Making Banner Ads For Traffic Super Easy


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hey guys it's Marcus here from affiliate , marketing dude calm and in this video , what we're gonna do is we're gonna , create some banner ads now a lot of , people say that banners are dead and , people don't see banners and banners , don't work well the secret here is to , make a banner not look like a banner , imagine if you were watching the , Superbowl and you saw a commercial that , actually looked like part of the , Superbowl you'd be much more interested , and probably until you found out it was , commercial but on the internet things , are different and we can lure people in , by getting their attention and really , simple interactive ways so what we're , gonna do is we're gonna create banners , just like this little banner that I have , at the top of my site for my free , software and we're gonna show you how to , create a banner fora site and in the , major sizes that you need to have to do , major marketing and obviously get lots , of clicks and make lots of money so step , number one is to find out where we want , our banner to run right do you want it , to be on Gladdens do you want it , to be on a certain site do you want to , advertise somewhere and you want to , customize it fora certain site or a , certain brand of sites or something like , that so that you know what your visitor , is looking for what their eye is , attracted to and the goal is to get , there I attract Otto your ad and get to , click the number-one goal of your banner , is to get the click and try to get them , pare-qualified but again remember , oftentimes you're paying per impression , that means I'm paying every time someone , sees my ad not necessarily when they , click it so that'Avery important , because you're paying every time they , see it which means that you need to get , as many clicks as possible which makes , your cost per click go way way way down , so let's go ahead and take a look at , some places we can advertise now one of , the easiest things you can do is simply , go to the number one keyword that you , want like for example let's say Wanted , to make money online okay if I do make , money online what I want to do is take , look at the top sites that are ranking , in the organic or free search engine , ranking sand I want to go through and , look for one that's , not too big but dedicated to what we're , looking for okay so we have life hack , ABC news these are all pretty big let's , take a look at maybe save the student , or gall right so here we have student , deals looks like a big site here's some , kind of branding okay so it dozen'look , like too much stuff here what we want to , look for is if there is some kind of , banner advertising or somewhere that we , can put our ad and this one we're way , down before we even started so let's go , to the next one we don't want to do wiki , or daily finance or something like that , what we want to do is just kind of go , through and see where people are there's , money saving expert okay here's one like , John Chow calm let's see if he's got , something now with this SEO quake , toolbar we can kind of see at a glance , what's going on with this site right we , can see here that the rank at Alex is , twelve thousand which is good the lower , the number the better that means that , only twelve thousand seven hundred and , eleven sites get more traffic than him , out of the entire web that's pretty good , now another good thing I see is that , there's a banner across the top another , banner over here we have some sponsors , down here and all we got to do is go , through these and find out if he has an , advertising link okay so we're gonna go , through and we'll say okay well does he , have some kind of advertising let's , screw up there we go advertise right , here now what we're gonna do is we're , gonna take a look at what's going on , okay so we can see is getting about , three thousand page views per month , two hundred thousand unique visitors , that's pretty darn good let's take a , look at what else we have okay so your , options are you can get a stripe ad like , this one up here for about two hundred , and fifty dollars a month then we have a , W by that appear son the top of , every page okay that's kind of cool for , a thousand bucks a month we have a W , by embedded ad sponsorship this one , is$W so far this looks like the best , bang for the buck here and we have these , little W guys here that go for W , so obviously this is gonna be the best , one here and a full site sponsorship , full sites are located recent articles , okay so some kind of link thing here and , sponsored review okay so what we're , gonna do is we're gonna take a look at , the two that would go for which is a , W by W very popular size and if , you're confused about the banner sizes , just go to google and type in top banner , ad size sand we can see that several of , his are on here W bytes OR by W , W by OK these are very popular , sizes so we want to kind of keep that in , mind when we'reworking with it , now what we want to do is you want to , say well what's his site look like okay , so it looks like the top banner is up , here in gray so it'd probably be kind of , cool to have maybe something in gray or , maybe look at the other ones let's take , a look at is and we'll actually make , two for this specific site okay so we , have the so we have the W by W here , and okay premium sponsor looks like , anything goes but it's a white , background very very very very important , to look at okay so what we're gonna do , is we're gonna start out wit ha W so , now what we want to do fir stand , foremost is one I have two programs we , want to either have the free version of , composer which is an HTML editor , Microsoft Word or front page okay , either one of those will work and we , want to have Sanctity should be able , to get a W day trial of Snag it to start , using it right away if you want to and , then you obviously I thin kit's like W , bucks if you upgrade or something so , what we're gonna do is we're gonna use , Snag it which once its installed all you , have to do is see this little button , here or hit print screen and hit print , screen and what I'm going to do is I'm , going to take a little capture of this , banner alright right like this okay now , we got W by one I'm gonna put it , W by W and I'gonna hit capture now , the reason I'm doing this is simply for , the sizing okay