Here's Why You Have NO SALES On Your Website And Affiliate Marketing Offers


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hey Marcus I got fancy website got , the right product sand affiliate offers , I got some traffic but no one's buying , my stuff how do I get people to actually , buy things so Icahn get paid hey guys , it's Marcus here and welcome inside if , you're new here and you like learning , about how to make money online with your , own offers affiliate offers and , basically sell them stuff online then , make sure you click the subscribe button , and click the little gold Bell , notification icon so you get the new , videos when I come outwith them and you , can join us live right here every , Wednesday at W:W a.m.and Friday at , W:W a.m.for our live training , tutorials to help you make money but , right now what we're gonna do is we're , gonna talk about why things are not , selling a lot of people come tome and , they say Marcus why is my stuff not , selling I got a website , I got traffic I got affiliate offers but , I'm not making any money and we're gonna , talk about the three reasons that you're , not making sales we got them right here , number one number two and number three , so it'Avery important that you keep , these in mind take some note sand go , through these because they're gonna , change the way that you do marketing , online and they're gonna show you why , you're not getting sale snow the first , reason people do not get sales online is , because their traffic is not targeted , that means you are not targeting the , right people or the right group you need , to put your product in front of people , who one want it to can afford it and , three are excited about it you got to , get in front of your ideal customer a , lot of people think that web marketing , is all ab outnumbers hey if Could just , show my product to millions of people , someone's going to buy now well that , might be true the chances of showing , your product to millions of people is , probably pretty slim , so for the average person out there we , need very very targeted audience we , need to find out exactly who's going to , benefit most from our product so if , you're in a software industry let's say , you're selling things for help , people get more sales or whatever right , you can go for people looking at how to , improve webinar conversion people , looking for how to make new buttons for , their website people looking for how to , click PayPal and things like that if you , have something for people that are , looking for self development maybe you , have product that helps people be , better or whatever it is right you want , to go for people that are looking for , like maybe depression or people that are , looking for how do I get out of a slump , or why aim not productive or why don't , I feel happy those kind of things are , very good so putting yourself in front , of the right customer and the right , visitor is the most important thing if , you are going out there and you say well , Marcus I just want people looking up , software or people looking up personal , development the problem is is they're , Nita really targeted customer and , they're usually very difficult and , expensive to get visitors in that market , now the second reason that your products , and services might not be selling and is , broken up into two parts number one is , they don't wan tit right do they really , care like you might have product in , you're like hey this is the greatest , thing in the world but nobody really , care slots of people are like that lots , of businesses are in the business , graveyard because they had products that , they thought that we're gonna be good , but they did't test the market right , how are we going to know things are , gonna be good you could think well a guy , came out with a pet rock I'm gonna have , the pet grass or the pet brick right , that you don't know if that's going to , work or not you ha veto test the market , you ha veto look at what they're going , to be interested in so first of all they , don'twat it you need to not only be in , front of people who want your product , but also find out if there's a demand , for it if there's no demand for your , product or people simply don't want it , you're not going to make sales the , second part of number two is your price , now the price objection is really , difficult to deal with because it's not , really real people will pay whatever , price you ask as long as it shows the , value of what they want for example if I , say hey Icahn help you make $W,W a , year online well you're gonna pay a lot , for that if you believe me very very , very important and we're gonna put that , on the second one - we'll put believe , they don'believe you , they don't believe that the products , going to do what you say it's going to , do or the affiliate offer or whatever it , is but the product or the price one is , very interesting because we look at the , price and we're like okay how does this , work right why is someone willing to pay , $W,W for a fancy Mercedes as opposed , to someone paying $W,W for a regular , car okay we look at that and again it , has to do with targeting right if you , target people who don't have the means , to afford your product you're not going , to sell it okay second of all you need , to overcome the price objection by , telling them what they're going to get , for it for example if the guys selling a , $W,car he's not just selling a car , he's selling a mindset of a exclusive , community of people who own a certain , type of ca rand have ascertain type of , stigma or status along with it so it's , much more than just the car all right , very important so number two they either , don't want it can't afford it or you , haven't shown the price and lastly they , might not believe you very important , okay if you have like replica car they , might not believe that it's a good car , and it might not be right all right , number three is the most important one , also these are all extremely important , and if you're not making sales and , you're not getting people to click on , your affiliate offers and people arena't , buying things from your web links and , your websites and all that stuff these , are the things you need to know the last , one is you simply don't know how to sell , it all right this is where a lot of , people waffle it and I see people on , webinar sand stuff and they try to do a , webinar they try to sell something they , think they're doing a great job but , they're really waffling it when it comes , to sales this is what I see all along , it'slake people get all excited and , crazy when it comes time to sell stuff , because of a mindset we have about sales , a lot of people look at sales and they , think it's something shady they think , it's