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so hello and welcome my name is Marcus , and we are ready to get started with , this special webinar what we're gonna do , today is talk about how expectations can , be making it you fail right what is an , expectation and how doe sit work now I , have been teaching internet marketing , well I'Webern doing internet marketing , for the last W years and for the last , couple of years we actually went and , taught internet marketing for those of , you who have not heard the story it was , back in W when I started teaching , affiliate marketing you see what had , happened or actually W Think it was , officially what had happened was we had , a friend of mine who had talismans , and every week he would have these , talismans to help people learn how to , make money on the internet and one week , he had one of his guys cancelled out and , the guy could'make it on his call so , he had called me up and he's like Marcus , you know he was on Skype or something , he's like Marcus how can you teach can , you teach you know my guy cancelled out , can you teach my people and so I started , teaching internet marketing in W and , that was after had been making a , full-time living for the last nine years , as an affiliate marketer and in that , time of teaching for the last I believe , it'almost seven year sin the past , seven years of teaching internet , marketing have come across a lot of , people and If ind that one of the main , struggles right okay this guy is , annoying but yeah okay cool , but what we did ISO realized that one , of the struggles here is that people , have expectations right we have , expectation sand they say well Marcus , I'm gonna I'm gonna buy this product I'm , gonna do this stuff and you know we're , gonna we're gonna work with that so what , we did is we went through and looked at , some of the expectations people had we , went and said okay well what is it these , people are struggling with what is that , these people are doing , and how can we help them well what I , notice is that lot of people came in , expecting that they were going to be , rich or get results like right away , okay and they struggled with this stuff , and they were like okay well what is it , that we can do what is it we can do to , actually get money or make money now how , many of you guys have dealt with , internet marketing you'vie tried to learn , this stuff and you found out that , sometimes things don't always work as , planned right sometimes things get , muddled sometimes things get messed up , and sometimes you're not getting the , information that you think you can get , right how many of you guys have dealt , with that , okay a lot of people have dealt with it , now what we're going to be talking about , is what that is right you'vie bought , something and you'vie said okay well , here's what I need to do here's what , need to fix but nothing seems to be , working and what we're going to do is , talk about now Moses says well that's , life Ian says well you know that's , something that I'vie had happen Davidson , says he's had that happen and Francis , says well it's just kind of a learning , process and what we want to do is we , want to talk about these expectations , and talk about how this stuff works , because most people get in and they say , well Marcus you know now that I bought , something'm excited and I'm Argonne be , rich now what is an expectation we want , to talk about what expectations are , because if you realize what an , expectation is Think you'll start to , learn what's happening and how you can , get past that and start to understand , thing sand at the end of this webinar , it's all going to come together and , you're gonna start to understand exactly , what's going on so an expectation is a , strong belief that something will happen , or be the case in the future so an , expectation is a strong belief that , something's going to happen or will be , the casein the future so like you might , have an expectation that you're gonna , get a Christmas bonus or you might have , an expectation that you're gonna get , this or that or an expectation that , something is going to happen now a lot , of people when they get into internet , marketing realize that you know hey you , know what I'm gonna buy this thing and , things are gonna start to change now , first of all what want to let you know , and'm sure that if you'vie followed me , for more than like five minutes you , probably know this already and that is , first of all no product no service or a , miracle book will ever make you rich , overnight it's the doing of the product , that makes money right how many of you , guy shave heard this you'vie heard it , over and over that the doing is what , makes money the learning is what puts , knowledge in your head right you , actually have to do stuff have you guys , heard this before , okay of course and it's true but then , there comes another expectation now let , me ask you and this might pick a bone , with some of the people on the call but , how many of you guys have actually done , some work maybe you'vie built the site , maybe you'vie looked out there for ways , to make money and made a video maybe , you'posted articles maybe you'vie done , something to try to make money beyond , just buying stuff right how many of you , guys can honestly say well I'vie done , something right no matter how simple it , is , maybe it's building a site maybe it's , buying a domain maybe it'spitting up a , YouTube video maybe Facebook marketing , right how many of you guys and want , everyone to answer this how many of you , guys have actually tried to do this , stuff right how many you guys have tried , to do this stuff , okay excellent okay anyone else how many , you guys have tried and failed how many , you guys have tried and gotten results , alright Think most people have tried , stuff and have not gotten the results , that they want , okay cool so that's what we want to look , at now a lot of people tried no wand , Alistair says it perfectly Alistair says , I'vie never gotten results that met my , expectations okay Alistair you're gonna , love discus it's gonna make sense , right how many of you guys have done , something online you expected results , but touting't get any okay excellent , a lot of people are that's who we're , talking to here now here is another , expectation this is a big expectation , and this is going to make a lot of sense , to you and it's gonna start to help you , understand how to get in the realm of , actually making money okay so first of , all people buy products they expect , things maybe they set up websites and , they do things and you do the work right , how many of you guys have been like this , guy and you did the work right you were , like I wrote an article Id id what , people said to do I tried what people , tried to do and for some reason I just , did't get the results right and we look , at that we say well what'st he deal here , now here's what I want you to do I want , you to look at this because how many of , you guys have seen the various different , things that I'vie done online and you're , like well mark has set up this site and , he made money in like W minutes or he , did this site and it made him million , dollars or he did this thing and you , know it made a bunch of money and Marcus , quite frankly pisses me off because he , does this stuff and it makes money right , how many of you guys honestly can say I , really can't know it irritates me , because you make it seem so easy all , right how many of you guys feel that way , okay a lot of people feel that way now , let me tell you some results that I'm , not that super proud of okay but I'm , gonna tell you a little bit about these , because these results are gonna make a , lot of sense for you so what I'vie been , doing over the last over the last few , was like about a month Think it is , maybe little bit less than a month is , I started making videos in the addiction , recovery market okay so I got all these , videos like this one here that I , uploaded it's minutes W minutes and , everything like that can you guys all , see this on the screen okay cool so we , got all these videos that I have loaded , okay and we got a lot of videos , alright we got 2 W W W W W , W W videos okay so we'vie got W videos , now in order to make those W videos if , you were to tally up all the time of , just recording the video okay that would , equal hours so I spent hours of work , on making these videos plus probably , another 8 hours editing them and setting , things up and everything like that and , to make them fancy now what did I get , for that how many of you guys look at , that and you're like well if I spent W , hours working I would expect I don't , know what would