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what's up everyone Nicolas here and , welcome to today's video we're gonna , talk about one specific clickbank , affiliate marketing tip that is gonna , drastically help out your conversions , and as well as getting more traffic so , if you would like to learn that make , sure and stick around now before we get , started I just wanna let you know that , do have more in-depth detailed , training on how to utilize Clickbank , affiliate marketing all that kind of , stuff to travel the world make money , online and live that laptop lifestyle so , if you'd like to check that out head on , over to mentor with Nick comm so the , link down in the video description but , without further ado let's get into this , stuff okay I want to share with you one , specific thing that's gonna drastically , help you out with Click bank affiliate , marketing so there's a lot of people , that come online they try to do this , affiliate marketing I made previous , video couple days ago about affiliate , marketing and helped a lot of people , will just send traffic's just straight , to the sales page and how you don'twat , to do that oh okay just if I can give , you one thing don't do that at all don't , send people directly to the sales page , because it's only gonna decrease , conversion sand it's not gonna give you , any time any type of long term longevity , okay so here's the thing is I want to , talk about a little bit about traffic , and why why you should stay consistent , with your traffic okay and obviously , that sounds like a no-brain er but let me , give you a little bit more context so a , lot of people will just you know think , they buy a solo ad or they just make an , Instagram post or they you know do a , Facebook ad like one time and they think , oh the Commission's should star trolling , in and when they don'they get , frustrated so let me ask you from your , perspective like how do you determine , you're gonna buy something like do you , you just see one Facebook ad and then , you go buy something or do you you know , get an email and then you go buy , something right away like no obviously , okay you go do your due diligence you , you kind of look after the people you , maybe you go to YouTube some research , on there maybe go to Google do some , research on there you look around on , some Facebook groups or stuff like that , and then you buy it from trusted , authorities right you buy stuff from , Apple to trusted Authority you buy stuff , from Best Buy or you buy stuff from , you know Toyota or whatever it is , Bentley you know trusted authorities , people that are you know you know trust , it within within the marketplace right , so it's the same thing herewith , Click bank do you want to buy something , from somebody that made one YouTube , video or made one Instagram post or one , Facebook no okay so take that from your , perspective as well if you're selling , something as an affiliate become that , trusted Authority don't don'just be , that guy that posts one Instagram or , does or does one Facebook ad and expects , a bunch of sales like yes you possibly , could get some sales from that depending , on like how structured your funnel is , and everything like that but if you make , ten YouTube videos or a hundred videos , sort of a thousand videos don't you , think you're gonna get a few more sales , just by the mere effect that you are , consistent that people are like oh this , person is legit they're they're real , they they're putting out quality content , on a consistent basis don'you think , people are gonna want to buy from you a , little bit more than the person that , makes makes you know three Instagram , posts just a little thought just a , little you know and that's what I was , considered that'SWAT I always talked , about you know not only doe sis being , more consistent help you with ranking , more and getting more exposure and just , getting more traffic in general but it's , just gonna increase conversions because , people only buy stuff nowadays from , trusted authorities after they'vie been , doing their research and and really , doing their due diligence before they , make any buying decisions okay so , constantly put up quality content and , again like I said you're gonna get more , traffic naturally just because you know , that'st he way the algorithms work , that's way these platforms work I made a , video the other day about this type of , stuff but you're also gonna just , increase conversion because you're , starting to become the authority the , trusted adviser if you will and you know , people are gonna love doing business and , then can excuse me the refunds are gonna , go down too because what a lot of people , don'TKO is like once you start making , sales in affiliate marketing people , don't always keep what they said or keep , what they bought and they just do a , refund and when you start becoming the , more of the trusted Authority you're , gonna get a lot less refunds as well so , you're gonna keep more money not just , make more sales okay so that's really , the video guys I know this is really , quick one but just , just that one thing just stay consistent , put a quality content just stay after it , keep emailing your list keep keep , sending facebook messenger of broadcasts , or you know however you are connecting , with your audience stay consistent , they're gonna see that they're gonna , notice that they're gonna belie vein you , after you can sit consistently stay with , that okay guys thanks for watching this , video I'm coming to you live from , Scottsdale Arizona beautiful blue skies , thanks for watching this video if you , want Togo checkout our more in-depth , detailed training head over to mentors , Nick comm is one subscribe to this , channel we'll check you later guys peace