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hi everyone Rachel Lesley here and I am , so excited for this video have Marcus , Campbell on here he's an expert , affiliate marketer expert you tuber he , gets tons of traffic leads and sales to , his affiliate marketing offers because , of his YouTube channel and he does , organic search engine optimization on , his videos so he gets more traffic that , way so I'm gonna interview Marcus and , ask him some of the tough question sand , some realistic tips for all of us to , grow our YouTube channels and get more , traffic lead sand sales so Marcus thanks , so much for building this with me and , could you tell USA little bit about , your story your background how you got , to where you are sure hey guys I am , Marcus and Rachel thanks for having Meir , started back in W when the internet , was just a wee little lad and I started , with an Company actually about sites , for companies and my brother worked for , a cigar company at the time and they , were selling all these cigars and they , were like hey we need to have website , everyone's got website and he's like , hey my brother does website so I started , doing a website for him and I bought the , website out and I noticed that this , thing started ranking on the search , engines for free cigars cigars different , brands of cigars different types of , cigar sand they were getting traffic , every day and they're getting like , leads a day and they were getting sales , every day and so I was like wow okay , cool so you guys want the SEO package , right and they're like yes we do and'm , like okay here we go , and so I realized hey check this out , this is pretty cool I get him ranked and , they get traffic and so I started going , to like limousine companies and magic , companies and different companies in the , local area and ranking him on the search , engines which in W and W was , a lot different lot of people think it , was easier but it was actually kind of , harder because you ha veto build , everything from scratch you had to have , the Google come figure out where you , were we actually started before Google , was even big and you know you had you , had to get submitted to the search , engines it's not like today where it's , like instant started doing that in , about W one of my clients , for the SEO stuff was Frank Kern a lot , of people have heard of him , and he comes in and he's like dude I got , this book about making parrots talk and , I'm like dude I can rank it right and he , was buying traffic at that time and we , started ranking it and Giotto talking , about family and everything and he's , like dude your traffic is converting , better than paid traffic was like okay , cool yeah mean I knew that but you're , happy I'm happy and he said to me he's , like dude Marcus if you can do this why , don'you just rank a bunch of word sand , point him to affiliate offer sand at , that time you know I did a little bit , with affiliate marketing I had like a , hosting affiliate back when they paid , like ten dollars now it's like , hundred to three hundred and I did a , little bit I dabble din Click bank stuff , like that you know it was pretty cool , and so I started getting this traffic , and I was like boom her ewe go we can , get ranked we figured out how to get , Google to pick us up in like W hours , and we'd stay up all nightie'll be like , okay we're gonna rank this and boom we'd , popup for like dental insurance and be , like well we'remaking like you know , twelve hundred three thousand dollars , day off this one ranking and I started , doing that for quite some time , got into pay-per-click with affiliate , offers started running offers like , toolbar offers paper lead offers things , like that and Oman it took off like , crazy we did really big when MySpace was , big we had a site that MySpace , layouts and backgrounds I don't know do , you remember that music I'll bet you , probably got annoyed with my ad ours was , the big ad that was on the MySpace's , page that said make your MySpace music , player right and it had all these little , music players that they could choose and , they put them on the page and I got paid , three bucks so thank you for three , dollars and you know we would rake those , in it and it worked really well then I , got into pay-per-click which was good , because it taught me hey you know what , even though your traffic's free you're , wasting a lot of money if you're not , really focusing on converting every , visitor and now I would say I got big , into YouTube really big last year before , that Just used iotas avid upload , site because I was like okay maybe , people watch my stuff but yeah at the , beginning of , last year we had like subscribers , or something and we'regrowing Oman I , could do a lot better Think we're at , like and some change might Be's like , how many per day do you think very , subscribing it depends on the day some , days we'll get W some days we'll get , W SO I'll get like he is to tell , them to subscribe yes like right up , front be like hey this is what I'm gonna , teach you and I want you to subscribe , right now click the little bell boom , once I started doing that it just , skyrocketed yeah I'vie been doing that a , free litigant free$W for the , best comment but you also got to , subscribe to the channel so it makes it , kind of fun yeah so I'vie been doing , contests little bit yeah so the how , many videos do you put outta week um , well we do alive stream a week we added , anew one so we're gonna be doing two , right now we have a Wednesday and a , Friday and then I try to do two to three , videos a week'd like to do more but , you know sometimes you decide