Get Results Fast With A New Affiliate Website Or Blog - Affiliate Marketing Shortcuts For Beginners


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Marcus here and welcome on this , wonderful July Wednesday morning it's , pretty hot here in Florida so we got the , air conditioner crank in so I hope that , dozen't affect the sound quality if you , can hear me okay please let me know by , typing something in the box on the , screen here and those messages that you , type in come directly tome I have them , right hereon one of my monitors so that , I can see what you guys are asking so , that I can interact with you so if you , are tuning in today tell us where you're , listening from and your name and we're , gonna get this show on the road in just , Little bit I hope you guys like the , new lighting setup hopefully it works , out okay it looks pretty good it's a , little bright on the eyes bu tit's kind , of cool so I hope you guys like it today , what we're gonna do is we're gonna be , talking about the affiliate marketing , shortcuts right a lot of people in , affiliate marketing they say you know , Marcus it takes a long time to make , money it takes long time to set this , stuff up it takes a long time to see , results and I'vie been watching video , after video of a lot of trainer sin our , industry that are saying you know it's , gonna take anywhere from W to months , to see a return on your investment from , a new website that you build , now let's disclaimer this right , obviously get-rich-quick dozen't work , last nightie got some lottery tickets , when I bought my new cigars and I did , not get rich quick it was waste often , bucks or whatever it was right , so get-rich-quick does not exist now , however you don'tend to wait a long , time to get results and that's what this , live training is gonna talk about now , watching this video obviously is not , gonna guarantee you're gonna make , anything there's a lot of variables to , this business you could lose money you , could make money you could make nothing , we don't know what's going to happen all , we know is these are the things that , I'vie been using over the last eighteen , years to take site from nothing to , profit in my record time of W minutes , that's right W minutes after I actually , registered a brand new domain name and , pita site UPI actually had profits in , my affiliate account now those profits , were about three dollars and the domain , cost me nine , sou was down about but by the time , the day was over that one little sight , often times has made$W some of them , have gone onto make$W the first day , online so we got a look at them and we , got to be objective and today what we're , gonna do , are you guys getting sound think you , are got one issue about sound if you're , not getting sound turn your speaker's up , but if you're not getting sound you , probably did'Thar that anyway so what , we're gonna do in this is we're gonna , talk about the affiliate marketing , shortcuts what are the things that you , can do to get started because when we , look at this hopefully this pen will , work let's take a look here think that , one might run out on islet's try this , one okay this one works good alright so , technically what people tell you to do , with affiliate marketing is they say , okay well find a niche find niche okay , and they say well a niche could be , anything and it could be something , you're interested in a niche could be , something that you know you like and it , could be something that you know about , alright says that's what they say to do , this is what most affiliate marketing , training teaches you to do they say hey , you know what if you're good at , carpentry build a woodworking site if , you're good at typing make a site about , typing if you know French maybe you , should make website teaching French , language okay that's how they tell you , to start and then you go through and , you're like okay well I found this niche , great what I'm gonna do is I'm going to , setup a blog and they tell you to set , up this blog and they say okay you're , gonna set up this blog you're gonna , build it about keyword sand you're gonna , try to get it to rank in Google now if , you guys have been around more than a , half hour you know that sometimes if you , don't refine your niche it could be , quite difficult to rank your site in , Google right does everyone agree with , that all right we got a lot of people , listening in Cindy from Winnipeg Andy , from Pittsburgh we got James from , Columbia we got Ed from Aruba all right , so a lot of people coming in Austin from , Wisconsin so a lot of people coming in , but if you'vie heard this and you said , Marcus I'vie heard these things'vie , heard people say finding it you're good , at and eventually if you just keep doing , it you're gonna rank , okay now eventually , is not a word that I like to use in , business imagine if Google or Facebook , or any big company Apple comes to you , and they say we want you to invest in , our company and eventually you'll get , your money back maybe eventually right , you'd be like I'm not gonna invest , nothing that's stupid eventually right , you invest in Googles the stocks , going sky-high and you're like dude I , want to ride the train right you build a , site because you want to get paid you , want to make profit and that's the key , so what we Giotto do is we'vie Giotto , focus on this stuff we'vie Giotto focus , focus focus and make this work in a , real-world way and I'll try to write , where there is no glare and just so you , guys know the blackboard is more for me , to map it out than for you to read but , at the end I'll take a picture and you , know you guys can go through also there , is a way to make these live streams full , screen if you click the little icon in , the bottom right corner I believe it is , okay so they say find a niche and then , you know eventually you'll get listed in , the search engines eventually you'll , start to rank and yeah you're gonna make , money alright and they say well you know , anywhere from months or more right so , they're like you build a site and you , don't see a dime for like two years okay , that's okay , but that's not what I'm into right I'm a , very impatient person and I like to , rigged the game in my favor , obviously in ethical leg always we want , to rig the game in our favor now how do , we do that , well in this training what I'm going to , do is I'going to go over little , shortcuts that you can use to take a , site from zero to nothing feds from zero , to profit fast right zero - nothing , would't make much sense because that's , not really going anywhere so what we're , gonna do is we're gonna show you how , this work snow when we look at this we , say okay here's finding the niche then , the second thing is getting traffic okay , getting traffic so there's three , variables finding the niche getting the , traffic and the last one is making money , okay so we want to make the money now , how many of you guys are like how many , of you guys would be happy if you set up , a site now you worked your ass off for , two years and then after two years you , made , you know $7 Ada or maybe W bucksaw , day or whatever all right how much you , guys would be like well that's pretty , cool you know at the end of two years , I'm finally getting something okay good , that is good but what I want to do is I , want to start to get results now because , the reason I like results now is because , it'motivation right if you guys are , here and you'vie been doing affiliate , marketing fora while want you to , think want you to imagine what it , would be like tomorrow if you woke up , and you're like holy cow there's a sale , in Magellanic account and I got thirty , bucks , right how many of you guys would look at , that and you'd be like dude that's , motivation now I'm gonna go do a lot , more of what I was doing to get that , sale so I can get a lot more sales right , how many of you guys feel like money , would motivate you because you're like , now I'm seeing the fruit of my efforts , I'm seeing something right and that's , what we want to look at so first , variable is finding the niche next , variable is getting the traffic and the , last variable is getting the money now , finding the niche we'vie gone over , there's lots of videos here on my , channel if you are not yet subscribed , subscribe to my channel click the little , bell go watch those videos on niche , finding if that's where you're stuck , okay that part you can find niches all , the time the second part getting traffic , this is where we're going to focus , because here's the deal if you had , traffic right now that was targeted for , your offer you would probably be making , money right if you're if your traffic , was targeted and you had the right offer , in front of them you would make money , okay this is the block that's holding , you back there right here getting the , traffic because if you could get the , traffic in the right way and put the , right message in front of them then boom , you're off to the races right like if I , said well you know got a half a , million visitors month that are , interested in refinancing their mortgage , how many of you guys outdoes't take , rocket science to say that'SA lot of , money if you have,W visitors , month in the mortgage market you're , making money right how many of you guys , type K or K in the box if you're , like yeah Marcus I I know that would , work right so finding the niche , it dozen't really matter because the , niche is the traffic right the niche is , where you're gonna get your traffic , that's it'st he same thing okay the , traffic is just method to get in front , of the niche okay so very important and , when we when we get this ironed out , you're gonna see ho wit works so getting , the traffic is where most people are , hung up like right now I got this live , training okay a couple hundred people , are watching this live training if we , went through and you said Marcus have , a thousand people who want to watch your , live training's and you sent a thousand , people to watch this live I'd make a lot , more sales right same thing with your , website if you had a lot more people , you'd make a lot more sales okay not , rocket science just basic common-sense , business knowledge but the problem with , business knowledge is one a lot of , people that want to make money online , don't really have the business knowledge , and to the people who have the business , knowledge for some reason when it comes , to online stuff it just goes out the , window and it's like some weird , territory right it's like if I'm gonna , RNA marathon there's no difference , running the marathon now versus running , the marathon in the Olympics the only , difference is the stigma in my mind , around the Olympics'm running the same , I got the same shoes'm on the same , track I'going the same distance the , only difference is