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hey guys Marcus here if you can hear me , okay please let me know we had some tech , difficulties but think we are back now , I'm hoping please be back and yeah so if , we're back let me know and it should be , working now let's see okay are we back , does everyone hear me okay okay cool let , me see if I can get everyone the link , this is the link if you guys are missing , it that is the live link okay we're back , all right cool good now let me recompose , myself because Just threw a router , across the yard that's fun alright I , think that's the fastest the routers , ever gone was flying across the yard so , cool alright so what we're gonna do , today is we are going to get rock in and , roll in if you guys have low resolution , just click the little gear icon at the , bottom of the video and then you can , choose Headlight so you should be ready , Togo if you're here if you're listening , type of listening type here and we're , gonna get the show on the road I think I , figured out what the issue is , mesh Robertson't want to work so , let's dive back over where did we leave , off let's see here bear with me one , second and we'll get the show on the , road thank you for sticking with me , through our wonderful crappy internet , stuff okay so did everyone understand , how to submit their cuber Monday offer , if you guys understand that type it in , you have the dog will fetch the router , she'll probably rip it up and make it , work better than it did before , so hopefully let's see are we still , getting good we're doing good , all right so everything looks good okay , if you guys understand that the cuber , Monday offer type cuber Mondrian , just to recap what you want to do is you , want to go over to PC money-making , dot-com , click on submit a ticket click on the , backfired cuber Monday link , put your name and email in it'll prompt , you and'll say what product do you , want you can say I wan ta high ticket , niche want the mentor program or I , want simple sites big profits or , whatever it is in there okay then you go , in and put your offer in okay so you can , go in and say Marcus I'm willing to pay , X amount for a high ticket niche if I , think the offer is fair and it's good , then we'll go through and I'll accept it , right thereon the spot and we'll get in , the we'll get you slink to sign up now , you got to get that in today okay so , make sure you get it in while we're on , slipstream hopefully this live , stream works better than the previous , one we did a few minutes ago all right , so these are the steps that you want to , go through now what we're gonna be doing , for the rest of the time we'll keep this , open here what we're gonna be doing for , the rest of the time is we are going to , be taking your questions and answers , about how to get started with affiliate , marketing because I think what you guys , have seen over the last couple days from , my training is that affiliate marketing , is easy now affiliate marketing is easy , we're gonna write that we're gonna write , it with a pen that works okay affiliate , marketing is freaking easy okay , now here'SWAT Want to do this is a , controversial term this is a , controversial sentence how many of you , guys are looking at this sentence and , you're like Marcus is full of crap I , don't think affiliate marketing is easy , now I actually have a video one of my , most popular videos here on the channel , is called affiliate marketing is flip , and easy and so we want to look at that , and we want to focus okay very very very , important now if you guys have customer , support questions please go to PC , money-making comm very difficult to try , to answer support questions here as we , go live so one of the most popular , videos I have here is about affiliate , marketing being easy what I want you , guys to do right now is Want you to , tell me if you think affiliate marketing , is easy or hard I want you to be honest , and I want you to tell me from your , experience type in easy or type in hard , and we're gonna get the show on the road , we're going to talk to you about how to , make this stuff easy right so put a , question mark here because we're gonna , answer this question today and show you , why I believe affiliate marketing is , easier than it's ever been before , okay now we got God like says hard Bach , says easy Jay Thomas says it's hard , arm B says it's haddock type in whether , you think it's hard Carol says it's hard , pain says it's easy but getting traffic , is haddock I'gonna take that as hard , all right we got it's easy but I let all , the other noise in it's easy but need , persistence's't worked for me so I , think it's HDMI equity says hardware , says it depending says it's hard so , the consensus right here is that people , think affiliate marketing is hard , difficult not going to be able to do it , right now on a scale of one to ten or , let's do one to on a scale of 1 to , I want you to tell me what your , confidence level is in affiliate , marketing your ability to make money do , you think that like you're at zero , meaning you'll never make money or do , you think you're at W meaning yes , think'll be able to make money with , some of Marcus's help here right type in , what you guys think here and we're gonna , take look at that in just minute , okay so Ha says he's at a OK let's , take look at some of these numbers , it's gonna be very important Jack says a , W Shelley says a iambi says W/OK , so a lot of people are you know kind of , mid to high range here so let's take a , look here and if you guys give me the , next hour of your time want to get , everyone to a hundred my goal on this , is to get everyone's confidence level up , to a W and show you guys how this , stuff work sin areal-world way that you , can actually go out and do it OK like , Robert says hey even with your help I , thin kit's still hard well you Giotto , pay attention you got to look at it , director very important that we look at , it direct we got to look at this and say , what is the path let me see if I can , scoot this overs little bit there we go , right what is the pathos what , the affiliate marketing paths look like , okay and this is gonna make it really , easy now you guys might have seen , earlier on my screen here I see if I , could pull this up for you earlier on my , screen here I had some images , okay the images looked like this , these are some of the ads that I found , on today on MS Non CNN on different news , sites different popular websites okay , these are some ads found one of them , was right on the CNN homepage it popped , up and it said we we'begot the best , cuber Monday deals okay now I want you , to pay attention here okay that ad okay , so here's the first step of the path the , first step is your ad okay , now you might be saying well Marcus'm , going for free search engine traffic so , I don't really have an ad okay , that is your ad okay whatever your , search engine ranking says on Google on , Yahoo on MSN that's your ad the ad is , your entry point so for example on CNN , they have the cuber Mondale's thing , okay everyone with me type in cuber , Monday deals if you guys are with me , okay , type it encasing says seriously I just , started out I'm not even sure where to , start'vie created a landing page that , dozen't let me collect opt-ins okay yeah , we got to change that , we'll help you with that in a minute to , type in cuber Monday offers if you guys , get that part you're like okay this , lines up the ad okay that lines up with , the cuber Monday deal the big red thing , okay good now even if you're doing like , Seven if you're doing YouTube videos , whatever you're doing it dozen't matter , that's your ad your ad is the entry , point enter okay this is your entry , point this is your first bit of contact , with your visitor okay let's go over to , this screen here okay so we have our ad , this is our entry point type in and , three point if you get it okay type in , entry point okay I want you guys to , really follow along because over the , next hour and a half or so you guys are , going to understand how this works , unlike ever before okay and then , hopefully you guys are gonna go set this , stuff up and do it okay okay good so , that's your entry point okay excellent , Billy says I got my site set up for , Black Friday and ended up getting W , cents clicks on Google display all right , you want to focus different right you , want to get different traffic you want , to get different ads out there because , for a Black Friday thing we got lots of , people who came to me and said Marcus , watched your video I set up aside and I , made money which is awesome right now , the results are not typical implied or , guaranteed don't know what you're , gonna get okay so your entry point okay , this is your entry point this is you rad , so like Billy he's like well you know , I'm on Google and I got my entry point , but I had to pay W cents click okay , well here's the deal , if that's the case if you got to pay W , cents and it dozen't work in your market , then you need to go find traffic , somewhere else pretty basic right now I , know alto of people like to over , complicate this but we're gonna try to , make it simple so that'sour ad that's , the first part the next Patti want to , show you is these little images up here , okay like the ancestry DNA the instant , pot and stuff like that okay so those , are our second things now what happened , what happened was the CNN ad okay follow , along bemoaned deals yes I want to , save money click the ad great that's , the first thing okay , very easy there you go next we want to , take them to our landing page land page , okay now this is very simple if you , follow the flow but the problem is is , people come in and they start making a , landing page without having their entry , point they start selling stuff without , knowing what traffic they're gonna get , they start setting thing sup without , knowing what their market really is you , need to know what your market is Nova , says , is paid traffic the ad on top of a , search paid traffic is any traffic that , you pay for could be a banner ad could , be the ads on top of the search , it could be ads on the side oaf search , it could be email drops you could pay , for like solo ads and stuff like that , okay anything you pay for is paid , traffic now a lot of people have what I , call affiliate blinders on