Google Keyword Planner Tutorial Video


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okay soap hello and welcome my name is , Marcus of course because I do the , webinars her eat affiliate marketing , dude and if you can hear me okay please , let me know what we're gonna do today is , we're going to talk all about niche , finding search intent keyword tools and , profitable niche market snow part of , this webinar is going to be addressing , the change that happened on the Google , Ad Words tool alright a lot of you guys , might have noticed that when going into , the Google Ad Words tool right like this , when you go into the Google Ad words , Keyword planner what they did is let me , just get this screen going for you what , they did when you go into the Google , Ad words Keyword planner is you'll notice , when we go in and type in a word let's , say we use spreadsheet or something like , that , what happened was Google actually , changed and instead of having an exact , result like you know W and , results or W and monthly searches , what they did is they actually gave you , a range so it's like between hundred , thousand and one million free , spreadsheet is between a thousand and , ten thousand and you know on an don we , go this is between hundred and a , thousand so it's not exactly giving us a , exact amount now while this is kind of , mildly annoying it's not Adela-breaker , you could still use the Google Keyword , too lit still works just fine but you're , not getting the exact amount so I don't , know if I'm competing for a hundred , searches or W + or searches or , nine something like that right I don't , know the exact amount so that is one of , the things that some people have noticed , if you'noticed that type something in , the box a yeah I noticed that and maybe , maybe put your your take on it like I , don't like it you could put a happy face , if you liked it or a sad face if you , don't like it in the box that way I kind , of know where we're at and some people , are saying it's a pain I'm getting a , couple of sad faces and things like that , and what we want to do in this call is , not only show you how to find niches and , how to use your keyword tools but also , show you a new tool that'vie come out , with you now , I'vie noticed over the last years and , years of teaching you guy shave known , I'vie been doing this business for , years I'vie been teaching this business , for Little under eight years and you , know there's changes sometimes things , happen and Icon a lot of people freak , out about whatever Google does or , whatever Facebook does or whatever and , the moral of the story that'vie learned , over the last W year sis that marketing , dozen'change so the core principle of , marketing dozen'change okay things , might come things might go but the core , principle of what we'redoing is always , the same now with that in mind noticed , that there are some changes and things , like that now me being a marketer , someone who knows this business someone , who's done this awhile , I know workarounds right like I knew the , minute that Google Edwards's down and , they changed this was like okay well , if I want to get this result could go , somewhere else now fortunately for me , that's something I can do I'Webern , doing this a while I know how to work , around for some of my students who are , new and struggle and things like that , they might not know how to do that so , what did is I actually created as you , can see here keyword sniffer it's a site , I started year sago luckily even though , Left the domain lapse no one bought it , so I was able to re buy it again for ten , bucks which is pretty cool right and so , what Id id is I actually set up the site , keyword sniffer com you can go there it , looks like this okay so that you can , always get the results you want so what , I would recommend is that everyone go to , keyword sniffer comm right NOW will , put a link in your chat box so that you , can get there directly , okay go there no wand just right click , and you can you can make a bookmark or , something like that Think if you're in , Google Chrome you could just you know go , bookmark bookmark this page okay very , simple now I'm gonna come out with a , Google a Google button for this like our , affiliate marketing dude button which , actually Think if I did it right it , should link to it now okay not yet but , we are working on that so later today , that will work for you but it's gonna , link to this new tool and what this tool , does is it makes it really really easy , for you right so there's certain things , that I do when Search the web there's , certain tools I use and certain things , like that and what I did as I use the , keyword sniffer tool so obviously , bookmark it if you'vie bookmarked it put , a bookmark in the box or if you pl anon , it put that in the box so that we know , as well but what I did is I made this , very simple and very easy for you to use , you see all you do is you come here and , if you're gonna use your trigger words , or if you have niche in mind you could , put that in there so like where we were , using spreadsheet okay if Use that as , my trigger word , I can go to keyword sniffer ac com I can , Putin spreadsheet and I can hit go okay , now you're gonna notice it comes up with , a nice little chart comes up with all , kinds of things does everyone see this , if you see it type see it in the box , okay coo land well what kind of give you , Little guide rundown of how this works , once I know that everyone see sit , okay good we're looking good everyone , sees it okay so now once Type in , spreadsheet what I have is all kinds of , results and this makes it super easy for , you right like if I want to look up , affiliate programs boom I go here it , searches my site sees if there's any , affiliate programs on this one there's , nothing available but you know if you , did like diet you're gonna see there , probably is something available for diet , there's actually quite a few so see the , affiliate program stuff like that , pretty neat alright we also have the , Google search tool which just does a , Gregg Euler google search so you could , see what show sup for the result all , right we also have and'm going to try , to close these because it'll get really , really big and kind of hard to follow , you could do Yahoo searching search , which is the same thing it's just going , to a different search engine and showing , you the results so you could see the , paid results the free results and , everything like that we also have a , Google competition okay what this does , is it actually isolates the keyword so , you can see in quotes what the exact , results are okay pretty cool , and you're gonna want to use this over , and over and everything like that it , also gives you the pay-per-click , competition it'll give you a little , rundown of the pay-per-click competition , like this okay gives you a nice little , chart everything like that okay pretty , cool okay also we have the Google Trends , shows you Google Trends for the keyword , shows you all the different results and , things like this okay and if you think , this is pretty cool type cool in the Box , Worked kind of hard making it for you , but I want you guys to have some good , stuff to use all right we also have a , domain name if you want to look for a , domain name it'll actually go there and , do domain names based on your keyword , and things like that really really cool , really easy okay we also have searching , offer vault for affiliate programs as , well okay does that for you and we also , haveClickbank it'll search Click bank , affiliate offers also has resell rights , right it'll show you the resell rights , that are available for your spreadsheet , and things like that or for your , it's rather shows you the video , competition okay this is actually gonna , search YouTube and show you how many , videos show up okay and it also shows , yups for your market , okay so spreadsheet PDF and lastly it , shows you documents alright that's a lot , all right how many of you guys are like , okay yeah that's alto that's pretty , cool Alike it now what does this have , to do with the change in the Google tool , well what I did this morning is I , actually added this click to research , right so it's gonna show you your , keyword here if I type in spreadsheet or , spreadsheet whatever any keyword or any , niche or trigger word right all I have , to do is click on spreadsheet here or , click on click to research and it's , gonna take me to this thing and it's , gonna do its little work alright and , it's gonna take you to the results so , now I can actually see that it's W,W , rather than seeing Google'yeah yeah , you know it's between this and this okay , so it'actually gonna give you a , realistic number of what we're dealing , with okay does everyone see how that , works and gives you like a little chart , and shows you all these things and stuff , like this now this is a this is a , keyword tool that we are in affiliate , so if you later decide to upgrade or , whatever you can do that up until then , you can use the the free version of it , but it's gonna give you the result sit's , gonna show you what'seagoing on and it , tie sin to our keyword program really , really nicely okay everyone like if , Francis says this is magi call right , pretty cool all right so we solved that , problem for you and the idea is if you , ever need to use this you could go to , keyword sniffer comm and you can use , that whenever you want you can also use , that via our tool bars and things like , that if you want to get a link to our , chrome toolbar think I can find that , for you guys , are you guys interested in that if you , are let me know and I'll put the link , it's a big ugly link but I'll see if I , can find it for you , okay let me see if I can find this for , you and we'll put that in the box okay , cool it's gonna look like this so make , sure when you're ready to use this you , actually go in Google Chrome to use it , so I'm going to put that in the box here , let me know if you get that you can , utilize that and later today once we get , this all programmed and dialed in this , power search box will actually link to , the keyword sniffer with your keyword so , it'll do all the work for you okay so , we're trying to make it as easy as , possible for you to just do the stuff , that like makes money which is why you , guys are herein the first place right , all right cool everyone get that to get , it or got it or yes or whatever when you , get that link now for those of you who , are not simple sites big profits , students you can go to simple sites , bonus com if you like this little tool , we have all kinds of tools like this for , you in the software so not only do we , teach you how to do this stuff but we , also give you tool sand everything as , Welland you can go to simple sites , bonus com you can get that software sign , up for it you get days of support and , coaching you get tips and tools on how , to make money how to get accepted to the , affiliate networks and everything like , that and what we're gonna do is we're , actually going to utilize these tools , and utilize the affiliate marketing dude , software you can see this is the , software right here think if I , minimize this I think that's all you , guys can see right can you guys see the , software now , okay cool so this is what the simple , sights big profit software looks like , now you can go you can get the the basic , version of this we always make basic , versions of our stuff for free so that , you can check it out and everything like , that and you can see there's lots of , cool tool snow once you become simple , sites big profits member you're gonna be , able to follow along with this webinar , very closely because you'll be able to , log in here and you can see all of your , subscriptions and everything like that , we're gonna go into simple sites big , profits W and we're gonna go into the , niche finding now you'll notice that , simple sites big profit's W so , mouthful if there ever was right it's , got all the stuff it's very easy Togo , through it's got little icons follow , along right I worked really really , really hard on this this year to make it , to where it's seamless and you just go , through it you start here first you go , tithe star there right it's got the , little tools here that you can follow , along wit hit's very very very easy to , go through mean it's even like I check , it out you know get your domain you got , a minute to do that or two minutes or , whatever it was I don't know