Affiliate Marketing 2018... What The Affiliate Millionaire Club Knows That You Don't...


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hey guys it's Marcus here hopefully our , stream is working good and the sound is , working good so if you can hear me , please type something in the box and let , me know and we're gonna get this show on , the road here in just a little bit and , get you grokking enrolling so we got , a lot of stuff planned for you today , first let's make sure you can in fact , hear me it will make sure that our , little pens work unfortunately we did't , get the new black board at any time , something happened in Chipping , apparently it just like disappeared or , vanished or something like that but we , do have the pens for so hopefully these , will work Little bit better and , hopefully everyone'siding goo dhow're , you guys doing on this holiday season , Merry Christmas and Happy New Year , almost and all that stuff hopefully you , guys are having a good time not getting , too crazy with the shopping or anything , like that I know that places are pretty , crowded so let's see if these pens want , to work here they do want to work which , is good so I'm the new board they're , gonna be a lot better so hopefully you , guys can see that can you guys all read , that it says prophet W and what we're , gonna do today is we're gonna talk about , some of the trends that have go neon in , W some of the things that have , changed some of the things that are , going good some of the things that are , going not so good and we're just going , to give you guys an overview we're just , gonna give you guys an overview of there , we go now it's off we're gonna give you , an overview of how this whole thing , works so before we get started go ahead , and type in the box tell me where you're , at if you think you're an advanced , internet marketer and you'vie made money , online type advanced in the box if you , think you're medium maybe you'vie made a , little or maybe you broke even but , you'vie tried some things type in , intermediate and then if you're totally , new if you'vie never made money online , you'vie never built website anything , like that type in total beginner and if , there's some wherein between to Ian you , could just type in like you know , beginner or something and we're gonna , get a overview of how you guys are doing , in an overview of how to help you , because what I want to do in this video , is I want to take all the things or in , this live stream , I want to take all the things that make , up internet marketing we're gonna take , everything and we're gonna break it down , and we're gonna chunk it down and we're , gonna give you an overview of how each , of those things works so that you know , so it looks like we got a lot of total , beginners some new people , intermediate shaky in between total , beginner totally new total beginner , intermediate and on and on we go , so lots of different things here lots of , different people here most people are in , the beginner category or the , intermediate category they they'vie done , some things they'vie tried some stuff but , nothing'serially worked the way they , want now how many of you guys would like , to change that in W they're like I , want Togo in with guns-blazing , ready to go ready to make money tired of , all the junk tired of everything and you , understand that internet marketing works , you're like okay well Id on't need to be , convinced anymore I just watched Amazon , make some bazillion dollars over a , couple of days know that all these , companies are making money people are , making money on MySpace or MySpace , Facebook some people still do make money , unmasks Facebook Twitter all kinds of , things right people are making money , everywhere okay now does anyone doubt , that is there anyone on this call that , says well I'm not sure if the internet , actually is a way to make money right I , don't think you're gonna make money on , the internet or whatever it is and I'm , just gonna grab my extra coffee thing , here all right and type that in let me , know is there anyone that doubts that , the internet actually works for making , money right does anyone not think that , that's at hing right a lot of people ask , me that they're like just under not , marketing still work it's like well are , you still online do you still buy stuff , and the answer is absolutely so you , really want to look at that and you , really want to break it down so let's , talk about some of the things that , happened in we'll get a different , fancy colored pen here hopefully this , one will work too so let's talk about , some of the trends that happen in W , well we know that Black Friday was a big , big big hit right lots of money was , spent now , things you might not know about Black , Friday is one of the trends was that , mobile buying was on the rise okay , pretty cool all right another trend that , happened another thing that made history , or whatever in W is we are reaching , about the W percent saturation mark now , what does that mean a lot of people here , saturation and you say well does that , mean that you know there's too much , competition or whatever know what that , means is that almost% of living human , beings on the earth now have internet , access right Oman you think about that , you think of some of the countries that , don'tavern like to have modern stuff and , there'S's% of the earth now has , internet access which is pretty pretty , big deal okay can everyone still hear me , or do we pause I got a little message , that it paused bu tall right so W% now , has internet access okay that's a big , deal that's like what billion people , or something like that okay some of the , other trends we saw Amazon is knocking , out a lot of little mom-and-pop stores , taking over alto of the retail a lot of , people are buying things online right a , lot of trends we see are people buying , things online , another thing we saw was social media , influence okay this is a bi gone a lot , of people say well Marcus how do you , make money on Facebook how do you make , money on this right and we ha veto look , at it and we say okay social media , influence is a big deal right it's , growing it's on the rise W , you got a lot of what we call , influence rs which are people that do , something online lot like how I'm , talking to you online you know you , follow my YouTube you haven't , subscribed subscribe now and you watch , it because it influences you you look at , it you're like okay that Marcus guy has , a lot of stuff to teach about how to , make money online about how to do , internet marketing affiliate marketing , and everything like that so I follow him , and then when I say something like oh , hey check this out I bought this new , software that works Good lot of you , guys go and buy it now that would bean , example of social media influence now , this can be , Broad and like bold like what do right , I go out there and I'm like this is the , hosting company I use right and then I , say go to go hub site com to figure out , the hosting I use that's a blatant broad , affiliate link boom there you go okay , now there's other subtle things going on , as well what for example if you're on , Facebook and you see an image maybe it's , like hey check out these new shoes I got , or this new restaurant we're sitting at , look at this cool picture or whatever , Right lot of times those things , inadvertently influence people lot of , times when you're watching something you , might be watching the live stream now , and you might say well Marcus where'd , you get your your blackboard Marcus what , camera do you use markers what kind of , coffee do you drink , Marcus what about this right that's an , example of social media influence right , there's influencing going on with social , media now a lot of things are bought , this way a lot of things are sold this , way a lot of companies are going out , there and they're doing brand deals with , lots of people because they understand , this , okay the companies that understand this , and the affiliate marketers that , understand social media influence they , understand mobile habits they understand , what's going on are going to be the ones , to make money in okay now you might , bethinking well Marcus just want to , get involved in affiliate marketing , where does that stand in the mix well a , phobic marketing if I can speak , correctly affiliate marketing is on the , rise lot of companies are turning to I , can't talk and write at the same time , I'm bad enough that's spelling as it is , but we have a lot of companies turning , to affiliate marketing because they , realize this social media influence now , here's Little tip I'll give you that , you might want to write down and that is , that alto of these social media , influenced not realize the value of , their influence let me say that Agana , lot of social influences do not , recognize or realize the value of their , influence or the scope of their reach , now what does that mean well what that , means is back when I started affiliate , marketing , I started affiliate marketing back in , W , W W when I first learned about it , but I actually started in like I , realized is that there was a lot of , traffic on the internet that people , referred to as junk so we're gonna draw , like a garbage can here right like this , okay here's our garbage can all right , it's full of garbage okay , and the garbage is what we call the junk , traffic okay now there's a lot of junk , traffic out there now people call it , junk but I don't think any traffic's , junk I'm sure some is but at the right , price at the right type of person you , can make this work okay now the same , thing happens with affiliate marketing , and social media influence now what I , learned is that back when first , started and still today buy ads all , the time learned that a lot of , bloggers a lot of people who have , websites a lot of Google searches a lot , of this stuff is junk traffic to most , people okay which means for us it's , super inexpensive okay super inexpensive , super easy to get for example there was , someone who year sago put out the idea , of buying a link on someone'social , media channel or buying a link on a , Twitter which is called like a sponsored , tweet okay a lot of people would say , well you know that's stupid why would , someone buy a sponsored tweet why would , someone pay me to tweet something okay , and we look at that and we're like okay , well people are actually buying these , tweets right now how many of you guys , actually knew that that went on then you , can actually buy a tweet you can buy a , link you could buy ash out-out you can , buy something where they will actually , promote you as a brand or as a link or a , giveaway or something like that did you , guys all know that okay now does bike , warrior says sometimes the lovely people , just talk trash don't know what that , means Think maybe that stuff well he , wants meat okay well if you think that , this is not giving you the info you , should probably watch something else , all right so we have the sponsor stuff , or you're not paying attention a lot of , people come to my webinars and training's , and they look at something like this and , they say well Marcus that seems too , simple really want like the meet I , want that thing right this is the thing , if you're not making money and you think , this is too simple you need to pay , closer attention very important so we , got a look at it right so the sponsored , link sand the junk traffic okay we look , at this and we say a lot of people do , not realize the value of their traffic , and what I'modding right now is teaching , you how to make money and we're gonna , mute this guy because I don't like when , people are annoying alright cool so be , rude you get blocked if you don't like , my stream go watch something else it's , totally easy but if you want to make , money you will pay attention so junk , traffic right a lot of people have this , junk traffic here and we look at it now , right now you can go places like buy , sell ads you can go places like Twitter , you can get sponsored tweet sand you can , buy super cheap traffic now here's the , deal the deal is is you have to know , what to do with it okay you have to know , what to do with it okay so what do we do , wit hit what do we do with this traffic , well what we have to do is we ha veto , think about who they are right we have , to think about who they are so who is , this traffic who are these people that , are reading the tweets for example let's , say for a really quick example let me , said I can turn this air on , okay cool , so let'stake a look at this all right , so let's say for example that you were , able to go to a popular Twitter account , all right let's say you go to like maybe , your favorite politician's Twitter maybe , you go to your favorite companies , Twitter maybe it's YouTube guy and you , look at his Twitter or whatever , okay now you look at that Twitter and , you say to yourself if I got a link on , that right if I could somehow get that , guy to tweet something out that would , want right let's say maybe it cost a , hundred bucks or maybe it's free right , maybe someone owes you a favor , what would you say to get maximum impact , I'm gonna write that down what I'll put , it over here what would you say to get , maximum input right what would you say , to get maximum input what would you say , to these people to get this input , another one that'big that's getting , bigger is Instagram right Instagram is , seeing a huge rise in in using and also , in the social media influence a lot of , people are are buying Instagram accounts , they're looking at Instagram accounts , they're doing sponsored Instagram , they're doing advertising so what we're , seeing here right does anyone see a , trend that's going on right the trend , that's going on is basically anything , and everything can be used as a sales , tool let me say that again anything and , everything can be used as a sales tool , so let me break it down right years ago , when I was kid we watched this lady , become popular on TV right this lady , became popular first of all Think she , was like a news reporter something like , that and then she became like a , talk-show host okay you might have heard , of her talk show host , okay and Think she was news reporter , first talk show host , okay this lady'surname is Oprah and she's , now worth like two billion dollars or , something crazy like that okay so we got , look at this now you might be saying , well Marcus what are the trends what is , the sponsored stuff what does the junk , traffic have to do with this okay what , doe sit ha veto do with us well first of , all let's take a look at the time slot , from what I understand it looks like , Oprah is like daytime television which , USN't the most valuable time right it's , not the most valuable time so it would , kind of be like the junk time okay does , that make sense another trend TV ads are , beat by Internet in like% of the , countries okay so think about that that , means that our little Internet where we , can put IPA website for a couple , dollar sand we could reach the entire , world is now making more money on ad , buys than TV ads mean think about that , for minute if you look at all the the , totally big celebrities and craze and , everything like that okay the Internet's , actually making more in terms of , advertising dollars okay think about , that very important , YouTube's making a lot there's a lot of , things going on right a lot of people , have seen what we'vie called D , monetizationbeam on it oration , okay which is a big big big opportunity , if you know how to use it okay what I'm , doing here is I'm pointing out , opportunities that if you know how to , use them you will be able to make money , basically at the drop of a hat , if you do it right okay so we heaved , magnetization what does that mean well a , lot of people on YouTube have lots of , traffic okay a lot of people watch their , videos you guys all understand that okay , critique says Think it works it'just , a little complicated we're gonna break , it down for you we're gonna make it so , easy that it's going to make sense and , you're gonna be able to do it so D , magnetization's where YouTube says well , you know for one reason or another we , don't think advertisers want to be on , your channel maybe you're doing , something you know racy maybe you're , doing something they don'talkie or maybe , the advertisers just don't want to be , associated with the message so what does , that mean that means you got a whole , bunch of YouTube's can't make money , but have traffic does anyone see a trend , here , does anyone see what's going on alright , Instagram people got a huge following , most of them don'TKO how to make a , lot of money often you do people got a , huge following lot of them gets , monetized they don't know how to make , money on it there's alto of searches in , Google that have no advertisers they , don't know how to make money on it so , what do you guys see as the main , opportunity for you in Right what , do you see as the opportunity okay we'vie , got all this stuff going on we got lots , of people on the internet that do not , know the value of their traffic okay so , what would be something you'd like to , learn in that would change the game , for you right something very very very , simple okay type your answers in the box , let's take a look at what we come up , with , okay I will wait for those answers , okay Paul says find the traffic sources , that are low in competition okay Anthony , says monetize traffic says helping , people with traffic make money all right , keep them coming , okay in between the audience and , influence are good so let's take look , here okay a lot of people would think , that okay W is gone and passed , everyone knows the internet makes a lot , of money Internets here to stay okay , what do we do with that okay now what we , have here is we have to look at this and , say there's a big gap okay now you can , make money in the gap okay , the gap is the gap between advertisers , and content creators or traffic okay so , we look at this gap and we say content , creators traffic now this is the same , thing'vie been doing for two thousand , or two thousand six two thousand for , about W year snow me when me Wood says , this won't last forever maybe maybe not , it'll probably evolved into something , different okay another trend we saw was , the terrible terrible decision to do the , net neutrality okay to put an end to , that , terrible decision don'think it's , gonna affect us as much as many people , think right a lot of people have the sky , is falling doom and gloom which if , you'vie been in internet marketing as , long as I have that happens every week , right every week it'st he death of , absence it's a affiliate marketing is , dead you know Google dozen't like , affiliates and YouTube monitor there's , always some kind of chicken little , running around with his head and you , know in the clouds and he thinks the sky , is falling okay a lot of people think , the sky is falling now I don'think , that the Internet should be handed to , corporations unfortunately the current , administration does but you know what , we're just gonna let it ride I don't , think it's gonna be too big of a deal , okay is everyone able to see this or are , we blurry it should be pretty clear I'm , seeing it clear now if Otis blurry , there's a little button at the bottom of , the screen that allows you to choose , High Definition which should work for , you okay so here's the gap we have okay , and the gap we have is a gap that is , very big and it , what you can do to make money okay so , what can you do to make money , we have advertisers we have content , traffic map as an affiliate marketer you , are on this side over here you are gonna , get or create okay very important get by , or create traffic okay what is traffic , traffic is people to your website okay , what's the whole idea of the social , media influence the people on the , Twitter's the people on the YouTube , what's the whole idea here right the , whole idea is to get people to consume , your content get them to watch your , stuff right what's the big game of TV , okay you look at the biggest shows like , big losers and you know the singing , competitions and the big shows that are , on TV , okay these big shows get lots of people , to watch them okay pretty cool now you , might be saying well Marcus I'm just a , little person in my you know office and , I I don't know how to get million , people to watch my thing like the big TV , shows okay don'TKO how to do that , okay now here's a cool thin git dozen't , matter because it's all relative right , it's very relative you might find a , traffic area that gets you know a , thousand searches a month okay if it's , in the right market you can make money a , thousand people's not that much it's , only thirty a day are you really going , to let thirty visitors a day stop you , from where you want to go or W , visitors day or a thousand visitors a , day and when you think about it it's , really not all that mu chin the grand , scheme of things right there's people , who go out there and they put stuff now , you can look at this in real time you , can look at it in real time you look at , the people you follow on Facebook you , look at their video or their posts you , look at the little thing below it's it , says viewed however many times right , it'll tell you hey thousand people , viewed this video and you'll look at it , and you'll say hey that's pretty good , okay now I don't think I'm not ready for , marketing I only have thirty four subs , well if you want to get more subscribers , put more content out needle , 'we see what'm going to teach you is , how to do this deliberate because a lot , of people go out there and they're like , i'm gonna setup Instagram because , bob the marketer sold me a course on , making money on Instagram and they , go out there and they just start putting , stuff up but they don't have a rhyme or , a reason because here's the thing the , thing is is they're not paying attention , remember how tony Robbins used to say , success leaves clues well it does right , you look at someone successful and , you're like