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okay so get this last night we're , sitting there watching TV my kids my , wife all of us and all oaf sudden we , hear this outside we all rush outside , and we hear this hissing noise that , looks like there's steam everywhere and , it's the middle of the night the lights , not working and we're going crazy what , is this sound and we go around and we , find out that our pool filter had blown , up luckily nothing was damaged no one , was hurt it was mild blow but today , what we're gonna do is we're gonna talk , to you about how that is one of the , hottest affiliate niches an dhow you can , find Amazon affiliate niches in seconds , and we're starting right now , [Music] , hey guys it's Marcus and welcome to , affiliate marketing dude YouTube channel , and affiliate marketing dude calm now , before we go any further if you like , learning about how to make money online , with affiliate marketing and Amazon and , all other ways then go ahead and click , that subscribe button right now and hit , the little bell notification icon that , way you get my latest videos when I come , outwith them and you can be here every , Wednesday , when we'relive and we do a live , training to teach you how to profit with , affiliate marketing so do that right now , while it's fresh on your mind and now , let's dive in and talk about how to find , these hot Amazon affiliate niche sand , why my pool blowing up is something , think you can learn from let's hop over , to the Google Ad words Keyword tool right , here and take look for the word pool , filter now you're gonna notice that the , competition says it's slightly high but , you're gonna notice that the numbers are , actually pretty low in comparison of , what this niche cells because pool , filters can be thousands of dollars the , average is like W bucks so there's a , lot of money in this market and there's , a lot of people getting a lot of traffic , for example if I was to take a look at , some of these people on YouTube with , videos about pool filters here's a guy , herewith five hundred and three , thousand views six thousand views ten , thousand views seventy five thousand , views forty three thousand views two , hundred and seventy thousand views and , on an don we go so a lot of people are , looking at issues with pool equipment , and that is a hot niche and as you can , see these pool filters on Amazon are , pretty expensive fifteen hundred bucks , here seven twenty four here six oh seven , six twenty five hundred six hundred , bucks there and on and on we go now , because these are in the category of , patio and lawn , you're gonna get like eight percent , Commission as per their guide right now , as of making this video which is cool , that means if I get eight percent on a , W dollar pool filter let's do Little , math here times 8 percent right that , means we're gonna get let's do times , instead of and there we go got the right , button you're going to , like$W per sale which is pretty good , right so that means like if you get $W , per sale and you sell like two of them a , day times two a day that'S's bucks a , Day bucks times W days a year , since your little websites don't sleep , or anything let's Dix right they don't , take breaks or sleep that's like , grand a year with one little site about , one little item which is pretty darn , cool so you can find lots of niches like , this and I want to challenge you to find , them by actually going through and , looking at some of the household , problems that you'Head lately maybe , your VCR went out and people use VCR's , anymore a DVD or something or maybe your , stereo system you want to fix it or , something like that and the way you can , find these is by going to the Google , Ad Words tool and typing in the last , three things that went wrong in your , house maybe you're typing in like , refrigerator won't or something like , that , right and you got like refrigerator , won't stay cool or something like that , and you can actually isolate these like , refrigerator not cooling look at that , refrigerator not cooling searches a , month very low competition if you were , to pay for the traffic it's like W , cents if you were to look it up on free , traffic you can probably get that too , with a little work and you look at this , and you could actually go to Amazon and , I think they probably sell refrigerators , let's take a look , refrigerator alright and boom now we got , refrigerator and we got some from like a , hundred and eighty bucks or most people , are gonna go for the more expensive ones , for their house fifteen hundred bucks , and again your commission on these is , gonna be pretty hot right really really , cool there's also other affiliate , networks that you can get this stuff on , such as Best Buy all different places , Sears stuff like that that are gonna pay , you a huge commission also you can refer , them to CPA affiliate offers for , refrigerator repair home repair , different things like that and as you , can see the sky is the limit to what you , can do you could literally just have a , site that's about refrigerators not , cooling heck you could even sell , extended warranties for reforge , Raiders and things like that and make a , ton of money really really easy to do , and as you could see if we go to Google , right here and we do something like , refrigerator not cooling all right we're , going to search it in quotes and see , what the competition's like and we have , refrigerator not