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and welcome to affiliate marketing dude , live hopefully you guy scan all hear me , okay if you can let me know by typing , something in the box today is going to , be a chilled out relaxed session so , we're gonna kind of hangout here we're , gonna talk about blogging for affiliate , profits we're gonna talk about how to , make money with blogs we're gonna talk , about how to do affiliate marketing with , blogs we're gonna talk about how to get , started blogging for profit so if you , can hear me okay and you want to make , money blogging type in the Box Marcus I , want to make money blogging and let me , know where you're listening from we got , Paul in California we got Duane from , Dallas Fort Worth Texas , we got Phillip from the land of sunshine , rivers and trees okay cool I got rivers , Sunshine's and trees here too we got Bob , from Illinois's and we got a lot of , other people joining in too so if you , can hear us okay go ahead and introduce , yours elfin the box , again remember towards the end of the , call we do give away some prizes and , cool stuff like that so you're gonna , want to stick around not just so you get , the Prozacs you know it's cool to win , some money and win some shirt sand , everything but what you're gonna learn , is much more valuable than what you , would what you would get as a prize so , you know keep that in mind here right , that'shy I do that you know when you , look at it I don'really feel like , giving away thousands of dollars every , year but I do it because know that , you're gonna get value if you stay to , the end and it makes kind of fun and , everything so that's kind of the goal , there we have Andrea from Germany Mani sh , from India a Dan from San Diego we got , Richard from Kansas Stephen from Jersey , Kendra from Oklahoma host from he wants , to make money blogging we toenail from , South Africa we got Jay in Memphis we , got lots of people so if you want to , make money blogging type it in the box , say Marcus want to make money blogging , and we are gonna get this show on the , road here we're gonna talk to you about , that we're gonna go through the steps , that you need to take to make this work , okay Jeremy from Gresham Oregon well , Jeremy I actually lived in Gresham for , about a year believe it or not so Icon , where you're at we got a roof from , Nigeria it's a cool Chris from , North Carolina good barbecue there or is , it south , I always forget which one has the better , I thin kit I thin kit might be North I'm , not sure'vie never been but cool , alright cool so it looks like everyone , wants to make money blogging we're gonna , go through we're going to talk about , this as you can see on my screen here we , got some notes in the bottom corner down , there so you'll want to check out those , notes we have the screen over here which , we're going to go through I actually , have a sketcher program so we're , actually going to map out the blogging , process here so you're gonna want to , take notes there's gonna be a lot of , stuff here , we Katharine from new York and yeah so , cool we got mo from st. Pete Florida , think his name is Marcus though I can't , tell if he was saying hey Marcus this is , where I live or whatnot , we Geminis deer from Bangladesh so got , people allover the globe some of you , guys tuning in early in the morning some , of you guys turning in late at night I'd , like to thank you for being here and I'd , like to reward you by giving you lots of , good information lots of good value that , you could take with you and start using , to make profit online so if you're , ready to do that let me know type , something in the box say Marcus I want , to make money blogging so let's go ahead , and dive right in and get started now , you're gonna notice here I have I have , the affiliate marketing dude site open , and the reason I have it open and got , a shrink it down so that it looks like , it does for normal people because these , are kind of bunched together because I , have to shrink it for the screen but , usually it looks pretty normal now this , is actually a blog that's what I wanted , to show you this in the beginning is , because this is a blog lot of people , don't know it but this is actually , powered by Word Press and a custom theme , that I developed which is how It each , you how to develop them as well , now the reason I show you this is , because I use blogs for pretty much , everything back in W Is tarted , getting into blogging because everyone , was talking about everyone it's like hey , you gotta have a blog too got to have a , blog you got to do this you got to get , into blogging everything like that so I , decided to start getting into it and at , firs tit was kind of daunting because , I'm like an old dog right I'm an old dog , and Id on't like to learn new tricks I , like to stay with what works it's like , why well I messed with something if it , Ian't broken and that was my thinking , about blogging because at that time , I had done things in HTML I built all my , sites with HTML I actually used a , program which is discontinued I still , use it today actually use Otto make , these notes , it was the front page editor that , looked like this and what we had to do , to build sites is you got your code up , here which I don't know how to co debut , I do know how to like drag-and-drop so , if I wanted to drag and drop an image or , something would just open up my image , program right like this and I'd be like , well hey you know want the TV right , here and I want to shrink it and boom , bad bingo there welcome to my website , okay and we would just save these files , we'diploid them tithe web Sindbad , being bad boom you would have website , okay it was kind of a pain in the neck , because you had to keep track of all , these files you had to remember what you , named the files you had to do all the , coding and then of course by default it , would point to your computer here so , you'd ha veto change these it was a pain , in the butt but that was what Iowas used , to and it worked and you know I made , million sand millions of dollars with , this stuff I was like okay affiliate , marketing Used these sites , that's how we work that's how the , original simple sites big profits course , was born was by doing that right so very , simple very easy so I went through and I , did that , when blogging came around it was what's , known as a Cm's you're taking notes , Word Press any blog platform is a CMS , it's a content management system you are , using this fancy software that was , developed by all these people in , cyberspace that's free to create a blog , to manage your content and what happens , is the blog actually creates your , content and it actually makes everything , look good right so it does the code so , behind the scenes here click a couple , of button sand behind the scene sit's , making this big fancy code okay so it's , really cool it'serially easy and it's , very simple like who waist who said , that HTML says eh you know it looks , really simple it looks really easy so we , got to do that and we got a look at that , so we look at that up here I have what's , called pages okay these are the page son , your blog and then behind the scenes , have post now the reason I do this , structure the reason I do , this setup and we're gonna talk to you , about how it works later is because I , want people to put their name and email , right that's the goalie want you to put , your name and email in the box just like , any other site now behind the scenes if , you were to go to Google and you were to , type in and you did site , colon affiliate marketing dude calm , you're gonna see that there's a lot more , than five pages right so here on my on , my main blog it looks like there'sine , two three four five six pages right , that's all you can see like if you click , about Marcus you get the opt-in if you , click in how to become a super affiliate , you get the opt-in if you click the hub , site don'thieve the opt-in because I , got this big video if you click on the , product sit shows you the product sand , some other stuff if you click on this , week Taft we actually have our , scheduled thing that shows you what , we'redoing for the week okay so that's , what you'd see so you would come to this , site and you'd be like you know Marcus , that'serially cool I'm gonna put my name , and email so that I can get the promised , you know toolbar and everything like , that but behind the scenes what you're , not seeing is all the fancy-pants Google , love that we get right and all the , search engine love and what happens is , the search engines actually crawl , everything on my site okay so you could , see here they're crawling like a forum , they're crawling let's see if I can find , the actual blog ones for you now let's , see I'm gonna actually type it in here , so it dozen'take up all day to find , them and let's say okay so we're gonna , go to a post here and what you'll see is , that we actually have these pages so the , pages look like this but behind the , scenes have my posts that look like , this which are like tons and tons of , content you can see we have like simple , productivity hack here which these , actually start to rank in Google if you , if you focus on them and you look at , them and you do them the right way , they will start to rank really good like , we Dido think we did one for Feebly , affiliate marketing let's see if that , one's actually ranking okay , and we're going to go through this we're , gonna show you how this works because I , want you to get an idea of how blogging , works look at that we're number one , under the videos we believe Philly up , marketing for beginners we also have Wiz , Affiliate , Marketing okay and they're all free like , if you click on these right here , I get traffic every single day it , dozen'cost me anything to get that , traffic all I did was work on the stuff , that works and there you go right really , really easy okay now we averages says , something about how to make an affiliate , site in Wardresses do have some things , on that but follow this first because , this is gonna be the structure of how , everything works okay so you can see we , got these rankings we got this stuff and , the plugins and tools we use allow you , to have pages separate posts separate , and allow you to control the content so , like here know that these guys are , coming remix so I'm like hey you know , what want them to get hosting so I put , the little hosting banner put this , start your first blog banner and boom , there we go okay so really easy makes a , lot of sense you got to focus on your , market that is the key okay very very , important now all the stuff that you'll , notice all these ads on the side all the , things that we have on our blog the way , that we structure it the way that we're , able to have separate opt-in boxes here , and have ads here this is all controlled , by plugins which we're gonna go through , I think plugins are like step number six , or seven or something like that so we're , gonna go through we're gonna show you , how all this work sand if you're , following along and you like this type , let's make money blogging in the box let , me know you're with me and this is just , an overview so you know what a blog is , and you know how it work sand if I was , to go in behind the scenes of my blog , like this is the behind the scenes here , right here so if I wanted Togo behind , the scenes and say edit this page okay , or add something to the page or whatever , okay we're gonna go here and I just pull , up the page and to edit is extremely , easy right I go here I click Edit and I , Giotto remember my password which is , like the hardest part of everything okay , we're gonna ha veto go in the password , on everyone but I would just go in I'd , click on edit and I just basically what , you see is what you get , editing it's super super easy okay and , I'll find the password towards the end , so we can actually log in show you how , everything works so let's go ahead and , dive in and get started with how to make , money blogging where to start from the , very basics so that you understand how , everything work show everything is laid , out everything okay we're gonna go , through it's gonna be a hangout session , we'll be here about hour and a half or , so the more you participate the better , chances you have at winning but everyone , is going to get a lot of really good , information here okay so first off right , I want to start making money blogging , where do I go what do i do i'vie heard , that blogs are coolie'vie heard they're , good do i do amazon do IV do Facebook do , I do affiliate offers do i doglegging , do I do it since how do I make money , okay well step one first and foremost if , you're brand new is to start what I call , a hub site okay a hub site is aside , that you use as a hub for everything , else okay I have you do this number one , for practice number two because you get , a free domain name with your hosting , anyway so you might as well use it and , three so that you have a place to store , all your files and all your links you'll , notice that lot of you guys came from , this webinar from affiliate , or maybe you came from affiliate , marketing , maybe you came from Instagram maybe you , come from Facebook groups maybe you come , from anywhere okay what I have is I have , a hub site that tracks all that okay so , I could look at a glance I could be like , hey check it out that post I Putin , Facebook got W people to the webinar , today that thing I did over here got W , people to the webinar and then I can , track everything and see where it's at , and then when I have like a PD For , something we use that and we make it , work okay now , Spartacus says do you use Go Daddy for , hosting personally for me I find their , platform to be a little bit daunting , it's like kind of difficult to navigate , and I have had issues with name servers , and things like that , now Go Daddy for buying domain sis good , they're cheap they're easy you can buy , your domains there but first what we , want to do you say Marcus'm new , don'TKO what to DI want to start , blogging for profit the first