exactly , what I gave you um but you can pause it , right you're not on like a deadline but , it'll show you how to do that as well , and as you go through it's gonna just , take you through everything it's got the , little boxes it's got the little plugins , the toolsWordPress training all kinds , of Word Press training here for those , that have never setup Word Press , everything right super super super easy , to go through and at any time if you , ever want to just go back to the main , desktop you just click the icon here and , boom you're back tithe bank main , desktop now what we're gonna be doing , today in this webinar is we're gonna be , going over Mitch finding okay so you're , going to be in your niche finding tab , now you'll notice that for those of you , who are in simple sites we actually went , ahead and upgraded Otto take you into , the keyword tools that are new right it , takes you right into there when you do , the search everything right so it's , really really easy to go through now , what you're going to notice also for , those of you who are , simple sites students if you're not at , anytime in this webinar you can go to , simple sites bonus com you'll get the , software it's an instant download it'll , unlock all the tools and webinars and , bonuses and everything for you so if you , like that if you like these kind of , tools go to simple sites bonus com sign , upright now and you'll get that as well , and that's what we'reworking on today , so you can see how it works right so , what we are doing now is we are looking , at the niche finding welcome video now , this niche finding welcome video is , going to show you how my trigger word , method work snow a lot of people come to , me and they say Marcus what is your big , secret to finding niche market because , when I go to the Google tool or even , your fancy keyword tool right and I go , somewhere like the Google tool and I , type in something like refinance right , or weight loss or mortgage what get is , Get lots of competition right how many , of you guys are struggling because every , niche market seems competitive right it , seems like it'just off the chart , too many advertisers there's nowhere for , the little guy to get involved right how , many of you guys feel that way type it , in the box if you feel overwhelmed and , just like there's nothing left okay and , you'll notice just like this example , here right you're gonna notice hey check , it out this high competition twenty , eight dollars a click right what that , means is that if you go to Google and , you type in refinance that means that , these guys here Quicken Loans Lending , Tree consumers and guaranteed rate these , guys are paying like twenty eight , sometimes thirty sometimes as much as , forty or fifty dollars per click right , what that means is that if Click on , this ad that guy just paid fifty bucks , now I might not buy anything might not , sign up for anything I might do , absolutely nothing but that guy still , paid fifty dollars now if you have W , bucks to spend for every visitor that , comes to your site take W in the box , CZ I mean you get hundred visitors a , day that's that's a lot of money right , it'slake five thousand bucks a day or , something like that for just a hundred , visitors might be five thousand did I do , my number right right that'Sally that's , crazy that's insane , now what happens is most people do this , most people go and they say well I know , that there's money in the refinance , market I know there's money in weight , loss I know there's money in lots of , things right there's money everywhere , but there's also alto of competition , everywhere okay so we look at this and , we say well you know what's the way to , get involved what's the way to get in , there and make money without dealing , with this competition what's the secret , well the secret you're gonna find out in , simple sites big profits okay and simple , sites big profits if you don't have it , again go to simple sites bonus com you , like my videos you like my webinars stop , messing around go get the software it's , worth it you know it Isuzu my stuff is , always wort hit right we work hard on , making this good for you so what you're , gonna notice here you can go to simple , sites bonus com for that but what you'll , notice is that when you're on the , trigger word list what I do is I teach , you to go to your keyword tool without a , preconceived market in mind so instead , of going here and type in in weight loss , or mortgage or refinance or you know , download whatever or something like that , what I do is It each you to go around , the beaten pathos rather than typing in , these words that are tied to market so , what we do is we use our trigger words , now there's a little trigger word list , here that is in your simple site so we , have a bigger one in your members area , as well okay so you can see those but , what this does is it gives you a kind of , like a jogger it's like a keyword jogger , for a marketer who dozen't know whereto , start right how many of you guys are , marketers but you don't know where to , start you say Marcus don't know what , to market I don'TKO what affiliate , program I meanie can guess , I know mortgage has money I know you , know cable TV has money I know this , stuff has money but I don't really know , where to start I'm kind of , here and there'competition and there's , junk and there's all this stuff I need , to know where to start , now what these trigger words do is they , show you whereto start right so instead , of going and typing in refinance or , something what we're gonna do is we're , gonna type in one of these words right I , could type in repair remove reduce , whatever right if I go in here and I say , remove okay and I go to my Google , Keyword tool or I use my my what do you , call it buy search tool at keyword , sniffer com right I can type in a word , like remove alright and what this words , gonna do you'll see in the Google , Keyword tool is it's going to isolate , the word remove okay we can also go in , and even isolate it more by turning this , on right only show results related to my , search terms , okay what'gonna do is gonna tell me , what people want to remove now by nature , you might have heard about buyer , keywords or money keywords or whatever , how many of you guy shave heard about , buyer keywords type buyer in the box , okay now the whole idea between behind , buyer keyword sis someone who wants to , buy something okay so a buyer keyword , would be something like prices okay so , if you type in something like prices or , buy or something like that okay what , would happen is you would get people who , are looking to buy because you only type , in buy or price or coupon if you're , looking to buy something right does , everyone follow but that's what we call , search intent their intent is to buy now , a lot of marketers say that you need , buyer keywords because obviously those , people want to buy and when I sell stuff , I get paid but what you're gonna notice , is it is competitive right so if I do , something like cable TV service or , whatever okay it's gonna be very , competitive now if I do something like , remove a very similar thing happens now , I know something about my market right , what do I know about them type it in the , box of you if you could guess what I , know about someone who types in remove , okay what would you guess based on that , okay like Robert says they want to , remove something right so they got , something they want to remove all right , and we can see what they want so we have , like remove tools or remove HTML remove , web virus and remove HTTP HTML remove , remove dictionary and all different , kinds of words we can even go by monthly , searches and get the ones that get a lot , of searches okay and let's turn this on , here it looks like it is hope we did by , let's get removed back in there , okay so if we have this one we have , removed this remove that and on an don , we go so there's a lot of people looking , to remove certain things now what I like , to do is I like to use these trigger , words because I can always find a niche , market right I can always go in Icahn , always find them anything right like if , I was to type in something like out of , market okay I can see what people type , in for out of market now I notice here , we have like out of market games okay so , this guy once like an out of market game , this guy wants priced out of the market , what's an out of market game and on and , on an don we what does out of market , games mean okay does anyone see where , I'm going with this okay where would , go with this like how would you make , money on someone who types in out of , market game okay and you'll notice that , out of market game low competition , mean like literally this is just pennies , on the dollar so I got like a thousand , people every month searching for out of , market games and out of market would be , the trigger word in this okay so no , advertisers you got Yahoo WikipediaMLB , and on and on we go okay how to watch , NFL games out of market etc okay now , does anyone see what's going inhere , okay if you don'see it's a lost or , don't see but if you do see it and , you're gonna see Ito'm gonna show you a , way to make a lot of money on this okay , okay good , Francis hit the nail on the head Tom's , pretty close tom said hey there's some , no there's no ads here that's pretty , cool , all right pretty cool also out of market , games might be good on quotes let's see , what the exact match is W,W that's , not too bad okay so now we have no ads , this would be a good market if there was , something to sell right type sell you're , like yeah this would be good but I don't , know what to sell these people what I'm , gonna sell'm a seat to a game or or , what what do I do well here'st he deal , what I did is Id id a little bit of , research because my wife likes football , and as you guys know we moved from , Northern California to Central Florida , which is pretty fa rand when you move , that far your favorite tomatoes't move , with you like I had I don'think I have , enough money to pay the E's to come , play here right I don'think so but , what happens is you get alto of people , that want to watch games , that's called an out of market game we , can'twat ch it because here we get you , know the Panthers and the cheaters and , all the people down here okay , Miami stuff like that right so what , happens is these people are looking to , see these out of market games now one of , the things I did with research which , anyone can do research right if you , don't think you can do research you're , probably on the wrong webinar if you , think you can do research type research , in the box , hey cool yeah you do research you're , like okay if I don'TKO what this is I , would do research on now doing the , research I found out that there's , several different solutions okay a lot , of those solutions ha veto do with cable , TV providers right so while out of , market and out of market games and , things like that okay , our low competition things like cable TV , service are very very competitive and , very very expensive right thirty bucks a , click thirteen dollars a clicked ceders , so what this mean sis that these people , who have these companies haven't figured , out how to utilize their ability to sell , these games right so what we can do is , we can direct them to a site we could , putrescence on it we could put various , different offers on it for you know , Directive or cable or whatever and we can , make money okay how many of you guys are , following me on a scale of one to ten , ten being you totally know what's going , on this is wonderful and one being what , are you talking about Id on't know , anything about these internet things , okay , okay good now the same thing works for , any trigger word all you ha veto do is , be willing to do the research lot of , people arena'twirling to do the research , so we get paid a lot of money to do this , research okay and the way we get paid is , by building our site and directing , people to the offers that make sense , right here we have like cheap cable TV , you could do satellite I think I spelled , it wrong let's see here satellite TV , okay and just to give you an idea of how , this works because we wanted to watch , those games we actually signed up for a , pretty expensive service and we're , locked into some contract and things , like that and someone made money off of , that so what started as a search for how , to watch these out-of-market games ended , up in