like what , topic to do like like top keywords , keywords okay% keywords yeah I'll , find what's trending what'working and , then I'll latch on to it so like have , a list I left it on my patio but you , know I look at like SEO big term , that's one that's coming up that I'll , make video on so it works really good , so let's say someone they click on your , video and they watch the video how do , you turn that into how do you get them , off YouTube and onto your site first you , want to get them to subscribe lot of , people don't realize this but your , social media accounts are like little , lists right so like Have people and I , just started Instagram bu tit's actually , been really cool I think that's how we , met yeah you commented on something and , I was like wow coolie got like you know , W people on there and someone said , something and what's pretty interesting , say you watched my videos before so I'vie , seen you on YouTube now we'reconnected , right it's all integrated in an online , community when people don't realize that , I mean I'misting therewith like less , than people on my Instagram and , people are like oh you'Rae dumb ass with , W people and I'milker well it's gonna , grow and demonetization of the W , people mean imagine if we do work , together and it makes you noway hundred , thousand dollars or something which , USN't uncommon in this you know space , it'snot uncommon and it's like okay , well if Could do that with , subscribers what could I do with W or , 6,W or whatever and like was saying , the YouTube subscribers are like a list , right so I have my mailing list and I , email them stuff very important got to , have Ito got YouTube I come out with , a new video boom it goes out to all my , subs right it's just like an open rate , do alive stream do it goes out there , they tell them about it they come to the , live stream it's just like a list now , one of the other things is Gotta get , them off of YouTube and into my physical , list because that'something that I own , now which is very important you got to , own your audience you got to control , your audience if you don't you're not , doing it right but you got to get that , going and what I DI I take them from , my video and I'll give them something so , like this video is going to be lots of , value and we're gonna go through we're , gonna hammer out SEO you're gonna grind , me on the tough stuff you're gonna say , hey you answer this do this do this and , people are gonna be like whoa that's , awesome and they're gonna try to take , note sand at the end I'll be like hey , guys check it out if you go to my site , you know whatever then you can get these , notes right and I'll actually do that as , a test wrote it up there affiliate , slash Rachel and I put the , misspelling I put the capital and , everything because people will spell it , wrong yea hand they will capitalize and , so what I do is I put the the notes , there I can have someone to transcribe , this can have my writer make notes on , it with cool little pictures and then , it's like hey you want the notes from , this video , Marcus's notes that he thinks you should , have that are important then go there , and download them and the key word is , download people love to download things , I don'TKO why but they do so you say , you want to download the PDF of my notes , go over to I actually bought the domain , download my notes so that they can go , download the notes and and that seems to , be pretty good we're getting good , stream of leads on that every single day , so on most of your videos are you trying , to send them to that one opt-in page or , do you put other affiliate links in your , video descriptions never ever put an , affiliate link in my description the , reason is is because years ago learned , that when you drive traffic to an , affiliate link even if it's a redirect , what's gonna happen is the search , engines will pick up your affiliate link , and if that guy ever decides he dozen't , want to pay you if he ever decides he , dozen'twat to do an affiliate he goes , out of business your host right so what , I do is I try to get them to opt-in so I , would say hey guys you know what if you , want list of the tools that used in , this video go to my site and I'll make a , custom opt-in page takes about four , seconds to do and then boom they opt-in , and then I take them to that one , giveaway they're on my list they're now , going on my live streams everything , that's a great idea to make sure that , it's not even if you mask your links , like I don'Tevet put raw affiliate , links places but'll still mask them , with climatic so I can track but then , I'll still put like two magic see now , click magic is your buffer yeah now your , your links are gonna get ranked through , click magic if for whatever reason you , decide you don't want to use it or they , go out of business or whatever you just , did all this work yeah promoting click , magic is that that's essentially what , you'redoing so what I do is I use , internal linking and we actually have a , software that we built that Warren'trans , on the Word Press platform it's like a , one-click boom there Otis you put your , legs and you can make the links you know , Rachel Leslie comm slash hosting Rachel , Wesley comm slash you know exactly and , then boom it's really easy to remember , and your Alex rank goes up which makes , the search engines go hey she's pretty , cool we should start pushing their stuff , to the Topeka well that'San action item , for me is to go through my descriptions , and start driving traffic to opt-in form , so Could be building my list , and pick selling people and that will , help with the redacting