thing you , want to do is start your hub site okay , so if you'retaking notes you want to , make notes of this okay you want to go , to go hub site calm okay go hub site , calm there's a video and it's a good , video actually made a little split , screen where it looks like there's two , of me coming out of the tree which is , really good , so we're gonna go through that we're , gonna show you how to make it work now , what you want to do is you want to watch , this video and you want to follow these , steps to get started okay we go through , we have the offer here it's like , little offer you get started you get web , hosting for about month at the , time of this okay so really easy you go , there you click here you get your , hosting just follow this example this is , step number one okay step number one is , so important because it'seagoing to get , everything squared away it's gonna take , you about minutes you're gonna get , everything that you need to get going , okay so really really really easy okay , that's what you do okay so step number , one start your hub site now when you , start your hub site tell you to get , something easy so you're gonna go here , you're gonna click on it you're gonna , say you know check this out want to , get this special offer right they put my , picture on there really cool you're , gonna click to get the special offer and , then you're gonna choose your domain now , when you choose your domain for your hub , site just get something simple like , Marcus's , or you can even do like one two three , links dot-com or my easy links you want , something kind of short something easy , to remember very easy okay so go there , use this special offer okay I am an , affiliate do get paid when you sign up , for hosting which is why we give you all , this cool stuff okay so make sure that , you go to go hub site calm before you , get started now if you already have a , hosting company as long as they support , Word Press you can use this but if you , want to go through and follow my steps , exactly then use the one that I show you , how to do the reason is is because you , know when I go through and I go through , my training chose to use this because , it's a host that I use and it's one that , I like and one that use and we go , through and I'm like okay click this , button right you're gonna be on your , other host and you'll be like well , Marcus don't have that button and it's , gonna take you like three hours to , figure out what the button is on your , host which is a pain in the neck so if , you do that it works really good okay so , follow these steps this is the first , thing you do you get your hub site okay , you get your hub site you use that you , install all your plug , your tools everything on the hub site so , that you understand hey this is how it , works now , the cool thing is is practice on your , hub site that way when you like want to , add something it's Norton your other , site like messing things up when you , already have traffic so very important , pointer there you're gonna utilize it so , use that step okay , that's the first thing you want to do go , hub site com get your hub site get , everything squared away that's like , opening the doors to be able to have , your business okay it'd be like well , Marcus I don'twat to do that well it's , like okay you know you'd be like a , restaurant owner starting out and you , don't have any food right that's not , gonna work you got to set these things , up the right way now you can go through , right you can go through and you can , actually was I gonna say something , right it's been a long week and it's , only Wednesday but you can actually go , through and you can use this site for , other things as well we're gonna use it , a lot so follow along follow these steps , to it go have that's the first , thing you'll see it across the top as we , go through as well next okay now we're , gonna get into the real deal , nutty-gritty of what'seagoing on and if , you're new here if you're just coming in , make sure that you subscribe so you get , my other videos click the little bell so , you can go in and pop on over in the , chat box say hello and tell us where , you're where you came from if you came , from Facebook or something , Instagram let us know and we'll go from , there okay cool deal now step number two , choose your niche market okay choose , your niche market now organic wellness , says I'm confused ab outranking a site , just wait that's all going to be covered , so in the next hour and a half you're , gonna be covered with everything we're , going to show you how that works now the , reason I don'answer that right now is , because you need to go through steps , first right there's things that you need , to do to understand what is going on , okay you got to understand what's going , on so step number two is you need to , choose your niche market okay so now I , set my my hub site up I went to go hub , site calm I set everything UPI'm good , I'm ready to go okay now step number two , is to choose your niche market when I , choose my niche market like to use , several different tool snow these tools , you can find at keyword sniffer comm , okay I'm gonna make a list of them right , now just go in there put your name and , email you'll get the list you'll get all , the tips everything like that but when I , go through and I find a niche okay where , Usually start is with the Google , Ad Words words a tool , okay Google Ad Words tool when I go to , the Goldwater's - I'm just gonna go , here and I'm gonna log in I'm kinda sign , in here and let's see I'll just put this , in over here bear with me one second , and how you guys doing Ina scale of one , to ten are you guys getting where we're , at so far you guys got it or how many of , you lost if you're lost put A if you , told Igor it put a W all right I know , some some people is gonna be basic for , some of you guy sit'll be a more , advanced but if you go through this and , you watch this whole thing you are going , to understand what is going on in a way , that you probably did'before okay and , let's see if I can remember this , password'm terrible at passwords there , we go cool we got it okay so when we go , into headwords tool I'just gonna , bring this up here and the Ad Words tool , has changed a little bit so this kind of , will give you an overview of what's , going on okay and we're gonna go through , and let's do keyword planner okay there , we go so we're gonna go to the Google , Keyword planner the Google Keyword , planner has changed a little it's a , there's some good there's some bad we're , actually gonna be making avid so , later today make sure you check my , touchingly check your emails , there's gonna be a video about the tool , we're gonna go through it in great , detail but you're gonna notice this , change and now a lot of people see this , and they're daunting right how many of , you guys you want to make money blogging , but you have no idea what to blog about , you're gonna want to blog about what the , hell do people want to listen to me for , right type that in the box say I Id on't , know right I need a niche I have no idea , what to blog about or I type that in the , box let me alright and we'll take , it from there we're gonna show you what , to do if you if you have that issue and , what I do when Have that issue is I , always revert to the simple sites big , profits desktops , we're okay and on the simple sights big , profits desktop software in the niche , finding area you're gonna find a list , and videos of what's called trigger , words , okay the trigger words are very very , very important so like Stephen says I'vie , started in the make money online niche , that's way too broad right if you start , in that niche you're gonna be swamped , like you're competing with people like , me people who are better than me , people who have way more money than me , more money than you right it's way too , broad so you got to go through and you , got to refine it you got to say what is , the thing that I'm going to tackle what , we're looking for here is we're looking , for one we got to know the intent of our , market right what do they want make , money online well they want to make , money duh well yeah but you know how , right it'sit's kind of an elusive , market its kind of difficult it's like , weight loss yeah how and by the way , you're competing with like Jenny Craig , and Weight Watchers and people who have , wallets that are so big that they could , just sit on them they don't even need , chairs that you'vie got wallets right and , you're not going to compete with those , guys so what we Giotto do is we Giotto , go through and we got to use this very , selectively we got to go into the niche , finding section of your simple site , software and we're gonna go in and we're , gonna look at the keyword tools let's , say Think it's under trigger word , training there we go , and what we have is we have trigger , words okay trigger words are very , important because we want to go through , and we want to focus on what we're doing , okay we're gonna focus on what we're , doing we gotta say okay let's see what's , out there and for most of you that don't , have a niche market like Stephen says , well I'm an affiliate in CPA marketing , still too broad right that's still too , broad if you're looking to get traffic , unless you got money to pay for traffic , and you know it'seagoing to convert , that's too broad right you go there , you're like okay well Marcus that's my , niche I mean I'modding that so like CPA , affiliate okay watch the competition on , these guys so we go CPA affiliate and , we're like okay we wait and we wait , okay so CPA affiliate we got competition , $1.W eighty four five dollars and fifty , cents three sixty two we got CPA , networks OK CPA networks might be , a decent one cost per action we got this , okay but now we don'TKO alto about , what these people want okay so what I'd , rather see is go for something like how , to put affiliate offers on a blog so we , could do like affiliate offers blog , right and we could go through we can see , hey what do people want for affiliate , marketing for a blog or something like , that okay so we want to really refine it , and really go in and say okay well maybe , we could go for like what is affiliate , marketing or something like that you , know so we know where to go okay so a , lot of people a lot of questions here , Mike says I have niche looking for , tips to write better content okay , that'll be towards like step five or , eight I thin kit ISIS CPA marketing too , broad yes it is where do you find my , software for the simple site software , the one here the links up at top should , be simple sites bonus com that simple , sites bonus com you can pickup a copy , of the software it's got all kinds of , tools we give you W days support we , show you everything and you know you get , the trigger word list as well now the , reason we use the trigger word list is , because when you use the trigger word , list you're always going to find a niche , that'sun tapped even if you don't know , what to do okay so if I go in and use , the word beginner , notice that the word beginner is not , tied to any market right so if I go here , and I type in beginner okay it's gonna , give me ideas another way that the , Google tool now works it's a little bit , different but you can still see it so , like we have advanced chemistry absolute , beginner German for beginners that would , be one like I could make an entire site , about German for beginners and you know , sell likeliest stone or some other , kind of language learning software right , so there we go that would be something , we want to do okay we could do chemistry , for beginners if we want to do something , like you know teach people chemistry or , help them with their chemistry homework , or whatever we could also do like German , lessons for beginners learning Italian , for beginners gym for beginners like , gym for beginners that's a pretty good , one or exercise for beginners right now , what we're doing here is we're looking , for aback door to the market so like , exercise for beginners is probably , people looking to get healthy and maybe , lo sea little , eight or maybe a lot of weight who knows , but we know that they're beginners now , mo keeps asking the same question over , and over which is totally annoying but , I'll answer it anyway just to like so , you stop can I make can I become rich , with affiliate marketing in the , Netherlands it's no different right you , can become rich wherever you want as , long as it's legal to do affiliate , marketing if you work your ass off and , do the stuff you're not going to get , rich by asking the same question over , and over that just makes you become , annoying and and makes people not want , to help you okay so yeah you could get , rich anywhere like the people come in , they ask well Marcus can a year old , make money online well what's the , difference you're W I'm the only , difference is is I'ma little fatter a , little wise rand probably don't get good , sleep that's right that'st he only , difference now the benefit is hey you , could lean on someone who's been doing , this for years right I'vie been doing , this for almost two decades no wand , learn from it so outdoes't make , difference where you are right it , dozen'make difference okay , exercise for beginners right we look at , this now I want you to get this here , okay exercise for beginners now I know , they're a beginner know they want to , exercise I know they probably want to , lose weight and I know they want to go , to the gym and they're probably gonna , spend money on this stuff maybe buy some , weights whatever and I know they're a , beginner okay someone looking for weight , loss don't know that much about them , now we look at this market exercise for , beginners okay we go to Google we search , for it and we're like okay exercise for , beginners good got YouTube stuff no , advertisers more YouTube stuff some , images okay we got some separate , keywords here okay and no advertisers , one advertiser here for new Viva , something weight-loss one here for max , workout sand body coach and spark people , but not a lot of ads