transaction where someone would , get paid alto of money okay does , everyone see how that work snow another , thing that's really cool about using the , trigger word method is the fact that the , content literally writes itself right so , as opposed to going for something like , lose weigh tor I have to figure out what , kind of content to write who I'm writing , to you know CZ you have broad , audience it could be a guy like me who , wants to lose five pound sand it could , be someone who wants to lose W pounds , I don't know but in this market know , exactly what they want they want a , solution to this problem just like the , people typing and remove want a solution , to the problem of having something they , want to remove okay very very simple now , when you use your simple site software , like this and you use these trigger , words with all these cool tools that , we'vie made for you it makes it super , super easy right we could go in here and , we can do listings right what kind of , listings do people want again you open , up your keyword tool you type in the , word listing shit go research it does , it's a little magic here , and now we could see all the things that , are related to listings and you could go , in and you could do all kinds of , different things like this , and set filters and stuff as well let's , go back back here right and it'gonna , show you what kind of listings people , have and what kind of listings people , want now this is best used alongside the , Google Keyword tool because even though , Google stopped showing the exact results , we can actually use this like this and , type the listings okay and we could use , this to our advantage so we can see here , this Haas lot of searches we can go in , and type animals listing sin our tool , here like this okay there we go okay so , now we'vie got MLS listings and we could , see the amount of searches that are that , are going on okay so everyone followed , along , Lisa yes that's the free version that it , goes to when you use it I think if you , upgrade it's only like bucksaw month , I tried to find the cheapest one , possible for you guys but you know W , bucks is nothing that's like W cents , day or W cents day or something like , that , everyone's got W cents a day so I mean , you just you just use it right so when , you go in here you can see the listings , people want you can go in use other , trigger words as well like naturally , lessons estimator estimate is a good one , because it tells you what people want to , estimate all right like estimate taxes , estimate whatever okay your estimate , calculator estimate rough estimate what , is estimate mean social security , estimate so this guy like it's low , competition you know that they want to , estimate their social security benefits , right why would someone want to do that , I want to Want to see if you guy scan , start to think the way that think , right why would someone want to DOA , social security estimate okay maybe , they're retiring what else looking to , retire okay maybe looking how much money , they're gonna retire with how much they , need to retire right now has anyone seen , the commercial on TV that talks about , how much money you need to retire how , many guys have seen that he like goes , and he knocks down these big things and , they all fall and he's like what do you , need and they all write down how much , they think they need and stuff like that , how many of you guys have seen that type , commercial if you'vie seen it or better , yet how many of you guys have seen any , commercial about retirement type in , retirement if you'vie seen any commercial , about retirement okay cool , now let me ask you do you think that , guy's paying lot of money for that , commercial or a little money lots of , money how many of you guys think that , you could probably retire if they , stopped airing that commercial and just , sent you the money and , that and think any of us could write , pretty cool so what I want you to , realize is that budget is out there , right there they're paying that already , and when you look at this Social , Security estimate right and you go and , you do something like retirement okay , you're gonna see not only that there's , errors because Google likes to be a pain , in the neck today but it's all cool we , love Google Google we will not speak bad , of you you are wonderful , all right and I will type in retirement , like this and you'll see that the , competition is now high competition , right retirement calculator hi W-a to , click retirement planner nine dollars , a click now as an Ad sense publisher just , by having ads on your site if people , click them you're gonna get a portion of , this amount right so you're going to get , a portion of whatever the advertisers , are paying for the word retirement okay , so now social security estimator is a , great backdoor into this market how many , of you guys see that kind of make sure , that you guys are crystal clear and you , see how that works right now how many of , you guys think that that is a better , target than just advertising a , commercial every time you know America's , funny videos are judge duty is on , right of course Otis that's why they're , willing to pay that amount if they had , to pay$9 for every person who was , watching the show they advertised on it , be insane but they know that with your , traffic it's gonna be a lot more , valuable okay bill says I don'see much , profit with a maximum of W,W per , month for that keyword even if everyone , bought from you well if you take the ten , thousand a month watch this so let's say , we take ten thousand a month all right , now it'actually more than that but , we're gonna take ten thousand a month , okay we're gonna take that ten thousand , a month and we're gonna say that we get , ten percent of them to come to our site , so let's say we got,W people to come , to our site that's pretty pretty low , estimate okay so if we get a thousand of , those to our site and let's say instead , of nine bucks a person let's say we're , making yeah let's say we're making$1 a , person okay if we can average just , dollar a person that's a thousand bucks , a month now of course there's a lot of , different things we're gonna do we're , gonna talk about building lists we're , gonna talk about sewing products we're , gonna talk about generating leads we're , going to talk about all kinds of things , rightsize some of these offers here like , if you go to offer vault okay and you , have something like let's say retirement , all right like this okay and let's say , we have something like a structured , settlement let's say we have something , let's try financial planning okay , so already we already found a way to , pretty much skate into $1,W a month , income how many you guys are like hey , that's kind of cool right I mean not a , whole lot of work I'm just putting , Ad sense on there I mean come on that's , not that difficult at all in fact type , it in the box if you're like yeah you , know that'pretty cool , now we also have other stuff like , different lenders reverse mortgage right , retired people love reverse mortgages , okay reverse mortgage look at this , boom now you're seeing this and you're , like okay well we're making little bit , of money we're doing cool now reverse , mortgage just bump that up to$W a , click okay now Bill just got alight , bulb anyone else get a light bulb , all right somehow we got reverse , mortgage At's bucks a click so no wall , I ha veto do is start to build options , so my goal is to say hey you want a , retirement or social security estimator , just like I did here okay so like here , we got this keyword tool okay now why , would I create why would I go through , all this work to make this free tool , does anyone know anyone know it , realistically it probably took me three , hours total but at any rate why would I , go through three Orin would I waste , three hours of my time putting this , together okay for those that think it's , just because I like you yeah that'Sparta , of it right I like it okay , the reason the reason is because I know , who's gonna come here right like my , neighbors don'tog and look up Google , stuff unless they work online or want to , work online okay very cool right NOW , know that people looking up keywords are , gonna want all different kinds of things , they might want to rank for keywords , right if they want to rank for keywords , I could do search engine optimization , okay so if I have search engine , optimization watch this boom now we got , $W a click $W a click$9 a click etc , right very very simple now this is a , back door what we're talking about here , is , Bacardi's're talking about back doors , I don't want to go compete with those , guy son TV that have a lot more money , with then I do that are looking for , retirement that have retirement , companies that make tons of money when , they sell stuff because I just can't do , it but I can however go for other stuff , like I can't compete for search engine , optimization can't do it not gonna , happen I meanie go to Google'm like , well you know in Google if I type it in , there is W million result sand will , spell it right , W million results and I mean you're , talking search engine landmass Wikipedia , this guy who's been up there forever , search engine watch I'm not gonna , compete with these guys not even close , and if I wanted to be on the ads gotta , pay W bucksaw click so what are the , back door sand I want you to start to , think about different back doors in your , market an dhow to find them for example , a backdoor for this could be my keyword , tool okay I know the only reason people , look up keyword search volume is because , they want to market online now I got a , back Douro provide a cool tool you guys , all like the tool you say Wow Marcus , guy's really swell for making that tool , and then you're gonna go buy the stuff , watch the videos all kinds of things , right how many of you guys are getting , this you should be having all kinds of , light bulb moments if you're paying , attention okay cool , now that's the deal so in this example , you could use trigger words or you could , do what call the reverse method , okay the reverse method let's say you , want to go into something like search , engine optimization and you don't know , what to do you go there and you're like , okay well I Id on't know what to do but , I want a piece of this action right or I , want a piece of the action for , retire mentor maybe something like , epithelium or something expensive okay , what I could do is I could gonad type , in search engine optimization and I , could use what Call the glossary , method now this this ISS method'vie , been using for years remember it it , works like gold we're actually going to , put some of these videos , detailing how to do this stuff on , keyword sniffer comm for you so just , make sure you got that bookmarked we're , gonna get you the tool bar and , everything like that but what I do ISO , do search engine optimization glossary , okay boom like this I go to this or this , or whatever any term that they have okay , so we go here and we look for the , glossary now the glossary here is , actually going to show you all the , different glossary terms that we use now , I want to let you in on a little secret , okay the secret is that people search , things only because they want other , things okay they search because they , want a result they want something and , there'skittle groups of people that , search for certain things for example , how many of you guys know what pay per , click is if I said pay per click you , know what it means , type pay per click if you know what that , means okay now tomorrow when you go to , lunch want you to gonad ask random , people if they know what pay per click , is okay they'll probably be like the , things on your desk that you put on , paper no that's paperclip but a pay , per click is something we use to buy ads , right now how many of you guys are like , well yeah duh I mean I'vie been watching , your webinars for more than like , minutes so I know what pay per click is , now the only people who would type in or , want to learn about pay per click , marketing are people that are interested , in internet advertising now the same , thing happens with glossary right so I , know that most of these terms for SEO , are going to be people that are looking , to rank on search engines right like , anchor text no one cares about that , except people who want to rank on the , search engines does everyone follow tech , follow if you follow type lost if you're , lost , okay good everyone's following excellent , so all we Giotto do is go down the , glossary take these words and put them , into the Google planner or put them into , your keyword sniffer right so we go here , type in anchor text boom click to , research go here and we see that anchor , text is not that competitive and it's , got about,W searches per month and , cost per click is zero but we get this , for three cents all right now we know , that these people are interested in , search engine optimization this keyword , tool even tells you that right but , somewhere along the way people get , confused on how to link Baker text people , to search engine marketing or SEO , company okay you if you are following if , you're following are going to make money , by linking them together that's all , you'redoing that'SWAT a search engine , market or does they find out what people , look up they find out what they , ultimately want and they link them , together right so for me I built a , little keyword tool because I know , people like the keywords know the only , people who like the keywords are people , who want to make money online or market , something online or whatever okay same , kind of thing here now that's only one , word right so that'S's,W searches a , month one simple word we could go down , the list and keep doing the same exact , thing right so we could do like an , authority site what kind of people want , to know about authority sites okay let's , say hair paste it in he research , W a month not that much that'soak , domain authority all kinds of different , things right so there's another hundred , and forty a month easy right I could , probably NAB these in YouTube by simply , making a video explaining what an , authority site is and for those of you , who say Marcus well you know does this , really work yes it does I have YouTube , account and that'Sally I do I go down , the list and I explain what certain , things are rightwards site setup , overview Word Press leads how to use , Yahoo and Bright and it all add sup , over time and you can see on this one , channel we got like W,W view sand , these views are worth a lot of money , because they're tied to the words like , search engine optimization and lead , generation and pay-per-click marketing , and things like that and again you know , we'vie only done two words and we found , two thousand searches a month we can go , down for bounce rate you can go for , click-fraud contextual advertising , conversion rate cost per click mean , you could literally type all this stuff , in the box and see what people are doing , doorway pages boom there we page W not , that much but you will get more right , you're gonna get more we can also go for , let's see if I can find one gateway page , frames let's see what else we have , Google dance right that was a term , that's used quit ea bit when Google , looks at your pages and see if they , still look that one up Google dance like , 1 to,W a month that's pretty darn , good right we can go we can type it in , here as well or in this one OK Google , dance W searches a month to be more , exact we can do all kinds of different , things hyperlink inbound link back links , let's see one of my favorites here is , meta tags because meta tag I mean very , few how many of you guys know what a , meta tag is type meta tag , okay Lisa says is the number in the , pay-per-click column dollars or cents , it's both it'sf our dollars and forty , eight cents so watch where your decimal , point is okay all right there's only , like three people on this call that know , what a meta tag is okay meta tag is like , something people do something people , make for getting search engine rankings , okay so pretty cool so we go there and , we can type in meta tag and we got , hundred searches a month mean look at , that that's pretty crazy SO , searches a month you go here you type in , meta tags like this no competition on , the paid side there's probably YouTube , videos if there's not you can create , them I think one of my meta tag videos , has like thirty thousand views or , something maybe seventy thousand might , be more no wand it was simple little , eight-minute video I made like eight , years ago , so cool right so you do that and it's , like okay now I can link them to a , different market like search engine , optimization techniques which is what a , meta tag is and now I can get portion , of twelve dollars a click okay any , question son this so fa rand again for , those that do not have simple sites big , profits go to simple sites bonus com get , that now that's the software that's the , tools we're using that's what shows you , this whole process , all right any questions on that , okay we'll give you guys a couple , minutes for question sand for the rest , of you if you don'thieve simple sights , got a simple sights bonus comm get it , now , it'S's bucks it's gonna go to W to be , exact it's going to go up to W or W , when we come outwith the update for , which it's worth every penny at any , of those prices so you might as well get , in now and save a lot of money so simple , sights bonus comm you can sign up for it , okay since ed sorry was late already , have some sights of W can I get the , new tool yes if you have simple sights , W the tool is integrated into your , program already so you have to do is go , to the keyword tools and it'll take you , right there okay so Tammy says once you , once you get the ad whether you make a , YouTube video whether you buy an ad on , Ad words do you link them to a site yes , you make a site about the topic so my , site would be all about meta tags all , right I'd be like here'show to do the , meta tags here's how to do this here's , how to do that and you know I teach them , how to do that and then I link them to , other stuff so for this example all , right I have the keyword sniffer which I , can now advertise anywhere right I can , go on Facebook could be like hey are , you pissed off at Google go use this , tool right oh you do you want to get , exact results go use this tool okay does , that make sense to everyone how I , created this for that market okay then , all I Giotto do is put little videos , down here that say learn how to do , pay-per-click learn how to do this learn , how to do this get them to go to those , site sand now those sites are gonna show , ads sell products about the particular , topic okay so any questions what I'll do , is while you guys are signing up for , simple sites bonus com what I'll do is , I'll take some questions righto want , you guys to really understand how the , keywords work how everything work sand , everything like that okay I'll give you , guys couple of minutes for questions , it got really quiet out here , I all the squirrel snow there we go we , got our lightning everyone here that are , we able to give out or sell the keyword , sniffer no that is mine that's mine , you're able to use it you can pass it , along you can use your affiliate link if , you want can we link back to the sniffer , tool yes you can link to the sniffer , tool okay did we get our new office , started yes we signed the pa person it , Monday Think it was Tammy says so if I , buy a keyword gas then I find an , affiliate that matches.2 well like , let's say you used the word gas prices , okay now the word prices is one of our , trigger words we can do something like , gas prices okay now gas prices is gonna , be very non-competitive okay so when we , go here gas price is low competition low , competition okay we can probably get , this now Google says it'stow dollars , and W cents however I know we can get , it a lot cheaper because of the fact , that no one is advertising right no , one's advertising so what would we do , with this the question is is how do we , make money well what I could do is I , could think about ways people would save , money on gas right think about that type , it in the box if you know ways people , could save money okay they could get a , hybrid all right that's a little , expensive , okay coolie have ride a bike walk Tesla , cheap gas man , okay how about gas rewards credit cards , right you see them everywhere like at , the gas pump you go there and it's like , you want to save W cents a gallon or , whatever get a gas rewards credit card , okay now I can take people to these gas , rewards credit cards or a site about the , gas rewards credit cards and now I'm , gonna get apportion of$W a click I can , also go to Think it' I , believe that has an affiliate program we , made a lot of money with the rewards , cards and things like that , but it'Avery simple to do okay again , our job is just linking someone with , something else okay any questions about , this , all right we got lots of thunder coming , on now let's check our weather and see , how we're doing okay it looks like some , kind Ofelia something or other the , Philippines is getting hammered here but , yeah no rain no nothing the wife came , out to say hi just lots of thunder okay , okay Tim says I purchased W blog , profit Network if you have blog profit , Network it's totally different than , simple sites but if you do not have , simple sites W get it you can get , that a simple sites bonus com I'll put , that link in your chat box for you you , definitely need IT and W are , night and day and if you order W on , this call Will actually give you the , upgrade to W free okay everyone else , is gonna ha veto pay like a thousand , bucks for it I think that squirrel up , there's gonna get zapped by lightning , any second so hopefully it dozen't get , us but if it does maybe it'll keep this , cigar lit but yeah you could go here you , could sign up if you want to get W , and you don't want to pay a thousand , bucks go ahead and order W again and , I'll get that for you , Tammy get me on live chat about that , okay all right so any other questions , let me know , okay Steve says if the Lightning starts , you might be able to see the dome , illuminating the vault don't know what , that means but it sounds like some kind , of like conspiracy bank thing okay so , any other questions let me know , Lisa depends on when you bought W , we're just making that for people who , get it on this webinar , yeah Orlando is probably getting black- , we're getting pretty dark out here okay , William we actually I was gonna make an , announcement on this call we actually , went ahead and we goat new support , person her name is Tiffany she's gonna , be helping us with support sites and all , different things like that and , everything like that , okay the wife wants me to check if there , ISS tornado oh is it okay we should , probably go inside Think there might , be tornado warning why don't you get , my phone I have the updates , light rain with thunder not seeing , anything No , oh that's a good lightning there okay a , lot more fun yeah which probably go , inside here in Little bit , unless you guys want me to get zapped I , mean that that'school , I'm actually under and over hang here , walk out of the way walk out of the way , and I'll show them what it looks like , there's the rain okay do you guys want , to see what it looks like , okay do you guys see me yeah Jim's from , California he dozen't remember what rain , looks like so here's the rain and you , can probably see some Lightning - can , everyone still hear me okay , all right so yeah nice nice rain there , okay so go sign up simple sights bonus , calm and I'gonna go inside for a , little bit there's a lightning for you , all right , that's a fence and then this is our yard , I don't hope you can see it but that's , ours there think you were just on it , you were Inuit so there's a rain in our , the shed or the office is going to be , over there and there's my redneck , outdoor kitchen and our new tandoori , grill down there so there we go , all right so simple sights bonus calm , any questions any questions , one second , yes reign DE Kidnapper all right cool so , what Indeed you guys to do now is go to , simple sites bonus comm get signed up we , will have replay of this for you and , we'll go from there so cool stuff all , right so any questions before I sign up , all right cool so your links for today , keyword sniffer calm and for those , getting simple sites who want the , upgrade to W for free , simple sites bonus dot-com again that's , only available on this webinar hope you , guys enjoyed this hope you learned a lot , about trigger words and we'll talk to , you soon for those of you who need , support go to Marcus Campbell support , comm and we will talk soon thanks again , and I'll see you in the next call again , simple sites of