How I Average Over $50,000 A Month Blogging | The TRUTH About What It Takes To Make Money Blogging


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welcome everyone to this wonderful , Wednesday morning which is nice it's , starting to get nice and cool herein , the Florida which is always good so , hopefully our stream catches up with us , let's see here excellent looks good , looks wonderful now if you are listening , in obviously what you are type in where , you're listening from and your name and , what we're gonna do today is we are , gonna go through and we are going to , talk about seven figure blogging now for , those of you who are new and might not , know Meir'vie been doing blogging since , around I started blogging I heard , about blogging it became a big thing and , then I kind of straggled along and I was , a late comer to blogging and up until , that point from about to I had , been making little websites and doing , affiliate offers and making a lot of , money'vie made seven figures with those , as well and then when I got into , blogging I was a little daunted I was a , little bear with me I think we just lost , our camera feed so let's see if we can , fix that here that should fix it there , we go okay cool we are back running and , roll in so back then what I had is I had , all these different things that I was , doing with little websites and making , money and it was great it was working , and I was having lots of fun with it but , what we had is we had an issue with , blogging where I did't realize that I , could do the same things I was doing , with my websites with a blog so it was , kind of weird it was like okay how do we , do this how do we focus and how do we , make our blogs do what we want them to , do how do we make our blogs get our , visitors to where we're gonna make sales , or we're gonna get affiliate offers or , whatever it is so if you guys are here , and you want to learn exactly how I'vie , built a seven-figure business with , blogging type seven-figure blog in the , box now again as you guys know the , results you are gonna see and hear on , this live stream are not typical you , should not expect to get any results you , should expect to treat this like a , business where you go out and you set it , up and hopefully you get some results , and you can test but again buying , courses watching web , ours doing all this stuff it's no , guarantee of success we don't know what , you're gonna get , we don't know what to expect we want to , go out there and we want to be curious , right in our lifetime , curiosity kind of went out the window , and the reason I'Webern successful , online is because Keep that curiosity , because I go out there and I say well , you know what's gonna happen if what , will happen if I switch to blogging , what's gonna happen if I set this up , right and have no real preconceived idea , other than going out there and testing , so it looks like lot of people are , hopping on now we got Charles from , London we got Tim we got Kevin Ted Tim , Brian top highlights Marvin , Liza Laos I believe it's how you say it , lots of people hopping on here so we , want to focus on this right what are the , secrets to making a seven-figure blog , okay blogging seven figure blogging now , what are some of the things that I look , at first and foremost is what do we want , to do okay it's very important that we , focus and we listen okay we want to , focus and we want to say what can we do , what are we going to focus on because , there are two main pillars to the , internet marketing puzzle number one is , the pillar of traffic okay how are you , going to get your traffic this is very , important if you don't have traffic , you're not going to make money now , luckily the things I'm going to show you , on this training are going to show you , how to make good money with very little , traffic okay very little in comparison , because I'Webern out there I'vie looked , at stats'vie seen what people are doing , and if you watch other blog , presentations here's what I want you to , do as you're watching them listen for , the numbers okay that'Avery important , this is gonna teach you how to really , look at what other people are doing , right how do we look at what other , people are doing how do we focus on what , people are doing and everything like , that right we have to focus on that , because what you're gonna notice is , they're gonna show you screenshots and , they're gonna show you numbers and , they're gonna show you stuff and what , you want to do is you want to look at , the amount of traffic and the amount of , earnings okay very very important , because you want to take look at this , and how many of you guys have tried to , get web traffic before you'vie gone out , there and you're like yes I'vie tried to , get traffic and I want you to tell me , your experience right what was your , experience when trying to get traffic , was it difficult was it easy did you get , a million visitors overnight right what , happened you know want you guys to , type that in the box and let me know , what your experience has been with , Internet traffic okay , she's gonna check make sure our stream , is nice and clear right what is your , experience been with traffic has it been , difficult , okay so Charles says he's had a lot of , traffic no buyers okay Tim says it was , difficult to reach the right people okay , what else was it hard to get that , traffic or was it super easy okay some , people will say hard some Oh Pete say , easy okay not difficult for free traffic , okay not hard to get if you go for the , right keywords okay good a lot of people , have been listening all right treasure , says I got,W visitors with no , buyers okay good so what's happening and , not good for that I mean good that , you'vie answered the questions right what , we want to do is we want to look at this , and up until now most people have , trouble converting traffic because , traffics't really the hard part right , you could go and you could buy as much , traffic as you want right now that's not , the hard part the hard part is number , two which is conversion conversion okay , I recently was watching a video by a , blog channel hereon the YouTube and , this guy was saying hey you know what , here's what we're doing we'remaking , money he showed his blog making I , believe it was approximately twelve , hundred dollars month and he was , getting right so he was making twelve , hundred dollars month or something , like that right and in order to make , that twelve hundred dollars a month he , had to generate,W visitor sand I , was looking at that screenshot and I'm , like dude that is insane that's , ridiculous,W visitors that is I , don'tavern want to do the math but if I , did the math that'd be such a low number , it'd be ridiculous right I think if , you're making a penny of you you'damage , like bucks right is my math correct , there right so if you made a penny so , he's making like 2 cents of you or , something like that or no something like , that right you do the math if someone , wants to do the math type it in the box , but he's making very very very very , small amount for his traffic think , it's less than penny of you looks like , it right let's add a penny of you or , something like that which is insane , right that is like crazy so we goat , look at that and we Giotto say how can , we do better how can we focus how can we , get our traffic to do stuff so number , one is traffic number two is conversion , how do we focus on this now when dealing , with a blog we ha veto first look at , these two things and then third we have , to ask our self where is money coming , from okay where is the money coming from , this is the most important thing like if , you don't know where your money's coming , from then you're probably not going to , get paid right unless you're out there , just kind of doing a bunch of stuff and , hoping to get paid right if you don't , know where the money's coming from and , we'vie got to use our green pen for money , right we got to know where it's coming , from we got to understand who is going , to pay us at the end of the day all , right now there'slots of ways to make , money blogging we'll go through