not a lot of , competition look at the difference , million competition lose weight okay , you're gonna have a bunch of ads bunch , of ad son the top okay got bunch of , stuff here down on the bottom bunch of , ad sand check this out we got million , okay so , W million it's a little bit more but if , we isolate it you're gonna see how it , works okay so when we isolate this okay , you're gonna see 2.3 million okay we're , going to use our timeout method which , we'll show you how to go even deeper and , when you go to Google and you isolate , lose weight we itched we edged it , I gotta sound it out to spell it how you , could see you got like three million so , exercise for beginners is obviously , lot better and if we do our timeout , method you'll see that it'll actually , timeout somewhere this one will probably , be a lot there we go so it times out at , a hundred and seventy so the actual real , competition is only W which USN'much , at all okay so we do that so we look at , that and now it's a lot easier to come , out and start to do this stuff where , you'redoing exercise for beginners than , it is to go for weight loss or something , like that does that make sense to , everyone , type often in the box if that makes , sense all right we got to have keyword , where we know the intent we know what , they really want and we know what they , Dion the process right this guy's , probably looking for like a PDF download , like hey I want to exercise for , beginners download or maybe avid I , want to learn to exercise I want to get , into it great wonderful now I know what , he wants to do I can make a whole blog , about that and I be I can become an , expert in a big fish in that small pond , rather than trying to compete with these , big huge guys okay very very important , so we'll go through that and we look at , it okay now we can also isolate the , keyword what happens when we isolate the , keyword is you're gonna get subcategory , keywords okay your subcategory words or , stuff like this exercise for beginners , to lose weight and we can go through and , we can type these in our Ad Words tool , and we could see what's going inhere , okay so get rid of this one exercise for , beginners to lose weight,W searches , a month Oman that one like you do your , time out method here exercises for , beginners to lose weight seven results , like I did'tavern have to do the time , out method because there's only seven , results so in quotes if you have this on , your website like you're gonna rank , number or number eight as it were , right so there you go right now when we , look at that you're like yeah , that only gets like W searches a , month well that's fine because that's , still a good a number of searches and , you're gonna go for the subcategory , stuff work as well , so like exercises for beginners to lose , weight that's the same as best exercises , to lose weight fast it's very similar , how to lose fast with exercises right , all of these are going to be what you , are like okay this is my content , okay now HTML says well that's an , expensive click Marcus that dozen't , matter because what we'redoing is we're , getting the free traffic right remember , how I said like I have the ranking let's , see this thing opened up remember how I , said like I have thank the ranking , here the wanking we don't want to have , that the ranking here for what do we got , Wiz affiliate site or something think , it was like Disaffiliate we have Wiz , affiliate okay so Have this ranking , here now if we do Wiz affiliate in , Google in the Toadstool okay you're , gonna see that it'slake three dollars , nine dollars $9.W , the SEO class is starting have the new , video going out today so if you are in , the SEO class you're gonna get that but , how many guys think that'school type I , want free traffic if you think that's , really cool okay and Otis cool okay I , get visitors it's probably a visitor , right no won that site let's see yeah , there'slake three people right now on , my site from that term okay so that's , like nine dollars right now and they're , there all day how do you get it free , organic ranking okay so we're gonna go , through and we're gonna rank it now did , you ha veto do anything in Webmaster , Tools before it began ranking no Moe , says I'm concerned about paying for , domains I won't ever forever won'Ti go , broke if you go broke buying Annie , dollar domain you have problems I can't , solve on this webinar , so you know baby look at something else , yeah but you Giotto go through you got , to work on it you got focus okay so what , we're gonna do is we're gonna look at , that because that's free traffic get , it all day every day and you can go , through and what I'm showing you is how , this works so we go through and we're , like okay what was the one we were on I , thin kit was lose weight does anyone , remember the one we just did best , exercises for weight loss or something , like that okay if you want to join the , SEO class you could get it at free , traffic skills com free traffic skills , calm okay , and you got to ask yourself when buying , those domains can you make nine dollars , off your domain mean if you can't then , don't buy it if you don't think you can , make nine bucks off your domain then , don't buy it , but I mean nine bucks come on now that's , like come on now there's really okay , what we're doing here is we're doing , deliberate real stuff okay exercise for , beginners to lose weight thanks for that , DJ soul excellent I like to have people , who keep me on track here so when we go , best exercises to learn way to lose , weight we got,W here for weight loss , workout routines for weight loss mean , look at this this is like goldmine of , good words okay all I ha veto do is make , good content now look at this if you , were to make content for lose weight you , just you don't know what to do it's like , do I make it for like really big people , or little people do they want to , exercise do they want to take pill , what's the deal okay now when you do , workout routines for weight loss that's , are fine market you know what they want , you know how to speak their language , right boom there you go like mine it's , like hey should you do can you make , money with wick site okay well here's , avid that talks to you about can you , make money with it yeah you can but my , advice is get hosting so that blah blah , blah right and that's my affiliate offer , so very simple again very easy to make , content about this stuff okay it's not , that hard to do because when you go for , keyword based everything changes okay so , there you go that'sour deal once you , find one right I would go through and , I'd be like okay let's see if we can get , a domain okay , we just go township or wherever to , buy our domain now first step you will , already set it up you'vie already setup , your hub site okay so now this step is , easy this is why we do this okay I'm , gonna go here and I'm gonna do like , workout routines for weight loss okay , see if there's a domain preferably calm , cool workout routines for weight loss , calm there we go you get more if you , want if you're like oh hey well you know , weight loss exercise plan or whatever , right we could go for that we get the , domain I like getting exact match domain , one because it stands out and two , because it has the keywords in the , domain I mean they don't harm no foul , but from what I'seen they actually do , really good right they start to rank and , you can see that they start to rank , because oftentimes you will see the , domain sin there right you'll see the , words in the domain so let's see here , Muscle & Fitness bodybuilding I , like Fitness here let's see what else we , have Fitness Magazine this is a more , competitive one but you'll start to see , them like fat loss and things like that , you'll see the keywords weight loss here , workout routine weight management weight , management so it's all focused on what , these people are looking for and I'll , bet if you did it in quotes , you'll probably get them as well does , that make sense to everyone and you guys , see how I used a trigger word to find a , niche that'll work really well in like , five minutes , right and that's five minutes while I'm , inhere trying to run the show which you , know usually it's a lot quicker okay , does that make sense okay when does , high niche class start the Hunk dozen't , really have a class but if you got a , high-ticket niche which is highly , recommended if you don't have a niche , and you want to start you can get that , from me as well okay so how many days , doe sit take to rank on the first page , of Google depends on your keyword that's , why I use this method you have to really , do the work to get in there'vie seen , rankings happen in as little as W , seconds that was my right and my my , record but sometimes you know like , think the wiz took couple weeks to , get picked up and actually really start , ranking and stuff like that but the key , fir stand foremost is keyword like if , you want to rank in the search engines , for , get about blankest all that other , BS that's good that's fine but if you , want to rank and start making something , now the key is going for the right , keyword okay it's W% keyword 0% the , rest because I'll tell you what on my , stuff right now , I don't do SEO stuff I don't do , back links I don't do fancy like metadata , I don't even have plug-in on that site , Fosse and it just ranks okay what , we're gonna do is we're gonna talked , about how that works so you got to , choose the right niche if you don't , choose the right niche if you fail on , step two you're going to struggle , guaranteed now if you want a way to have , me find your niche for you we do have , the high ticket niche program we do , still have so meat the old price they , are going up it's going to double so if , you want that right we go in and we you , can go to high ticket niches comm and , get that manage says thanks but you're , good at getting in trigger words yeah , that's why It rain this stuff right if , you want to learn the trigger word , method you could either get simple , sights big profits at simple sites bonus , com or you can get a high ticket niche a , high ticket niches calm or you could , watch the rest of this training and , you're gonna kind of learn like what I , just taught you there practice it go do , it right get in the retype stuff in , start to dig around , most people go in this and they say well , there are no good niches all the niches , are taken and that limiting belief is , not going to allow you to see what see , the belief that have I's million , people every seconds search Google , there's got to be a keyword like is , Marcus Campbell a jackass like'm sure , someone has searched for that might , have Might I might have searched for , that once or twice but you know it's , gonna be there there's gonna be things , that people are searching for okay , Ashley says what about pregnancy and , motherhood well what you'd want to do is , you'd want to go through and you want to , find keywords that people look up , related to that right what do what do , they lookup related to it like is there , a step before right is there a certain , technique of pregnancy or a separate , thing like water birth or whatever right , dig it in look up the glossary method on , some of the my other videos I teach the , glossary method and it shows you how to , do that right , okay so if I'm writing a blog post on , affordable travel first of all you , would'Tod that I find the key word , associated and then I create a headline , based on those key words no you create , your whole content based on the keyword , right thesis't just about using , keyword to like point them to some spun , content or Auto content or content you'd , give for someone else this is about , deliberately making it about this word , because here's the deal right if I can , bag 1,W searches here okay you might , say all-under searches whatever , brouhaha whatever right but I look at , this and I'm like times let's find , a middle ground let's say it's a dollar , a click so you're telling me I can make , a little blog and I might be able to get , a portion of W or even more if I go , for subcategory words of that traffic , that's worth$1 a click who would't do , that like how many of you guys would , spend a day doing really really good , job at getting exercise for beginners or , to lose weight you do Good job right , you make PDF you talk their language , you show them how to do it how many guys , would do that if you knew you could make , a thousand bucks a month you'd spend , today you're like whatever even if it , takes me eight hours today which you , probably won't but even if it did it , would be worth it because now I'm , getting traffic that's valued at a , thousand dollars month or more right , this is how you do it now most people , they're like well Marcus I just want the , best way to lose weight you know and I'm , like well yeah that'Sally fine and good , but you know you're dealing with , competition okay is this making sense , all right we got to get in there we got , to focus on what really works right you , got to focus on it you got to focus on , the way they're searching if you don't , focus on the way they're searching , that's why you're struggling if you'vie , made a blog you have it ranked you , haven't gotten traffic you haven't made , any money it's because you're not , focused on the way people search plain , and simple that's it that's why you're , failing congratulations go buy something , I just gave you the tip of a lifetime , but if you focus on this it's gonna work , really well right exercise for beginners , to lose weight so we got to look at it , and say what's the intent what do they , want , well it's he wants exercises for , beginners that want to lose weight so , now I can bring them in my site I said , where do you want to lose weight belly , you know but fat , chins double chins I mean come on now , look at this when you look at this when , you use the trigger word method your , game is over , right because it's like double chin , people actually lookup double chin and , it's not just because have one on the , webinar and you guys