you expect right maybe , you go to work and you make bucks an , hour you say well you know dollars an , hour time's hours should begetting , at least bucks right how many guys , are like well yeah of course I should be , getting W dollars that's a no-brain er , I mean hours work how many of you , guys if you did twelve hours of work and , you got two dollars and cent sin , revenue you would be pretty irritated , and you'd probably Quito mean let's be , honest you'd be like well you know I , spent all this time I made W videos and , I got two dollars and forty W cent sand , I'm not that happy with it right I'm not , happy at all I'Mont making that much , right CZ that's a grand total of , W cents per our revenue right and and , I'm a pro I do this for a living now how , many guys look at this and you say well , Marcus to be quite honest with you if I , got those results would be pretty , disheartening'd be like man what the , heck dude did all this work and I , did'make enough right type not enough , if you feel like this is not enough and , you feel like these are the results that , you get , okay not enough right now how many of , you guys would would actually at this , point you consider throwing in the towel , be like I made W videos mean did what , Marcus told me to do and you know I'vie , been'vie been at this for let's see I , put my first one up two month sago but , most of them were three weeks ago so , mostly in a month and I spent month on , this I made two bucks'm pretty much , failure right how many of you guys would , say that or you'd blame it on me and , you'd be like okay well you know what , you'd be like this guy and be like yo , Marcus yo stuffing't working bro it's , not working I'm not getting the stuff , NOW want to pause here because what , you expect determines your outcome right , what you expect determines your outcome , now was I sitting here a month ago and , did Say well in a month should be , making six figures a year off my website , after all this is a website in a niche , that makes a lot of money right or did I , sit there and that I have a different , plan in mind right why aim not , frustrated with that and what is it that , I see that most people don'see well , number one what you expect determines , your outcome if you have unrealistic , expectations like'm going to make six , figures tomorrow off of one video I put , up that I have asked and did't even do , much web then you're gonna be really , upset right this USN't gonna be , something that you're happy about and , having these unrealistic expectations , makes you quit before critical mass , right now critical mass is the point , that I hit with all of my sites right , all of my sites have a critical mass , tipping point this site is just starting , to get where I want Otto be right the , two dollars I'm like okay Hui did't , really expect much of anything yet all I , expected was to start getting ranked for , some of the terms that want right and , I want to show you what would happen if , I was to to ditch this right so here's , that here's keyword that went for , which was likeliness curved alcohol , stuff right so if I do likeliness , let's get rid of this number by do , clink curve alcohol right we can see , here that my video actually starts to , rank there not killer rankings ye tor I , thin kit's just gelling it curve it , might be let's see here think we have , like page three or so their page two , right so page two for this one okay we , have some others that we started to rank , for why can't I stop drinking this is , one we started to rank for unman okay , and we have why can't I stop drinking , search for that and Being and we are , actually ranking I think let's see why , can'Ti stop drinking believe there's , one term I have and one don't , and it actually ranks the YouTube that's , there it is okay so page two here it , fluctuates between page 2 and Page I , thin kit has to do with having the , little thing here let'SSA yeah so , without the thing which is how most , people search for it right we have , number 2 3 4 5 ranking on MSN right , and we look at this and over over the , process this stuff starts to work now on , some of them right on some of them we go , through and we look at them and we say , well you know some of them I ranked and , I tried a little fast ranking method and , therein't ranking but they actually , got D ranked which was kind of a pain in , the butt but nevertheless what we see , here is forward momentum okay what we , see here is forward momentum now most of , these people would look at this and they , say well you know this is forward , momentum but Marcus I mean come on two , dollars and cents mean who are you , kidding here right now Alistair says , that Being dozen'drank unless you look , at video swell-being does rank the , videos they just rank them with the , actual page okay because one of the tips , here is that YouTube ranks as a page , so like you are actually trying to rank , YouTube which ISS big popular site , which everyone loves , and you're ranking your page on YouTube , which is really cool right so it's , really easy to do and we're going to , about how to do that and even if you , don'twat to be on video and stuff like , that we'll talk about that too but what , we're looking at here is the fact that , what you expect determines your outcome , so if you're expecting that all of this , stuff is going to make you rich , overnight and all of this stuff is going , to change your life then you're going to , be sadly disappointed however how many , of you guys look at this and you say , well Marcus think you know I think , you'vie been at this a while and Think , you know that this site is probably , going to be a mid six-figure earner at , minimum probably more and I think you , know what's going on here and think , the expectation of hitting critical mass , is a little bit different for you right , now let me ask you this how many of you , guys honestly have been trying to make , money on the internet fast for like over , a year right if you were to say it you , say well I'vie been looking for a way to , make quick money online for overs year , okay type one year in the box if that's , you okay so we have some one year some , two years more than that okay more than , four years all right so let me let you , in on something , okay right he's been at it for W years , all right so let me let you Inonu a , little secret and that secret is that if , you had done what'm doing right now , for the time you'vie been trying to earn , money you would be making money by now , okay does that make sense , that make sense everyone , and the problem is that most people have , unrealistic expectations which makes , them quit before critical mass and , Dickinson says says that again say that , again what Is aid was if you had been , following the plan that I follow the , plan that layout for the time that , you'vie been trying to make money online , and did it straight upright you said , I'gonna follow I'm gonna do this I'm , gonna make it work right if you had been , doing that you would be making money by , no wright this is the process of how it , works but the problem is is that these , expectations get in the way and people , struggle right they struggle because , emotion gets involved they struggle , because they look at this and they say , well twelve hours mean I can go to a , job and I can make money and I can make , twenty bucks an hour fifty bucks an hour , or whatever and I would make more than , this okay but this is a starting point , and I know that it snowballs there was , something I believe it was Einstein or , Edison or someone said that the most , powerful force in the universe is , compound interest now what does that , mean all right how many guys have a , mortgage type mortgage if you have a , mortgage okay or had a mortgage in your , life at one point how many you guys know , that by the time you're done paying off , your mortgage odds are you'vie paid more , than double what your house cost right , if you bought a house for W grand , chances are after the mortgage you'vie , probably paid five hundred and fifty for , the house right and then people go to , sell their house for five fifty because , of inflation they think they're making a , fortune but in actuality they Ian't , making jack because your mortgage rate , is probably higher than the rate of , inflation okay everyone understand that , okay now the reason that that is that , that works like that is because compound , interest you see what happens with , compound interest and if we were to do , like a mortgage calculator with , let's see with digital ooh what is that , called it's called something a certain , calculating I totally slipped my mind , right now the calculator shows their , amortization