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Kans on my fellow freedom fighters , today we're going to go over the top , three things on how to make an extra , $W a day even if you were broke but , before you begin make sure you subscribe , to hit on the notification bell so you , get notified whenever drop these now , runs but for now we're going to go over , number one of the three different way so , let's go to the computer hmm , and as you can see one of the first ways , to do is actually go one bay now this , method right here is if you are super , broke I mean like you cannot even afford , ram en noodles broke so it's perfect for , those people that literally have no , money in their bank account so basically , what it is is what we're going to do , we're going to find a demand on eBay and , we're going Togo find the supplier and , once we find this flower all we do is we , connect the buyer with the supplies , that'sit there's no products there's , nothing you have to worry about all you , have to do is find the demand and supply , it so what we're going to do is we could , go up inhere and Luis type in something , as simple say like a bankbook on , eBay now there's the craziest thing , that'seagoing to happen eBay oh and don't , mind the fact that it says Thai Baht I'm , in Thailand right now by the way this , works in the US or anywhere else in the , world what even is going to do is , they're going to tell you all the things , that have been sold so if you look at , all of these you'll see that all of , these product shave been sold and even , though it seems like oh my god people , already making money that is good , because if there'competition , that means there's money to be made and , that there's money be made that means , you can do it as well so let's go and , pick this one since have been sold as , you can see it's W USD right here and , W to have insults so all we have to do , is go to the image right here you can , click on this right here and then search , Google for this image now what can , happen is Google is going to find , everything on Google that actually has , this image because the thing about drop , shipping on eBay's the fact that people , don't use their own images they use the , suppliers image and look at this we , found it right here now if this supplier , is Walmart and as you can see it's one , hundred and fifty nine dollars so you , look at this songbird was sold for , two hundred and thirteen dollars fifty , two of them sold and you could get it at , Walmart for literally one hundred and , fifty nine dollar snow if you can see , they literally use , the exact same images as the supplier , and if you can look at here look at this , it's literally the exact same images and , I bet if we go down to the description , for 5,W pounds seven eight , with W.diameter six three height , bet if we go here into two more about , this it emit's literally going to say , the exact same thing okay guys so that's , one of the first ways to do this the , biggest thing for this um way on how to , make $W without any money and as you , can see this dozen't cost any money it's , free to have Arneb account because all , Igor to do is go one bay find something , that's already selling moving this we , found one that'selling all you got to , do is search Google Images and then find , the supply now the next thing you do is , all you have to do is go over here and , then you create an even account and you , literally just create the exact same , listing now the cool thing about eBay , Visa this is the pros with this entire , content okay the number one Pro is that , you don'thieve to worry about traffic , you don'thieve to spend money on , Facebook ads you don't have to spend on , Google ads you literally don'thieve to , spend any money because you are , leveraging the power of eBay there are , millions of people that are searching , for product son eBay every single day , and the reason because this works and , why they're not gonna go to Walmart is , because customers are lazy man when , people goon the internet they don't , price shop a lot of people when they go , to eBay your biggest goal is to buy so , what you want to do is instead of making , a complicated all you got to do is go , where the customers are see exactly what , they're looking for by seeing what is , actually being purchased and go to the , supplier and literally put that in front , of the person now once you do that you , can literally repeat this process , multiple times you get more products , that are winning and you scale from that , so those are all the positives but the , negatives are the fact that you don't , own your own traffic since this is so , easy to do , anyone can literally come in and do this , exact same thing because there's such a , low barrier of entry so even though it's , going to be really easy to get to W , dollars in a single day the hard part is , worrying about the competitors and if , you don't want to worry about the , competitors that leads us tithe second , way on how to make $W a day easy if , you don't have any money and that's , through Facebook so if we go back on the , screen , and as you can see we're here on my , Facebook screen all you Giotto do is , type in some type of niche with some , type of product now what your what is , the niche you're probably asking a niche , is a group of passionate people that , love particular subject right now use , to simply belong to nice it could be , playing sports , it could be knitting it could be , learning how to play basketball it could , be your favorite hockey team your , favorite football team your favorite , basketball team you belong to a group of , individuals that the idea of it is so , ingrained in their identity that they're , willing to buy products for it for , example someone going out of their way , towards someone else's name on Jersey , like for example Michael Jordan because , they are so in tune with the Bulls or , the basketball team that they want to , buy products to wear it now that's the , same thing with a bunch of different , niece's out there online one of them is , fishing OK so what we could do is go on , Facebook and look at fishing necklace , and as you can see right here there's , all of these different types of fishing , necklaces that people are selling now , it's so final with a bunch of likes and , a lot of comments and people are really , showing that they're