these , and then we'll dive in the compute rand , show you the rest of the presentation so , that you can understand what's going on , okay now there's things that you can do , to get paid a lot of people know about , Absences Ad sense is a platform where , you take a code and you put it on your , blog it runs ads on your blog and when , people click you get paid pretty easy , now Ad sense is good if it's I'vie made , some money with Ad sense lots of people , have made some money with Insensate I , find is that the amount you make is , usually pretty low okay that's usually , what these kind of guys are doing over , here were they getting a lot of traffic , and not making that much okay number two , all right we'll go here number one , number two would be stuff like Click bank , okay you could go to click bank right now , and you can get affiliate offers and you , can run affiliate clicks tithe , affiliate link and you can get paid when , sales are made right alto of people , know about that that's click bank , affiliate marketing okay , now the downside to Click bank sometimes , is they might not have an exact fit for , your market the number is going to go , higher on the conversion side the closer , you get to what your market wants right , the closer you get to what your market , wants the better you're going to do if I , have a site about how to lose weight the , closest I could get to like how to lose , weight click here free and get paid , right that's the closest that's going to , make money so we want an offer that's , going to be super super close to what , these people are looking for why are , they on our site , okay so we got Absence gotClickbank , affiliate we got CPA affiliate marketing , okay CPA affiliate marketing is cool , because there's lots and lots of offers , we usually go to offer vault to find , them and we focus right we're like okay , can I find something specific to my , people who are interested in Labrador , puppies or can I find people who are , specifically interested in drinking , coffee to lose weigh tor whatever our , blog is about very important okay now , it's also very important that you don't , set IPA blog without having these , profit centers these ways to get paid in , mind if you don'thieve them in mind then , you know you're not going to do that , great because you're not gonna be , focusing right when I build my blog's I , go out there and I'm like okay I know , the niche I know what I'm gonna make , money , Igor a focus on it very very very , important okay number four now CPA , affiliate marketing is good because you , could get paid per lead per sale per , download for people to calla phone , number like I know one of the big ones , is they'repaying huge money for people , to call for like alcohol trouble and , stuff like that and they like funnel , them to different programs or whatever , and they pay a lot of money for a phone , cal land all that you have to do is get , someone to call the phone number and get , them to stay on the line for like W , seconds or something and you get paid , okay so CPA affiliate marketing you , could get paid per click Pacy can get , paid per sale pay per sale you could get , paid per download you could do pauper , call pay , or lead and on an don we go so there's , lots of things there's also paper trial , which is good now what we want to do is , we want to focus on this because a lot , of people that are bloggers are recipe , blogger snow this is one of my favorite , verticals because recipe bloggers like , when you see a guy making,W bucks , off of W,W clicks this is like where , the recipe people fall into right , they're getting tons of traffic and , they're not making that much money now , when we go to that I like that kind of , traffic because we can actually , structure and focus differently and make , a lot more money for our traffic okay , now let me ask you do you want to make a , lot of money for your traffic or do you , wanna make Little money for your , traffic right it's up to you I mean you , really decide and there's always a way , to do that if you focus all right so , type your answers in the box there would , you rather make a lot for your traffic , or a little okay very important now we , got the CPA affiliate stuff which will , work too now during this presentation , I'm actually gonna ho pinto a new blog , that I set up and we're gonna show you , how this works we're going to show you , hey how do we focus how do we get our , visitors to do the things we want them , to do how do we get people to click the , affiliate offers how do we get people to , notice the ads how do we get people to , fill out the form sand join our mailing , list and everything like that very very , very important , okay so we headsets we gotClickbank , we got CPA affiliate we got our own , products , okay own products okay if you're out , there and you're in a specific segment , of the weight loss niche and you're , listening to your market you can , actually go and have your own product , created or you could buy the rights Tao , product which would be number which is , like rights to product and if you , guys are watching this and you're like , Marcus you write too small don't worry , we actually have someone full-time here , and their job is to write this stuff on , a note page for you and if you ever want , the notes from our latest video you , could go to download my notes com and , they have those ready for you usually , takes about a day after slipstream , for the notes to be out but fill that , out anyway so you get the emails so , number six number five was you know get , the rights Tao product or have your , products number six now a lot of people , do things like money sharing sites where , it's like patron or something like that , okay patron is a site where like they , can sponsor you or they could pay a , small monthly fee and get access to your , like private videos or something like , that those kind of things as well , so there's lots of ways to make money , and what we want to do is want to break , this down and say okay how are we going , to focus how we're gonna look at our , niche and really look at it okay very , cool now Tina says prefer just a , little money because I don't want to pay , taxes just kidding give me the big , money yeah exactly like the way I look , at it is you're probably not gonna go , over the% effective tax rate maybe if , you're making whole lot you might be , in like Think we're at W or something , like that , although it has changed a little so the , way you look at Otis I get seventy , percent of whatever I make pretty cool , right so that's good and I like taxes , because they feed the poo rand I put , lights up and things like that so , they're not bad but always pay your , taxes on your money moral of story so we , look at this and we're like okay how do , we focus how do we look at how we're , going to make money because that's the , key right you got to look at it and you , got to focus and say what am I going to , make money off of these visitors and you , got to look at your visitor sand , understand what's going on yeah really , really cool okay we want to focus we , want to look at that we want to break , this up now traffic conversion very , important ways to make money ad sense , Click bank affiliate CPA affiliate on , your own products rights to products , patron different things like that so , now that we have this right now that we , have this we have to focus and we got to , look at what we want to do so let's dive , in the computer and talk about how this , works okay very very important all right , so let's get this computer part set up , here and go from there okay let's see , where we're at bear with me one second , we'll just switch the screen over , okay where'dour screen go okay so we , should be good to go can everyone see me , okay , if you can let me know by typing , something in the box and let me get my , comment sup here so that we could see , what your questions areas we go along , okay that should do the trick I think , we're good Togo , okay so here's what we want to look at , and these are the confessions of a , 7-figure blogger now if you guys are , looking at this and you're like hey this , stuff seems