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hey guys it's Marcus here and welcome , this wonderful afternoon or whenever , you're listening to seven-day blog , profits day number five now today we are , going to go through as the picture you , are looking at suggest and we are going , to squeeze the money out of the World , Wide Web which is what you guys are all , looking to do in the first place right , and this video day number five what , we're going to do is we're going to , check our stats we're gonna revamp , revise and improve now I want to show , you something that is very very very , important both to my success and the , success of my students and that is , taking a small result and scaling it up , or duplicating it over and over because , what you're going to notice is that , little things like this don't make it , big right off the bat all the time okay , some of them do like my lottery site my , Bible site and many others like the site , that went on to make like three , hundred bucks a day right away and a , thousand dollars and all that stuff but , most sites start off with just couple , bucks a day or twenty dollars a day or , fifty dollars day okay an dour job is , to take that three bucks or twenty bucks , or whatever it is and look at it and say , okay how do we increase it how do we , grow it and how do we make more off of , every single thing that's going on right , how do we monetize everyone who comes to , our site in the most effective way and , that my friends is what today's video is , all about so what I want to do is on a , show you yesterday's video was st. , Patrick's Day March happy st. , Patrick's Day for those Irish fellows , out there and everyone else who , celebrates that all right so what we're , gonna do here is we're gonna look at our , stats today on March's so it's a day , later a little less than day later and , you could see that yesterday what was it , today or yesterday yeah yesterday okay , I'm sorry March Th was st. Patrick's , Day March Th was today there is today , right all right little glitch there but , at any rate you could see here Monday , yesterday March Th , the IR Slate payment penalty dot-com , site got twenty two page views two , clicks for a total of.W cents so not , bad five days later after doing this , stuff , right not a whole lot of work we'vie made , $3.which you might be saying oh well , Marcus you know that's not even enough , to get happy meal or something like , that which I thin kit might be Id on't , know I don't buy those things not good , for you but any rate it's $3.W right , now if you were to look at this and say , well that's pretty cool $3.W right , don't discount that as junk because'm , gonna show you how to find the gold here , right look at this if everyone clicked , okay because our average click is worth , a dollar okay so dollar want to , click if everyone click that would mean , we'd have about what would that be $W , $W right so if everyone clicked that'd , be $W or if we got twice as much , traffic and everyone clicked or twice as , much traffic and half the people clicked , or whatever it is right just by , duplicating the efforts we'd be at $7 , per day okay now look at this if we were , to just take and say okay well I quit , that's Ito don'twat to do anything , anymore all right and your site went on , to make three dollars and sixty two , cents per day right we go here we do , three point six two times Right for , those thudding't know Google had a , calculator they do all right so that , means we'd be making thirteen hundred , and twenty one dollars per year in , revenue from this simple little site , that we setup in less than an hour a , day for five day sand that's with me , actually trying to teach you on top of , it we can actually do it in about , minutes a day which we'll talk about a , little bit later as well but that's a , $1,W per year raise even if you did , nothing more to the site now of course I , would't be Marcus Campbell if I did't , do more to the site so today'Soviet is , about taking that W per year and , giving yourself arise right I'd like , to see ten times that amount or twenty , times that amount , all right and we know it's in the niche , this is a big niche everyone's Giotto , pay taxes so let's go ahead and take a , look at it but first what I'dike to do , is I'd like to show you because lot of , people can put screenshots and you know , Photo shop things and everything like , that so what I'd like to do is I'dike , to just go over to Google okay and I'd , like to go ahead and get you guys this , report straight up so I'just here I am , on Google , I'll put this down here so you could see , okay you can see I'm actually on Google , I'm gonna refresh it here so it will , reload and show you that in fact we are , making that money so here we go March , that March Th $3.W right there we , go really cool so you could see that it , is in fact there no funny business going , on no junk or anything like that you can , see everything works good stuff so there , you go alright so awesome stuff there , and here we go so now we have our stats , now we have our site ranking we'vie , checked everything we'seen where it's , going if still on day number you have , not been indexed by Google okay that , means if you go and you type in site: , my site which is IRS late payment , penalty dot-com right if nothing comes , up here for your site then what Would , suggest you do is either get some , inbound links or go somewhere like I , need hits comm and purchase what is , called the G boost okay fast google , listing okay what this does is it , basically makes Google look at you In's , hours so that means in the next two days , Google will look at you and then say yes , he exists it's wonderful that's how we , get indexed