so I'm gonna hit copy , all and I'm gonna put this into my front , page or my Microsoft Word or whatever , simply for the size okay so now I have , some , kind of reference of how light it is so , if I make my banner like too small or , let's say I make it too wide'm gonna , know but I know that you know this is , about right right here okay so now what , I want to do is I want to think about , his site and I want to say okay so he's , got like a gray type look so his page is , gray so we're gonna make our page gray , right like this let's see if it matches , it looks like a pretty good match maybe , a little bit a little bit lighter okay , and this does make difference by the , way'm not just being picky okay , because it's gonna actually look like , part of its like there we go , now see how you can't even see that , little gray line that was up there , and it obviously matches very well his , gray here okay we're matching this gray , right here and you can see it's very , very similar tithe gray over here okay , very important so now that we have that , what we want to do is think about the , type of ad we want to make this , obviously looks like a banner we don't , want to go for that we want to try to , make our own so what we're gonna do is , we're gonna say well what do we want we , want to get clicks of people interested , in making money blogging okay so we , could do something like get Marcus's , free blogging blogging tool bar and turn , your computer into money-getting , machine instantly okay and we'll just do , the spelling here machine all right turn , your computer into a money-getting , machine instantly now if it's like this , we can actually make our our words , bigger okay I like Otto look nice so , we're gonna do let's see here we're , gonna make it here into money-getting , machine instantly okay cool , so now what we want to do is make this a , good color okay so there we go get , Marcus'slogging blah blah blah blah , now if we wanted to make this like a , sideways or you know to where it episode , see here did that well if we wanted to , make this something like over her ewe , can do it this way also and just kind of , line it up so get Marcus's free blogging , toolbar and turn your computer into , money-getting machine instantly okay now , what we're gonna do is I like to put , like little checkbox or something you , can do something like maybe go in and , hit insert you can do form we can you , drop down box okay we're just gonna take , this drop-down box this part here we , don'tend the other stuff because this , is just a banner , okay money-getting machine instantly so , we could say add download for Windex , now the cool thing about this is it's , going to look like there's airdrop-down , box and they're gonna click it but it's , a banner so they're gonna go to our site , after they click it which is really cool , okay easy simple good to use okay so , there we go watermarks is free blogging , toolbar and turn your computer into , muddy money editing machine instantly , okay and then we can go through and add , little things like to add little , image sand stuff so if we add like a , little new button here right like that , you can use any image all you have to do , is copy and paste it just like we did to , Snag it this thing okay so new get , markets is free blogging toolbar and , turn your computer into money-getting , machine next we'll go ahead and put , another tagline her ewe'll do something , like get Marcus's free software and , start making money online so let's make , these blue like this okay because blue , is natural for people click on that's , what they're used to , we'll make this bold like that okay and , we can put like another new or we could , put like a download button or something , like that something that kind of grabs , their attention and we could do that and , snag it as well so what we're gonna do , now is we're gonna take a look at this , looks about the right size and we have , little border thing here so what we're , going to do is we're gonna do print , screen and we're gonna go ahead and , capture it and what we want to do is get , as close to W by A's possible let's , see W like this and we can always edit , it as well so now we got by's will , go W by W , oops not like that Right like this , and capture it now there we go now we , have our banner all ready to go in , Snagged because am completely , picky about how this stuff works'm , gonna redo this and make this get , Marcus's software a little bit below the , rest of the stuff so we're gonna put , some little breaks inhere okay so we'll , go like this that'Soto big of a break , let's do like this okay so now we'll , just recapture it and again this stuff , totally makes a difference soapy , attention , alright so W by Right like this , sometimes you need steady hand and I , think we go tit all right yeah capture , much better now what we can do is we can , add like a little button here maybe we , can add like download now or something , so if we go here and we copy this and , just paste it on here and again you can , snag it anything obviously just make , sure that you have the rights to it , right don't just go like copying the , Disney logo or something like that all , right so we're gonna go ahead and Dino , we don't want to enlarge the image , shrink this guy down and put him right , here all right like this all right so , now it looks like we got like our little , template thing here we got our download , now button and we're ready to go so now , we have created simple little banner , add a W by W banner ad and we can , actually go ahead and run this on that , site super simple super easy dozen't , take much to it you just basically make , it work right it'Avery easy to use now , we can also go in and add like little , arrows or something if we wanted to , using Sanctity like this you write , like this and we'll make it smaller okay , with it we'll make it like - okay we'll , just kind of go in and paste these guys , here then you can drag and drop and make , them look cool all right like this okay , and now we got our little free download , and we're ready Togo free download , there we go cool little banner looks , good and it's going to match really well , on the site so if we go here and we do , something like copy let's go ahead and , copy him and file now all we got to do , is hit file save as and we'll save this , as banner Jay Chou okay now we have a , site or we have a banner for his site , now