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hey guy sit's Marcus here and today what , we're going to do in this special live , presentation i thought i'd do it live , because i tried to record it like five , times and I just ended up sounding like , an idiot but what we're going to do , today is we're going to talk to you , about how to get more views and more , subscribers to your YouTube channel and , what want to do is I want to talk to , you about the difference between a , YouTube channel that gets alto of views , and lot of subscribers and YouTube , channel that gets like 0 views and zero , subscriber snow it's really important to , realize what's going on here because , there'slots of different things that , are at play when we're looking at , different YouTube video sand different , YouTube views so what we're going to do , is we're going to take a look at that , now I want to show you here on the , screen behind me you'll notice there is , a YouTube channel and this YouTube , channel was started by a friend of mine , and we kind of both started a YouTube , channel in the same month about the same , topic so I thought it'd be a good , comparison and as you can see there's a , video he made two months ago with one , view there's a video he made two months , ago with four views one that he made , four month sago with five views and , another one that he made six months ago , with five you so if you add that up , there's like W total views on this , guy's channel now this is a channel , where he made for videos and I have a , channel where i made about W videos , okay so in theory if you were to say , okay well let's take his and times it by , ten he would still only have about a , hundred and fifty views if he continued , at the same pace so what we want to do , is want to take look at this because , I'seen a lot of people with a lot of , different channels and a lot of videos , that end up getting very very few views , so what we want to do is we want to talk , to you about the difference as you can , see here the videos that started on , this channel I have several of them I , started about five months ago which is , the same time frame that this other , gentleman started his YouTube channel , and in the same topic now as you can see , on my channel we have about,W views , okay so we want to look at it now that's , not by any means breaking the bank of , YouTube views I have other channels with , close to a million views some were the , quarter million views this is one that , just started and I haven't really done a , whole lot with however we want to look , at the difference between a channel here , that'getting very few views and one , that's getting a lot of views okay , prospectively so what we want to do is , want to take look at this now the , first and biggest key to getting a lot , of views on your YouTube videos is , patterning after the right title the , right keyword now you'll notice here , that some of my video shave like W or , almost views and some of them have , like this guy here only W views and , some others here with like W views and , W and things like that here's a test of , one I did that has like W views so what , we want to do is we want to talk about , the difference between these now I want , to let you in on a little tip a little , secret when it comes to doing your , YouTube stuff because what I did is I , actually titled this live stream before , I went live how to get more YouTube , views now you could see here that this , video even before we went live actually , showed up in the YouTube search results , now it's on page 3 which means it's not , going to get that many views but , nevertheless it actually did show up and , it actually is being indexed by google , search now it's very important to , realize this because these things can , happen actually faster than instant , right because I actually set this up and , we actually showed up in the Google sir , the YouTube search results faster than , we actually put the video up it actually , took a few seconds now what we want to , do is we want to realize this and when , we realize this we can start to focus , and start to channel the power of what , people are searching for now what you're , going to notice here is that the stuff , that I went after is actually things , people search for so when we have stuff , like deal with alcohol cravings right , this video I put up we only have about , W views but still this is in a market , that is very very valuable traffic so if , we were have how to deal with alcohol , cravings and we went over to the google , keyword planner and put that keyword in , here what you're going to notice is that , how to deal with alcohol cravings gets a , hundred and ten searches per month , pretty cool okay not a whole lot but , again we're very very targeted and very , specific and that is why we're getting , the views now when we look at this right , if we were to go to google and we do a , search for how to deal with alcohol , cravings hopefully we can get this the , search here I don't know why we're not , going here let's try putting some WS or , something like that some reason our , search dozen'twat to show up let'SSE , if we can get in a different one here we , go we'll just use google here okay and , we're going to do how to deal with , alcohol cravings now what you're going , to notice here is how to deal with , alcohol cravings has about six hundred , and forty-three thousand results on the , regular page okay there's lots of , advertisers it's a very competitive very , expensive word now however once we go , and put this word in quotes like this , you're going to notice that the amount , of amount of competition goes down , drastically okay so now we're only , dealing with results which is like , literally nothing okay you can get , ranked on this very very fast and you , can see that we actually show up in the , google search results for this term okay , so it's very important to look at , because when you pattern your videos , after these keywords they will start to , show up in the google search results and , you'll start to get traffic as you can , see here this one actually is getting , some traffic pretty cool okay very , important when we look at this because , when you look at the key words here like , welcome to every day sober calm this , USN't a keyword that people search for , so there's no surprise that it only has , one view now when we look at this like , sobriety is the most important thing in , your life okay this one here right is , again not patterned after a keyword that , people are searching for , right how to sobriety is the most , important thing of you in your life is , very very non looked up right we have , when we use the google keyword tool zero , searches per month so what would , rather see someone do is maybe go for , like getting sober from alcohol or maybe , getting sober on your own or something , like that where we can look at it and , say well here'SA keyword this is a , keyword people actually search for let's , go to google and take a look at what , that looks like OK so if we go for , getting sober on your own without quotes , we're going to see 2.1 