they have , these blinders because they listen to , people that pitch one thing they're like , hey man Facebook ads is it and then they , go yeah man Facebook ads I'm gonna go , for Facebook ads and they have no idea , what they're marketing they have no idea , what they're gonna sell they don't know , what it's gonna cost they don't really , know who they're marketing to they just , know that Facebook Ads sounds pretty , cool because you know Bob the Guru said , that Facebook Ads are pretty cool not , know wrong so what we need to do is we , need to do it in these steps the first , thing you need to do is you need to know , who your market is one guy over at CNN , said I think most people that look at , CNN will probably click on this ad , they're gonna be on here once Monday , they know there's a lot of sales they're , probably gonna click the ad that's good , now here's what happens as you go along , you are taking your market here okay , this is your market these are all your , people and they're looking at your stuff , so all these people are here on the CNN , or wherever it is okay you can actually , buy ads on CNN by the way we're gonna , talk about that a little bit later as , well , okay so here's all the people no wall , these people are looking at your ad now , here's what happens when your ad comes , up okay like me I could care less about , cuber Mondale's I'm here to make , money on cuber Monday not spend money , don't click the ad well I did because I , thought it was goo dad and I wanted to , look at what they're doing okay so now , what happens here is in your market this , is your group of people certain people , are gonna raise their hand and you'd be , like me me me right here's their hands , up here and they're raising their hand , and they're saying I am interested in , whatever this ad said okay everyone get , it , here they are , some of them say yes I'm interested okay , so let's say maybe a thousand people see , your ad okay let's say out of those , thousand people say you're doing a , banner ad let's say maybe fifty fifty , hands raised okay they're like yes'm , interested in what this said same thing , if they're on the search engine and your , search engine ranking says free video , reveals how to get search engine , whatever okay cool , they raise their hand they say I am , interested in that therefore I'm going , to click , ya wonderful okay next they're gonna , come to the landing page okay and a lot , of people said they liked my little Yoda , sign this is our our motto for the day , you must unlearn what you have learned , very important because you ha veto , unlearn what you'vie been taught you have , to focus , you got to narrow Inonu what works , because here's the deal you don't have , to know everything you just need to know , one thing that works the guy on putting , the ad up for cuber Monday knows boom , this is what's gonna happen now here's , the cool thing on his landing page he , had a little slider okay now in our , affiliate marketing dude mentor we , actually have this tool for you it's , free when you guys get the mentor ship , program you guys get all these tool sand , cool stuff which is crazy and you can , get that over earmarks mentor Emmy now , what he did is he had this little slider , and he put the top deals for Black , Friday the things he knows people are , gonna buy and they have things like the , ins ta pot okay we'll try to draw the , little pot here they have things like , the ancestry DNADNA they have things , like Amazon echo okay now if you were to , go look at this ad right now how many of , you guys would be like holy co ware you , telling me that major corporations like , CNN and other corporations actually use , affiliate marketing alright how many , guys are like well I did I have no idea , like you're telling me that they're , using their Amazon Lakes and getting , people to click and getting people to , buy yes that's what I'm telling you , right and you can do this too if you do , it right so you got to focus on your ad , now when these people raise their hands , I want you to think about this if they , come in and I say you're gonna get this , free test and it's gonna tell you if you , have anxiety or whatever and they come , to the landing page okay so here's my , people these are W people who are a , little bit more valuable than these guys , right these are just guys all we know , about these guys is hey they're looking , at the CNN okay now they raise their , hand and they clicked my ad so now I got , these people out of a thousand or , however many it is okay and I'm not , gonna count'm just gonna put these , here and we'll pretend it's okay now , all of these people raise their hand , already so they're like yes I'm , interested in this so you know right , this is like getting little micro , commitments you're like yes they click , okay micro commitment number one landing , page are they interested in what you , ha veto say or are they gonna leave okay , so now on your landing page you need to , reiterate what your ad said okay mean , I wish it's it was more difficult than , that but it's really not okay you could , get abettor conversion rate on your , landing page by simply putting the same , sentence , on your landing page that you put on the , ad NOW'll bet you that if the CNN ad , actually put their site read they , probably get better conversion rate , because that's what we're expectancy , the ad was read okay a lot of people , don't look at this stuff but it's , actually very simple and very easy how , many guys are with me type with me if , you're with me type lost if you're lost , okay and we'll wait for that , okay type with me if you're with me very , basic I want you guys to get this , because if you don'Tet this don't , care what else you learn people come to , me all the time Marcus know how to get , lots of traffic Marcus I'm an expert , video maker Marcus I'm the greatest , thing since sliced bread and I'milker , well how much money are you making with , your stuff well nothing but I'm like , well if you don't know it you need to , know this stuff because it dozen't , matter how much traffic you get like , that guy over there paying W cents a , click right you'redoing it wrong you , got to focus on what really works you , got to be direct deliberate get the , keywords that work and get the people , that are gonna click because if you , don'tour clicks are gonna go through , the roof really cool so now add landing , page so they rose their hand and they , said yes want something in that cuber , Mondale's add why okay this is the , very important thing okay I'gonna draw , this in standout color so you get it , okay if they click your ad they have an , intent , in mind can't have an intent in mind , but you guys all the right type in , intent okay so they click the ad and , what is their intent what is my intent , if I click Ina cuber Mondale's ad , okay is everyone know what would my , intent be okay , type that in the box okay good , what would my intent be I want someone , to guess what do you think my intent is , if I click on the Black Friday stuff , okay Nick says to buy okay to buy what , to purchase what to buy a lot of people , say to buy that is the wrong intent it , is not to buy okay it's not alright , Jeff's closer he said to get the deal , good he wants to get the deal because he , clicked on it and it said get the cuber , Mondale's click here to get the deals , so he wants to save money and he wants , to get the deals and he's curious about , what deals are out there really cool now , this intent is everything if you get , this right you could be half-ass ed , marketer and you can make a lot of money , if you get this wrong you could Bethe , best marketer in the world and you're , not gonna make damn dime okay everyone , with me type with Meir type intent or , something like that right so there we , have that we're like okay they raise , their hand now they come to the landing , page no won your landing page certain , people are going to click now some , people will see your landing page and , they'll be like that sucks'm gonna , leave some people will do that most , people will actually read some of the , content if you do it right and they're , gonna raise their hand and they're gonna , be like hey check it out I am interested , in this stuff except for like these , three people they're not interested they , just left okay so now if they're , interested they're going to be clicking , on the links to seethe prices okay , how many guys are like sounds pretty , easy sounds pretty basic get an ad , maybe rank it on the search engine maybe , pay for it maybe make a banner take it , that ad make landing page that matches , the ad pretty basic right there you go , make it match it right like if I have a , search engine ranking for how to do , affiliate marketing wit ha Wiz website , OK Wiz is like some website thing , whatever great nice wonderful if I , have that ad then my site better promise , on that ad better deliver on that , promise so like if they took this ad , on the CNN and they were like hey check , this out best deals and they went tithe , landing page and it was like how to make , Thanksgiving turkey the best right , they're gonna be like no I did't come , here for making Thanksgiving Turkey , came here for the deals so if they don't , see the deals they're not gonna click , now if they click they're gonna use your , affiliate link and since Amazon makes , you use raw affiliate links actually , found out that CNN is actually doing , affiliate marketing which is crazy right , so go tithe Amazon affiliate link snow , how many of you guys don't need , convincing that Jeff Blazoned Amazon , made a crap ton of money on Black Friday , right how many guys are like yeah they , made a bunch of money I know they made a , bunch of money they sold billions of , dollars worth of stuff on one day like , one day billions of dollars okay now , here's the deal everyone gets all , excited about Black Friday and Cuber , Monday because they're big sales days , but they're also making billions of , dollars every day right and you look at , Amazon they're making like I think like , a half a billion dollars a day or maybe , even more than that if you calculate , everything we goat look at that and say , wow so these companies are making , billions of dollars every day because , people go to the site and order okay now , if they click your link on your landing , page and they order you