okay if you do a mortgage , amortization calculator I want to show , you what this looks like okay what , happens let's say we buy a house for , $W,okay and we have a W-year , mortgage and someone tell me your , mortgage rate right someone give me a , mortgage rate let's say% that is , probably a good good average , okay SO% if we were to do that let's , look at ho wit grows and see if they , have do they not have the schedule on , here there it is , got to click the button now I'gonna , let you in on a little tip did anyone , notice how easy it was for me to skip , this show amortization schedule button , very difficult so keep that in mind , right I could'tavern find it in the , beginning , keep that in mind we're gonna talk about , that later now ray says or John says , that's too high% is average yes but , not everyone has 4%right not everyone , refined not everyone has that so let's , take a look let's say 6%average across , the board from the time people started , getting mortgages till now okay on this , now if we take a look at this we say , $W,W on a W-year loan but with W , payment sat 6%right that means your , monthly payment is twelve hundred bucks , right not twelve hundred yeah,W , buck snot bad right and if we see the , schedule right take a look at it so what , happens here is your balance goes down , by like two hundred bucks a month in the , beginning and the interest starts to , build look at this you paid a thousand , 2,W 3,W 4,W 5,W 6,W 7,W , you're paying like thousand dollars in , interest month and by the time you get , to like down here you're at$W,W in , interest and you know you'vie paid like , what thousand bucks the principal or , something like that or whatever it is , right , it's crazy it adds up it adds up , big-time by the time you'redone you , have paid two hundred and thirty one , thousand dollars interest on a two , hundred thousand dollar house , okay so we have this and we're like okay , well how does this work how does this , grow right how many of you guys would , like to learn how this grows because , you'd like to learn how to make this , kind of money right of course instead of , spending it you'd like to make it and a , lot of people have seen the double , penny penny a day for days right , double a penny a day for W days and you , have that and it's like okay if you , double the penny every day for days , what's gonna happen and we'll try to , Fonda good one , here let's see , let's see if there's an image here it's , got to be some kind of image yeah here , we go so if you double a penny every day , for days you can see here you start , at a penny then you go to two cents , three cents five cents eight cent's on , and on we go now when you get today W , right it starts to build you're like , okay W bucks pretty cool let's see is , this the right one I think this is the , wrong one let's go to the right one here , and by the way if someone wants to make , a chart for this it'll totally work , right now here Otis here right so day , one by the time you're at day IT's at , a hundred and sixty bucks right how many , of you guys if you were working really , really hard and after days you only , made hundred and sixty three dollars , you'd be really angry you'd be like dude , this dozen't work , this is terrible there's no way to make , money write everything like that okay of , course you would next day W day you , know by day W you're like okay I made , grand that'deb pretty cool right in the , compound interest it starts to build and , build and build and build now I'm not , saying you're gonna make$W,W in a , month that's there W million dollars in , a month it's pretty much impossible , right for most people some people they , make that mu chin a day but it's all , relative all right again you got to get , emotion out of this the emotion about , money is what stops most people from , getting the money the fact that people , need money and struggle to get it is , what stops most people from getting it , OK so we take a look at this and we look , at these thing sand we say well , mortgages compound the penny a day thing , compounds so what's going on here well , what happens is most people give up , rightmost people would do the double up , anything and they'd give up around day , number and they'deb like'm not , docking around fora dollar W buddy I , don't want to do that right and they , struggle and they struggle and they , struggle and it's like okay what are we , gonna do with this what are we gonna do , with this right and so they look at this , and here we are I'mun like Day and , made like bucks but here's what we , want to do because we want to realize , that there's a big question and the big , question is how many little clicks are , stopping you from making your money go , right if you get one conversion right , that'sine percent all you need to do is , get clicks a day to make a sale if , you get three percent conversion all you , need to do is get thirty three clicks a , day five percent conversion all you need , to do is get twenty ten percent , conversion all you need to do is get ten , clicks and A's percent conversion all , you need to do is get three clicks now , the reason I went down to because , very few people can convert , one out of every three visit or we got , out of every visitor sis because , sometimes we market toolbar's get , that amount or sometimes we have mailing , lists and that's our goal but we look at , this and we say well you know that , dozen't make it that hard because if I , can convert one out oaf hundred and I'm , getting paid bucks a lead right then , all Indeed I's clicks Ada right , then all Indeed to do is build up to W , clicks a Day can make $A day right , does that make sense to everyone does , everyone get where I'coming from on , that okay anyone struggling with that , okay so and while you're doing these , conversion things you can build a list , while you earn now again when you're , looking at conversions all it comes down , to is mathematical formula right when , I look at this and I say well so far you , know we have this so faro think I have , like don'TKO W and some views or , something like that okay , and I have these views and if I , could take those views if I can get , W%of them to go to my site that's W , clicks right so if I can get W views , day that mean's of those people would , go to my site if I get a W percent , conversion rate Ora 5 percent , conversion rate that would mean I'd be , getting one conversion which would mean , I'm getting amount of money per day , does that make sense any questions about , that okay which basically means it comes , down Tao mathematical formula and all , you need to do is keep going now here , are the rules to making this work rule , number one when you do this you need to , give helpful content , okay give helpful content if you don't , give helpful content people arena't gonna , watch it people arena't going to care , rule number two you want to answer the , objections whether you're doing video , whether you're having you know , outsourcing a video whether you're , making an article whether you're writing , a report for your website whether you're , making a PDF whatever you're doing write , whatever you're doing you need to answer , the objection sin your market's mind if , I'm talking about make money online , stuff I need to come up first and , foremost and address how do you know , that this is legit and not a scam right , that's a first question people have when , they're trying to look at this if we're , looking at how to lose weight right the , question is doe sit really work and will , it work for me I got to answer those , questions and everything I do rule , number three we want to offer relevant , cool stuff righto don't want to go out , there and say you know , sale on Christmas sweaters if my list is , about losing weight right not really , gonna work okay so we want to focus on , that okay rule number four you want to , watch your list and rule number five you , want to interact blog and survey now ray , says I want to grow A's thousand , dollar business in two three million , okay this is how you do it right what , I'redone is I'vie taken business's time , and time again and scaled them up using , the same formula but the problem is is , that people get to a point where they , kind of plateau right they get to that , point where they're always looking for , the next level I'm gonna get to the next , level I'gonna learn in the next thing , I mean get that next prize I'gonna get , that next carrot right and what they do , is they try to shortcut they try to , intervene not realizing that the easiest , path is just to do it right I got to ask , you question so those of you who said , you would be frustrated if you made all , these video sand did't