bonus com go sign up okay soap hello and welcome my name is , Marcus of course because I do the , webinars her eat affiliate marketing , dude and if you can hear me okay please , let me know what we're gonna do today is , we're going to talk all about niche , finding search intent keyword tools and , profitable niche market snow part of , this webinar is going to be addressing , the change that happened on the Google , Ad Words tool alright a lot of you guys , might have noticed that when going into , the Google Ad Words tool right like this , when you go into the Google Ad words , Keyword planner what they did is let me , just get this screen going for you what , they did when you go into the Google , Ad words Keyword planner is you'll notice , when we go in and type in a word let's , say we use spreadsheet or something like , that , what happened was Google actually , changed and instead of having an exact , result like you know W and , results or W and monthly searches , what they did is they actually gave you , a range so it's like between hundred , thousand and one million free , spreadsheet is between a thousand and , ten thousand and you know on an don we , go this is between hundred and a , thousand so it's not exactly giving us a , exact amount now while this is kind of , mildly annoying it's not Adela-breaker , you could still use the Google Keyword , too lit still works just fine but you're , not getting the exact amount so I don't , know if I'm competing for a hundred , searches or W + or searches or , nine something like that right I don't , know the exact amount so that is one of , the things that some people have noticed , if you'noticed that type something in , the box a yeah I noticed that and maybe , maybe put your your take on it like I , don't like it you could put a happy face , if you liked it or a sad face if you , don't like it in the box that way I kind , of know where we're at and some people , are saying it's a pain I'm getting a , couple of sad faces and things like that , and what we want to do in this call is , not only show you how to find niches and , how to use your keyword tools but also , show you a new tool that'vie come out , with you now , I'vie noticed over the last years and , years of teaching you guy shave known , I'vie been doing this business for , years I'vie been teaching this business , for Little under eight years and you , know there's changes sometimes things , happen and Icon a lot of people freak , out about whatever Google does or , whatever Facebook does or whatever and , the moral of the story that'vie learned , over the last W year sis that marketing , dozen'change so the core principle of , marketing dozen'change okay things , might come things might go but the core , principle of what we'redoing is always , the same now with that in mind noticed , that there are some changes and things , like that now me being a marketer , someone who knows this business someone , who's done this awhile , I know workarounds right like I knew the , minute that Google Edwards's down and , they changed this was like okay well , if I want to get this result could go , somewhere else now fortunately for me , that's something I can do I'Webern , doing this a while I know how to work , around for some of my students who are , new and struggle and things like that , they might not know how to do that so , what did is I actually created as you , can see here keyword sniffer it's a site , I started year sago luckily even though , Left the domain lapse no one bought it , so I was able to re buy it again for ten , bucks which is pretty cool right and so , what Id id is I actually set up the site , keyword sniffer com you can go there it , looks like this okay so that you can , always get the results you want so what , I would recommend is that everyone go to , keyword sniffer comm right NOW will , put a link in your chat box so that you , can get there directly , okay go there no wand just right click , and you can you can make a bookmark or , something like that Think if you're in , Google Chrome you could just you know go , bookmark bookmark this page okay very , simple now I'm gonna come out with a , Google a Google button for this like our , affiliate marketing dude button which , actually Think if I did it right it , should link to it now okay not yet but , we are working on that so later today , that will work for you but it's gonna , link to this new tool and what this tool , does is it makes it really really easy , for you right so there's certain things , that I do when Search the web there's , certain tools I use and certain things , like that and what I did as I use the , keyword sniffer tool so obviously , bookmark it if you'vie bookmarked it put , a bookmark in the box or if you pl anon , it put that in the box so that we know , as well but what I did is I made this , very simple and very easy for you to use , you see all you do is you come here and , if you're gonna use your trigger words , or if you have niche in mind you could , put that in there so like where we were , using spreadsheet okay if Use that as , my trigger word , I can go to keyword sniffer ac com I can , Putin spreadsheet and I can hit go okay , now you're gonna notice it comes up with , a nice little chart comes up with all , kinds of things does everyone see this , if you see it type see it in the box , okay coo land well what kind of give you , Little guide rundown of how this works , once I know that everyone see sit , okay good we're looking good everyone , sees it okay so now once Type in , spreadsheet what I have is all kinds of , results and this makes it super easy for , you right like if I want to look up , affiliate programs boom I go here it , searches my site sees if there's any , affiliate programs on this one there's , nothing available but you know if you , did like diet you're gonna see there , probably is something available for diet , there's actually quite a few so see the , affiliate program stuff like that , pretty neat alright we also have the , Google search tool which just does a , Gregg Euler google search so you could , see what show sup for the result all , right we also have and'm going to try , to close these because it'll get really , really big and kind of hard to follow , you could do Yahoo searching search , which is the same thing it's just going , to a different search engine and showing , you the results so you could see the , paid results the free results and , everything like that we also have a , Google competition okay what this does , is it actually isolates the keyword so , you can see in quotes what the exact , results are okay pretty cool , and you're gonna want to use this over , and over and everything like that it , also gives you the pay-per-click , competition it'll give you a little , rundown of the pay-per-click competition , like this okay gives you a nice little , chart everything like that okay pretty , cool okay also we have the Google Trends , shows you Google Trends for the keyword , shows you all the different results and , things like this okay and if you think , this is pretty cool type cool in the Box , Worked kind of hard making it for you , but I want you guys to have some good , stuff to use all right we also have a , domain name if you want to look for a , domain name it'll actually go there and , do domain names based on your keyword , and things like that really really cool , really easy okay we also have searching , offer vault for affiliate programs as , well okay does that for you and we also , haveClickbank it'll search Click bank , affiliate offers also has resell rights , right it'll show you the resell rights , that are available for your spreadsheet , and things like that or for your , it's rather shows you the video , competition okay this is actually gonna , search YouTube and show you how many , videos show up okay and it also shows , yups for your market , okay so spreadsheet PDF and lastly it , shows you documents alright that's a lot , all right how many of you guys are like , okay yeah that's alto that's pretty , cool Alike it now what does this have , to do with the change in the Google tool , well what I did this morning is I , actually added this click to research , right so it's gonna show you your , keyword here if I type in spreadsheet or , spreadsheet whatever any keyword or any , niche or trigger word right all I have , to do is click on spreadsheet here or , click on click to research and it's , gonna take me to this thing and it's , gonna do its little work alright and , it's gonna take you to the results so , now I can actually see that it's W,W , rather than seeing Google'yeah yeah , you know it's between this and this okay , so it'actually gonna give you a , realistic number of what we're dealing , with okay does everyone see how that , works and gives you like a little chart , and shows you all these things and stuff , like this now this is a this is a , keyword tool that we are in affiliate , so if you later decide to upgrade or , whatever you can do that up until then , you can use the the free version of it , but it's gonna give you the result sit's , gonna show you what'seagoing on and it , tie sin to our keyword program really , really nicely okay everyone like if , Francis says this is magi call right , pretty cool all right so we solved that , problem for you and the idea is if you , ever need to use this you could go to , keyword sniffer comm and you can use , that whenever you want you can also use , that via our tool bars and things like , that if you want to get a link to our , chrome toolbar think I can find that , for you guys , are you guys interested in that if you , are let me know and I'll put the link , it's a big ugly link but I'll see if I , can find it for you , okay let me see if I can find this for , you and we'll put that in the box okay , cool it's gonna look like this so make , sure when you're ready to use this you , actually go in Google Chrome to use it , so I'm going to put that in the box here , let me know if you get that you can , utilize that and later today once we get , this all programmed and dialed in this , power search box will actually link to , the keyword sniffer with your keyword so , it'll do all the work for you okay so , we're trying to make it as easy as , possible for you to just do the stuff , that like makes money which is why you , guys are herein the first place right , all right cool everyone get that to get , it or got it or yes or whatever when you , get that link now for those of you who , are not simple sites big profits , students you can go to simple sites , bonus com if you like this little tool , we have all kinds of tools like this for , you in the software so not only do we , teach you how to do this stuff but we , also give you tool sand everything as , Welland you can go to simple sites , bonus com you can get that software sign , up for it you get days of support and , coaching you get tips and tools on how , to make money how to get accepted to the , affiliate networks and everything like , that and what we're gonna do is we're , actually going to utilize these tools , and utilize the affiliate marketing dude , software you can see this is the , software right here think if I , minimize this I think that's all you , guys can see right can you guys see the , software now , okay cool so this is what the simple , sights big profit software looks like , now you can go you can get the the basic , version of this we always make basic , versions of our stuff for free so that , you can check it out and everything like , that and you can see there's lots of , cool tool snow once you become simple , sites big profits member you're gonna be , able to follow along with this webinar , very closely because you'll be able to , log in here and you can see all of your , subscriptions and everything like that , we're gonna go into simple sites big , profits W and we're gonna go into the , niche finding now you'll notice that , simple sites big profit's W so , mouthful if there ever was right it's , got all the stuff it's very easy Togo , through it's got little icons follow , along right I worked really really , really hard on this this year to make it , to where it's seamless and you just go , through it you start here first you go , tithe star there right it's got the , little tools here that you can follow , along wit hit's very very very easy to , go through mean it's even like I check , it out you know get your domain you got , a minute to do that or two minutes or , whatever it was I don't know exactly , what I gave you um but you can pause it , right you're not on