get paid all , right how many guys like I want to get , paid totally want to get paid I like , to get paid all right how many you guys , like that okay now the downside of , Amazon is that it's like four cents a , click or it'slake four percent per sale , or whatever okay , RB says over,W orders per second , per media maybe dozen't look that , number up but sounds like it could be , feasible right I don't know fifty eight , thousand per second maybe orders but you , know we goat look at this but the fact , the matter is is there's a lot of money , okay , now this money is going to be made with , or without you don'CARE what you do , okay this is gonna happen anyway these , companies are going to make the money , anyway with or without you okay so would , you rather it be with you alright rather , without you okay type with or without if , you want to get in on that action , hopefully no one says without that would , be kind of silly and be pointless to be , on this okay now Hannah says what are , the best Amazon deals to promote good , question first okay first we'll put all , Yoda over here okay first we need to , fin dour niche what niche are we in okay , what'sour niche niche what is your , segment of the market okay if you're , running an ad on CNN then what you would , want to do is you want to find the top , ten best selling products on Black , Friday , okay you go Google you go about Black , Friday top sellers okay or next , year you would do okay always do , the year prior so that you have data , okay put those top ten things right look , you go to CNN you look at the ad those , are the top ten best sellers why do they , use those because they know that that's , what people buy right if you know people , are buying these stuff that's done deal , right it's like there you go I know what , they're gonna buy people are buying , these paper boards or whatever right if , you know what people are gonna buy , that's the deal now first you gotta look , at your niche you could niche broad and , you could go on a site like a news site , or on the homepage of MSN or on the home , page of Yahoo or whatever you could do , that or you could segment and say well , I'just gonna focus on TVs boom that's , what I can focus on is TVs alright and , we're gonna focus on TVs then you put , the top selling TVs right why do we , put the top because that's what , people are gonna look at like if I was , gonna make a site to sell cars online I , would look at the top , selling Carson the United States and , I'd structure my content around that , right and this stuff works like a charm , like you look at it and it's how many of , you guys have read those reports where , you look at it and it's like the top ten , selling or the top ten cars that last , the longest right just the other day I , was looking at one that said ten cars , that are gonna last over W,W miles , or something like that right how many , you guys have seen those right are the , top ten ways to lose weight or whatever , and this makes content building super , easy it'snot even funny how easy , content making is okay right and Hannah , said she looks at that stuff all the , time exactly right you you guys are , looking at it anyway like everything you , see on the Internet , stop looking at it like a bored person , and start looking at it like how can I , do it like you guys probably went to CNN , today or whatever news outlet you like , and you probably saw that ad and you're , like whatever right or maybe you clicked , it and you looked at the deals but how , many of you guys clicked it looked at , the deals looked at the fact that , they're doing Amazon and said holy , I'm gonna reverse engineer this I'm , gonna make some money because if , someone'siding it it works and it might , as well be me right how many guys are , like yeah if I'm honest look at the , internet like a viewer not like a , marketer and we got to start looking at , this like a marketer okay I want you , guys to type that in the box write it on , your notepad I'm going to start looking , at the internet like a marketer okay and , start looking at it like marketer , there's Tina again Tina actually set up , a Black Friday sale site last week I , think within a couple of hours of me , putting the last video up and she made , it and she made money which is cool , right results not typical I don't know , what you'll make most affiliate , marketers make nothing because they have , no idea what's going on but I'm gonna , teach you what's going on and hopefully , you're starting to get it and like Tina , she was blown away and how easy it was , she was like I just did what you said I , just did what you said you did what you , said and there we go right very , important and alto of people are typing , in hey we're gonna start looking at this , like marketer we're gonna start , focusing on this like a marketer there's , no more goofing off there's no more junk , focus streamline you are only going to , make this work , if you streamline your approach got your , ad you got your landing page and then , the last part of the puzzle is your , affiliate offer okay AFF offer okay , that'sour offer now here's the deal , there's three different spots three , different spot sand we're gonna look at , these different spots because this is , where everything is at if nobody is , going to your website boom your ad sucks , there you go , if no one is clicking to your affiliate , offers that means your site sucks okay , very very simple if no one is clicking , on the stuff on your site and people are , leaving your site sucks , now if or let's do this site sucks is , over here site sucks if no one is buying , if no one's buying anything that means , your offer sucks okay very simple either , your ad sucks ads or your site or your , offer these are the three variables , that's it right if no one clicked on , that read ad on the CNN then they would , be like yeah this ad sucks no one's , clicking on it if people did click on it , and they went to the landing page but no , one's clicking the affiliate offers , they'd be like wow no one cares about , our little images no one cares that , would mean their site sucks if people , click the ad and click the links on the , site and went to the affiliate offers , but did't buy they'd be like hey the , affiliate offer sucks right how many of , you guys are like that that makes it a , lot easier because if we don't jump oh , all this together we just look at it as , people raising their hand right you're , gonna get some people here and they're , gonna raise their hand okay now let's , take it a step further let's say you , build the ma you want to build a mailing , list okay you put the mailing list thing , on your site okay and you're like hey , I want people to put their name and , email in the box name email submit or go , or whatever okay now if no one opts in , if no one puts their name and email what , sucks your ad or your landing page okay , let's do Little quiz if you put an , opt-in box and you're like sign up here , for the best black Fridays Monday , deals put your name and email and I'll , send them all to you if no one puts , their name and email which part sucks , okay let's type it in the page okay what , else , landing page okay landing page okay it , looks like everyone's saying landing , page good give yourself an A+ if you , said landing page there you go really , cool now if no one end sup buying the , thing on the Thank You page , okay so we got a Thank You page so they , put their name and email in let's say , they do put the name and email in okay , and they go to your Thank You page and , you have some offers here if no one buys , on the Thank You page then what sucks , then Welland the Thank You page sucks , CZ everything is going to work like if , you look at this you got to focus now we , got to remember that all of this works , because we're focusing on an intent , right very important if we focus on , intent now you can get super cheap , traffic by being broad okay by being , broad what I mean is like advertise on a , big site get a big banner ad something , broad that goes over a big audience , right like let's say I wanted to get , people who want to lose weight and I'm , like I'm just gonna advertise on a big , site of a bunch of people okay that , would be broad narrow focused would be , well I'm gonna go to Google and I'm , gonna get women who want to lose weight , people who are typing in women ways for , women to lose weight or ways for men to , lose weight okay that would be specific , okay now specific it's gonna be a little , bit more expensive sometimes broad is , gonna be cheaper but you're gonna have , to get a lot more broad people to find , the specifics because they're all , raising their hand right if you look at , it like these people raising their hand , it's all there is to it right does that , make sense to everyone , type that in the in the box an don a , scale of one to ten how we doing or 1 to , W Think is better to W how we , doing W being hey Marcus this webinar , is great understand and one being dude , Marcus what are you talking about dude , this dozen't make any sense , OK type your answers in the box and your , Ca trice so Ferguson says he's starting , with$0 wellie actually honestly believe , that no one is starting with $I don't , think anyone starts with $because if , you're on the internet that means you , have some dollars right so the real , thing is is like are you willing to , spend the dollars because everyone who , comes to me and they're like Marcus I'm , completely broke I don't know what to do , it's like yeah but you got a , thousand-dollar cell phone in your , pocket you pay bucksaw month for , cell phone bills you probably got cable , TV you'vie probably got other services , you don't need you probably pay for a , gym that you don't go to so you do have , money you're just choosing not to use it , on your business OK does that make sense , like it comes down tithe point of like , what do you want to get what do you want , to get what do you want to focus on when , I first started I was years oldie was , sitting in the living room of my , brother's mobile home that's where I , lived in the living room and they watch , TV at all hour sand it was annoying and , there's but two drug people live in , there and it sucked and I was in the , living room I could'Tet away from , people could'close my doodad't , have my own shower and it sucked and , there Aim living there okay and