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hey guys it'Marcus here from simple , sites big profits calm and you might be , wondering about my big pipe right here , now we're going to get to that in just a , little bit but right now what'd like , to do is answer one of the biggest , questions that a lot of people ask me , and that is Marcus we'vie seen some of , your sites that have made a lot of money , like your tattoo site your Bible site , and your mortgage site or your mortgage , sign over here and all these sites seem , extremely simple when you say that there , are three to five pages is this some , kind of skimpy affiliate website scheme , thing or can you actually build , sustainable business and what I'going , to do is I'going to answer that , because a lot of you guys might be , racking your brain trying to figure out , how I make all this money would be , simple little websites and how they pass , the google test of time stay ranked in , the search engines and ultimately end up , providing value to the end user and , providing me the owner with something , sustainable that makes me money over and , over again and in order to illustrate , this we go back to our wonderful pipe , here and what we're going to do is we're , going to show you the different , affiliate business models how simple , sites comes into play and how you can , take a simple site and build it into a , full-fledged business making you money , for years to come so first what I'd like , to illustrate is the direct affiliate , linking model this is what a lot of , people confuse simple sites with , thinking that it's all about just direct , linking now direct linking is simply , where you take your traffic all these , people here and direct them directly to , an affiliate offer like a click bank link , and advertisement or something like that , where it's completely bypassing any site , that you own and going directly to the , offer much in the same way as if was , to put an ad on google and link them , directly Tommy affiliate link for a , click bank page or a CPA offer or , whatever it is in this model the visitor , never visits a page that own they're , simply taken directly to the offer and , I'm hoping that the offer converts and , makes me money now while a lot of money , has been made using this model and it's , simple to set up it dozen'take a lot , you don't even need , website the search engines don't exactly , like this model and because it's so easy , to do chances are the profitability of , that market is going to go down the , drain and it's going to gravitate , towards break-even point so it's a , little difficult to do and it's not , sustainable it's something very quick , and of course you're going to lose alto , of people who don't participate in the , offer and simply leave this is known as , a bounce rate quite simply when people , leave your page or your affiliate offer , or wherever you send them and don't , click on anything the higher the bounce , rate the more Google is going to , penalize you and a less traffic you're , going to get and the more expensive your , traffic is going to be in the long run , so as you can see direct linking USN't , always the best way to go it can however , be used as a quick way to test your , market see if you can get some traffic , and see what they're interested in , fairly quickly however there is a better , way to accomplish this that is a little , bit more sustainable and that is known , as a simple affiliate site simple , affiliate site is where you take your , traffic your visitors and instead of , sending them directly to the offer let's , say we were promoting something like the , bible download or coupon download or , something like that so instead of , sending them directly to the offer what , we would do is set up an intermediate , page this intermediate page would , provide valuable information to the user , could be anywhere from three to five , pages as long as it has good content , that your user is going to want to read , and then from there we can direct the , user toad sense or affiliate offers or , whatever it is we want by simply making , these offers part of our content and , linking from our site or blog to the , affiliate offers terseness and , different things of that nature what , happens here is we not only provide , value to the visitor again you want to , provide value because if you don't , provide value then you are what's known , as a thin or skimpy affiliate site the , thin or skimpy affiliate sites are known , in the affiliate marketing industry and , to Google as just money-hungry sites , with no value so if you're not providing , value you are going to get penalized now , with that said value does not need to be , a bazillion different pages worth of , content value could simply be one page , with the top ten places to get coupons , or something like that it just needs to , be something that your users will be , interested in and when this happens you , can take your traffic direct them to , your simple affiliate website or blog , and send them out to your affiliate , offers while learning about them and , seeing what they click on and different , for things like that now the downside to , this method is that there's a leak in , your site and in your blog if you are , not capturing the information of your , visitor chances are people are going to , be leaving without doing anything and , those are people that you did a lot of , work to get to your site in the first , place so sometimes the affiliate , blogging affiliate website model USN't , always the best even though it provides , value to the user now before we head on , there's couple of terms I want you to , catch up to speed with number one , whatever page that your visitor lands on , from the traffic source write your , traffic source here wherever they go , immediately from the traffic source is , known as your landing page that is a , first page they land on now if a user , comes from your traffic to your landing , page and leaves immediately that's known , as a bounce rate if they continue , through to your affiliate offers that's , known as a click-through rate the amount , of people who click through to something , more on your site whether another page , or an affiliate offer or Andersen's or , whatever Otis those terms may seem very , simple but you're going to want to , remember them as we proceed in this , video now the third marketing model I , want to take you through today is , different from the other two because , you're not sending them directly to the , offer and you're not making a page , designed to get people to click