kind of you know basic or , whatever listen to the basics because , the Devil sin the details right you're , gonna learn lot of stuff here , if you focus now if you're out there and , you're like markers told me that one , button to push that'gonna make me rich , that dozen't exist , alright so focus pay attention look and , we'll go through so here are the , confessions now as I Saudi'vie made , seven gyrfalcon what are you , gonna make blogging we have no idea , don'TKO what you're gonna make okay , results are not typical implied or , guaranteed'm showing you what I'vie , done and how to do it now Pablo says can , you build landing page and explain , we're actually gonna build a landing , page on this call so you guys are gonna , like that , very very cool okay so we want to focus , and take a look all right so the , confessions of the seven-figure bloggers , now we're gonna show you how to make a , good living without blogging now first I , want to show you something really cool , because in fact the richest man on the , planet , owes Mae dollar what do I mean by that , well I actually did a little test and I , want to show you these stats because you , want to look at what's working good , what's not working good okay , these are stats fro ma little test that , I did and we went through this test , made a dollar and one cent which sucks , right I get it , it'steerable the reason I show you is , because Want you to see the variation , and the differences all right sou made , a dollar and one cent on this it's on , Amazon , obviously richest man in the world owes , me a dollar the only person that's , richest man in the world is Jeff Bozos , from Amazon and he owes me a buck , because I made a dollar and one set now , how did I do that , wellie generated W collects , and I got to tell you and that's one of , the things we should have put on the , list over there that would fall under , generic affiliate programs now I got to , tell you here my result son this test , are better than most people's results so , you say Marcus a dollar that sucks , but look at this for a second , on this we got fifteen percent , conversion rate generated twenty clicks , three orders and made a dollar one now , most people with the Amazon program , don'Tet fifteen percent conversion , rate they get a lot less so what I want , to show you here with these numbers is , the fact that fifteen percent , conversion rates pretty damn good but , the amount I was getting paid sucked , okay so I would have done better like , this is for specific bookie would have , done a lot better had I actually like , drop ship the book or imported the book , or you know make a little video around , the book and give away the the book and , the video for a certain price or , something like that okay very important , we Giotto look at that , all right so twenty clicks three orders , fifteen percent conversion averaging , five cents a click here are some results , recent results from a membership site I , setup ten year sago how many of you , guys would like to get paid on something , you set up ten year sago when you , haven'touched right you just haven't , even touched it in ten years and it's , like hey you know I'm making probably , around $1,W month off of that little , thing that I haven't touched in almost , W years right say yeah Marcus I would , totally like to do that and make money , off something that I setup ten years , ago I'd like to set something up now and , make money in ten years hopefully that's , the goal obviously there's lots of , variables but you can see here that it , is in fact working now here's a result , from one of my blogs that you guys see , quite a bit and this is for one almost , one month it's up until today I think , took this last night At's o'clock I , think we made like W bucks since then , so a little bit more so we look at that , and over the last twenty four days I'vie , made about thirty three hundred and , twenty-five dollars off of this one , thing now again do you guys remember , what said when I was talking about , stats right does everyone remember what , I Saudi want you guys to type it in if , you remember it right to remember what I , said about stats , okay and we'll get to questions towards , the end but type that in what did I say , about stats I told you something very , specific and I want to see if you're , paying attention okay what was a very , specific thing that I told you , okay sloths dead stats add up okay no , that'snot what Is aid but they do add , up so that'Good okay totals okay , what did I say specifically okay and yes , these stats are all like super super , relevant Scott says as tack all right , clearly you guys got to be paying , attention more what I Saudis to look at , the numbers look at the numbers and look , at how much traffic they needed to , generate the money okay look at this , three clicks or three orders twenty , clicks generated a dollar okay so that's , five cents a click here's this one four , hundred and twenty four clicks now if I , got the same four hundred and twenty , four clicks and only made five cents a , click that would be four twenty four , times 0.W which would be twenty-one , bucks would you rather have twenty-one , bucks or would you rather have like , thirty three hundred and twenty five , dollars right think about that for a , minute because we got to look at this , and we got to focus on the niche we got , to focus on what people are doing , because there's ways to make more money , there's ways Togo out there and focus , on your traffic so you could see here , good amount of money right home of you , guys would be like dude if I setup a , site and I made like three four thousand , dollars a month off the site'd be , happier than a pig in the slop be super , happy all right here's another , screenshot from one of my accounts these , are all different things that run okay , this one is so far on this month on this , one it was W,W and some change , think we actually broke,W this , morning , but I made these notes at midnight and , you can see for this year five hundred , and seven thousand which is pretty cool , right that's that'great here's another , one I got this payment a couple , days ago or something like that this one , right around three thousand bucks twenty , eight hundred or something like that , okay really really really cool so we got , to focus on that all right now how much , traffic does it take to get these well , I'm gonna show you the traffic from one , of my blogs okay and what we want to , look at is we want to look at the , estimated unique visitors how many , people are coming to our site pretty , simple okay I don'CARE if they come , back I mean I want them to come back , that's good but how many people are , coming to the site okay we look at that , we're like okay great so fifty four , thousand people and it's generating I , mean if you do the math Think with , some other stuff that have going on as , well in this particular niche we are , looking at like right around fifty , thousand a little bit over fifty , thousand or something like that , right does that make sense to everyone , like how these stats are working make , sense type makes sense if you're on , board just not saving okay there we go , should be saving I know I had there we , go more parts to the notes okay so good , makes sense excellent so now what we , want to do is we want to take a look and , we want to say how do we do this right , how do we focus on this how do we get , people to do stuff because here's the , deal most people have blogs that suck , most people's blogs are not good most , people's blogs do not drive people to , what makes the money most people's blogs , are not set up to capture emails most , people's blogs are not set up to make , sale snow what I'ma bout to show you , today is inside the tools that I use to , run my seven-figure blog business how , many you guys are like yeah want to , know the tools want to focus okay type , that in the box say yeah I want to know , the tools like I need these tools that , are gonna make this work now I'vie spent , a small fortune over seven over six , hundred thousand no over a hundred and , fifty thousand dollars alright I was , trying to say six and