I'm , living there and I have very little , dollars to my name right I go out I go , to lunch every Day get a burrito and I , get my coke for like two dollar sand , that'SWAT I lived on a giant coconut , burrito not recommended very bad for you , but that's what I did why did I do that , I could have gone out to like you know a , restaurant could have bought groceries , OK and I'm not saying don't buy , groceries but I did'because the house , was filthy sou chose to eat out but we , look at that we're like I chose to take , my money and invest it in my business , how many of you guys are like holy crap , that paid off mark is that that was a , good investment was , good investment right Jason says I have , six kids a disabled partner and he's a , homemaker well get out there and sell , stuff right the best thing you can do is , learn to build website you could learn , to build wardress website with my , videos here on YouTube free dozen'cost , anything you go you're like I'gonna , watch Marcus's video on how to build a , Word Press website and you learn how to , do it okay then you go on Fiver rand you , say will build wardress website , for five bucks or bucks or a hundred , bucks or whatever and you do that all , day long and you take what you make and , you invest it in your business that's , what you do that's how I started'vie , built websites for people how do you , think learned this I learned it by , going out there and doing it but the , problem is is so many people are like I , just want it handed tome Marcus just , tell me the easiest best most simplest , way to do it and it'slake it is simple , that's not hard like HIV says what's the , hardest part about it doing this doing , it the hardest part is actually getting , up and doing it right you can look at , this you can watch my videos you could , theorize you could guess you can , estimate you can come up with lots of , things got a lot of people who come to , me who are very very smart people they , know how to build sites they know how to , use click funnels they know how to use , Word Press they know how to use whatever , other tools some of them know more than , me about the stuff like I don'TKO how , to use builder all I'vie haven't even , set up landing page on click fun of , them and figured that out yet haven't , tried but Haven't figured it out some , people know how to do that you could , build click funnels pages for people go , to a business sell it to them but the , fact of the matter is is people don't , want to try it even if they know it they , don'twat to try it because they fear , failure don'Ti'm like whatever'vie , failed a lo tin my life so who really , gives a rip and by the way no one cares , no one gives a rip if you folk no one , does , they care when you're successful then , you fail you know but that's whatever , who cares if they care right do you , really care are you going to let the , opinions of others dictate your life , really like you're gonna go to the guy , and you're like my Uncle Fred , Thanksgiving he's an accountant and he , told me not to do affiliate marketing , CZ it's it'SA scam and it's like what , is Fred the accountant happy , is he where he wants to be in life why , does why does happening Fred the , accountant matter to you why does your , own opinion matter like who cares what I , think about myself go do something you , want to you want to feel better about , yourself be better do better things , right that'SA you want self-esteem do a , tamable acts very simple you want to , make money do the that make some , money right what's the stuff that makes , my well Marcus I'vie been you know , building landing page sand stuff for , fifteen year sand none of my landing , pages ever made any money that's because , you did't focus you did't look at it , you did't say well what's my traffic , boom like if you come to me and you say , my landing pagodas't work I'll be , like well where'd you get traffic well , you know some people came and where'd , they come from , well you know II have you why that's , not marketing that'messing around , right do you guys want to mess around , and you want to make money okay Hannah , says after all the money I spent I'm , stuck at the last step because getting , ads are expensive okay well that's the , first step so you're stuck at the first , step but getting ads is not expensive , getting ads is cheap all advertising , work sat the right price you can get , traffic wherever you want wherever you , want you can get traffic free right you , could literally make videos on topics , and get traffic free I have a friend who , doe sit he leads people to Amazon he , makes hundreds of thousands of dollars , year you make some videos he's like , today we're gonna review this right and , then he shows people we're gonna review , it go buy it there you go , arm be says it's the ads my weakness ads , are not hard ads are not difficult like , so easy it'SOS easy you set it up okay , you go to Binged you add it and people , come to me all the time and they're like , Marcus I don't know how to set up a Being , ad so I'm stuck and sometimes when I'm , really really bored , I'll walk people through it but , literally it'slake put your name where , it's his name okay where it says website , put your website what do you want your , ad to say okay well if I'm going for the , keyword Black Friday deals probably make , my ads say Black Friday deals save money , click hereto seethe best deal snot , that hard , good then when it say show much do you , want to spend you say , I'll spend$5.W a day how much do you , want to spend per click , well I'll spend W cent sand then you , hit submit and your adds up like it's , pretty easy you just got to get out , there and do it and some things won't , work like you think some things will you , just have to go out and really focus , okay we got a lot of questions coming in , Billy says what got me stuck is getting , cheap click show many of you guys want , me to find Billy some cheap clicks all , right let's find Billy some cheap clicks , Billy what market are you in okay what's , your niche okay hey Marcus are you , ignoring me like a red-handed stepchild , oh I hope your hand USN't red but no I'm , not ignoring you there's just lot of , stuff in here , you get a lot of stuff okay cheap TV , deals seriously you can't get cheap , traffic for that man com eon okay so , let's take look at this if we go to , Google and we type in cheap cheap TV , deals okay let's see all right so we'vie , got Amazon bidding we got BJ's bidding , oh hey look at this how many of you guys , remember in my last video when I told , you to RNA press release , you guys remember it tight press release , in the box , okay Oh Jason you don't want me to light , my cigars with matches because I always , drop the matches and it'snot fun so , okay so how many of you guys remember , that where I said run a press release , okay guys don'remember that okay you , guys gotta pay attention got to pay , attention it was very very clear , talked about it in two videos all right , check this out what do you think these , are press releases you get a press , release for W buck sand if you , position it right okay you probably , won'ts how up for cheap TV deals but you , could probably find other stuff like , what Would do is I'd make a press , release and I put cheap TV deals and , then I would put like top selling TVs , okay and then what I would do is on , my press release I'd put a list of all , the top selling TVs right pretty simple , how many guys are like yeah that's , pretty easy right personally there you , go there's your cheap traffic right , super easy another way to get cheap , traffic let's take another look here so , we got these ads up here we got these , press releases here we got net deal , news Tech Radar Best Buy now Best Buy , actually on their site they run ads , right watch so they're gonna have ads , down here and Inlet's see that Best Buy , who does it Think Otis yeah it should , show up somewhere they have like Google , ads or some kind of ad network on them , let's see it show sup , okay so if we go tithe ad it should , show some ads sometimes there's like , yeah here right here is some ad sand , they also have different ads like this , so check this out , best the rest American , news.compel Sam's cup you can advertise , on Best Buy like really mean think , about there here's another ad from , Samsung right and you can advertise all , you have to do is hover over it and you , can see it's Google , that's a Google Ad Words link so I can , get traffic on the content network if I , do it right if I do it wrong and I focus , on like the wrong stuff it'probably , not gonna work and I'll be like the guy , who gets cent clicks we don't want to , do that we want to really laser focus in , on the stuff that works like if we do a , Signor TV or you know specific type or , TV or best K TV okay you're probably , gonna get a lot cheaper so we have , Google ad content Network we got press , releases let'SSE what else we have , here , okay Tech Radar deals to buy slick deals , cuber Monday saver like this guy's doing , the same damn thing guys come on it's , not that hard , Amazon OK Walmart let's see what else , see if there's any videos or anything , let's do this let's do best K TVs best , cheap K TVs okay so we got Samsung , let's see we got that Tom's guide here's , some more stories so yes these do work , press releases work , let's see Ignoramus let's see how , many actual press releases so we could , go here best cheap K TVs , we're gonna go to settings or wanted , tools tools we're gonna do recent and , we're gonna do past W hours so in the , past W hours let's see how many were , put up not a super huge amount so in the , past W hours for best cheap K TVs , there was about hundred and thirty-one , different press releases that hit Google , okay that's not that many right Billy , says press releases at W pop pay , for my , because when I go to PR okay , this is where Get mine what we want is , we want the one that show sup on their , homepage for W hours the reason we want , that is this okay how many of you guys , know how search engine rankings work all , right let's do a new one here and we'll , show you ho wit works okay so this is , how search engine rankings work okay you , got your site and your site looks like , this , yeah there's our site now Icahn gonad I , could say my site is great , okay I'll be like hey dude I built my , website so