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and if you you're not happy with the , results you're getting you can just let , us know and we'll give you a full refund , so again go to niche profit full control , or sorry niche profit bonus calm make , sure Togo there because that's where , we're we're tracking bonus levels so go , to that exact URL and know as well , that Marcus has a special bonus lined up , for everybody so I'm going to go ahead , and pull this slide up here and Marcus , is now a good time to talk about this , yep I'm here awesome alright cool so , guys hope you guys got a lot of good , value out of this webinar and the reason , I really wanted to share this with you , is because this is a little bit , different than what I teach but it hits , on some things that can really catapult , the stuff that I teach you to the next , level so when you go to niche profit , bonus com I want to make it even better , for you so what I want to do is I want , to add as much value as your investment , today and I tried to find things that , would be equal the exact amount but , nothing worked one was like three , dollars less and the one that picked , was like W bucks more so you're , actually winning there and what we're , going to do is we're going to walk , through this product with you because , there's a lot of takeaways that we had , on the site that I wanted to go through , a number one was Hebert fish website , right we looked at the Berta fish , website and like Adam I'vie had a Berta , fish website as well now we want to look , at this because the volume of traffic , that you're generating with Facebook , and the different things that Adam is , teaching you when do you use that with , the CPA hard-hitting methods that I , teach you it's unstoppable I mean , literally you're going to take all the , people that don't opt in and make money , on them which is better than you know , printing money so to speak obviously , within legal ramifications don't try , printing money it's against a lot right , but what we like about this is the fact , that it focuses on Facebook and hardcore , lead generation because no matter what , what niche you're in the lead generation , is the key right once you have that , what's happening is he's giving you W , emails which potentially means that one , click one person who opt ins turns into , W clicks so if you use my methods to , make you know eighty cents or a dollar , twenty per click now you get two times , if , W which is really cool number two what , he does is he teaches a lot of the nuts , and bolts part which teach as well but , Acted just I don't like teaching that , because I'm just'vie done it so long so , I figure you know what go to a guy who's , got the time to take it make it slow and , steady and show you exactly how to do , every little media nuance with Facebook , and everything like that number three , one of the things that I wanted to , mention also is usingClickbank with the , CPA marketing stuff right when you pair , these together it's perfect and that's , why I really wanted Adam to share this , with us today also is a market flipper , method using that as well so what I'm , going to do is I'm gonna have a little , take away video that I'm going to make , on this but for right now what you guys , want to do is take a look at the bonus , so in addition to all the stuff that , Adams giving you today in addition to , all the pare done niches and everything , which is worth its weight you go what I , decided to do is make this to where i am , adding as much bonus so you're getting , twice the value and that's why call it , my double down bonus and what we're , going to do is we are going to give you , high ticket niche you guys have seen , me advertising these right now if you go , Tommy site there nine hundred and , ninety-seven bucks that's the price now , because you're going to be in niche , profit bonus we're going to get you one , that goes along the lines with what , you're going to be learning in that , course okay so we're going to get you on , that that's already set up we're going , to set it up for you we're going to put , all the plugins on for you and we're , going to get it ready to use with this , system number two what I'm going to do , is I'm going to hook you up with blog , profit network if you're not a member , you're going to become member for you , today if you are am ember you're going , to get a year free right so you get in , there you get coaching for a year you , get all the training fora year you get , the best of both worlds and lastly what , we're going to do is we're going to have , a special webinar series about how to , use what you learn when you sign up at , niche profit bonus calm right now we're , going to show you how to take that and , use it with CPA marketing okay this is , going to be hard-hitting stuff that's , all about using your list building , getting people back to your site making , as much money as you can on every single , click that comes to , making it all work together and this if , you were to go on my sites and order all , this stuff separately what you could do , right now but it'actually going to , cost you more than the cost of this , course so what I decided to do is , actually give you this real-world value , for signing up today as my way of saying , you know what I'm going to I'm going to , put some skin in the game and I'm going , to actually help you make this work too , okay there's some tips that I want to go , over after you get signed up one is the , Facebook tips he went over righto have , a takeaway for that that is absolutely , killer 2 is the Thunder pinning and the , scheduling of posts as you guys know I , make a decent income online but I'm kind , of an old dog right it takes me a while , to learn a new trick you guys saw Just , got a new video player like two weeks , ago and that came out in like W I , think so I'm a little bit behind on , stuff