indexing is the first part , of ranking okay once you get indexed you , could see where you rank by typing in , your keyword as we talked about , yesterday , either in quotes or out of quotes like , IRS late payment penalty right like this , okay and if you don't show up for that , do it in quote snow once you build up a , site and you get lots and lots of search , engine links and once Google knows you , exist the really cool thing is you can , actually use that to your advantage to , get instant Google rankings let me show , you what I mean , okay let's say for example I want to , rank for the word blog profit Network , W which ISS product I'm coming out , with soon and people are searching for , this so Think it'd Beau good idea to , rank here now you'll notice that for , this term we do show up in you , and we do show up in number six fords , mark does affiliate marketing still work , but nothing direct matching for this , term exactly okay so let's see if I can , get up towards the top here and what , I'll do just to show you this in real , time is I'going to go to time and it's , going to show us the time so it'S's , a.m. okay and what I'm gonna do to show , you the power of what we're doing here , is I'gonna add a new post to blog , profit Network and I gonna say blog , profit Network okay and I'm just , gonna say coming coming so onto blog , profit Network keep your eyes out for , W all current member swill get the , upgrade free alright and we'll put blog , profit Network okay so there we , have that we can go ahead and put in the , fancy stuff for all in one Spock , which this does help if you use , all-in-one Spock you just scroll down , here and you can do this with all your , posts like this get top training tools , to make money online blogging in W , keywords blog profit Network okay , so what we're gonna do is we're just , gonna go ahead and publish this very , simple post okay I don't want to show , you how this works in real time so here , we are we just published the post and it , is now , W:okay SO as of we did not , see us ranking in google for blog profit , Network W and on the ON we , actually submitted it so let's do blog , profit Network W and see what happens , here , all right let's see if we get picked up , pretty quick usually it's pretty quick , this one might Beau little bit different , because of the fact that we already rank , for it okay and then again sometimes you , can do it in quotes and see if it gets , picked up as well okay so let's see here , looks like it will in one second let's , try Firefox or this is Firefox let's try , a different browser because sometimes , the cache gets okay so here we are in , Google Chrome and we can do blog profit , Network W right like this and all , right looks like it's taken a little bit , of time let's see it sometimes it takes , a minute or two that's it we'll just , kind of keep going here , we could try Internet Explorer as well , okay so it did take about four minutes , for it to show up on this browser but , you can see it did start ranking four , minutes ago for blog profit Network W , we have an umber one ranking now you can , see that Otis the post that we just , made right here okay so there we go and , of course Will do time comm to show , you how long it took to get that top , ranking you can see now it'S's so it , took four minutes and Google found out , about it four minutes so basically , ranked instantly it just took us a while , to see it but top ten ranking in four , minutes is not that bad alright and even , google that and kind of see it for , yourself as well so really really really , cool stuff now back to our lesson here , now imagine what would happen if you had , a site like theirs payment penalty and , you went to Goldwater's and you were , to go through and say something like , let's say IRS payment okay , and you were to go through and each and , every day you found one of these words , that you can rank for and every day you , were able to get an instant ranking for , one of these terms right and you know , this one's got like very little searches , but again okay you're gonna have so many , of these posts by the end of the day , that'gonna be easy to do and you don't , have to do it every day , most of my blogs I just setup and kind , of forget them and they make money and , revamp them once in a while if you do , want to do it everyday obviously you're , gonna make a lot more money so it's up , to you how much you want to do , and it only takes like minutes a day , anyway so cool stuff all right so next , up let's go ahead and go back to our , outline we're going to check our stats , revamp revise and improve now there's , several different ways to do this , number one big warning okay you know , I'll get to the warning after but we're , gonna setup our Thank You page our , Weber list and our content flow okay , remember in the other days what we did , is we actually set up our opt-inbox , okay so here's our site here I'll walk , you through it we got our site here we , got our content across the top we have , our opt-in box here we have our ads down , here and of course our content with our , Ad sense on it okay , that's basically the structure of the , site with some ads and different things , like that , all right so now we want to set up our , Thank You page which means after they , put their name and email where do they , go okay we don't want to just send them , to Lapland we want to send them to , something that's going to make us money , so what we want to do here and I believe , we did this in day number one where they , put their info in here and then they go , to our Thank You page which is actually , a post okay we should call it thank , You page which is IRS payment plan tips , okay you can see here we have this and , we have our ad snow the beauty of widget , control is that it allows you to set all , this up right because there is a big big , warning I have for you and that warning , is do not putrescence on your Thank You , pages okay so this page here after they , put their name and email , don't putrescence on it you could put , banners you could put anything else but , don't put Ad sense they do not like that , secondly do not put it on your email , pages that mean if you send it that , means if you send an email to your , people and you say hey guys comeback to , my blog and check something out and it , hastens on it that'sit's dozen't , like that either which is fine because , what we'redoing is we are using easy , blog ads okay from easy blog ads calm , that's earplug-in I developed to fix this , certain issue and show you how to even , make more with this stuff okay and you , can use widget control as well so our , our goal here , to set up this IRS payment plan tip site , for when they opt in okay so we want to , edit it and basically your Thank You , page all you do is say hey hey there , what we have to type in the box , hey there thanks for subscribing please , be sure to watch for emails from Marcus , at IRS payment plan or whatever late , payment late payment penalty comm or , whatever you could use like a gm ail or , something like that and then say that's , me every couple of days I will be , sending you tips on how to deal with the , IRS taxes and even save money in your , life just like that okay but for right , now while you wait for your report to be , emailed , check out these helpful links okay and , the helpful links are gonna be offers or , links to sites with high paying Ad sense , on write really easy so you'd be like , number one how to avoid late payment , penalties okay now what you can do here , is very very creative because you could , say okay how to avoid late payment , penalties right you can actually teach , them to get a loan because if the IRS , costs more than a loan then it makes , sense to get a loan so think creative , and you will get rich right got to be , creative here if you're not creative , join simple sites big profits com blog , profit Network or simple sites boot camp , and ask me and'll help you with this , as much as possible very cool stuff all , right , we'll get some links for those below and , if you are creative join anyway so I can , help you make even more money very , important all right so we do how to , avoid late payment penalties we could do , like tax loan or something like that we , can do another one- how to do an offer , and compromise with the IRS right send , them to the lawyer offer check out my , sit eon tax lawyer scam sand how to , avoid them right put those there you're , going to get clicks very very important , we hit update and put ads don't put , Ad sense on this one but we could put a , link to another site that has Absence , very important there's got to be a step , between your Thank You page your email , page and the add page terseness page , okay you can put ads directly here but , Knudsen's very important write that , down , stick Otto your monitor something like , that okay so there we have our posts , that would basically Bethe flow okay , I'll go back later so you guys could see , this and and update that so you could , see what it looks like in real time , right now I just want to show you how to , do it okay then what we would do is we'd , go into Aberrant we click on create a , list okay and we're gonna create a list , we could create a list like this we hit , create a list okay if you don'thieve an , Weber account get one below through my , affiliate link and obviously I get , compensated but I give you guys cool , stuff for signing up through my link so , I'll teach you some cool stuff as well , alright that'Sm bonus to you alright , so we're gonna make list name we'll , call it IRS penalty or let'Scala it , something else we'll do tax penalty , because I don't want them to think that , this email is coming from the IRS that , would not be good legal nightmare not , fun , okay let's description tax penalty from , email address you could put you know tax , penalty at gm ail or whatever email , address you have associated I'm just , gonna leave it here the same for now , okay put your address always want to , have some kind of address recommend , not your personal address you can get a , peel box for like bucks or something , like that or a forwarding address or , whatever right no one really cares about , it but check it because by law you're , supposed to like get mail about , unsubscribe I'm not a lawyer though so , look that up on your own alright so , there we have that next are gonna hit , save settings , alright company name website blah blah , blah blah blah we're gonna go ahead and , you can put your company name if you , have one website URL if you have one , email signature if you have one never , put this stuff in there I hit save , settings next okay let's see we'll just , put something in here company name tax , payment dot-com or whatever put our URL , put our URL again I thin kit's gonna , make us do this okay or actually no but , you know what Just forgot about the , skip button okay you'vie entered an , invalid you're alright HTTP yeah that's , good okay , there we go okay so now for me and this , is just my personal preference I use non , confirmed opt-in okay so I just turn , that off that's up to you , check with your lawyer check online if , you're worried about it you can do , confirmed opt-in totally up to you okay , so we're gonna go ahead and skip this , okay edit signature Marcus skip , all right now we should be done pretty , soon okay cool , so now our list should be set up we have , tax penalty what we want to do now is , set