I think my website is really , really great and let me see if I can , find my text here all right go to text , okay , there we go so we could go here and , we're like my site is great okay and you , can say what you want about your site , all day long and no one's gonna give a , rip okay no one cares okay what they , care about is what other people say , about you okay so now if I get this guy , and this guy'slake let's say this guy , is like TV director okay , TV directory calm and they're a big TV , site and they say Marcus's site is great , who do you think Google's gonna listen , to me who could say whatever the heck I , want about myself or do you think , they're gonna listen to TV directory , who's been around while , okay Jay we're gonna talk about my cuber , Mondale's here in just a minute okay , who do you think they're gonna listen to , the guy who's been around a while or my , brand-new little site that says I'm , great , okay so we look at that we're like okay , cool so they're gonna pay attention to , this so why DI do , my PR web breasts press release well I , want to do that based on based on , showing on their page okay so they , actually have a page where they list all , the press releases and they're big okay , so now we can go out here and we could , do like a $W one and it'll do this , stuff and it'll host it on your PR web , or we could do the one where it actually , shows so like increased visibility this , is the one I usually do either this one , or this one depending on how much , traffic I know I can get and I'vie , actually done a press release I did one , that was W bucks just because I knew , it would work based on the keywords and , I got five hundred thousand people to , view my press release right how many you , guys are like that's a good deal , right like five hundred thousand people , over five hundred bucks that means , you'repaying well if we do it the right , way let's see , that's open anyone Google , paste so that means I paid let's see how , would that work five hundred thousand , over five hundred you only or five , hundred over five hundred thousand , something like that that means I paid , less than a tenth of a penny a click or , how many guys like dude that'sin sane , like that guy over there he's like how , do you get cheap traffic well there it , is now what's the secret to making this , work the secret is you're not gonna rank , for best TV deals you're not it's not , going to happen maybe like years from , no wand you know I'm all old and gray , you'll be like Marcus I followed you a , while ago hopefully I'm no told in gray , in ten years'll only be but you , know you'll come to me anybody like hey , man you know I never ranked for it if , you go for words that you know you can , get like if you did this in there like , anxiety market you'd clean house you can , also go on forums you can get free , traffic on forums you could put banner , ad son site super cheap right you could , go over to what is it , banner ad networks you can type in , banner ad networks you can do Google you , could use- boo la - bolas a huge one , there was an example had and one of , the other ads here that tabbouleh let , me see if I can find it for tabular , is like a place where you buy ads it's , libertarian and it looks like this , right how many guys have seen ads like , this they look like this and they're on , the bottom of a site and they have , little images and like hey check this , out you could like do whatever make , money you can cancel your service you , could do this you could do that right , how many guys are like dude that's , pretty cool um Tina said she made enough , money to pay for a domain and mo repaid , for itself it does right you just got a , look at that and make it work and really , easy lot of people say how many sales , did I get off of that press release , I did't track it right it was back in , W when did that one but I know I , made over ten thousand dollars on it , right for Little $W spend which was , cool results not typical implied or , guaranteed you could lose money you , could make money have no idea what , you're gonna get most people make , nothing okay how do you spell tabbouleh , ta B , bu la just google it it'll correct it for , you okay , hi Marcus I have aback Friday site , it's my first site ever would love , feedback have your simple sites and , used it to guide me I'm paying for ads , low on traffic now feedback , Henry bring that up in our in our , private webinars and we'll take a look , at it on there and we'll walk through , and show you what to do and stuff like , that sometimes I even redesign people's , sites live which is called okay how many , guys are liking this content so far type , something in the box let me know now , again for ouster Monday sale here's , what you want to do okay now I would , recommend if you guys are utilizing , Cuber Monday sale and you want to save , money there's how you spectacular , there go to PC money making calm okay so , everyone go to PC money making calm , right no wand I'm gonna watch and see if , you guys are actually there okay so I'm , gonna see if you guys all hop over there , go to PC money making calm right now , everyone on the call go there right now , okay I'm gonna show you guy show to save , a lot of money alright so everyone go , there when you're there type there okay , cool alright when you're there type , there I'll show you how this works okay , so you're gonna go to PC money-making , calm okay , PC money-making calm like Paul Charlie , I'll type it inhere so you guys can see , PC money making where to go , PC money making dot-com right like that , PC money making calm okay next when , you're there you're gonna click on , submit a ticket okay then you're gonna , click on Black Friday Cuber Monday sale , right like this'm gonna put your info , in , put a real email I'm just doing this for , sake of time now you're gonna come to , this page Department Black Friday sale , you're gonna choose the product you want , if you want to save good money I would , suggest that everyone buy high-ticket , niche today here's why one you're gonna , save the most on it because it's one of , our higher products so you're gonna go , here and you'll be like I want high , ticket niche then you're gonna go , through and you're gonna put your offer , I go down here I offer W or whatever , you offer right make it fair make it , good people who off era dollar I'm , probably not even gonna respond to you , but offer something that you think is , fair something that you're like yeah I , want to get in here okay now the reason , you want to get high-ticket niche is , because this is where go through and I , solve the pieces of the puzzle for you , right so we're gonna go through like I , wrote on the board we're gonna go , through we're gonna find your traffic , that's your ad let me say here'sphere , your traffic is here's where it's cheap , now I know that your niche is good and , that the amount you spend is going to , match what you're going to earn okay , that's that's why we choose the high , ticket niche some people are like , markers spend money to have you find a , niche that dozen't make any sense it's , like well what you're getting is my , expertise and knowing what niche to go , for okay then we're gonna go through , we're gonna set up your site okay I'm , gonna buy your domain name now some of , these domain names are worth like W , W I think our record was 2,W bucks , right and like even if they bought it at , the full price that's like an instant , gain of like W bucks or whatever the , math I's right so that's that'Good , and you get the domain you keep it , forever we're also going to set up your , site so we set up your sit ewe put some , content on the domain we transfer , everything over to you and then we tell , you the offers to run the traffic , methods and we hold you by the hand and , help you set everything up right so , that's the best way to go so if you want , to save money and you want to get a high , ticket niche that's definitely the best , way to go so go to PC money-making com , choose the high ticket niche and say hey , Marcus this is what I can afford or this , is what I think is a good offer or maybe , if you want to niches you can do that , and we'll help you with that as well , okay so really really cool I got to get , in there and you got to do it okay let's , see questions coming in , so get your offers in now okay you want , to get these in now because this sale , I'm gonna go through I'gonna be taking , the offers I'm gonna be responding to , you guys tonight so you can actually , sign up tonight get started and we'll , help you make money wit hit okay so if , you want the simple sites course which , is like our course that teaches how how , to do everything that you need to do , everything affiliate marketing you go in , here and you're like here's my offer , okay really cool really basic how many , of you guys are gonna go there no wand , put an offer in type in offer in the box , and if you guys like my training you , guys are gonna love my courses if you , guys are enjoying my videos you're gonna , love it like Tina think it was you , Tina who went on and you made money with , your site and then you came and bought a , high-ticket niche and simple sites or , something like that might have been a , different Tina but I'guessing it's , that one right which is cool so guys , this it's not that hard to do you just , got to get in there and do it so get in , there put that in and and focus on it , because you could save alto of money , and you can get the products that you , really want and we're gonna take look , let'SSE how many people are over there , now okay cool looks like a lot of you , guys are putting offers in so that is , totally awesome'm gonna see what the , offers are looking like over here too , okay cool , any other questions says Marcus I , can't find any offers for the niche I , got from height to get it if you are , having trouble finding offers you just , want to hit us up on the tickets or on , live chat and like that's part of the , height to get it so if you did'Tet , them maybe you did'Tet the email or , maybe you just need to get me on live , chat or something so that Icahn get , those for you but we give you the offer , so we're going to tell you what to do , how to do it and we're going to set you , up so that you can make everything , happen let'slog in here okay so let's , take some more questions I'm