go loo kit up to , see if there's a picture of me with my , double chi nit's because they want to , lose it double chin removal double chin , exercises come on how to get rid of , double chin look at this traffic okay , look at this stuff and these guys are , actually looking for like surgery , they're ready to pay thousands of , dollars and go through pa into have this , removed do you think this niche could be , profitable , again there's a trigger word I had no , idea I was gonna look this up today , double chin removal boom how to reduce , double chin how to reduce double chin , okay go to Google how to reduce a double , chin blah blah blah oh that is that's a , little bit bigger than my double chin , maybe I could make mine look like that , see now I could make a YouTube video get , a double chin alright , no advertisers some YouTube's some , images no advertisers on the bottom no , advertisers on page two let's do our , timeout method okay a hundred and , twenty nine thousand results that's like , nothing time out at ninety okay cool , let's see if there's a domain available , all right , reduce double chin how to reduce double , chin boom calm I'm not gonna pay $5.W , for it but I'll get the dot-org for , twelve bucks that make sense everyone , everyone okay that's cool that's awesome , right womanish says respect you a , lot as my teacher because anyone can , make money using your strategy without , spending on yes like you can do this , free if you don't have nine dollars or , six dollars month to get hosting at Go , hub site calm which I'm in affiliate if , I do get paid for that if you don't have , that it cost you about hundred and , seven bucks if you follow that it's for , the whole year if you don'thieve that , there are ways to do this free it'just , a lot harder and later you might regret , it okay you might regret it later so , just saying all right do it the right , way , your old pal Marcus has been doing this , W years trust me on this spend , bucks don't eat out tomorrow spend a , hundred seven bucks , eat but just don'teat outright you can , make really good dinners at home make , the mall the time right , I can almost out do a lot of restaurants , except the really nice one so you know , okay so what's the intent then we'll , lose the double chin what do they really , want they want their double chin gone , what are they gonna do in the process , well they might do exercises they might , do diet they might be looking at surgery , they might be looking at all this stuff , okay cool right does that make sense , okay II says remind me how long again do , high-ticket and it just sites convert as , long as the niches around if you go for , like fidget spinners which was a niche , or a fad it dozen't last that long if , you go for something like how to lose a , double chin people are always going to , have double chins so you just got to do , it okay let's see yeah for the time out , method you just go here to the bottom of , Google and you click until it times out , so I'm gonna go here I'll search for it , in quotes'll go to the bottom'll , click the ten okay or whatever if there , was another one after the ten I'd click , that but you could see it times out here , okay does that make sense and it shows , you the actual real competition , okay now you also want to look at like , the main page like LIVESTRONG I'm not , going to compete with him YouTube I , could probably rank on YouTube okay so , pretty cool let'SSE this is the one of , the most recent ones let's see what kind , of views they have okay so they got come , on load the view's,W views that's , pretty decent right I'm sure the others , have mo rebut W,W views is W,W , searches which equals W,W of these , people that are looking at this and even , if you want to go paid traffic it's , three cents click come on nothing , right let's see good so that's what we , do look at their intent they want to do , this what do they really want what are , they gonna do in the process now if you , want some tools some information on the , trigger word stuff you can go to keyword , sniffer com if you're not taking notes , take notes mean you know if you're not , taking notes and you come to me and , you're Marcus Marcus your webinars don't , teach me anything , yeah that'Scud not paying attention if , you pay attention like , - over here who's like dude I can take , the stuff and go use it you're gonna get , results just got I found Facebook , friend who's making all kinds of money , he's like traveling around the country , making all kinds of money and found , him because he tagged me Ina post , someone was like hey how would you get , started and he's like dude back in W , I got started with Marcus's simple , sights , it'll lit a fire under my ass and , learned to do this and the guys like , rock in the world now making some money , doing good stuff is that gonna happen to , everyone no most people are gonna get my , simple sights and they're not gonna do , anything with it I know because I , actually track it and have little Easter , eggs that people can find if they get to , certain chapters and very few get to it , okay that that'school that'fine it's , just like gems all right you go to the , gym they got,W people signed up , they're making lots of money and like , people come in regularly know , because I'm one of the ones that don't , go regularly I have to have a personal , trainer which I'milling to pay for , because know that about myself some of , you you know you're not gonna use this , pay for this stuff go get the high , ticket niche we'll help you do it some , some people just need that I get it , that's cool for me with business get , it I like it , workout no not gonna do it okay cool , please explain in short how to make , money with Amazon affiliate in short , sign up at Amazon as an affiliate , promote affiliate links simple don't , teach that because of the fact that you , want to go through this step like I , don't want to know what I'm gonna , promote yet so many people like go , through and they're like well I want to , do Amazon affiliate okay well what are , you gonna sell they got like zillion , products you gonna sell pants or , you're gonna sell helicopters good , luck with that or you go through the , keyword method now if I find out that , like there's some double chin exercise , thing on Amazon then I might promote it , however let's find our niche first so , that makes sense Ashley says I know , how to write have five young children , OK cool I have competition yeah I did , alright I'mg lad you're getting , something out of it not sure what you , mean but cool okay so keywords AFRICOM , you can get the info on that stuff there , what's the intent what do they want this , is going to make it easy , okay I was on webinar wit ha friend of , mine he actually I went to high school , with him which is funny and then I was , like oh wow you do this too , which was pretty cool and he's like dude , Marcus you know what I like about you is , the fact that you don't answer the , question I have you answer the question , I should have asked right because that's , a thing you can come inhere you'll be , our mortgage what do you think about , drop shipping well who gives a rip right , what are you gonna drop ship who knows , right I don't know you could drop ship , whatever the heck you want find a niche , first okay this is why we go through , this is why it'SOS important so choose , your niche market keyword sniffer comm , you can get some keyword tools there we , show you how to use it Google Ad Words , tool is awesome I love it it'great , we're gonna have some more videos on how , to use the W one okay so that's what , you do you look at it you're like does , it look good right is there is there , something I can Dion this market right , they want to get rid of the double chin , I know the intent some of them are gonna , be simple some are gonna be you know , difficult so you can look at it you're , like some of them are gonna be like , download the Bible right like if you do , like read Bible online okay that's gonna , be simple , but you got to ask yourself okay well , how are we gonna make money wit hit , which is going to be step three okay so , if you're taking notes if you like it , let me know so we go through that read , the Bible online eighteen thousand , people six cents click if I could find , does everyone agree that with eighteen , thousand searches month if I could , Fonda way to make money on that'd be , pretty solid I'd be like okay there you , go which by the way have found a way , to make money which by the way I have , made money in this market one of my high , ticket niche owners asked me for the , Bible market so I gave it to him don't , know how he's doing with it I haven't , heard from him in a while lots of people , just like do my stuff they make bunch , of money and then like years later , they're like oh dude I'vie been retired , for years off of what you did or what , you taught me or what not but that's why , I don'Tod the Bible site anymore , because I sold Otto high-ticket niche , person but yeah you think he could do , that right I mean what if he could make , W cents click that's 1,bucks a , month what if you can make W cents , click that's six grand a month how many , of you guys go to work all day every day , and he gets six grand a month or less , all right type K in the box he's like , mark has just found like a potential six , grand a month right , I mean seriously in one little silly , niche would't know that like you , could say well Marcus what about Amazon , well you could go to Amazon and you , could sell Bibles if you want but you're , only gonna get 7%of a$W Bible or a $5 , Bible if they buy it which means you're , gonna make less than zero point zero , zero zero zero one cent per click which , sucks right does that make sense , right did everyone get that if you get , it this is like the keys to the kingdom , and I give you this because I want you , to understand it so that you like it , you're like dude Marcus I want you to , show me how to do this in real world so , that I could go do it and you'll buy , some of my products and stuff like that , okay so step two is to choose your , market very simple step number three get , your profit centers okay so I go through , and I'm like okay double chi nor , whatever so we go and we're like double , chin okay , remove double chin whatever it was , exercises for double chin okay we're , like okay how to get rid of double chin , double chin removal all this okay , next we're gonna go through we're gonna , see if there's profit we're gonna see if , it makes sense okay so we're gonna go to , Google and we're gonna be like okay , double chin affiliate program pretty , easy right double chin affiliate program , double double there we go search , alright now there's a drug that can get , rid of your double chin okay let's see , here this could be interesting not that , I'm big advocate of stuff like that , bu they you know what if they want it , they wan tit , um do mortal object dicks a little blah , blah blah blah blah okay so if Icahn , find the name of whatever this is then , maybe it'll work okay we're gonna keep , that in the brain so I would I would , make a little note of that okay next , we're gonna look at , anti-aging beauty zone bodies on demand , okay not a whole lot there let's try , offer vault , okay and then if there's nothing direct , like if there's no double chin affiliate , offer what I would do is I would do , research to find out what gets rid of , your dub , Ch inn okay what'seagoing to get rid of , your double chin like maybe eating , different or certain exercises or , whatever and then I would sell something , that has that so first let's go double , chin okay oh we don't double down CZ , you know I don't think that's it and one , of the ways this is easy is by using , your keyword tool that is in your simple , sites course if you use the power search , tool in your simple sites course it , looks like this hey that's coolie did't , even know it's gonna popup down there , that's really neat okay so when you use , your power power search tool you would , do something like double chin okay right , like this double chin and then we click , click to research and it will open it up , and they'll actually research the words , for us and show us what's out there so , we could do a little bit deeper research , okay , okay so we go through okay I'm in my , different account here but it'll , actually show you the stuff and also you , could go through and you could do like , if you want to find double chin , Click bank offers just click that it'll , do the search for you and you can see , what's out there , okay beauty stuff double chin different , things like that you can also check for , like resale rights products which could , work double chin PLR article swell there , you go , right you could sell that you can also , compile your own product all kinds of , stuff you could look at the , pay-per-click competition Google Trends , it's really cool so the search tool that , we give you is awesome you're gonna want , to check that out so for this one I , would look at it I'll be like okay , what's what'st he deal herewith double , chin is there anything dozen't look like , a whole lot I can do dieting thing I , could do Little bit of research now , this one right now seems like Little , bit more research than would Dion a , webinar so we just go to the next one , alright we go to the next one would be , like okay well what was the fir stone I , did some about exercises think it was , let me see if I have it in here exercise , there we go exercises for beginners to , lose weight so if we go here and we look , at this or like okay exercise for , beginners to lose weight Emory says do I , do , do I qualify for high-ticket niche , discount you would want to go and get us , on live chat , for that and we'll give you the link and , you could just type it in now I'm not , there on live chat but we will answer , you after the call okay or you could do , a support ticket at PC money-making comm , okay so her ewe go we got exercise for , beginners to lose weight this one here , we look at which looks good domain names , available we could do like exercise like , this