on , things you're simply making a page for , one thing and one thing alone and that , is to get your visitors to put their , name and email in the box on your page , to get more info this is known as the , infamous squeeze page quite simply , because you are taking your page and , you're trying to squeeze out is men , people as you canto raise their hand , and say yes would like more info and , I'd like it enough to put my name and , email in the box now this is a good , model for some traffic methods such as , solo ads sometimes banner ads and things , like that now what you'll notice about , this is oftentimes the search engines , James will equate these with in , affiliate sites quite simply because , they're not providing any value unless , the visitor puts their name and email in , the box now the plus side to this model , is the fact that when you take these , visitors and get them to opt-in to your , mailing list they are now on your , mailing list the percentage of people , that put their name and email on the box , are now on your mailing list and you can , now send the mall sorts of different , offers whatever you want you could , simply take those people that are on , your mailing list send them different , emails periodically about things that , are interesting to them and include an , offer and make money virtually whenever , you want so that's the big big plus side , to having a squeeze page and building a , mailing list now the downside to using , the direct squeeze page model is that , again with every person who leaves , without joining your mailing list you , are piling up a huge bounce rate people , are going to leave and you're going to , throws lot of money down the drain now , so far we went over three different , affiliate marketing methods method , number one send your visitors directly , to the offer do not have a website do , not collect emails simply send them to , the offer and hope it converts so you , can make some money method number to , create a simple landing page or blog for , your visitors to come to this could be a , simple blog or website with value giving , the user what they want much like you , can see here in my example with Bible , downloads you could use this model to , lead your visitor from anything from , affiliate offers Dodson's they can , find another pipe here there you go to , Ad sense and different things like that , of course you're not collecting any , information which makes this a simple , affiliate website / blog model and , lastly we went over the , opt-in page or squeeze page where we're , trying to squeeze all the names and , emails out of our visitor so we can send , them emails over and over again to , various different offers and make money , on thickened very good model again , each of these models is good for what , it's used for but does have some , downsides now up until now a lot of , people thought that simple sites big , profits was based on these three models , quite simply create a simple website in , W minutes put it up and make some money , now while that is something we do teach , we don't teach it as the be-all end-all , or the end of your marketing career for , obvious reasons they phase out things , change quality score dealing with Google , and all the other mess of things you , have when having a small affiliate , website so what I'd like to introduce to , you now is what we do like to teach in , simple sites big profits and that is a , hybrid value-packed creation model , designed at getting you tons of people , on your mailing list while providing , value making the search engines happy , and making money while you test your , traffic that's a mouthful but let me , show you how it works introducing , drum roll please the real simple sites , big profits method to making tons of , money as an affiliate marketer by , providing value both to your visitors , and the search engines here's how it , works while the other methods are , focusing primarily on making the best , quickest money possible what we like to , focus on is a hybrid model of both , because it is true that we need to make , money back fast you need to see , something for the effort you're putting , into affiliate marketing and what I like , to do is an earn while you learn method , that way if you're spending money or , doing work to get traffic you can see , something for your efforts right away , while you learn about your market and , expand your blog to become an authority , blog or something like that and the way , that like to do this is by , differentiating the difference between , the pages and posts on a blog you see on , a blog you have pages and posts the , pages run along the top here underneath , your headline in your slogan text , and they have relevant information if , you set them up the correct way like I'm , showing you today so for example if we , had some type of blog about how to make , money online we might say something like , a relevant page one would be make money , blogging relevant page two would be make , money on Click bank relevant page three , would be make money with ad sense and , relevant page number four would be like , get started making money right these are , very relevant there's something that the , user can see at a glance and tell that , the blog is good and relevant to what , they want it'something they will click , if they see something that interests , them and it's something that leads to , other pages on the blog so while we have , those other pages what it's going to , look like is this your visitors come to , one of the four pages obviously the one , that fits them best if you're bidding on , paid traffic and you're using the word , Ad sense don't send them your homepage , just send them to iridescence make , money incense page all right so once , they get there they will have several , different options obviously over here on , the side we have our opt-in box much , like the opt-in model and what that does , is it collects the names and emails of , our visitors so each of the pages we , have whether it's the make money online , make money with ad sense make money with , click bank or whatever Otis each , different page is the same in that it , has the opt-in box on the side so all of , the pages on our blogs are going to have , the opt-in box on the side very very , important next what we want to notice is , that the content is going to fit what , the page is about so on the Ad sense page , we have content related Dodson's on , the Click bank page we have content , related to click bank and you'll want to , notice that the main content on each , page whether it's avid a billeted , list and image or whatever it is is , designed to get the people to opt-in so , if I have a simple video I'll say hey go , over there and put your name and email , to the right hand side of me and get , some more cool stuff or whatever it is , if I have some text I'll say hey if you , like this kind of stuff if you like what , we're talking about go over there and , opt-in so you can get whatever if I have , an image whether it's like a small image , or something like that I'll say go over , there to get the , full-size version of this picture or , whatever it is OK so the object is to , entice your user to put their name and , email in the box now i do want to point , out that this is in fact a hybrid model , which means that in addition to going , for the opt-in generating the lead we , are also going to put within the content , different affiliate links different , links to other sites and different , banner ads that are related to what it , is we ha veto offer so if i have a site , about bible verses it'll say hey get , your cool bible verses maybe a little , logo with a Bible you know Bible , relevant page one bible verses page to , download your Bible page three different , bible versions page four or whatever , okay and within the content could say , hey you know what if you want daily , bible verses go get the daily bible , verse program from this affiliate link , or whatever it is okay I can also put , ad sense within them and different things , like that so that we are recouping money , on the people who don'to pt in or , sometimes on the people who even do opt , in so the idea is twofold either get , them to put their name and email in the , box or get them to consume the content , click the affiliate links and then maybe , later they'll put their email in the box , what this does is it not only gives me , money back immediately on the traffic , i'm generating but also generates me , leads and shows the search engines that , I have something very good to offer by , giving value to the user the idea here , is to get your users clicking get them , to do things on your site get them to , watch videos get them to put their name , and email and get them to click on links , get them to download things or whatever , it is just get them active on your site , because once you get them active then , you can start to make money so again the , job of the pages on your blog is to take , your visitors and give them relevant , value try to entice them to opt in if , they don'to pt in get them to click on , other things that make you money now , once we get them to opt in and click and , make us money and everything like that , what we want to do is we want to decide , what we want to do after they put their , name and email in the box so after the , person puts their name and email in the , box on your site they now go into , your mailing list and this is where it , starts to get fun and where things start , to build a lot now in addition to going , into your mailing list once they put , that information in boom they are sent , to your mailing list they are also set , to your thank you post your thank you , post is where you bring them to say hey , thank you for joining my list watch out , for emails from whatever at whatever com , that's me now your thank you post has a , very very important job being one of the , most heist converting places on your , website so naturally you would want to , put your highest converting best most , relevant offers on this page so if they , came in and said hey'm opting in to , get more videos about Ad sense now would , be the time to say thanks for opting in , by the way would you like to checkout , my dollar Ad sense course or whatever , alright you can also have banner ads and , relevant image links you can have , relevant content ads and things like , that now very big important no no do not , ever put ad sense on your thank you post , never put ad sense on your Thank You , Coast they don't like that you put it , anywhere else on your blog just don't , put it on your thank you post now the , cool thing about this model is because , your thank you post is a post and not a , page like these four pages over here we , can have completely different set of , sidebar widgets what that allows us to , do is not only have Thank You links and , bonuses and relevant information and , other videos but it also allows us to , hide our recent posts behind all these , pages so while you're driving lots of , paid traffic and solo ads and whatever , it is to these four pages these people , cannot see all your wonderful juicy , content that's going to make you an , authority site and make you lots of , money until they put their name and , email in the box this is done using the , squeeze blogs plugin that I give to my , simple sites big profits members and you , can also get at squeeze blogs com that's , a mouthful bu tit's squeeze blogs com so , the way it works is you have your pages , here with your opt-in sidebar widgets , and perhaps some other stuff and you , have your posts here specifically your , thank you , post with the recent posts and the , different links and bonuses and stuff , like that very cool works like a charm , and because these recent posts are here , and because they are on the RSS feed of , your blog I know that's fancy talk but , because they're there that means Google , is going to see all your wonderful , content the Google spider is going to , come do his little Google dance and it's , going to pickup all your recent posts , put them in Google get you more traffic , and make you an authority blog all while , you're four pages are doing their work , getting you opt ins that means that as , you grow your blog get more content the , Google spider is going to be out there , he's got his little Google hat and , everything like that and he's going to , be picking up all the different posts , you put on relevant information that , your blog visitors would like NOW'm , going to show you how this starts to , grow exponentially make you an authority , and make you lots of money in the , process so we're going to assume that , your pages are doing their job they're , getting people to opt-in they're getting , people to click lots of traffic is going , to them and because of that you're , making money and you're building a , mailing list and once people are going , on your mailing list they are going over , to your thank you post will put a little , thank-you post over here so it gets a , little bit easier to see and while , that's happening the Google spiders over , the redoing his little dance and he's , picking up every little post that