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hey guys it's Marcus here from blog , profit and today I have a , site review for you and what we're gonna , do is we're gonna use this site review , to show you exactly how to monetize a , blog that is how to make your blog , convert so that you can make more money , and what we're gonna do today is we're , gonna take look at one of my student , sites and you'll notice that I do this , quite often and this is one of the perks , of being a simple sites big profit , student or a blog profit Network student , is you could submit your sites to me and , have me review them and tell you how to , make bunch of money with your sites , and blogs so go ahead and hop over there , and join those when you're ready for , right now we're gonna go through and , we're gonna show you the W tips to , monetizing your blog now the blog that , we're going to be looking at today is , drivers license renewal org and first , I'd like to give you little backstory , on this blog so you know where we're , coming from first and foremost he is , getting traffic via Goldwater's for , the word driver's license renewal you , can see his ads here you can see that so , far he's gotten about three hundred and , thirty five clicks from his ad to his , site so as Eddies doing a good job of , converting people over obviously this , one's doing lot better than renew your , license online we also have the grid , tracker that's showing the stat son , these two advertisements here that's , using the plugin that is available with , my program called smart affiliate ads , and you can see that this one is getting , some clicks we're getting about eighty , one clicks or sixty one clicks out of , eighty one impressions one of them got , about ninety two clicks out of three , hundred impressions almost and we can , see on the Google Analytic what's going , on in what pages they're going to so it , looks to me like most people are leaving , without clicking anything this is a very , very common problem with bloggers who , are trying to monetize their blog so , we're gonna show you my ten steps on how , to fix this and how to start making , money because up to date you can see , he's gotten about three hundred and , thirty five visitors and he has yet to , make one penny off of his site so let's , go ahead and dive in and see if these , ten steps can help him monetize his blog , in an easy way , step number one use a theme that helps , the users see what , they're looking for fast we ha veto take , a look at our theme and say is this , theme complementing why they're here in , the first place and what we want them to , do number one these people are here , because we could see in the , advertisement he had they are here , because they want to renew their drivers , license online they don'twat to have , to go to them they want to print out , the form mail it in and renew their , drivers license online so the best thing , to have here would be like download , button saying download the form fill it , out and print it you know stuff like , that so what we want to do is we want to , take a look and say does the theme , complement well first and foremost we , see the theme has the title up here it's , got some links here it's got this stuff , which looks like advertisements and it's , not really doing a good job of bringing , our visitors into our content into what , we want them to see now the way I like , to do it is I like to choose a theme , that dozen't break up the content and , make it look like segments you can see , here how this headline looks like a , segment this bar here looks like , segment looks like the stuff we're , supposed to read is over in this content , box and then this stuff over here looks , like advertisements we don't really want , to have that and of course it breaks it , up down on the bottom we don't really , want to have this kind of thing what I , like to do is I like very clean theme , with our logo header up on the top links , as our menu notice how I use links , rather than these big bars here we also , have the content and the sidebar looking , like part of the same site so this looks , like other options rather than hey , there's some advertisements over her ego , click on the ad so we can make money , okay everything on your blog must lead , the visitor to what you want them to do , so what Would like to see hereon this , one is we're going to go ahead and use , the clean lines theme which you can get , over at simple blog theme com , and we're going to make this a little , bit easier to look at so now we can see , that already with this them ewe have the , users eyes going to what we want , driver's license renewal drivers license , renewal information and resources he's , got his links down here that looked like , links he's got his ads over here as well , and his ads over here now what we want , to do is we want to focus on really what , the user wants and why they're here so , step , number one is use a theme that helps the , users see what they're looking for fast , remember flashy themes might look good , but they're also going to hurt your , conversion if the visitor can't find , what they want right away , number two is to choose a column layout , that fits the action you want your user , to take so for example when I look at , this the actions I want my visitor to , take is I want them to click on the ads , and I want them Togo to other pages to , get the information that they want so , having this trending stories and , everything here is not going to do very , good because this USN't what the user , want sand they