make that much , money all right let me ask you how hard , is it to make these videos and it's not , that hard at all you go in you make a , video if you don't like it you delete it , right Kevin Saudis very hard to make , not not at all it is super easy to make , videos very easy right I could teach you , a formula to make videos about any topic , in like five seconds or if you think , it's really really hard to make avid , you can actually go on Ferrous can , write script OK takes you like five , minutes go to Ferrous can get someone , to transcribe say that scrip tin audio , form they'll send you an MP file and , then you put some slides to it right , that's all Id id here like on these , videos what I did is I recorded the , audio and then I just made these little , moving things for the audio earth right , very very very easy like Alistair says , right videos are easy to make I have the , tools and work them hard exactly right , you use the tools you make it work and , if you follow this steps right you , follow these steps now Kevin says time , is money that is a misconception time is , not money okay time is not money whoever , how many of you guys before this webinar , you thought that time was money , but you're like I'vie heard it said over , and over the time is money time is not , money okay if time was money we would , all be rich because we'd all get money , for our time the fact of the matter is , is time is something that we can run out , of we could you know it's something we , have a finite amount of now money is a , different thing money is a measurement , we talked about in last week's webinar , how money is just measurement right , it'slake okay how much have you gotten , great Marcus owes the community amount , and Marcus has X amount for his work , right but never the two don't ever meet , right time now Karen says time makes you , better no talking dozen't make you , better time does nothing right there's , plenty of people who waste their time , there's plenty of people who use their , time wisely learning things and you know , maybe they don't make money wit hit they , just like to learn there's plenty of , people who use their time taking care of , their kids that's totally good it's all , good stuff now to say that time is money , is kind of a kind of a misconception , because what that does is it makes , people work harder not smarter okay , there's a difference between working , hard and working smart right I could , work hard and Could work really really , Hardin making my videos better like , this one here dozen'thieve that great , equality right it's kind of edgy it's , kind of weird whatever okay I could work , harder I could spend a lot of time , making it perfect can spend better , time scripting it I could spend time , doing other stuff okay that would be , working harder or I could work smarter , does anyone know what the working , smarter would be right what would be the , working smarter here anyone know that I , could make better video I could make , better audio okay Kevin says test not , necessarily okay the way to work smarter , is to purpose my video after what people , search for okay let me say that again , the way to work smarter is to purpose my , video after what people search for , does everyone does anyone notice how , like make a video and it ranks on , Google in like W seconds okay a lot of , people like that and are writing it down , if you need me to repeat Ito will okay , that's the smartest way like I could , make a crappy second video and make , more money than guys purposely done , you know hour-long video with camera , cranes and stuff because I focus on what , people search for okay I'll give you , case in point about six-one Oh what , would it be ten year sago now ten years , ago when I was young internet marketer , and started making a bunch of money , my dad had gotten involved with these , Hollywood guys he always wanted to be an , actor a producer whatever right and , these Hollywood guys got investors and , they made a movie right the movie costs , nine hundred thousand dollars and they , made this movie and they made it perfect , and they made it great and it's actually , it's a pretty decent movie it's a , foreign short film it was nominated for , an Oscar and these were just like you , know regular dudes they Warren't like , crazy people and my my dad was investing , in it and he had come tome and he's , like Marcus you know we spent grand , on this movie think he put in W or , something like that and so he went in , there and he'slake we have this movie , and we can't make money and all these , investors are mad because they want , their grand back and he came tome , and he's like well you know we worked , really hard making this money with our , movie we made spent lots of money making , this movie but we're not getting , return on investment I thought we'd go , up and we'd be nominated for an Oscar , and just by being nominated , you know everyone would go rush out and , buy the movie but no one did right we're , sitting here with remember at that , time the garage was full of these movies , right and they did't know how to sell , it and so what he did he said show me , how to do internet marketing show me how , to do this and I told them what to do , they did some thing sand long story , short I showed him what worked and they , literally clicked a button while they , were doing some promotion and when they , clicked the button I told him to click , and put the site up that I had they made , $W,W in about , six minutes right there's Bert came in , if they were like holy cow , that's crazy Marcus but we like our old , site better they put their old site it , was like you could hear chirping in the , background in tumbleweeds and and they , made a say no like every houri said , push the button again they push the , button again put my website up and burn , another W grand like in seconds right , and they were like they were convinced , and the fact of the matter is is they , thought you wanted to work hard right , they thought you wanted to work hard and , they looked at this and they said well , we want to work hard and we want this , stuff to be this way and what I did is I , showed them an easy way to make it work , you see well they had a beautiful sight , glorious sight with trailers of the , movie and quotes and all this stuff , I had sight to say you just saw the , commercial of this movie want to order , it put your info in the damn box right , now now most people would look at this , and they'd say now Marcus I'vie seen , movie sights and I know what they're , supposed to look like we need to work , hard on making them look like that and , what Is aid was there needs to be an , order form just like how it was , difficult for me to find the button for , the Amur as they that's how people are , right how many of you guys have noticed , that over the last couple years I , started showing you the order form , before I tell you to buy something right , like go there so today we're gonna , have an offer and you know I'll just , pick a site thesis't exactly what the , offer would be but we'll pica site , right and I say go here put your name , last name email put this info in make , sure you click the button and order , right does anyone know why I why I go , through those directions even though , you'vie probably ordered a thousand , things online before and you you kind of , know what's going on right the reason is , is because it increases the amount of , sales that I get tenfold right this , these little secrets these little tips , are what made the difference between the , guys making like grand in six minutes , and making nothing over the next hour , okay it's because working hard is not , necessarily working smart and what I , want to do is I want to show you how to , work smart , focus everything you do on what works , and how to ask the question is what I'm , doing right now getting me closer to my , go alright is what I'm doing right now , getting me closer to Michael how many of , you guys can say that what you're doing , right now is getting you closer to your , goal right this very second okay good , well yeah you're learning stuff so , that's good now we take a look at this , and here we are trying to get to our , goal now how many of you guys feel like , this guy , you're like Marcus I'm trying to catch , up with the pack and I'm just falling , behind and I'm like this dude and I'm , struggling alright I hope you guys feel , like you're struggling right now you got , info overload you're behind you feel , like all these guys just did it right , except for this guy back here with this , funny face on Orin think this guy might , not get it Id on't know but anyway you , feel like everyone else gets it and you , feel like there's