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hey guys it's Marcus here from blog , profit and many other sites , that'vie designed to help you learn how , to make money online and advertise your , business as well as your affiliate , companies and even if you're just , getting started we have some tips for , you as Welland what we're going to do , today is we're going to show you how to , advertise on Google now you're going to , notice that when you go to Google here , and search for a term like let's say you , search for refinance you're going to , notice that there are certain ads along , the top herein the yellow and ads down , the side here in the White these are , called sponsored ads and this is where , you would want to be if you're looking , to learn how to advertise on Google now , there's two aspects to advertising on , Google number one is the regular search , targeted marketing that means that I bid , on the word refinance and my ad shows up , when people search for refinance now , there's lots of ways you can bid there's , lots of search terms you can bid for and , oftentimes it seems like an , overwhelming daunting task but I'm going , to show you how to make it easy alright , fir stand foremost what we want to do is , we want to keep track of our Ad Words , tool and you can find the Google Ad Words , tool just by searching for Ad Words tool , redwoods planner okay it's called the , ad words planner now and what we want to , do is we want to use the ad words planner , to find out what people are searching , for right so if we're we're going for , the term refinance we would go here and , we would type in something like , refinance right like this okay and hit , get ideas and what it's going to do is , show us how many times these words are , searched for now it's going to give you , ad group ideas which are kind of , confusing and more along the lines of , what Google thinks you should do rather , than what you should actually do okay so , what we want to do is want to go to , keyword ideas all right instead of ad , group ideas because the keyword ideas , are more targeted to the actual search , phrase that we want right so from after , refinance most of these results are , going to come up with refinance , obviously you could use these things to , kind of you know narrow it down if you , only want Otto say refinance mortgage , or mortgage refinance or you only want , people in the United States or whatever , you can use the keyword options to kind , of go through and do that but what we , can see here is refinance calculators , actually search for twenty-two thousand , times refinance rates twenty-seven , thousand time sand on an don we go so , this is the amount of people each month , on average that is searching for these , term snow you're going to notice that a , lot of these terms are really high , competition and you're also going to , notice a suggested bid now the suggested , bid is what Google thinks that you , should pay based on what other people , are paying and the competition of the , term for each visitor that comes to your , site so if someone was to search for , refinance and they click on you rad , right they click on your ad and go to , your site the suggested bid where did we , go there we are is the amount that you'd , pay so if we have refinance calculator , okay right like this you're going to , notice that the bid is six dollars per , click which means on this here you're , seeing six dollars and seventy cents , which means that on average people are , probably paying six dollars and cents , or less so the suggested bid is what , they're saying here , okay now the cool thing about Google and , other pay-per-click marketing method sis , you only pay when people click okay so , if your ad is seen a hundred thousand , times in a day and no one clicks then , you don't pay anything but if one guy , clicks and you pay six bucks or a dollar , or whatever right now whatever it says , here dozen't necessarily mean that's , what you're going to pay so now that we , know this stuff , I have other tools and keyword research , stuff on my site that blog profit , you can go there put your , name and email you'll get all that stuff , but for right now let me show you how , easy Otis to get started with Google , Ad words , first of all all you have to do is , search for google ad words in google okay , you're going to come to a page like this , that says advertise on Google and this , is exactly how you start to advertise on , Google so what we want to do is we , want to hit the get started now button , okay this is going to , allow us to create an account now you'll , notice that it says hey you already have , an account okay but for those of you who , don't have an account it's just going to , ask you some basic things like what kind , of business are your marketing what's , your name what'sour email where are , you located what's your phone number , and everything along those lines right , really easy and then after you're done , with everything like that you're going , to notice your main account page and you , could see I'vie spent quite a bit of , money with the old Google and it'seagoing , to allow you to either search or put , your ad on the search Network and , Display Network the search Network only , or the Display Network only now display , network is basically the ads by Google , on other sites like sites that are not , Google right if you'Reno a site and it , says hey check it out ads by Google then , that would bean example of a Display , Network ad the search means that they , actually have Togo to Google and search , for the keyword for you to come up OK , and we'll talk about different targeting , stuff and everything like that on a site , that'm setting up for you and you can , find that at pay-per-click explained dot , org that's pay-per-click explained dot , org and that site should be ready by the , time you're watching this video right , we'll put a link in the description of , this video as Welland what I'going to , do is I'gonna put all the basic sand , advanced training tools that I have , about pay-per-click marketing such as , could get a feel for the terms an dhow , things work an dhow to do different , targeting and things like that but what , you're going to notice here is that when , you get into thirty-gritty of setting , up your campaign so let's say we just , want to do search Network only what's , going to happen is you'll Putin your , new campaign name now I select suggest , you name it something related so if this , was