ads , exactly so like for instance what are , some of the videos you'vie made this past , week for your channel what's the past , week we did avid that tested which , is actually pretty interesting had , someone come on our new thing which is , called fix my business Fridays and what , I do is I take someone who has a , business this week it was someone wit ha , fashion business and she wanted to boost , up her stuff and I was like hey you know , what I can teach her the same stuff that , I know about marketing CZ it works , whether you'reselling dogs or fashion , or cats or make money online or it works , for everything it's all the same and so , I was like OK let's start ranking for , promote my fashion business promote my , fashion business with social media , promote my fashion site with social , media so that was one we did all of our , live streams are targeted for a keyword , that I want to rank for and the keyword , is very very selected based on one the , Google Ad Words tool you can I want to , show up in search Want people to find , me too it's based on other videos that , are getting traction right so if there's , another video that was up three months , ago and it was like hey you know how to , rank in Yahoo or Pantheon I'm gonna'm , gonna do that'm gonna be like okay , let's let's do that and then what do , ISO try to provide as much value as , possible for that , okay so I'll provide the value for like , the fashion industry and my goal is hey , I want these people to be like holy crap , Marcus knows what he's talking about , need to hire him to you know do our , fashion business or whatever or the SEO , guys for if they want to rank on Yahoo , or Google or MSN right I want to be like , hey here's how to do it for this exact , thing next here's a step you take , because 9 times out of W people arena't , going to do it they just want to push a , butt onto have it done so yeah so if so , I know like a lot of my peep sin my , audience in my group they say well , Rachel I don'TKO what to make a video , about and I say well go see what other , people are making videos about go see , what I made a video about but really , what's like the proper way that we would , get started , finally show you so what do is I use , the Goldwater's tool and I'll try to , find a pen that works Think this one I , had a couple of them this one should , work on a whiteboard or blackboard well , I had a chalkboard but everyone on , YouTube was like this sound is terrible , yeah I was like we got this so we , redid it with like a black whiteboard , thing but yeah it's it'been cool the , only thing is glaring is kind of , annoying but it dozen't seem too bad but , yeah what I do is Always start with , the Toadstool okay so the Google , Ad Words tool is like the Holy Grail why , is this the Holy Grail because this is , stuff people search for on a consistent , basis right so what I want to do is I , want to go and I want to look up my , niche and I want to dissect it so let's , say Aim in to make money online niche , OK so a lot of people are like I want to , promote make money online yeah go out , there and you're like well I'gonna , make a video on make money online and , you're like here's how to make money , online and they put it out there and , they get two views yeah and they're like , why did I get two views everyone , searches for make money online well I , want you to think about this fora , minute when someone searches make money , online they got their arms crossed and , they think you'Rae scam and they're , like this is a bunch of BSI don't want , to listen to this person he looks like a , weirdo and he's got an ugly shirt and I , don'twat to buy anything that's how , they think yeah I know CZ I'vie bought , thousands of clicks in this market so we , could either go for this guy , or we could dissect everything in our , market for example one of my highest , viewed videos on both of my accounts is , a video about Absences so I came out , I was like well this guy wants to make , money online guy searching for Ad sense , this guy he has a website probably or he , at least knows about making money online , he wants to put ads on his site boom I , could help that guy right I'remade , hundreds of thousands of dollars with , Absence can help him out so I make a , video I say here's three things that you , can do on iridescence channel boom do , this this and this if you want to learn , more about how to make money with your , sit ego check us out at whatever yeah , yes more specific what kinds of things , would people be searching for to find , that videodiscs so we we go tithe , Ad Words tool okay and this is what I , call the glossary method okay the , glossary method glossary okay and I , spelled that wrong but that's cool the , glossary method is where do you take , your niche okay whether it's make money , online whether it's mortgages no win our , niche we speak our terms right I could , spec and you don't look at me like , I'm aunt case I can say opt in and , you're like know what an opt-in is I , could say squeeze page you know what a , squeeze page is right so all these , things are in the glossary like , mortgages right mortgages qualification , get to income ratio application process , all this stuff right it's all related to , it they all want this stuff they just , don't know it yet and my goal is to find , people who want what Have to offer but , don't know it yet okay the guy looking , up at cents he's thinking how do I make , a couple extra coins okay I can also go , for opt-in page okay one of my biggest , videos also is how to put ads on , Word Press how to make an opt-in page on , Word Press how to make an opt-in page in , HTML