like a deadline but , it'll show you how to do that as well , and as you go through it's gonna just , take you through everything it's got the , little boxes it's got the little plugins , the toolsWordPress training all kinds , of Word Press training here for those , that have never setup Word Press , everything right super super super easy , to go through and at any time if you , ever want to just go back to the main , desktop you just click the icon here and , boom you're back tithe bank main , desktop now what we're gonna be doing , today in this webinar is we're gonna be , going over Mitch finding okay so you're , going to be in your niche finding tab , now you'll notice that for those of you , who are in simple sites we actually went , ahead and upgraded Otto take you into , the keyword tools that are new right it , takes you right into there when you do , the search everything right so it's , really really easy to go through now , what you're going to notice also for , those of you who are , simple sites students if you're not at , anytime in this webinar you can go to , simple sites bonus com you'll get the , software it's an instant download it'll , unlock all the tools and webinars and , bonuses and everything for you so if you , like that if you like these kind of , tools go to simple sites bonus com sign , upright now and you'll get that as well , and that's what we'reworking on today , so you can see how it works right so , what we are doing now is we are looking , at the niche finding welcome video now , this niche finding welcome video is , going to show you how my trigger word , method work snow a lot of people come to , me and they say Marcus what is your big , secret to finding niche market because , when I go to the Google tool or even , your fancy keyword tool right and I go , somewhere like the Google tool and I , type in something like refinance right , or weight loss or mortgage what get is , Get lots of competition right how many , of you guys are struggling because every , niche market seems competitive right it , seems like it'just off the chart , too many advertisers there's nowhere for , the little guy to get involved right how , many of you guys feel that way type it , in the box if you feel overwhelmed and , just like there's nothing left okay and , you'll notice just like this example , here right you're gonna notice hey check , it out this high competition twenty , eight dollars a click right what that , means is that if you go to Google and , you type in refinance that means that , these guys here Quicken Loans Lending , Tree consumers and guaranteed rate these , guys are paying like twenty eight , sometimes thirty sometimes as much as , forty or fifty dollars per click right , what that means is that if Click on , this ad that guy just paid fifty bucks , now I might not buy anything might not , sign up for anything I might do , absolutely nothing but that guy still , paid fifty dollars now if you have W , bucks to spend for every visitor that , comes to your site take W in the box , CZ I mean you get hundred visitors a , day that's that's a lot of money right , it'slake five thousand bucks a day or , something like that for just a hundred , visitors might be five thousand did I do , my number right right that'Sally that's , crazy that's insane , now what happens is most people do this , most people go and they say well I know , that there's money in the refinance , market I know there's money in weight , loss I know there's money in lots of , things right there's money everywhere , but there's also alto of competition , everywhere okay so we look at this and , we say well you know what's the way to , get involved what's the way to get in , there and make money without dealing , with this competition what's the secret , well the secret you're gonna find out in , simple sites big profits okay and simple , sites big profits if you don't have it , again go to simple sites bonus com you , like my videos you like my webinars stop , messing around go get the software it's , worth it you know it Isuzu my stuff is , always wort hit right we work hard on , making this good for you so what you're , gonna notice here you can go to simple , sites bonus com for that but what you'll , notice is that when you're on the , trigger word list what I do is I teach , you to go to your keyword tool without a , preconceived market in mind so instead , of going here and type in in weight loss , or mortgage or refinance or you know , download whatever or something like that , what I do is It each you to go around , the beaten pathos rather than typing in , these words that are tied to market so , what we do is we use our trigger words , now there's a little trigger word list , here that is in your simple site so we , have a bigger one in your members area , as well okay so you can see those but , what this does is it gives you a kind of , like a jogger it's like a keyword jogger , for a marketer who dozen't know whereto , start right how many of you guys are , marketers but you don't know where to , start you say Marcus don't know what , to market I don'TKO what affiliate , program I meanie can guess , I know mortgage has money I know you , know cable TV has money I know this , stuff has money but I don't really know , where to start I'm kind of , here and there'competition and there's , junk and there's all this stuff I need , to know where to start , now what these trigger words do is they , show you whereto start right so instead , of going and typing in refinance or , something what we're gonna do is we're , gonna type in one of these words right I , could type in repair remove reduce , whatever right if I go in here and I say , remove okay and I go to my Google , Keyword tool or I use my my what do you , call it buy search tool at keyword , sniffer com right I can type in a word , like remove alright and what this words , gonna do you'll see in the Google , Keyword tool is it's going to isolate , the word remove okay we can also go in , and even isolate it more by turning this , on right only show results related to my , search terms , okay what'gonna do is gonna tell me , what people want to remove now by nature , you might have heard about buyer , keywords or money keywords or whatever , how many of you guy shave heard about , buyer keywords type buyer in the box , okay now the whole idea between behind , buyer keyword sis someone who wants to , buy something okay so a buyer keyword , would be something like prices okay so , if you type in something like prices or , buy or something like that okay what , would happen is you would get people who , are looking to buy because you only type , in buy or price or coupon if you're , looking to buy something right does , everyone follow but that's what we call , search intent their intent is to buy now , a lot of marketers say that you need , buyer keywords because obviously those , people want to buy and when I sell stuff , I get paid but what you're gonna notice , is it is competitive right so if I do , something like cable TV service or , whatever okay it's gonna be very , competitive now if I do something like , remove a very similar thing happens now , I know something about my market right , what do I know about them type it in the , box of you if you could guess what I , know about someone who types in remove , okay what would you guess based on that , okay like Robert says they want to , remove something right so they got , something they want to remove all right , and we can see what they want so we have , like remove tools or remove HTML remove , web virus and remove HTTP HTML remove , remove dictionary and all different , kinds of words we can even go by monthly , searches and get the ones that get a lot , of searches okay and let's turn this on , here it looks like it is hope we did by , let's get removed back in there , okay so if we have this one we have , removed this remove that and on an don , we go so there's a lot of people looking , to remove certain things now what I like , to do is I like to use these trigger , words because I can always find a niche , market right I can always go in Icahn , always find them anything right like if , I was to type in something like out of , market okay I can see what people type , in for out of market now I notice here , we have like out of market games okay so , this guy once like an out of market game , this guy wants priced out of the market , what's an out of market game and on and , on an don we what does out of market , games mean okay does anyone see where , I'm going with this okay where would , go with this like how would you make , money on someone who types in out of , market game okay and you'll notice that , out of market game low competition , mean like literally this is just pennies , on the dollar so I got like a thousand , people every month searching for out of , market games and out of market would be , the trigger word in this okay so no , advertisers you got Yahoo WikipediaMLB , and on and on we go okay how to watch , NFL games out of market etc okay now , does anyone see what's going inhere , okay if you don'see it's a lost or , don't see but if you do see it and , you're gonna see Ito'm gonna show you a , way to make a lot of money on this okay , okay good , Francis hit the nail on the head Tom's , pretty close tom said hey there's some , no there's no ads here that's pretty , cool , all right pretty cool also out of market , games might be good on quotes let's see , what the exact match is W,W that's , not too bad okay so now we have no ads , this would be a good market if there was , something to sell right type sell you're , like yeah this would be good but I don't , know what to sell these people what I'm , gonna sell'm a seat to a game or or , what what do I do well here'st he deal , what I did is Id id a little bit of , research because my wife likes football , and as you guys know we moved from , Northern California to Central Florida , which is pretty fa rand when you move , that far your favorite tomatoes't move , with you like I had I don'think I have , enough money to pay the E's to come , play here right I don'think so but , what happens is you get alto of people , that want to watch games , that's called an out of market game we , can'twat ch it because here we get you , know the Panthers and the cheaters and , all the people down here okay , Miami stuff like that right so what , happens is these people are looking to , see these out of market games now one of , the things I did with research which , anyone can do research right if you , don't think you can do research you're , probably on the wrong webinar if you , think you can do research type research , in the box , hey cool yeah you do research you're , like okay if I don'TKO what this is I , would do research on now doing the , research I found out that there's , several different solutions okay a lot , of those solutions ha veto do with cable , TV providers right so while out of , market and out of market games and , things like that okay , our low competition things like cable TV , service are very very competitive and , very very expensive right thirty bucks a , click thirteen dollars a clicked ceders , so what this mean sis that these people , who have these companies haven't figured , out how to utilize their ability to sell , these games right so what we can do is , we can direct them to a site we could , putrescence on it we could put various , different offers on it for you know , Directive or cable or whatever and we can , make money okay how many of you guys are , following me on a scale of one to ten , ten being you totally know what's going , on this is wonderful and one being what , are you talking about Id on't know , anything about these internet things , okay , okay good now the same thing works for , any trigger word all you ha veto do is , be willing to do the research lot of , people arena'twirling to do the research , so we get paid a lot of money to do this , research okay and the way we get paid is , by building our site and directing , people to the offers that make sense , right here we have like cheap cable TV , you could do satellite I think I spelled , it wrong let's see here satellite TV , okay and just to give you an idea of how , this works because we wanted to watch , those games we actually signed up for a , pretty expensive service and we're , locked into some contract and things , like that and someone made money off of , that so what started as a search for how , to watch these out-of-market games ended , up in transaction where someone would , get paid alto of money okay does , everyone