you , make putting it in google and Man and , yahoo and all those other search engines , and their ranking if you do them right , for the top terms that you want and as , you grow did Frankie's will grow you'll , get more traffic everything like that , now once you have a big blog you can get , these things picked up in Google in a , matter of minutes which I'vie actually , done live on a webinar and got the top , rankings in minutes so it's really cool , so in addition to that you got people on , your mailing list you got people going , to your thank you post Google's picking , up all the posts everything like that in , addition to that what's happening behind , the scenes is your mailing list is , growing and as your mailing list grows , what happens is you're getting more and , more people to email to and you're , starting to build an audience and what , you're going to do is you are going , do what's called the blog feedback loop , that means you're going to take these , people on your mailing list and you are , going to periodically send them , different offers different relevant info , and things that are good for them and , i'll see if i can make this with the , pipes and everything like that okay so , you're going to send them different , things that are good to them so as you , make a post let's say you make a post , that says hey you know you like that , ad sense video made and you opted in , for it here's a little list of W ways , to increase iridescence revenue right , you send that to your visitors and then , you can send them out to an affiliate , offer you can get them to buy something , or you could just use it to get people , back to your blog to click other things , and because they're back on a post on , your blog they're going to see all the , recent stuff they're going to see all , your links they're going to see your , banners they're going to see your , affiliate ads and you're going to be , making tons of money and then the next , day you go through and you write a post , about perhaps the top ways to get more , people to opt-in to your mailing list , that goes out to the people or if you're , doing a bible Mitch maybe it could be W , cool Bible verses about love or whatever , Otis it works literally in every single , niche and as you're making these little , posts sending them to your list making , money on the different affiliate offers , you're offering Google's picking them up , you're making money and everything works , big to make you an authority blog and on , top of it you're making money on the , front end from those four pages we made , in the first place so it works extremely , well and what happens is over time you , start to build a crowd of following of , people that look to you as their quote , unquote guru or celebrity in the niche , to get information and news this works , like a charm and it stands to make , whoever owns the blog a lot of money now , you can do this as small as you want or , as big as you want you could write a , post a year or a post a day whatever it , is you decide fits your schedule your , niche and your goals you can do it for , example if you were to do this with the , cocooning Mitch you get people in there , your pages have an offer like the , downloadable coupon explorer you get , them into your mailing list they come in , you say hey I found your coupon for this , Found , coupon for this here's a coupon for eBay , here's a coupon for Amazon there's a , sale over here on pizza or whatever it , is and these people will love you , because all you're doing is what they , want to do anyway which is finding them , coupons or finding them bible verses or , getting them information obtuseness , or making money or hosting or whatever , it is so you could see with this method , not only can you start small and make , money today but you can also grow over , time reduce the amount of money that , goes down the drain reduce the amount of , people who leave your blog without doing , anything and make your visitors really , really happy by just providing them , simple yet effective information that , leads to things that make you money and , you could do it over and over and over , again but it all starts with those four , little pages and your thank-you posts so , if you could spare a couple hours to set , this up you could be on the road to , making money in no time and again the , format is very simple for pages on the , front get people to opt-in get them to , click on your affiliate offers once they , join your mailing list you send them to , your thank you post which gives them , other offer sand then you email them , periodically with the new posts that you , put up that are also getting spider ed by , google that's why we have our spider , right google picks them up puts them on , the search engine which gets you more , traffic you send those to your people , which gets you even more traffic which , sends more people to your affiliate , offers and everything and it's like a , big giant loop that catapults you to the , top of the search engines gets you lots , of traffic allows you to buy traffic , cheaper because you have relevant , content and more so to learn more about , the simple sites big profits method go , to simple sites big profits com you can , actually see I amusing this exact same , method on the blog that is there put , your name and email you're going to go , Tommy thank you pose get on my mailing , list you're going to get my mailing list , and because I practice what I preach i'm , going to give you very good relevant , info and some of my subscribers stay , with me forever have some people have , bee non my list for seven or eight years , since I first started teaching internet , marketing so it's very very easy to do , and the cool thing is is you don'thieve , to blog every day about , what type is cereal you ate all you have , to do is periodically find good , information send it out when you want to , make money and build your blog over time , while profiting from affiliate offers so , again go to simple sites big profits , calm we're going to show you how to , start a simple site make money and build , it into something bigger over time to , profit from the comfort of your own home , with affiliate marketing thanks again , for watching this video I hope you , understand now how the simple sites , method far exceeds anything out there , you'll ever seceding two simple sites , big profits calm put your name and email , in the box and got some goodies for , you to be able to set this stuff up and , be able to profit from day one thanks , again for listening'll see you on the , inside , you