seven figures and , just got all jumble din my brain it's , about hundred and sixty thousand , doll arson these plugins and tools and , everything like that and what I'gonna , do is I'going to show you why I did , that , right why would I go in and spend that , much on blog tool swell the reason is is , because , my blogs to do what my sites did because , remember how I told you that up until , W when started blogging I'vie been , doing all this stuff with regular , websites right regular HTML websites and , I had it going on I had things good I , knew how to create what I wanted to , create with these websites and I know , how to get people to convert now when I , went into the blogging platform in W , I was like okay well you know how do I , make these things convert how do I focus , because let's face it when you're , sitting at your new blog and it looks , like this you're like what aim gonna do , with this okay how aim gonna make this , work or you start putting content on and , you're like okay well I have content on , my blog but it's not converting okay , this right here is what it looks like , when you setup a brand new blog how , many of you guy shave gotten to this , page you're like yo Marcus I'vie set IPA , blog'vie gotten to this page if you , haven't don't worry that'Good that , means I don'thieve to like help you , unlearn things okay and we're going to , talk about some of the things that we , focus on okay now mark says Use the , Di vi theme it looks great , here's a deal lot of people are gonna , use alto of themes that look great but , do they convert because Id on't care how , good my blogs look you guy shave seen my , blogs like this here affiliate marketing , dude calm this is a blog lot of people , don't know that but this is actually the , blog platform okay now if I used one of , those fancy cute looking themes I , would't get the conversions that I get , how many guys would like to get more , conversions using a theme that's super , easy how many guys are like yeah dude I , totally want to do that now by the way , if you'vie never set IPA blog and you , want to get to this place here what I , would urge you to do is go to go hub , , go hub site com okay excellent , so go hub site com you're gonna click it , okay and you're gonna see this here , it'll teach you how to get where we're , at okay very very very important now , mark says they look good and convert , well I'll bet they can convert better , because chances are it's probably not , converting as good as you wan tit to , okay so what do we do about the theme , first and , or most what I want to do is I want to , talk to you about where you're gonna get , all the tools so you can go over to , Marcus mentor mentor dorm II okay this , is where you're gonna go , this is we're gonna learn about the the , tools and everything like that okay , after you sign up at Marcus mentor dot M , II you're gonna log in at affiliate , marketing dude calm slash login right , like this okay so we're gonna go inhere , and hopefully I remember my password I , think I do , let's see yes I did I remembered it on , the first try which is really coo land , Mark says that's why I'm here listening , to you yes trust me on this use the , themes that we have for you now when you , go in here okay if you're new you're , just gonna have the AMD mentor ship this , is all stuff because it's my test , account but you can get other stuff as , well so you're gonna go into the AMD , mentor ship program right here it looks , like this it's beautiful and because , they're like dude that looks coolie like , that it's easy like I can get my free , t-shirt here who actually sends you a , free affiliate marketing dude t-shirt , when you get our course and our mentor , program which is awesome it's dirt cheap , it's really coolie think by the time , it's all said and done you're paying , like four dollars a plug-in or something , like that , okay Tim says but it's not it'sabot , the content not the themes right not , necessarily you're gonna have good , content with a crappy theme and it's not , gonna work okay so we goat look at that , okay so when you log in you're gonna see , this now the very important stuff you're , gonna want Togo to for this type of , training is gonna be the Voodoo plugins , this is the Voodoo plug-in suite you , could see it down here where it says , Marcus Mentor Emmy this is all the stuff , now right now we have these four , available these four of you and work , done so they'll probably be up later , this week as they come out which is , really cool okay now these are the main , plugins you're gonna look at you're , gonna notice that I actually have these , plugins we also okay and you can see one , two three four five six twelve so if you , were to take the amount it costs to join , the course and divide it by twelve if , you were just getting the plugin sand if , being wanted to like actually do math , for us which apparently it dozen't right , take a look so let's say twelve over , OR over W that's literally like $6 a , plug in which is dirt cheap crazy six , dollars and cent sand it'singly like , two dollars day or something like that , okay so you got your plugins there now , one of the most important things we do , also is we actually give you guys custom , theme snow these themes are custom based , on what works righto'vie gotten hundreds , of millions of visitors to my site sand , my blogs and everything like that and I , know it works right I'vie tested what , works I'vie tested what's easy what's , going to get the visitor to do what we , want the visitor to do so you get tons , of themes we're actually redoing a lot , of these theme sand making more for you , okay now we also have videos and reports , this is where you get all the reports , and everything like that which is cool , so again Marcus mentor m.e you could see , that down there with the little Voodoo , plugins that's like the main thin gas , you get the Voodoo plugins let me show , you what these do and then we'll go into , the members area a little bit later , because instead of like trying to show , you why the mentors area is a good deal , I'd rather show you how to use these , plugins which is cool okay so we're , gonna take a look at this here's what , our site looks like right now I'm gonna , go through and I'm gonna show you how to , change this site so we're gonna go into , overdress dashboard okay it could be , kind of daunting and we want to focus , now Tim says would't your site look , spam my sometime swell if you don't focus , right we want to focus on stuff that , works like some people think this looks , kind of spammed it works right so the , majority has spoken , right like affiliate marketing and , internet marketing is a democratic , process we ask our visitors by way of , traffic what they want if no one put , their name and email yeah I would say , yeah it probably looks family to most , people but most people are putting their , name and email which means they actually , are responding to it so we got to get , over what we think things look like or , what we like or what we think the market , wants because it dozen't matter it , dozen'matter people go markers your , sites are ugly don'twat to pay no , thousand bucks for that site and like , dude do you want conversions so are you , gonna argue with me about what looks , good because I could care Lessie care , about what converts good and like mark , says , numbers don't lie okay like why the , Wyatt Trashed that is and Ian't , pop-ups look speedwell they work , would'thieve it there if it did't work , right would'tit actually dozen'twerk , right now Gotta fix it but that'SA , cool thing'm actually switching it , over to my plug-in because that little , tool I used to USDA's't work anymore , our exit plug-in does work okay so let's , talk about how to do this this is your , maintops dashboard what I like to , do when I wardress is like to toggle , back and forth between what it looks , like and the dashboard okay so first and , foremost what I'm gonna do is I'gonna , install one of my custom themes okay I'm , gonna go to appearance themes all right , we're gonna go here and this is one of , the custom themes all I did was add a , logo right so I added