see how that work snow another , thing that's really cool about using the , trigger word method is the fact that the , content literally writes itself right so , as opposed to going for something like , lose weigh tor I have to figure out what , kind of content to write who I'm writing , to you know CZ you have broad , audience it could be a guy like me who , wants to lose five pound sand it could , be someone who wants to lose W pounds , I don't know but in this market know , exactly what they want they want a , solution to this problem just like the , people typing and remove want a solution , to the problem of having something they , want to remove okay very very simple now , when you use your simple site software , like this and you use these trigger , words with all these cool tools that , we'vie made for you it makes it super , super easy right we could go in here and , we can do listings right what kind of , listings do people want again you open , up your keyword tool you type in the , word listing shit go research it does , it's a little magic here , and now we could see all the things that , are related to listings and you could go , in and you could do all kinds of , different things like this , and set filters and stuff as well let's , go back back here right and it'gonna , show you what kind of listings people , have and what kind of listings people , want now this is best used alongside the , Google Keyword tool because even though , Google stopped showing the exact results , we can actually use this like this and , type the listings okay and we could use , this to our advantage so we can see here , this Haas lot of searches we can go in , and type animals listing sin our tool , here like this okay there we go okay so , now we'vie got MLS listings and we could , see the amount of searches that are that , are going on okay so everyone followed , along , Lisa yes that's the free version that it , goes to when you use it I think if you , upgrade it's only like bucksaw month , I tried to find the cheapest one , possible for you guys but you know W , bucks is nothing that's like W cents , day or W cents day or something like , that , everyone's got W cents a day so I mean , you just you just use it right so when , you go in here you can see the listings , people want you can go in use other , trigger words as well like naturally , lessons estimator estimate is a good one , because it tells you what people want to , estimate all right like estimate taxes , estimate whatever okay your estimate , calculator estimate rough estimate what , is estimate mean social security , estimate so this guy like it's low , competition you know that they want to , estimate their social security benefits , right why would someone want to do that , I want to Want to see if you guy scan , start to think the way that think , right why would someone want to DOA , social security estimate okay maybe , they're retiring what else looking to , retire okay maybe looking how much money , they're gonna retire with how much they , need to retire right now has anyone seen , the commercial on TV that talks about , how much money you need to retire how , many guys have seen that he like goes , and he knocks down these big things and , they all fall and he's like what do you , need and they all write down how much , they think they need and stuff like that , how many of you guys have seen that type , commercial if you'vie seen it or better , yet how many of you guys have seen any , commercial about retirement type in , retirement if you'vie seen any commercial , about retirement okay cool , now let me ask you do you think that , guy's paying lot of money for that , commercial or a little money lots of , money how many of you guys think that , you could probably retire if they , stopped airing that commercial and just , sent you the money and , that and think any of us could write , pretty cool so what I want you to , realize is that budget is out there , right there they're paying that already , and when you look at this Social , Security estimate right and you go and , you do something like retirement okay , you're gonna see not only that there's , errors because Google likes to be a pain , in the neck today but it's all cool we , love Google Google we will not speak bad , of you you are wonderful , all right and I will type in retirement , like this and you'll see that the , competition is now high competition , right retirement calculator hi W-a to , click retirement planner nine dollars , a click now as an Ad sense publisher just , by having ads on your site if people , click them you're gonna get a portion of , this amount right so you're going to get , a portion of whatever the advertisers , are paying for the word retirement okay , so now social security estimator is a , great backdoor into this market how many , of you guys see that kind of make sure , that you guys are crystal clear and you , see how that works right now how many of , you guys think that that is a better , target than just advertising a , commercial every time you know America's , funny videos are judge duty is on , right of course Otis that's why they're , willing to pay that amount if they had , to pay$9 for every person who was , watching the show they advertised on it , be insane but they know that with your , traffic it's gonna be a lot more , valuable okay bill says I don'see much , profit with a maximum of W,W per , month for that keyword even if everyone , bought from you well if you take the ten , thousand a month watch this so let's say , we take ten thousand a month all right , now it'actually more than that but , we're gonna take ten thousand a month , okay we're gonna take that ten thousand , a month and we're gonna say that we get , ten percent of them to come to our site , so let's say we got,W people to come , to our site that's pretty pretty low , estimate okay so if we get a thousand of , those to our site and let's say instead , of nine bucks a person let's say we're , making yeah let's say we're making$1 a , person okay if we can average just , dollar a person that's a thousand bucks , a month now of course there's a lot of , different things we're gonna do we're , gonna talk about building lists we're , gonna talk about sewing products we're , gonna talk about generating leads we're , going to talk about all kinds of things , rightsize some of these offers here like , if you go to offer vault okay and you , have something like let's say retirement , all right like this okay and let's say , we have something like a structured , settlement let's say we have something , let's try financial planning okay , so already we already found a way to , pretty much skate into $1,W a month , income how many you guys are like hey , that's kind of cool right I mean not a , whole lot of work I'm just putting , Ad sense on there I mean come on that's , not that difficult at all in fact type , it in the box if you're like yeah you , know that'pretty cool , now we also have other stuff like , different lenders reverse mortgage right , retired people love reverse mortgages , okay reverse mortgage look at this , boom now you're seeing this and you're , like okay well we're making little bit , of money we're doing cool now reverse , mortgage just bump that up to$W a , click okay now Bill just got alight , bulb anyone else get a light bulb , all right somehow we got reverse , mortgage At's bucks a click so no wall , I ha veto do is start to build options , so my goal is to say hey you want a , retirement or social security estimator , just like I did here okay so like here , we got this keyword tool okay now why , would I create why would I go through , all this work to make this free tool , does anyone know anyone know it , realistically it probably took me three , hours total but at any rate why would I , go through three Orin would I waste , three hours of my time putting this , together okay for those that think it's , just because I like you yeah that'Sparta , of it right I like it okay , the reason the reason is because I know , who's gonna come here right like my , neighbors don'tog and look up Google , stuff unless they work online or want to , work online okay very cool right NOW , know that people looking up keywords are , gonna want all different kinds of things , they might want to rank for keywords , right if they want to rank for keywords , I could do search engine optimization , okay so if I have search engine , optimization watch this boom now we got , $W a click $W a click$9 a click etc , right very very simple now this is a , back door what we're talking about here , is , Bacardi's're talking about back doors , I don't want to go compete with those , guy son TV that have a lot more money , with then I do that are looking for , retirement that have retirement , companies that make tons of money when , they sell stuff because I just can't do , it but I can however go for other stuff , like I can't compete for search engine , optimization can't do it not gonna , happen I meanie go to Google'm like , well you know in Google if I type it in , there is W million result sand will , spell it right , W million results and I mean you're , talking search engine landmass Wikipedia , this guy who's been up there forever , search engine watch I'm not gonna , compete with these guys not even close , and if I wanted to be on the ads gotta , pay W bucksaw click so what are the , back door sand I want you to start to , think about different back doors in your , market an dhow to find them for example , a backdoor for this could be my keyword , tool okay I know the only reason people , look up keyword search volume is because , they want to market online now I got a , back Douro provide a cool tool you guys , all like the tool you say Wow Marcus , guy's really swell for making that tool , and then you're gonna go buy the stuff , watch the videos all kinds of things , right how many of you guys are getting , this you should be having all kinds of , light bulb moments if you're paying , attention okay cool , now that's the deal so in this example , you could use trigger words or you could , do what call the reverse method , okay the reverse method let's say you , want to go into something like search , engine optimization and you don't know , what to do you go there and you're like , okay well I Id on't know what to do but , I want a piece of this action right or I , want a piece of the action for , retire mentor maybe something like , epithelium or something expensive okay , what I could do is I could gonad type , in search engine optimization and I , could use what Call the glossary , method now this this ISS method'vie , been using for years remember it it , works like gold we're actually going to , put some of these videos , detailing how to do this stuff on , keyword sniffer comm for you so just , make sure you got that bookmarked we're , gonna get you the tool bar and , everything like that but what I do ISO , do search engine optimization glossary , okay boom like this I go to this or this , or whatever any term that they have okay , so we go here and we look for the , glossary now the glossary here is , actually going to show you all the , different glossary terms that we use now , I want to let you in on a little secret , okay the secret is that people search , things only because they want other , things okay they search because they , want a result they want something and , there'skittle groups of people that , search for certain things for example , how many of you guys know what pay per , click is if I said pay per click you , know what it means , type pay per click if you know what that , means okay now tomorrow when you go to , lunch want you to gonad ask random , people if they know what pay per click , is okay they'll probably be like the , things on your desk that you put on , paper no that's paperclip but a pay , per click is something we use to buy ads , right now how many of you guys are like , well yeah duh I mean I'vie been watching , your webinars for more than like , minutes so I know what pay per click is , now the only people who would type in or , want to learn about pay per click , marketing are people that are interested , in internet advertising now the same , thing happens with glossary right so I , know that most of these terms for SEO , are going to be people that are looking , to rank on search engines right like , anchor text no one cares about that , except people who want to rank on the , search engines does everyone follow tech , follow if you follow type lost if you're , lost , okay good everyone's following excellent , so all we Giotto do