mindset right and , that's why so many people they they , struggle with things when they get in , front of people they struggle with , things when the rubber meets the road or , they have to do something , so a lot of this stuff is mindset and we , got to really focus on the business , stuff that works because right now if , you wanted to open it let's just do a , little test let's say right now you , wanted to open a lawn care business , right you're like'm gonna be a , gardener'm gonna do lawn CARE want , to get out there right what would you do , okay I want you to type your answers in , the box and we're gonna do a little test , and see if you guy scan really get this , because if you can get this everything , else is gonna be easy so you want to , start a lawn care business what would , you do right what would you do right now , if you're like need to make money , got the lawn mowers know how to mow , the lawns right what would you do if you , wanted to get business now Roy says mark , how do Get in touch with you you could , either go to our support site at PC , money-making dot-com or you could get , live chat on all of our sites think , Jackie might be on live chat right now , so you can go ask her questions as well , okay Hilda says create a business plan , Darrin says research what else would , you do like you want customers now now , you want these customers right now you , don'ta wait Minnie says promote okay , let's see if anyone can get it on the , head we want to get the nail on the head , find out where the clients are and Mark , it okay find the customer sprint ads , about lawn care and go in a neighborhood , and pass them out advertise Google and , Facebook ads ask for business the , closest one so far is ask for business , OK if Had a lawn care business let's , say for some reason I need to make money , and I need to make an X amount of , dollars per month and I got the lawn , mower sand I know how to mow lawns what , would I do , well I would probably go door-to-door , until enough people bought the stuff , righto go to door-to-door and be like , hey noticed your lawn is kind of high , would you like me to do this for you and , maybe even offer them a free service the , first time say hey the first ones on the , house it's looking a little high if you , want me to come back it's you know , bucks a month or whatever it is for lawn , care OK that's what I would do right , that's basic business practice it's like , hey your customers are in their houses , and it's free Togo to their house and , ask them if I can do that , OK pretty cool all right that that would , be the most effective way to get going , OK does everyone agree with that like I , could do Google and I can do all that , stuff and that's great but the most , effective way is gonna be going , door-to-door making this stuff work , let's see if we can get some of this , glare out of here is that better maybe a , little bit bettered so that's that's , basically now I want you to look at what , we did what we did is we circumvented , everything and we just walked up to the , customers house and said hey you need , lawn care book that's what happens , right and Larry says what about creating , web sites same thing right you want to , build web sites don't , sit around and wait for people to come , to you actively go to them okay that's , what marketing is about it's about , actively going to the person who has the , means the desire and the need for , whatever it is you ha veto offer very , important write that down , okay now with that in mind we look at , how most people do this they're like , we're gonna set up a niche we're gonna , do some branding and we're gonna do this , stuff and that's what I wanted to go , over today is the difference between , direct response and branding because , lot of people talk about branding right , my Facebook feed is pull of people that , are like you got a brand yourself brand , brand and it's like well what are you , branding who are you what are you doing , right branding is for Nike , branding is for Apple branding is for , huge companies that have huge ad budgets , okay that's Adela , here's the sad fact the sad fact is I , could do YouTube videos could put , sites out there can do all kinds of , thing sand most of the people who see my , stuff will not remember my name in a , month they don'Ti'd like to sit here , and say yeah they do because I'm such a , great marketer but people are busy they , don'remember things so branding is not , going to work if it's your dollars on , the line if it's coca-cola if it's Nike , if it's a big company yeah they can , afford to brand because they can afford , to put messages in front of you every , single day until when you get thirsty , you think coke now you can't afford to , do that you can't afford to do that so , what do you do instead what you do is , called direct response marketing , notice how in the example we talked , about the lawn care you did't go to , them and say I have W,W of these , customers that are really happy I have , this I have that I'vie been featured no , you did't do that those are all good , but when you're just starting out those , arena't gonna get you anywhere instead , what you did is you said hey believe , in my lawn care service so much'm , gonna mow your lawn for free and then , you're gonna sign up boom done deal , right so you went in there and you found , the customer and you went direct and you , asked fora response right then and , right there , direct response marketing is what makes , a lot of people online lot of money , why you look at companies like , click funnels , why does click funnels work because it's , based indirect response marketing right , a lot of people make a lot of money with , click funnels because it's set up to get , a direct response notice how their pages , work right they're like okay you make a , page that says put your name and email , to get this that'SA direct response you , either respond or you leave and if you , respond put you in my database and you , start to get my marketing messages if , you leave that's fine I did'really , want people that Warren't serious about , it anyway direct response is asking for , a response right now whether it's a , response like you know fill out the form , whether it'SA response like buy the , product whether it's your spots like , click my affiliate ad whatever it is , direct response is getting a response , right now now compare that with find , your niche that you like work for , months and hope that people buy because , now you're getting traffic that's not , what we want to do we want to do direct , response right in the face , marketing very very very important okay , so we goat look at that now what we got , to do is we got to focus and we got to , look at these things so there are , shortcuts that you can take to make this , happen and all of the shortcuts focus on , direct response getting a response now , because you could take these shortcuts , and you can use them and you could waste , all the traffic you got you can do this , stuff and set your site up and in two , years maybe you'll get traffic but again , you can waste it Allie would rather go , out the refocus on getting ten visitors , today and focus on getting a sale or a , hundred visitors today and getting , sale focus on something that's direct , focused and targeted so we Giotto look , at this and we got to focus so number , one we're gonna go through these now at , the end of this video if you go to , download my notes com , you can actually get the notes from this , and other videos we put the most recent , videos in the notes section so you could , check them out okay really cool so if , you like the notes you can go through , take your own notes , you can take mine alright so let'look , at this number one the fastest way to , get from zero to making money like now , and again results not typical implied , and guaranteed I don't know what you're , gonna get but you will get results and , what I mean by results is you will see , what people do okay if you buy one , hundred clicks and you send them to your , site you might not make money but you , will see what people do which is half of , the battle the battle is knowing what , people are going to do that is , everything , now you can literally hack these things , and say well what are other people doing , what's working what's been going on , how Cain duplicate it and make it , better and do it with my own products or , services or whatever so we got to focus , and we Giotto look at number one , my first favorite way to jump start or , shortcut affiliate marketing profit sis , with a paid traffic test now you could , literally go to any search engine that , offers paid search marketing you can set , up an ad and within minutes you will , be showing on the search engine now , how's that for fast right you could go , and you could build stuff and maybe W , months you'll have traffic or you can go , out there and you can buy traffic and , get it right now like literally right , now within W minutes I just did one , last week minutes boom we were up , right there you go you're getting , traffic right away right now so pay per , click testis very good you can go there , now a lot of people are afraid of paid , traffic how many of you guys here today , are kind of you're like I'm Little , afraid of paid traffic what if I lose , money all right what if what if it , dozen'twerk what if like what if it , custodian't work right now the key to , remember about paid traffic is again , like I said lot of people when it , comes to internet marketing they forget , all their business skills they're like , whatever'll just buy traffic and send , them Tao website and I look at half of , the guys's websites that get sent tome , and I'milker why would you think that , would work these people are searching , for this term and your site is not , focused on the term so why would you , expect it to work so when you're doing a , pay-per-click test , and teach this in detail in the simple , sights big profits course which you can , get at simple sights bonus calm it's got , all kinds of videos there's actually I , think five hour class just on paid , traffic in there which is cool right we , go through and we're like how can we do , this direct if I'm promoting something , let's say I'm getting traffic from the , word cooking videos okay you look at , that you're like okay cooking videos , well my site better say cooking videos , it better have some links to cooking , videos and it better have something that , Icahn make money on that these people , are gonna want because I doubt most of , these people are gonna want to sign up , for a cooking class like most of them , won'tiff you try to do that it's not , going to work however I might be able to , get them to download a recipe toolbar or , maybe something of that nature'd , probably get them to opt-in to a mailing , list and then I can have mailing list , of people