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hello hello Rachel is Lee here in this , video I'm going to share with you what I , think to be the best types of content , that you should be putting out as an , influence affiliate marketer if you , want to be making more money with , affiliate commission sand money , passively you still to do active work , and if you want to go influence , route of that by using your brand and , yourself and valuable content you put , out Theresa a tool to persuade people , to buy certain things that you're , promoting certain affiliate offers you , got to put out good content content , content content content is the motto and , overtime putting out content will , become more natural so if you are here , watching this video on my YouTube please , subscribe to my channel and turn on , notifications because I put out good , content content content content content , that is the motto so I'm gonna screen , share in this video and show you guys , some of the content that I putout and , you know what let'start with YouTube , so let me move this herein OBS I'm , using OBS to stream I'll make myself , smaller if you haven't ever putout , content like videos of yourself or blog , posts you might feel like super , overwhelmed and I could tell you like Oh , make it a goal to put out one piece of , content a week are you freaking kidding , me you know how many pieces of content I , put out a Dayan lot and that'SWAT I'm , gonna show you guys so first let's start , YouTube just because we're on , YouTube I want to show you this , haven'been doing this for long but the , more I do it the more money Image it's , refrain crazy and I'm gonna show , you the correlation of this these are , all like video sand cool they look cool , it's because I made freak in thumbnails , in canvas it's not like that big of a , deal okay so I started putting out , affiliate marketing content about six , months ago but six month sago and then I , had some videos six months five months , four months three months more three , months see I was doing a lot , two months two months two months was , putting some good stuff out then one , month one month one month one month , year I was putting alto out so I'll say , a month sometimes these numbers are off , and then I kind of actually been a , little slower and'vie noticed , I still get some pretty good results you , could see like in my vied IQ still , getting like a thousand views for the , past week'm not saying that this is , like the fracking master you tuber I , don't even have a thousand subscribers , bu tit's still good content and I still , get views from the search engine , optimization so the more consistent you , are with that putting out YouTube , content the better , now let me show you what I do also with , that YouTube content go put it in my , Facebook groupie have this Facebook , confluence affiliate marketing and , this is steadily growing also my email , list is also growing good now I would't , even use the word steadily I would use , the word um like rapidly it's uh there's , momentum to it as you start putting out , more content you get more momentum I , would show you my email list right now , but it's like convert kit is literally uh , down right now but am at just a little , over subscribers and yes some was , like paid through different ads or solo , ads but a lot of it is just because I , put out content and then people opted it , in and that should also get you better , open rates on your emails so Facebook , groups are great put out a lot of , content written content I'll ask , questions will put out live streams , I'll do live streams I put out a cheat , sheet do group co-working sessions ask , another question to get people thinking , I started I share my YouTube videos in , here share tools people can use like , more videos I do interviews with other , experts that is all content so I want , you guys to think what can you start , doing to ramp up your content some days , to rest some days you can't put out , content like it's fine but you could do , one thing a day at least what I'm doing , like W things day every posits , considered content also here on the , Facebook group let me show you that , mean sorry Facebook page you can put out , content here this piece of content is , announcing alive stream training that , I'm doing with someone else , tomorrow and then at the end we will , talk about his offer which I have an , affiliate link for because you guys , might be asking will all this content , and all these posts like how are you , making your making any money from that , that's what freaking I can already hear , you guys thinking are you making any , money from that some things that I put , out are more clearly it's more clear , maybe to you where you can see oh that's , how she made money because it was , webinar that she promoted that pitched , at the end she got affiliate Commission , that or it was alive stream she did with , someone that they pitched at the end she , made money from that or it's a YouTube , video talking about a software Ora tool , and her affiliate link is for that but , some uses of content you might be like , well how should make you money from nap , just by me asking questions or me , posting a selfie or me doing like , motivational video or a motivational , written post making money from that , because then people are now more knowing , and liking and trusting me so even if , the actual post USN't super sales or , the piece of content USN'that sales , that's fine is give value value value , then so Gary Anarchic says Jab Jab Jab , right hook so that's the strategy with , that you could do a little you could , Photo shop your photos you guys like you , don't ha veto do selfies all the time , but it's good for influence your , affiliate marketing for people to , remember who you are and don't matter , what you look like you know I do the , magic filter over my face um you could , do a little post like this , little statements you have or ask , questions you can put content in other , people'Facebook grips that gets you , more traffic do that all the time all , going with other Facebook groups and all , like put discussion topics what other , kind of content can you do well you can , send out emails email broadcaster't , actually like the best strategy for , affiliate marketers because it's like , not as calculated and with an email , marketing we can really build machine , like an optimize machine but it still , dozen'mean that people don't want to , hear from you so you could definitely , write a newsletter Ora blog there's , really cool things you can do on , Instagram people now make Instagram , their blog it's like read a caption so , you're reading you see photo it could , be of the person or it can be like stock , photo or something that they took a , photo of and then in the description is , like along er form blog post also , Instagram stories I'm putting out alto , of content on my ins ta story actually , I'm gonna show you guys let me share the , screen again so you could see people , access Instagram from their phone mostly , but while we'Reno the computer I can , show you here's my Instagram and I make , my Instagram however I want to make it , you do whatever you want post whatever , freaking photos you want to post like I , Justin myself it'just my creative , outlet so I like Ito get to be my , freak in self and then in my stories here , is where I put like cool things you , could do little questions people click , on so that was that same selfie , purposed Instagram and then you , know what I do for these little things , when I want to just write text I hold , the phone to my hand take a photo of my , hand and then type the text over I share , what I'm working on for the day and I , say little things I to put hearts around , my own face and do hashtag sand this is , also me sharing hey guys go check out , what happened in the Facebook group so , I'm sending traffic from an Instagram , back to my Facebook group being , omnipresent this is another like the , thing black text thing talking to my , people , you can re share other posts that you , like and write something about it you , can do some funny things share some , funny things this the past W hours this , is the past W hours was more , businessí you could add these little , stickers this is more business , motivation but sometimes I DI'm just , straight up me freaking go on a party , CZ that's me you know just share your , life shared the answers from that , question before that's pretty cool you , are invited to a party talked to my , people I make it turn my working session , where we do weird things like this I , make it weird and get a bunch of , done so I'm gonna be helping people in a , zoom room get promo material out there , swipe copy out their affiliate links out , there so they could start making , commissions if you don't have any idea , what to do that is okay it's for , beginners or people know more what I can , do you guys is take those little stories , there industry some people like do , this on snap chat id on't use snap chat , take your answer story and then you can , download it and then upload it to your , Facebook storybook messenger story , Facebook group story other pieces of , content you can do like blog posts that , are optimized Fosse and that you would , oftentimes like espresso or share , that also on Indignant other places I , personally don't do that that much it's , something though that I can get out , sourced I I prefer I have more fun doing , like YouTube videos or live streams or , being in my group or on my own Facebook , page or on my Instagram and then can , have an assistant of VA turn that into a , written blog post that's keyword , optimized and I could put that out so , I'd lo veto know in the comments of what , is what kind of ideas are you getting , from this what kind of content are you , gonna put out or you're gonna put out , more content how many times Ada what , are your favorite plat , forms what platforms do not really want , to work on what did I skip in this video , I'm kind of just sharing with you what , was working for me like right now in , June but what about you guys , another tip is if you're like not , totally sure about what to put out or , you're like I'm no tan expert in , something interview other people , interview your colleagues and your , friend sand people you look up to and , then that is educational content so I , like to bring on guest experts that know , a little bit more about other thing sand , then we pitch their page stuff at the , end and I usually keep W% affiliate , commissions I freaking love it okay guys , so subscribe Tommy channel and reach out , talk to me let's befriends let'work , together let'smoke some money together .