is go down the , glossary take these words and put them , into the Google planner or put them into , your keyword sniffer right so we go here , type in anchor text boom click to , research go here and we see that anchor , text is not that competitive and it's , got about,W searches per month and , cost per click is zero but we get this , for three cents all right now we know , that these people are interested in , search engine optimization this keyword , tool even tells you that right but , somewhere along the way people get , confused on how to link Baker text people , to search engine marketing or SEO , company okay you if you are following if , you're following are going to make money , by linking them together that's all , you'redoing that'SWAT a search engine , market or does they find out what people , look up they find out what they , ultimately want and they link them , together right so for me I built a , little keyword tool because I know , people like the keywords know the only , people who like the keywords are people , who want to make money online or market , something online or whatever okay same , kind of thing here now that's only one , word right so that'S's,W searches a , month one simple word we could go down , the list and keep doing the same exact , thing right so we could do like an , authority site what kind of people want , to know about authority sites okay let's , say hair paste it in he research , W a month not that much that'soak , domain authority all kinds of different , things right so there's another hundred , and forty a month easy right I could , probably NAB these in YouTube by simply , making a video explaining what an , authority site is and for those of you , who say Marcus well you know does this , really work yes it does I have YouTube , account and that'Sally I do I go down , the list and I explain what certain , things are rightwards site setup , overview Word Press leads how to use , Yahoo and Bright and it all add sup , over time and you can see on this one , channel we got like W,W view sand , these views are worth a lot of money , because they're tied to the words like , search engine optimization and lead , generation and pay-per-click marketing , and things like that and again you know , we'vie only done two words and we found , two thousand searches a month we can go , down for bounce rate you can go for , click-fraud contextual advertising , conversion rate cost per click mean , you could literally type all this stuff , in the box and see what people are doing , doorway pages boom there we page W not , that much but you will get more right , you're gonna get more we can also go for , let's see if I can find one gateway page , frames let's see what else we have , Google dance right that was a term , that's used quit ea bit when Google , looks at your pages and see if they , still look that one up Google dance like , 1 to,W a month that's pretty darn , good right we can go we can type it in , here as well or in this one OK Google , dance W searches a month to be more , exact we can do all kinds of different , things hyperlink inbound link back links , let's see one of my favorites here is , meta tags because meta tag I mean very , few how many of you guys know what a , meta tag is type meta tag , okay Lisa says is the number in the , pay-per-click column dollars or cents , it's both it'sf our dollars and forty , eight cents so watch where your decimal , point is okay all right there's only , like three people on this call that know , what a meta tag is okay meta tag is like , something people do something people , make for getting search engine rankings , okay so pretty cool so we go there and , we can type in meta tag and we got , hundred searches a month mean look at , that that's pretty crazy SO , searches a month you go here you type in , meta tags like this no competition on , the paid side there's probably YouTube , videos if there's not you can create , them I think one of my meta tag videos , has like thirty thousand views or , something maybe seventy thousand might , be more no wand it was simple little , eight-minute video I made like eight , years ago , so cool right so you do that and it's , like okay now I can link them to a , different market like search engine , optimization techniques which is what a , meta tag is and now I can get portion , of twelve dollars a click okay any , question son this so fa rand again for , those that do not have simple sites big , profits go to simple sites bonus com get , that now that's the software that's the , tools we're using that's what shows you , this whole process , all right any questions on that , okay we'll give you guys a couple , minutes for question sand for the rest , of you if you don'thieve simple sights , got a simple sights bonus comm get it , now , it'S's bucks it's gonna go to W to be , exact it's going to go up to W or W , when we come outwith the update for , which it's worth every penny at any , of those prices so you might as well get , in now and save a lot of money so simple , sights bonus comm you can sign up for it , okay since ed sorry was late already , have some sights of W can I get the , new tool yes if you have simple sights , W the tool is integrated into your , program already so you have to do is go , to the keyword tools and it'll take you , right there okay so Tammy says once you , once you get the ad whether you make a , YouTube video whether you buy an ad on , Ad words do you link them to a site yes , you make a site about the topic so my , site would be all about meta tags all , right I'd be like here'show to do the , meta tags here's how to do this here's , how to do that and you know I teach them , how to do that and then I link them to , other stuff so for this example all , right I have the keyword sniffer which I , can now advertise anywhere right I can , go on Facebook could be like hey are , you pissed off at Google go use this , tool right oh you do you want to get , exact results go use this tool okay does , that make sense to everyone how I , created this for that market okay then , all I Giotto do is put little videos , down here that say learn how to do , pay-per-click learn how to do this learn , how to do this get them to go to those , site sand now those sites are gonna show , ads sell products about the particular , topic okay so any questions what I'll do , is while you guys are signing up for , simple sites bonus com what I'll do is , I'll take some questions righto want , you guys to really understand how the , keywords work how everything work sand , everything like that okay I'll give you , guys couple of minutes for questions , it got really quiet out here , I all the squirrel snow there we go we , got our lightning everyone here that are , we able to give out or sell the keyword , sniffer no that is mine that's mine , you're able to use it you can pass it , along you can use your affiliate link if , you want can we link back to the sniffer , tool yes you can link to the sniffer , tool okay did we get our new office , started yes we signed the pa person it , Monday Think it was Tammy says so if I , buy a keyword gas then I find an , affiliate that matches.2 well like , let's say you used the word gas prices , okay now the word prices is one of our , trigger words we can do something like , gas prices okay now gas prices is gonna , be very non-competitive okay so when we , go here gas price is low competition low , competition okay we can probably get , this now Google says it'stow dollars , and W cents however I know we can get , it a lot cheaper because of the fact , that no one is advertising right no , one's advertising so what would we do , with this the question is is how do we , make money well what I could do is I , could think about ways people would save , money on gas right think about that type , it in the box if you know ways people , could save money okay they could get a , hybrid all right that's a little , expensive , okay coolie have ride a bike walk Tesla , cheap gas man , okay how about gas rewards credit cards , right you see them everywhere like at , the gas pump you go there and it's like , you want to save W cents a gallon or , whatever get a gas rewards credit card , okay now I can take people to these gas , rewards credit cards or a site about the , gas rewards credit cards and now I'm , gonna get apportion of$W a click I can , also go to Think it' I , believe that has an affiliate program we , made a lot of money with the rewards , cards and things like that , but it'Avery simple to do okay again , our job is just linking someone with , something else okay any questions about , this , all right we got lots of thunder coming , on now let's check our weather and see , how we're doing okay it looks like some , kind Ofelia something or other the , Philippines is getting hammered here but , yeah no rain no nothing the wife came , out to say hi just lots of thunder okay , okay Tim says I purchased W blog , profit Network if you have blog profit , Network it's totally different than , simple sites but if you do not have , simple sites W get it you can get , that a simple sites bonus com I'll put , that link in your chat box for you you , definitely need IT and W are , night and day and if you order W on , this call Will actually give you the , upgrade to W free okay everyone else , is gonna ha veto pay like a thousand , bucks for it I think that squirrel up , there's gonna get zapped by lightning , any second so hopefully it dozen't get , us but if it does maybe it'll keep this , cigar lit but yeah you could go here you , could sign up if you want to get W , and you don't want to pay a thousand , bucks go ahead and order W again and , I'll get that for you , Tammy get me on live chat about that , okay all right so any other questions , let me know , okay Steve says if the Lightning starts , you might be able to see the dome , illuminating the vault don't know what , that means but it sounds like some kind , of like conspiracy bank thing okay so , any other questions let me know , Lisa depends on when you bought W , we're just making that for people who , get it on this webinar , yeah Orlando is probably getting black- , we're getting pretty dark out here okay , William we actually I was gonna make an , announcement on this call we actually , went ahead and we goat new support , person her name is Tiffany she's gonna , be helping us with support sites and all , different things like that and , everything like that , okay the wife wants me to check if there , ISS tornado oh is it okay we should , probably go inside Think there might , be tornado warning why don't you get , my phone I have the updates , light rain with thunder not seeing , anything No , oh that's a good lightning there okay a , lot more fun yeah which probably go , inside here in Little bit , unless you guys want me to get zapped I , mean that that'school , I'm actually under and over hang here , walk out of the way walk out of the way , and I'll show them what it looks like , there's the rain okay do you guys want , to see what it looks like , okay do you guys see me yeah Jim's from , California he dozen't remember what rain , looks like so here's the rain and you , can probably see some Lightning - can , everyone still hear me okay , all right so yeah nice nice rain there , okay so go sign up simple sights bonus , calm and I'gonna go inside for a , little bit there's a lightning for you , all right , that's a fence and then this is our yard , I don't hope you can see it but that's , ours there think you were just on it , you were Inuit so there's a rain in our , the shed or the office is going to be , over there and there's my redneck , outdoor kitchen and our new tandoori , grill down there so there we go , all right so simple sights bonus calm , any questions any questions , one second , yes reign DE Kidnapper all right cool so , what Indeed you guys to do now is go to , simple sites bonus comm get signed up we , will have replay of this for you and , we'll go from there so cool stuff all , right so any questions before I sign up , all right cool so your links for today , keyword sniffer calm and for those , getting simple sites who want the , upgrade to W for free , simple sites bonus dot-com again that's , only available on this webinar hope you , guys enjoyed this hope you learned a lot , about trigger words and we'll talk to , you soon for those of you who need , support go to Marcus Campbell support , comm and we will talk soon thanks again , and I'll see you in the next call again , simple sites of bonus com go sign up  

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