don't know what a , trending story is now we do have two , column layout and you'll notice that you , can have several different theme layouts , in wardress blog for example if I , was creating this an artist's tier like , I did with this them ewe can go fora , sheet or I believe it'sunder layout and , go to layout and we could do like , three column layout where we would have , two different blocks over here we can , have a one column with a block over here , we can have or two column with a block , over there we can have one column with , a block over here or we can have the , block on the right-hand side like we , have now okay I usually like to use the , block on the right hand side and this is , where I would put my call to action if I , was going to have them opt-in join a , mailing list click on a banner or , something like that I would have that , over in this side of my blog so very , important that you choose a column , layout that is going to complement what , you have I see a lot of people using , three column layouts when they don't , need to which just confuses the user so , make it clean make it easy make their , eyes draw into what you want and as you , can see here it's already doing a lot of , difference and it's drawing the eyes to , the ads rather than hey what do I look , at okay if the eye is confused your , visitors gonna leave and you're not , going to make anything so step number , one choose a theme that helps your users , see what they're looking for fast number , two choose a column layout that fits the , action you want your user to take number , three your site title should double as , your main headline remember his other , theme had , saying driver's license renewal dot-org , which says it'snot hing to the user , right I don'TKO is I don't , care what your domain name is all I care , about is where am I gonna get the , information for me and when he sees , something like driver'license renewal , on the top and images that complement , that now he'gonna say okay well I'm on , the right site this is what want and , then of course it says driver's license , renewal information and resources which , is also what he wants so that means he's , gonna be drawn into our content even , better so again look at those columns , your site titles should double as your , main headline so your site title should , not just be hi welcome to my site it , should be the main headline of what you , want your visitor to do so reiterate why , they're there in the first place if your , ad says click here to renew your drivers , license online they should see very , clearly renew your driver's license , you're in the right spot okay because if , they don't see that they're gonna think , they're in the wrong place and they , don't care how much you paid to get them , to come to your site they're gonna leave , number you want to make your graphics , and advertisements compliment the , direction you want your visitors eyes to , take notice how on a blog like this I am , directing your eyes tithe main content , which is right here okay everything else , is secondary links that look good but , the main content is what I want you to , see hereon this sit ewe want to do the , same thing now it's kind of allover the , place right now because of these images , and this stuff up here and on the side , there's not really a flow of where we , want the eyes to go okay so we want to , we want to change this up ab it and take , a look at his content and say well what , do we want these people to do number one , the way he's gonna make money is by , taking the people from these ad sand , putting him up over to hastens page , to have them click on auto insurance , okay that's good we want them to do that , but they're not here to do that so we , ha veto do Little bit of work also , what they're wanting is some way to , renew their drivers license so what I , would do is look for a different , affiliate offer now I want you to , remember that there's always affiliate , offers that you can creatively add to , your site to your content to make money , even in markets where people think , there's no money , for example they're not going there to , buy a driver's license and even if they , were you're no tin the position to sell , it so you're not going to make money , there however you can offer them forms , and tools and tips and things like that , now taking them straight from here's how , to get ad river's license to an , insurance advertisement it's not going , to work they don't understand that okay , very important so what we want to do is , we'll make our graphics and , advertisements complement the direction , you want your visitors eyes to take for , example what I would do is I would start , this driver's license renewal online , instead of having all this content here , we want to click on edit would go , ahead and move this grid tracker ID , which is his advertisements I would move , that down towards the bottom here okay , so we're gonna put that down towards the , bottom which is going to engage them , into the text more and you can see that , they're down on the bottom now which , looks Little bit better and what I'm , gonna do is I'm gonna try to get them , into something that's going to help them , with their driver's license renewal for , example we could see here at offer vault , that the get forms online toolbar pays , me three dollars every time someone , downloads it it's free for the user and , if we preview the page we can see that , Otis in fact way to get different , forms for example transportation forms , Andaman forms and things like that , so they're