exercise here and see what'st here , for exercise know there's stuff for , lose weight okay some coffee here , alright so there's all kinds of lose , weight all kinds of different things , here that pay really well fifty two , bucks , we could do like different exercise , stuff like PX I think is a bi gone , okay , and Little bit of research will get , you this stuff it's not that hard to do , God's hand says a guide on how to post a , review for an Amazon product you just , review it yeah there's other ways do it , I'Mont sure what you mean by that , Beach body on demand eight dollars a , little Loewi'd like to see higher we , could do stuff for like abs or belly fat , let's see abs search there we go so we , could do abs here let's see the Christie , Brinkley screen care might fit with the , double chin one the could fit just , thinking out loud there let's see okay , lip section okay natural sculpting , system okay so beats liposuction natural , scoping W dollars CPA let's see what , this does , okay hey look at that it actually has , the chin on it okay is anyone having , like Epiphany aha moment like holy cow , you just showed me how to get three cent , click sand they're paying hundred and , eighty bucks a lead I mean all right , yeah hopefully you got in aha moment , okay anyone got that tell me if you got , that because there Otis and there's , even picture of the chin , the landing page right so we go there , and it'slake boom there you go okay now , if the offer snot available you just , find it at a different network or ask a , different network to get it okay let's , see what else we have here okay yeah , that's huge hopefully you guys get it I , need to see a lot of a lot of stuff in , that chat box there because there you go , all right , so ABS we got like abs we could do like , belly fat okay right there okay miracle , buttocks okay home in horizon says , sometimes affiliate programs ha veto , approve you and'vie been turned down by , some of them as they don'tb log on that , particular topic , well blog on the topic pretty simple or , ask them tell them what you're doing and , nine ti mesa W if you tell them what to , do and know they'll help you out wit hit , they're thereto help you they just , don't want you to let gonad spam the , whole world to to sell their stuff they , want you to be legit and if you're like , I dude'm legit here's what I'm doing , I'making this blog blah blah blah , they'll help you wit hit it's not that , hard to do and if you get turned down , it's not the end of the world like , sometimes I still get turned down for , stuff if the company dozen't know me and , then I call them and I'm like hey pal , like do you want a thousand clicks day , there you go okay so cool so you just , got to do it okay host Parkway already , got the URL okay I hope you went through , my affiliate link at least right commies , man I'm joking calm down okay lose your , belly fat W bucks waist trainer okay , some kind of miracle botulism kind , of thing there so there's a lot of stuff , for this so the profit centers are there , right I would go through and I'd be like , exercise beginners to lose weight good , I'd look for domain'd make it work and , I'd make it ready so we got offers on , offer vault their stuff on Click bank , there's Google and efflorescence , also works everything like that and , here's question can you sell it , yourself right can you sell it yourself , sometimes like if there's not an offer , like when I did drop shipping and this , is where this comes in right drop , shipping yes I would use if my key word , demanded Ito found the word gas powered , scooters for cheap I became an affiliate , it's saw , I made nothing I started drop shipping I , made W grand in one month off one , keyword right it's like cool I could , either make $W a month , Could make W grand if I drop ship , them so we Giotto do that okay host Park , Way says he's high-ticket a niche , person awesome good to have you in there , cool okay do you ever reach out for an , owner fora free discounted product to , review no because Id on't like when , people do that to me so I usually just , buy their product and you know buying , their product also shows you like if I , was gonna do this and I was like okay , well let's do this would actually buy , the product and I would document the , process right so like maybe I'd screen , capture it and be like okay Here I am , ordering this Here I am this this this , that way you know what to show your , people to expect okay we'll get into , that a little bit later as well if you , like this webinar if digging this , stuff get simple sites big profits at , simple sites bonus com that is our , software that literally walks you , step-by-step as if I'm there in your , room helping you with it it does it , right it makes it work okay actually , says online course what do you think , about it there's nothing to think about , online course is is I mean what do you , mean and again'm gonna step on your , toes because want to know what you , mean so that can help you right we're , here to make money I'm not hereto make , you feel good but you probably will as a , by-product because'm kind of fun but , you know I'm not here for that'm here , to show you how to make this work so , that you can change your life and do it , and do the right stuff every day that's , going to help you okay again results not , typical the average user makes , absolutely nothing even if you try this , stuff there's a risk that you could make , nothing I'm sure you guys have been , there done that but this is starting to , make sense right am I right does this , make sense more than a lot of other , stuff you'vie seen are you starting to , get it or you start to look at it be , like do this this works right what's the , best way to make money with little or no , capital follow these steps right do this , stuff it'll cost you about a hundred and , seven bucks to set up your hosting stuff , start to get traffic start to get in , your niche start to focus and do it okay , HTML , I don't comment on other marketers , unless they'Reno our show , so Id on't I don'give my advice on , other marketers just focus on what I , do and if you like what I do buy my , stuff you're gonna love it if you don't , like what I do then don'buy my stuff , you won't like it right it'Avery simple , so we go through that okay cool um , Richard says he's never seen this much , detail anywhere okay and it's not even , that detailed the detail is all in the , simple sights course so if you want to , go through it , so get your profit centers find out , what's there make your little list the , hawk keeps flying right over here so I , don't know what he'straying to get he , must find something on the yard bu tit's , cool he likes to sit on the corner of , the shed right the birds love me right , hopefully hoedowns't like me too much , because I don'wanna get clawed by a , hawk when go out there okay cool , uh-huh vanish says that's right mark is , paying less and ranking fast using less , competitive ski that's the key this is , what has made me successful for W years , okay , BST NJ says hi Marcus please share some , trigger word inspired keywords for the , hosting niche , okay well hosting niche is a good one , it'slake okay web hosting whenever you , see big numbers on Google like when you , see this like expensive stuff like , hosting$6 $8 $W that's expensive right , there's some that are gonna go way , higher three hundred and seventy three , dollars one hundred and six dollars , seventy three dollars right some of , these are absurd when you see that , there's a lot of money now getting into , this markets Little difficult so you , want to use your keyword sand go through , it and and make it work you know you , just go around the beaten path figure , out what people would need when people , would need hosting but they don't know , it okay we go through that on some other , ones so for sake of time we'll do that , later but look at your profit Center , step three so step one go hub site com , start your hub site go do that if you're , new and you're like I don'TKO what to , door never started anything what's a , website go to go hub site com follow the , direction sin W minutes you'll be done , okay this stuff is easy like it's not , that hard to do you just boom there you , go follow directly follow directions , done deal next you go to choose your , niche market easy choose your niche then , find out if there's stuff you can make , money on okay then you go through step , four is traffic , method okay so now why do I do that why , don'Ti try fighting into the traffic , method first well because I want to know , what the money's like okay so now I know , hey I could get hundred and eighty , dollars for this thing okay now I know , hey I could probably I could probably , afford$1 a click in this market cool , now it's Nita dollar click which makes , it way nicer for me in my pocketbook , and there's other things to offer so now , I know hey you know what screw all the , other stuff let's just buy traffic it , makes sense okay now if it did't if it , was like okay well you know like the , hosting one that's gonna be a little , more difficult maybe we'll look at like , you know free traffic or social media or , something like that so number one step , four is traffic methods first where's , the traffic at okay well right here it's , on Google there's W W people looking , for that or for our double chin okay , we know they're on Google they're , searching on Google they go to Google , they ask question and boom diet to get , rid of double chin or whatever let's go , to average monthly searches how to get , rid of double chin okay so we know these , people are searching for this stuff on , Google all we would ha veto do is find , our specific word like how to reduce , double chi nor how to get rid of chin , fa tall right that'pretty selective , okay well you know how to get rid of , chin fat after this I'm gonna have to go , get rid of my double chin I'm just , feeling bad about my chin right now but , if you right so what do we do right , we're like okay we can rank on Google we , could do YouTube YouTube is already , there so there we go Guerra is already , there we could get involve din that , images are already there so I would make , a list I'd be like okay number one get , the blog with the domain start to rank , for the words go for the subcategory , words build it up number two give us a , YouTube video number three make us some , images with some steps number four let's , see if there's an umber four we might , just stop at three yeah there we go , we're stopping at three that's what , we're doing we're gonna get free traffic , done deal okay does that make sense , everyone okay does pay-per-click make , sense if it does , both when I did see says Agave him a , chin conflict sorry about that well we , do have the advice here right I don't , like mine that's why I tried to look up , alright it'slake I'm not trying to be , snooty I just don't want double chin , alright so there you go you go tit so , that's what we do , HTML says do you teach copy writing yes , in the course we teach copy writing under , the setting up shop section I thin kit , is under this one Believe it if it's , not under that one it's under content , creation because when we create content , we create content as copyrighting , content is not just created to like , share articles like I'm not doing this , video like how many of you guys on a , scale of 1 to if you were to say , Marcus's content sucks it would be A , based on this webinar or it's a W being , it's awesome , right where would you rank me right now , OK and let me know and we're just gonna , we're going to show you something really , cool OK one to ten OK wait for those to , come in because we're going to prove a , point , live OK DJ say's Richard says TA , says W Medal says W Andrew says W , managed as W e says 9 is it CZ of a , chin joke and Emery you know if it is , you know home in horizon say's Eric , say's in quotes mark say's W W , Phillips's Harpoon Paul everyone's , given me a W except for Wally and the , chin guy but there we have right so , everyone thinks this contents great I'm , not doing this because I'm just swell , citizen do like to help you that's , great but I'modding this one because I , embedded affiliate link sin my content , right did anyone notice that like this , is content and I Abed embed the link , I'm like hey in order to get started you , got to go to go hub site comm and sign , up for the hosting the road say's , because she's in a bad mood'll get in , a good mood rose it's a it's a nice day , out bad dog says 8 to OK well that , would be A bad dog just make it easy , on yourself right so there's an , affiliate link there here's a link Tommy , thing where I want you to opt into , some keyword tools okay then I'm giving , you some more content some more value , some more content at the end you're , gonna be like dude Marcus I think can , do this this sounds really Good'm , gonna go buy your simple sights course , at simple sights bonus calm or I'm gonna , dive all in and I'm gonna get a high , ticket niche I took at niches com , boom that's why it's there follow that , step the content is there to make you , money you're also helping people out but , in the process you're making money right , very simple it's like like Good , mortgage broker okay he should't just , be like a guy who pushes whatever makes , him the most money he should push what , works that he uses or that he thinks , will work or something helpful okay very , cool like on my addiction website I , don'promote the addiction pay per call , offer seven though I can make a lot of , money just because you know hey to Meir , want to build a business and some of , that stuff's a little shady so I don't , want to do that like don't think it's , cool to like take addicts and be like , hey go to freaking funny farm and get , help because you know I would'twat , that to happen to me so that that works , okay , yea hand bad luck says at leas the's , honest about how it works for him well I , DI practice what I preach I'vie been , doing this for years most of my money , a lot of people want to know most of the , money that I'remade was