some party that you , Warren't invited to where everyone gets , it everyone makes money and everyone's , having fun , well what I'm doing in this call and , what I'vie done so far ISO'vie showed you , a lot of good tips right like if you're , taking notes you got some really good , stuff that will help you make money if , you follow it right if you follow it but , if you don't follow it you're not gonna , get anywhere so let's take a look at , some more how many you guys like the , tips so far and you want some more , okay cool so let's see what we have here , okay number one how does Marcus do this , how does he make it work how does he , take aside how does he look at this , where I see two dollars and seventy four , cents and failure right lots of time , little money would probably give up , that's what most people said at the , beginning so how does he see this and , how does he make it work well let's take , a look number one you want to judge a , market by its numbers okay judge a , market by its numbers what does that , mean well what that means is you want to , go to the Google Ad Words tool I like , this okay go to the Google Ad Words tool , alright sign in to one of your Ad Words , all right cool so we sign in to Ad Words , we say what is it we're doing here how , are we making this work now Kevin says , Ad Words is giving weird estimates lately , yes we are working on keyword tool , that fixes that however you could still , get by with the Toadstool and you can , always use keyword sniffer com , okay you could use this as well so now , we have this here and we say here's , where we put our words now when you look , at this right remember how I said like , working smart is making everything after , a keyword you'll notice that alto of , this stuff that do like this here , jelling curve thing this is an , off-the-beaten-path , keyword for alcoholism right like no one , types this in unless they are dealing , with recovery or they heard about it or , something like that right so we type , this in and we say good ideas and we , look at it and says that'somewhere , between a hundred and thousand , searches a month , pretty cool here's another one wit ha , hundred to a thousand we could do , closely related and see all the various , sorts so there's a lot of words here , okay and what I did is in my video as I , tried to encompass all the words so that , I could get traffic for all of it now I , know that this traffic is extremely easy , to get right and I can use this to , funnel people to a site that'sabot , alcohol recovery which is worth a lot of , money much like if you were to do , something like let's say you were to do , FHA requirements okay FHA is Federal , Housing Authority requirements would , mean that these people are trying to get , an FHA mortgage okay we have FHA loan , requirements FHA mortgage requirements , FHA appraisal requirements okay FHA , financing requirements right all of , these people here okay so we have like , FHA loan requirements okay if we do this , in Google let's see how many advertisers , there are okay not a whole lot Lending , Tree got two down here , okay one up here one here did anyone , notice anything Just scrolled past , it's kind of doing exactly what I'm , saying right it's like def H alone , requirements he made a video about it he , shows up he's probably got some decent , views right how many of you guys would , like W,W views in the mortgage market , right that's like when you look at this , this is what I'm talking about when , say judge a market by its numbers right , he's got thousand views they were all , free okay , and he goes there and he's like okay , well FHA loan requirement sis really , about getting a mortgage mortgage rate , or something like that right so you go , to mortgage rate and boom six dollars a , click right you go to mortgage , application and boom now we're at nine , dollars eleven dollars ten dollars a , click right does everyone see how this , works right so now we're saying well , he's got,W views on his video if , out of those W,W let's say he's doing , a really bad job and only 5% go to his , site that would mean let's Dix five , percent I think five percent go to his , site that means he got W clicks let's , say of those clicks he's not making , ten bucks he only makes you know four , dollars that's still 3,W bucks off of , a little site and that's one little , video all right imagine what happens , when he starts to get more right and it , starts to build and build and build and , build , okay now this USN'just about YouTube , this is about other stuff as well , but what I want to really drill into you , is the idea of judging a market by its , numbers taking a look at the numbers , taking a look at what you can get and , what you can take them to and then , building day by day little tiny steps , but deliberate steps because spending , this little time here right doing these , little things is going to get me the , little views it's gonna build it's gonna , build it's gonna build and you guys are , going , watch me turn this into a huge market , next right next since you're making the , content because once you find something , like FHA mortgage requirements okay I , don'CARE what you're doing like if , you're building site if you're making , a video or whatever you have to have , some content right does everyone , everyone gets that it's like okay yeah , you have to have content to make this , work it's not gonna work if you I think , it'slake fake Jay requirements that's , why right how many of you guys are like , yeah you need some content to make this , work I mean people arena'toking to come , to your site just because you're Mr. , fancy-pants right they're gonna go there , because they want to look at this so , like FHA condo requirements FHA loan , repair requirements house requirements , for an FHA loan this is a good one he's , looking for in what kind of house can I , get appraiser inspection eligibility , right and you look at this and you like , market as well there'singly a hundred , searches a month well outdoes't matter , right if I make a bunch of these right , then all I have to do is build and build , and build and build all right very very , very simple so what we want to do is we , want to look at this and really really , work on it okay so next once you have , the content what can you do with it so , you make the content and you're like , okay now I got to make some content so I , need to focus on these people I do a , little bit of research find out what the , jelling curve is find out what the FHA , requirements are I make something of , value okay I could make a PDF and I , could say put your name and email for , the PDF about FHA now I'm building the , list or Could make video and talk , about the requirements and then in the , video say go to my site for the , printable version or the calculator or , whatever is going to show you how to , make it work okay now I want you to , remember again this is ab outworking , smarter it's about working smarter , content is only King if you deliberately , push those who consume it and tell them , to follow your recommendations right , that's what you want to do very very , very important so we focus on this and , we make it work okay next you must see , all of the pieces of the puzzle before , you start this is where so many people , failed they would look at this right and , if in the beginning you said well you , know I'd be a little disheartened if ice , made all these videos and only made , two bucks I'd be really disheartened the , reason you're disheartened is because of , number one expectations and number two , you did't see what was going on , beforehand okay you did't see what was , going on beforehand you must be able to , see all the pieces of the puzzle before , you start and be willing to flex with , what happen sin your marketplace right , you need to be able to be flexible like , if people start asking about a video , need to make a video for them right , that's why internet marketing is so , wonderful because I could stop at the , drop of a hat right very very simple , okay ray keep those questions for the , end they're great questions but keep , them to the end we'll go over them now , when I say you must see all pieces of , the puzzle before you begin these are , the things I'm asking number one how , Willie get my traffic okay when I go , into a market I'm like how am I gonna , get traffic number two how am I going to , get paid number three how am Going to , follow up with my market number four , what content Willie use and number five , what will I use as click bait , now you might say well Marcus what's , clickable many of you guys have ever , heard of click bait , okay click bait is something you use to , get people to click alright