what did they do well if you , look at McDonald trump well he goat , hundred million dollars when he was a , kid so that kind of helped and then he , got into real estate which is what his , dad did which was successful you can , reverse engineer it and if you want to , be like that you can learn how to do it , or if you want to run for president , reverse engineer what he did see how he , did it do it right tony Robbins how did , he get big well he recorded Little , thing he wen ton talk show she went on , infomercial shows and sold it very easy , okay does that make sense , Oprah right what Oprah do she's got a , talk show she gets viewers okay people , watched the talk show when they watched , the talk show she says well you know , here's this guy go buy his book or go , see this movie okay and she makes money , by doing this stuff right people watch , and she makes money with advertisers , these books are instant overnight , successes because of what she's doing , very much like affiliate marketing right , affiliate marketing you're doing the , same thing you're getting the eyeballs , on you now the eyeball scan come from , anywhere they can come from social media , influence they can come from mobile , traffic they can come from Instagram , they can come from YouTube they could , come from anywhere , right and when we look at this it works , really really well now a lot of people , like to over complicate the heck out of , everything right they over complicate , things and they say Walmart's i heard , about all these ways to make money like , either make money on amazon you can make , money on Spiffy you can make money on , Twitter you can make money on YouTube , you can make money on Instagram you can , make money on anything right how many of , you guys are overwhelmed by all the ways , that you can make money online right is , anyone out there overwhelmed at all the , ways that , I mean it's it'pretty crazy like that , guy there he's like how many subs do I , need on YouTube well it dozen't even , matter what matter sis the views and do , they do something right do your views , take action right here's what you got , you got the views okay first of all you , have your market okay you got your , market then you have your share which is , your views okay so if you look at Oprah , she's like what'sacker did she have of , the TV market well maybe she had I know , W million people watch your show okay , you're like okay that'sh er sure that's , her views then you have your influence , okay now your influence could be , anything , your influence could be okay getting , people to click on something it could be , it it could be your influence could , literally be writing a letter sticking , it on Web page and in the letter you , say when you're done reading this click , here and go purchase this or go do this , okay that could be the scope of the , influence or your influence could be , okay if you put a picture or a video on , Instagram how many people are gonna go , buy the shoes that you tell them to buy , or buy the nail polish you don't buy or , buy a course that you tell them to buy , or buy Bitcoin or whatever right there's , another trend Bitcoin okay but we look , at this and it's like okay how do we , break this down okay how do we break it , down well it all has to do with your , ability to get a market to take action , right the ability to get a market to , take action is what makes you money , online plain and simple , okay you got Amazon you say Marcus , heard you can make money on Amazon , okay what is Amazon okay everyone tell , me what you think Amazon is okay what is , the heart of Amazon you can say book , store you could say an online store , whatever but what is the heart of Amazon , what is it really okay like Google , Google is an Internet company but what , are they they're a search engine , okay YouTube what is YouTube YouTube's a , video search engine , okay what else do we have here and , hosting sharing site hey what does , Amazon okay website okay search engine , affiliate marketer website website okay , more specifically right more , specifically what is it okay it's pretty , much a shopping search engine it's a , shopping search engine you go there to , look for what you want because you know , that they have pretty much everything , under the Sun it's as hopping search , engine all right now think about that , for a minute it's a shopping search and , Googlies like an internet search engine , Amazon's a shopping search engine , YouTube's a video search engine and we , look at this and these are search engine , now what is a search engine okay what is , a search engine to us as affiliate , marketers what does that mean tome okay , and hopefully is this making sense to , everyone on a scale of one to ten ten , being your totally with me and one being , what the heck are you talking about go , ahead and type that in the box now okay , some people say sales funnel product , distributor find an audience communicate , offer sale someone says connecting a , source indexer okay what it means to me , a search engine equals a traffic source , okay that's all Otis okay no wit's , going to start to get really really good , okay a search engine is your traffic , source so we look at your traffic source , okay what is Instagram it's a traffic , source , okay everyone else it's social media to , us it's a traffic source what is , affiliate marketing affiliate marketing , for the advertising company is a traffic , source right what woods opus Oprah's TV , show it's a traffic source it's a , traffic source to sell ads what is a , popular Twitter account it's a traffic , source okay now if you add that traffic , source to your ability to influence , people then you're going to do extremely , well okay very very very important okay , so we look at this we look at our trends , we're like okay good there's lots of , traffic so , two things going on it's bad things like , net neutrality some good things like , advertising's up we had banner years for , backfired cuber Monday sale slots of , things are going up no one doubts that , there's a lot of money being made the , question is is which side of the coin , are you going to be on in okay are , you gonna be on the side that says I , don'TKO what's going on , I'm still worried about figuring some , stupid thing out or are you gonna be on , the side that says I see the opportunity , I want to break everything down really , simple and I want to be in the gap where , other people think that traffic is , worthless but I know better I know , better like year sago I went into a , market and people laughed at me they , were like dude you can't make money in , that market it's so stupid , I was buying traffic for two cents , click all right I paid two cents a click , and they were like dude you're stupid , what are you are you doing you need to , go dude mortgages and you need to do , this and you need to do that and said , well two cents a click mean everyone , else thinks it's junk traffic but I , think I can do something with it and so , I took that traffic I built a little , three-page website very simple site I , think there is probably three paragraphs , total on the site so done content it , wan't good at content but what I was , good at was influence okay what is , influence influence is the ability to , get people to do something plain and , simple can you influence someone now , some people out there are politicians , and they use their whole life to , influence people okay some people write , letters , some people make phone calls some people , have Instagram's and Twitter'some , people simply make three-page website , and put links on it that go to an , affiliate offer but they do it Ina way , that takes this junk traffic and , instantly fills this gap turning it to , huge profit very huge profit if you know , how to do it so now what do you think , would Beau valuable skill for you to , learn in what would be out of what , we'vie talked about so far what would be , the most valuable skill , that you think you would like to learn , to be able to tackle this stuff okay and , I'll let you guys type your answers in , the box here okay and actually this is , something that let's see , okay call to action okay what else , influence okay that's a goo done , influence what else more specifically , converting traffic getting them to take , answer find out what your visitors want , influencing through web pages or blogs , okay fill the gap okay more specifically , we want to get really specific here , how about being able to know what junk , traffic wants'vie being able to know , what junk traffic ones now why do I like , junk traffic okay now I like good , traffic too but there's a lot of traffic , out there that's super inexpensive super , easy to get you can rank site really , quick on it right and and for you guys , it's low risk right alto of people come , tome and they're like Marcus Id on't , want to pay five dollars a click right , because at the end of the day if I get a , hundred visitors to my website , I just meant five hundred bucks that's , that's difficult right and someone just , talked tome about paid traffic now that , sounds difficult right how many of you , guys before this call you thought paid , traffic was a big risk you're like man I , could lose money with traffic that that , sounds really risky well not if you're , able to find traffic like I did for two , cents ac lick right that means if I buy , hundred clicks today Only paid two , bucks the other guy paid I paid two , okay now it's all relative depending on , what you're selling like I always say I , would pay a thousand dollars a click if , I can do I can make two thousand or , fifteen hundred or whatever would pay , for it right but the moral of the story , here is we got to look at this and we , got to say okay here's our junk traffic , here's the people who don'TKO the , value okay they don't know value okay , jobber notice how interesting it is that , people only realize value after it's , already become valuable right like , people look at something like stock or , a Bitcoin or something and once it , reaches like,W bucks or something , they're like wow that's really valuable , and it's too late to like do anything , with ictus they're like okay well I , came in Little late right he ever , notice that right or a house they're , like oh well you know right now I'll pay , two hundred thousand for it , they did't they're not paying attention , to the fact that maybe couple years , later be worth four hundred thousand but , then when it's worth four hundred , everyone goes crazy , because now they see it right people , like to believe things when they see it , they like to see the value because of , what other people do and a lot of , marketers will tell you this they say go , into a market where there's lots of , advertisers because that's where the , money is right how many of you guys , heard that before , okay think about this fora minute okay , think about that for minute , that's a good one Devon , devil says the only way to learn this , stuff is through repetition yes the way , to learn things is one through , repetition and to getting outside the , box of what