from doing this , stuff actually most of it was from , promoting tool bars where I did'tavern , ha veto sell anything right very simple , stuff okay and a lot of people are , asking about my toolbar if you want my , toolbar the toolbar is on google chrome , okay this is a Google Chrome window and , this is what the toolbar looks like okay , it's got all kinds of tools and stuff , again this is content disguised as a , toolbar to get you to buy things that's , a whole deal right so we look at it and , like metal says what was it affiliate , marketing is great because you don't , deal with customer service yeah exactly , when you do drop shipping and stuff , oftentimes you deal with service but you , know hey if you can make grand a , month as opposed Tao thousand then do , customer service I mean seriously what , do you want to talk about here okay okay , so yeah go get high ticket niche like , Hawaiian says okay it can pave income , creation , can pave it yeah can you get it on edge , we do not have it on edge but we do out , on Firefox so yeah but use chrome Chrome , school you should always use different , browsers'll use them all three for , different reasons like like to be , logged into one and then use my other , one for other stuff and you know always , use that's a little tip okay so traffic , methods where's the traffic can I rank , can I use social media are there lots of , subcategory keywords you know are there , you Giotto figure that out do I write , the majority of your content or do I , outsource most of it I outsource , personally for me I like to talk and , make videos after this video is done I , have someone who works for me who's , going to take it make notes and put it , on our site and it's gonna start to rank , in Google which is gonna give good , content which is to send people Tommy , other stuff and if there's things out , there every day and this one video gets , one person to sign up fora high ticket , niche or simple sites or hosting or , something else right I could potentially , make$W a day for a long time off this , video or even more right from one little , thing I spend two hours doing it and , we're good to go , okay can I use pay-per-click to promote , this of course you can pay-per-click is , great again we're not an affiliate in , the normal sense of the word a lot of , people think affiliate marketing and , they're like well you know Google , dozen'talkie affiliate links you're , right they don'talkie you to spam them , with affiliate stuff but if you provide , good content and you help people out and , you build business in a mailing list , and you have your own website that's , helping people out there's no problem , with that they like it right because , it's giving good value you ha veto focus , on value what is the value the value is , answering the question teach them how to , get rid of chin fat there you go that's , what you do like in this I'm teaching , you how to start your web business okay , that's the content that's the value , that'shy you like it it's showing you , how to do this of course want you to , get other stuff but we do that what's , your favorite source for content that we , have several and I go through those in , content creation so after you order at , simple sites bonus com again it's only , W right now once the W is done the , price is going to be either OR W I , haven't decided yet so if you want to , save money go get the simple sites , course at simple sites bonus dot-com , sign up for that and you'll go for that , okay Alvin says what about your SEO , training's training is that free , traffic skills calm okay so there you go , all right so step four traffic methods , great wonderful boom there we go we find , our traffic method now after we'vie done , all four of these start the hub choose , the niche get the profit centers make , the traffic or find out the traffic , methods now we start to set up shop now , we buy our domain now that we know what , we're doing okay so we go through we use , our hosting from step one now if you do , this it's instant like I can go buy this , domain right no wand I can have a , sign-up instant done there you go right , there you go done , and you make it work okay this is how , set stuff up so easy and it works really , well okay I'm talking about course , creation help already know it profit , by profitable sorry , rephrase so there we go how to reduce , the chin whatever we get our domain then , weest up our site okay we set it up , like I showed you in the beginning with , the template of affiliate marketing dude , calm I set all my stuff up like this in , your simple sites course we have themes , like this so if you don't add a build a , theme don't worry you download it and , boom there you go takes about two , seconds to install it okay I go with , this method where I have pages across , the top we pattern our pages after the , subcategory keywords so I do how to lose , double chin exercises for double chin , reduce double chin lose chin fat boom , there's my pages they're gonna click one , of them I might even have surgery on , there if we want to put that there I , don'TKO you know , if there's some kind of offer for it so , those would be my page sand then all my , posts which are behind the scene which I , showed you okay let's see what do you , wanna do , open it open Internet Explorer okay okay , we'll do this later this is being silly , but yeah you could see that behind the , behind the blog we have all of our other , posts so if you structure this way , you're gonna make it to where it's gonna , make money if you do it the right way , and you get the traffic and you funnel , them to the things that are gonna work , that help them okay so you set that up , you're hosting you'll be able to set up , instant right this is why we do the hub , site okay get it there so you have a , place free links and then whenever , bundle main I'vie just put in for the , name servers I put in for the Blue host , you Putin's Bluestocking NS to top blue , host comm order domain go bluest , boom done you're up W seconds from the , time you buy the domain you don'got to , wait like when I started you don't got , to pay$W a month for each site like , when I started you just get the domain , boom you're up okay cool , okay mo says your get your awesome , giving so much value and content'm , buying simple sites today good mo if you , like it you're gonna love that because , it'slake lots of this it's like this on , weightlifting or something I don't know , so there you go next you install the , right plugins now when you go through , check this out simple sites big profits , under getting started I thin kit is , getting started with Word Press , you're gonna go download plugins boom , these are all custom plugins that I , spent lots of money on my estimate is , over hundred thousand dollars on these , so you go through you watch the video , it's going to teach you how to install , the plugin sand then you download these , plugins and they make it all work so , like the opt-in plug-in the one that I , have here that collects the name and , email okay that is earplug-in that's easy , you just put your Weber let's name it , bop Deere done like literally seconds , you don't have to know coding you have , to deal wit hall this stuff and they're , like well Marcus on my hub site page I , don't want that opt-in because Just , want them to get hosting well then you , can remove it super easy and then well , Marcus what about on my other pages like , affiliate marketing dude calm slash , let's find one here so you guys could , see be okay where to goo know I have , one somewhere oh you know what we'll , just do the Wiz one so we go through and , we're like Wiz quick Google Wiz , Affiliate something-or-other here we are , so on this page right I wanted to have , these ads here which they're all , track able bay plug-in it's really cool , it makes these ads , for you they work they get clicked on , and that's what allows you to do this we , also have other plugins that do all , kinds of stuff as you can see there's , like seven of them there and there's , some unannounced ones as well okay Alvin , says I got high-ticket niche but he's , guilty of not doing anything any , suggestion where I could start again , yeah go to PC money-making com put in a , support ticket tell us you want help , with your niche tell us what the niches , tell us what you did and we'll help you , write you get support we're here to help , you that's cool okay so you install the , plugins you get the good themes we have , some themes on there as Welland then , structure your your site properly for , your traffic method if I'm doing paid , traffic'm probably gonna want to send , them to this page here so that I could , get them to opt-in okay if I'm doing , free traffic might want to structure a , little different with some more content , very basic very simple we teach you how , to do it as well all right step 5 there , you go step 6 , make deliberate content creation all , right there you go you just make , deliberate content creation make content , based on the keyword not very hard to do , well Marcus what if they're looking for , the double chin will you teach them how , to get rid of double chin fat simple you , talk to them about the process you do , some research you learn about it done , deal okay next you answer the questions , in your market you can make a fortune , just by answering questions in your , market it's not that hard to do then you , report for its content and add affiliate , links done it's not that hard it's like , okay you want to get rid of your double , chin here's how to get rid of double , chin fat first of all you need to look , at your die tare you eating too many , chips and going to the McDonald'Soto , many time sand having too many sodas , well then maybe should't next you , know you want to do this workout next , you want to do this next you want to do , that boom also by the way you could look , into these five things like this program , here this program there and this one and , they're all affiliate offer it's really , easy okay question how to use Ad Words , for landing pages without getting them , banned you make them like this alright , this landing page does really well we , use it on all kinds of pay-per-click and , the way it works is because we have , content right it's content there you , give them good stuff right if you give , them good stuff you're gonna get a get , better quality lead you're gonna get , better quality people and you're gonna , make lot more money in the long run , the reason people get banned is they try , to short cut this stuff and they try to , just oh I , just want to make money so I'gonna , make a page with W million affiliate , link son it and hope it works it dozen't , work I had a friend that I just blocked , on Facebook because was following the , stuff and she just puts like here's this , go buy this go buy this go buy that and , it's like I'm first of all I'm not gonna , buy a dress second of all not that , there's anything wrong with that Just , personally like the feel of a t-shirt um , but you know and she's like buy a purse , buy this buy that get this sign up for , this Philly / what the hell are you , doing there's no value everyone's not , gonna listen to it yet if you give value , people will buy stuff right how many , guys right now you're like dude I want , to buy something because Marcus gave me , value on this call righto just feel , like I have to buy something because I , want to take the next step to do it , right but if I just came on here and I'm , like hey here's affiliate link one two , and three you know go to them and by the , way you could win a prize at this and , you should probably sign up for a , mortgage you guys are gonna be like , Damascus's jackass I'm not gonna , listen to him which brings us back to , that search term we talked about earlier , right so we look at that we're getting , we got to make deliberate content , creation you just do this it's easy , literally it'll take you like five , minutes may bean hour if you're slow to , set this up this way it'snot that hard , right you just do it okay awesome so , step six does it make deliberate content , answer questions re purpose content and , add affiliate links step , run some clicks to it test it out see , what happens right I'm running clicks to , my pages I'm like what happens did they , click did they buy what are they doing , right how are they doing it what , happened and Cain scale it okay yeah , like the double chin one you could scale , it that's easy you know some of them , might Beau little harder to scale like , you know you just have to go through , there but you always just watch what , happened so many people look at it and , they're like assume I sight no one , bought anything'm like what did they , click on did they leave right away did , they click on the link over here that , says hub site did they wonder what that , was okay if they did and you're sitting , there with your arms crossed and no one , bought my stuff , why okay good question why will change , your life if you listen to it like why , why did't they click on that , okay and another question that'll change , your life it sort how how Cain get them , to if no one opts in here I'm not gonna , go cry and be like hmm so they're not , interested in the toolbar what are they , interested CZ Icon the traffic's , there I know the money's there all I got , to do it's like little lock alright , one of those fancy locks and you're like , okay dialing the key word okay next , one , okay dialed in the landing page up the , offer snot working switch that with a , different offer okay good , get more traffic boom once you get the , combination you make money okay that's , what we'reteaching you is how to get , that combination and it's not that hard , because your market tells you through , clicking on thing sit's very simple like , Facebook comes out with new stuff , because they're like well everyone keeps , typing a heart manually so maybe we , should add a heart icon hey you know , what people are interested in in , Facebook they want to buy stuff people , are selling stuff on eBay maybe we'll , make marketplace right they don't just , pull these ideas out