little logo , super easy we teach you how to make , these logos literally takes like five , minutes if you know how to replace , file name right like let me show you so , if you know how to let's see , like if you go in here and you're like , let'pictures we're gonna pictures so , like if I go in here and if I know how , to replace an image name let'SSA I , wanted this belly guy to be my logo all , I would have to do is rename this to , logo put it in the folder upload the , theme right how many you guys are like I , can do that really easy if you can do , that you can make a custom theme using , the stuff that I'vie set up for you , made it super easy I had my programmer , fix these up so all you got to do is put , the image in there and boom you're good , to go okay so all I did is I use this , theme and watch how simple this looks , we're gonna activate it and instead of , this like weird cacti thing we're gonna , go boom bad bingo many of you guys , are like do that that'gonna convert , better already hey how many guys you , like dude that'soak I'm getting it , okay , how many guys get that type it in the , box I wanna make sure you guys are , following along every step of the way , CZ it's gonna be we're gonna be going , through some stuff here we're gonna show , you hey what does it take to make seven , figures blogging again results not , typical implied or guaranteed I don't , know if you'll make one cent blogging , but I'gonna show you the things that , use to actually make this work okay cool , so there you go right easy this is what , converts this is what works if you want , a different background you replace the , background image with whatever you want , right so you can put whatever you want , on there , easy easy stuff okay so now that we have , that we go into our site and we're like , okay now I'm gonna have settings and , this is what I Dion all of my blogs , this is what I do on all of them make , sure your site titles your keyword and , stuff like that like you want them to , see why they came there the guy comes , here he wants to learn pay-per-click , online wanted to see that easy put , that in the title tagline put a little , tagline really easy okay we goat focus , we go here or like a learn PPC online , okay good good good looks good save next , we're gonna go through and we're gonna , go to reading okay we don'tend to go , to writing we'll just go to reading okay , now what we're going to do is it's very , important that we do , your homepage displays and then we're , gonna go here or click static page okay , and I'll just choose what I wrote choose , welcome now if you'Reno a new blog , it'll say sample page choose sample page , you can change it later don'worry okay , so this is number two we go her ewe hit , save okay , boom now you're gonna notice instead of , the hello world blog it's gonna go to a , page if it likes to be fast which today , it likes to be slow all right there we , go , cool NOW'm gonna show you how to get , this opt-in here as well okay so that's , step two then we go to plangent we , make sure that our planks are set to , post name how many guys so far you're , like this freaking easy could do this , in my sleep maybe not in my sleep maybe , if I had decaf coffee like Marcus but I , could do this okay is everyone like yeah , Could do this if you can do this , you're halfway there , super halfway there okay type halfway , there if you're like I can do it , okay cool now you are going to really , like me in minute because we're gonna , show you something that's gonna make , stuff easy now remember I showed you , those plugin sin the members are aright , here okay these voodoo plugins are my , new plug-in suite , spent a fortune making them so that your , job is easy okay so that your job is , easy very important so we're gonna go , through and we're gonna take look at , these you're gonna notice that these , plugins here coincide with what I have , so fun I'll click add profit slide , voodoo blocks everything like that you , can see them here right sou installed , them we got click we got announcer we , got funnel we got slide and we got , Voodoo ads pretty easy right there we go , excellent Jeff says I need more books , probably I do have more either just in , sight okay and welcome Jeff good to see , you here okay so there we go super easy , so now you just install the plugin you , click plugin you click install okay , you're gonna click plugin you're gonna , click add new and you're gonna go in , here and you'll just upload the plug-in , and install it when you're done , installing it it takes literally five , seconds they're gonna pop up down here , so now let's say okay bear with me one , second I'gonna get it back to normal , so that can show you what it looks , like on a new blog okay now on a new , blog what you're gonna have is you're , gonna have all this junk over here in , your sidebar okay so it'll be like , navigational and it's gonna be like , recent posts and it'll look like this , okay so when you have your blog it's , gonna look like this wit hall this junk , over here right how many you guy shave , seen this you're like okay yeah that , looks ugly that dozen't convert anything , that's terrible how many of you guys , would like to know how to set IPA , dash converting landing page in , Depressing like three minutes if , you're Marcus's minutes if you're , someone Elsie'vie just been doing this , too long right so check this out let's , say I want to create landing page I go , here , and I'm like okay what's my title well , my title is gonna be how to make money , with pay-per-click marketing boom there , we go update you could see ho wit's , stringing along her ewe'll open this in , anew tab so you can see how it's , stringing along try that again okay , alright Jeff he says it's gonna take him , for years , Jeff I guarantee you like if you use , these tool sit'll take you like ten , minutes , trust me watch how easy this is like if , you could type you can do it how to make , money with pay-per-click marketing great , next what we'll do is we could put like , an image or something and I went ahead , and created an image ahead of time I , teach this in my courses so if you want , to learn how to make images it's not , that hard to do so what I'm gonna do is , I'gonna put add media and choose my , image here and insert it okay then I can , put some content or whatever down below , okay so Could put content writing , stuff for people to read okay and I'll , probably have like quite a bit of , content like maybe couple of , paragraphs or something okay so there we , go how many of you guys are like yeah I , can make this image and if you don't , know how to make this image it's , actually pretty darn easy to do like , literally it's not that hard made it , in this program here and you just like , drag and drop it's super easy it took me , about five minutes I did it live on a , webinar and if you guys join the Marcus , Mentor me today Marcus mentored me I'll , give you that video so you could learn , how to make these pretty cool so here we , go and we're gonna go like this , we're gonna hit update now watch watch , it's coming together pretty good here , did you do to do visit site alright , looking good I don't know what this is , pointing at but hey we're getting there , right really really cool alright so , we're like how to make money with pay , per click see inside my paper quick , account that made me over.9 million , dollars make sure that everything that , you say is true alright don't be going , out there saying hey you're gonna lose , million pounds if you you know whistle , yeah make sure it's true make sure it's , ethical true everything like that , now you can borrow results from whatever , you're promoting , but make sure it's true now let's turn , this bad boy into a lead getting machine , how many guys are like Marcus I want to , see you turn this into a lead getting , machine in like three minutes okay , type it in the box a lead machine three , minutes if you want me to do that and by , the way asking questions is my excuse to , have my cigar , okay watch this we're gonna go here , we're going to our widgets we're gonna , take all the widgets away from whatever , Word Press gives