like me , okay so here we have this stuff okay , here we have this stuff and we say the , mortgage well why did it actually only , pay for ninety seven thousand clicks , right that's all I paid for it was , twenty nine thousand bucks okay at one , point eight million clips that you , showed right there come from fancy man , how did that happen , you guys were like yeah okay , having that happen what's the deal what , you could't hold a guy's not be honest , with me someone says you get the traffic , with Sand you have some free traffic , in there Ted what else what else what , were you bidding onto get in traffic , mortgage calculator okay , so there's a discrepancy ninety seven , thousand clicks that I purchased.8 , million views that'S's ti mesas much , traffic , okay you guys'll see that how many of , you guys know what happened there , okay so it says multiple ads on the site , not necessarily , then there were multi pleads but that's , not where all this came from okay here's , what happened what happened was I used , information marketing so here I have , this site let me see if I can find the , old version okay should be able to find , it one second , I want to find the W version because , you want me to see it now for some , reason outdoes't want to let me see it , I think way better fishing you might put , down at the moment okay , but basically what happened was on this , site have links to other mortgage , calculators okay so there is about W , different calculators on the site and , people click all different ones and when , he would click a different page you , would give another applet me show you , an example here if we were to go to , instant web hosting , org which is one of my sites and this is , a site that I set up doing this exact , thing okay so we have ax here and it's , okay how to set IPA web instant web , hosting yeah ads here as well so they , scroll dink got information , information here got some hosting stuff , more answers the family same is it , that's great information but I want to , know the best post for Wardress so , there's one impression okay so I paid , for Ono'clock and not one impression , they say Oh what I want this BAM , and I got another impression so now that , one person turns into two aggression's , and say oh that's pretty cool now I want , to see you like free web hosting yeah , see what the differences between free , and paid web host you know I got three , impressions right and then they say uh , what's several page whatever you get , the point right so each time they're , clickingintonating another oppressing , so basically the average person who came , to my site clicked almost twenty , different things to get the information , they want stuff everyone falls off , they're gonna get that okay yeah , basically just multiplying the , impressions if you did't get it we , won't go over iota little bit towards , the end but basically we're just looking , at different pages okay they're looking , at different information very very very , important yes that site was about host , ad the mortgage site was about more , okay that was just an example okay , markets like with mortgage calculators , we had one of these I think they'll be , back in town right now , okay cool here is an example with the , primary one that Talked okay the prime , rate people look up the prime rate this , is an example of an anticipatory , marketing right you know prime rate okay , which is basically low competition okay , prime rate history what is the prime , rate current prime rate low competition , right you do search on Google Google , hereon current prime rate thank ray , quicken loans see he's a blanket , bidder is bidding on all different , things right and when we see a going to , bidder we know what what do we know she , clicks exactly right so blanket better , equals clicks okay so now I'm , participating look how many of you guys , woke up today and looked up prime rate , think you just woke up and that you were , like man I don't even want to think it , an eggs I want to go look up the primary , no neither did I I don't care what the , prime rate is I still don'think but so , we get this less than W cents to click , now people looking up prime rate have a , reason now once you break this down , people searching have a reason people , searching have a reason okay so he has a , reason then the reason it is because the , frame rate is usually tied to mortgage , so he might be looking to refinance okay , he might be looking to refinance and if , we can get him to click on refinance we , can get like 5 bucksaw quick pretty cool , does everyone get it that makes sense , okay so now , comes here it's like okay cool I'm gonna , get all this information on credit great , what a good guy Marcus is from making , all this information for me he's just , the greatest guy alive right and right , here we have our ads I haven't blocked , out for the advertiser privacy okay so , we have the ads here click the ads I , thin kit was% of people clicked this , ad block which was cool so I'm making , money on W%of the people the rest of , the people went down here and clicked on , these reports which also had information , about refinancing and mortgages and all , this other stuff and they also had ads , and then of course down here I have more , ads right so I got them to click and , that's exactly how I got these W , thousand people looking a bunch of , different pages on my site does that , make sense to everyone now is that make , sense like when you go to YouTube how , many of you guys just watch one video , and then wave you probably watch a video , and you watch another video or maybe you , watch your related video and watch , something else now every time you're , doing that there dad's right more , chances equal more clicks equals more , money for the site owner very important , so there we have multiply your , impressions get paid so check it out , fifty seven of those ninety seven , thousand people clicked it's over half , and eight me triple my money and that , dozen'tavern include almost everybody , that dozen'tavern include the people who , did affiliate buffers which was another , hundred thousand bucks , do you see how this