you already know , see right now you're listening tome and , alto of you guys if you're honest let's , try a test okay you guys want to tr ya , test here let's try a little test I test , in the box if you want to try this test , with me okay all right cool so here's , the test how many of you guys have been , listening to me up until now and you'vie , haven'you'vie been having a , conversation in your head about what , works and Watson't maybe I said net , neutrality's't as big oaf deal as a , lot of people make it and maybe you said , well Marcus think that's way , bigger of a deal you're full of it or , maybe you say well I think at the end of , this video Marcus is gonna try to sell , me something or maybe you say well you , know maybe Majesties't really know , this junk traffic stuff or maybe it's , junk because of whatever right how many , of you guys have had augment about , something I'vie said so far right you'vie , judged it you said okay well Id on't , think so or I do think so or no or yes , okay how many of you guys had a , judgment about that , okay type it in the box okay , okay now what's happening is you're , using your judgment to filter what's , being said okay which means you're not , actually listening you're not actually , listening like nude says Nee I would , yield I think I don'TKO I can't I , said it wrong I'm sorry did these , things are always a sales pitch okay , cool but here'SA deal if you could , listen Tao hundred sales pitches and , get some good information out of them , would that not be worth it you don't , ha veto buy anything that's your own , fear that'sour fear of not being able , to control your own spending right , so you look at that and you're like okay , but a lot of people have judgment right , a lot of people if you're honest with , yourself you have filters and you have , judgment you have doubts and you have , worries and you say Marcus maybe that , won'twerk I know that other people do , or I know that other people maybe did , this or I'vie struggled in the past and , you're filtering it through what you , have experienced and what you know and , what your fears are and what'seagoing on , in your mind but if you are able to stop , judging stop judging what you hear stop , filtering what you hear and experience , what you hear then things will start to , change because right now you're looking , at it in ab ox and you're saying well , this other marketer said that Instagram , is you know just bunch of people with , pictures this other guy said Twitter , dozen'twerk this other guy said there's , got to be money in the market but what , I'm asking you to do is suspend your , belief and say well well what can we , actually learn here is there a way to , look at this is there a big GPA lot of , people say well maybe there's alto of , gap maybe all the Internet's busy maybe , there's too many people in internet , marketing maybe there's too much stuff , right and we look at that we say well , how can I look at this without filtering , because here's the deal you want a , result am aright like what result do , you want in what result do you want , type it in the box and we're gonna start , we're gonna start on that we're gonna , look at it we're gonna say let's start , off now because a lot of people are , gonna start January ST and they're , well Igor to do it and by the second , week in January they will given up or , gone onto something else but I know you , guys are different I know you like my , videos I know you'vie heard what I have , to say and we're going to look at it , we're gonna go the whole year right , we're gonna say this is what I'm going , to do so what kind of goals do you have , okay , W she BIOS says he wants a hundred , thousand Robert wants a hundred and , eight thousand okay this guy says I , treat Marcus as educational videos like , a college course and take notes look , forward to getting on board wit hone of , the programs Ina month or two awesome , and looking forward to working with you , as well , okay nude says he sold one of his sites , for two hundred and twenty grand cool , these are worth a lot we went over some , of my sites that we use in our high , ticket niche program last week and we , went to its domain it's like there were , two thousand bucks and you're getting , them for like nine ninety seven with a , site on them and everything okay a , minimum of fifty dollars a day trying to , build a million dollars plus okay so you , got these goal snow how many of you guys , have made goals in the past and you'vie , failed on them'm totally guilty as , charged guarantee if you add up , everyone's goal sand once you failed on , this year I probably did more because I , have pretty big goals but here's a deal , you only have to get few good ideas to , beat this you only have to get a few , good ideas to make this work okay a lot , of people say well Marcus there's D , magnetization there's absence there's , Bitcoin there'Facebook there's all , this am so confused but you don't need , to learn all that you just need one good , idea and he did't make it work so a lot , of people say they want to make a , hundred thousand dollars a year okay , that's what they want to make okay , want to make a hundred thousand dollars , a year now a hundred thousand dollars a , year is two hundred it's two hundred and , twenty seven dollars a day or two , hundred seventy four dollars a day sorry , two hundred and seventy four dollars a , day okay so here's the deal let's break , this down this is your goal okay so if , your goal was to do one hundred thousand , a year like W in the box , and just so you guys know when Iffiest , started out my first goal was to hit , $W,W a year actually made a goal , to hit it within five years of starting , internet marketing and I actually hi tit , the second year okay so it's really cool , we actually we were well over that goal , I think our second year was one hundred , and sixty-seven thousand dollars which , for me at that time I was like holy cow , I have arrived and then the year after , that we did about and then a couple , years later we hit a million and so , these things can be reached I mean I do , this that's right now is the most , employees I'vie ever had working for me , but up until now is pretty much me and , my you know extra room or office outside , or whatever and it works at $SO like , let me ask you this if you were able to , make$W,W a year online now I'm not , saying you Willie don't know what you're , gonna get you could lose money you could , do nothing you could make more the , average person who starts internet , marketing does nothing makes nothing he , never does the stuff it takes okay so , that's the average person so the odds , are against you if you're going to be , average they're gonna be average you're , not gonna make anything okay everyone's , average everyone is so be better now , again all I said is you only need a , couple of good ideas to make this work , couple of good were there maybe even one , goo done right maybe there's one good , idea and the good idea comes from the , traffic sources that lot of people , think are junk okay and we look at this , and we say okay how do we look at this , how do we make it work and we go out , there and we say well what are people , looking up the biggest thing that you , need to know in W is how to figure , out what people want plain and simple , okay if I pic kit guess keyword term , like maybe people are looking for , pictures of a celebrity okay they're , looking for pictures of a celebrity if I , could figure out and lots of people look , at him hundreds of thousands of times a , day if Could figure out how to somehow , make money on that traffic do you think , I can make hundred thousand dollars , year or two hundred seventy four a day , or maybe all the people that are looking , for different , ways to lose weight maybe they look up , like calories to lose a pound okay a lot , of marketers don't know that that term , exists people look it up every day and , if you knew what they wanted you'd be , able to make money what about this one , here or he's looking at backgrounds , layouts music players different things , like that right I was paying two cents a , click I was making and I was actually , able to ramp up my bidding to like , eighteen cents click was making , cents a click and I was doing it W,W , ti mesa day and you look at that and it , adds up and you look at that you say , okay there we go , we make it work okay a couple of , questions here someone says they keep , getting suspended and the affiliate , marketing companies take the money all , right well you need to follow what we do , because we do it in a way that that , won't happen if you're following the way , that they want here's a deal everything , you do at the end of the day must be , valuable to an advertiser okay if you're , out there and you're spamming Grisliest , what you should never do that's Nita , marketing plan that's BS however there , are ways to use these tools which I show , you how but if you're out the redoing , junk stuff the company's not gonna get , value at the end of the day so we have , to make sure that they get the value out , to make sure that they get who they want , because they're not gonna pay you if you , give them junk right like there was a , joke we had year sago where we were , doing ads and things and it'slake hey , click as many times as you canto win , prize you know we never did it but we , joked about it saying well that would be , totally shady because at the end of the , day the advertiser would not get value , right they don't get value out of that , it's not gonna work so again that's , where the influence comes into play is , your value right how do we know what , these people want and give them value , now one of the things that we do here , that was a big big hit this year was our , high ticket niche sites right in our , high ticket niche sites what I do is I , find you a traffic source so that a lot , of people think is you know junkie or , whatever but we buy domains and the , domains are worth alto of money as you , saw in our last webinar we give the , domain to you we set up the site for you , we give you the niche we tell you the , offers to run we tell you how to get , traffic everything like that and it , works really really well okay and so we , look at that , and we make it work , okay so what the goal is is to figure , out how to do that now when you look at , this and you say okay my goal I's for , a day and let's see if we can clean this , off Little I don't know how these new , pens work but let's see if we clear this , off a little bit it might work it might , not we're still waiting on the new , blackboard the mailman lost it or , something okay this is not gonna work , but we'll try anyway maybe we need more , of this stuff but yeah what we're , looking at here is how do we look at , your goal of bucks a day and make it , work okay can you guys still see we'll , wait for that to dry and we'll come up , here to the screen all right we'll take , a look at how this works , okay and you guys might have noticed a , little link at the bottom of the sit ewe , are actually going to be starting a , course