million results , OK if we put it in quotes this is going , to isolate the exact phrase now we see , there's only W okay pretty cool so , now if was to take my video and , instead of naming it sobriety is the , most important thing in your life which , is a non searched for term what I'd , rather do is a rather see you go for , getting sober on your own which gets W , views per month now keep in mind you're , also going to get other keywords right , so when I title my video I want my video , to be like getting sober from alcohol on , your own that way I get both of these , and now I'm getting a lot more OK you , can also use the word book in your , description and things like that to , tackle a lot of different keywords now , what we're looking at here is the , difference between getting momentum and , getting a lot of view sand building a , channel and just like going after what , we want to go for right we never want to , tie to our video based on what we think , is important we always want to title our , video after what people are searching , frock so the first biggest tip is to go , forwards that you can get so like if I , go forgetting sober OK you're going to , notice getting sober has W searches , per month that's approximately W , searches per day which means if I showed , up on the top of Google I probably get , like between and W visitors per day , views per day OK so now when we have , getting sober OK we see here we have W , million different competing results OK , if we do it in quotes , we have three hundred and seventy eight , thousand results okay so that's a lot of , results that's a lot of competition now , if we were to go for a word like getting , sober from alcohol even though the , amount of searches is a lot lower the , odds of getting a top-ranking are a lot , higher okay so we want to isolate and , focus on these terms that are actually , we're actually able to get okay so , that's the first and foremost tip okay , if that makes sense feel free to put , some comments or questions in the box , this is a live presentation so you know , you want to put your comments in so that , I can answer your questions about this , stuff all right so we look at that that , is very very important to look at right , so bright is the most important thing in , your life not really a keyword people go , for so before you make your videos you , always want to go to the Ad Words tool , and see what's going on okay you want to , see what the competition looks like you , want to see if you can in fact rank and , that's exactly what we're doing here , with these videos on this channel right , and that's how in the last five months I , was able to take this channel from , nothing to almost eight thousand views , in a market that is super competitive , and is very very valuable for traffic , okay so we want to take look at this , and look at some of the videos we have , right like alcohol and anxiety okay this , was one that we went for so we have , alcohol and anxiety will put this in the , google keyword tool and take a look at , how this one ranks as well okay so we'll , go here we have alcohol and anxiety , 4,W searches per month pretty cool , right that's like over probably around , W searches per day right we go to , Google alcohol and anxiety we have a , hundred and seven million results let's , isolate it and put this in quotes and we , see here that in quotes we're only , dealing with six hundred and six , thousand which is pretty competitive but , again we're going to go after sub , category keywords and subcategory stuff , so when we're looking at this we have , alcohol and anxiety now one , that you can use in your google keyword , planner as well is going over to the , keyword options and selecting only show , ideas closely related Tommy search terms , okay now you could do this in any market , and you can see that when we have , alcohol and anxiety we have like alcohol , and anxiety or anxiety and alcohol abuse , okay this is going to again take this , number down quite a bit and now we have , four hundred and thirteen thousand okay , we can take look at alcohol and , anxiety disorder alcohol and anxiety and , depression and things like that and what , happens is we can go for all these , different words based on what people are , searching for so when you're making your , videos you want to make sure that you , make your video and title your video , about what people are searching for like , this one here clink curve okay W , view is pretty good okay it's only a , like three month old video and we can , see here in the google keyword tool the , clink curve gets W searches per , month pretty cool right and on this one , we can go flunk curve here we can , see about W,W without quotes when we , go for quotes we now have W,W which , is like nothing i mean you could pretty , much fart your way to the top of this , one and you can see we have number two , ranking there okay so this is how you're , going to start to build views by , patterning after what people are , searching for okay so tip number one to , increase your views and your subscribers , is pattern your video before you even , make your video pattern it after a , keyword that people are searching for , okay tip number two tip number two is to , pattern aft era video that is getting , views okay so if i go to YouTube and I , say well I want to go for something like , clink curve or I want to go for , something and you can see here we have , the top two results here that'show we , got these views okay we can go here and , we can say well what about like , alcohol withdrawal symptoms or something , like that okay what I could do is I , could take a look at the top videos that , show up for alcohol withdrawal symptoms , and I can make my title very similar , okay we don't want to copy them but we , can make it similar so I could do like , alcohol withdrawal symptoms moderate or , moderate to severe or something like , that and what will happen is I'll start , to piggyback and I'll start to show up , on these videos as related videos okay , very important because this is where , you're going to get a lot of your , traffic showing up in related videos , because what happens is after someone , views this video they're going to be , taken to some other related videos and , things like that and it's very easy to , start showing up for these term sand , start boosting your traffic and that's , how you're going to pattern after these , and that's how you're going to start to , get a lot more views than this guy here , where he's struggling to get these views , right so number one pattern after what , people search for number two pattern , after videos that are already showing up , so that you can show up in related , results and as you're going along what , you're going to notice here is that you , are going to see some of your videos , that are going to show up you could do , these by most popular and you're going , to be able to see like let's go for the , most popular one here and we're going to , click on analytic I think yeah there we , go analytic here and when you click on , analytic what's going to happen is , Google's actually YouTube Google same , thing