starts to add up and , do you see how marketing now is a lot , simpler than the way you used to do it , right it's starting to make sense for , you okay excellent , David's dentist does that cost you for , each item they clicked on no this paid , I paid for ninety seven thousand clinics , that's it and the end of credit card , payment right this is the check I got , okay now those that are freaking out , with fan dude I don'thieve thirty grams , but I want to turn it into W but I come , on don't worry about it we're going to , show you three traffic ways as well it's , the other ones down here we're free and , Ivan just spent W grand in vain hope , it works , my fingers are crossed I went through it , he Saginaw I spent five and if I'm a W , I mean it'S's:W tomorrow if I make , minute sin the next day never I make , hundred the next day I pita hundred , in my pocket and keep spending W bucks , make hundred and I heard not everyone , thought yes Gilbert this income was not , affiliate offers this was Absence the , affiliate offers made more type of , missed webinars bad that'SOS cool stuff , now here's the deal how many of you guys , are like two markets if I could just , fin done of these little golden nugget , niches like you can I'd be able to make , this one how many feel that way you , think the magic is in finding these , niches like how do I take people from , going be killing ants to like getting , pest control right they won't think that , if you have that at work quartz it work , right that's what I do fora living so , here's the deal I have the ridiculously , special offer for you today and what I , want to do is I want to give you one of , these niches and how many guys would be , like you gave me one of these niches , if you gave me this niche and you showed , me how to flip the market with CPA , offers and Desensitized like you did and , if you built the blog to actually , convert these people into money using , your theme sand your content stuff and , your , and all this other stuff that you know , workers and you showed me exactly how to , get traffic right a super easy traffic , plan whether it's free traffic or paid , traffic depending on the niches and you , know what you want and you actually had , people write content for gaming so I , don't even have to go figure out how to , get rid of ants you're gonna have them , good for me and I hope you make it work , for W day show many you guys think that , you'd probably make some money how do , you guys think that would probably work , for you , now what do you think that would be , looks alright what do you think it'd be , worth if I came to you and It old you , how to make one of these work what do , you think that would be worth like your , guesses in the box and why do you take , the messes in the box I'm going to go , and get okay if your distance I'll be , running back again don't forget we have , that special challenge that someone's , supposed to remind me , let's see okay so some people are saying , like you have a couple thousand bucks , bucks ten thousand bucks so it's , definitely wort hit so here's what we're , gonna do and let me show you how this , works and for those that are like dude I , can't afford early anything don't worry , because we're gonna teach you something , at the end about time okay so basically , here's how we're gonna decide it's , for its lashing good , for this in your chat box go there to , sign up there'singly four spots but , we're gonna actually do this for you , okay we're gonna build the business for , you may be simple sites W we're gonna , support you for W day sand I have a , ridiculous guarantee any of you guys are , like yeah I know all the other guys they , have guarantees but it's like oh you can , get your money back I don't want to , waste my time and get my min dhow many , of you guys like that do that I want to , make money that's what I'm here wanna , buy a bunch of stuff and just get money , back that's what to make profit how many , you guys feel that way you guys to what , I'going to do is I'm actually going to , show you how this works and then I'm , going to put my money where my mouth is , whenever that means Id on't know but , everyone says so hopefully this is , basically what you guys thinking alright , so here's how it works today you are , going to get one of my profitable , ad sense flipper niches plus a full blog , design content high converting offers , and a traffic plan I am going to show , you how to run this as a full business , these niches that'm going to give you , are based on sites than I used to , generate the income below plus the , income on Edison'sand other affiliate , networks this is just biggest one so I , figured he'd like to see the biggest or , right some of the sites we're going to , transform for you we're gonna bring up , to date I'm gonna give you everything , into new content and the niche is going , to based on traffic and offer , availability okay so here's ho wit works , here's the results from some of my , Mitch's you can see this one did about , three hundred and seventeen thousand , W W W W even the little ones are , pretty impressive right okay so here's , what you are getting today number one , you get custom niche from my private , Bali go through we have a call me and , you only we go through everything , together I show you how it works we give , you niche you go get domain name we , set it up for you I straight how to make , it work and make money pretty cool right , now we are you guys doing cabinets , pretty easy you're basically just gonna , hand it tome Ina silver platter okay , next you're gonna get the offers right , so I'gonna show you off its market , don'tube like okay here's a mortgage , offer here's terseness here's some , other stuff go on your merry way in , these it's money number three with my , you get blog built in the nips I'm , gonna build you a blog theme I actually , build these personally the content , writer that writes the content is , trained under me specifically and I read , the content and if Id on't like Ito , reject it and get a new piece correctly , that's like very few I usually reject , maybe one out of W pieces that she , likes okay so you get agog