Seven Day Blog Profits Software - Make Money Online


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hey guy sit's Marcus here and for those , who are just now meeting me good to meet , you I'vie been an affiliate marketer for , about W years now that's right i , started back in the year W and since , then'vie made well over five million , dollars online and most of that came , from promoting simple little affiliate , offers with CPA networks and click banks , and different things like that in really , weird niches like bible verses and , lottery numbers and anything really , you're lots of different things one of , my recent sites i set up is the IRS , payment plan site showing people how to , save money on their IRS payments and , different things like that so really , cool stuff and what I'dike to do right , now is I'dike to show you my brand new , software that I'm going to be giving you , today for free now this software is , going to show you exactly how to go from , step one which is finding a profitable , niche to step 7 or day number seven , which is making money with your blog , it's going to show you all the ins and , outs of how to get started very very , simple so we're going to show you how , take a site from nothing to making , profit in seven days we're also going to , show you one of my sites that makes over , six error yeah it was eighty six dollars , a day I thin kit was either W or W i , think it was W to be exact alright , so here is the software that you're , going to get after you put your name and , email in the box and download it now , before you download Ito want to make , sure that you know that it's absolutely , safe so what we're going to do is we're , going to go ahead and click it and hit , scan for viruses okay you can see here , that our custom scan does show up as one , hundred percent complete shows the , seven-day setup and that it is in fact , safe alright so really really really , cool stuff alright so now what we're , going to do is we're going to go ahead , and click on the icon it's going to ask , us okay do we want to put this on we say , yes we do all right you get to see my , lovely little install page with my , picture there and you just follow , through all the stuff says some terms , and conditions and everything and you go , through and just go ahead and install it , on your computer right like this alright , we hit install and then we are , ready to go and it's going to launch the , software so you could see exactly how , this is going to help you all right now , it'seagoing to ask for registration p , that is the one you're going to get , after you opt-in on the page and , download your software and everything so , we're going Togo ahead and hit continue , put our software code in here make sure , there's no spaces or anything after that , sometimes that happens when you put your , code in go ahead and hit activate and , then it says yes wonderful program has , activated and it'll actually put a icon , on your desktop that looks like this , little money bag here which is cool and , all you got to do whenever want you want , to use this program is just click that , icon it's going to open like this and , now you have your beautiful brand new , W 7 day blog profit software now what , this does is it takes you through , everything from day number one finding , your niche all right you goat little , video here that shows live how I find , your niche right really cool really easy , to go through a bonus video and then , links to trigger words and different , tools and things to help you after you , go through day number one you go to , module 2 which is setting up your blog , going to show you exactly how to set up , your blog how to get instant google , rankings without even submitting or , doing any of that fancy crazy SEO stuff , right really easy and you're going to , get to see live AIs ranked the site , right it's going to show you how to get , the right domain name how to get the , right hosting setup Word Press everything , like that so there's nothing hidden from , you nothing left out everything is very , out in the open and easy to go through , and again you have tons of cool little , tools and plugins and things like that , as well next you want to go to module , creating your content and your flow this , video is going to show you how to get , content the right way and we have some , resources where you can get content , created for as little as a couple of , dollars in as little as W hours really , cool and all this stuff is set up live , in front of you could see in the videos , I'm actually going in and finding the , keywords and one of these here i am here , ordering content showing you exactly how , to do everything right we show you how , to do that we show you how to do the SEO , ranking tips everything , then module comes where we start to , add our profit centers right we go in , and we put our affiliate offers we put , in our Ad sense if we're using Ad sense we , put in our opt-in boxes if we're using , opt-in boxes and we show you exactly how , to get this thing up and running and , build your themes put your ad sense on , the right way and actually show you how , to build this site to make money right , really really cool stuff again we got , some resources below and some tips on , how to make it work module 5 this is , actually the day where we started making , money all right I think we made money in , day W you have to watch them again i , made this video set for you last week so , i'm not sure exactly what day it was but , module 5 we check our stats we see where , everything is going we revamp revise and , improve for even more profits you could , see go through i show you exactly how , everything is it's like you're in my , office looking over my shoulder seeing , exactly what'm doing so that you can , duplicate it and make profit right so , day number five were already making , profit we're already getting traffic , everything like that and then we go to , day number six which is really cool day , number six we go through new traffic , methods and show you different ways to , get traffic different ways to improve if , you're not ranking we show you how to , get ranking and this is actually the , video where I show you how I get an , instant google ranking set up pay per , click accounts and everything like that , so as you can see this is a course I , should be charging money for but I want , you guys to see something really good , and like my stuff before you join me , that way you know what you're getting , into and you get little taste for how , I teach and everything and if you like , it I encourage you to get other stuff , but first let's go ahead and check this , out right so module six we go through , new traffic methods and testing got some , resources and then we go to day number , seven right day number five six and , seven are all profitable days for us and , then day seven we show you exactly what , you can do little tasks that you can do , in about W minutes a day to wrap this , thing up and make even more money and , the last estimate that had on this , simple little site that I set up in the , seven days was that just , as it is just showing you what I made , just showing you how it works I am , estimating that i'll be making W to , seventeen hundred dollars a year off , this site right that's without doing , anything else but if I go through and I , spend just W minutes a day doing these , little tasks whether it's a day or a , week however decide to do it I'going , to build right because that W minutes , is going to add another five dollars a , day and another five dollars a day and , on and on we go and'm going to show , you how to maximize your revenue by , setting up these simple blogs for profit , and some of my simple blogs have made , you know just a couple dollars day and , some have made thousands of dollars a , day in profit really really cool stuff , so that is day number seven then of , course we have day number eight or I , guess it's bonus day in bonus Day show , you my simple blog that makes there it , is eighty six dollars and ninety-nine , cents its first day right and I thin kit , made more the next day and even more the , day after that really really cool site , and this was in the football niche , teaching people how to watch football on , their computer right not selling , anything just giving stuff away and I'm , going to teach you that as well we have , video one where I set up the site and , again all live video to where I set up , the little football logos video where , I show you live where I'm making money , log into my account so that you can see , me making money and then of course we , have a bonus webinar that answers all , your questions so guys you can see that , this is absolutely awesome and you need , to get your copy of this and it's free , so go ahead and put your name and email , in the box download the software install , it put your coat in and start using it , for the next seven days and make , yourself a blog and get yourself some , profit alright thanks again go ahead and , put your name and email in I'll see you , in the download in the videos and we'll , make money online together  

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