Pay Per Lead Affiliate Programs - Marcus Explains Pay Per Lead Or CPL


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hey guys it's Marcus here and today we , are going to talk about paper lead , affiliate programs this is where you get , paid simply for generating lead that , means someone goes to a site through , your affiliate link fills out affirm , you get paid really coo land yesterday , we went to Kohl's to get my fancy new , shirts and on the way out we found this , by the register there's a whole pack of , these and it kind of shows you how paper , lead works and basically what it is is , if you give coals your email address , they're going to give you five dollars , off your next purchase so to them , they're saying hey you know what your , email is worth five bucks to us really , cool , that's exactly how paper lead affiliate , programs work basically what you do is , you have your affiliate guy here okay , we'll make your affiliate guy and this , is the guy who has an offer okay he's , got an offer and he says well you know , know that my offer converts out of , this many leads right maybe ten out oaf , hundred leads or or whatever Otis and , he says okay great so if I'making this , money am willing to pay someone to , generate a lead right and they can , generate a lead it might just be like , name put a little box here and email , right put like a little submit right so , it could be name an email or it could be , like long form okay in a long form , write the name and email or zip code or , just an email this is called short form , okay because obviously the form is short , so very self-explanatory long form , requires more info so it might be name , email phone address write or even like a , full mortgage application now the cool , thing about this is I'vie seen short , forms go for as much as five dollars per , lead right that means you get paid five , bucks just when someone puts their name , and email just like we showed you in the , oles example and I'vie seen long forms , where you can get up to like$W or , more , for someone filling out mortgage , refinance application or something like , that so very very cool and this is how , it works basically you could get the , short form offers or the long form , offers whatever it is you want and you , want to pair it with something that fits , the traffic that you have you don't want , to just say oh well the mortgage guy , pays me more so let's put them there , right you want to put it to what , actually convert son your site very very , important and very cool now there's , other things to look at basically what , the affiliate offer place is going to do , and we'll call this the CPA Network , right what they're going to do is , they're going to find these offers and , they're going to give you a link now , there's cool things ab outgoing through , CPA network sand things like that , because what you can actually do is you , can do what's called pare pop okay a , pare pop is really really cool and before , we get into the pare pop I want to let , you know that actually have a killer , list of these pay per lead affiliate , program son my site at affiliate , marketing dude calm so just go there put , your name and email in the box and I'll , send you that list right away great list , you can use it you can find all these , offers and make a bunch of money I'vie , made a ton of money using paper lead , stuff but prepping is where you , actually take the data write the data so , let's say you are on my list and I have , your name and email address okay and I , send out an email and say hey check it , outcomes has some special and I send , you through my affiliate link to that , page and when you get to that page the , name and email is already filled out for , you so all you have to do is hit submit , and I get paid okay this is caldera , popping and the way that you pare pop is , you'll want to look in the offer so when , you go to your CPA network and you find , your offer it'll say you know aloud pare , pop okay and it'll have Little , description as well it'll be something , like you know affiliate link , dot-com/ you know question mark name , equals and question mark you know email , equals and whatever you put after the , name equals and email equal swill , actually pare pop this form and that's , one way that you could get an absolutely , killer conversion on this another way is , called Co reg okay Co reg is Co , registration or reg path okay Co reg is , basically and not a lot of places offer , this anymore but Co reg is basically , where I get someone on my site and say , hey welcome would you like to order , something okay maybe they order a free , CDII or you know they order a download , or something like that something very , inexpensive okay or maybe even free and , I just get their address and everything , and what happens is after they order my , product okay so we'll say product okay , we get their info okay and that info is , then passed just like a pare pop but , you're actually passing a lot more info , there okay and they call it a reg path , because basically you take them through , a whole bunch of things so just the , other day I was ordering and As Seen on , TV product Southey could demo it for my , for my followers of my recipe website , okay and I ordered this product okay and , it was as seen on TV okay it was like , for these pans okay pans okay and what , they did is they took me from their site , okay so they they have this product , maybe you have are sale rights maybe you , have some kind of product of your own or , whatever okay I order it and naturally , because I'm ordering I put name email , credit card address phone number all , this information and then what happens , is they say okay thank you for ordering , by the way would you also like this , other stuff also okay and that's the reg , path they say okay we're going to pass , your information and maybe they're , passing my , information saying hey check it out , would you like to see how to save you , know$W,W on your mortgage and it , says it'already got the page that's , already filled out that says you know , Marcus Campbell my address my phone , number everything and you could say yes , and they hit submit and Baum you get paid , the hundred bucks or if they say no you , take the same information from the order , and you carry Otto the next page and , you say well would you like you like , maybe they'd like a George Foreman grill , okay same thing it's already popped , with all their information in it so all , they have to do is hit submits you , get another bucks or whatever Otis , for that offer or for a lead so this is , how early affiliate marketing works it's , really fun there's alto of tool sand , trick son my site even have some stuff , that'll show you about this also another , way to do this is called ho stand post , OK hosted post is where you're actually , hosting this forum on your website okay , so you don't have to send them anywhere , you just host the forum it pings the , server you get paid so it's really cool , there's lots of stuff that you can use , here paper lead is a great way to make , money online again if you want some more , tips on this and very cool affiliate , marketing stuff tools and everything to , show you how to get paid per lead go-to , affiliate marketing dude calm right now , fill in the name and email become my , subscriber become my friend and I'll , show you how to make money online thanks , again for watching , you  

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