built in the , niche will give you the content , everything you get the traffic method I , say look here is how you go get traffic , go do it okay you go do it and come back , and say Marcus it's working great great , let's make some more money , excellent next you get four killer , keyword loaded content pieces based on , your market everything's written for you , we show you whereto place terseness , for it we show you where to place the , affiliate offers we show you how to test , and track everything basically it's like , me handing you a business and showing , you how to profit with it and you catch , X which is fun right cashing checks it's , always fun it'smote fun than direct , deposit although that's cool too right , but that plus you get Marcus's personal , support for days that means I'm gonna , help now we have three spots left , I guess one was taken but the special , bonus is you get some sites W free , with your purchase that's a $W value , now please note that these income , guarantees and claims or these income , claims are not guarantees that you will , make anything but I have a special , parenting for you this is the first time , we'vie offered this so I don'TKO what , typically however I'going work with , you to help you make something now let's , get into the crazy guaranteed and then , some stuff for people who this does not , fit for but if you want to make money , online and this does fit for you you , want to run and sign up because this is , the best offer that we have today here , is another special moments I'm also , going to give you my market flipper , webinar replays that you'll get , instantly you can start watching them , now which goes any detail to what we , shared with you today in great detail , you go through it you're gonna learn , everything very cool very important it's , all there watch it because it's going to , be about two weeks get your site up so , in two weeks you're gonna wake it up if , they have site of animating plant , you're gonna have a way to make money , how many of you guys if you woke up two , weeks from no wand you were like wow way , ahead of I was before the webinar very , important next here is the ridiculous , guarantee that if you have not signed up , yet you are going to go run and do it , right this second I'vie never made a , guarantee like this before but I stand , behind this here Otis this is double , your money or double your site guarantee , I guarantee that when you get this today , right it's very very very inexpensive it , is either one time or two ninety , seven three times for those that need , payment plan right just click whichever , one you want , now here's how the guarantee works , guarantee that in the first three , hundred and sixty days you are least , double your money , that means you paid seven seven seven , that means is times two that means it's , W bucks right so I guarantee if you , follow the instructions okay if you just , sit there and you don't do anything that , I tell you what to do with your site , you're not gonna write if you don't do , what It ell you I can't help you but if , you do actually do what I help you write , if you actually do it I will guarantee , it and I will stand behind it that means , at the end of the year if you say do , Marcus I did't it did't work right , which if you follow it will work can't , that's the guarantee here right you will , neither build you another site that's , to sites or we'll refund your money okay , so in two weeks you'll have it ready to , go so here is the deal this is for those , that are ready Togo to say Marcus my , business either right but basically it's , like me handing you a business and , showing you how to increase it and make , money how many of you guys would love to , that USN'steed and say I'm actually let , me clear that up because James is saying , it looks like it's cheaper to purchase , in two payments actually the way it , works is that is two payment to remain , okay so it'stow ninety seven three , time sit's Little bit more to do the , payment and just because it's a little , bit more people working everything but , you know for those that you need to do , that you Giotto do what you Giotto do , right so it's actually three payments on , it okay so there you go there you go , often stuff ridiculous guarantee guys , you cannot lose with this how many do I , see the value of what you're getting , today like you're like dude this is , insane okay and the bonuses are awesome , simple sights big profits W is my , flagship product you get that instantly , and then you get your Ad sense market , flipper videos everything go sign up , right now market flipper Clorox , let's go and I'm gonna walk again , and see who we have joining us that way , I can welcome you so if you are joining , up I love you know again if we are gonna , get to that crime example in just a , little bit but Want to make sure we do , get all these four spots filled right , now okay Brad know we ever getting into , the crime one in just a little bit okay , the crime it was a niche market that , everyone is challenging me to some how , to make money but first I want you guys , to go sign up for this okay , now how many of you guys are like , markets I would do that in a heartbeat , but I don't I don'tavern have like even , close to that , okays if you do that close to go get , it right it will make it happen if you , can't let me know and have something , for you after our crime thing so you , want to stick around you want to make , this work okay so how many view , find out how many you guys are in looks , like we got Fran kin and couple others , coming in as well but on computers being , a little bit slow so market flipper calm , /Goethe link is in your chat box if you , guys have questions'll be on live chat , for Little bit but guys there's only , four spots so you need to get in right , away okay whether you do payment plan , either way your site is still built in , two weeks so you don't have to wait till , you're paid off the payment plan is , monthly so you don't have you're not , like charged every day it'just once a , month for three months that way your , site should be making money by the time , payment plans