gonna get all this stuff you , could see DMV forms is right here which , is great right this is exactly what they , want and I get paid three dollars when , they download it so first and foremost , what I would want to do is I would want , to highlight that on the page so instead , of having something like driver's , license blah blah blah'm gonna put , something like this I'm gonna go edit I , would go in and put how to renew'm , gonna do this in visual so we could see , what it looks like how to renew your , drivers license online right step one , click hereto download the proper forms , using your free get , arms toolbar okay , so we'll click there now what I'm gonna , do is I'm going to reiterate step one , because we're already making money in , step one right once they click and , download we're good to go so what'm , going to do is I'm going to reiterate , what this is and we'll go ahead and do , something like we can take a screenshot , and use this little DMV form her ewe can , go ahead and take a screenshot of the , download free install button here like , this right here right free download , very easy to do and of course they're , gonna get these forms right away so it , is very very targeted so we're gonna go , ahead and save this image save as we'll , just call it download form okay , and then what we're gonna do is just go , ahead and put that into our content here , okay add media select files we're gonna , go to our pictures where we save that , get our free download button like this , and if I'm going fast you can always go , back and and watch this video again if , you need help with it but what we're , doing right now is we're just going , ahead and uploading this little button , here so that they're gonna be used to it , now instead of linking it to a media , file or something like that what I'm , gonna do is I'going to put my , affiliate link in this box here sou'm , going to choose custom URL and then , would put my affiliate link in the box , okay and obviously this USN't my , affiliate link so you're gonna want to , go and change this later to your actual , affiliate link we're gonna insert this , into the page right like this we're , gonna Center it we're gonna make this a , little bit bigger because we want them , to do step fir stand foremost , we'll make it red and we'll go like this , okay so step click here to download , the proper forms using the get forms , toolbar we can even go through and put a , copy of what the form looks like right , like this okay so if we want to make the , toolbar the way that we want we can just , take screenshot like this okay and , then in Snag it will edit it we're just , gonna make it look like a cool little , toolbar here by just drag , like that see how we just kind of shrunk , that and I'just using to snag it to , work around this so we'll do something , like that like this and then if we want , to get really fancy we could try to make , the background white and then file save , as TB form and then we're just going to , go ahead and upload that into our box as , well so add media upload select we'll , get that TV form thing here and again , what we're doing is we're trying to , engage them get them what they want and , also make money so again with this , custom URL we would put in our affiliate , link okay so now we have little image , of the toolbar so they know what they're , getting okay we have the free download , so they know what they're getting and , really cool so we can also put like , little sales blurb like with the free , with your free toolbar you will get , instant access to all the forms you need , in life right at your finger tips , super easy and you can get the DMV , renewal form right now okay really cool , do Little spell check here so there's , step one step two would be we can give , the ma video on how to renew your form , your form or whatever but step one is , the main thing okay so under step one , then we can go ahead and put our , advertisements if we want to put those , so if I wanted to put the grid tracker , there I can go ahead and do this and say , bonus tip if your insurance is not up to , date , you cannot renew your license online , click below , for my insurance update guide okay and , then of course we're taking them tithe , page would the buying auto insurance , where they click on the ad sand we make , money okay very simple again you're , gonna want to do exactly what I'modding , on the driver's license renewal site on , this site that way you get more clicks , on your ads as well right same kind of , thing get rid of these themes that break , up your content and make it actually , make sense for them okay now let's go , ahead and save this update it and take a , look at what it looks like we'll just go , to our home page here now we have , driver's license renewal driver's , license for old now notice how your eyes , cannot not see this right step one click , here to download the pro performs using , the free get forms toolbar now what I , would do also because I don't like the , way that this lined itself up what I'm , gonna do is I'm just going to take a , screenshot of this okay this is why , Snag it is such a good tool for editing , your blog's and stuff what I'm gonna do , is I'm gonna edit this underskirt and , I'm just gonna make it on one line okay , so I'm gonna go like this move this over , here okay then I'gonna stretch this , out a little bit right like this shrink , it and then we're gonna have it on one , simple line like this okay and we can , even put like little blurb under it if , you want to say like you know download , or whatever