that breaks this up and teaches , everything by one by one right we're , gonna break everything down we're gonna , make it super easy for you so that you , can learn exactly what you need to do to , profit in NOW what I'm gonna do is , we are actually going to take we're , gonna take a few people okay I can take , like maybe W maybe W people haven't , decided yeti'm gonna take them under my , wing and'm gonna teach them everything , right we're gonna go through and I'm , going to make it to where you guys get , everything everything works for you , you learn exactly what you need to do to , make this work and let's see if can , get the right screen okay this should be , the right one , let's see here okay , can you guys all see my screen and see , me you should be able to okay is that , working for you , okay so um let's see here how much will , the course cost haven't decided yet , but what we're gonna do is we're gonna , make it to where you guys literally get , everything so we're gonna help you guys , build sites'm gonna take you through , everything week by week by week we're , gonna get you everything that you need , to know to make it happen so it's like , me taking you under my wing and just , bringing you through everything right is , literally you're gonna be like okay well , markets here's where I'm stuck and we're , like okay here's how you do this Marcus , I need this okay here's this and we're , gonna break everything down now I'vie , never done this before in the magnitude , that'm gonna do now because what I'm , going to do is I'gonna give you an , overview and breakdown everything right , so we're gonna go through and we're , gonna breakdown everything step by step , I'm gonna go through I'm gonna be like , okay here's the website stuff okay good , okay here's the affiliate stuff we're , gonna go through that we're gonna go , through and talk about like Amazon be , like okay where does that fit in the , puzzle we're gonna talk about Twitter , where does that fit into the puzzle , we're gonna talk about search engines , and things like that , so that it works really really well for , you okay so really cool practice says , I'm already subscriber is this , included or extra in the for the , IT will be Private class okay , it's not gonna be super cheap but it's , not gonna be super expensive I haven't , decided yet what we're gonna do is we're , gonna take like people'm gonna take , you by the hand and show you how this , works at the end of the course you will , have a site you'll have traffic to test , you'll have affiliate offers you'll have , everything ready Togo and you will know , exactly how to do this right you'll go , out there and you'll be able to find , niches you'll be go out there you'll be , able to bridge the gap and find the , niches and everything like that so if , you if you like that if you're , interested in something like that it's , gonna be very very selective it's gonna , be very private right we're gonna go , through it is gonna be like me over your , shoulder helping you out and you know , all get together here in Florida at the , end of it and hangout and stuff like , that but if you're interested in that , you can go to profit W dot-com and , you definitely want to spell it right , profit off it there we go , profit DOT-com you're gonna see the , page here again it's very private it's , very something that I'm working on just , for you so if you're interested in that , we have our cool logo here all you got , to do is fill out this little form now , what you want to do is you want to put , your name last name email phone number , and then tell me why you would be a good , fit for the program okay we want to make , sure that it works now Gloria says you , know some of this stuff is overwhelming , what we're going to do in this course is , we're gonna break it down now we're , gonna break it down not just to teach , you everything because I understand like , if your goal is just to make X amount , and whatever you don'tend to learn , Twitter in MySpace and Facebook and you , know Instagram and YouTube and all this , you don't need to learn all that all you , need to do is find your niche first , figure out where the niche is at and , then learn the thing that's going to get , you into the niche right for example if , Iowas going Togo into niche let's say , we go to Google here right and we go to , Google and I'm like okay let's say my , niche is calories to lose a pound okay , if it's calories to lo sea pound in a , week okay let's say that that's my niche , okay so now if I look at this niche I'm , like okay this is where the people are , okay the people are here and we're like , great there they are there's the results , they can get now people are searching , for this every day and I can actually , think I can login to my Ad words Edwards , and I should be able to let's see , bear with me one second I should be able , to log in and show you how many people , are looking for it , okay hopefully remember my password , here good got it okay so if we go into , outwards , and I will switch the screen in one , second I just go in the right account , have a test account for the webinars , okay cool so when we go into Ad Words , here we can go in and we can do tools go , to keyword planner and I can actually , see what how many people search for , calories to lo sea pound in a week all , right we can go in here wait for it to , load okay click right here I don't know , look here and do calories to lo sea , pound in a week okay boom now how to , lose calories to lose a pound in a week , okay a hundred to a thousand searches a , month that's not much right I would look , at that and I'd be like okay well you , know a hundred people that's like three , people a day not gonna work okay maybe , thirty people a day if we're if we're , lucky okay so what I would do is Would , look at all the other one sand see what , comes up so if we do like keyword so , close and we'll just go here and we'll , do average monthly searches okay how , many calories per day how many calories , do I burn in a day okay so for this one , now you're gonna take look at this you , see several things one you see how many , calories do I burn in a day good then , you see ten thousand to a hundred , thousand searches a month now in my , other account you can actually see the , exact number but here let's say let's , say W thousand okay that's good it's , like a thousand people a day that are , searching for how many calories do I , burn in the day okay how many you guys , are with me you're like okay that'school , great so there we go okay now we can , take a look at this and say this is what , people search for this is what they see , so a thousand people day are seeing , this page okay is everyone understand , that it's like okay a thousand people , day or so you miss me now I also see , that there are no advertisers right no , advertisers if there's advertisers it , would be like weight loss , okay see advertiser advertiser , advertiser next page advertiser , advertiser advertise your product , product product okay this one doe snot , have that okay so really cool we look at , that we're like okay a thousand people , see this day there's no advertisers , now Google says it's like hundred , dollar fifty two but there's no , advertisers so it's probably lot , cheaper guess it's probably alto , cheaper so we Giotto look at that and , say okay good now this is an example of , the gap we were talking about right this , is the gap so the question is is in this , gap with a thousand people a day seeing , this page if I can get an ad put it up , for W cents or whatever cents a , click maybe I get clicks Ada , cost me bucks right could I turn that , thirty dollars into two hundred and , seventy four and make myself hundred , Granada year perhaps right perhaps so , we'vie goat look at that and we say this , really works okay does that make sense , to everyone , can you guys all still hear me looks , like the microphones still working , okay , it's still working okay cool now does , everyone get that right Teak calories if , you understand what Just showed you , right because it's subtle but it works , if you do it right it's really cool and , all you nee dis a few little things to , be able to make this work and if you do , it right everything's gonna work out for , you okay , okay summit Paul says how is it , different from high ticket the high , ticket niche program is a good program , if you're looking for a place to start , go to high ticket niches dot-com you can , get your high ticket niche well actually , give you jump start on this program , and then where this comes out will give , you guys a discount for you know the , niche or whatever but it works extremely , well now if you're super serious so , you'll see the page here for the , affiliate marketing dude calm if you go , to profit W calm this is what you're , going to see you could just fill this , out and then if you're super serious , about joining click on the live chat , because we'dike to talk and talk to , Yoko OK like Jake JR says that info , right there is worth the hours yeah if , you look at this right you're gonna get , this now if you go back and watch the , replay you're gonna get lots of little , tidbits because if you understand this , it's gonna work and then when you look , at this you look at what shows up so , right here I'd be like well Icahn buy , traffic cheap that's the best way to do , it okay you could also look and say well , maybe there's like Twitter or something , on here if there was like a Twitter on , here then I'd go and see if I can , advertise on his Twitter if there was a , Facebook page I'd see if I get , advertised there and a lot of times we , can look at it and you can see that it's , really not that competitive now someone , said how do you negotiate from the , dollar fifty to down to thirty cents we , actually break that down but it's more , or less you just bid and then you back , down but we make that clear in our , course okay okay so fifty four says find , a niche find offers make content , advertise sell get paid pretty much it , can be easier than that and it could be , more complicated just depends on on what , you're doing okay Alvin says he's , qualified is he qualified for W , well what you'want to do is fill out , this form this form will tell me if , you're qualified or not we want to know , you got to put in there say Marcus I , think I'd be a good fit because you know , maybe I am willing to do what it takes , and I'Mont gonna give up and I'm , willing to do whatever or maybe hey I'vie , Hadar site before and I want to do this , right and what we'll do is we'll break , it down and make it , easy okay so anyone who'interested in , being one of those people you would just , go ahead and type in that box at profit , calm , okay so if that's you just type it in , the box okay Spencer says he has the , course no one has prophet W yet this , is a brand new course it's a corset , starting after the first of the year , we're gonna go through now one of the , benefits of getting in now is you might , want to talk to your accountant about it , but you should be able to write off the , price of it which