time okay so crazy right , this guarantee is absolutely crazy you , just have to get in you have to do it , and at the end of our W minute call , that we have when we choose your niche , you're going to be blown away , okay awesome stuff okay Eric um , contact me on Skype after this right , okay cool so good stuff you want to get , in there and you want to make it happen , yeah so cool okay , next let's go into the other offer so , for those that can't do this you might , be saying well Marcus I'd lo veto but , can't afford it I want to try to do this , on my own how could you guys want to try , to do this on girl frightened again , understand that you'vie got to do what , you got to do not first started W , bucks was the most expensive product , could afford at the time not make it , work now of course you guys get the fact , that having me on your team doing this , is ridiculously easier it'gonna save , you tons of time you know yet but for , those who can do that what I have is I , have the blueprints , Rex'll give you the blueprints'll , give you the videos on how to do this , exact thing so I'll be like okay here's , how to do it you know you go find your , niche you can find your niche on your , own you set up your site shows you how , to do it it's for really really really , really killer information okay so you , want to do it yourself go to market , flipper calm it's one of my most , inexpensive , packages okay it basically gives you , four webinars that I did on this exact , process okay so either way whether you , get the niche and you work with me over , the next W days and make it just happen , and get money did't work it and do it , whether you do it yourself either way , works really really coo land if you want , to do market flipper comm sign up today , make some money and then get one of my , niches we can do that for you as well , but for right now we only have four , spot son Big Kahuna or where you're , getting a site from me personally guys , there is nothing like this anywhere , online that you will see so any , questions while you get signed up and I , will go over the crime example and just , a little bit I want to make sure that , you guys do get signed up and that if , you do have any questions you let me , know , so yeah let's fix it question sand we'll , get you guys those bonuses and , everything like that and we will get to , the example that we have yeah okay and , if you have questions on live chat , will open that up as well okay Billy , says I'll be seeing you in the future to , show there's so much value in your , webinar thank you I'm working on slowing , down and giving you guys really really , cool stuff so you do see some people , signing it up there's alto of people on , that order page so guys get signed up , right now because when you see the crime , example this thing is going to sell out , in two seconds so cool stuff all right , how many of you guys are in if you are , in Titan Topic say Marcus I'm in we're , ready to go let's see our mark Mattes , says how he get the expensive ad on your , page instead of cheaper ones that show , by default that is something Aim going , to show you you think that'something , I'going to show you but it's in the , webinars it's in the market flipper calm , and on the market flipper go I'm going , to show you how to do it in detail so , either product will show you how to do , that okay that's the flipping the market , it shows you how to do the exact same , thing that I did on the hosting site , very important okay so get the market , flipper if that's all you can afford , that's fine get it and then come back to , me for the site but for those that are , doing , the site today wanna get you in , because we have been really killer bonus , that have not revealed yet and I'Mont , even gonna I'just going to tell you , guys awesome stuff okay um let'SSE , here , questions okay questions questions , questions let me know okay awesome stuff , and I do have two killer niche is okay , there's a lot of people asking Marcus if , Already open simple science W is , there a discount how many guys were , wondering about that because I always , take care of my customers when they come , back to me so if you're wondering about , that let me know okay okay if you are , wondering about that elastic if your , name password if you are wondering about , that here's ho wit works okay if you are , wondering how to get in on that , what you want to do is you want to use , the payment plan you can ISO go here if , you have simple sites already use the , payment plan and I will remove your last , payment okay so you're only gonna make , two payments instead of three so you get , it you get it covered you okay alright , awesome awesome stuff get yourself , signed up I see there are a lot of , people hanging out on that order form I , definitely get that thing submitted you , guys have W days Togo through it and , if you're like okay at the end of W , days don't think it's gonna work let , us know go for it , after the webinar will be available , probably minutes okay then I'll be , on live chat so if you guys need , anything there and we are almost ready , to get tithe climate example so let's , see if you are on market Clipper come , pick that that's an instant download so , you definitely want to go through that , one like right now , like guarantee if you don't think this , is worth W bucks you don'belong in , internet marketing'm sorry Just have , to say that because this stuff's , ridiculous and Image more than W bucks , in one day using that information stupid , little brand new site but it actually , made alto more wit hit okay cool stuff , and for the bonus for that one what I'm , going to do is here's ab onus for those , that are getting either awesome okay , that includes market flipper calm or the , Big Kahuna package which is the site , where give you everything and , basically like give you a business what , I'm going to do and this is awesome , I am going to use an example like the , crime example okay I'm going to use that , I'm going to build it and I'm going to , show you live AIs make money with it , okay so I'm just gonna show you the , process right just like the crime , example