us automatically should , be blank the only thing in here , should be done today- done funnel , voodoo Marcus's wonderful tool that he , spent way too much time and money , building but it's now yours for the low , price if I think about six dollars if , you average it out or two dollars day , which is insane all right so that'Sally , that should be up there , easy how many of you guys could do that , you could go like this like it's over , here it could be like yeah I could take , this and go whee how many guys can do , that pretty easy right pretty easy now , that we're done with that we just go , over to the funnel voodoo tab boom here , we go funnel voodoo excellent it's even , colorful and beautiful and nice alright , pretty cool look at that it's so so , wonderful'm just like I like the , images being a little slow right now , because our blog server is on a shared , host so that I can show you exactly what , you guys are using want all the tools , to be the same so it's probably slow , right now , okay so funnel voodoo here it is now you , can click this and you can watch the , video on how to use this here's some , little tools and stuff there you go now , here's where the magic happens , we're gonna go in her ewe're gonna click , on opt-ins we're gonna click on enable , we're gonna hide the title we're gonna , put it on the pages pretty easy all , right , no wall we do is we put some content , free pay-per-click marketing guide for , beginners put some little arrows did you , do to do when you're ready here's all , you do you put your Weber listening , you don't even have to log into your , Weber account now if you're not using , Weber which I know a lot of people are , stubborn and they're like Marcus I don't , want to use tools Want to make things , hard on me if you're not using Weber , you just click this and you put your , code in here , super easy okay infinite intelligence , yeah we are we do have that going Ono , thin kit's at simple sites boot camp , calm OK so we're gonna click display , Aubrey we put our list name in there , super easy put our Thank You page your , post okay if you want to make a , thank-you post you're just like okay , post add new make one and just call it , like thank you thank you put your , content inhere later public or publish , okay and you just take your little URL , hereby , copy you put it right in where do we go , right inhere okay , Bop there we go gotta make sound , effects makes it easier how many of you , guys could do this you're like I could , take my list name in here pretty easy , could type a little URL in here could , put some bullet points yeah I could do , that and then I could scroll down and I , can use the privacy policy that's , already automatic in there and then I , could choose what I want Otto look like , let's go for orange image like the , orange one , download now okay once you're done , literally took like a couple minutes , save boom watch , and but steamroll we got to do , drum roll like five times because I don't , know if it's my internet being so there , you go check it out how many guys are , like dude seriously did you just , seriously make a squeeze page in like , five minutes while doing a webinar , know I can do this a lot quicker if I'm , not doing a webinar but how many you , guys are like dude seriously like does , it get any easier than that how many , guys are like that's bad ass , I type bad ass if you're like that's , pretty cool and you can make these all , daylong you can make as many as you , wan tit's super easy right tight shut , them in the box if you're like that's , cool I like that , now let me show you where the magic , happens , because up until now the Word Press , platform basically puts the same sidebar , widgets this is called aside bar widget , on every page in every post which ISS , total pain in the butt , I can't run as even-figure business if I , have the same stuff on every single page , right who made this logo , I made the logo took me like six minutes , I actually made it on avid if you , guys get the Marcus Mentor Emmy I'll , send you the video it was how much do , you think that software costs to make , that little logo and we'll show you how , to use it too when you guys buy it , through me I show you guys how to use it , which is cool like it's cool it's , literally like W dollars for the , software and it literally took me like , five minutes to make that I'Webern , using this software since think , W okay so as we were saying with , Wardresses put the same sidebar , widgets on the same everything so you , really can't have like different stuff , okay so what we want to do is we want to , control it and the way you control it , through these little buttons here PO , just posts and pages super easy so like , if I want different thing let's say , want an affiliate offer on that Thank , You page or thank you post rather I go , to the post and like okay the post name , here is let's see go here , host name is down on the bottom I think , it'number three is it three something , like that right so I would just go , through and I'd be like okay I want to , put this on the post so like if I had an , affiliate offer let's see if I can find , an affiliate offer bear with me one , second okay I'm gonna find an affiliate , offer so we could show you how to do , this and we're gonna go in here and , let's see , link's okay so I'just gonna get , banner from my hosting affiliate offer , okay and all we would ha veto do is go , inhere okay , we're gonna go to funnel voodoo and I'm , gonna say I want this to be on posts , text put my banner code in here save , Tad and boom there we go com eon load , wants to be slow still come on , hmm some reason it's being slow don't , know what the reason is but what we can , do is we just have our content in the , sidebar let's see let'story this don't , know why it wants to be slow today , okay so the cool thing is is we can have , different stuff on different pages and , different posts in a super super easy , easy way right so really really cool so , we want to focus and we want to look at , that and now I can control whatever , want right I can have eight different , opt-ins right Have eight different , landing pages actually more than that , but you know you would duplicate some of , them okay so that'sum does that make , sense to everyone , like how we have different things on , different pages different posts makes it , super easy to control your blog makes it , super easy oh I have no Brain did't , click enable sit here like what'sarong , with my plug did't click the enable , button all right so there you go when , you enable it dented your things there , so now look at this right so this is in , the sidebar here but when you go to the , pages you get that pretty cool how many , you guys are like dude that'awesome , that's like the coolest thing ever and , you can have tons look at how many you , can have like eight different affiliate , offers if you want different ads , different thank-you page stuff different , sales comments this is important because , like sometimes you want to have the , comments like when I do product launch , on Wardress can control it all right , how many you guys are like dude I want , this plugin seriously I would pay for , this plug-in type voodoo type funnel , voodoo in the box if you're like I would , pay for that love this plugin it's , great right and this is what I use to , control my blog to create my earnings , because without this you can't do it , right without this you're dead in the , water like you look at my affiliate , marketing dude site okay got the , opt-in here I got my page sup here now , if you were to go to Google and do a , search for one of the results and you're , like okay well let's do Disaffiliate , something program or something like that , I think I have a ranking on Wiz , affiliate program Wiz affiliate forget , what the exact keyword is , but I'll show you this one and you'll , see how the content is different now , well let's do this , Tim say show did you do this before the , Voodoo plugin did it on my own back , when I used to do regular static , websites I did all this stuff on my own , okay so now look now Have this posting , notice it's the same blog same