how to make an opt-in page for , Weber and all of these things are , things that people look up on a daily , basis some of them you know times a , day some of them W times a day some , of them you know off-the-charts times a , day and if we start to build with this , right how much easier is it if we were , to go to YouTube right no wand we look , up make money online versus opt in page , Depressurize you're gonna have W , bazillion videos for make money online , for opt-in pageantry's isolated in , quotes which is how we want to rank the , quotes are going to tell us the , actual competition on Google on YouTube , everything it'gonna isolate it for you , it's called a phrase match or exact , match that's gonna come up with like , maybe two thousand videos right you want , to compete in the big crowd of people , with the guy who's go this arms crossed , who thinks you're a scam or do you want , to go to this guy and be like dude I'm , gonna give you value based on what , you're looking for and afterwards you're , gonna be like this Marcus guy's awesome , I'm gonna subscribe I'm gonna check out , his stuff I'm gonna buy something right , does that make sense , yeah well where would people put often , page Word Press in the title of the video , but then also in the description and the , keyword section yeah you would put it in , your title right so I would do opt in , page Word Press full tutorial okay boom , there we go , and then in my description I'd be like , hey in this video Marcus it teaches you , an opt-in page for Word Press , blah blah blah blah blah then I put it , into tag snow a lot of people think that , SEO has to do with the keywords being on , the content it dozen't write what , YouTube is gonna look for specifically , is watch time okay this is why like if , you start live streaming and people , watch you even if it's like five people , what they do is they look at your watch , time so I got people on my videos every , week they stick around for minutes W , minutes sometimes two and half hours , and YouTube's like everyone's watching , that Marcus guy and they keep watching , them that's what they want they want you , to just have YouTube on all day every , day and not stop that's their goal they , want you to stay there look at it and so , the watch time is gonna be key now the , way you do the watch time is by , delivering on this okay if you deliver , on it if I make it'd to W minute video , which is my average right W to W , minute video on opt-in pages and I , deliver good stuff right I'm like hey , check this out we're not just gonna , teach you how to make the opt-in page , but we're gonna teach you how to stop , getting the industry-standard of W% , opt-in rate I'gonna show you how to , get W okay , we're also gonna show you this this and , this and'm gonna give you the tools , here's how it works , right and you tell them to subscribe at , the beginning you tell them to subscribe , at the end you talk about the keyword , because Google actually translates your , video and looks at the content to make , sure , you know you're not just what we call , keyword stuffing right you're actually , out there you're actually providing , value and when people watch this they're , gonna say hey this is a guy to watch , this is a guy to remember let's keep , pushing his video sand then you're gonna , look at one the search alto of , people look at search so the Google , or let's say Yahoo or YouTube if I could , talk right right the YouTube search is , where everyone thinks the traffic comes , from and it's really Nootka it's good , because sometimes it shows up in Google , but most of your traffic is gonna come , from those related videos on the side , right those little related videos that , come up here boom that's where your , traffic is going to come from so you , want to start to get involved you want , to start to do value and you want to , start to target after things that are , already working don'copy just target , and do hopefully better , all right does that make sense yeah yeah , I love that gosh I tried to live stream , on YouTube before and I think I'm pretty , smart person but I custodian't , understand the tech I got some different , soft wares and I tried slipstream and , it was all blurry and stuff news what , are the options OBS studio is the one I , Asoka so what you get OBS studio is , just a hardware or software software , it's free so you get OBS studio you can , use webcam I actually use my camcorder , and then you get microphone or , whatever just like we'redoing here it's , almost identical but it's more robust so , you have a window that shows hey here's , where I'm you know editing and here's , where it is live and then you just go , live and if you want it Tonto be grainy , you just choose full Hook and you let , people know ahead of time that you're , gonna go live you schedule it always and , here's a cool thing the webinar we did , last week or the live stream we did last , week I scheduled it two days ahead of , time because I had another one on , Wednesday so Only have two days to , schedule the next we actually ranked on , YouTube before the stream even happened , there was like people waiting there like , hey do you not want to check this out so , it's really cool it's awesome if you do , this right this is a way to build an , entire business and YouTube I'vie done , paid traffic'vie done free traffic , I'vie done solo ads I'vie done pretty much , everything banner ads the most , profitable traffic source by far hands , down is YouTube even when I did paid , YouTube ads back in till about W , super profitable mean ridiculously and , ads was what's that because the traffic , is so warm and you're