having fun , with you guys okay we should'tube on , the offline we're still online , yeah'm away right now on the live chat , right I'Mont on there now because , think maybe Andy or someone else might , be there , all right cool so any questions on there , as well and like Tina says you can put , ads on eBay- yeah you could run ads on , eBay do you need plenty of experience to , come up wit ha profitable niche well , I'Webern doing this for almost W years , I come up with niches all the time so , maybe maybe not mean you could do it , and you could get lucky you could follow , my stuff and learn how to do it but if , you want one that I think will work that , I know is gonna be Good chance to get , in there would suggest doing an offer , right now on a high ticket it all right , cool , Kaput an offer in good awesome I'm , gonna take a look at these if I can get , over there , all right cool looks like a lot are , coming in now so that is good cool and , you could put an offer on the mentor me , you can put an offer on the simple sites , there's also another product where if , you actually want to start a software , business with me you can choose this one , it's expensive because we have to , develop software and everything but , relative to what Think you can earn on , it pretty inexpensive I mean imagine , being in your own software business and , working with me for a year to get that , up and running I thin kit's probably , good bet all right so let's take some , other questions here while you guys are , getting those offers in where do we put , the offers you're gonna go in here , PC money-making com so you're gonna go , to PC money-making com you're going to , click on submit ticket okay , you're gonna click on Black Friday you , can put your name and email in here hit , submit and then you're gonna put your , products so choose your product that you , want say you want a high ticket niche , put a subject and then just put your , offer right in the message okay , and you could tell me about yourself as , well okay Tina says I noticed a bunch of , you tubers don't have blogs and it's hard , to find things they talked about yes , that is very true that's actually a , market I want to tackle which is cool , can you put as seen Inc Uzi channel yeah , you could make your own site for it , which is cool how much work is done when , the high ticket niche is delivered we , get your domain we set up your sit ewe , put all the software on your site we put , some content on your sit ewe tell you , the offers to run we saw it tell you the , traffic method to run and then you go , out and you put your offers on I tell , you the offers but I don'tout them on , because Id on't like to log into other , people's affiliate account sit's just my , personal preference don't like to do it , because that's where your money is keep , your stuff safe so you want to go in and , you want to you know add your offer sand , then you would run traffic okay and then , we help you we walk you through it and , if by any chance you can't make money , with your niche over the course of a , year you have one year if you're like , Marcus I tried everything did't make , money think it's because of the niche , I will actually give you a niche another , one right so if you try it out in a year , and it's really because of the market , not because you did't try not because , you did't do stuff if it's because of , the market which means hey picked , bad market whatever it's never happened , before Think one time it happened , because it was like based Ina product , that went away but that'sine time over , thousands of them but think that's a , great guarantee because hey you know , what now if you work it it'll work it , dozen'twerk we'll give you different , one right win-win for you win win maybe , lose for me right and remember'm not , getting rich on these mean by the time , everything's said and done it's like , could barely afford a box of groceries , or something but I think you will have a , better chance some people have gone on , you could see their videos on YouTube , they'vie gotten our high ticket niche , USN't done really well with them because , it takes out the guesswork guys your , struggle is you don't know where to run , the ad sand you don't know what to run , on the ads that's it that's the struggle , and I guarantee that'SA struggle you're , gonna have in like five years if you , don't do something like this because , this gives you , the upper hand okay what's a fair offer , I'm gonna let you come up with that like , Is aid I don'make a to non the high , ticket niches I actually do spend Igor , to buy your domain I got to buy your , content have a team that sets them up , we put software on it , there'Man-hours all kinds of stuff , well lady hours because our white our , website filters are women but so yeah , okay it's cool so yeah put a fair , offer like if you're like hey man I , offer bucks or whatever right put , what you think is good okay and I'll , listen to your offer I'm not gonna like , laugh at you or anything'll be like , hey man that's a little too low how , about this and most of the time when I , say it's too low how about this people , are ecstatic to get my second offer so , they're like yeah cool I'll sign up , which by the way this sale has almost a , hundred percent conversion rate meaning , that almost everyone who submits an , offer ends up buying something which is , cool learn from that in terms of , marketing and focus on it and then also , you know save some money and do it , yourself which is cool okay any other , questions let me know and we will take , it from there , all right cool , now let's take look at some of these , see how we're doing , all right cool cool cool so get your , offers in and we will help you get that , rock in enrolling okay any other , questions about what we went over how do , you write ads you write ads based on , your market right you just say what your , offer is like what are you gonna do , right it's like if I'gonna write let's , do this we're gonna do at est okay and , we're gonna pick a winner what I want , you to do is I want everyone to write an , ad for the high ticket niche program , okay I want you to type it in the box , okay , type in ad in the box so you could put , you know whatever you want I want , everyone to write an ad okay even if you , thin kit sucks for a high ticket niche , so the high ticket niche program gives , you a site gives you a domain gives you , an it shows you the offer Marcos sets up , your site we put some content on it , Marcus works with you personally okay so , I want everyone to write an ad for it , okay , right an ad in there and we're gonna , take a look at these ad sand see who our , winner is okay so let's take look at , these ads see who our winner is okay so , get your ads in I'm gonna take look at , these here okay Mike says Marcus I'm a , complete newbie to affiliate marketing , and I want to hit the ground running so , to speak if Purchase high ticket , niche is it typical for the budget to , maintain and grow it to be higher as , well well when we budget for a high , ticket niche based on paid traffic we , only spend when it's profitable so if , you're spending more you're making more , right you never spend more unless you're , making more like that's that'silly so , your budgets Nita whole lot like , would say if you're gonna get a hike to , get niche maybe have buck son the , side just to get your hosting and and , maybe some traffic or whatever but we , also show you how to get traffic coupons , so you can test the first W bucks in , traffic free okay let's take look at , these and look at this so Hannah's ad is , discover how to find the highest ticket , niche for your affiliate marketing okay , maybe that'decent right that's like , I'll give you A out of so not bad , for like one of the first ads Matthew , says can any of your courses help me , drive traffic Tao brick and mortar , business yes Matthew get a high ticket , niche over at high ticket niches comm , and put put your site put all the info , about your site in there and will , actually consult with you and show you , how to get traffic for your brick and , mortar business okay that's the best way , to get okay let's take a look at some , other ads people have here get a , business in ab ox your site your content , and your office is all designed by a , professional all you need to do is drive , traffic and we teach you how to do that , too that'pretty good I like that , okay Armand I don't think you understood , the test but that is a good ad find a , cheap K TV here that'd be a great ad , fork TV right that's there you go so , writing Addison't that hard to do you , just need to focus on what your niches , right like if your niche is a bunch of , people on Facebook that are part of a , weight loss group which by the way you , could target down really easy on that , and get into those niches then you want , to talk to them right open letter to W , year old women who want to lose W , pounds by Christmas or whatever right , maybe not run that now because Id on't , think you can lose W pounds in a month , but you know that's the idea people who , want to make money special video for men , who want to quit their job and still get , W thousand dollars a year something , like that right super easy you just kind , of say what you got what what what am I , gonna get by going to your landing page , now don't be too wordy just focus okay , like Wichita says mentioning related facts , and ads is also great exactly right , why percent of women never lose , weight after W how many of you guys , would read that now you're like boom , totally read that why affiliate , marketers never make a dime how many of , you guys would read that type dime if , you'd read that one okay very very easy , don't over complicate it and test because , I could sit here and could tell you , I'm the greatest ad writer which I'Mont , but Could tell you I am but the market , needs to tell Meir don't care what you , guys say about my ad I care what my , market says right and sometimes I'll be , wrong like I remember year sago we were , doing the MySpace niches and buddy of , mine said a word that that market liked , and I kind of like it takes me a while , to catch on with the new terms people , say and I did't get it and I'milker , okay whatever I'll test it and I tested , it and boom I like tripled my income by , using one word and Iowas like okay well , you know