make sit okay nude , says you're trying to qualify prospects , but when are they accepted they will , have to pay yes , you will have to pay for the course it , is a hands-on training you'll get , replays you get everything and it's very , very valuable if you use it if you think , about it right if you could use this , information to make ten thousand dollars , a years hundred thousand dollars aye , or more would't it be worth it no , matter what right I don't know the price , of it but we're gonna probably price it , around like what an average simple site , makes in like a month or something or a , couple weeks or something like that so , it'll be very reasonable based on what , you're getting okay and again you Giotto , look at it and say well what's the cost , not to get it right what is the cost , like what let's go back over to , blackboard let's talk about this okay , CZ Think a lot of people have been , trying to do this stuff and they're just , struggling so what did it cost you to , not have this information last year okay , so in what did it cost you to not , have this okay what it cost you don't , have it ten thousand dollars hundred , thousand right there's things I did't , know like if I could go back to the , beginning of the year and and know about , Bitcoin or something and buy Bitcoin , cheap even though it's like a big bubble , I would have made money right sometimes , you make money on bubbles lot of , people made money on the housing bubble , a lot of people made money on other , bubbles you just have to know what side , you want to be on but you have to look , at this and you have to say to yourself , what was it worth it right how much , let's let's get real here right how much , time if you had to estimate how much , time did you spend trying to make money , in okay we'll put those up there so , let's put two , we're gonna have to get different , color okay let's put this up here in , W there we go in how much time , did you spend right maybe you're like , okay maybe spent an hour a day you put , maybe you spent three hours a day , put a thousand maybe you spent ten hours , a day then you put you know four , thousand or whatever okay someone says , it took him years okay good , took him years to learn this stuff took , me years you know what you're doing , here a lot of people look at this and , they're like well markets you know , just want you to tell me this this and , this and that's good we do have services , for that but for those of you who really , want to learn this okay you got to go in , and you have to look at it because this , stuff took me W years have personally , invested over $W,IN training , courses to learn what Learned okay , most of it was trial an hour at trial , and error but did have to invest in , those in time and money and everything , like that okay someone says a year's , worth of no money okay so let's say you , made a simple site and you made ten , bucks a day okay is anyone here does , anyone doubt that you can make a site , and make ten dollars a Day mean come , on really there was a guy we had I , talked to him last nigh ton live chat , he's like Marcus I did't think this , stupid thing you said would work but I , did it and within couple hours I made , $I was like that'pretty cool so , with a couple hours you made W bucks , off of something you did't even think , would work and it took you two minutes , to set up and you're still making money , off Ito don't know how much he's making , now but you're still making something , often right is there anyone here that , does not think I could teach you to make , a site that makes $W a day anyone that , dozen'think that right Spencer says he , spent to hours a day so that'SA , thousand hours trying to learn this now , Spencer did you make anything okay four , hours a day for two months okay so , that's what four hours time's that's , W so hours okay did you make , anything up it okay let's look at it , okay how is the W course better brand , new , we're breaking everything down step by , step super bite-sized I'vie learned from , W from talking to alto of you guys , that you want things broken down in a , very easy way where it makes sense and , it fits in right this webinar training , today was about making things fit in , like I showed you the Oprah example and , showed you how that fits in we showed , you the junk traffic showed you how that , fits in we showed you the calories , example show you how it fit sin Moses , Cain becoming a millionaire with , affiliate marketing a lot of people have , I don'TKO what you'll doubt a lot of , people have right so let's look at that , this guy said thousand thousand hours , let's say you got bucks an hour for , your work right that's$W,W right , there in wasted time and wasted money at , least right now my stuff when I actually , build sites average like a thousand , dollars an hour so you have to look at , that and say how does it work okay and , you ha veto really make it work okay , let's see what else we have here , and I'm not saying you'll average $1,W , I don't know what you'leverage okay , and that's actual actual work when I , build a site that's the average that I , get off of the work it's not like but we , have to look at this so how many of you , guys type$W in the box if you think , can teach you to build a site that makes , W bucks , Katrina that's good fill out that form , and we'll get you all the info that's , how you're gonna get info right whether , you're gonna join or not that's how you , get info on this course okay so , nonchalant thinks I can teach them to , make W bucks anyone else think that , okay Iran thinks iota LOD says yes , everyone thinks I can help you make , dollars Ada OK nobody doubts that , right is there anyone who doubts it okay , so one says I can help them make nine , dollars a day okay off one site okay , that means if you we reselling web , hosting that's one sale every days if , you're selling a Click bank book that's , one sale like every four days if you're , selling a thousand dollar product that's , one sale every W days come on this is , not hard to do if you're giving away , tool bar and I just yesterday I mad ea , site for a guy with the tool bar thing , and you know that would be three dollars , right so three dollars that means you , would only ha veto give away three , tool bars Ada okay not hard to do guys , come on now we look at it if you went , back tithe beginning of and you , follow the directions and went into it , and we're able to make a site that made , $W Ada you would now be sitting on , thirty six hundred and fifty dollars , from your effort pretty cool right now , the cool thing about these sites is it , dozen'take that much to build it , dozen't take a lot of money dozen't take , a lot of time like this guy if he spent , a thousand hours building these sites , let's say he's really slow and it takes , him three hours to build site right , that means he can build W sites in , that time so while he was sitting around , watching webinars trying to figure , things outgoing from one thing to the , next thing to the next thing to the next , thing he could have set up W sites , right now hypothetically if it was to , work three sites times ten bucks a day , right $3,W a day is this hard to Dino , this is what I do fora living I'vie been , doing it for year snow I'vie gotten a , lot better and you know my goal USN't to , make ten dollars on the site my goal is , to make sites find the ones that do , really Welland run with them okay CZ , some of them might notwork like usually , nine out often for me personally work , but sometimes you know you're like okay , that idea Id on't want to do it or maybe , something changes but at any rate you , find the ones that work now let me ask , you this how many of you guys would like , to have two to three sites making to , $W a day or more right now you guys , would be like dude that would be cool , that'd be really great okay at the end , of the year you'd be doing this now I , want you to look at this and I want you , to think and project that at the end of , you could be in one or two places , you can be in a place where you're like , this guy who's like spent a bunch of , time bought more stuff spent a lot , of money right let's let's look at this , how much money did you spend in W , trying to learn internet marketing from , every $7 BS course to A's,W dollar , course to traffic or whatever how much , money did you spend trying to learn this , business , if you were to guess just go go through , and think about it okay , and put that in the box let's look at , this and let's get real and let'stalk , about what it'serially gonna take , because want you to succeed I want you , to do really well that's why I teach , this stuff okay Nancy says too much all , right we'll give USA ballpark 5,W , W,W okay so Spencer says 1,W okay , what else okay Mike says I'm almost , ready to buy all right would go by I , don'TKO what's stopping you okay , 1,W what else okay 4,W for Nancy , okay what else , $W for HTML okay all right what else , okay so let's look at this right now how , many of you guys would feel better about , what you spent if at the beginning of , the year you listened you set something , up and now you gotten bucks today like , I make that bucks today every day , pretty cool right I'm like okay you know , it'snot breaking the bank but you know , it'something right ten dollars day , every day or maybe hundred or whatever , and we look at it okay , Fargo says five hundred okay five , hundred okay Oscar he's got 1,W what , else we got , okay so now we look at this and we're , like okay what are we getting for what , we have now someone says he spent , millions of hours chasing BS exactly , right now how many of you guys can see , through this right now you're gonna have , filter like we talked about earlier , you're gonna have judgments on what's , said but at the end of the day you're , like holy this stuff works see it , work , but Marcus shows Hussite it's got a , simple stupid web hosting site and he , gets like four grand a month now here's , the thing right , that stupid hosting site makes me four , Granada month and they pay me in PayPal , and I'm not a big fan of PayPal not a , family has a lot of you guys have known , but they pay me in PayPal so I keep it , in PayPal and actually buy ads with it , and because I take that money and I buy , ads with it I'm able to make like twenty , thousand dollars extra right so so think , about that right if you use this stuff , right it will work and it'll fuel other , things now that hosting site also , generates me leads those leads I could , go through and make a lot more often so , we got a look at that like Nancy says , yeah the hours are worse than the money , Icahn stand losing five grand but I , can't stand losing year of three hour , days to nothing okay , I can't stand that right money you can , always get more money you can't get more , time so here's a deal how would you like , to make W work for you for the better , at the end know what's going on and have , something that's working now again we , can't guarantee income we can't , guarantee something's gonna work but , what I'gonna give you as the guy