warning them up so , mu chum why would't say CZ it's warm , because base it on the amount of views , so like what I do is I look at views , okay , and then I look at clicks to site so , like if I was gonna upload this video , right what I would do is I'd have , domain okay we have the domain we go , through and then I'gonna look at the , views and I'gonna look at how many , people came to my site right and then , we're like okay based on the views how , much did I make and then based on the , clicks how much did I make okay on the , views alone'm doing better than any , other traffic method just hands-down not , even question and they're not even , warm because they're just views yeah so , yeah some of them are warm obviously my , subscribers are for tracking purposes , you you look at in analytic you'd , probably loo kin your YouTube analytic , a lot and what ab outdid you tie it to , Google Analytic I don't use Google , Analytic I have a software on Word Press , that use it's very simple and then I , can just go in at a glance and see this , is what's working this is what USN't on , this one obviously you're an affiliate , so it goes through Infusion soft which , tracks everything so yeah I am , I see like in Tao Lopez's videos when he , goes live he's got the camcorder or what , HD camera is whatever film live , streaming to YouTube and then he's got , something else live streaming to , Facebook and then he's got something , else live streaming to Instagram so he's , getting all those platforms all at once , personally I'vie just been doing live , streams to Facebook an din my Facebook , group but I see the power of live , streaming to YouTube well that and and , also Instagram the reason I like it and , I'vie only been active on it like two , weeks and I'm like , snail when Get into something new but , then when I get into it I go all the way , and with that right the cool thing about , Instagram is you get them instantly , right it's like boom'm on everyone's , phone right now you're at dinner you , know and now you're you know dinner , dates yelling at you because you're , watching my video that's what I want , right Id on't want to get yelled at I , just want you to be watching it so that , I have a chance to get you to buy stuff , you know are you doing the Instagram and , YouTube at the same time I'vie done , YouTube and Facebook at the same time I , have yet to try Instagram we're probably , going to roll that out this week or next , week did you have to use two separate , cameras you don't have tithe reason I , like to and Think the reason other , people do is because they don'twat the , duplicate content of the exact same , thing and that's also another tip , because like you'll seethe people who , do multiple platforms at the same time , and instead of like on my YouTube I have , things going across the screen got you , dropouts I got sites going across , it all kinds of stuff that's cool , but I can't have that on Instagram I , can't have that on the others and , obviously if I tried to multi stream , from one device for both this camera is , going to shrink and look funny that's , Instagram live streams are a long ways , so they make me look taller which is , good because I'Mont tall so well you , know we can'talkie go over everything , and become freaking SEO affiliate , marketing masters like you right on this , call what is some other quick tips you , want to leave us with that we should , start taking action on today number one , keywords everything okay so number one , is keyword okay if you get this right , you win because I always tell people I'm , like how hard is it to Rankin the top , page of Google if there'singly nine , other people ranking you're guaranteed a , spot right guaranteed like nine people , at least be number ten yeah so what you , want to do is you want to find a word , that relates to your stuff okay you can , use the glossary method you can use our , trigger word method which is a great , method that literally finds anything so , you find your keyword okay to deliver , content , give good content okay then tell them , what to do next okay very important so , one is the keyword and you want to look , at this and you can literally do , everything , people come to me they're like what , should Write about what content should , I make guys if you go to the Ad Words , tool , there's tons right you just type in , opt-in and it'll opt-in page this out to , page that type in undress or on , google Orin MSN or on Facebook right , now I want you to realize that you and , me and all the people watching this , probably know a hundred times as the , average person , I don't type in opt-in page right maybe , back like in W but don't type that , in I don'type in Adsenseexcept to , find my video so we look at that we're , like hey I can teach them something even , if you're brand new and all you know how , to do is like get hosting account , people don't know how to get a hosting , account and by the way the hosting , affiliate pays like a hundred bucksaw , pop we refer people all the time makes a , ton of money and again am I gonna rank , for the word hosting no can i buy , traffic for the word hosting at fifteen , dollars click yeah , which is gonna make me lose money so , what do I do what about like how to set , up a blog in an hour or how to make , blog or how to set upwards these , kind of things it's like this guy wants , to set up ab log he dozen't know he , needs hosting so that's again that , principle of want to find people who , want what Have that can benefit from , it , but they don't know they want it yet , years ago a lot of people know one of my , stories was I was a alcoholic years ago , and it was