will show you how it works and , you guys will get those videos as well , as part of this package now let's go to , the crime example and then let's get you , guys signed up I think we have two spots , left on big one okay , so crime example done how many of you , guys know when the best time to sell , alarms for your house is my favorite , alarm sales many security systems for , your house right how many of you guys to , know when the best time to sell that is , okay most of you guys got it some people , said summertime it might be I don't know , but the best time is after something , happens in the neighborhood and everyone , is freaked out right after like if you , want to be a good alarm salesman get in , with the news guys giving them in the , news guys so basically the best time to , sell the alarm system is when someone is , worried about something happening right , if your neighbor gets something done , you're giving a little arm very very , important does everyone get that and , just everyone get what that's called in , Marcos terminology , what's that called in Marcos terminology , no not scarcity scarcity would be like , we only have one alarm left and there's , W houses okay an even scare tech , canary demo anticipatory marketing , anticipatory marketing you're , anticipating that they want something , based on something so if we were to do , like let's do Paul security okay this is , what the top right you see these people , who sells all the systems door-to-door , and lot of people think they're , annoying but I let the min the house and , I say yes want to hear your pitch , because I am a fan of people who get out , there and do stuff how many of you guys , are a fan of that stuff as well right , half of you guys are like dude I'm fan , of people to go out there and work and , there was gallops talking to at lunch , one day and she was making like a , hundred fifty grand in here so he's , talking to her about this stuff , and it ate a lot they get paid a time so , much that the dude can for W months , click now I can't afford W bucks click , even if I got paid even what she had , right very very very important okay so , we have to say yourself how can we , anticipate but what if we did crime , statistics right it's a beaut like if , you went an dread crime statistics right , now you'd probably freak out in what a , home security system idiot , right like the news how many of you guys , stopped watching the news as much as you , used to or completely because you just , can'sleep at night right like I can't , out there like everyone around you is , crazy and they're gonna come slap you in , the middle of the night I'm worried but , it's actually like out of million , people that actually does that very , important , Randy hit us up on on your support , tickets so we look at that okay we're , gonna go through that we're gonna make , it happen and we say crime statistics by , City FBI crime statistics local crimes , white-collar crime crime statistics by , zip code you Think this one you know , what I like this one , little competition cents a click and , it's zip closed it's base don the zip , code look at no competition nothing and , what do we sit here , see you guys thought I was just making , up the whole blanket better thing but , we're learning that this is actually a , real thing right web crawler and as com , are two signs of a blanket better okay , so we have crime statistics by zip code , web crawler and this okay , so we can go here and we can take these , people and we could say okay well , they're what taken by zip code right so , someone shout out a zip code so much , atom ism code okay nine four five seven , seven okay so we'll do a large home , security nine four five seven seven get , ideas and you make more money when you , do sound effects check it out security , okay , security systems and we have home , security nine four five and seven right , and what you'd go in here and all these , people are paying all this money for the , same exact thin gall right how many guys , get it that you guys are like dude this , is crazy'm gonna go bu ya bitch right , now , market flipper calm /go who's with me , alright so any questions let me know , we'll be on for about ten more minutes , and then'm gonna hit the live chat up , and take care of those of you who are , going to get involve din this ridiculous , offer I'vie never made this before and , what we'll do I actually have three , niches that came up with this morning , so I'm going to open up three more spots , because it looks like you guys really , want this and I'actually gonna give , you three goats three answers I'm gonna , give three people one of those niches I , have now this morning then I was , actually gonna use on my own to make , money right so these arena't niches that , I just tossed by the waistline these are , ones that asked , okay and this will be yours exclusively , once you get Ito'm not gonna go into it , alright market flipper's / go sign , again you're guarantees for a year it , dozen't make double your bleep we will , give you another niche but if you follow , you gotta follow the instructions'll , show you the money , alright if you're going to do , do-it-yourself method go to market , flipper comm get yourself signed up you , guys have W minutes to sign up I'm , going to give you to the top of the hour , that's gonna Be's o'clock Pacific , Standard Time so you have minutes to , sign up if you have any questions go on , live chat ask us your questions let's , get you guys making money which ever one , I want to see everyone on this call get , either one of these offers and I want , you guys to ask me questions I want you , to go through it and want success , stories from every single one of you , had a pleasure sharing this with you if , you guys appreciated this webinar do me , a favor sign up for one of those , products whether it's the big one where , you get everything or the market flipper , calm'll see you on the inside and , we'll make money , thanks again if you have any questions , hit me up one live chat , you got W minutes to sign up I'll see , you in the next webinar the organizer .

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