cooling with only a , three hundred and five thousand , competing that's not too bad and we , could see there's YouTube guy here , there's different appliance sites and , things like that and on the paid search , there's literally no one which means you , can do a lot of damage here make a lot , of money and sell hell of a lot of , refrigerators you could go through and , find other stuff if you were to look up , perhaps dishwasher won't boom we look at , dishwasher won'twat does a dishwasher , won't do you could go through dishwasher , not draining,W searches a month now , it says it's a dollar ninety but let's , see if there's any advertisers and it , looks like there are no advertisers on , page one no advertisers on one , advertiser on page two no one down here , so there's like one advertiser which , means we can get this pretty darn cheap , and again if you go to Amazon and you , look up dishwasher boom here you go , you got dishwasher now let's do , dishwasher an actual dishwasher so we'll , do it by price okay and we got , dishwashers here oh well it dozen't look , like they have a whole lot of actual , dishwashers but you could do Best Buy , and stuff like that as well so really , really cool you can also farm out leads , if you were to go to like offer vault , and stuff like that right like this you , can see that there's lots of companies , out therefor like repair right you can , go here and do repair and find out we , have let's see repair let's see what , kind of repair stuff we have it's like , lot of credit repair home service there , you go home service repair we got water , damage repair that's pretty good if it , like screws up your house or something , you can get them for that home service , home service emergency plumbers home , serviceman for air conditioner there , you go look at that HVAC you're like , okay air conditioner , won'Tokay or air conditioner dozen't or , something so we got like air , conditioning repair air conditioner not , working look at that low competition , that's the same exact traffic this guy's , paying for right we look at that in , Google we're like okay are there anyone , bidding on this air conditioner not , working you got one guy here you goat , couple of repair guys down herewith , okay so not a whole lot of competition , for this type of stuff and again if , you're to look at YouTube and you're , like air conditioner not working , boom.5 million views that's a lot of , people here's another one with 1.5 , million one hundred and twenty four , thousand twenty four thousand seventy , five thousand one hundred and forty one , and on an don we go and you can see that , there's a lot of stuff here for air , conditioner let's do this here and , dinner right here pay per call so they , call the number they stay on the line , for second stalking about their air , conditioner and it pays you eighteen , dollars they don'tavern have to buy , anything right if they do buy something , you can sell them air conditioners and , stuff like that or farm out leads to , various companies as well right really , really coo land you look at this stuff , and it's really really easy to do you , can also go even into like pool you , could do like dog hair pool okay this is , one I looked up to see if my dog hair , CZ my dog swims like crazy was actually , clogging it and we were like dog , swimming in pool let's see what else we , have here dog hair pool let's go ahead , and do filter and we'll put the word , hair right like this okay we got dog , hair and pool dog hair shedding okay and , lots of stuff like that I found a huge , niche with dog hair pool and stuff like , that which is cool because it's like , these people are looking for various , things and there's like these little , socks that you can put on your filters , and you got like dog and swimming pool , and things like that and you could teach , these people like me I did't know that , dog hair and what's gonna clog my pool , filter and make it blowup these people , would probably like to know that and , they'd probably like you to tell them , hey check it , you know you got pool filter sock okay , and these ones they're not gonna be it's , like super super high payouts but you , can sell quit ea few of them and the , traffic is really cheap and you could do , like dog hair pool on YouTube and see , that there'slots of stuff keeping dog , hair out of the pool 2,W views W we , got other stuff here as well which is , really coo land what I want you to do is , go and think about the last three things , that happened in your house now the , reason I tell you the things that , happened is because you're gonna have , experience wit hit and you'll know a , little bit about it and you'll know what , you did to fix it and you can actually , go through and make a little website , about this stuff lead them to Amazon , products and make lots of money it's , actually really easy so if you like this , kind of stuff again make sure you , subscribe right now click the little , bell and then hop over to affiliate , marketing dude calm put your name and , email in the box get my free toolbar and , it'll help you find these offers help , you find these niche sand help you learn , to make money online with affiliate , marketing hope you like this I'm gonna , go to Disneyland with the kids and , hopefully when I get back the pool man , will be done fixing our filter thanks , again for watching subscribe get your , free toolbar at affiliate marketing dude , calm and I'll see you in the next video