right it's actually going to show , you where your views are coming from , right so we could see here YouTube , search is forty percent so forty percent , of the people who watch this video came , from going to YouTube and searching for , something like alcohol and anxiety and , you can actually click here and see what , the exact search terms are right and , you're going to notice here like YouTube , search okay i'going to open this in a , new tab you can see here somewhere all , right we'll wait for it to load you can , see what the actual terms they're , looking up so alcohol and anxiety , that's a direct match alcohol anxiety , anxiety alcohol to deal with anxiety and , alcohol I don't know how they spelled , that there how women anxiety stopped , alcohol dizzy and anxious and on and on , we go so you can actually take this , stuff and say wow you know these are , getting me views and it's working really , really well okay and you can do like all , time if you want to see the lifetime and , see what'seagoing inhere okay so pretty , cool you can see that most of my views , are coming from the different search , terms now that's forty percent the other , % like thirty six percent is actually , coming from suggested videos now on the , suggested videos you can see which video , is working right so really cool we could , actually go through pattern and this , is what I was talking about when you , pattern after videos that you have , something to say something similar to or , something you can help these people with , right very important so like right here , if i did a video on alcohol will trigger , panic attacks okay this is a , non-competitive search term right I can , boom be right there so all I need to do , is make a video about how alcohol , triggers panic attacks and I will start , to show up and I will get a lot of views , guaranteed because it's based on , something people are already searching , for so Id on't need to reinvent the , wheel all I need to do is go after , what's working already so hopefully this , makes sense it's very simple to do the , key is to look at what is going on , already and pattern after what's already , going on right and if you do this your , view count will go up now in this market , right we're not dealing wit ha huge , market with lots and lots of views on , certain things although some people do , have lots of views but in different , markets you can do this as well you , could see where I'modding this on my , other channels like I have one let's go , ahead and go Tommy other channel here , which is the channel you're watching , this on I do the same kind of thing , right when we're patterning this you can , see this one is live now and you can see , that other stuff we're doing like if we , do this by most popular okay , you're going to see we have laxness , profits that's one of our bigger ones , patterning after Ad sense one of my , bigger ones that I put up recently was , patterning after stuff that's already , going on right so deadbeat simple , affiliate marketing plan for beginners , right we can do like deadbeat affiliate , marketing like this which was patterned , after someone else who has the word , deadbeat and a lot of their stuff we , were able to rank get ate out almost , eight thousand views in just three , months using that in are ally simple way , right so when you do this you want a , pattern after what's already working and , take advantage of those searches and , it's not very difficult to do first you , want to start with your google keyword , tool right see what's out there we could , do like deadbeat affiliate or something , like that okay like this and make sure , you don't get into like trademark stuff , and things like that just you know , pattern it and and make sure it makes , sense righto don't want to be like guy , drives Ferrari off a cliff just to get , views I want to focus on things where , people actually are looking for stuff , that I have that's relevant so you can , see here deadbeat affiliate works really , well ad sense profits works really well , even though there's a very few amount of , views fraudsters profits you can see , here in YouTube us showing up for the , woodsiness profits number one it's , actually got over a hundred thousand , views on that right so very important to , look at when you pattern after this , stuff it works extremely well so number , one go for it the Google Ad Words tool , find out what people are searching for , make your video based on that number to , find out videos that are already ranking , and focus your video on those types of , keywords as well right so if was to , put a video up for alcohol and and panic , attacks I'm going to do it really really , well based on that now in order to boost , your subscribers up all you want to do , is like ask them to subscribe and tell , them why you would want them to , subscribe and boom there you go very , easy now if you like this kind of stuff , obviously subscribe , my YouTube channel by clicking the , little subscribe button also click the , little bell that's there so when you go , to my channel you're going to see or to , go my channel here right when you go to , my channel and you watch video you're , going to see the little icon in the , bottom here where you could subscribe , and when you subscribe make sure you , click the little bell right here that's , going to give you notifications for when , we do a live training like this one I , just did unannounced but for those of , you who are subscribed you guys get a , link to that as well so it's really cool , really easy all you got to do is , patterned after what's going on in the , simple sites course it's simple sites , bonus calm you can actually go through , and learn more about these keyword , tactics and learn more about how we , actually go through and how often times , when you're building your video or , creating your video you want to have a , description that matches as well this is , another great place to focus on keywords , and things like that you can use , different keywords and focus on what is , working so when you focus on what works , in your marketplace you can't go wrong , you want to always pattern after what , people search for when you pair this , with the stuff you're going to learn in , the simple sites course at simple sites , bonus calm you could sign up it shows , you what I call the glossary method when , you use the glossary method with this , everything falls into place you're going , to get alto of traffic you can make a , lot of money doing this stuff and we , show you how to do this so Hope you , enjoyed this quick little live stream , about how to get more views to your , videos how to pattern your videos after , what's working and how to make it work , so have fun with it thanks again I'm , markets go to simple sites bonus com , sign up for my course if you like this , stuff and'll see you in the next video , if i can find the stop button here there , it is alright thanks again for watching , check out my stuff at affiliate , marketing dude calm where you can get my , free tool bar and everything like that , so thanks again for watching and'll , see you in the next video