it'slake a , bonus like if I just say I'll give you , dollar go click on this that would Beau , click bait OK now we're not saying give , you a dollar but what we can say is , click hereto get this click hereto get , that it's not necessarily a shiny object , Kenneth but it is something you use to , get them so it can be like a shin ya , teaser right it'slake clickable thing , like oh hey you know find out like the , other day I sent an email out that said , internet marketer falls flat on his face , we goat huge open rate because people , were like whoa hey want to learn about , that right I want to see why he fell on , his face or whatever that's like , click bait getting people to click , because unless people click and go to , your site they're not going to make you , anything now with that said can you , expect a good start how many of you guys , so far you look at this and you say , there's a lotto take in here'vie , learned lot of good things but I can , expect to enjoy the process right I can , expect to to follow along like this , takes work but Think I can do it right , if that's you type yes or Think I can , or whatever it is in the box and we're , gonna go through the rest of it here and , I want everyone to answer that say I can , in the box I want you to type can if , you think you can reminds me of that , scene and the Nutty Professor yes I can , good movie stupid but good all right you , got to watch dumb movies sometimes it , just it's fun okay so can you expect a , good start now here's what we're gonna , DI am going to offer you especial , where we are going to do this for you , right so you say Marcus Id on't know how , to judge a market by its numbers I can't , do like you DI don'really know how , to get started with content or what to , make right in it let me know on a scale , of one to ten how many of you guys would , like me to do the market stuff for you , right you're like Marcus I want you to , judge the market and tell me whereto go , okay how many of you guys would like me , to show you the direction of the content , right say hey this is kind of content , you make your market is better for , videos or your market is better for this , or that okay cool , now here's what we're gonna do and , here's what I want you to expect so this , is gonna be unlike anything else I'vie , done I'm going to tell you what to , expect up front and you say Marcus if I , expect that then I think we're good how , many of you guys if I give you a good , start right if I say this is what you're , going to do this is what you need to do , to make it happen okay you might not , make you know ten thousand bucks , tomorrow but you know you'll start slow , maybe take a month to get some decent , results and maybe a couple weeks or , whatever but you'll actually do it , you'll say hey you know what'vie been , trying this for like two year sand I , haven't had results might as well try , something solid that you're gonna help , me with right how many you guys feel , that that would be like a jackpot type , jackpot in the box , okay everyone type you type it in if you , thin kit's a jackpot okay and we're , gonna make it affordable for everyone so , it's gonna be fair enough you get in at , whatever level you want everyone's happy , so that's what I want you to expect , want you to expect a good start so type , in the box right NOW expect a good , start okay and after you type that in we , are going to go on to the next , affirmation affirmations are fun , affirmations actually changed my life , well the application of them but they , did help me and we'll talk more about , that later all right so I can expect a , good start so everyone expects a good , start and you expect to know what you're , doing now because my guess is is if , you'vie been struggling online you , probably haven't really known exactly , what you're doing you could't go in and , say well I knew all the ways I knew the , answer to all these questions right I , did't know how I was gonna get my , traffic I did't know how'd get paid , Ito did't know how I was gonna follow , up I did'TKO what content and I , did't know what click bait was or how to , use it or whatever so here's what we are , going to do and you tell meas I go , through these if these sound good to you , number one I will find you a good market , okay I'll find you a good market that , has good potential we'll go through it , and we'll say this is a good market this , is why okay number two I will help you , wit ha traffic method right I'll say , here's here's where we gonna go like , Frances says I'm going to lead you in , the right direction and you are gonna , get a good start okay so we're gonna , find you Good market we're gonna help , you with traffic method okay so we're , gonna say here'show you get your , traffic it's gonna be a easy method it's , not going to be something difficult you , just have to do it like before when , someone said making videos are hard no , they're not they take two seconds well , you know a little bit more than two , seconds but they're not hard to do okay , and you can outsource them and we'll , show you how to do that as well I'll , show you at the platform for doing it , it's super easy okay , number three we will get you started , with content and plugins so we'll get , you some starter content to use and , we'll show you all the pieces of the , puzzle there's not going to be anything , left out so if you say I can expect , good start and , expect to not have info overload and if , all I have to do is go to work and , follow the directions right and I'm , talking about like you know W , minutes a day okay , how many of you guys can follow , directions if I give you this plan type , it in and say I can follow your , directions okay cool so what we're going , to do is we are going to give you a plan , and here's how it'seagoing to work there , are two options okay and we're going to , give you everything that we just , outlined up there so all that stuff if , it sounds good and you say Marcus want , you to find my niche right that's a , personal niche market selection give me , a domain help me find affiliate offers , and know how to make money with it can , you guys still hear me got a little , message that my audio is acting up okay , good you can hear me , okay be working okay everyone still , hear me tighten put A in the box if , you hear me , okay cool , now someone asks is this easy enough for , a rank beginner to understand yes this , is for the guy who's like I just figured , out how to turn on my computer today , well maybe Little maybe Just learned , how to send an email today okay we won't , go that far but won't say you know maybe , just learn how to send an email today so , we're gonna give you the niche we're , gonna give you the domain we're gonna , give you all the affiliate offers and , show you how to make money and guide you , to making money we're gonna give you an , easy follow traffic planned and the , videos right so you're gonna be loaded , up we're gonna give you a custom blog , theme and LOGO design all the plugins , that you need to make it work so it's , all included we're gonna give you killer , content loaded pages and we're gonna , give you days of support and coaching , really really really cool right very , very simple so what we want to do is we , want to take look at this and say what , level do you want to start at if you're , on a budget you go here and you get your , budget niche for now what is a , budget niche a budget niche is going to , be something like download PDF or , something like tax forms or something , like that okay it's gonna Beau market , that's like on the Google tool like two , dollars three dollars a click okay now , if you go for the high ticket niche okay , Little bit more but you're getting a , niche like mortgage or addiction or , something like that that has a huge , potential okay both of them are good , there's just a little difference in the , nature of the market so if you look at , that you say Marcus want to expect , results I want to expect change and I , want to expect good head start to , profits all you gotta do is go to profit , Blackstone okay on profit blogs net , want to make sure my timer is working , correctly okay you're gonna go here and , you're gonna see those exact boxes so , everyone go there now okay go ahead and , open that up profit blogs , I'm going to put that in your chat box , okay now just a heads up if you are , looking at getting the guaranteed , results one the high-ticket niche then , you want to get in now because there's , only four spots okay , and it's obviously limited based on the , amount of domains I have now you'll also , notice that there's a little timer here , at the bottom and the timer is going to , run out I think actually have it set , wrong