buying all you got , to do is click on it and what you find , out is they're sending you to restore a , Spiffy store right so if I click on , this right here it sends you directly to , a Spiffy store now the cool thing about , this unlike eBay is while eBay controls , the traffic now it's a lot harder for , competitors to take your products , because now you actually took one level , step ahead and you're willing to put in , the work to separate you from your , competitors for example an eBay everyone , can literally sell on eBay anyone and , their moms and grandmas there's no , prevention from stopping weak minded , entrepreneurs or lazy people from trying , to make money and the good news about , that is it's easy to make your first , dollar but the hard news is it's really , difficult to keep the consistency of the , hundred dollars day but with this see , this person royal choices calm what and , they just made a sale right now they , went out of the way the Critters Spiffy , store now if you wanna learn how to make , more about Spiffy stores you can look , at the link in the description but as , you can see right here you know all they , have is this phishing necklace so all we , ha veto do is literally the exact same , thing we could go over here and then we , could do search Google for image and , once it come sup this is , one thing that you really need to add , and it'll really help you out all you , got to do is go in there except in , Aliexpressbecause it really directs , Google okay where do I actually want to , find this look at this we found the , exact same supplier on Google for a lot , cheaper than what they're selling so if , we scroll down look at this six hundred , order shave already been mad eat around , two dollars apiece , okay now this person right here is , selling it for around $W.W and I bet , you they did'tavern include shipping so , the cool thing about having your own , Spiffy store as opposed to selling on , eBay is although they got another sale , right here um you could actually charge , on shipping even though you're not , technically the one shipping it so what , you do in this concept is you run , Facebook ads just like this person did , he's running Facebook Ads through this , image so that people could comment could , share to talk to their friends and tell , their friends telling people that they , wanted to look at this right here in , black we need these and people actually , commenting which is insane and literally , people are buying these things so the , moment people buy from doing Facebook , ads and like said looking at description , those resource show to do this with , Shopfitter next thing you want to do , once you actually make a sale is all you , Giotto do is come over here find the , product that does really well but you , could ship this to anywhere in the world , make sure you choose a packet though , packet will help them get your product , tithe US a lot faster giving your , customers a lot better of an experience , and now look at that two dollars to ship , this out and two dollars to actually buy , the product so the entire cost for you , is four dollars guess what this person , who'selling this at$W.W he's , probably going to add on an extra three , dollars for shipping right to cover the , a packet delivery so now if you do the , math that's more than twelve dollars , profit twelve dollars profit all you got , to do sell ten of these a day and you're , at$W profit day now this is amazing , okay because before when you were on , eBay you're competing against every , single person that could look at this , YouTube video that listened to my , knowledge and that could easily just , make money from that and the hardest , thing about that is that it's so easy , anyone can do that there's no barrier of , entry so it's harder for you to stay , consistent move the Shopfitter you , create your Shopfitter you sell price , through there , a lot of people are lazy they don't want , to do it even though it'serially fracking , easy to create shopping list or , yourself stuff from Ali express and the , moment something is bought all you do , next is you take that Ali express , shipping or you take that shipping , address that they give you from your , shop by order and you order it on , Ali express you go on here you add to , cart and when Spiffy gives you an order , what you do is you put that name that , address that phone number all the , information that they gave you in , Taillight stress and guess what , Expresses going to ship the product , out for you , meaning all you got to do is you got to , go in there and go into your back office , in Ali express which is all free and you , take the tracking information and you , put it in your shop by accounts and it , unlike get sent to your customer and the , entire time you spent zero dollars you , took the money that your customer paid , you and use that money to buy it from , Ali express this is the power of drop , shipping now the coolest thing about , this entire thing is anyone can do this , and the fact that it takes that extra , step of setting up a Facebook page , setting up Facebook account setting up , a Spiffy account lot of people are , too lazy to get into that which leaves , more money for you now the third way , that you want to get into once you're , actually really good with this and you , understand niches and you understand , that oh my god there'SOS much money to , be made I can do this the third level to , do this once you have a little bit more , money is on Instagram and the exact same , thing Ali express now the difference , between Facebook and Instagram is the , thing with Facebook when you create ads , it's as simple as testing like five , dollar ad budget and I have a bunch of , other YouTube video son my channel make , sure you check them out to show you , exactly how I actually set it upright , it's only$5 and you literally just , target interest from people that like , certain page sand the cool thing about , that is you could scale pretty , efficiently right you could get Tao , hundred dollars a day but if you want to , make more money fast you ha veto be , willing to spend more money upfront so , how you do that is through Instagram , influence rs so if you look over here , there you and as you can see we'Reno my , Instagram which you should technically , follow by the way to get some travel in , snow entrepreneurship whatever what we , could