big issue and after got , out of treatment I went to my my search , history and actually did a live stream , and I'm like let's look at my search , history let's see if you could have , predicted this and sure enough the , things I looked up you could have , predicted dudes gonna go to rehab and , rehabs expensive right and so we look at , it and we're like can you predict what's , going to happen I know someone looking a , bad sense eventually they're gonna buy , some make money product Icon a guy , looking up an opt-in page eventually is , gonna get a click funnel or they're , gonna get one of our plugins or they're , gonna set up a site or they're gonna get , Weber I know these things are going to , event , happen and when you look at this with , search marketing it's very important , because the key is the intent right what , is the intent why are they searching for , what they're searching for if you nail , this on the head like I can look at it , and can go to a company that is a an , accident attorney right here in Florida , they're in California very litigious , right we have people who just like a , call for one one pain if you're in an , accident , so if I can go and say well what about a , guy who is on his phone who's like what , to do after an accident make Little , PDF that's like hey first get the guy's , driver's license second do this third do , this fourth go to my site and check out , this affiliate program or whatever to , sue the hell out of whoever crashed here , or whatever it is does that make sense , you can pick so many different niches , know like for my audience right now at , the moment end of February we're we , are a lot of us are focused on visit , make money online niche but there's also , so many other niches you can do , affiliate marketing for without knowing , too much about the industry but every , new niche you get into you do have to do , some research , yeah well it's like MySpace one I I , never even had think Had MySpace , page just to test it but Taiwan't my , thing remember back then like they , used the word pimp and a buddy of mine , was like no no no it dozen't mean what , you think it meniscus I'm like why , would they want to do that to their mice , and I started using the word and they're , like whoa hey check this out it's cool , so you know getting in the market , learning a little about them , understanding what they're going for and , even in the make money online niche , there are so many keyword sit's not like , if you have info overload it is proof , that there's hundreds of thousands of , keywords people are looking up because , you're like okay I got info overload , about how to load a video to YouTube how , to make a zoom webinar how to make a , conversion how to make a sales page how , to get people to buy things how do I , take credit cards online which by the , way pays like four hundred dollars a , sign up how do I do a Shopfitter , you know build a squeeze page and , download page how do i do PayPal I mean , literally endless and when you use , you will never again ask yourself what , should make video on there's so much , out there how much well so what are we , gonna get if we go to that link there if , you go to Affiliate dude calm slash , Rachel right now it's my home page so , you're gonna go there go opt-in if you , like this video if you think you can , learn a few things put your name and , email in check out our live streams , check out our videos check out , everything we have there what I'll do , after this video I'll have it , transcribed and stuff and I'll actually , put the notes there for you as well okay , so we'll have the notes you can download , from this video'll also link to the , keyword tools'll show you the trigger , word method you know will hook you up , with some cool stuff and that is , affiliate , slash Rachael cool well thanks so much , Marcus for coming on to my YouTube , channel know'vie been watching yours , fora while actually It old my SEO GUI , was like you know that guy Marcus let's , crush him let's crush him you know so , it'slake a good motivation continue to , grow my channel and take massive action , like you do and remember like I was , telling someone else who has way more , subscribers than me but again it's not , about the subscribers it's about what , you're making on very important he's got , a lot of subscribers and you're you're , my big competitor and I'm like we're not , competitors if we collaborate because , here's the deal people are gonna watch , your stuff people are gonna watch my , stuff people that watch my stuff will be , like hey Learned a lot from Marcus but , you know the headset mic just dozen't do , it for Meir'm not gonna buy anything , it'll be like hey you know Rachel that , kind of makes sense to me they'll buy , your stuff through my affiliate link , they'll buy mine through yours and it's , like hey why not get both sides of the , pie why not go into everything and when , you realize that hey the whole world of , keywords is your oyster and all I have , to do is find out what people search for , make it then find people to tollbooth , and you're good to go , but again watch time is very big so , don't be boring make good videos give , people the aha moment they want in the , video right make them get something like , hopefully in this video you guys got , keywords everything focus on the intent , that's the aha moment , run wit hit and then you know you take , the next step well I love it so you guys , I subscribe to both of our channel sand , you will see more content and Marcus I'm , looking forward to you helping me , rank this video when I uploaded it all , right sounds good thanks for having me , you