let me make sure we have it , correctly give me one second , and just choose whichever plan you want , to get in on and we will make it work , for you and we say maybe let's see , if that works , okay our timers being stupid today , all right well it took fix the timer in , a minute but I'm gonna give you guys one , hour to get signed up and all you got to , do is pick whichever level you want , again you're getting aside so you're , gonna get the domain name now a lot of , times I actually go and I look at the , domain names that are for sale on like , flip pin and stuff like that and the , domain names that we give you often , times are worth like three or four times , what these cost and you're getting a , site and everything like that and you , know later down the road if you decide , to sell your domain you can do so , because it's yours and you can keep all , the profit but you probably won't want , to do that because you know if you make , it work it'll work yes we changed this , this is an old offer page we just opened , it up today so it'singly gonna be open , for about an hour and then we'll change , the ticker thingy so what you want to do , is you want to choose what you want so , if you're gonna go with the get the , budget niche as you can see it'singly , bucks which is dirt cheap I mean , literally the domain it's probably worth , more than that anyway and you're getting , plugins that are worth W bucks you're , getting offer guidance and everything , the total value I's buck sand you're , getting it for W all you got to do is , put your name last name email phone , street address all the info here card , types and everything as you can see it , is a secure site and then just go ahead , and click the button and order and , you're good to go , okay again these are limited so you want , to do so right now if you are going for , the high ticket niche again the , difference is only the nature of the , niche okay if you want like a niche that , you can dominate that you can make a lot , of money something that works really , well you're gonna want to go with this , one now with this one we give you guys a , little extra content and W days support , and coaching now if you are looking for , payment plan so which which one were , you looking at getting okay and if , you're looking at going the ten times , profit niche the order form looks like , this okay all you got to do is put your , first name last name email billing info , here click the tab and click instant , access and you'll be ready Togo so go , ahead and hit me up after this call , live-chat okay on all my sites you'll , see this little button here okay and , Giotto turn it on right now so you can , watch that change okay and you'll see it , change right here magic trick okay and , you can actually hit reload or whatever , and you'll see it'll say I'm on live , chat click the button you can actually , just click the button the live chat will , pop up and you can talk to me you just , put your you know your info in here and , everything like that okay and we can get , your payment plan if you want one , however for the high ticket niche fill , out that form again it's limited this is , one of the things that my most , successful students have gotten right , this is the program that they get , they'vie joined they'vie gotten results , you can see people I believe there's a , couple videos on our site actually on , the profit blogs dot net site where we , where we get that okay so really cool , stuff John you are one of our Skype guys , please hit me up on Skype if you do have , a question and we'll go from that but , the idea here is that we are going to , give you your niche and hold your hand , every step of the way we're going to , show you the ins and outs of how this , works and walk you through it we're , going to show you that there's a huge , huge upside with very little potential , downside when you look back to when I , started W years ago now I started , with very little and this business has , provided me a lot show you how , incredibly easy it is to get started , today show you how this USN'tan , in-depth training program which is a , long term relationship right a lot of , people worry Marcus or you're gonna you , know just sign me up and then leave no , we stick around we work with you we make , it work as you guy shave seen we'vie been , in business for over nine years and this , ISS surefire paint-by-numbers system , all you got to do is get in there and , all I'm asking is that you give me a , shot and let me help you make it work , and the biggest regret that my students , have is that you did't call me six , month sago and get started then so if , this sounds fair enough and you're ready , to get started go ahead and go to profit , blogs detonated if you have any , questions get me on live chat and we'll , make it work again guys this is all , about you this is about getting you , asked info overload getting you into , something that works getting into you , into something that's going to get you , results once and for all , mark says if I get the high ticket , niche do I get to see the whole process , so that I can replicate this in for , myself in the future yes the whole idea , behind this is to show you how it works , so that you can learn and duplicate it , right we don't want to just you know get , it set up and be like okay well I hope , you figure out how to set up we actually , show you how to do it right so what , you're getting which is more valuable in , my opinion than the site is the how to , do the site right we're going to show , you the ins and outs of how everything , works we're going to show you how to , focus how to find niches everything , we're also going to give you training , and everything like that so it's all , ready Togo all you got to do is get in , there and make it work okay so cool , stuff all right awesome stuff any , questions and we will get you guys going , alright so any questions about this , while you guys get signed up I'll give , you guys a couple minutes to get signed , up there and even if you'd go to , level we still have some really good , niches available and again one of the , questions we also have is are you able , to pick your niche yes there's a process , we go through before the niche is , assigned where we actually give you , three or four different options okay all , right James said did the $W course , start that did start you should have the , lake in your members area , okay Lewis says approximate time to see , results we actually give you paid , traffic plan and some coupons to use it , so when we go for that we will we will , help you out and get you started but , usually you can see some results like , pretty much right away okay so once you , follow it you know I would say give it , like aw eek or two for you to get your , feet wet and then you'll be able to see , some results okay will it make tons of , profit right away Id on't know we test , them out and we work , Lewis says do we have to buy traffic no , if you do not want to do paid traffic , specify that after you after you order , and we contact you about your niche okay , just tell me say hey I want a cheap , traffic one or a free traffic one or I , like the YouTube idea or I don'twat to , do videos right and we have something , for everyone like buy domains all the , time'm literally buying domains like , almost everyday and they're all based , on good niches so all you ha veto do is , get in there all right so don't let , anything stop you from getting started , we will help you make it work and all , you Giotto do is get started alright a , lot of people are saying they need a , payment plan I'll see if I could set one , up now Rene which one did you want a , payment plan on was it the or W , okay and Sharon can you specify the bid , you put in on that one okay and'll see , if I could get the payment plan going , okay so a lot of people want the payment , plan on the what I'll do is I'll set , that up now , okay 0:W okay now in order to do the , payment plan we can only do two payments , on it the reason is because I got to , cover my cost in the fir stone because , these do cost a lot to have built so , what I'll do is I'll set this up you can , see here this is the form okay I'm gonna , put the link in your chat box it's going , to be a big ugly link okay you can click , that link you will see this here and , then you can scroll down and you can , choose the payment plan there are W , days apart and you're good to go , in case everyone everyone would that was , asking about the payment plan did , everyone get that , okay ranee I'm gonna put it right here , in the box , okay did you get that and I'll put it in , your chat box also and of course if you , need to get me on live Chaitin a work , and also