I can learn which is great , okay Tony says take the guesswork out of , affiliate marketing get help with , finding an awesome niche that profits , and that'Good I like that , how much is your consulting charge it's , on a case by case basis what I would say , do is start wit ha high ticket niche and , then if you need more from there we'll , go on from there , that way you know it's not like , something crazy we could start with , something small see how we're going okay , and whatever you get like if you get , your high ticket niche and you decide to , go consulting , that amount you spent transfers over to , your consulting okay okay um Jason I , don'TKO much about those programs , I just know some of them write reviews , that are fake so you know they do it , about other people but you know to each , his own you Giotto look at that and say , well what do Want you got to look at , what you want what's going to help you , is this helping you if this is helping , you if you're like Marcus I'm having an , eye-opening experience here I'm getting , it Marcus is having me write ads he's , teaching me stuff he's showing me how it , works he shows me the ads if you guys , like this then buy my products if you , don't like it and you like the other , guys better buy their stuff right I'm , not here to get you to buy something , that you don't want I want you to get , something that's going to help you very , very very important like some people go , out there like car salesmen and you're , like okay well I'm gonna buy I want to , buy a minivan and he's like well hey you , really need a Viper and I'm like yeah , but I need minivan for my kid sand he , sells Mae Viper and I'm like well now I , gotta like you know take one kid to , school come back home and take the other , two that's not really what I need I want , to sell you and get you guys into what , you need the high-ticket niche program , was built because it's what people need , I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that , the niche is where most people fail , know the second place they fail is the , offers that's why we're like hey boom , we're gonna give Otto you which is cool , okay Damon says higher Marcus Campbell , to build you high-ticket niche rinse , repeat make more money cool I like that , Jay says can I do monthly payments for , the high-ticket niche yes if you go to , high ticket niches calm which is up , above me that link up there there's a , payment plan you can use the payment , plan right there which is great , there's cool some people like buy 5 , niches I think we ha done guy who bought , like of them says how to win in , life okay cool , all right that works all right so any , other questions on the offer , and if you guys think the price for the , high ticket niche is fair like I do just , go sign up just go get it , let's work together let's make it happen , if you want to go put an offer at PC , money-making comm for cuber Monday make , sure you get them in before o'clock , tonight OK you got to get your offers , before o'clock tonight I'll give you , guys an hour and a half to do those get , them in and we'll help you with it , Jason says my niche illustrator , hand-drawn art children's fantasy books , OK Jason , I remember you earlier you said that , you're broke and you need to make money , my advice to you is pick a different , niche to start with keep that niche keep , it on the back burner but pick a , different one to start with you need , something that's gonna generate now , something that'gonna bring income in , now so that you can fund the other stuff , right CZ that's kind of broad it's like , OK books are low profit very small , margin so like if I have to pay cents , ac lick and I get a dollar when I sell a , book that's gonna be very tough so pick , something else to start with and later , go into that when you when you get the , hang of how this works alright any other , questions while you guys get those , offers in and again I want everyone to , make an offer on something even if it's , just the Marcus Mentor Program get in , there do it and let'help you make it , work cool questions gook I spent the , last decade writing and drawing and self , illustrating that's why I asked that's , Good thin kit's Good niche I think , you should do Ito just think right now , with your situation , you should focus on something else to , get money ink Hannah means what do you , mean make an offer well what you're , gonna do is you're gonna tight you're , gonna make a deal right so you're gonna , go in you'll be like I want a high , ticket niche OK you go to PC money , making comm you click on the stuff so , your steps are go to PC money making , comm submit your ticket choose the Black , Friday , click on submit' ticket then choose to , black Friday cuber Monday offer then we , get to the next page choose the product , you want you say hey I want a high , ticket niche and I'milling to spend X , amount and I'll come back to you now , say yeah I'll take it or no that's too , low or whatever OK J fer rant how long , frisking to website does high tech , how long does it take to get a height to , get it usually it's about three weeks , out sometimes stuff happens like hosting , codes don'twerk and it takes little , longer but usually it's right around , three weeks I do I find niches with your , trigger words method or do you use other , ways I use all of them and I'll be , looking forward to your offer there I , think you're over there though I'm , pointing it the questions you're there , hope you looking forward to your offer , and I'll be taking look at those , tonight Gotta go cook dinner and then , after dinner sit down , watch some TV I'm gonna look at your , offers and hang outwith some of you , guys on live chat you can also make your , offer on live chat if you see me on , there as well Jeffrey says my offer was , too low , yeah some of them are and will counter , them will say hey you know that'SA low , but hey you know there you go , do we get the Voodoo plug programs with , the mentoring program yes , the Voodoo plugins come with Marcos , mentor me at Marcos mentor Emmy alright , AM L good to see gonna be looking , forward to your offer as well alright so , we should be getting a lot of offers in , there cool Dali heard my screen go , okay so any other questions while we get , you guys rocking and rolling here , all right cool , almost midnight there all right get some , sleep put your offer in before you go to , bed though that way you can get that in , the morning does simple sights work on a , Mac yes all of my stuff works on Mac , works on phones works on literally , everything all right so no matter what , you got it'll work , Jacuzzi get in simple sites okay Hannah , says best way to get paid from affiliate , networks direct deposit or check totally , up to you , I prefer direct deposit just because I , know I sit around and leave checks lying , around the house and I forget about them , so direct deposit makes a little bit , more easy for me but it's up to you all , right so any other questions take them , from there get my coke , all right have you guys enjoyed this , training so far hopefully you did with , all the hiccups we had at the beginning , Hannah says she has to start making ads , good get the simple sites course it'll , teach you how to make ad sit's not that , hard or if you want the private , consulting I think that was you , get the high ticket niche and we'll , start from there Ovid plugins , included with simple sites big profits , you get some of them with simple sites , big profits but if you want all of them , it's in the mentor so what Would do is , go put an offer on simple site sand the , mentor'd say hey I want both and , here's what I'll pay and we'll take , look and see what we do , weak says I really love the way you teach , this stuff Thanks glad you like it , all right cool deal all right so it , dozen'look like too many other , questions I think we'll call it a day , but go to let me show you again how to , do the offers okay just so you guys can , see so we'll go over here you're gonna , go to PC money-making comm right like , this okay let'SSE where do we go like , that okay so PC money-making comm you're , gonna click on submit a ticket Black , Friday sale you put your info in here , hit submit okay then what you're gonna , do is you're gonna choose your product , so let'SSA you want simple sites and , mentor so you'd be like I want simple , site sand one year of Mentor or whatever , and then you'd say hey here'Sm offer , you know put your offer in and'll , write you back and say yes take it or , I don't or you could say I want simple , site sand midships know is there a , deal on both or something like that you , could put that in there as well okay , okay Dane says I just joined can't wait , to learn awesome can you say more about , the two dollars for email submits the , email submit offers you got to be , careful with some of them are really , trashy some of them are really good , basically you go to Affiliate Network , you type in email zip submit and it'll , show you the offers where you get paid , when people put their email or zip code , in okay Jason says I'Webern recently , entertaining the idea of creating course , that teaches others how to create , courses but I always run into no money , that's why I said you need to get an , itch that like makes money now so focus , on that right that's that's my advice to , you because you could sit around and you , can theorize about stuff or you could , build courses or stuff or you could do , something that makes money NOW'm a big , believe rand do something that works , right now but Id on't like to wait I , like to get results right so I want to , do something where I can get results , today like that lady who built her Black , Friday site she got results in less than , W hours right do something like that , where you could start building what , microphone aim using it's some kind of , Samson thing so yeah , okay , Emil says in the offer should we include , the niche can I include Marcus mentor in , the offer yeah you can include whatever , you want , so Marcus I want everything you have to , sell and here's my offer , Jeff says his sister says stop preparing , and get started , exactly right like you could sit around , and you could prepare and you could , think and you could guess or you could , just do something okay Hannah says I , feel like some of the affiliate offers , I'actually