of that wherever , you pull ideas out of they make it based , on what you do right why do you think I , make the sites like the based on what , you do if no one here signs up for , anything that Ital about do you think , I'm gonna do my webinar the same time , next time they're the same way next time , no going to do it different I'm gonna , learn I'm gonna tweak right so you go , through you make it work okay so you , send some clicks there see what happened , asked can I say how to scale it , step you look at the results and you , were fine you watch what they do see , what's getting traffic okay you're gonna , notice this though you're be like whoa , Marcus I had no idea but like double , chin fat for senior citizens gets a lot , of traffic all right you probably won't , but that's an example and you're like , okay well now Indeed to make that page , specif specific to that and boom now I'm , getting ten orders instead of one simple , okay see what your visitors doing place , your offers in front of them and test it , that's all you're doing right boom there , you go very simple now with the simple , sites course like you can ask me stuff , right you could go through what do you , think about this do you think this will , work do you think that'll work what do , you thing about this keyword and we'll , be thereto help you with it so that's , how it works , step number eight if you like this , webinar go get simple sites mm , now you're gonna get two thousand , seventeen and sixteen right now but , you're also gonna get two thousand , eighteen when it comes out so you're , gonna get that all you got to do is go , to simple sites bonus com like this and , you're gonna get this software which , walks you through everything so if you , want this software where you literally , just log in and you're like Marcus how , do I get started , well you click getting started this , video is going to tell you how to get , started you can go through your website , you're gonna get started with Word Press , understanding you're gonna download your , themes and start using them you're gonna , know how to understand internet money , like how doe sit work right you're gonna , learn how to direct a web traffic you , can get your affiliate tools and files , and here's how to get help if you ever , need me okay super easy then you're , gonna go through you'll be like Marcus , already got started now you go and you , find your niche well you click the niche , one right click there there we go then , you find your niche it's gonna talk to , you about how to find your niche your , trigger word tools if you have a product , or service let's say you have something , you want to sell right then you can , watch this and let's show you how to , start with your product or service , it'll be like boom here you go okay how , to find traffic for any market get a , niche from Marcus if you want one of our , niches and I made these cool intros by , the way very very nice how to find , traffic for anything trigger word , training market flipper training , everything it's all there then you go , through and you're like coolie did that , then you find your profit centers we're , gonna show you how to dig deep and find , all your stuff boom there you go profit , how affiliates get partisans and , pay-per-click selling your own products , CPA affiliate offers affiliate links in , tracking getting accepted like the lady , said hey I want to get started how to , get accepted how to do this stuff as a , business not just mess around okay then , you go to the next one I'm gonna turn , the heater off you love Florida's you , need the heater early in the morning and , then later it gets really hot , alright so bear with me there we go no , more heater opened or I'm gonna catch on , fire here okay , so there you go sounds still good cool , okay then we go through and find our , microphone see this is professional , stuff here right excellent , alright so her ewe go we go through and , we're gonna go to traffic plan you can , talk to you about traffic how to , understand traffic social traffic , search traffic social traffic video , traffic banner ads they still work I , make fortune on my banner ads alright , pay-per-click I make a fortune on that , press releases and back links if you want , to go fancy pants , alright then you go there um next , setting up shop this is gonna show you , how to build your site the right way so , that you actually get sales and sign ups , and everything right how to do your , domain names and branding Word Press , setup create your funnel flow profit , pages and links list building and , long-term profit redirects and tracking , landing pages right that's the first , impression you got to do the landing , page right then after that you go to , content creation here's how to make , content how to outsource so types of , content we talked about different types , for different things outsourcing if you , don't want to write it yourself which I , do all the time multimedia content if , you want to make videos yourself or have , people make videos you can do that , re purposing content do this all the , time , I love it reformatting your content to , make it work right okay , content for list building content for , traffic getting boom there we go okay , then you go through and you're like well , now ready to do the W click test let's , see what happens boom there we go done , deal here's how you do the test okay , very very simple you just got to get in , there and do it and then results and , refining and you're off to the races , okay really really cool now we are , updating our video server so if you get , avid that'slake not working properly , we're just making it more robust we're , actually untimely so it'll be ready , shortly but most of them are working so , really cool HML says is simple sites big , profits different program than the , high ticket niche yes the simple sites , is how to do it we teach you how to do , it the high ticket niche is hey I go , find a niche for you I buy your domain , for you I show you the offers we setup , your site for you we setup some content , for you we make everything ready for you , we tell you how to get traffic and we , help you make it work , now the high-ticket niche also includes , simple sites so you'll get that too so , if you're like Marcus I want to go , all-in I want you to find my niche by , all means start at high-ticket niches , and do it now before the price goes out , but if you want to do it yourself and , you're like Marcus I love your training , I want to learn it I want to get started , go to simple sites bonus com you're , going to get this software , we also have money getting tools which , in addition to the plugins I mean look , at all these tools you're like Marcus I , want to make abut ton to buy something , like the other day someone wanted to , sell a book she's like Igor PDF book , I want to sell Ito'm like good go here , okay you go here you choose PayPal and , you're like Want this button you type , in your item number which nine times out , often you just make it up and then you , put your item name book and then you put , your item Price hundred bucks and then , you put your PayPal email and then boom , you copy this code and you got a button , you can sell stuff now like that easy , okay we go back to the tools here mm-hmm , you can see we also have like a , countdown generator if you want to have , a countdowns score if you want to , score your site ROI calculators blog , buttons themes and templates that's , where you get those competition crusher , search box code if you want to put a , search box on your site this is cool all , you do is like if you wanted to make , people go to an affiliate offer with a , variable you just type your affiliate , link and then you put variable where it , says variable copy the code done like , super easy right really cool so there , you go yes this is simple sites W-W , is going to be very similar but more , robust different training'm taking a , little bit different approach to it , which by the way if you order today , you're gonna get and W you get , them all so coo land that's just the , tool section mean I should charge more , for this which we are going to so yeah , you want to you want to get in there , okay so once you do that if you're like , Marcus I love that software I want to do , this I like seriously then you go to , simple sites bonus com you're gonna see , this page you can seethe price is , rising soon you can see you are getting , and W days support which is really , cool , okay you're gonna go there and you put , your name last name put your best email , use a good email don't use like one of , your junk emails because'm gonna email , you your login sand I want to make sure , you get them if you don't get your , logins for one any reason go to PC , money-making comm tell us and we'll get , them to you okay sometimes it happens , it's like one out of a thousand people , just like usually it goes to spam but , you know we'll help you out then you go , billing address city state zip choose , your country if you'rein New Zealand , you go there choose your card put your , number the number for CFC number is , like the three digits on the back of a , regular card and four digits on the , front of an Maxine you put your , expiration you can see it's like a super , secure site we pay as mall fortune to , Eskimos server whatever fancy thing , then you choose your payment plan right , dozen't matter whichever payment plan , you use you get access instantly you get , all the same stuff instantly it just , makes it easier you do save like W , bucks if you pay in full and then , obviously it's non-refundable because , we're giving you time and software and , trade secrets and everything you could , see your bonuses here that you're , getting then you click at instant access , and boom you're off to the races super , super easy okay if you're going for the , high ticket niche again you're gonna get , the software because it is part of it , you'll go to high ticket niches calm , okay and you're like okay I want a high , ticket niche boom here's our fancy thing , you see all your bonuses here again , name last name best email put all your , info here choose your payment plan you , save W if you pay upfront and then , here you you pay in payments if you need , to do that that'fine okay how do I get , these PDF can't afford that I'm , retire dwell you can afford whatever you , really want to afford it's just a matter , of making sacrifice to get what you , want to do back when I first started my , sacrifice was hey you know what'm , gonna live on a burrito and a coke , everyday which was not good for my , health but it ended up being very very , good for my pocketbook and very good for , learning this business there's been , time sin my life where I bought things , that I thought could'afford like , when I bought this ten thousand dollar , SEO course years ago I was like man do I , really want to afford that and asked , myself simple question can I make ten , thousand dollars off it and at the time , I was like yeah I even if they don'Tod , what they say they're going to do a , hundred percent I can still make it so , the question is if you get high-ticket , niche do you think you could make a , thousand dollars of it that's three , dollars a day for the first year they , said do you think you can make three , bucks a day with this stuff for simple , sites do you think I'm going to teach , you enough to to make dollars , like does anyone not think I could do , that does anyone not think with blood , alone buying stuff with what you just , learned today on this call does anyone , think they cannot go out and do it and , make W dollars like is there anyone , that doubts that if you DI'd like to , talk to you because'd like to see why , to see where where I'm failing as a , teacher because think that would be on , me unless you're just the skeptical , skeptic type then it's on you right but , we can all figure out ways to afford the , things we really wan tit really comes , down to what we really want to do right , what what do we really want to dodo we , want to watch more foot ballgames on , cable TV and and pay hundreds of dollars , a month for cable TV or whatever or do , we want to eat out or do we want to make , a sacrifice and make it work right like , each medal says I'm part of positive I , can make W,W a month from your stuff , right and when I first started I , remember$W,W a year was my goal , like I was like man if Icahn hit , grand a year was W years old and I , was like if I could do that'vie arrived , right I have arrived and I actually hit , that my second year and we do it and we , go it's like there you go right do you , want to make the risk there's always a , risk with business you are risking W , you might not do anything with it you , might do something with it and give up , it might not work for you for whatever , reason we have no idea , Harpoon says he'smacking money already , right it might not work we don't know it , could be just like nothing but it could , change your life if you really use it , like the guy was talking about earlier , the guy on Facebook his life has changed , because it's like there's the info it , lit afire under my ass and it taught me , how to go do it and that's it and no , one's made it easier for you than have , and this is literally a paint-by-numbers , system you just paint the thing you'd go , through you find out what works you make , it work and boom you do it right the , people who do it will get there I can , guarantee you I can't guarantee you'll , make any amount of money or anything , like that but I can guarantee you that , if you go through this you'll get , result sand that is step if you can , get results if you can get like a guy , on your site or a hundred people on your , site then you can do something with it , that's that'sphere it really works , okay host says turn W a day a few , days ago and I'm retired without a , retirement but bought a high ticket , it's good and use it right use it come , ask questions the thing that I can't , stand the most is when I get a customer , and they come to me and they order , something and then two years later , they're like Marcus you are a