if you just go tithe link on , profit blogs the one here it's updated , now I actually use the same length so , it'll update for you okay alright you , can use that now does anyone want a pay , plan for the high ticket one if you do I , can make that for you as well , okay let me see if I can find you , there and I will make this okay where do , we go , bear with me sometimes it's a pain in , the neck to make these here , correct and any questions about this , we'll do the same thing we did last time , and we'll make it work okay , Louis would that work for you we can , make that he's asking about two payments , on the on the big plan we can actually , we can do three if you want to do that , let's see here , we'll give you guys all kinds of options , here and we'll do one , okay so I'm gonna make a link and this , will be for the high ticket one the , first payment is due right away it'll , charge it right now , and then the second one is due in a , month now if you are looking at getting , the high ticket here's what we did okay , I actually made the form here and you , can either do let's see let me add this , up correctly , bear with me these things are kind of a , pain there we go okay all right let's , see if we did this right okay so now if , you do the high ticket one okay there it , is there in your chat box did everyone , see that what it's going to do is it's , going to look like this and then you can , choose if you want to do three payments , it's At and let me get this one , working there we go alright now it , should be working see these are a pain , in the butt but you know it's not that , bad okay so there you go you can either , do three payments of W or if you want , to save some money you can do bucks , two payments of W bucks which is , pretty cool okay and that link is in , your chat box okay Francis says have you , any other students in New Zealand yeah , we have a lot of students in New Zealand , and Australia and all over the place so , cool stuff all right so any questions , about this again these are going fast , they always do whenever I do this , special that'shy I only do it a couple , times a year so if you are ready to get , one of those high ticket ones do so now , that way we can get you sorted out and , get everything ready for you again , that's profit blogs detonator'll see , the links here and then if you want one , of the special ones , we'll go for there okay so and if you , need me on live chat just get me there , and we will we will help you out as well , on live chat I'll keep that open for a , little bit we got some quite a few , people on there now so if you want to , initiate a chat and say hi feel free to , and we'll make it work okay Sharon , um because of the link let me let me , write this to you that way it's better , okay Jay yes if you want the Morgan if , you want that FHA one I will give you , that niche that ISS high-ticket niche , though , um Tim if you are going to order this , I'll give you the market flipper free , okay I'll giveback to everyone if , everyone orders on this webinar right , now we'll give you the market flipper , class free it's a good class think , we're gonna rerecord it so we'll give , you the new one- okay SJ yeah , definitely get your get in there and , we'll get you the FHA one okay , all right so any other questions while , you guys are getting signed up please , let me know Sharon just use the profit , blogs net and click on the payment plan , for the , all right so any other questions let me , know any marketing questions we'll go , through those as well , okay Rhonda says I am just starting out , and I have zero dollars and zero cents , how do I get the startup funds well um , if you have internet access chances are , you can probably find a way to make it , work , we also have our$W course which you , can start at that's a very good place to , if you guys have not yet signed up for , that let me get you the link for that , one okay if you're totally on a budget , and you just want to learn this stuff , I'm going to put a link in the chat box , that you can go to okay Emma says what , if we're not accepted by the CPA , networks guarantee with one of my , sites we will get you accepted so if , you're on profit blogs net and you , choose one of these we will somehow , someway get you accepted to CPA , network that has the offer you want okay , PJ says how are you driving traffic to , your instant hosting site it ISS , combination it's mostly free traffic and , some email traffic alright so any other , questions let me know , [Applause] , and what are you guys seeing on the , screen right now do you guys see the , little boxes or are you seeing something , else okay cool , all right so go ahead and get signed up , either way you go whether use payment , plan or whatever just get in there , somehow some way and what I'going to , do is I'going to goon live chat for , the next W minutes or so and if you , have any questions let me know OK , Louis says how do I rank my YouTube page , well what's your YouTube page Robert , sorry that was Robert not Louis , okay and once we get the YouTube page , I'll help you know how to rank it but I , can'Ti can't help you if Id on't see it , oh you don'thieve YouTube page oh well , yeah I mean you ha veto know the keyword , you have to know what you're doing first , I mean you can'just rank something , without knowing do you have a keyword in , mind , okay Robert what I would say is start , with one of these sites and we'll help , you do that as well right so you can get , a site and say you know I want to do a , YouTube kind of deal and we'll help you , get that bu tit's not that hard to do , like that's one of the easier things to , do and if you deliberately focus on , keywords that we know you can get it , makes it a lot easier for you okay Rene , said she wants three payments on the , okay I will make you payment plan for , this even though it is costing me more , on the first one like if you don't pay , your other payments I lose money on your , sale so what I'll do ISO'll make it for , you just because you asked so many times , okay so let's see if we could do this , what we're gonna do is take one of these , links bear with me one second I just , have to Fonda link , okay bear with me one second , for some reason it does not want to go , fast , okay can everyone hear me here now , okay can you guys hear me , okay call so let me just do this math , here , all right bear with me one second okay , this link is for Renee only unless , there's someone else that wants a three , pay on the this one is for Renee , only okay it's gonna be in the chat box , let me know if you see that and Rhonda , says hope you don'taught at me too , much but really haven't be enable to , get on to an affiliate site yet any , suggestions yes what I would recommend , is getting our $W course this one here , right this course is a fast action , course so if you're like Marcus I'vie , never been in any of your classes , don't know what to do a brand new go get , this now I'm not even gonna explain it , because it's W bucks and you guys , probably got more than W dollars worth , of value on this webinar and if you , think you did use that link and go sign , up for it it's you know basically a , webinar course with some videos and some , tools that can help you if you're , looking fora way to get started and you , don'thieve a lot of money or any money , go there get it W buck swill help you , make it work okay alright so any , last-minute questions again I am on live , chat if you guys do have question sand , we're here to help you this these , courses are all about you it'sabot , getting you the info that you need to , make it work , alright so I'm gonna go ahead and sign , off if you want believe there was , someone on there that wanted the FHA , niche if you want that sign up for the , high ticket one now and we will get that , to you for the rest of you if you're , sitting there if you're thinking about , getting a site and you haven't gotten it , yet go get it now it's one of the best , deals you will ever see , after you sign up if you're worried , about you know making it work check out , the videos on that profit blogs dot in , that site even if you only can do the , W do it it works however if you can , get the high ticket do it now again go , right now I want everyone right now to , open up profit blogs dot net go there , right now profit blogs detonate open , that up right now I'm gonna go on live , chat if you have any questions if you , need anything let me know Louis you can , use it to go ahead Louis amber get me on , live chat everyone else go on live chat , sign up now the timer is clicking down , let's make some money and I'll see you , on the inside again that's profit blogs , dot net thanks again , you