like that but the fact of the , matter is is that this stuff works and , where Adam is going to come in as he's , going to be like hey dude look this is , working on Facebook and they say hey , dude yeah that does work on Facebook and , also use this and it's a match made in , heaven so you guys are going to get the , best of both worlds so if you like my , stuff and you like what Adam had to say , you have to get started today because , this is absolutely unheard of you're , getting a free site you're getting all , the tools that don't have and we're , making it worth your while so go to , niche profit bonus com get yourself , signed up shoot me an e-mail say Marcus , you know what dude I signed up this , looks like something that'serially going , to work and let me know and we'll hook , you up with your bonuses you can also , get us on live chat and everything like , that but make sure that you use that , link to sign up right now because you're , going to get all that stuff as well as , the bonuses and takeaways that we have , for you as well so it's a no brain er , alright mastic that's awesomeness , thank you for that amazing bonus package , sure no problem alright cool so if we , still have time see some questions , have come in so is it cool then if I go , through and if you want to want to join , me that's totally up to you here we go , through and answer some questions yeah , go through i'll be here if you want to , bounce things off me and we'll go from , there okay , yeah sounds good so guys if if you have , any questions at all now it'definitely , the time to ask just post your question , in the questions control panel there and , go to webinar and'll go through and , answer one by one cool alright so Bruce , is asking he says hey Adam help I'm in , do is till get Marcus's bonus sou'm , guessing the answer that is yes as long , as you sign up at niche profit bonus com , you are good to go awesome there we go , Laura's asking is there difference in , the product offers if we go with the , payment plan versus paying for the full , product right now lower know the product , USN't different at all you're getting , the exact same product it's just a , different payment option so the the one , pay option you're getting a discount , with that if you pay upfront because , it's it's discounted at two hundred , ninety-four dollars but either way , you're still getting the exact same , product and everything that was talked , about on the call every feature that I , went through is included in that price , there's no additional cost for anything , also I know I mentioned this but just to , be totally clear because they get lot , of questions about this too it is a live , eight-week training program but you're , going to continue to have access to all , the recordings on all the software and , all the resources the forum ongoing , coaching indefinitely so you can go back , and refer to it and use it as much as , you want and there's no you're never , going to lose access to any of that so , I'going to saying hopefully no up sells , you know when there's no sepulchre , everything we talked ab outs included , you're not going to betaking through , any up cell processes although hope , when you start implementing what we , teach in the training you create your , own up sells we're saying great thank you , i'm in that's awesome welcome Laura and , for those of you who just joined us let , me know I'd lo veto hear what it was , about this presentation that resonated , with you and that where you said you , know I do want to give this a shot I'd , lo veto hear why you actually joined and , if you haven't actually enrolled yet let , me know as well what's holding you back , exactly and maybe it's something that we , can discuss and I can clarify cool Lynn , is asking can we pay with PayPal , and then no unfortunately we don't have , a PayPal option at the moment one thing , that we do have you can use there should , be a way to get in using your PayPal , debit card they do have a virtual card , you can use it's a lot easier to just , use a regular card and then worry about , it later but if you do absolutely have , to use PayPal that's one way around it , that you can use cool yeah good point , there for sure someone was asking CZ we , were asking about case studies can we , see more case studies so I just I'vie , created a couple slides because we get , that question a lot so that I just'm , going to leave them up on the screen you , can see them now I'll kind of flip , through them over the next few minutes , and you just just have a look I'm not , going to read them word for word now , because we do have questions coming in , okay okay and let's see let me make sure , okay some people are asking about the , lake think actually let me take over , the screen is that okay fora second , sure okay cool let me see if I can get , this going bear with me this is my , technical stuff for the day see if we , can get this here okay okay so when you , get to the link i'm going to pull it up , right here in a second and let's see if , we could do this show my screen , somewhere where is Ito will just do the , rectangle here okay so when you get Tao , niche profit bonus calm where you want , to sign up to make sure you get your , bonuses and everything some people were , asking how this works this is what the , page is going to look like okay when you , get here you want to make sure that you , put your name here last name put your , email put a good email because obviously , you want your logins to go to a good one , confirm it same email you just put the , same box go ahead and do your billing , details and then when you get to payment , info make sure you double check , everything then when you get down here , you're going to look at your payment , options okay if you want to go with the , full payment and save W bucks you just , click the discount one all right if you , want to go in the payment plan I believe , these are spaced , W days apart so it'll be you know this , month next month of the month after for , your convenience you would just click , that and it will go ahead and register , that for you okay so very very easy to , do what would say is go ahead and get , started now whichever option works best , for you just get in there that way you , can get the bonuses and everything and , as you guys can see from my wonderful , screenshot here our bonuses are crazy , right we're giving you everything on a , silver platter and we're going to be , going through this with you so a lot of , people ask me to Marcus why are you , having this guy on here don't hit his , teachings kind of conflict and I said no , actually if you listen to it goes right , in line because what I tea chis the , niche stuff a little bit differently , with a CPA slant and when you pair what , I teach with this Facebook and less , building stuff it's unstoppable I mean , you literally can make this work with , very little traffic and scale and scale , and that's what this is about is being , able to scale something whether you want , to make you know W bucks a month , whether you want to make a couple , thousand a month whatever you want to do , you just have to scale it and you know , you look at things that are like the , Berta fish niche and you say you know , how many people have a Berta fish well , for me my uncle had one and we always , used to piss it off with a little mirror , he got mad right and that's all I knew , about him but the fact of the matter is , like,W people a month are searching , for this online and they love these , these little guys you know just like my , dog hear people say well you know you , pay that much for for your dog it's like , of course I do so it's like a kid you , know she lives here and people are , fanatical about these crazy little , niches and you can hear the dog growling , in the background she dozen't like to be , talked about on webinars but you know , you're basically getting getting , everything so whatever you got to do to , get started go ahead and go to niche , profit bonus com let us know that you're , in make sure that your page looks like , this here okay and then just go ahead , and choose it you got your bonuses here , now you're going to see Adams bonuses on , this page because it is his order form , okay it's a totally secure order form , using the same company I do and now my , bonuses are on top of this so on top of , all this you're getting this stuff too , so niche profit bonus com get yourself , signed up if you have any questions just , let us know we're hereto help you what , I want you guys to do is get in there , and start going through this stuff and , and really work it you know work it and , say Marcus this is what I need help with , you know how do I put this together how , do I make this work and we are going to , help you every step of the way and , literally by the time you get your free , blog from us which it's free as a bonus , you're going to be ready Togo right so , you're getting the value and that that's , why I made this bonus carefully so that , you know that am at least putting as , much value as you are putting into this , as well right so your investment today , you go in you make it work you say , Marcus help me Adam help me and we're , here to make it work so with that said , do you have any other questions coming , up there I don't see anything that if it , Hans't been answered so far America so I , think we're good okay cool yeah and if , you're if you have any questions if your , blinker and if you're on the fence just , let us know again you want to get in , today that way we can get you your bonus , open up that page now if you got any , questions or anything let us know now is , the time to go and we'll make it happen , there is question about billing two , separate cards what would you say you , just say sign up at the how would you , answer that yeah and I don't don't think , that's that's possible i mean we don't , really have that option on the checkout , page so i wish i could accommodate you , but yeah i don'ti don't think we can , split it that way okay Became , take the payment plan and then just , figure it out later you got days to , figure out how to come up with the next , payment anyway so yeah you should be , able to do that that's what would , recommend at least that way you get your , bonuses that way you get everything all , right um let's see here Bruce we want to , check that out after the webinar that , way would make sure you get your bonuses , and everything like that alright so any , other questions otherwise we'll get you , signed UPI would like to give you guys , W minutes to get the special bonus that , I have for you to try to , up in the next W minutes if you can and , we will take it from there if you need , anything just let us know all right , okay so anything else to add are we good , to go I think we're good thanks so much , for having new Marcus well thanks for , sharing this is a lot of good stuff and , guys remember this comes with my top , endorsement Only promote things that i , absolutely believe in and when do , promote them I back up with a bonus that , guarantees you're getting at least as , much value from me as you do from the , other person so what I want to see , everyone do right now is go to niche , profit bonus com get yourself signed up , whichever pay a plan you have to take , just get in there make your investment , come to me and we'll go through this , together get you everything again to , make sure we have enough sites for you , on the high ticket niche bonus site try , to get signed up in the next W minutes , that way we have enough available for , you and we'll take it from there so , again Adam thanks a lot for sharing this , and for everyone listening thanks for , being here and let's make some money , that sounds great alright thanks again , guys and thanks Marcus thank you