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hey guys it'Marcus here from affiliate , marketing dude calm and in this video , what'm going to do is we're going to , talk about the big question of why , should I be on your site why should i , watch your videos when the back button , is just one click away and what I'm , going to do is I'going to throw is i'm , going to show you three different things , that you must have on your site to be , able to capture your visitors get them , to stay on your site and not leave and , make money in the process you see this , video came from a meeting had recently , where one of my students left my meeting , room feeling Little sad and there , wan't a real meeting room it was one of , those online chats that we have or one , of the webinars and things like that and , oftentimes what happens is people leave , my meeting rooms sad and upset because , they say you know markets just am not , getting Ito'm not understanding what to , do and when they show me their site , sometimes I get really frustrated , because oftentimes it's not at all what , I'teaching and what I'dike to do in , this video is I'd like to show you an , example redo that example and then show , you the three things that people need to , have three things that you need to have , on your site that are going to keep , people there and get you making money , because let's face it it's W and just , having bunch of junk widens , USN't really going to get you by neither , of those sites with banner ads , everywhere and click here and click here , and click here you got to really talk , the language of the consumer otherwise , it's going to hit you like a ton of , bricks like a big fist coming out of , your computer and pounding you on the , head saying everything you'vie done is , wrong so let's take look at one of the , sites that was submitted recently you , see I had this client who was with me , for years he was student of mine he , struggled to make money online and he , comes to me and says you know what , should i do I don't know the direction , to go and I said and I did little bit , of niche research found him a killer , niche that's a very very profitable , niche told him the domain name to buy , and he simply did't see the value in , what was being offered so number one , first and foremost we need to get you , out of how to make money online mode and , into seeing the actual value because , once you see the actual value it's going , to be like a light bulb goes off and , everything you , he is going to be like ideas to make , money with so let's take a look at this , example the example was in the hardship , letter niche okay these are people who , are looking up different hardship , letters to write for foreclosures for , loan modifications for inability to pay , bill sand different things like that for , one reason or another they're looking up , hardship letters now we don't know the , exact reason like this guy's goat K , hardship payment define hardship undue , hardship and we have different loans and , things like that but the fact of the , matter is these people want some kind of , letter to give to someone so that they , can get a little bit of breathing room , in their payment plans or in their , mortgages or whatever okay so what we , did is we went through and I found a , killer domain name for the client and he , proceeded to set up a site and this is , the site that he setup now it might be , partly my fault that the site USN't , perfect because of the fact that I go , around and I tout how easy this stuff is , and some of you guys might have seen the , football site in the lottery site that , are very simple and very easy in fact , they look a lot like this so in terms of , patterning this site after mine he did a , great job but there'sine big huge thing , missing and that is while this site , might look simple like one of mine it , dozen't communicate to the visitor what , they're getting very very important now , you'll notice that he's got the little , icons here much like in some of my sites , that we have like my football site that , made a lot of money you'll see now we , have this little thing here because I , was doing a test but for the most part , we have the little icons and things like , that now I want you to look at something , very specific with this site okay while , it's simple and while it's got the same , grid and everything like that you might , say you know a for effort what the , difference is is that my site not only , preconditions them to get the toolbar , but it also has a choice that they want , obviously the football fan is here they , want to watch a certain game the game , has to do with the team that they want , to watch therefore the click-through , rate it's going to go sky-high so when , you're dealing with something , like hardship letter you might want to , provide some information rather than , just having these like mortgage shorts , off because it tells them nothing right , sample hardship letters mortgage short , sale foreclosure it dozen't tell me , anything about what want right what is , a hardship letter well a lot of people , know what a hardship letter is what's , the format how to write and all these , links basically lead to different , information and it's kind of boring and , it dozen'really help me so let's take , a look and revamp this in a way that's , going to make this person money because , that's what he wants he looks at my , stuff that he says Marcus your stuff is , so simple why is mine not working and , let me show you exactly why you see , right before this video went ahead and , bought hardship letter dot net so for , those that are watching its hardship , letter net and what this student came to , me and said which is something that a , lot of people say they say Marcus you , know I'vie seen you make a lot of money , online and Allie want to do is make a , hundred dollars a day as if that's some , easy simple task now in the online world , yeah it can be easy once you learn this , stuff a guy like me who's been around W , years a hundred dollars a day is not , hard to get to but you have to really , pay attention and look at the fact that , you are asking the online world for , thirty six thousand five hundred dollars , a year now what are you willing to do , for that because a lot of people , actually work eight hours a day to get , an income slightly higher than that so , let's take look at what we're going to , do and it comes down to three very very , important things firs toff before we get , into the three we are dealing with , people looking for hardship letters I , want you to visualize these people okay , because we don'thieve a guy just sitting , there going I wonder what a hardship , letter is what do we do with these , hardship letters it's a guy who's like , holy crap I'm going to lose my house I'm , not going to be able to pay my bills I'm , going to be out in the street his mind , is going crazy with all these things and , he's like man Indeed a hardship letter , and I need to know how to write one fast , I need one that's going to get results , I need help I'm drowning here that's , what this guy is saying so to put a site , in front of him that's like hey how you , doing buddy here's some neat things , about medical bills and blah blah blah , but this bores him to death he clicks , the back button he's out of there so , what we want to do is want to look at , this guy will understand where he's , coming from and we want to say this is , what we're going to give you your site , quite simply needs to communicate this , is why you're here this is why you , should stay here and this is what you , are going to get for reading the rest of , the page number two you need to be doing , this in a timely fashion the person , dozen't want a college education about , hardship letters and mortgages and , refinancing how the economy works he , simply wants right now in two clicks , bail me out bail me out that is what , he's asking and lastly you need to point , the direction that you want him to go , okay so number one what is it he'seagoing , to get hey buddy I'going to help you , I'm gonna give you a hardship letter , that's going to get result sand not only , that but I'm going to show you how to , save money on your mortgage instantly , how to cut your credit card bills in , half and how to actually have money at , the end of the month BAM boom there you , go done deal the guy is like okay you , got me hooked what to do next next we , provide simple step simple solutions in , a timely fashion that says hey look this , is what you want to do why you want to , do it here's what it's going to get you , and then number three we say here's what , you do so if the example is to ref your , mortgage you say look click this , affiliate link right here fill out the , form for the mortgage quote find the guy , who offers you four percent and go with , them or whatever it is right teach him , what to do teach them how to get the , results that he wants to get very very , very very important and that is what we , need to start showing on our site all , right now this video is going little , bit longer than I expected so what I , want you to do is go to affiliate , marketing do com subscribe Tommy , newsletter and , you will get part two of this video if , you're watching it on YouTube up in the , corner there's going to be a little , subscribe button and we're going to use , that subscribe butt onto send you part 2 , of this video where I'm actually going , Togo through and rebuild this site in a , manner that's going to make this guy , money am going to focus on that one , hundred dollars a day and I'm going to , take this hardship letter dot net site , and turn it into a hundred bucks a day , and you're going to get to watch live , but only if you subscribe Tommy , newsletter at affiliate marketing dude , calm and subscribe Tommy YouTube channel , by clicking the link above that says , subscribe I think it's got a little , green picture of me in front of money or , something like that click that sucker , subscribe go to affiliate marketing dude , calm will get your video too we're going , to show you how to turn this site into a , hundred bucks a day in profit or more , thanks again for watching affiliate , marketing dude calm I'll see you in the , next video