said , is a course that outlines everything he , said all Marcus I watch your stuff like , I'm in school and I take notes right and , you look at that and it's cool because , you're gonna learn stuff that'll work , over and over now you go to school and , it's good and you learn and I'm glad , that my doctor went to college and it's , great but it cost a lot right go to , school it's like we're looking at , schools for my kids and it's like , quarter oaf million dollars to send , them to school and at the end they get , paper that tells them they can go work , for someone and you got to go find , someone who works so like if you're in , the generation that had a bunch of , doctor sat the end the doctor salaries , gonna go down because there's , too many of them okay but this what , we're teaching you is how to make , yourself fortune as Jim Ron used to , say formal education will make you a , living self education will make you a , fortune and what we're gonna do is we're , gonna teach you how to learn we're gonna , teach you how to be an entrepreneur , because lot of you guys don't know how , to learn this stuff the right way you , don't know how to put it in because , you'vie been taught in a school system , that unfortunately says equals Good , equals bad okay now I am probably an F , student okay I love to learn but I'm , probably an F student why because I suck , at memorizing stuff am terrible at , memorizing stuff still can'Tell you , the names of the people you know just , the other day we're studying the nine , Justice Court people with my kid and I , she memorized in like an hour and Iowas , like oh crap Id on't even know one of , them I'm terrible at memorizing now this , is what education has taught you this , how memorize stuff and you're gonna do , good , be able to write the paper you're gonna , do good and things like that so what we , Giotto do is we'begot to get you into , the realm of looking at everything as , one of two things okay because you can , look at things as success and failure , and lot of you guys how many of you , guy shave you're honest you feel like , you're failing at this right now you're , like it's not working now new it says , his newest site he started in March W , has made a five hundred ninety nine , dollars this month he's averaging twenty , eight dollars a day cool right that's , great and if you join our courts we'll , show you how to make more with it , because a lot of people don't realize , the value of the traffic again remember , that okay that's that's the tip of the , day okay people don't realize traffic if , you can bridge that gap you're gonna , make so much money it's not even funny , if you do it the right way and you work , your ass off you know nothing in life is , guaranteed and but yeah alto of people , look at it as success and failure right , and he says all of that traffic is , organic traffic he set it up , he's on a page like showed you and , it's there and it makes money dozen't , even have to buy traffic you could still , do this stuff if you do it if you do it , you can , laughs behold Google dozen't like , affiliates like Hill look at their , result snow they don'talkie affiliates , who are lame who don'provide value , right they don't like affiliates who , like put those pop-ups up to say all , your computer has a virus call this , number , BS don't ever fall for that stuff it's , terrible but Google likes affiliates , that actually do their job right do your , job provide value to the marketplace now , you might say oh Marcus I'm not good at , providing value well literally you could , make a list , okay let's hop in the computer again , I'll show you this thing right you want , value a lot of people like just the , other day we were looking up sites let's , see if we could transition here we were , looking up sites and we were looking up , the word , the trigger word list okay people want a , list now to me to a lot of people you're , gonna say well they just want to list , that's all they want to Meir say people , want a list for a reason okay they want , to list for a reason what kind of list , okay here's a guy who wants STD list , okay maybe there's a product that helps , him write some of those drugs are , expensive HTML West why would someone , want an HTML list they're probably , building website what ISS website , need it probably needs web hosting okay , or maybe they need web design software , or maybe there's a course on HTML you , can send that and sell them now again , look at the six cents a click six it's , nothing , HTML elements less you say Marcus how do , I provide value to this market well you , do the research you make a list you'd , make it graphic and cool and you give , them give them the printable PDF list of , this stuff and then at the bottom of it , you tell them to go to your site to copy , a little HTML things and cool stuff boom , done deal now do you think these guys , would probably like template sand stuff , too there's atoll bar that gives away , templates that pays me three bucks okay , we can do that too do you think these , guys might want to make money on their , site maybe there's ad sense there too , right so it's very very very , easy to do if you focus did that make , sense to everyone , okay closer so now I'm nude nude I think , it's how you say it , he says Hussite only has W articles , okay articles is nothing you could do , them yourself in a couple hours or you , can outsource them they come with a high , ticket niche and he's getting W,W , unique visitors a month so he's got , eleven thousand visitors and he's only , making W dollars does anyone think , that he has traffic he does not realize , the value of I I'gonna bet ye sand , hopefully he joins us and we can show , him how to do that right so we look at , it and that's the example there are , people like that everywhere there's guys , with YouTube channels with like,W , people on them and they're making , nothing because they don't know how to , do it and there's companies that go in , and they buy ads on these people's sites , for pennies on the dollar because they , know how to do it right how do you guys , want to learn this you're like Marcus I , want to learn how to bridge this gap , because if I start doing Ito'm not , gonna waste another year of money and , time I'm gonna make it work right if , that's you and you want to join go to , profit W dot-com profit to zero one , eight dot-com fill this form out tell me , about yourself there's no obligation at , all this is actually my way to get to , know you sometimes maybe I'll even give , you call we actually hired three new , people this week so we're gonna be , helping you guys out we got some more , customer support to help you out we got , a guy who it's actually another magician , a really cool guy he's gonna do our , social media help you guys with that as , well so if you guys want if you're in it , to win it if you don't want to mess , around in W and you want to make it , work if you're like Christopher who just , said in the chat box , I got $W I earned with,W views , mean come on that's like nothing per , view let's make it work let's make more , let's make it really well like I have a , very profitable YouTube channel when you , look at the amount earned per visitor , and per subscriber because of the nature , of what do it's all about influence , it's all about getting them to do , something and , something good in ethical because if I , send you to something that sucks you're , not gonna come around anymore right if , I'm like any you know go get this and , it'totally lame you're not gonna stick , around long but if give you value and , like hopefully Think you guys got some , value on this webinar if I give you , value then you're gonna keep coming back , you're gonna keep getting things you're , gonna keep working with me and that's , the name of the game whether you're you , know getting people in a market for like , calories or whether they're looking for , makeup tips or whatever and you look at , that and you're like okay check this out , you know you go here and you're like , what about makeup tips like smokey eyes , I found this key word a couple years , back people were looking for smokey eye , makeup tutorial look at all this traffic , is low competition right you could , probably even get it free like how to do , Smokey eye for brown eyes okay so , let's do this in quote show to do a , smokey eye for brown eyes boom okay well , do it in quotes , we could see YouTube here let's see how , many views he has just out of curiosity , 4,W views not too bad okay and here's , another one , eBay okay good these are the things I , noticed right eBay PDF Unnoticed that , Pinter est Interested okay , now the real competition look at this , there's only W real results W there's , W people like if you make a site you're , guaranteed to be in the top because , there's not even W sites mean think , about that now here's question do you , think that a large makeup company would , pay for these visitors but do you think , they want them okay let's take look , let's go to offer vault , and let's do something like makeup , samples okay remember when you're a kid , I know when I was kid my mo mused to , lo veto clip coupons from the newspaper , and I always liked it because there'd be , little samples of stuff like shampoo and , you know cereal and stuff like that and , those companies paid a fortune to get , those into the thing right so we go , here and we're like okay check this out , this is a sample make-up thing they put , their email or zip code in the box when , they put their name in zip code or , whatever in the box right you're gonna , make$2 that's pretty cool right does , anyone else think that'pretty coo land , I'vie made hundreds and hundreds of , thousands off of offers like this , probably millions if I was added up like , look at this get free makeup samples , boom how many guys are like yeah the , people looking up the smokey eyes would , probably like this and if Get two , bucks every time someone puts their , email boom now , HTML says Just got a job so Icahn , invest into affiliate market good that's , what I did in the beginning used to , build websites so that I can invest in , my business , so HTML also says can'you just hire , people on Fiver for YouTube videos yes , you can easy hey get some person who , likes makeup to do videos and there you , go you can even hire a you tuber to do it , right and they'll make you a video and , you pay him X amount or whatever and , there you go and then you drive people , here and if you want to make bucks a , day you only need eight people to fill , out the form and there you go you wanna , make a day you only need to do W or , so to fill out the form or W or , whatever my math is off today right does , that make sense to everyone and that's , just one keyword there's also like all , kinds of stuff smoky eye for blue eyes , for brown eyes right you could make a , whole site about smoky eye makeup and I , mean does everyone get the opportunity , here these people don'TKO how to make , money on the traffic they don't know how , to do it okay so profit W you can get , there it should take you right here or , you