you can make it very very , simple so if you wanted to add text you , could do like this and put something , like get your license renewal form , instantly , okay we'll make it Little bit smaller , so that they can see it here like this , there we go okay get your uniform , instantly we will underline it make it , blue so it looks like link and we can , go through and the things'm picky , about is like making this up higher like , this okay , the reason I did that let's see this , little fill tool here now I'll get rid , of him like that then we'll fill it and , that will go back hopefully we can get , him back we'll copy him there we go and , then we'll just fill this in and then , paste our our text here like this okay , now what this is gonna do is it'gonna , help make these people convert so we'll , just call this save as toolbar form- , okay now when we go in and add this to , the page instead of having it like this , watch how much better it look sand again , a lot of this stuff is just trial and , error messing around until it looks , really good try it out see how it , converts if it converts good see if you , can make it convert better right very , simple it's all the basics of market , testing now we're just gonna add this , new one here again your affiliate link , would go in here so we just get our , affiliate link from whatever affiliate , network were running with okay we're , gonna put that right in here with custom , URL inserting the page now let's see we , want to get that I'm gonna make it big , again so we'll go upload select go like , this and we want to make sure that it's , full size okay again custom URL put our , link in the reinsert and now you can see , that it looks alto easier right so now , what we're doing is first and foremost , when the visitor comes to our site they , see hey , step one click hereto download the , toolbar get your license renewal form , they can click that they can click here , as soon as they click that BAM they go , over to the forms if they download it , then we get our three dollars or getting , them to download it and we are happy , campers again it dozen'take that many , people to download this for us to make a , lot of money now remember these types of , offers can be found on offer vault if , you want to learn more about CPA , affiliate offers with downloads make , sure that you're getting the ones that , are very safe no spyware no junk like , that always use mine spark which is , powered by smother have the best , tool bars they pay Welland if you want , to learn more about this CPA type , marketing go ahead and click on the , video that I'going to pop up on your , screen right now you can watch that go , through all that stuff and go ahead and , get blog profit network or simple sites , big profits and start making money with , me very easy to do now let's go ahead , and take a look at what we're looking , like here so you can see that this is a , very easy way to get paid on just about , any niche that you can think of so it's , really cool you just get them to , download and you make money next up , let's go ahead and take a look at our , next step number four was make your , graphics and advertisements compliment , the direction you want your visitors , eyes to take notice how the first thing , they see here is the toolbar right they , skip past everything and they see the , free download because that's what they , want which is the form okay other things , we can do here like in number five is , create a profit flow path when asking , your visitors to click to a different , page or opt in now you ha veto decide , whether you want to build a mailing list , of people who are simply looking to , renew their drivers license this is , something you can do and you can you , know give them tips on driving and , insurance and stuff like that if you , want however some of you guys will just , want to go ahead and make fast money on , it without managing mailing list and , that's good too , some of the things that like to use to , make people click through to offers and , other pages are my interactive tools and , the interactive tools you can get with , the plugins that we give you as part of , blog profit Network members , you could just go to go blog , get all those tools ask for site reviews , excellent Dali'll put that video up , again for you too if you want to click , that and go ahead and get started we can , help you make money as a CPA affiliate , blogger very cool but what you're going , to notice is that in your plugins that , we give you as part of that like squeeze , blogs Pro you'll notice that we have the , custom search and the drop-down box now , these are very good because can , actually go in and add airdrop down box , to my site that says hey choose what , state you're in so we can direct you to , the right form or choose the right state , for your auto insurance OK or we could , use the custom search to say put your , zip code in and we'll take you over to , the form for your area okay so very easy , to use if you wanted to do a drop down , you would just do add new you could , create your drop down here say something , like you know choose state okay default , value would be choose state and then of , course you would just enter every state , CA you put your URL which would be to , you're buying Auto Surat's online form , site okay very simple or you can take , them to a specific page for California , or something like that very easy to do , and you can see that once you're done , your zip code box or your drop-down box , will look just like this and when they , click on the thin git