that are interested in cooking , that could be cool or if you're going , for mortgages right are you gonna sit , there and describe what mortgage is , are you gonna say put your zip code in , the box and get your rates right now , boom that's direct response right so we , Giotto focus now even if you're doing , the free traffic method that takes , while you still want to have direct , response copy on your site okay so we , want to do this so the first way is go , buy some traffic you can go to a search , engine you buy traffic right now for any , keywords you want a lot of it is , extremely inexpensive excuse me and you , call the shots right I say I want to , spend five dollars a day , when it gets to five dollars it'll shut , off if you did'make any money you , pause it right you're only out five , bucks big deal alright so you got a look , at this now I like to DOA test wit hat , least three hundred people so if you're , in market where the traffic is thirty , cent sit's gonna cost you W bucks for , the test if you're in at rack traffic , market where it'Stein cents they'll cost , you thirty bucks if you're a dollar , it'll cost you three hundred and again , you only want to test when you know , something has the potential of working , and I want to just send them to my blog , that's not even set UPI want to send , them Tao page that I think is going to , work a direct response page that says , boom here you are , fill this outdo this thing download , this order this product boom boom boom , this is what you're gonna do because you , need to get results now okay , mailing list would bean example of , getting results very cool now the second , way that I like to go through and , shortcut these thing sis what call the , traffic borrower method now this is a , method'vie been using for years that , works extremely well alright and if , you'retaking notes this is going to be , value-packed , you're gonna get a lot of tip sand if , you like these tips check out simple , sites bonus calm and learn the min , detail , now traffic borrower what is the traffic , borrower okay here's the deal right now , on any search engine that you go to if , you type in your niche how many sites , show up right if you gonad you go to , Google or Yahoo and you're like I'm in , the niche of elderly care right elderly , care I want to make sales for like older , people homes or something like that and , you're like that's what I want to do , okay if you go to Google and you type in , elderly care or Yahoo and you type in , elderly care okay how many sites show up , for your niche or your keyword usually , ten let'SSA gotten so right now in , your niche ten people are getting your , traffic pretty cool right so we look at , that we're like eight ten people are , getting my traffic that's your traffic , right it'slake a lot of salespeople say , they're like well you know I got to go , find the people and they got my money in , their pocket alright Gotta sell them , this thing they got the money in the , pocket once the sales done get the , money right very basic same kind of , thing with this right you can literally , go to the search engines there'Stein , people listed and you can look at those , ten sites and see if there's a way to , barter broker by trade traffic with , those people or you can even see if , there's ways to get involved free like , on forum sand stuff now this works , really good if you're doing ads right , you can go to at you could go buy an ad , on a site because I'll tell you what , nine out often web sites out there , don't know how to mania , ties their traffic what I'teaching you , how to do in this video and in the , simple sites course is I'm teaching you , how to monetize traffic if you can , monetize traffic the sky is the limit , the world is your oyster all you Giotto , do is find people who don't know how to , monetize traffic get their traffic make , a ton of money very cool all right so , you could go out there you can do the , traffic borrower when you're looking at , ads you can do comments maybe it's a , blog and maybe you could put a comment , right there's lots of fake blogs out , there that do fake reviews and they , review stuff but they get traffic okay , now I'm not saying do fake blogs and , fake reviews you want to do good stuff , right you want to do good stuff that , focuses on what's going on and you want , to be helpful if you have helpful , comment on ab log that'already ranked , on Google and you say hey if you want to , learn more about this go checkout my , site you're getting traffic instantly , the minute you put it up instantaneously , very cool all right so another way you , can do it is by banner ads joint , ventures we're gonna get into this in a , little bit but just a couple weeks ago I , went through and I got a bunch of people , with Facebook groups was like okay , here's W people that have Facebook , groups what if I said hey look I'm gonna , do a free training for the people in , your Facebook group right we're gonna go , through there and I'm gonna help you , with it , and then we're gonna go through and I'm , gonna pay you if they buy things from me , right so I was like I'gonna help your , people they're gonna like you then I'm , going to pay you if they buy things , right how cool would that be , kitchen if you're having an issue with , the course would recommend going to PC , money making calm and you can get help , on that okay so get help on it they're , this these training's are not for support , that's why we have our support staff on , the support sites to help you so if you , need help go there they will help you , wit hit , if you use live chat it's instant okay , so check that out you could borrow the , traffic right when I did that test we , made like I thin kit was like W OR , thousand dollars with a simple little , testing't cost me anything only paid , for sales I got right so people came to , me they promoted my stuff and I only , paid when they bought so , there was essentially no risk I'm only , paying if they buy something right so , that would be an example of brokering , now that's another example of traffic , brokering another example would be like , solo ads right that would be a great way , that you can get traffic right now with , solo ad snow a lot of people do solo ads , wrong we're gonna talk to you about how , to do them right that will get people , into your list and everything like that , okay so the third shortcut to internet , marketing and affiliate marketing , prosperity and money and everything like , that is to use social media direct , targeting okay you could do this free or , you could do it paid here's the deal , right now there are Facebook groups and , there are Facebook groups going crazy , there's a Facebook group for my city , right herein Florida there's a Facebook , group for my city and I heard that , someone offered a lot of money for that , group and there's lots of people talking , right if you had restaurant and you , went on Facebook and you're like hey I , got restaurant that'aright down the , street everyone in this group gets W% , off or W% off Ur kids eat free or , whatever it is right and we go to that , we're like hey check it out that would , work you get you instant customer snow , the same thing happens in groups that , are interested in stay-at-home moms or , work at home or how to exercise or , runners or people who like tech stuff or , people who like Togo to the beach , there's groups for everything and , they're sitting there right no wright , that's why people like Instagram for , marketing because I can send something , and it buzzes in your phone right now , you're like sitting there at lunch and , Marcus has a webinar that's instant , right so we got a look at this stuff , now social media now you got to do this , with direct targeting again everything , you do we are not branding we're not , doing social media branding we are not , doing personal branding we are doing , direct response right you need results , now not years from now not two years , from now you need results now how many , of you guys like results now type of , results no win the box or hash tag , results now or happy face results now or , whatever you want to do right because , you want results now you're like I'm , waiting I'm tired of sitting around I , want to see something work I'm like , Marcus I want to go put something up I , want people to come to it and I want , them to buy stuff and I want to make , money that's what I want to do all right , so the third way is social media direct , targeting okay now social media you , could direct target free like I did with , those Facebook groups you could go on , and you could buy ad son social media , and you could be in front of your people , right now but you're gonna be in front , of them right now like within five , minutes of creating you rad it might , take if they have to review it but , within minutes of creating your ad you , are gonna be showing to everyone on , Facebook that you want to target I could , be like I want people from to who , are interested in surfboards who live in , Miami who have an income of W,W I , mean come on like that's the next best , thing to be in like want to market to , you you right there listening to me in , your computer I want to market to you , right that's the next best thing and you , can do that and you can target exactly , who you want and the theme of this , training for shortcuts of affiliate , marketing is that you are not helpless , okay we're not doing helpless marketing , we're not setting something up in a , hoping that they go and praying and oh , please bring this money people to my , site please make them but that'snot , what we'redoing we are going out there , and we're like I know who you are know , you're in Miami I know you like to surf , I know you make this money here's a , bamboo surfboard that we just made for , you that is perfect for people in Miami , that like to ride the lack of waves that , exists in Miami there's no waves here in , Florida unless there's hurricane which , you don't want to be on a surfboard in a , hurricane it's not a good idea so maybe , we'll sell paddle boards but we Giotto , look at that because we could get , results now by being in front of the , people that we want right right now , right no wright this second write it , down on your notes am NOT a helpless , marketer'm not sitting there hoping , this stuff works don'Thorpe I do , things that I know are going to work , based on years of experience now one of , the other shortcuts you could do is get , a mentor that you like that , you think can help you get someone who's , done lots of stuff someone who'Stone , Facebook Ads someone who's done , pay-per-click ads someone who's done CPA , marketing find someone who's been doing , this along time who knows what people , respond to right the people over at , click funnels they know what people , respond to my favorite thing about them , USN't their