have really good landing , pages is it okay directly sometimes you , can make money direct linking don't , like doing it but yeah if that'SWAT , you want to do do it sometimes it's hard , to get traffic that way and it takes out , one of the variables which means you , don't have as much control I don't know , if my landing page is good but heard , it's prohibited your landing page is , prohibited or direct linking if direct , linking is prohibited then yeah you , can't do it depends on the offer do I , have videos on how to create a , downloadable PDF because know Indeed , to offer free value to get opt-ins it's , like I could make avid about how to , do a PDF which I probably will but , literally you take your PDF and you drag , it into Word Press like let me see if I , can do Ito think Icahn so like if you , want to put a PDF on your site you just , log into Word Press if you remember your , password which Doubt , there we go I think that's it okay so , you would log into your word press like , this shrink it down okay and then you , just take your PDF okay let's say I want , like a landing page PDF PDF okay I would , just take my PDF here just drag it right , here boom insert into post okay , and there'sour PDF right super easy , okay I think you actually have to let's , see if we do a link to link to media , file there you go insert into post and , boom publish look at that in less than , like three second snow I have a page , with my PDF yeah I can download the PDF , there it is alright super easy okay okay , a lot of questions coming in Facebook , says cannot post my landing page link , on the site well then don't use Facebook , yeah mean pretty easy or get a , different landing page right those are , the variables you have to look at the , variables this way like so many people , are going on Facebook dozen't like my , landing page I can't do marketing what , seriously you're gonna let that stop you , go somewhere else oh well you know , traffic is too expensive over here go , over there it's not that hard , okay can you become an affiliate fora , For ex signals provider and a broker link , them together as one service and get , clients broker part Id on't know , affiliate part yes okay but yeah I'm , sure there's a way to do it okay any , other questions before we call it a , night and then get your offers in over , at PC money-making com get those in , tonight and we'll set yep hey Shannon , how you doing Shannon's cool she hangs , out at the video conferences okay , cool all right any other questions all , my cigar keeps going out okay for high , ticket niches are better product offer , Amazon or digital products use what's , known as CPA affiliate marketing as my , main cup of tea and then we might use , Amazon and Click bank as like a , supplement offer'vie never run a niche , just on Amazon or just Anglican , because those are kind of volatile and , they pay lo wand you have to make a sale , Click bank has some different stuff now , but I like easy converters so pretty , cool , okay so Wardresses the way to go yeah , Wardresses cool let me show you one , other thin gas far as aback Friday , offer right now if you go to go hub , right like this okay this is , how you could start a site if you'vie , never started aside so like Jason you , should do this tonight because you're , gonna save a bunch of money you could , start your first web site you watch this , video teaches you how to build website , okay now right now they actually have a , deal on hosting forbear Monday you can , click here and start your first web site , and Think you save like yeah it's like , two bucks a month so you could start , your first website for two dollars a , month okay so even like the broke st , person in the world probably not them , outbreak's person in America can afford , two dollars a month I mean com eon now , that'dirt so yeah yeah go to go hub , site.Como'll type it on here for you , now if you guys get your web hosting I'm , an affiliate of that company so I get , paid but if you guys get web hosting , tonight through that if you haven't , started site yet and you start one , okay you go to go hub site calm calm , okay so go go hub site calm once you're , done shoot me a support ticket at PC , money-making comm tell me your site you , signed up with and I'll give you guys , some cool plugins and stuff like that , okay , all right so any other questions let me , know and do that tonight's like you , can save a bunch of money I think it's , like on a yearly thing so you're gonna , save like Id on't know W bucks a year , or something like that , DavidoffNicaragua Toto , I'vie had some David Hobbs but not that , much Actually got hooked on these ones , which are in Little Havana , sou every time I try a different kind I , always come back to these which , WordPressplans should I upgrade in , order to in order to what what I tell , people to do is always get the plus plan , I think it's like yeah you want the plus , so look at that I mean it's like six , bucks off right now per month so that's , gonna save you quit ea bit and you know , what this is the same price so you might , want to just get this one and check it , out they give you$W in traffic , coupons to like major traffic sites they , give you all kinds of extras and look at , this this is why we get this plan , because you get unlimited available , domains so that means you can host as , many websites as you want it's a really , cool awesome so that'sat go hub site , com go hub site become really cool okay , let's see what else we go there is , Pinter est a good source of traffic , depends on your niche if your niche is , one that look sat images then hell yeah , that's a good source of traffic , all right cool well I think we're good , for today I think we got a good overview , of marketing talked about somethings , that works awesome results from people , really cool stuff guys get signed up get , your offer in at PC money-making comm , again to do that you're gonna go PC , money-making com submit a ticket Black , Friday sale put your info click submit , then go through choose the product you , want okay if you're gonna combine them , pick the most expensive one okay so if , you're like I want mentor and simple , sites two simple sites okay it dozen't , really make difference if you do it , wrong but it just makes it easier for me , and then put your offer in here or case , Offer you thousand dollars a year or , whatever right there you go and that'll , get you rock in and Rollins how many of , you guys are gonna go put an offer in , right now type offer in the box and you , should at least make an offer on the , mentor me because some people did that , and they're saving money and that's like , a monthly thing so you always save which , is cool and it's only two dollars day , as is so like seriously , okay and you could actually see the , ticker down there right down there it's , actually showing the estimated value of , the domains I bought for the last batch , of high ticket niches so like think , about that that's $W one there let's , see what else comes out there , alright and you guys get this with your , niche so go make an offer , get a niche and like there's one for W , there some of them are like sit's , crazy and you guys get the domain you , can go sell it all I ask is that when , you sell it if you sell it for a lot of , money tell me so they could brag about , you right because that'school I remember , one of them I bought for fifteen bucks , and I sold it there'sine worth a , thousand sold it for twenty five , thousand dollars a year later results , not typical and plight or guarantee , that's the only one I sold that way and , the guy came beating down my door I , did't even try to sell it he was like I , want your domain well you take and , I'm like no he's like well you take , 9,No well you take W,No and , then I got him up W and I was like okay , cool , I'll take that which is cool I mean look , at the ROI and that'crazy okay my , niches is Fitness in health cool , that's a good one , do all your programs come with a , mentoring yes all of my programs come , with some type of mentoring but if you , want the mentoring with all the you know , monthly thing that's like what you , should have at a bare minimum to get , help , but simple sites comes with W days , support so Yahoo cool Jeffrey's got , his offer and awesome guys look forward , to seeing your offer sand also tell me a , little bit about yourself so that can , help you with it that's cool looks like , we got a lot of offers in like my screen , is full of them right now let's see if , they're any good let's take a look at , this guy's , cool , all right so any other questions take it , from there , and these offers are on new products , that you buy no told stuff so if you , want a deal on something you'd be like , hey Have high-ticket niche I want , another one and make your deal that way , okay cool deal let's see what else we , have any other questions made another , offer okay cool , do all your programs come with coaching , yes they DI think we got that one , alright guys so I think we're good to go , I'm gonna go make some tacos I'm gonna , watch some TV and look at all your , offers when I get back so get them in , within the next hour and W minutes and , we'll go from there , Scar face says if I had the money I'd , sign up and watch all you watch all , your video swell figure out a way to , sign up the Marcus mentor me program at , Marcus mentor Emmy is like two dollars , day so you're gonna let two bucks a day , stop you from getting the training you , need to make this work , I certainly hope not and guarantee , everyone inhere probably could find two , dollars Ada if they want to so it's up , to you you got to make the sacrifice to , do what you got to do and really be in , it to make it work say hey I'm gonna , make it work so awesome we will see you , guys soon , thanks for sticking around even wit hall , our tech junk and let's take it from , there let's make some money and have fun , go over to PC money-making com submit , your offer if you're gonna do the , website one go to go hub site comm set , up your site save a lot of money if , you'veneer set up a site or hosting or , if you want another one or whatever do , that then let me know and we'll give you , some plugins and stuff as well all right , thanks again for watching'm Marcus , affiliate marketing dude subscribe check , out my other stuff make some money have , fun talk soon