up follow-up emails okay basically , you could set up follow-up emails to be , like okay hey thanks for subscribing , whatever okay so we'll do create your , first follow up I use the previous style , editor because it's easy to use and , attracts links okay so I'gonna do , subject your tax payment info dot okay , and again we can say hi and we could put , personalized name thanks for joining my , list where you will get tons of helpful , tax payment info dot dot dot okay here , is the report you requested okay now we , need a report right so let's go ahead , and get report let's go to , I don't know why Just googled Google , all right thanks Google right here and , we're gonna type in tax payment resell , rights okay what this is going to do is , it'seagoing to give us like some kind of , resell rights product which is basically , content that we are allowed to sell use , or whatever okay sometimes we ha veto , type those in okay so let's see here tax , payment resell rights how to work with a , tax atonal that pretty much seems , right up the alley of what we're trying , to do here so let's have a look at what , we go tall right how to work with a tax , attorney so let's check out this thing , so we get this for four dollar sand , twenty four cent sit's pretty good , deal how to work with a tax attorney , they complete how-to guide to working , with the tax attorney let's scroll down , download file size go ode-book format , PDF antics , okay release state suggested retail , price let's see here's what the tax , attorney kinds of tax attorneys , assistants tax attorney blah blah blah , Blew Bluebell okay yeah that works , sounds good so include sales page yes , download page yes other included pages , none notable blah blah blah resell , rights yes very important master yes , that means I can actually sell the , resell rights to other people , private label rights yes that means , can label it as my product giveaway , right yes very important we want this , okay if we're giving it away if you're , selling it you don't need that offered , as a bonus yes full copyright yes full , graphic copyright- no so we don't get , the graphic copyright so we can change , the graphics and make it easy can modify , it yes okay cool so we can add this to , all kinds of cool stuff we can use it , okay so we can give it away and there we , go so let's go ahead and buy this thing , here Add to Cart did it to do at car , payment option you gotta sin gall right , very important just makes the day go , baby so much more fun alright so let's , see here , first I am Marcus last name Campbell to , do , and I'm doing this in real time just , because I thought this would be the most , entertaining part of the video okay , era create account okay I'll pause it , while we do the rest of it because I'm , getting bored all right so we're done , ordering we got the PayPal thing and , it's going to redirect us to our , download hopefully if everything goes , perfectly as planned and we wait and , wait okay cool so it says I took it out , okay we can download the products from , my orders link on your account page here , we go let's take look here my orders , there we go wonderful click to view okay , where is our download link do I have to , check in oh there it is download URL , alright so there we go download it will , save it and there we have it open it up , and we have thee-book private label , rights can give it away can do all this , wonderful stuffy wonderful excellent , right did you do to do okay so looking , good alright so looks like can be , bundled offered okay through auction , site sales letter okay cool alright so , we're gonna go ahead and take a look at , this here we notebook and how to work , with the tax attorney doc so we could , use the doc version and edit it and then , save iotas a PDF or Putin our site or , whatever or we could edit the PDF , version here so we have this now to give , away now I would suggest you edit it , because you can actually go through and , load this thing with links that lead to , your site and offers and things like , that so as they read it you know much , like this-day blog profits series , right I'm embedding this with links , where I get paid when you buy plugins , and hosting and things like that , so really really cool stuff when you , edit it and make it your own okay every , piece of content that you give should , lead to something expensive something , that pays you something good okay very , cool , so that's what we do we'd basically add , that to a page right I'd add a page and , I'd say okay here is let's do tax , attorney report okay and I'd add the , link here to download the edited copy , and basically use that as the link in my , follow-up email right so I just take , this link right here and I'Day okay go , download your report here okay thanks to , n Marcus PS watch for other helpful let , me scroll that beer tips PES as well , dot dot dot okay and put the link again , I always like to put the link like three , time sand then to make it link all you , do is click on the link here and put it , right herein this box okay , alright like that do it on this one and , you can even like words if you want , right like if I wanted to link helpful , tax info I just highlight that and do , the same exact thing okay very very , simple very easy you know nothing to it , then what we do is we just save this , it's gonna ask us when we want to send , it Texas send immediately and my bird , doe snot like taxes but it says send , immediately we'll hit save message that , means right after they put their name , and mailbomb this thing's gonna hit , their email okay very cool and so while , they were on the Thank You page they're , gonna get this we can add other , follow-ups right previous message editor , and once