software it's a little , books they send out that show you , funnels that work cool right and if you , guys want that we can give you a link at , the end but it's really cool and they , show you things that work you Giotto , know what works you got to be a student , of what people click on you should be , researching what kind of banners get the , best response what kind of ads get the , most clicks what kind of emails get the , most open rates these are the things , that make money the other stuff doe snot , make money what are people gonna click , on my blog once I get traffic how do i , structure a blog to make money right , these are the things that you need to , look at and these are the things that , focus on teaching right a lot of people , come to Marcus you don't teach tech , stuff mean it's easy but you don't , teach this tech thing and I'm like well , that tech thing dozen't make me money so , Id on't care about it it dozen't matter , to Meir don'twat to do the tech I want , to do something that'gonna work like , if Could write a letter on a paper and , send it Tao million people and make , money that's what'm gonna do right it , just so happens I'm doing website stuff , so I got to learn little bit about , making a website but the letter is the , same it's all direct response very very , very very important right really really , cool okay , so number three is social media you , could do paid you could do free you , could do whatever you want you could , target whoever you want , all right the fourth hack or shortcut to , affiliate marketing success and I , guarantee if you use these you will , start to get results it might not be a , huge bank account in W hours probably , not right no guarantees the rebut you , will see what people do and seeing what , people do is half the battle write this , down I'm a student of what people do I'm , a student of what people do that's your , job you're a student of what people do , you watch what they do they click on , your thing they don'click on your , thing whatever it is figure it out , target what they do okay so number four , is using banner ads in your market , banner ads okay you could go through , again like I said there's ten sites for , every keyword you want traffic now go to , the ten sites , I have literally gone through and one , year Went through and I bought a , banner ad on a site that was ranked in , my market and I bought a banner had , thin kit was six hundred dollars every , two Weeks was like okay I can do that , six hundred bucks every two weeks and , then we go through and I'm like okay , great that admitted me sixteen thousand , dollars month that's a X right I , made ten times my money and all it was , was a simple little website asking , people to download things they did't , have to put their email they did't have , to buy anything it was a simple button , that got him to do that , there are banner ads in every market , that are flipping cheap they're dirt , cheap why because people are not , students of what people do they're , sitting there just trying to get traffic , and a lot of them do really good at , getting traffic and let them do that you , could be good at traffic all you want , I'm good at selling give me your traffic , I'll sell it and I'll probably split it , with you or I'll buy a banner ad Orin'll , buy super cheap clicks because you don't , know the value of your traffic that's , the key that's why you're paid online , right that's what we Giotto do so gonna , focus number four buy banner ads you can , go to sites like banner ad networks buy , sell ad slots of places where you can go , get banner ads really cool all right we , got these again there's a banner video , in the simple sights course you can , learn all about that all of these tools , all of these tips are going to be , updated we're gonna teach you video on , each one and show you what happens so , that you can get fast results all right , number five is Snow you'vie looked at , SEO and you're like Marcus SEO takes a , while how many of you guys until you , came to this call today you thoughts , took a while you're likes man I'Mont , gonna see results for a week or months , or a yea rand how many guys thought SEO , took a while , or maybe you'vie tried it and it's taken , a while or maybe you're trying to rank , and you're not ranking why are you not , ranking well because you're trying to , brand you're trying to go out there , you're trying to get the number one spot , wit ha brand new site and you don'TKO , what you're doing okay you're not gonna , get atop ranking with a new site if you , don't know what you're doing and even if , you do know what you're working even if , you do know what you're doing it's still , very difficult so what do we do instead , well what we do is we use fasts using , direct word sand videos okay you can , also use Word Press so put Word Press and , video okay here'st he deal , SEO I's% about the keyword you choose , okay SEO is a hundred percent about the , keyword you choose if you're not getting , results fast you're not choosing the , right keyword in the simple sites course , and in all my training programs we go , through and we show you how to find the , right keyword okay how do you find the , right keyword that'seagoing to work for , you because could literally find the , right keyword I can rank at the top of , the search engines think my record was , W seconds I actually have screenshot , that said this site was uploaded W , seconds ago and we were at the top of , Google getting traffic right then and , there right there why because I went for , the right keyword keyword is everything , instead of going for the word mortgage , why don't you find something like , qualifications for FHA loan or just the , other day I was looking up documentation , needed for certain loans right what kind , of Docs do you need or loan process , right these are things people type in , and the difference is is you're getting , someone deeper in the buying funnel , which means it's easier to convert them , right is it easier to convert guy , looking for make money online or a guy , looking for how to put Ad sense on my , site or a guy looking for affiliate , marketing right obviously the latter is , gonna be easier because know more , about the person knowing more about your , person is key and I'll tell you what I , can do better setting up a hundred key , word pages and getting right for , keywords I know I can rank for then , you're gonna do spending all that time , trying to get the word mortgage right , I'd be inhere getting all this traffic , you're gonna be like I'm still trying to , write for mortgage markers your stuff , dozen'twerk so I can't dozen't work , because I did't tell you to go for the , word mortgage I told you to go for the , other words very very important you got , to go through and you got to do that all , right next we have number six which is , create a simple landing page okay simple , landing page okay and don't get hung up , on the tech stuff literally if you go , through my stuff and you download , theme and you use the tools that we , provide in your simple sites course you , can make landing page in W minutes if , it takes more than minutes you're , spending too much time and you'redoing , it wrong you need to spend your time on , getting people to fill out the form not , making the form look pretty okay so many , people try to make stuff look pretty , pretty dozen't sell it dozen'Ti'vie , tried it you test a pretty sight versus , an ugly sight the ugly sight wins hands , down I'vie actually tested things I , worked hard making the affiliate , marketing dude logo right how many guys , are like yeah it's coo lit's on the , shirt it's on the site like your logo , right you know what most people don't , like logos when I remove the header from , a page instant instant sales jump , instant header dozen't work I would , think oh well you know it'pretty it , looks good it's got a trusty image but , most people are like now we don't even , want a header don't even want it right , so all that time you're spending making , your header it's actually doing you a , disservice think about that for a minute , all right Marcus I'vie been trying to , make my site pretty for years but that's , not what's gonna sell what's gonna sell , is your message what's gonna sell is , what you say to your market so I want , you to go out there in number six you , create a simple landing page simple boom , here you go like affiliate marketing , dude calm simple landing page , I changed the format of it instant , triple response we're getting triple the , leads now I did the same thing on some , other things I'm doing triple the leads , we look at that and it goes against most , things that we would think but again , dozen't matter what I think , I'Webern doing marketing for years , and it still does not matter , what Think now my opinions a little , bit better because I'vie seen what people , work but my opinion is only there , because of what people click on right , it's not there because I thin kit looks , good it's not there because Alike a , certain thing it's there because I know , what people click Ono know what people , DI know it works so you could set up a , simple landing page you can drive some , traffic to it this is why click funnels , and stuff works because they're simple , landing pages send people to them they , either opt-in by or go home that's it , this one'm due up did't buyer go home , that'SWAT I want you to do I want you , to watch this training and once you say , Marcus is good at the Enid want you to , buy something pretty simple right that's , how it works , all right so you can make a simple , landing page simple opt-in page and you , can drive some traffic to it right now , right the second you can get traffic and , get solo ads you can get pay-per-click , ads you can get anything banner ad sand , you can drive them to your site right , now and get results right now okay or , you could use the other methods where , we're doing stuff free right if you , don'twat to do paid traffic that's , fine too you can even get free traffic , fast if you want to all right number , seven as even way seventh way to , shortcut your way is through press , releases okay press releases press , releases are cool because you could get , a lot of attention and they're not for , like media like you're not trying to get , on Channel four News you're just trying , to use the press release to boost , yourself up in the search engine to get , people to view it why do press releases , work one because they're on a big press , release website and that big press , release website gets looked at by Google , and Yahoo and all the search engines all , the time right they look at it all the , time so they're gonna see your press , release and they'll be like we're gonna , look at it and because it's a big site , they'll say we're gonna look at it with , Little bit sharper eye and we're gonna , give you