do is a typical example of this , thing called go case now for those teams , that don'TKO go case they started off , with , job tripping model before they actually , got into you know wholesale right they , tested the waters out to see if this , business was actually viable so this is , exactly what they did longtime ago , what this person did the founder go case , was just drop shipping from Ali express , he was testing all the different , products because when you start of fin , business you don't want to go to , Expressed buy thousands of products , when you don't even know what's selling , the reason why people troopships to , test an idea to validate an idea and if , the marketplace shows that people want , to buy then guess what that's when you , invest in the inventory so what this , person did a longtime ago she said hey , Want to sell some phone cases but , instead of going and buying it in bulk , like what most Amazon see nu's do he , literally tested the concept it's called , proof of concept and getting a minimal , Viable Product an MVP the minimum amount , you could do to see if the marketplace , will actually respond positively to so , what he did is he created an Instagram , account and it was like a long time ago , as you can see literally all of these , people are promoting this phone that , sticks on the mirror so all we Giotto do , is go on Expressed type in phone , case it looks like anti-gravity right , because it's literally in the fracking , air Id on't know how they did it but , heck it's possible so here it is it is , $1.W in $0.W they have it for the , seventh plus we could scroll down at , more of the images it's probably going , to show some really cool ones there's a , demonstration for it let's look at other , cool pictures let's see if one actually , has one here's one an anti gravity case , so as you can see right here yeah it's , literally on the mirror it's the exact , same thing as disco case but where these , people let's actually look at the price , of this product coke overcome go over , here and it's W.without the cost of , shipping so what this person did let's , check this out is they created an , Instagram account just like this , specifically for this product okay and , before they had the W followers they , something nothing to me , my bad W followers they started , off with just a couple could be the , friends could be their families we , started building their brand so what , they did is they created this , and instead of trying to you know , hashtag their way to success in due to , organically what they did is they looked , at where people were congregating on , Instagram and instead of just waiting , they went up to those people they said , hey if I let you get this free product , or if I give you hundred dollars or , fifty dollars for an hour can you post , my product on your Instagram page okay , because the thing about your niche about , your target demographic is with Facebook , you have to go out there and find them , right bu tin Instagram they're , congregating and they'rehanging out on , certain pages on Instagram or you to , literally sell you stuff so for example , say you have a phone case so we designed , for cats right all you ha veto do go on , Instagram right here and let's type in , cat sand all we do is cats of world look , at that checkout all of those different , stuff they're not even selling anything , but these are where all the cat lovers , go right so think about this when , everyone that you know loves cats , hanging out on this Instagram page , having thousands of followers following , zero like thousands of views per these , videos all you got to do is go to , Ali express say find cat phone case , create an Instagram account Swiss will , be selling you look at these cute cat , stuff right I mean you know look at this , four hundred people have already ordered , this so this shows that it'something , that people want and all you got to do , create an Instagram page just like how , on the go case did reach out to this , person on their email and say hey I love , what you do you give them compliment , and from there you say I want to see if , there's something that we could , literally work together with okay you , you want to see how much they cost for , shutout that's what it is in the , Instagram term the shout-out is when you , give them a picture giving them the , product and they shout you out for an , hour or a day or depending if you bu yin , multiple days or through a bundle , they're going to give you a discount and , what's going to happen is instead of , finding the people like you did on , Facebook these people that like these , page will automatically see your product , now the thing about business right is , putting your product in front of people , that already want your product it's not , too , people not motivating people to buy , absolutely finding people that want , something in finding what it is they , want and putting it in front of their , eyes and then they're going to buy so , think about this imagine if you out of , product and you put it in front of , thousands of people within couple , seconds do you think you get couple of , sales especially if it'slake this phone , case in is ten and twenty dollars profit , per item all you ha veto do is sell ten , or five and you're At dollars day , guys so hopefully this helps really , definitely recommend this because if you , were YouTube channel right here you , one of the guys that actually was really , successful with this if you look at this , interview to$1,W a day on Spiffy , in under W days someone actually , implemented this and got up to$1,W a , days so so that's the coolest thing now , the Instagram way it'seagoing to take , some money because you're literally , buying the traffic automatically from , influences that already own your , niece your audience with you that you , want to sell to so what you need to do , and you need to slowly build your way up , there okay you start on eBay maybe make , couple of dollars instead of blowing , it on dumb stock literally save it then , you go to Spiffy and from shop buy you , make some sales then you go here so , hopefully that helps if you like this , don'forget to comment like and , subscribe and hi ton a notification bell , and if you want the free financial , freedom resources make sure you check , the link below and I'll see you guys on , the next one see you later guys