you get these other follow-ups , you can actually go through and say okay , well I want this to be sent four days , after the first one or one day after the , first one or whatever right so real easy , the cool thing is is you could load this , thing up with as many as you want and , they're getting email sand going back to , your money sites and everything like , that really cool okay so that's one way , to make bunch more money is by , building the list any mailing them a , follow-up series that teaches them you , know maybe fifty seven ways to save , money on , sir whatever it is okay make sure if , you'rein a market like financial or , health or something you get good , disclaimers okay so there's a deal and , again nonsense um Thank You pages or , email pages email pages are the pages , like this one that we just made for tax , attorney report okay so do not put , Ad sense on it because you're sending an , email traffic they're very important , instead use easy blog ads com go there , and buy it now and widget go , there and buy it now if you want both of , those free go get blog profit Network , I'll give you a link below and you can , go there its blog profit , slash go blog profit Network com slash , go or you could get simple sites we'll , go over that later okay so your job as a , marketer is to get people to click on , things that make you money the more , people that click the more money you're , going to make very very very important , now also important all clicks are not , created equal , very very important you don'twat to , use bait and switch tactics you don't , want to use lures to get people to click , things you want them to click because , they want the information that they are , requesting okay so I don'twat to go to , a site about how to lose weight and tell , people hey click hereto see the fattest , person in the world and then send them , to an affiliate offers that'snot going , to work sure it'll get a lot of clicks , but it's not gonna get the clicks I want , so again let me reiterate that not all , clicks are created equal , okay so if you have a guy who's broke , don't send him to where to invest a , hundred thousand dollars if you got a , guy who's skinny don't send them to a , lose weight offer if you got someone who , dozen't have driver's license don't , send them to buy a car focus on your , money pages and funnel out the visitors , that you don't want or funnel them to , other places okay try to utilize the , idea that you can gain information about , your visitors by sending them to , different places through ads through , links through offers and different , things like that tomorrow we're going to , talk about internal banner ads which is , a very very important concept okay so , very very cool focus , on your money pages funnel out your , visitors send them to things that make , money set up your transponder set up , your stuff again notice how this stuff , is very simple know that many people , before watching the series thought that , this stuff was over complicated and that , the Marcus camel was some kind of brain , guy that has a brain no one else has but , actually this is stuff that you can do , too and I hope that you believe it now , and I hope that you're getting lot of , good value out of this course and if you , are do me a favor and do yourself a , favor and go get one of my products , because it's very very good for you and , also check out the simple sites boot , camps that we have four ti mesa yea rand , if you ever need help or anything just , hit me upon live chat and we'll get you , in there as well also one thing that , goes very well with this course is the , W minute money plan in simple sites big , profits I'll show you what that looks , like in your simple sites big profits , software where is it I know I have it on , here somewhere there we go , okay and simple sites big profits , software you'll notice that one of the , bonuses we included this year I think , I'm gonna have to make this like super , small to fit the screen let's see here , all right it's gonna look funny because , I have to make it small to fit the , screen he rebut basically this is what , your software looks like where'd it go , come on crow there we go okay okay so , this is what your software looks like in , super small mode right the software , loads on your compute rand the minute , money portion of your software is a , special bonus we added these your these , are little tasks that you can do In's , minutes everyday to get more business , to your site so you could like create a , YouTube video base don content get it , out sourced or create it yourself either , way I don'CARE it costs $5 on Fiver , if someone else makes it right and use , that as content you could write a press , release about saving money on taxes you , can write paid advertising which we're , going to show you in the upcoming videos , writing a blog post joining , conversations selling products PDF , downloads and everything like that and , again these are Little-minute tasks , that come with simple sites of big , profits we'll put a link for that below , and awesome awesome stuff you just go , through you spend minutes a day , you start to change your life for the , better by making money online just like , you'vie always wanted but now someone's , actually taking you by the hand and , showing you exactly how to do it , step-by-step so awesome stuff if you , love these videos you are going to love , my products and I'going to enjoy , working with you so if you have any , questions hit me upon live chat or hit , up our assistant and we will get you , rock in Rowan so hope you enjoyed this to , recap what you want to do here is make , more money and again we made money on , Day cool stuff'll see it tomorrow in , video number 6