more search engine ranking now , you're probably not gonna rank for the , word mortgage unless you do like a news , thing which we'll get into later but you , can go out there and you could get , ranked for this and then boom you're , gonna get traffic alright I did this , with one press release cost me$W I , got six hundred and forty thousand views , on my press release but that's like less , than a tenth of a penny a click Id on't , even I can't even compute that without a , computer because I don't know how low , that is it's , it's a lot very lo wall right so press , releases are good and again you want to , target it at your easy keywords make it , work number eight will go through and , number eight the way to shortcut your , way to success is get involved in your , market stock sites did you know that , right now , there are forums and site sin just about , every industry right I actually built up , a brand new site and got traffic and got , ranking sand got blinks literally , going to an anxiety forum and i just , posted some content and said well you , know was an alcoholic and had , anxiety here's how it worked this is the , things I struggled with if you like this , I got some videos on my site and boom , people started coming in right away , built up a YouTube channel built up a , website get visitors every day get , people opting in every day and boom , there we go right you could do this in , any market that's why alto of , subcategory marketers worship the , warrior forum right they're like okay , well we don'TKO how to market , anywhere but I can go on the warrior , forum and I put an ad for bucks and , you know I'measure I'll get some sales , right and it works because it's easy , it's a forum it's out there it works , that's why people are obsessed with that , me I'm not that crowds kind of not my , cup of tea but at any rate right it , works so if you got something and it is , their cup of tea make it work and I'vie , actually made it work before I did a , post I think we did a post and within W , minutes or so I got,W bucks which I , thought was pretty cool it was W , dollars for the post or something like , that so it works if you do it right you , just got do it right Andersen't matter , what you do dozen'matter what I like , dozen't matter what you like what , matters is what works said it dozen't , matter , the problem with internet marketing and , affiliate marketing is you're worried , about what you think and what you like , and what you think right people come to , me there are Marcus people don't buy , thing son the internet that are over , $W and I'm like I bought my house on , the internet like I literally bought my , house seeing it online did not step , foot in my house until a month after I , purchased it right there you goo bought , a car just couple months ago online , did't even see it Haydn't even ridden in , it yet , the guy drove it tithe house I bought , it online so people buy thing sand they , buy expensive thing son the internet so , if you think that right how many of you , guys up until now you're like people , don'buy expensive stuff on the , internet unless they're like a business , well that's just your opinion it dozen't , matter because what matters is what are , people doing what are they doing that's , what matters people don't buy barbecues , on the on the internet because you know , they could just go to Home Depot right , how many you guys think like that be , honest'vie thought that right mic , well if I go to Home Depot I don'tavern , have to build it okay well if I get it , online I don'thieve to wait there it is , alright so cool , and people buy stuff online all the time , so it does not matter what you think so , you can get involve din the talk sites , okay just do a search talk sites do a , search for your keyword and forum and , you'll see forum sand you go talk in the , forum and you can get traffic right away , number nine okay here's another one , people miss this people come to me all , the time , surprisingly get emails every single , day of people saying I'm broke send me , money and they put in their account , numbers which is totally terrible never , send account numbers online , that's silly okay don't do that be safe , with your info but at any rate they send , this stuff and they're like send me some , money or let me like PayPal me some , money and I'm like I'Mont going to , because what I'm teaching you here is , better than money and I could send you , hundred bucks or whatever that's cool , but'd rather teach you how to make , money , all right that's really really the way , Otis and one you should never beg , people for stuff that you don't know , anyway but number nine this is what , brings me to it , number nine there are people out there , who need to make money NOW'vie been in , that situation multiple times or I'm , like need money like now not yesterday , not tomorrow no wright home of you guys , are there you're like Marcus I'm broke , and I need money now okay I'm gonna tell , you what to do and you're probably gonna , scoff at it and be like well you know I , I don'really want to do that it's like , people in my family right they as soon , as they figured out I started doing , internet marketing , everyone came out of the Woodwork sand , they're like Marcus I am your number one , student please teach me affiliate , marketing , I need to make money right no wand I'm , like here's what you do , well I don't want to do that thought , you needed to make money right now yeah , but dozen'tit just print out of the the , CD-Comdr I mean dozen't it just fly in , the no I'vie been trying this for a while , and Is till can't get money to fly out , of my computer but I can earn it in , pretty simple ways right and if you need , to make money now or you want to make , money fast perk your ear sup and do this , here's what you do you find a market all , right , you get in a market that's good that has , a lot of questions web hosting you get , in a market like software products you , get in a market like maybe car sales or , something like that and you go in there , and you drive phone leads okay I hate , calling people on the phone absolutely , just don't like doing it it'slake okay , I'll text people or whatever I just , don't like phone calls but sometimes if , I want to make some extra sales I know , that if I hop on the phone I can make , thousands of dollars right just with a , couple hours worth of phone work now , results not typical you obviously have , to call the right people and have an , ethical thing to sell and have means , to sell it to them but if you hopped on , the phone and you talk to people and , you're like hey what's your website okay , cool so if you got this website and you , want to make it sell better well I know , a way you can make it sell better and go , sign up for this right simple little , three-minute phone call , close the deal there you go right so no , one should ever complain that they are , too broke to afford my stuff because you , can go out there and you can literally , hop on the phone or email or live chat , and you could talk to people right now , and you could sell stuff I have a joke , with my wife because she likes to watch , Judge Judy and I can't stand that show , and so what I do is I hop on my computer , and I go on live chat and Ital to my , customer son my site usually she watches , it at nighttime so I'll be there and , I'll talk to people and'll be like the , joke is that could usually make like a , thousand dollars by the time judge , Judy's over , just by talking to people on my website , imagine how much more powerful it'd be , if I actually called him right that'd be , crazy but my wife would get mad because , and Sheldon't ca rejudge Judy's , wonderful advice or whatever right so we , goat look at that think about that that , is the ultimate direct response hi how , are you would you like to buy this okay , great , there you go obviously do it ethically , do it within the rules only call people , who request iota call obviously be good , about this but that works really well , right how many of you guys are like yeah , I never thought about that but I , could get on the phone right now and , could start making some money you want , to do it you got to do what you Giotto , do but the problem is is most people , would rather complain and then make a , W-second call I know because I'milker , that right I'd rather sit there and be , like oh man you know only sold these , many seats for the last class but I know , hey if I get on the call boom you could , sell it out fast people be like wow you , called me from the internet that's crazy , that's cool I'll sign up very cool all , right number W number W is use a , pay-per-click content network PPC , content okay again back to the idea of , there'S's sites for every keyword term , all right W sites you can go to the , content network and you could buy ads on , their site dirt cheap like I'Webern in , markets where it's a dollar a click'vie , gotten traffic for like seven cents , seven cents why because it's Norton the , search engine it's on the site that's on , the search engine right so it's still , the same thin git's still the same , person really really inexpensive cool , right so that works really well we , talked about pay-per-click content , network in the simple sites course and , everything like that so it works really , well , you could learn about it that is , actually how I'vie made most of the money , I'vie made is through pay-per-click , content networks they were insanely well , and a lot of people don't talk about , them right they don't even talk about , them but I could literally be on all the , sites that have Ad sense or whatever , content network that rank on the search , engine sand boom'm on there now their , yard there it is by the add-on cheap , easy all right number eleven this is one , I did couple weeks ago you could sell , through , a contest a contest on social media okay , this is something I did and I did't , realize it was gonna go as well as it , Dido got people Facebook groups and , I said hey you guys are interested in , this your groups are interested in this , I'm gonna have a live training and we're , all gonna compete whoever gets the most , leads I'll give you a thousand bucks , whoever gets second place I'll give you , W bucks small price to pay and then I , was like if you guys make sales you get , W% okay just last week Iowas sending , the checks out and the guy at the post , office box was like holy what do , these people do I want to do what , they'redoing especially this one , because they made a lot of money what , did they do , and Iowas like well they just promoted , something through Facebook groups they , got the traffic free got the traffic , free I just paid him on the sale sand , there we go , right it worked extremely well it was , extremely fast it took me a day to come , up with the idea the next day it was up , and running within week