refinance calculator okay and then , we go in and we say search Network only , you can do that again now you can do , standard keywords like regular keyword , text ads showing on Google results only , or all features if you want to be on all , the search networks like I think they , serve AOL and different things like that , you can be on product listings dynamic , search whatever and again we go in all , that over at pay-per-click explain org , okay but for now we're going to DOS , Google search Network since the title of , this video is , how to advertise on Google right we're , going to stay select- how to get vert , eyes on Google and we get into the other , stuff later on pay-per-click explain org , all right so we can show ad son all , devices now you can go here and you can , do like phones or tablets or laptops or , laptops and computers or whatever right , that's where you choose devices so , obviously if you have a big site that , won't show on a little phone and you , probably don't want to advertise to , phone people because you're just going , to pay to make mat and leave your site , okay then you get to choose your , locations you can do US and Canada you , Canada you can do all territories you , could do just Bangladesh if that's what , you want everything right really easy , okay and then it says your language is , your bid strategy okay now Usually , choose I'll manually set the bids for my , clicks otherwise they're going to choose , it for you and again there's reasons why , you would do both options and we'll go , over that on that pay-per-click site as , well pay-per-click explain org okay so , then what we do is we justest our , default bid now the cool thing is is we , put whatever once if I'm only willing to , bid you know let's say thirty five cents , a click I'gonna have an umber lock on , thirty five cents a click then that is , all I pay right I'Mont going to get any , traffic if it's too cheap and if it's , not too cheap then I'll get traffic and , all I'll pay is twenty or thirty five , cents per click and then you put per day , so if I W clicks a Day can put yeah , I'milling to spend thirty five bucks a , day all right then you got your ad , extensions that means you can put , different things to put you know , business ideas or your location if you , want hey I'here in you know Los , Angeles or whatever or here's where you , could call me whatever you know , different things like that that show , more about your business we usually , don't do stuff like that but obviously , if you're a local marketer then that's , going to work for you okay then we go , ahead and hit save and continue and we , come to this ad group page okay so we , setup the regular campaign now we set , up the ad group and we'll call this , refinance one , okay and we put refinance refinance , calculator I think I spelled that right , re fight let's just copy it just to make , sure because have been known to do a , misspelling or like five thousand okay , so every finance calculator can always , use your keyword in the target URL that , will get you more clicks okay and then , you just say what you have neat or you , could say easy to use calculator will , help you calculate your mortgage savings , all right display URL this is where you , put what your website looks like so it'd , be like refinance , or whatever obviously that's not a site , okay and then the destination is where , you want to send them so this is what , you want your site to look like in the , actual ad this is where you're actually , sending them this is used in case like , you want to put like tracking ID like , question marketed equals one two three , okay that way outdoes't look ugly but , you could still track it now they like , this to be as relevant and as similar to , your actual site as possible so keep , that in mind when you'recreating your , ad then you go through and you select , your keywords right those are the , keywords that we found in step one where , we're actually going through and using , the Ad Words tool to fin dour keywords , okay so we put in like refinance , calculator right like that and we , estimate search traffic it'll say hey , based on W cents ac lick Id on't think , you're going to get any traffic you , should probably spend more then you can , go and say okay well let'Supt a dollar , and see what happens okay and again , remember this is all averages and it's , basically just going to give you average , is based on what's going on okay let's , say we put three bucks or whatever , okay and this is where you kind of find , your sweet spot where you get the most , traffic but again you're never really , going to know unless you put the ad , online and test okay so we put that in , there we'll just stay at our regular W , cents a click and we'll go ahead and , save the ad group then bad being bad , bang we get our ads and now we are am , ready we'reckon enrolling we can , actually be showing on Google right now , right really coo land you can see it , actually gives you a little score it , says hey this is what your site'sabot , you know your quality score your status , how much it costs to be on the first , page so if I want to actually show up on , the first page of Google it's going to , cost me ninety five cents click right , which for mortgage gasholder't be too , much if they know what they're doing and , that is about it , right now we're advertising on Google so , I hope you enjoyed this video about how , to advertise on Google it's very simple , what I have setup for you at my site at , pay per click explained dot org is I , have a special tutorial video actually , several of them and I also have a coupon , right I have a special coupon where you , can get the first Think it's like W , or W buck sin traffic from Google for , free right we also have coupons from , Emerson and everything like that it is a , conditional coupon so I will put that , the detail sand everything on the site , but just go to the site to get the tips , on pay-per-click marketing so go to , pay-per-click explained org check out , the other video sand for those of you , who want to know all about how to make , money online go to blog profit , on all my sites make sure , you put your name and email in the box , so that I can keep in contact and send , you my latest videos for those that like , these subscribe opt-in subscribe on , YouTube follow me make sure you're , getting all the latest stuff and for , those interested in pay per click go to , pay per click explained org and I'll see , you in the next video