exact , blog is this have my video , look at these sidebar ads different , opt-in different ads look at that really , really cool this stuff works it got ads , down here as well how many you guys are , like dude this is awesome , right this is like how I want my blog to , be set up because this is what makes , blogs convert right this is the whole , shebang this is how it works right if , you go through and I found out that on , this okay can you make money with a free , Wiz sit eon this one people were coming , from Google search and Unneeded to have , an opt-in that fit what they wanted I , could't use the regular one so you have , total control over everything right so , the funnel voodoo how many of you guys , are like yeah with some instruction , videos think I can get funnel voodoo , down pretty easy okay TJ gaming says I , don'twat to sound harsh but those , pages look terrible it's not gonna work , on the inner generation but I think it , does on older people you're wrong TJI , have tested these and it works for , everyone right it works across the board , so what you think dozen't matter what , matters is what does the market say , right so you could say they look , terrible and maybe they do but they , convert right they convert like crazy , okay so I would challenge you test it if , you think pretty site works to test , the pretty site and test my site okay , see what works better nine times out of , ten it's gonna be mine very important , yes TJ really this stuff work sit works , like crazy actually , here we go TJ says that thirstiest't , work in the younger generation okay I'm , gonna show you something here , Teacakes I really want you to get this , and want you to understand how this , works okay and what I'm gonna do is let , me see here , okay I'gonna show you a site that made , seven figures multiple seven figures , okay this site was generated this site , was made to the younger generation okay , so I'm gonna show you this these are the , people you're talking about right now , that you swollen't convert okay and , let me fin done that looks good bear , with me one second and I'll show you , guys how this works if you guy sever , wanted to see a seven figure site here , you go now is your chance if I can find , it , come on go go go my eyes are being like , totally tired right now , [Music] , okay this is an example it's not the , exact one but it's a segment of one okay , so here we go okay how many guys are , like dude that looks like crap like this , is like it'snot even a theme it's , something simple that I made how many , guys are like dude this looks like I , would not think this would convert how , many guys if you're honest you would say , this would not convert , so Tod you think this would convert , how about , let's find another one no way okay it's , made seven figures variation of this , site the Christian one was a segment , also had basketball I also had music , players right there you go , here's another one let's take a look at , another one and this was for the younger , generation like they were the ones who , wanted this kind of stuff right so there , you go there you go it's targeted to our , demographic was MySpace user sand then , we converted over into Facebook users , but when it'MySpace it was like way it , was not like the older generation baby , boomers it was really cool do I think it , will convert today it does convert today , it does like I have a site with that , same exact stuff and it converts today , plain and simple why because people , respond to language they don't respond , to images as much they don't respond to , fancy and slow and everything like that , so we'vie goat focus okay really cool , let's see so let's go through let's take , a look at the other stuff here and so , that's the first one Soviet say funnel , voodoo Roxy if you guys are like yeah , dude want to use funnel voodoo okay , now some of the stuff in funnel voodoo , you cannot do with normalWordPress it's , just not an option this makes it , available right and you can make tons of , landing pages and cool stuff let's take , a look at another now click voodoo is a , very important one click voodoo is cool , because use this you guys will see me , use this on affiliate dude comm on , affiliate dude calm I have this simple , stuff here which totally works but what , I do is I bought the domain affiliate , dude calm so I could get people to , affiliate offers really in an easy way , without using an ugly affiliate link , right so if I was Togo to click bank , calm and always to get an affiliate , offer will go to affiliate marketplace , let's choose an offer I don't know let's , see let's do you know let's do find , replace for fine replace software , this software I use is pretty cool so , we'll hit promo tea little pop-up will , come up , we'll put in our account nickname okay , well hit create this is your affiliate , link are you ever going to remember this , are you ever gonna be able to tell , people this like no that sucks so here's , what you do you take this you copy it , you go to your blog and you're like dude , I want to set this up , go to manage hit the plus you type in , what you want so we're gonna go to , settings first'm gonna type go because , I like go better than T so go like that , okay we're gonna go manage we're gonna , go , ad I'm gonna put find replace okay I put , the URL to shorten check this out all , they ha veto do now is go to learn PPC , online slash replace watch this boom , learn PPC online slasher placed being , goes through my affiliate link to the , offer when they buy I get paid and it , also tracks it where's the tracker , trackers over here somewhere yeah where , do we go there we go right so it , actually tracks it and shows how many , people click right check it out you guys , want to go go to learn PPC online comm , slash replace see how it work sand , you'll see that it redirect sit now when , I do my content all I need to do is , track that and now right boom you just , click it you make it work super easy , okay and we guys like dude that's , awesome and if you look at it on my , other sites you can see it tracks , everything it makes it super easy and , you just use it right so that is like , your thing like if you'redoing YouTube , videos and you don't want to be like hey , the link is in the description and it's , a big ugly link you're like dude go over , here like go to affiliate do comm slash , this affiliate dude come slash this and , then when I'm making my content watch , how much better this is it clicks the , link it actually helps for search engine , ranking so when I'modding my pages or my , content or whatever okay all I got to do , is go to edit and I'm like okay well I , can put this link in here alright like , this , boom done deal right and this is showing , you how to set this upright really cool , really really easy okay , let's see what'seagoing on in the chat , and Kara okay cool so now we do that , and now it'slake boom there you go , let's update and literally this will , have you making blogs like a pro and , like no ti meat all okay so now we're , going here we're like boom learn PPC , online click goes right and it tracks it , which is awesome okay so that's plug-in , number two now the cool thing about it , is you can have as many different , affiliate offers as you want and you can , change the mat a drop of a hat so if I , find out down the road like maybe that , guy changes his username or maybe If ind , abettor software that converts better , right all I do is I go to edit and I put , in my new affiliate link there boom , every link on my site is now changed , how many guys like dude that's cool , alright let'snot ask for email sand , stuff in the chat okay just because this , is public so you don't want to do that , okay , so try to pay attention don't get , distracted over there okay so we're , gonna go here and there we go you can , have as many as you want you can change , them at the drop of a hat , super easy okay awesome takes three , seconds to make a new redirect easy to , do okay if you'redoing Instagram , marketing this is perfect okay if you're , doing Facebook perfectest it going , through and being like hey you know what , I go to click slash 4 