can go to affiliate marketing dude , calm slash go W , you want to go direct fill out the form , and we'll contact you and you know let's , see if we can work together and make , this stuff work for you okay , okay how many of you guys are willing to , commit to make this work yes I'm gonna , teach this all in the new program this , new program is gonna teach you , everything the reason I'm doing Otis so , that I could record each and every , segment and put it into different , courses but for you guys you're gonna , get hands-on you're gonna be there live , on the training sand we're going to show , you how it works like you're in the , screen like this okay Jonathan says he , just purchased simple Sykes W do I , qualify for profit everyone , qualifies it will be an additional cost , but if you just got something like a , high ticket niche or something like that , we will apply it towards this so you'll , get a credit how is this different from , buying a niche site from you you're , gonna get niche sites as part of this , but this is also going to give you the , training okay now if you if you want to , get a niche site you can go to high , ticket niches calm and you can get that , and we'll work with you and then if you , want to upgrade to this all right so go , ahead and fill that form out and we'll , take some questions as well , and go from there basically the goal is , to take you by the hand and make you , learn how to do this make you do it make , you build something and make you work it , right because sometime snot only do any , training but we need someone to like say , hey you need to do this go do it can you , tell us how much the course will cost , I'm still debating it'll probably be , like I don't know then what like a , simple site makes in a month or , something like a basic simple site not , one of my big ones okay Marcus which , ticket do we submit at PC money making , when we get there from the Prophet W , you can actually put ticket in just do , a regular support and put the subject , the Prophet Amman says this is what , I need this is what everyone needs it's , just a matter of will you do it or not , some people will use price as a , complaint but I mean look at what you , did last year we'vie got people who spent , four thousand thirteen hundred , thirty-five under and some people ten , thousand , spent a thousand hours I mean come on , this is something everyone needs so , you'vie got to Fonda way to do it we , will be taking people if you need like , you know payment plans or scholarships , or something we might be able to do that , but you got to fill out this form okay , so cool and we're only taking like W , people and you'll be working with me for , three months excuse me all right , as a web developer that I can build my , own website just need niche and some , guide to sell online any discount , nonchalant start with the simple sites , courts go to simple sites of bonus com , sign up the retell me about yourself and , then if you want to upgrade to this we , might be able to do that or you might , just get what you need out of synthesize , how can affiliate marketing work fora , music you tuber music you tubers you can , make a lot wit hit if you do it the , right way just depends on what the , nature of your traffic is okay not sure , which ticket to generate full PC money , if you go to PC money making for the , ticket this is where all our support is , you can go PC money-making com you would , just go in submit a ticket do a support , just general support and then you can , put it in here you can't but fill out , that form first okay and for the guy , with the music you tuber you could start , at simple sites- or you could get this , either way if you want to get a jump , start would advise that you get simple , sites big profits first you can get that , at simple sites bonus calm and that'll , be credited towards whatever you get but , at least you'll be in something and , you'll go from there you know what is , simple sites big profits teach it pretty , much teaches affiliate marketing so if , you want to be an affiliate marketer , it's gonna teach you how to find the , niche show to buy the domain show to get , the traffic what is your opinion on , click funnels seems pretty cool , I don't like hosting my site on a , different host which is why I don'Tues , it now for simple sites users you have , tools that build things very similar to , that in your course , all right so any other questions let me , know and will be on live chat today so , if you guys do want to get us on live , chat that is my live chat screen you can , see all the people on our sites waiting , fora live chat and I got over here so I , can see you guys but pretty cool so yeah , I'll go ahead and turn on the live chat , no wand if you want to talk to me about , the course you have any questions or if , you're like Marcus'm in I want to sign , up right now is there a link we can do , that too because I'll get some info from , you and everything like that so if , that's you type it in the box , where our testimonials we have them on , our sites there's some on simple sites , big profits if you click the little I , thin kit's like video page or something , there's some on there we see if we can , find them , and we have some new ones need to put , up too but we'vie had people we'vie had , lots of people who come in and do , nothing , money stats there it is and reviews , we'vie had lots of people who come in and , do nothing but the people that do , actually do the work have done really , Good lot of them are still full-time , internet marketer sand they bought the , course back when it first came out in , like W or whatever but yeah if you , look at the reviews you can see there's , bunch of testimonial videos here which , is really cool , tons of them like some of these guys , actually just show their check and stuff , which is kind of cool this guy shows his , results from one simple site in the , homework niche of all things that did , pretty good for them - so cool stuff all , right so we do have the live chat open , so if you guys have questions and stuff , but go to prophet and fill this , form out and everything what'st he , turnaround time Ina high-ticket niche , or budget niche depends on the people we , have a lot of new people working now so , it's a lot quicker now but from the time , we get your domain songs like solid how , you go from there OK OK mike says I want , to get started but this time of the year , has we tight on money is there a way to , make payment on some of these while I , learn how to do it yes on the simple , sites if you go to simple sites bonus , com simple sites bonus com you can , actually use the payment plan Herrick , and that'll get you the course or if you , want high ticket niche niches com high , ticket niches com that also has a , payment plan as well so either one , whichever one you want go from there , simple sites bonus com is for the the , course there now what I'gonna do is , I'gonna be on live chat for the next , few hour sand if you guys have any , questions if you guys want to talk to me , or or learn about this stuff or just you , know kind of hang out we will get you , guys in there you can actually go on , live chat after you fill this form out , you can just click the live chat online , right here , and then'll bring up the live chat and , you can just talk to us live I could see , I'm on there right now and is there a , payment plan for the W course there , will be payment plan for the course if , you're interested Inuit go on live chat , ask us and fill out that form and you , can put that in the question here as , well okay I want to make it affordable , enough that the people who really need , to use it and want to use it can so it's , on a case by case fill the form out get , me on live chat put in your ticket and , we'll take it from there but what it's , going to be is three month course , we're gonna go through now in the first , month you're gonna be able to get , results you'll be able to go through , you'll be able to do the stuff setup , sites everything so it's not like you , have to wait till the end to make it , work you can start working it right away , so really cool are most of your niches , on paid traffic no it's a good split , between paid traffic and free traffic , and social media traffic , okay yes there will be a payment plan if , you guys do need it for the okay so , go ahead and fill that form out that's , gonna give me the info that's at profit , W dot-com and just so you guys know , those domains are you know pretty cool , so are you rich that's a relative term , some people think you know grands , rich some people think of millions are , it some people think W millions are it , so it's all relative okay happy to learn , good let me know and get that form , filled out so that we can get you , squared away , anyone who's interested needs to be , filling out that form now again there's , no obligation no anything like that we , just want to get to know you we want to , know how we can help you better whether , it's through the W course or whatever , put in here a little bit of info about , yourself tell me what Icahn do to help , you tell me what you think you need and , as a lot of people tell me I have the , ability to give you what I know you need , not what you think you need sometimes , there's there's a gap but tell you what , you think you need and what you do need , okay and my goal is to give you what you , need not what you thinking but that'll , help me understand okay so any other , questions type it in there and then feel , free to get me on live chat as well , all right so that's profit W dot-com , you want to fill that form out and take , it from there alright so what we'll do , is we'll go ahead and close off the , webinar I hope you guys enjoyed this , hope you got alto of good value out of , it I hope you understood how it works , like HTML says the way you teach is very , understandable yes and that's how this , is going to work , the W course is going to be so broken , down and so easy you're gonna you're , gonna get it right you'll know how to , use this stuff to make a lot and to make , this work whether it's on social media , or whatever we're gonna make it work for , you so you just have to get in there and , you just have to make it happen so with , that said let's go ahead and get you , there go ahead and fill out the format , profit W dot-com hit me upon live , chat by clicking the little button will , help you get in there and it will help , you make it work and yeah cool stuff , thanks again for watching'm Marcus , subscribe to my channel if you are not , yet subscribed and I look forward to , working with you in W and if you're , ready to go if you say Marcus I'm ready , to go I want to join right now get us on , live chat we'll help you thanks again , for watching and as soon AIs find the , goodbye end stream button we'll He met , thanks again for watching'm Marcus , go to profit well let's get , you started let's make some money , let's stop info overload and get you to , the results thanks Anne for watching see , you in the next .

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