Black Friday Special


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hey guy sit's Marcus here and welcome to , simple sites big profits and happy , thanksgiving and welcome to the , beautiful state of Alabama we came here , fora few days to visit some family and , as you can see in the background here we , have my grandpa's old shop where he used , to come outside sit and solve the , world's problems as he said and he made , all kinds of different wood things and , cool stuff in there did lots of work and , what I want to do today is I want to , talk to you about our special black , Friday sale you see while everyone else , is out there fighting each other over , the TVs and cheap stuff and whatever , what I'going to do is I going to allow , you a chance to save big on some of my , greatest products coaching programs and , software you see what you're going to , notice on this page is forum there's a , form on this page and on that form , you're going to see a little drop-down , menu that has all of our recent products , you can get simple site's-W you , can get our coaching programs you can , get one of our high ticket niches one of , our big done-for-you sites all kinds of , good stuff so what I want you to do is , think about a product that you'vie wanted , for a while but maybe you know is kind , of out of out of reach for you and I , want you to pick that product go ahead , and choose it you'll see the prices the , normal price is next to the drop down , menu and then what I want you to do is I , want you in the box to tell me a little , bit about yourself and make an offer on , one of those products so you say hey you , know what markets I know the high ticket , niche is nine hundred ninety seven , dollars normally but here's my offer and , what I'm going to do is I'going to , look at each and every offer , individually so you're going to submit , your offer we're going to take look at , it and say well you know Think that's , a fair offer if it's an offer that's too , low don't worry we'll just counter your , offer if it's an offer that's right on , the dot will do send you a link and you , can sign upright away and this is your , chance to name the price that you're , willing to pay for a product that you'vie , been wanting to get for a while and as , you know all of our products are going , to help you learn how to make a profit , online right away if you follow along , this stuff has been made over the years , of helping lots and lots of people , thousands of people just like you learn , exactly how to turn a profit in , affiliate marketing so if you're looking , for a way to get into affiliate , marketing and you say Marcus I need that , extra push over the edge I need that , extra bonus I need that , extra thing that's going to get me where , I want to go this is it and the cool , thing is is in our black Friday sale you , pick the product you want you pick the , price you want to pay and we're going to , go through this together and my goal is , to give you something that's going to , help you something that's going to give , you that extra step up to where you can , get past that hurdle that's been in your , brain that hurtle that's been stopping , you from making a living online that , hurdle that info overload whatever it is , we're going to put an end to that so if , you want to say goodbye to info overload , if you want to get a product that's , going to help you go ahead and choose , from the list below we'll put some links , there where you can seethe products if , you're just starting out go ahead and , get simple sites W great product you , can make an offer on that if you're on a , budget you can get W version which is , great and you can get that out of this , count as well just name your price the , normal price on that one is W but as , you can see we are here for the next , couple of days enjoying wonderful , Alabama enjoying family and today's a , little bit cold yesterday was kind of , warm but go ahead and take advantage , this special offer this backfired , sale is going only going on for the , weekend you got to get your submissions , in today so tortured get your , submission sand make your offer whatever , product it is if there'several , products you can make several offers , whatever you want to do the ball is in , your court and am here to help you and , we're going to be throwing some extra , bonuses of support in as well so as you , know our products are great and as you , know they have they contain the secret , that you need to make it over that , hurdle to start making money online so , if you're looking to make money in W , as an affiliate marketer go ahead and , use that form below get killer deal , snag up some of my profits at products , at a killer discount and let's make , money online together thanks again'll , be back in Florida in just about a day , or two and we'll go through all these , together and we'll make some money , online but make sure you fill out that , form right now so that we can get you in , before the deadline thanks again i'm , Marcus and i'll see you back in Florida  

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