5 6 8 , slash 1 2 3 question mark PDT , seriously no one's go in it I go and I'm , like go to Philly up dude calm slash , host get your web hosting boom done like , that alone is worth it which is really , cool where are you getting affiliate , links I want everything for my niche I , use offer vault you could useClickbank , you could use whatever no win our , courses we actually help you so if , you're part of the Marcus Mentor dote , which by the way is like are ally cool , program to get this comes with all the , plugin sand everything but in addition , we also help you so if you're like dude , I'm in Marcus Mentor Emmy and can you , look at my site and help me find , affiliate offers boom there we go really , cool right , so we want to focus on that okay , click tracker next we have slide voodoo , which is awesome now slight voodoo is , brand new , it's my brainchild from what I used to , do with the high traffic niches okay , because we want to go through want to do , high-traffic niches we want to focus we , want to make it work okay so we go , through there , yes offer vaults for any wherein the , world it dozen'matter where you're at , okay so we're gonna go inhere and we're , like slide voodoo check this out now , this is awesome because you can actually , make killer pages and killer content in , a really cool way okay so I go here I go , to slide video I got to manage groups I , click on plus I click on group name I'm , like boom I want sample PPC pages okay , we're gonna go here we're gonna hit , submit we're gonna go plus we're gonna , go to slide one okay so her ewe go we , got our group and slide one that's just , for our reference okay I'm gonna go in , and'll be like okay I want to add , media or upload an image upload image , select and let's say we wan tan image , like let's see let'sago into desktop and , we'll use some of these images so let's , say pictures okay well use these so , we're gonna say we're gonna use these , guys here slide here okay insert into , post and we'll do this website made over , 1 million dollars with simple , pay-per-click ads boom submit watch what , this does it's so cool Olive this one , new slide to upload another image select , do to do to do here we go , I think this was the mortgage site , insert into post this mortgage , marked Gage website made me over , thirteen hundred dollars day and I got , traffic for less than W cents click , how many guys can do this , like how many guys are like it I could , type get type and I can upload an , image all right this is not much think , Facebook is actually more difficult than , this okay and you should'tube spending , that much time on the old Facebook , anyway someone was asking about my , lottery site here's a picture of it , alright so here we go this site made , twelve hundred dollars its first day , online with pay-per-click marketing okay , submit and alright let's add another , upload image think I have the little , image I made on here let's see , I already go , simple little image somewhere okay I'll , make another one so we'll just go and , I'll make another one really cool these , images are all owned by me so Id on't , run into copyright program problems but , if you're gonna borrow images I would , use clip art or something like that , where you get the rights to it alright , so let's see about making a little image , for this well you know what we could , actually use this image save as pictures , PPC one so we'll just use this PP Cone , do to do to do insert into post submit , OK so now what this does is let me see , if I remember how to do the short code , did you do okay so we'll go into pages , all page sand we'll go into one that we , have not used yet so we'll just do learn , PPC fast okay get rid of this image and , what I'gonna do is I'gonna use the , code so you'll notice that we have like , little codes here and these codes , actually help you use your plugins which , is cool okay so we're gonna go through , and let'SSE if this one's on short , codes or something else Think it might , be on a different one yeah Think you , just copy it so you go here and you're , like copy and then you're like boom , let's copy it , I think that's the one that copies it , all right bear with me one second , and I shall find it , I believe that's it was it not copying , must be something wrong with my , clipboard , come on clipboard but what this is gonna , do is it'gonna make Little page like , this affiliate marketing dude calm and I , believe Have it on here , okay and what it does is it makes these , images right so now they come to my site , so imagine this unlike a weight loss , site and you're like this diet helped , lose this much this diet helped lose , this much this helped do that this did , that right how many of you guys have , actually clicked these things way longer , than you'd like to admit right you're , like dude'd probably use these way too , much I use them all the time right , little sliding things okay this site did , that this one did this and then when it , gets to the end , boom want to see more of Marcus's , profitable sites put your name and email , in the box how many you guys are like , dude that'gonna convert like seriously , if I Giotto the end of looking at a , bunch of these things which is pare , selling me like wow that works wow that , guy lost that much wow this guy got that , or here's the top herbs that you need to , you know whatever right here's herb , number one here's what it does and it , has the little the little description , down below tattoo site average earnings , blah blah Bulawayo cool excellent want , to see more of Marcus'site so , therefore I'm going to opt-in right how , many guys are like dude that's an , awesome plugin right and it actually , goes through and it tracks it too which , is really cool I did I make the images , myself yeah just screenshots those are , actual screenshots of my sites so yeah , and we teach you how to make images , again remember when you get these , plugins earmarks mentor Emmy just asked , us for the image creation video and , we'll put that in there it's a webinar , did it's like an hour it shows you how , to make cool images and everything which , is cool but this thing I mean imagine , the implications what you can use this , on all right and boom there you go get , some to convert okay so awesome now , that's I think we'vie gone through three , plugins so far now let's take , look at voodoo ads and show you how easy , you do ads is voodoo ads is awesome okay , so we're gonna go we're gonna go here , and we're gonna go like this get the , Voodoo ads you go here you hit a new , group okay I'just gonna go ahead and , do image ads banner let's do video ads , single column okay we're gonna hit post , submit okay let's see we don't want it , to float and let's do our reference , videos okay , we hit submit watch how easy this is , okay if you're a YouTube're gonna , love this because you already create , thumbnails enter a title click here for , stuff description a URL okay let's say , we want them to go to affiliate , marketing dude calm okay , upload image boom select we'll go to , these images here and I'll just go ahead , and select some images float means it , just like Scrolls with the page so I'll , show you guys in a minute so we'll just , insert this here submit boom there we go , let's add another one add some text here , okay upload image select and load insert , submit and we'll add one more get , Marcus's plugin snow okay boom HTTP WWE , arc us mentor/e , upload image choose an image I like this , here we go I'll do this one okay , all right like this and insert boom , submit now this should automatically if , I have it right let's see if it's in the , appearance widgets and ads all right , this just replaces all your other stuff , and we'll go into post since I have it , on posts where do you get these plugins , Mark us mentor m.e okay so we're gonna go , to posts all posts and view did you do , how awesome is that , alright and actually tracks it and does , everything for you also have tech text , ads you can do text ads within your , content you can do everything and these , get clicks right these are base don

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