we had sales , really cool actually within a couple , days we had sales , it was just like hearing their sales , within the week we had a bunch of sales , which was like I think twenty to thirty , thousand dollars or something like that , which is really cool okay so number , eleven sell on social media through a , contest or something and we teach this , in the course as well okay number , number all right and then we'll get , to Q&After number W or I's find , avenues to help people instantly here's , the deal this is what people miss the , Internet is about help okay you go to , Google you search for something you're , asking Google for help which essentially , you're asking my website for help if , you're gonna come to my site and you're , like okay I want help so they want help , and you can help them right you can help , them instantly right you could goon , there and you can help people instantly , you could put live chat on your site you , can be like hi so I know you'rethinking , about the difference between shared , hosting and dedicated hosting well great , let me tell you about that what kind of , business do you run well I run this okay , do you host videos no you have more than , one website yeah a couple okay you , should probably get shared hosting , here's the link you get hundred bucks , for them signing up all they did is ask , the question right a lot of people think , that they need Windows hosting if , they're on a Windows computer that's not , true , Hosting is Linux-based if you knew that , you can hop on there and you can rank , for the word Linux versus wooden windows , hosting or whatever it could sit on live , chat and you can be like okay well , here's the difference by the way go sign , up here that's all you're doing how many , of you guys are like that makes a lot , more sense then let's Fonda niche that , we're interested in let's start making , bunch of content and let's hope that , three years from now I make a dollar , right how many guys get this are you , getting it or you having like a little , aha moment with at least one or more of , these steps hope you are because , that's what this is designed to do it's , designed to teach you exactly what to do , to get results no wright get out there , you help the people they're there now , they're on forums asking questions right , now they're on Facebook asking questions , like how many people do you see and this , is something that's funny about local , Facebook group sis they will literally , ask like how do I Drive to this place , and it'slake you do realize that Google , is a lot faster than your friends on , Facebook you go to Google you type in my , house to this place and it'll show you , right and they do it like the other day , some guy was on my site and he's like yo , Marcus your stuffs great but why would , people download atoll bar if they could , just go do this why do people do , anything right why do people do it right , if someone texts me for directions when , they can go to their phone why did , someone call me like my family calls me , they're like hey man what's the name of , this'm like well why don'you google , it , like literally fast right so you got to , go do that alright so you could sit , there and help people you could do that , all day you want to make a living online , set it up so people come to you put a , live chat or put an email box and answer , questions all day right by all day I , mean like it'll take you like an hour it , takes you all day you're making a lot of , money all right very easy and how hard , is it to sell you're like here's the , answer to your question here's a , solution to your problem click here to , buy it but does that make sense to , everyone , tech direct response if you're starting , to get it alright next last one number , thirteen and then we'll do some Q&A , number thirteen is put live chat on your , site and talk , to visitors we went over this but it's , extremely extremely effective strategy , especially because of the fact that you , could watch what your visitors are doing , and where they're coming from alright so , that's the deal these are the things , that you can do to do shortcut your , affiliate marketing success a lot of , people say Ought make money now , obviously there's no guarantees in life , most people make nothing but if you go , in there and you do direct response and , you're like here's a guy who wants , something here's the solution here's , where to buy it it's like John Carlton , always say she's like here's what I got , here's what it's gonna do for you here's , what to do next , alright here's what go there's what I , got these are the shortcuts to affiliate , marketing success what are they gonna do , for you they're going to help you make , money on the internet where do you get , him well you can learn all about these , over at simple sites bonus com that , course is going to walk you through , everything it's gonna show you how to do , this step by step it's gonna hold your , hand it's gonna give you the tools you , need and it's gonna give you everything , you need to set up a site and start , getting results now and if you want to , get that go over to simple sites bonus , com here's what I go there's what it , does here's what its gonna do for you , now if you want a true shortcut to , making this work our most successful , students start with high-ticket niche , this takes out all the guesswork because , what we do is we find the niche for you , right you're gonna go through you'll be , like Marcus you know here's couple , things that I like and I'll be like well , those suck use this or maybe'll be , like hey those are good let's use let's , use one of them here's a niche we find , the niche we get your domain name just , bought a bunch of domain names last , night most of them were like worth a , thousand dollars right it's like there , you go I bought the domain and you get , that so you get a domain you own it you , can sell it you can do what you want , with it , either way they're estimated values , pretty good according to the domain , appraiser obviously I don'TKO what , you can sell them for but you're gonna , get that on top of that we're gonna get , your domain we're gonna set up your site , we're gonna put some content on it I'm , gonna build the site the direct response , way that I know how to build it I'm , gonna go through and I'm gonna walk you , through everything we're going to show , you the offers traffic method everything , so that you can get started fast so if , you're looking for a way to get started , you're like Marcus I'm tired of all the , junkie want to get out there want , something that I can shortcut and make , it work then I would suggest go to high , ticket niches dot-com sign up fill out , the form and we'll help you make it work , it'serially cool now if you're Ina , budget you can see there there is Marcus , mentor me Marcus mentor dot M II where , you can go as well that's also where you , could go if you're a previous customer , and you want to update your support and , get all the new plugin sand everything , like that so three options really good , all of them will help you high ticket , niches is the best get it don't question , it that's great program we build the , niche for you so with that in mind let's , go ahead and take some questions I know , that there'seagoing to be a lot of , questions try to keep the questions to , the theme of short cutting marketing so , I'll step out of the way let you guys , take some note sand we'll get your , questions as well , all right so type those questions in the , box we'll get you guys sorted , all right and you can get high ticket , niche at high ticket niches calm think , I had a blog post that we put up earlier , yesterday that actually shows you some , of the domains we have which is pretty , cool as well let's see here , finished my cigar okay Todd says hey , Marcus you said theatergoer was great , as introspect but you still use , Weber what should I use either one go , to my site you'll see comparison of , them Carter I would use if you're gonna , like sell stuff on your own like not as , an affiliate , other than that Weber is good too all , right spout your questions in , okay Clive says what to do if you don't , understand the mechanics but you do , understand the idea help please get a , high-ticket niche bypass all the tech , stuff let me help you find your niche , you do what you understand okay so do , that trust me on it just get your , high-ticket niche we'll help you make it , work okay do I have to use my real , address in transponder no you can get , a peel box that's what I DI try to , Fonda p.o box that has an actual street , address looking name just a little bit , better looking I'm so cool okay should I , start affiliate marketing in them , niche or do Cowell if you're just , starting and you want to get into the , internet marketing niche like do you , want to compete against a bunch of , internet marketers or do you want to , compete against like people who don't , know what they'redoing if you're new , compete against people who don'TKO , what they'redoing and do CPA marketing , all right , all right bring your questions in we'll , take them we got about minutes for , questions or so okay hey Marcus great , info I'vie been hearing alto about the , recent net neutrality decision and how , it may affect small businesses websites , do you think this will change the game , for us no I don'think it's going to , change it too much there's always like a , big pus hand a big scare and then it , end sup being not much sou mean we got , to wait and see but I don'think it's , gonna make too much of a difference okay , Wolverine says for a newbie Anglican , do you recommend free or paid traffic , recommend you go for what your market , demands right like you go and you find , your market fir stand then if you can , get free traffic by all means get free , traffic if you can't then go pay traffic , so let your market determine your , traffic method don't ever force , traffic method on a market because you , know might not work you might not have , the right one like some markets people , don't click pay-per-click some markets , you know paper collects the king so you , just got a you got to do that so cool , Wolverine what niche are you in if you , don't have a niche I would recommend , checking out high ticket niches calm or , maybe if you're Ina budget Marcus , mentor Emmy , all right take some other questions here , okay Todd says so he sidebar is , better for Click bank handicap marketing , than current necessarily they each , do their own thing if you are just , wanting an outspend would , probably use Weber but watch my video I , did the last video on my channel is all , about how to do that so I would watch , that okay Wolverine's says you just , starting find your niche first but , that's the best advice I could give you , is find your niche first okay because , otherwise like how