same kind of thing if you want to , make a different size again remember on , the page we said okay this is a good one , all right , and also another , one is this premium sponsor box as well , so we're gonna take screenshot of him , he'S's or I'sorry by some by , W or something like that W by W , there we go , okay so we'll shrink it down make it the , exact size by and copy all right , now what we're gonna do outdoes't , matter if it's kind of like , weird-looking like that again all we're , doing is going for the size that'st he , only reason we need this now again look , at how his looks like banner what , we're gonna do is we're gonna make ours , loo knot like a banner okay so we take , our picture here now this one we want to , make white so we're gonna go ahead and , page properties we're gonna make it , white automatic carrier let's do white , all right like this okay , now oh my god Duke is say free software , let's do free-day blog profits , download okay right like this and make , it Little bit bigger make atrial , like that okay looks pretty good looks , like it lines up again remember your , white space remember how it looks you , don't want it completely overwhelming , you want it to be pretty easy to look at , okay so we have free seven-day blog , profits download okay let's look for , okay so we'vie got that free seven-day , blog profits download we can do the same , kind of thing here and just do like , table let's see if we can do a table , that's blank all right free seven-day , blog profits download get Marcus's , download toolbar we can actually just , edit this one right okay get Marcus's , free blogging tool bar and turn your , computer into money-getting machine , instantly okay that's looking kind of , cool let's take look at how we can , edit this and make it the rightsize , well since we'vie got a lot of space here , we can actually put this down here , okay so free door door door okay looking , good , get Marcus's free blogging toolbar maybe , we can put our new button somewhere else , or let's say Marcus for God new toolbar , maybe we could shrink the text Dona , little bit okay now again you'll be able , to edit this in Snag it so dozen't have , to be completely perfect so if get , Marcus's free blogging tool bar and turn , your computer into money-getting , machine instantly it's kind of looking , pretty good there let's leave a spot for , our download button right like that and , now we can put something we can put get , Marcus's free stop software and start , making money online instantly okay like , this all right so we're all within the , bounds looks like we're getting pretty , close here we could do something below , like Marcus has made has been marketing , online since July okay like that and , let's just scroll this up so you can see , what's going on here okay so we'll , strike this down Marcus has been making , money online okay so we could do , something like that pretty good-looking , again all we got to do is print screen' , right like this , now we can see that we're at W all , right so we have a little bit more suds , to go to SO W by W so what we , want to do is try to shrink this guy , Dona little bit and get him in the W , space and if we don't that's okay , because we can actually edit the sizing , on Snags we'll go here with an image , I think there ISS resize resize resize , image and we'll do , let's see percent let's try% nope , that'S's let's try W%3:W sorry , W%W W% W okay so we can kind of , trim it down from the let's see if , we could do like OR.5 maybe that , okay guess outdoes't do points okay so , we'll do W and then we can kind of like , grow it here one pixel this way and one , pixel this way now again we're gonna , have some space heroics see here it's , W by SO we want to do our W by , W to be W by W , there'S's W:W before we'll scroll it , Dona little bit W getting closer , there we go W by W right there okay , so now what we got to do is just kind of , edit this thing make it easy and to look , at so we're gonna put this guy in here , again the download button okay shrink it , down a little bit like that and now what , we can do is we can actually go in and , do let's take him over here we're gonna , go in and do canvas color white that way , it gets rid of that and we are going to , take a portion of this we should be able , to yeah we should be able to take a , portion of this like this just kind of , copy it and we could drag this down to , the bottom and because we made it white , it looks pretty cool so there we go turn , Marcus's get Marcus's free blogging , toolbar all right we'll get our download , now button okay and we're gonna shrink , it down , and make it cool looking like this and , there we go now we have a W by W , banner that we can run and the kite , looks pretty good there and we'll go , ahead and hit file save as and we'll , call this one banner jay Chou W okay , you basically do the same thing with , everything now some of the different , types of banners you can do I like these , little check boxes these little , drop-down boxes they worked extremely , well and also you could do like little , check buttons like if you were going to , do something like you know insert form , and we do option button like this okay , again all we're doing is using the , button as an image so we could just put , this here and put you know something , like how much do you want to make online , $1,W month , okay get another one put$2,W a month , whatever right and then just unchecked , this not selected and you'll have like a , little option thing now because it's a , banner no matter what they click they're , just gonna go to your site really really , easy to do so this is basically how you , make banners some of the places you can , go as I showed you is by googling your , niche see who has advertising you can go , to something like buy sell ads calm and , browse through and see what fits your , category and kind of go from there so , it's really really easy to do and we're , going to talk about some more , advertising types and different things , like that and solo ads as well I just , want to get you in the habit of creating , these banner sin a really easy way so , make some banners have fun and I'll see , you in the next video , again'm Marcus from affiliate , marketing and these are my lovely , banners that you can now make super easy , thanks again for watching see you in the , next video  

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