will run their , state it'll take them over to your page , now very important when you'redoing , this they're gonna be expecting to see , something state specific so you can make , a little page for California put the , link tithe California driver's license , ID or form or whatever and then you , could also give them like PDF downloads , or reiterate that they need to get the , get forms online as well so it's very , easy to do you can use it as like , dummy box that goes all tithe same page , or you could do really fancy stuff and , lead them to other pages with the zip , code or with the zip code box you can do , it a little bit differently because what , it'll do is it actually allows you to , put something in the box so if we were , to go like this and I say well Want to , make a little box where they can go and , look for insurance in their are aright , you could create this and basically go , add new create a name for yourself call , it like insurance right like this and , then you can make it instead of saying , get instant access you can make it say , something else if you want and then all , you have to do is put the URL to the , offer so for example if there's like a , zip code offer or something like that , that allows you to put the zip code in , it right like if we were to go to google , and type in something liked and a zip , code nine five six eight seven right , what we're gonna see is that the URL has , the zip code in it so Allie would have , to do is copy this right like that , whatever page it's on as long as the , search engine works with that code all , you would ha veto do is go into your , squeezed blogs plug-in put it like this , and where you want that zip code you , would just put search term right very , very simple to do once you save it like , this it'seagoing to give you the code and , we just do our code here like this okay , put the cod eon our blog and again if , I'm going too fast for you I would , highly recommend that you get a blog , profit Network because you get all these , plugin sand we show you how to use them , so we would put the zip code box right , like this update and then what'seagoing , to happen is now they put obviously you , would put enter zip code they would put , their zip code nine five six seven one , or whatever they hit search they go to , the page with the zip code in it okay , really cool now this can be used with , affiliate offers it can be used with , custom pages whatever you want and you , can edit the sizing and everything , colors and stuff like that as well so , these are little plugins that you can , use to your advantage to make this look , really good okay for right now I'm not , going to use them if I was going to put , them on the site Would have them up in , the sidebar okay so what I would do in , this example is I would have a bunch of , arrows and say put your zip code , to find whatever okay very easy to do , next let's go ahead and take a look at , step number six right there we were , creating a flow path now the flow path , is important because your flow path is , not only a during adding the interactive , elements like the search box and the , drop-down box but it's also creating the , next page right in this example we sent , them to Google we don't want to do that , right we want to send them to our own , page and maybe a link to Google as the , secondary thing okay that gives us , another chance to show our ads another , chance to get them to click another , chance to get them to download the offer , and it makes it really easy okay step , number six stop assuming your visitor , knows what you're talking about and show , them what you want them to do right your , visitor comes to your site and you can't , assume that they will know why you're , offering insurance ads they can't assume , why you're having the toolbar right you , really have to tell them what you want , them to do very very overlooked step , that you want to focus on so stop , assuming they know what you're talking , about and start from square one show , them what you want to do step number , eight remind them why they're there in , the first place and lead them into your , content efforts effortlessly see here , how we say hey you're here because you , want to renew your license here's step , on ewe're already making money in step , one once we get into step two and three , and everything we're gonna add profit , centers in those as well so make it very , very simple , okay very easy to go through next number , eight , make sure you engage them whenever , possible engage them with the zip code , boxes the opt-in boxes the downloads , whatever it is you want them to do you , need to engage them because if it's not , interactive it's not engaging then , people arena't going to click on the , things they're not going to fill out , your forms they're not going to do what , you want them to do and you're not going , to make any money number nine and know , we're going through the last ones fast , we'll have a follow-up video later , just want you to get this stuff first , number nine subtract , do not add right go through your site , and see if there's things that you can , subtract right is there anything in here , the many states are adopting secure a , yeah they don'CARE about that , right they don't they really did'twat , you to , what that dozen't make any sense so I'm , not gonna click on it deeply discounted , insurance it'soak right make your ads , stand out be like okay click here to , download the form take them to the tool , bar offer click hereto learn about , insurance fraud you know make them site , about insurance fraud or whatever , expensive word to where you're getting , them to click on these ads here and make , you money okay that's the flip the , market method you can learn about as , wellie'll go ahead and pop that up for , you so you can see how that works too so , very important number W lastly next , tell them what to do next after they , download the form tell them what to do , next go watch this video Good this go , to this article go to this site go to , this affiliate offer or whatever it is , you want them to do next take them to , that and show them so these steps are , very very important when it comes to , making your blog convert better what you , want to do is you want to mix your , content with the affiliate offers all , right so many people separate this and , it'slake here's my great content and , here's these stupid ads you're not , supposed to click on that's not the way , it works you want to make it really , effortless like right here I'm teaching , you very good stuff and a lot of you , guys are already saying well I want to , buy something Marcus has to offer why , because it's the same kind of thing that , I'm teaching here we just give you more , of it okay when they come to your site , about getting the forms or downloading , stuff or whatever it is you say hey guys , you know this content talks about this , but what you really need is this thing , here okay very important that everything , is inline so stop segmenting your sites , don't make them split up and confusing , make all your content easy and make it , very simple to go through right when you , go through here there you go that's it , you're making money right he redone deal , very simple okay now what I would do , also is I would take care of the , trending stories they don't care what , the trending stories are they don'TKO , what they are they don't know how this , stuff is is even trending right I would , either leave this blank put a zip code , box put Andersen's block put something , easy here or even reiterate that they , need the toolbar okay but don'tout just , training , stories or watercourse it'snot gonna , make you any money okay very important , now I would also go through this edit , these ads here , okay make this content try to find in , each step try to find something that , works you'll notice I do this on my blog , profit Network blog under the affiliate , blogging ta bright what I do is I make , it simple and I want you to look at the , I flow here right look at the I flow , between this simple theme the links , affiliate blogging the images the opt-in , and the difference between something , like this stuff right how can we make , this easier how can we make it more , simple you know how can you make it step , by step and go through notice on every , step hey click here for the free , software hey click here for your domain , and hosting hey click here for detailed , instructions and software getting paid , click here for my affiliate software , right and every step of the way we're , taking them to something that works for , us and we say if you like this stuff if , you're enjoying it go ahead and put your , name and email in the box okay so we , want to kind of just be relaxed don't be , pushy right just be relaxed and tell , them what you're offering them right , tell them hey here's where you get the , form you know why would they want , insurance what are you gonna help them , cheap insurance options that work what , do you mean work my insurance dozen't , work I mean you know do people don't , think about they they don't know , low-cost car insurance is finally here , and you know would say something like , special discount for newly renewed , drivers or something right make it flow , with the content so hopefully this stuff , makes sense'm looking forward to , seeing you edit this site and make it , really good for those of you watching , this video go ahead and hop over to blog , profit slash go that's blog , profit slash go or watch the , video that I'm gonna pop up for you you , can go ahead and get started with blog , profit Network that is one of our , flagship products that will get you , started in a very easy way you just go , to go blog profit calm and you're signed , upright you sign up it's like W bucks , and you're in alright it's dirt cheap , and you get help from me so if you have , a blog out there and you're trying to , figure out how to make money wit hit and , you're getting traffic come over and see , me and'm going to hell , you do it right if you see me on live , chat which looks like this little icon , here all right if you see that you see , me there say hey Marcus I just watched , your YouTube video and have a blog , that'snot making money what do you , think you can do right now take a look , at it and I'll help you out , obviously we're gonna tell you to become , customer because that's how I make a , living off of helping you alright so , you're gonna want Togo do that , so it's a win-win deal for the rest of , you follow these steps get some advice , go through learn the stuff come join me , at blog profit Network com to learn even , more and let's make money online , together and remember when you sign up , at go blog you're gonna get , all these plugins and stuff anyway so , it's well well worth it and we're here , to help you thanks again for watching , make your blog convert using these W , step sand go ahead and watch the videos , that pop upon the screen for you get , blog profit Network and let's make your , bugs convert so you can make Alvin as , a blogger thanks again see you in the , next video , you