do you know you even , want to useClickbank it might not have , the best offer in your niche like when , you answer the question before you , answer your niche you're kind of putting , the cart before the horse and you're , limiting yourself like if I say Only , want free traffic and then I go find a , niche then you know just got to fit it , to that instead of finding my niche and , letting that open everything up for me , what about the whole GDP policy it's , just a privacy policy you just Giotto , make sure that you're clear on who your , data is shared with if you're sharing , your data which if you're using a , third-party autoresponderyou are , alright so any other questions type them , in and make sure you check out our , offers we got a bunch of really good , domains for the high ticket niche people , so if you have not yet gotten a high , ticket niche do that today and ask for , one of those really good domains and , again like the domain itself is usually , worth the same or more than the price of , the program so you're coming out ahead , like you're like okay my domain is worth , more than I paid so I'm ahead right it'd , be like if you go and you buy something , you buy a car and you're like Bought , this car for $W but it's worth three , right would that be a smart investment , yeah I would buy that today right , because it's like it's worth more than I , paid for it so I can go and do something , with it so you got look at that okay , how does tracking clicks work how do I , know I'm getting credit for my leads , they're usually done through the , affiliate Network you can set up some , fail-safes , to kind of test it on your own but , usually you Giotto gauge it by like are , you making profit and if you'remaking , profit then usually the tracking is , right and you could test two different , affiliate offers side by , site as wellie think need a different , cigar okay other questions go ahead and , type them in , alright we got about minutes for , questions and what we'll do I believe if , you guys have any questions about our , stuff you can get , I think Jackie'son live chat now and , I'll be on after this call in case you , guys can get us there and ask as well , how do you get indexed in Google , actually did a video on that like I , thin kit was two weeks ago so go watch , that I'll show you how to get an and , Google it's very easy but the short , answer is get linked with something , that's already indexed in Google because , Google is a spider all right it'gonna , crawl it'll be like I know this site , exists and they'll crawl to the ones , that links to and the one this next link , to and on and on , okay what was the name of the site that , pays you if you share hosting any just , Google web hosting affiliate and you'll , find Ito really ha veto make some so I , can invest more yeah do this stuff guys , this stuff works if you do it the right , way because it's all based on like the , beginning where we talked about the , lawnmower guy his example was hey I'm , gonna go and get people and I'm going to , ask him to mow their lawn that that's , kind of essentially what we'redoing , we're just not mowing lawns and we're , not going to a door okay how long is the , learning time required to complete the , course Wolverine great question the , simple sites course is designed for you , not to complete right we actually want , you Togo through and do stuff as you go , along right so you don't want to get , completed and then start you want to go , as you build it right so you're gonna go , in you'll watch chapter you'll build a , site you watch chapter 2 you'll start , getting traffic you'll go through and go , through and watch the parts that are , gonna affect what you're doing so I , would say like you could start learning , in like a week , alright you could set up your first site , today if you go into simple sites go to , simple sites bonus com sign up you'll , get your login sand then after you get , your logins go in and watch the start , here first start your first site you'll , be like hey that's like within a day , righto hope that's a suitably expensive , cigar market so telling these actually , that's if they're from Miami only , smell , my a mere old ones now because they are , the best way better than those big chain , brands but I think they're like seven , bucks if you get them in a box they're , not too bad but yeah I find these better , than like the W dollar ones so cool , okay any other questions let me know , you'll take it from there okay with your , experience with high ticket niche sites , that you set up what income can you , generate'm not at liberty to speculate , as to what one will earn or if they'll , earn anything but I will go through and , I'll find you a niche that has good , potential so you tell me what you want , to do and we'll try to find something , that matches the potential and then you , know you just build it from there but , can tell you that the high ticket niche , is by far our most successful program , that's the one that gets people farther , along faster and on the right track , because nine times out often the niches , where people are failing um what about , Cuban cigars you can't get them he rebut , these are pretty close to two once I'vie , had so yeah okay what is the Round how , much time we can see the result and the , height to get Inuits program usually , it's pretty fast sou mean if you get a , high ticket niche usually it takes two , to three weeks to set it up sometimes , longer just depends on how the workload , is but the ROI I really can't say but I , can tell you the domain names are , valuable like some of them I think we , got one yesterday it was like bucks , which was cool right that's the value , that the domain appraiser says it's , worth Id on't know what you'll be able , to sell it for okay , are you offering trial on your program , for us webinar attendees no we don't , have trials because this video is your , trial right so if you like this video if , you got value out of this video you're , gonna love my courses right plain and , simple if you were like Marcus this , video sucked this live training sucked , then don't buy my stuff because you're , not gonna like it if you don't like the , free stuff you're not gonna like the , paid stuff so this is your trial and , then you can go through one of the , options if you're on a budget go to , Marcus mentor dot M II sign up for that , if you're looking for like a complete , course to learn everything go to simple , sights bonus com , if you're looking for hey Marcus I want , you to pick my niche I want you to show , me how to do everything and set it up , for me then you would go to high ticket , niches com alright okay so any other , questions let me know can you generate , twenty five thousand dollars a month , with a height to get niche site how long , will it take to get to twenty five , thousand'm not at liberty to tell you , what you can or will or may make is it , possible in a niche like if you tackle , the mortgage niche right can you make , $W,W , I believe you can again results not , typical implied or guaranteed most , people make Nothing most people also do , nothing but you know there's a lot of , variables here if you tackle the market , right yes like I look at Ito'vie had , lots of sites that have done more than , twenty five thousand a month and they're , all based on the same niches that I , choose in the high ticket niches so , you're getting the niches that I use , often times I buy the domains for myself , and then for some reason or another I , just don't get around to use an M or , whatever reason we give them to you okay , um let'SSE now all the questions come , in okay how long will it take to get the , high ticket to sell high ticket niche , what do you mean sell it like you want , to sell it to someone else I have no , idea let's see when you set a niche site , is it set up for keywords and the , trigger word sit's set up for keywords , based on the trigger words so it's kind , of like one before the other okay how , concerned should Bennett beginners be , with click tracking service sin the , simple sights course this is why I , recommend simple sights and again if you , really want shortcuts find someone who , has the tools find someone who's been , the redone that and in the simple sights , course we have click tracking services , in there that are free we actually built , plugin that tracks your clicks so it's , cool right now you just install it on , your blog and you're good to go okay , wolverine says what other investments , are required aside from the course , Hosting that is the only other thing if , you get simple sights big profits or a , high ticket niche the only other thing , you need is web hosting okay it's about , six dollars a month wait to get web , hosting until we tell you because if you , sign up the way that we show you'm an , affiliate of it but if you sign up this , way we can set you up a lot faster than , if you get your own web hosting okay , okay so other investments is just web , hosting next Rudy gen Marcus provides , real value and is the real deal not some , guru actor trust and well thanks for , that Brian I know you'vie been in several , of our courses and you're always on the , webinar so I appreciate that , Amie says what about mentor ship can you , mentor us until we start making profit , we do ask that you buy something because , this is a for-profit business it's not , like a charity business so I would say , figure out a way to make it work like if , you want to go in our mentor program its , seventy seven dollars a month like I , guarantee everyone on this call spend , seventy seven dollars a month on , something that they really don't need , guarantee it right whether it's me and , my cigars whether it's cable TV whether , it's extra cell phone services you don't , need whether it'something you're , buying online whatever it is you're , gonna spend it anyway and literally , that'slake two bucks a day so you're , telling me that you're not willing to , find two dollars a day to learn from , someone who knows this stuff like , priorities right and that's why I put a , price also because I know that the guy , who'snot willing to spend two bucks a , day or a thousand dollars fora high , ticket that's not the kind of person , want to work with okay if you're that , kind of person you're like Marcus no , really really have no money then watch , the free videos I just gave you more , content than lot of paid stuff gives , you right here in this one-hour webinar , right how many guys are like markets yes , you gave me more than some products I , bought that's the content there right so , I got look at it you're cordially , invited tithe UK my friend any time , well thanks Clive appreciate that Ryan , says a price for a high ticket niche a , high ticket niche I's we are toying , with the idea of doubling the Price , don't know when we'll do , or if we'll do it but