POS and , your stuff dozen'twerk and I'm like , what did you do , well I got a high ticket niche and it , never made money well what did you do , with Ito just sat there okay you just , did nothing oh how am I supposed to work , with that right you got to do stuff you , got Togo do it , Hawaiian says people are skeptical from , being burned in the past but sometimes , you ha veto trust again Marcus is the , real deal yeah exactly you have to be , able to do that because a lot B come to , me and they're like Marcus spent , everything I spent a bunch of money on , other people's stuff and got ripped , of fa Mike hey that sucks , okay first of all yeah it sucks getting , ripped off it's never fun second you got , to do what you got to do to get where , you want to go find someone who makes , sense because nine times out often if , you get ripped off it's because you , missed something you missed something in , there touting't do the research you , did't figure something now you did't , it did't make sense right like here we , have this makes sense you can go out you , can use this you can make money you can , go and you can sign up for hosting and , be like I don'tavern want to give Marcus , money I'm gonna sign upon their regular , site that's fine cool whatever'm glad , you were here an hour and'm glad you , learned stuff and you can take the stuff , that you learned today and you can go , use it and some of you will and some of , you will make a lot of money with it , come back and buy some stuff or tell me , you're successively so you know that's , that'SWAT works okay okay , Mani sh says can I talk to you fora , minute well you kinda are so go ahead , all right share what you gotta share but , simple slights bonus com is where you , want to go to get that and then high , ticket niches for the other one okay so , we'll review the steps again while we go , through Andy says people are out there , to screw you over , very few actually actually very few , people are like total shysters , I have bought things that have been less , than less than good like I bought things , where it's like wow maybe not but , there's always something you can take , away right and here's what you do if , you'vie ever gotten a program and it , Hans't been what you wanted go back and , study the sales letter and see what made , you buy you'll learn mo rein that than , in the program okay very very important , but no that'st hat's a large , generalization most people I think are , pretty cool and want to help us that's , like most people are jerks no they're , not just a couple of them you ran into , and now you're generalizing everything , on the Internet's again okay yeah I , doubt it there'actually a lot of good , stuff everyone on the Internet's mean , right you can't generalize things okay , you Giotto look at what you want and you , got to focus on what really work sand , you go tit you got to look out for , yourself okay I care about my students , which is good but I don'CARE about you , as much as you care about you right I'm , not like I'm not gonna come to your , house and like a build it for you'm , not gonna you know do everything until , whatever but you are the one where that , is and when you take responsibility it , could be there be either the worst thing , in life or it could be the most freeing , thing and you'll be like holy crap I'm , responsible so just go do stuff that's , awesome , unfortunately that lesson took me a long , time to learn and alto of heartache and , you can read my story of where I had a , big downfall and things like that but , when you look at it and you focus it's , like guys the proofs out the stuffs out , there lot of people there they get mad , CZ they're markers you teach things , that people can find online free yeah , more or less like if you knew what to , Google and you had a few hundred years , you could probably go out there and find , all this stuff and by the time you learn , it all it probably you know different , and you can't do that right it's like , okay well is a weight loss program not , worth it , well yeah sometime sit is like for Meir , know that getting personal trainer is , worth it because it's gonna get me the , result I want what's the result you want , you want to make money this will get you , there if you do it it's are ally cool , okay Steven said something I always get , something out of a purchase little , nuggets ever exactly there's stuff in it , okay Marlene says I have my own product , and Want to setup an affiliate , network to promote any suggestions , would get have you sold your product on , your own like is it selling that would , be the first question and by selling I , mean more than like three okay and this , camera makes me look really red it might , because I'm a hot but either way I got a , red double chin , alright so besides bonus comm get that , you guys are gonna love it , it comes with support if you need help , if you're gonna get a high ticket niche , go get that as well but at least follow , the free step please you know go through , how many have you sold , and what niche is it in alright cool , OK so yeah we'll brush these over while , we wait for Marlene's answer there so we , got step one start your hub site you can , go to go hub site comm for instructions , on that looks like this you just follow , the steps chip to choose your niche , market you can go to keyword sniffer com , we got some keyword tools I'm coming out , with a new keyword video that we will , post on that site later today as well , step three get your profit centers you , can check off of all Click bank Google , Affiliate or you could sell it yourself , step four traffic methods where's it , traffic already does Pockmarks sense are , there lots of subcategory words this is , the most important part of this step , because if there's a lot of subcategory , words we can really really work it can , you rank social media Step five setting , up your own shop on set up your shop on , Word Press use your hosting from step , number one that we did in Co hub site , com install the right plugins the , plugins come with simple sites so simple , sites bonus com for that get a good , theme you got themes and simple sites , and then structure your site properly , for your traffic method do deliberate , content creation the W click test , result sand refining if you want to , learn all that simple sites bonus com is , where to go okay Marlene says at shows , big time right so I need online mark , online network cell phone protection go , ahead and go to one of my sites anyone , you can go to simple sites bonus com , locate the live chat button on the , bottom it looks like this okay I'm going , to turn it on now let's turn this on , okay and you could actually get me here , so you're gonna go here and you're gonna , click that and then you could just start , a chat with me and tell me about your , site and I'll see if I can help you out , there okay cool , so there you go awesome stuff , good deal all right any other questions , before I go and get something to eat , because am hungry all right cool our , wound sent a question mark right back at , you , okay looking forward to the high-ticket , Mitch good Steve good to have you in , there , if you guys are getting signed up for , the high ticket niche let me know , because we have a limited amount , available at the old price the price is , going up it's doubling so I mean if you , if you want to pay 2 grand that's cool , I'd be happy to sell it for you at that , but if you want to get it cheaper do , that now do you teach how to optimize , the Google campaign yes that is in step , number & 8 , all right mama needs her line okay would , you success would you suggest drop , shipping for a niche or print on demand , t-shirts it is a niche blog for a move , fora move like moving I don'TKO what , you mean by that , okay I'm on cellphone but I'll try I , get knocked down okay or Marlene get one , of our products today like if you get , simple sites bonus'll give you I'll , give you free one our call about that , okay I don't usually do that but your , business sounds kind of fun and I think , I can really help you with that , so when you get that we'll give you a , free one our call with that okay Emory , if you are already a simple sites member , and you want to upgrade tithe high , ticket niche go on live chat just go to , one of these sites go on live chat and , say I need the upgrade link and we'll , get you the upgrade link which is cool , okay for a movie oh it's for a movie , well one make sure that you're not , stepping on any copy Mart copyright or , trademark issues because you know a lot , of people make these shirt sand things , and it's cute and all , but you could get sued for something so , you make sure you do the right way so do , that what time am I going to be on live , chat right NOW'm on there right now so , if you go there you can say hi and let's , see so Marlene I'll watch for your order , maybe somewhere in the box maybe after , your let's see that dozen'task for , phone number so we'll get it after but , I'll watch for that and we'll get you , that our cal land I'll talk to about , software's and things you can do okay , Elias says he goat high ticket niche , awesome really really cool okay um , Esteban you are on live chat yeah you , can do that Buddy'll let you do that , later okay , billions of self owners needle shields , Co probably me I'd like to drop my phone , all the time or I don't know might be , for other people listening in on your , calls which I don't know maybe people , want to listen on my calls don'think , it'd be all that interesting but maybe , you never know okay so any other , questions so Marlene I'll watch for that , and we'll get you all sorted okay so any , questions guys go get simple sites , you're gonna love it get high ticket , niche you'll love that too , follow these steps Willie'll make , these printable somewhere yeah what I'll , do let's see if I can make these , printable copy okay I'll make these , printable on affiliate marketing dude , calm and I'll send these out in Little , bit okay cool cool , awesome , okay Mo hammed says I'll just play it , safe for the Amazon affiliates also look , at other movie stuff like there's , there's other cool things like tool bars , and maybe watching movies on your , computer and stuff like that there's , lots of affiliate offer sit's like if I , can make money with Bible toolbar and , a PDF toolbar and a smiley face toolbar , I mean literally let me see if I can , find Ito found it the other day and it , was kind of fun , TNT files let's see'll see if I can , find it so I'gonna show you this site , and when you guys are like wow you made , money on that like like serious money , like I'm talking seven figures on this , one thing you guys will be like what , seriously kidding me okay where'd it go , Oh bear with me one second and I hope , this side of my face looks good as I'm , looking this way where to Good mean I , think it's called mean Smiley's yeah I , mean Smiley's here it is who is ready to , see a site that made me seven figures , disclaimer the offer is not around , anymore so you'd ha veto use a different , one but this has given you the idea of , what work sand here we go , tell me you want to see it and I will , show it to you I got it right here , I got it loaded up and all I got to do , is just drag it over here oh you guys , want to see it all right here it's a , seven figure site you're gonna be blown , AWACS it's utterly stupid and I , did't sell anything and the traffic was , two cents a click here it is yep let's , make it small there we go , there it is that'SA seven figure site , right there add little smiley faces , there we goo got paid when they , downloaded the smiley faces that's Ito , actually had a banner here but it's an , old site say now in simple sites we , actually have a giant list well if I , could make it go over there we actually , have a giant list of all the sites , made that made money so if you order for , no other reason join simple sites so you , could , the sites that made me money now you can , go through it look at all these tons of , them from crock-pot recipes to draw to , dogs to dress up games to drums to , teeth-whitening trade in car Valentines , whether right I had weather site look , at the weather site there's that boom , simple right they look like a , third-grader made and you're good to go , in the simple sights I think it's under , the tools section that's so cool there , you go , hope you guy shad fun today hope you , learned a lot of good value give me a , rating put lots of comments on this , video and yeah come back and see us and , order simple sights or a high-ticket , niche thanks again for watching again , the steps are there I'll put those on a , site I'll put the link below the video , so you guys can see it again start at go , hub site comm that's a place you want to , start even after you order my stuff , start there and we'll go from there so , thanks again Elias says what's the best , traffic source to make money that's a , totally loaded question there'Son way , of telling that's why we find the key , word first think I downloaded from the , site probably but again thank you for , the three dollars so there you go that , was it and I mean that site variations , of that site made me forty five hundred , dollars a day some days and I was like , not like the big players there's big , player sin that market during twelve to , fifty thousand Ada just there you go , really cool alright awesome stuff go , sign up for some stuff we will be on , Friday I still need a contestant for , Friday's call so if you guys are , interested in that join our Facebook , group you can join that at join Marcus , com get in there , start talking there's a lot of good , stuff going on in the Facebook group a , lot of good connections being made don't , want you guys to miss out go there and , we will help you with that all right , thanks again and we'll see you in the , next call again that's high ticket , niches calm for the niche or simple , sites bonus for the simple sites course , that goes through everything I taught , you today in detail thanks again for , watching and'll see you in the next , call subscribe if you're new