something silly they think it's , something crazy instead of looking at it , for what it actually is what is it well , if you're doing it right the idea of , sales is to help people make an informed , decision and buy something plain and , simple right so just last week I did a , series of webinars for a new software , that came out righto wen tin I tested , the software and I saw hey this software , is absolutely amaze , and it helps you run your business right , so what did is I talked about it I , said look these are the three things you , need to run your business now instead of , just coming out and saying I got this , great software you need to go buy it , okay I might get a few sales instead , what I did is Is aid look these are the , five things that I do to sell products , everyday online number one I got to , have my mailing list number two need , to have this number three Indeed to have , this four five need to have these , things and then I said guess what this , product makes these five things super , easy boom sales pitch done very simple , this makes it easy if I was to say hey , look you know you feeling depressed or , whatever this product is gonna like , hypnotize your brain and the feeling , better and be more productive boom done , right you don't ha veto get some crazy , sales pitch you don't have to have some , outlandish offer that no one believes , you simply need to tell the truth and , say hey look this is what I got here's , what its gonna do for you here's where , to get it , very simple you got to be very basic of , hey look this is what Otis right these , are the things I'm going to teach you , this is called info marketing we're , marketing via teaching we are marketing , via information that is what you do as , an affiliate marketer that is what you , Dias a product seller that'SWAT you , do if you're a coach or anything online , you are in the information business your , job is to educate someone for example if , a Realtor comes to your house and they , say hey I want to sell your house you'll , be like dude get out of here clown but , if I come to you and I say hey look , couple of houses sold in your area I , thought you might be interested there , was one over here that's very comparable , to yours that went for five hundred and , eighty two thousand dollars there's , another one that has less bedrooms than , yours it dozen'thieve a pool but that , one went for you know and then , there's one over here that sold for this , much so I think if you put your house on , the market we could probably get five , eighty seven and they go wow that's , great , and I say guess what'm not even gonna , charge you anything if it dozen't sell , for something around those numbers so , I'll put it on the market I'll do all , the work and if you don't want the price , I get you you simply don't accept it Wow , okay that'great see how he just , educated the visitor now , again find your right market if you go , to the guy who just bought his house , he's probably not gonna want to sell it , if you go to someone who's lived there a , while and has equity you got a better , shot so notice these three things focus , on these three things do these three , things and we're going to teach you more , about them number one target the right , visitor someone who can actually afford , your product someone who's interested in , it someone that you can help number two , make sure that your prospect wants your , product make sure they can afford it and , actually believe that the price is going , to help them and lastly on that one make , sure that they believe you make sure , that you convey trust and you show them , something that'shy info marketing is , so important because when I teach you , something you say hey well that Marcos , guy is pretty cool he taught me , something might go buy his stuff right , CZ hey he's teaching me stuff and'm , learning and I'having a good time and , boom there we go a sale is made as long , as the product serves you like hey our , simple sights big profits course it's , going to teach you all this in detail , along with how to set up your site how , to find your market how to find products , that sell and everything you can get it , at simple sites bonus com that's an , example of how we do that and by the way , if you want to learn this go over there , and get that product next lastly number , three they simply don'TKO how to sell , it some people just need to learn to , sell and in my course I actually teach , you how to sell but it's very basic , right what we want to do is follow these , lines number one you got to say here's , what I got here's what it is , okay now again remember where they're , coming from if you got a bunch of people , coming from a keyword of how to watch , foot ballgames on your computer well , then you can take them and be like hey , check this out Igor these tools for you , here some tools you could get Direct TV , you could get this you could get that , and you could get this you could , actually watch Direct TV right on your , computer and you can watch it whenever , you want pretty cool okay here's what I , got here's what its gonna do for you - , it's gonna do this it's going to let you , watch those football game sand the , number three here's where to get it if I , was doing something like PDF software , right how do you brand PDF make a , custom brand able PDF lots of people , search for that say well here's how to , do it okay step one two thereby the way , step number four is get the software , that'seagoing to make it a lot easy , for you so notice how we're just selling , in a casual way that's actually helping , people out and giving them the next step , the logical next step of how to get it , and if you do this right and you focus , and you listen to your visitor you , listen to them based on what they click , on what they ask you what they're , looking at how long they stay there if , you focus on this stuff you will make , sale sand you will make money if you do , it right again results not typical , you'll never make money watching any of , my videos but if you implement the , things you learn you just might be , successful like a few of my students who , have done it to be extremely successful , doing it the right way but it does take , a lot of work nothing in life is , guaranteed but I think if you follow it , you're gonna learn some things thanks , again for watching this I hope you , enjoyed the three steps to selling stuff , for the three pillars of selling stuff , online and I look forward to seeing you , in my simple sites course at simple , sites bonus com and as a subscriber here , on YouTube thanks again for watching I'm , Marcus from affiliate marketing dude and , I'll see you in the next video , you  

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