I'thinking about , it because it's a great service and we , kind of want to limit it so teach his , own but right now it's W so less than , a thousand bucks you get the domain you , get everything right really cool okay my , high ticket niche is not doing well how , Cain fix it well the best thing you , could do is contact us Right lot of , people buy a niche and then they come to , me in a yea rand they're like Marcus it , did't work and I'milker what did you do , well I just got it delivered and I'm , like whoa you have to do stuff you got , to get traffic you got to follow the , steps so the best thing you can do is , ask questions when you ask questions , we'll go through and I'll be like hey , dude do this right number five is the , one you want to use on your nature or , whatever and we'll help you make it work , okays date night , Lola may need that maybe yeah Id on't , know okay Clive says a no-brain er here , think I hate to invest in my future damn , right exactly you got to invest in your , future you got to go figure out what you , want to do and the funny thing is is , when it comes to internet marketing , people always want free stuff and it's , like do you really want something free , like if I go and Get food okay if I go , get free foo dis it gonna be that good , probably not like if I want to go Tao , high fine dining that's gonna be good , food so if you want good food you go to , a good restaurant you want good tips and , stuff on how to make money then you go , to where to get it right now you can , learn anything you want online free I , had to learn a lot of this just by trial , and error I had to learn it on my own I , had to go learn it but would you rather , save time like what's a month worth to , you , what's a year worth to you what is time , worth to you to make this work right , what is the trial and error like I have , spent hundreds of thousands of dollars , that could have been better invested , because custodian't know things that I , now know right Odin't I did't know , hey put the opt-inbox over here and , it's gonna double it take the header , away you're gonna double your income , that's what you pay for now you might , say well Marcus that's a total ripoff , like buy something and you say remove , your header okay you might think that's , a ripoff but if it doubles your income , that's what it's about like , a doctor I go to a doctor and I'm like , pay the doctoral bunch of money he clips , one thing but pay him a bunch like you , look at it you're like La Marcus he just , clipped one thing you but you went to W , years of school to learn what to clip , and how to clip it alright not that , anyone'getting anything clipped but , you know hypothetically here got to , get tooth removed and I'm damn glad my , dentist charge is a worthwhile fee , because I don't want Billy the hack job , guy to take my tooth out right do you , want Billy the hack job guy to teach you , internet marketing if you want a guy , who'been here for like years doing , this stuff understanding it very , important hope you enjoyed that when , you setup the niche can you use the , videos from the offers it depend son the , offer you have to ask the offer I , usually recommend making your own okay , Kevin says if you get something free , where's the incentive to make it work , well that and lots of other things right , you got to do it you got to focus okay , can I talk to someone to give me a hand , with the next steps yes if you are in , any of the program seven the cheap , mentor program that I should charge way , more for if you're in that put ticket , in get us on live chat we'll help you , get started right very simple you just , go in there you make it work okay James , says for the work this small staff do , it's worth it don't look at the money , look at the possibility exactly are you , looking at the dream the possibility or , are you looking at the money like I , invested in stuff all the time , and sometimes my wife's like why'd you , buy that why are you paying for that and , I'm like because I know that one tips , gonna triple our income like Ire member , when I when Igor cart row I was like , okay you know we're gonna buy this six , hundred bucks month and my wife'slake , what's this charge coming out she checks , everything it's like little miser and , she goes in there and she misers and , she's like I said what's that and I'm , like that's Cartwright she's like why , are you paying six hundred for car truck , and I'm like because we made thirty , gran don it that made sense tome and , she'slake okay well that makes sense , right so you goat look at that and , sometimes you just got to do what you , know you got to do to make the thing , work right do you know right now that , you need a high ticket niche go get one , right what's stopping you if you'vie , money stop and you get the mentor , program get what you got it if you have , absolutely no money watch the videos , here on my YouTube okay there's lots of , value here so there's something for , everyone , okay health it says got it she's thanks , thanks Hilda Todd says is there a , difference between the mentor program , and simple sites yes mentor program is , like our basic ask questions a couple of , videos simple site sis like the course , so if you want the course get simple , sites kitchen says when doing pay per , click how many keywords do you typically , bid on at atom to start very little , usually less than five okay I like to , keep my ad groups really tight-knit all , right and see what else we got , and we're doing lot of updates tithe , mentor program also if you have simple , sites or you have high ticket niche , and you bought them a while ago get the , mentor that'll update your support that , is what our supports going to okay any , other questionable no Kevin said he got , a high ticket niche good there Kevin , good to see you in there , Bryan says congrats Kevin wise , investment agree James says even if , you were ever to make W every month , for a W niche the passive money's , worth it well even if you were able to , make hundred bucks a month right just , go do it but you got to look at this , objectively because lot of people look , at it like the guy who's like Want to , make twenty five thousand dollars a , month right and he's like okay here's my , goalie want to make twenty five thousand , dollars month now I look at that and , I'm like okay well let's divide that by , W days in a month that's giving us , roughly seven hundred and seven dollars , a day seven hundred and thirty bucks a , day or something like that , now focus on the seven thirty day all , right what are you gonna do to get the , seven thirty are you gonna do seven , Hosting'sou're gonna get five hundred , people to buy this what are you gonna do , right you Giotto focus focus focus okay , Spartacus says'm the dawn for the , cigars but thanks for that I don't know , if I'm ad awn but you know okay given a , small ad group how many estimated clicks , per month are you going for it depends , on your niche right if I'm in a niche , that has very little clicks then I'm , gonna expect very little if I'm one that , has a lot then we're gonna do that okay , okay the Brady Ray says got my first , sale yesterday , awesome ray congratulations we're , getting stories like that all the time , you guys rock if you follow the stuff , and you get results tell us let us know , make a video send us a message people , like that okay is learning everything or , taking action this is all about taking , action my course is not about learning , like we don't give out degrees even if , we did they probably would't mean too , much it's about taking action we want , you to take action that gets results , okay all right any other questions let , me know take it from there , all right cool and right now I have , seven really really really good high , ticket niches available if you order on , this call after you order go to PC , money-making comm say markets I want one , of the seven and I'll give you one of my , top quality good ones , okay what'wolverines says what'st he , difference between high ticket and , simple sighs simple sites is the , training course high ticket niches are , done for you niche in the high ticket , niche we also give you the training , course so it's like the step up also , comment on the lighting do you guys like , this lighting give me at en if you like , iota one if you thin kit sucks five if , you're indifferent or whatever you want , to put but at en if you like it , alright Keith says he bought simple , sights looking forward to the call , awesome alright so any other questions , let us know James I agree high ticket , niche is the best way to go , Clive do you have payment plans , everything but the mentor program , because mentor is a monthly so but , yeah they do like simple sites has a , payment plan the niche Haas payment , plan if you go to their sites you'll , find it James says I feel like I'm in a , club where you are you're in the , affiliate marketing dude Club will have , to send you a shirt or something if I , can get the right ones I sen tout a , bunch of girls shirts to guys and , they're like these don't fit so I got to , get new ones but at any rate okay , everyone likes the lighting cool the , lighting reminds me of a pub out of town , yeah we're kind of going for like a club , look you know hang out less formal , makes the smoke look cool- all right , cool so let's get you guys signed up any , questions you have we are gonna go over , to live chat you can get us on live chat , you can see how that work sand let's do , this let's make money use these things , watch out for the notes sign up for , whatever you want and let's make this , work , Raoul says can we upgrade from simple , sights to high ticket yes you can always , upgrade all you have to do is get us on , live chat or Ina ticktock live chat is , on any site so if you were to go to let , me see if I can do this well if you go , to any site you just look on the bottom , it'll have live chat is online or a , little picture of me that says I'm , online and you can get that and talk to , us live alright how can Get a shirt , well I got to see how many I have Left , got to order some new ones because all , that they don'mention like is this a , girl size or a guy size so the guy at , the place dozen'TKO what to send so I , got to figure that out but the none do , you could request a shirt alright cool , so yeah hop on live chat let's get you , guys signed up whichever way you go even , if you're just starting at the mentor , get started somewhere so that we can , help you and give you what you need to , start making money online in a fast way , not the way that takes forever in a way , that'slake hey let's make this work so , awesome stuff go get signed up well , let's make some money let's have fun and , I'll see you in the next live stream and , subscribe if you're new  

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